コード例 #1
ファイル: lbp.py プロジェクト: Tfou57/robomow
def lbp(image, radius, points, ignore_zeros=False):
    features = lbp(image, radius, points, ignore_zeros=False)

    Compute Linear Binary Patterns

    image : ndarray
        input image (2-D numpy ndarray)
    radius : number (integer or floating point)
        radius (in pixels)
    points : integer
        nr of points to consider
    ignore_zeros : boolean, optional
        whether to ignore zeros (default: False)

    features : 1-D numpy ndarray
        histogram of features

    Gray Scale and Rotation Invariant Texture Classification with Local Binary Patterns
        Ojala, T. Pietikainen, M. Maenpaa, T. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (Springer)
        2000, ISSU 1842, pages 404-420
    from ..interpolate import shift
    from mahotas.features import _lbp
    if ignore_zeros:
        Y,X = np.nonzero(image)
        def select(im):
            return im[Y,X].ravel()
        pixels = image[Y,X].ravel()
        select = np.ravel
        pixels = image.ravel()
    image = image.astype(np.float64)
    angles = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, points+1)[:-1]
    data = []
    for dy,dx in zip(np.sin(angles), np.cos(angles)):
            select(shift(image, [radius*dy,radius*dx], order=1)))
    data = np.array(data)
    codes = (data > pixels).astype(np.int32)
    codes *= (2**np.arange(points)[:,np.newaxis])
    codes = codes.sum(0)
    codes = _lbp.map(codes.astype(np.uint32), points)
    final = fullhistogram(codes.astype(np.uint32))

    codes = np.arange(2**points, dtype=np.uint32)
    iters = codes.copy()
    codes = _lbp.map(codes.astype(np.uint32), points)
    pivots = (codes == iters)
    npivots = np.sum(pivots)
    compressed = final[pivots[:len(final)]]
    compressed = np.concatenate((compressed, [0]*(npivots - len(compressed))))
    return compressed
コード例 #2
ファイル: lbp.py プロジェクト: yetanothertimes/mahotas
def lbp_names(radius, points):
    '''Return list of names (string) for LBP features

    radius : number (integer or floating point)
        radius (in pixels)
    points : integer
        nr of points to consider

    names : list of str

    See Also
    lbp : function
        Compute LBP features
    from mahotas.features import _lbp
    codes = np.arange(2**points, dtype=np.uint32)
    iters = codes.copy()
    codes = _lbp.map(codes.astype(np.uint32), points)
    pivots = (codes == iters)
    npivots = np.sum(pivots)
    return ['lbp_r{}_p{}_{}'.format(radius, points, i) for i in range(npivots)]
コード例 #3
ファイル: lbp.py プロジェクト: langner/mahotas
def lbp_names(radius, points):
    '''Return list of names (string) for LBP features

    radius : number (integer or floating point)
        radius (in pixels)
    points : integer
        nr of points to consider

    names : list of str

    See Also
    lbp : function
        Compute LBP features
    from mahotas.features import _lbp
    codes = np.arange(2**points, dtype=np.uint32)
    iters = codes.copy()
    codes = _lbp.map(codes.astype(np.uint32), points)
    pivots = (codes == iters)
    npivots = np.sum(pivots)
    return ['lbp_r{}_p{}_{}'.format(radius, points, i) for i in range(npivots)]
コード例 #4
ファイル: detect.py プロジェクト: msat-cont/image-tools
def lbp_transform_local(image, radius, points, ignore_zeros=False, preserve_shape=True):

    if ignore_zeros and preserve_shape:
        raise ValueError('mahotas.features.lbp_transform: *ignore_zeros* and *preserve_shape* cannot both be used together')

    image = np.asanyarray(image, dtype=np.float64)
    if image.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError('mahotas.features.lbp_transform: This function is only defined for two dimensional images')

    if ignore_zeros:
        Y,X = np.nonzero(image)
        def select(im):
            return im[Y,X].ravel()
        select = np.ravel

    pixels = select(image)
    angles = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, points+1)[:-1]
    data = []
    for dy,dx in zip(np.sin(angles), np.cos(angles)):
            select(shift(image, [radius*dy,radius*dx], order=1)))
    data = np.array(data)
    codes = (data > pixels).astype(np.int32)
    codes *= (2**np.arange(points)[:,np.newaxis])
    codes = codes.sum(0)
    codes = _lbp.map(codes.astype(np.uint32), points)
    if preserve_shape:
        codes = codes.reshape(image.shape)
    return codes
コード例 #5
ファイル: detect.py プロジェクト: msat-cont/image-tools
def take_hist(codes, points):
    final = fullhistogram(codes.astype(np.uint32))
    codes = np.arange(2**points, dtype=np.uint32)
    iters = codes.copy()
    codes = _lbp.map(codes.astype(np.uint32), points)
    pivots = (codes == iters)
    npivots = np.sum(pivots)
    compressed = final[pivots[:len(final)]]
    compressed = np.append(compressed, np.zeros(npivots - len(compressed)))
    return compressed
コード例 #6
ファイル: lbp.py プロジェクト: yetanothertimes/mahotas
def lbp(image, radius, points, ignore_zeros=False):
    features = lbp(image, radius, points, ignore_zeros=False)

    Compute Linear Binary Patterns

    The return value is a **histogram** of feature counts, where position ``i``
    corresponds to the number of pixels that had code ``i``. The codes are
    compressed so that impossible codes are not used. Therefore, this is the
    ``i``th feature, not just the feature with binary code ``i``.

    image : ndarray
        input image (2-D numpy ndarray)
    radius : number (integer or floating point)
        radius (in pixels)
    points : integer
        nr of points to consider
    ignore_zeros : boolean, optional
        whether to ignore zeros (default: False)

    features : 1-D numpy ndarray
        histogram of features. See above for a caveat on the interpretation of

    Gray Scale and Rotation Invariant Texture Classification with Local Binary Patterns
        Ojala, T. Pietikainen, M. Maenpaa, T. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer)
        2000, ISSU 1842, pages 404-420
    from mahotas.features import _lbp
    codes = lbp_transform(image,
    final = fullhistogram(codes.astype(np.uint32))

    codes = np.arange(2**points, dtype=np.uint32)
    iters = codes.copy()
    codes = _lbp.map(codes.astype(np.uint32), points)
    pivots = (codes == iters)
    npivots = np.sum(pivots)
    compressed = final[pivots[:len(final)]]
    compressed = np.append(compressed, np.zeros(npivots - len(compressed)))
    return compressed
コード例 #7
ファイル: lbp.py プロジェクト: azuredsky/mahotas
def lbp(image, radius, points, ignore_zeros=False):
    features = lbp(image, radius, points, ignore_zeros=False)

    Compute Linear Binary Patterns

    The return value is a **histogram** of feature counts, where position ``i``
    corresponds to the number of pixels that had code ``i``. The codes are
    compressed so that impossible codes are not used. Therefore, this is the
    ``i``th feature, not just the feature with binary code ``i``.

    image : ndarray
        input image (2-D numpy ndarray)
    radius : number (integer or floating point)
        radius (in pixels)
    points : integer
        nr of points to consider
    ignore_zeros : boolean, optional
        whether to ignore zeros (default: False)

    features : 1-D numpy ndarray
        histogram of features. See above for a caveat on the interpretation of

    Gray Scale and Rotation Invariant Texture Classification with Local Binary Patterns
        Ojala, T. Pietikainen, M. Maenpaa, T. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer)
        2000, ISSU 1842, pages 404-420
    from mahotas.features import _lbp
    codes = lbp_transform(image, radius, points, ignore_zeros=ignore_zeros, preserve_shape=False)
    final = fullhistogram(codes.astype(np.uint32))

    codes = np.arange(2**points, dtype=np.uint32)
    iters = codes.copy()
    codes = _lbp.map(codes.astype(np.uint32), points)
    pivots = (codes == iters)
    npivots = np.sum(pivots)
    compressed = final[pivots[:len(final)]]
    compressed = np.append(compressed, np.zeros(npivots - len(compressed)))
    return compressed
コード例 #8
ファイル: lbp.py プロジェクト: azuredsky/mahotas
def lbp_transform(image, radius, points, ignore_zeros=False, preserve_shape=True):
    transformed = lbp(image, radius, points, ignore_zeros=False, preserve_shape=True)

    Compute Linear Binary Pattern Transform

    The return value are the transformed pixel values  **histogram** of feature counts, where position ``i``
    corresponds to the number of pixels that had code ``i``. The codes are
    compressed so that impossible codes are not used. Therefore, this is the
    ``i``th feature, not just the feature with binary code ``i``.

    image : ndarray
        input image (2-D numpy ndarray)
    radius : number (integer or floating point)
        radius (in pixels)
    points : integer
        nr of points to consider
    ignore_zeros : boolean, optional
        whether to ignore zeros. Note that if you set this to ``True``, you
        will need to set ``preserve_shape`` to False. (default: False)
    preserve_shape : boolean, optional
        whether to return an array with the same shape as ``image``. (default:

    features : 1-D numpy ndarray
        histogram of features. See above for a caveat on the interpretation of

    Gray Scale and Rotation Invariant Texture Classification with Local Binary Patterns
        Ojala, T. Pietikainen, M. Maenpaa, T. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer)
        2000, ISSU 1842, pages 404-420
    from ..interpolate import shift
    from mahotas.features import _lbp
    if ignore_zeros and preserve_shape:
        raise ValueError('mahotas.features.lbp_transform: *ignore_zeros* and *preserve_shape* cannot both be used together')

    image = np.asanyarray(image, dtype=np.float64)
    if ignore_zeros:
        Y,X = np.nonzero(image)
        def select(im):
            return im[Y,X].ravel()
        select = np.ravel

    pixels = select(image)
    angles = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, points+1)[:-1]
    data = []
    for dy,dx in zip(np.sin(angles), np.cos(angles)):
            select(shift(image, [radius*dy,radius*dx], order=1)))
    data = np.array(data)
    codes = (data > pixels).astype(np.int32)
    codes *= (2**np.arange(points)[:,np.newaxis])
    codes = codes.sum(0)
    codes = _lbp.map(codes.astype(np.uint32), points)
    if preserve_shape:
        codes = codes.reshape(image.shape)
    return codes
コード例 #9
ファイル: lbp.py プロジェクト: yetanothertimes/mahotas
def lbp_transform(image,
    transformed = lbp(image, radius, points, ignore_zeros=False, preserve_shape=True)

    Compute Linear Binary Pattern Transform

    The return value are the transformed pixel values  **histogram** of feature counts, where position ``i``
    corresponds to the number of pixels that had code ``i``. The codes are
    compressed so that impossible codes are not used. Therefore, this is the
    ``i``th feature, not just the feature with binary code ``i``.

    image : ndarray
        input image (2-D numpy ndarray)
    radius : number (integer or floating point)
        radius (in pixels)
    points : integer
        nr of points to consider
    ignore_zeros : boolean, optional
        whether to ignore zeros. Note that if you set this to ``True``, you
        will need to set ``preserve_shape`` to False. (default: False)
    preserve_shape : boolean, optional
        whether to return an array with the same shape as ``image``. (default:

    features : 1-D numpy ndarray
        histogram of features. See above for a caveat on the interpretation of

    Gray Scale and Rotation Invariant Texture Classification with Local Binary Patterns
        Ojala, T. Pietikainen, M. Maenpaa, T. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer)
        2000, ISSU 1842, pages 404-420
    from ..interpolate import shift
    from mahotas.features import _lbp

    if ignore_zeros and preserve_shape:
        raise ValueError(
            'mahotas.features.lbp_transform: *ignore_zeros* and *preserve_shape* cannot both be used together'

    image = np.asanyarray(image, dtype=np.float64)
    if image.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError(
            'mahotas.features.lbp_transform: This function is only defined for two dimensional images'

    if ignore_zeros:
        Y, X = np.nonzero(image)

        def select(im):
            return im[Y, X].ravel()
        select = np.ravel

    pixels = select(image)
    angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, points + 1)[:-1]
    data = []
    for dy, dx in zip(np.sin(angles), np.cos(angles)):
        data.append(select(shift(image, [radius * dy, radius * dx], order=1)))
    data = np.array(data)
    codes = (data > pixels).astype(np.int32)
    codes *= (2**np.arange(points)[:, np.newaxis])
    codes = codes.sum(0)
    codes = _lbp.map(codes.astype(np.uint32), points)
    if preserve_shape:
        codes = codes.reshape(image.shape)
    return codes
コード例 #10
ファイル: lbp.py プロジェクト: KhryptorGraphics/robomow
def lbp(image, radius, points, ignore_zeros=False):
    features = lbp(image, radius, points, ignore_zeros=False)

    Compute Linear Binary Patterns

    image : ndarray
        input image (2-D numpy ndarray)
    radius : number (integer or floating point)
        radius (in pixels)
    points : integer
        nr of points to consider
    ignore_zeros : boolean, optional
        whether to ignore zeros (default: False)

    features : 1-D numpy ndarray
        histogram of features

    Gray Scale and Rotation Invariant Texture Classification with Local Binary Patterns
        Ojala, T. Pietikainen, M. Maenpaa, T. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (Springer)
        2000, ISSU 1842, pages 404-420
    from ..interpolate import shift
    from mahotas.features import _lbp
    if ignore_zeros:
        Y, X = np.nonzero(image)

        def select(im):
            return im[Y, X].ravel()

        pixels = image[Y, X].ravel()
        select = np.ravel
        pixels = image.ravel()
    image = image.astype(np.float64)
    angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, points + 1)[:-1]
    data = []
    for dy, dx in zip(np.sin(angles), np.cos(angles)):
        data.append(select(shift(image, [radius * dy, radius * dx], order=1)))
    data = np.array(data)
    codes = (data > pixels).astype(np.int32)
    codes *= (2**np.arange(points)[:, np.newaxis])
    codes = codes.sum(0)
    codes = _lbp.map(codes.astype(np.uint32), points)
    final = fullhistogram(codes.astype(np.uint32))

    codes = np.arange(2**points, dtype=np.uint32)
    iters = codes.copy()
    codes = _lbp.map(codes.astype(np.uint32), points)
    pivots = (codes == iters)
    npivots = np.sum(pivots)
    compressed = final[pivots[:len(final)]]
    compressed = np.concatenate(
        (compressed, [0] * (npivots - len(compressed))))
    return compressed
コード例 #11
def test_map():
    assert len(set(_lbp.map(np.arange(256, dtype=np.uint32), 8))) == 36
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_lbp.py プロジェクト: BLKStone/mahotas
def test_map():
    assert len(set(_lbp.map(np.arange(256,dtype=np.uint32), 8))) == 36
コード例 #13
ファイル: C2.py プロジェクト: pchatzou/emprost
def lddp(image,
    Custom implementation of 2nd order local directional derivative pattern
    Originally obtained from mahotas.features.lbp_transform function.

    An inner and an outer radius with respect to a point, which is each image pixel are selected.
    Then, a set of points are obtained by interpolation on these radii, according to the number defined by *points*
    argument. Note that if, for example, 8 points are given, there are 8 points that are considered on the inner radius
    defined by equal angles starting from the central point and each one of them. If these two points (the origin, or the
    centre) and each point define a straight line, also 8 points on the same lines are considered for the outer radius.

    For reference see :

    Guo, Zhenhua, et al. "Local directional derivative pattern for rotation invariant texture classification."
    Neural Computing and Applications 21.8 (2012): 1893-1904.

    :param np.array image: numpy array input image
    :param int radius1: inner radius (in pixels)
    :param int radius2: outer radius (in pixels)
    :param int points: number of points to consider. It should be given regarding the inner radius, as the second set of points will be aligned to the ones lying in the inner circle.

    :return: lddp histogram
    from mahotas import interpolate
    from mahotas.features import _lbp
    from mahotas import histogram

    if ignore_zeros and preserve_shape:
        raise ValueError(
            'mahotas.features.lbp_transform: *ignore_zeros* and *preserve_shape* cannot both be used together'

    image = np.asanyarray(image, dtype=np.float64)
    if image.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError(
            'mahotas.features.lbp_transform: This function is only defined for two dimensional images'

    if ignore_zeros:
        Y, X = np.nonzero(image)

        def select(im):
            return im[Y, X].ravel()
        select = np.ravel

    pixels = select(image)
    angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, points + 1)[:-1]
    data1 = []
    for dy, dx in zip(np.sin(angles), np.cos(angles)):
                interpolate.shift(image, [radius1 * dy, radius1 * dx],
    data1 = np.array(data1)

    data2 = []
    for dy, dx in zip(np.sin(angles), np.cos(angles)):
                interpolate.shift(image, [radius2 * dy, radius2 * dx],
    data2 = np.array(data2)
    data = np.array(data2 + pixels - 2 * data1)
    codes = (data >= 0).astype(np.int32)
    codes *= (2**np.arange(points)[:, np.newaxis])
    codes = codes.sum(0)

    codes = _lbp.map(codes.astype(np.uint32), points)
    if preserve_shape:
        codes = codes.reshape(image.shape)

    final = histogram.fullhistogram(codes.astype(np.uint32))

    codes = np.arange(2**points, dtype=np.uint32)
    iters = codes.copy()
    codes = _lbp.map(codes.astype(np.uint32), points)
    pivots = (codes == iters)
    npivots = np.sum(pivots)
    compressed = final[pivots[:len(final)]]
    compressed = np.append(compressed, np.zeros(npivots - len(compressed)))
    return compressed