コード例 #1
ファイル: aeroplane.py プロジェクト: quasipedia/atc-ng
 def update(self, pings):
     Update the plane status according to the elapsed time.
     Pings = number of radar pings from last update.
     burning_speed = 1 if self.pilot.status['haste'] == 'normal' else 2
     initial = self.position.copy()
     for i in range(pings):
         # Pilot's updates
     # Compute waiting time score if not airborne
     # FIXME: distinguish between just landed and waiting to takeoff
     if self.flags.on_ground:
         mult = pings * S.PING_IN_SECONDS
     # Decrease fuel amount if airborne
     elif self.fuel > 0:
         dist = U.ground_distance(initial, self.position)
         burnt = burning_speed * dist * self.fuel_efficiency
         self.fuel -= burnt
     # Check if a fuel emergency has to be triggered.
     # FIXME: this is goo reason to use objects intstead of IATA/NAME
         dest_point = self.aerospace.airports[self.destination].location
     except KeyError:
         tmp = self.aerospace.gates[self.destination].location
         dest_point = Vector3(tmp[0], tmp[1], self.altitude)
     dist = U.ground_distance(dest_point, self.position)
     self.fuel_delta = self.fuel - (2 * dist * self.fuel_efficiency)
     self.dist_to_target = dist
     if not self.flags.fuel_emergency and self.fuel_delta < 0:
         log.info('%s is declaring fuel emergency' % self.icao)
         msg = 'Pan-Pan, Pan-Pan, Pan-Pan... We are low on fuel, ' \
               'requesting priority landing!'
         self.pilot.say(msg, S.KO_COLOUR)
         self.flags.fuel_emergency = True
     # Fuel has ran out
     if self.fuel < 0:
         msg = 'Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! All engines have flamed out, we ' \
               'are going down!'
         self.pilot.say(msg, S.KO_COLOUR)
         log.info('%s has ran out of fuel' % self.icao)
         self.fuel = 0
         self.max_speed = self.min_speed * 2
         max_down = self.climb_rate_limits[0]
         self.climb_rate_limits = [max_down, max_down / 2.0]
     # Update sprite
     self.rect = U.sc(self.position.xy)
コード例 #2
ファイル: challenge.py プロジェクト: quasipedia/atc-ng
 def __generate_flight_plan(self):
     Return intial position and velocity 3D vectors plus the origin and
     destination identifiers (airport or gate) for a plane. It also returns
     the initial amount of onboard fuel and the fuel_efficiency values.
     #TODO: foresee port to port and gate to gate
     #TODO: foresee a configurable ratio between ports and air
     #FIXME: consider passing gate and airport objects directly as orig/dest
     # Establish type of origin
     if self.__check_grounded_is_ok():
         options = ['gates', 'airports']
         type_ = options.pop()
         type_ = 'gates'
     if type_ == 'gates':
         entry_data_gates = self.__entry_data['gates'][:]
         # Attempt to make planes enter the aerospace without making them
         # collide with each other
         while entry_data_gates:
             orig, pos, vel, levels = entry_data_gates.pop()
             levels = levels[:]
             while levels:
                 # Prevent in-place modification on __entry_data
                 pos = pos.copy()
                 pos.z = levels.pop()
                 if not self.gamelogic.aerospace.check_proximity(pos):
                     vel = vel.copy()
                     tmp = random.choice(self.scenario.airports)
                     dest = tmp.iata
                     fuel = U.rint(U.ground_distance(pos, tmp.location)*
                     return dict(origin=orig, position=pos, velocity=vel,
                                 destination=dest, fuel=fuel,
     elif type_ == 'airports':
         orig, pos, vel = self.__entry_data['airports'][0]
         pos = pos.copy()
         vel = vel.copy()
         tmp = random.choice(self.scenario.gates)
         dest = tmp.name
         fuel = U.rint(U.ground_distance(pos, Vector3(*tmp.location))*
         return dict(origin=orig, position=pos, velocity=vel,
                     destination=dest, fuel=fuel,
     return False
コード例 #3
ファイル: testutils.py プロジェクト: quasipedia/atc-ng
 def testGroundDistance(self):
     ground_distance - ground distance between points
     TO_TEST = [((0,0,0), (0,0,10),   0),
                ((0,0,0), (0,10,0),   10),
                ((0,0,0), (10,0,0),   10),
                ((0,0,0), (1,1,1),    2**0.5),
                ((0,0,0), (-1,-1,-1), 2**0.5)]
     for v1, v2, r in TO_TEST:
         back = U.ground_distance(Vector3(*v1), Vector3(*v2))
         self.assertAlmostEqual(back, r, 5)