def inputPage(amrString, errors): page ='html') page.init(lang="en", charset='utf-8', doctype=markup.doctype.strict, title="GoPhiPy: an AMR Verbalizer", script=('', '../gophi-web/ace/ace.js', '../gophi-web/amr-verb.js'), css=('../gophi-web/amr-verb.css')) page.form(action="", method="POST", id='form') page.h1( e.a('Γω-Φ-∏', href="") + ': an AMR verbalizer') page.p( 'AMR Color coding: ' + e.span('variable', class_='ace_variable') + ", " + e.span('concept', class_='ace_concept') + ", " + e.span('role', class_='ace_role') + e.span(e.a( "Editor help", target="_blank", href='' ) + " " + e.a('Drag bottom border to resize editor', class_='resize'), class_="help")) page.div( e.div("", id="amr", style="height:" + editorHeight + "px") + e.div("", id="amr_dragbar", class_="app_editor_dragbar")) page.div(amrString, id="inputAMR", name="amr") page.textarea("", name="amr") if len(errors) > 0: page.pre(e.code(errors)) m = re.match(r"line +(\d+),(\d+) :", errors) if m != None: page.script( '$(document).ready(function() {ace.edit("amr").gotoLine(%s,%s,true);})' % m.groups()) page.input(id="indent", type="button", value="Indent") page.input(name="submit", type="submit", value="Verbalize") page.input(name="editorHeight", type="hidden", value="editorHeigth") page.fieldset( e.legend("Show Representations") + e.label("Semantic", for_="semR") + makeCB("semR") + e.label("Syntactic", for_="syntR") + makeCB("syntR")) page.input(name="mode", type="hidden", value="reply") page.form.close() return page
def html_continue_test(results): if len(results)==1 and type(results[0]) is ErrorResult: test_error() html_error(results[0]) else: passed = 0 result_str = "" for result in results: if result.result: test_passed() result_str += "{0}<br />\n".format(nest.span(str(result),style="color:00FF00")) else: test_failed() result_str += "{0}<br />\n".format(nest.span(str(result),style="color:#FF0000")) if html_passed() else: html_failed() body = "{0}{1}\nAsserts: {2}{1}\nPassed: {3}{1}\nFailed: {4}{1}\nPercentage passed: {5:.2%}".format(result_str,,,test_stats.passed,test_stats.failed,test_stats.passed/float( html_report.p(body,style="margin:0px")
def html_error(result=None): body = nest.span(nest.strong("ERROR"),style="font-size:16px") if result: body += "<br />\n{0}".format(str(result).replace('\n',"<br />\n")) html_report.p(body,style="color:#0000FF; margin:0px")
def html_failed(result=None): body = nest.span(nest.strong("FAILED"),style="font-size:16px") if result: body += "<br />\n{0}".format(result) html_report.p(body,style="color:#FF0000; margin:0px")
def populateHTML(page, pieces, indVarList, depVarList, constsList, indVarDef, depVarDef, constsDef, depthLimit): # Check max recursive depth first if depthLimit > RECURSIVE_DEPTH_LIMIT: print ("Error: Maximum Recursive Depth Exceeded.") sys.exit() for item in pieces: var_string = item[1:-1] if item in indVarList: for ind in indVarDef: if ind[VAR_IDENT] == var_string: if ind["class_"] == "TKAdjustableNumber": page.span(ind['display_text'], data_var=ind['data_var'], class_=ind['class_'], data_min=ind['data_min'], data_max=ind['data_max'], data_step=ind['data_step']) elif ind["class_"] == "TKToggle TKSwitch": # Collect text options text_options = extractDisplayValues(ind['data_values']) nested_spans = [e.span(i) for i in text_options] nested_spans_text = str(" ".join(nested_spans)) page.span(nested_spans_text, data_var=ind['data_var'], class_=ind['class_'] ) elif item in depVarList: for dep in depVarDef: if dep[VAR_IDENT] == var_string: if "class_" in dep and dep['class_'] == "TKSwitchPositiveNegative": nested_spans = e.span(dep["positive"]), e.span(dep["negative"]) nested_spans_text = str(" ").join(nested_spans) page.span(nested_spans_text, data_var=dep['backing_variable'], class_=dep['class_']) elif "class_" in dep and dep['class_'] == "TKSwitch": #Need to add a case for text and not programs I'm not checking right now # Recursive call for each object in list? nested_spans = [] for textSnippet in dep['options']: subPage = new_pieces, new_ind_var, new_dep_var, new_consts = processText(textSnippet) subPage = populateHTML(subPage, new_pieces, new_ind_var, new_dep_var, new_consts, indVarDef, depVarDef, constsDef, depthLimit-1) nested_spans.append(e.span(str(subPage))) nested_spans_text = str(" ").join(nested_spans) page.span(nested_spans_text, data_var=dep['data_var'], class_=dep['class_']) else: page.span("", data_var=dep['data_var'], data_format=dep['data_format']) elif item in constsList: var_string = item[1:-1] for const in constsDef: if const[VAR_IDENT] == var_string: page.span("", data_var=const["data_var"], data_format=const["data_format"]) else: page.add(item) return page
def main(initfile, ntop): # read configuration options and process par = Parameters(initfile) gpsb = par.res_param['gpsb'] gpse = par.res_param['gpse'] pdir = par.res_param['pdir'] hdir = par.res_param['hdir'] data = Data(hdir + 'post_proc_data.dat') # relative paths of the stilesheets and javascripts for the results page stylesheets = ('general.css', 'table.css', 'modal.css') script = 'scripts.js' # copy them in the results folder (that should already exist) for sheet in stylesheets: copy2(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/' + sheet, hdir) copy2(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/' + script, hdir) # Create summary web page print "Generating Web Page..." page = page.init(title="NonStatMoni", css=stylesheets, footer="(2017)" + ol.a("Michele Valentini", href='mailto:[email protected]')) # best coherences and ccfs summary table generation page.button("Auxillary channels summary table", class_="accordion") page.div(class_="panel") page.input(type="text", id="myInput", onkeyup="myFunction()", placeholder="Search for aux_channel names..") page.table(id="t01") for aux_name, aux_groups in data.aux_dict.iteritems(): page.h4(aux_name) # Sort the dictionary according to the abs of the values, # from highest to lowest ccf_sorted = OrderedDict( sorted(data.ccfs[aux_name].iteritems(), key=lambda x: abs(x[1]), reverse=True)) mean_coh_sorted = OrderedDict( sorted(data.mean_cohs[aux_name].iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)) for chan_band, ccf in ccf_sorted.items()[0:4]: pagename = 'cohe_{}.html'.format(chan_band.split('_')[0])"width:10%; font-size :11px;") page.add( "<a target=_blank href={}#{}>{}</a><br>(ccf={:3f})".format( pagename, aux_name.split(':')[1], chan_band, ccf)) page.add('<a> ******** </a>') for chan_band, coh in mean_coh_sorted.items()[0:4]: pagename = 'cohe_{}.html'.format(chan_band.split('_')[0])"width:10%; font-size:11px;") page.add( '<a target=_blank href={}#{}>{}</a><br>(mncoh={:3f})'.format( pagename, aux_name.split(':')[1], chan_band, coh)) page.table.close() page.div.close() # build the page menu onclick_gen = ("openGroup(event, '{}')".format(group) for group in data.group_dict.keys()) page.div(ol.button(data.group_dict.keys(), class_='tablinks', onclick=onclick_gen), class_='tab') # build each group subpage for group, g_dict in data.group_dict.iteritems(): # Build the highest ccf and coherence for this group table ccftab = {group: np.zeros(ntop)} cohtab = {group: np.zeros(ntop)} ccftab_names = {group: np.zeros(ntop, dtype='string')} cohtab_names = {group: np.zeros(ntop, dtype='string')} cohe_page_name = 'cohe_{}.html'.format(group) for aux_n, (aux_name, aux_groups) in enumerate(data.aux_dict.iteritems()): if group in aux_groups: for band in g_dict['band_list']: if aux_n == 0: ccftab[band] = np.zeros(ntop) cohtab[band] = np.zeros(ntop) ccftab_names[band] = np.zeros(ntop, dtype='string') cohtab_names[band] = np.zeros(ntop, dtype='string') ccf = data.ccfs[aux_name][group + '_' + band] coh = data.mean_cohs[aux_name][group + '_' + band] # todo: build single band tables too if abs(ccf) > min(np.abs(ccftab[band])): ccftab[band] = np.concatenate((ccftab[band], [ccf])) ccftab_names[band] = np.concatenate( (ccftab_names[band], [aux_name])) best_indexes = np.abs(ccftab[band]).argsort()[1:][::-1] ccftab[band] = ccftab[band][best_indexes] ccftab_names[band] = ccftab_names[band][best_indexes] if coh > min(cohtab[band]): cohtab[band] = np.concatenate((cohtab[band], [coh])) cohtab_names[band] = np.concatenate( (cohtab_names[band], [aux_name])) best_indexes = cohtab[band].argsort()[1:][::-1] cohtab[band] = cohtab[band][best_indexes] cohtab_names[band] = cohtab_names[band][best_indexes] # Build the full group best tabs if abs(ccf) > min(np.abs(ccftab[group])): ccftab[group] = np.concatenate((ccftab[group], [ccf])) ccftab_names[group] = np.concatenate( (ccftab_names[group], [aux_name + ' with ' + band ])) best_indexes = np.abs( ccftab[group]).argsort()[1:][::-1] ccftab[group] = ccftab[group][best_indexes] ccftab_names[group] = ccftab_names[group][best_indexes] if coh > min(cohtab[group]): cohtab[group] = np.concatenate((cohtab[group], [coh])) cohtab_names[group] = np.concatenate( (cohtab_names[group], [aux_name + ' with ' + band ])) best_indexes = cohtab[group].argsort()[1:][::-1] cohtab[group] = cohtab[group][best_indexes] cohtab_names[group] = cohtab_names[group][best_indexes] tab = [[" CCF ", "Coherence"]] for i in xrange(ntop): row = [ "<a target=_blank href={0}#{1}>{2}</a><br>CCFs = {3:.2f}". format(cohe_page_name, ccftab_names[group][i].split(' ')[0].split(':')[1], ccftab_names[group][i], ccftab[group][i]), "<a target=_blank href={0}#{1}>{2}</a>" "<br>Mean Coher. = {3:.3f}".format( cohe_page_name, cohtab_names[group][i].split(' ')[0].split(':')[1], cohtab_names[group][i], cohtab[group][i]) ] tab.append(row) tab_str = OrderedDict({group: tb.tabmaker(tab, True, False)}) for band in g_dict['band_list']: tab = [[" CCF ", "Coherence"]] for i in xrange(ntop): row = [ "<a target=_blank href={0}#{1}>{2}</a><br>CCFs = {3:.2f}". format(cohe_page_name, ccftab_names[band][i].split(':')[1], ccftab_names[band][i], ccftab[band][i]), "<a target=_blank href={0}#{1}>{2}</a>" "<br>Mean Coher. = {3:.3f}".format( cohe_page_name, cohtab_names[band][i].split(':')[1], cohtab_names[band][i], cohtab[band][i]) ] tab.append(row) tab_str[band] = tb.tabmaker(tab, True, False) # build the rest of the frame frame = ol.div( ol.h1("NonStatMoni BRMS for {} GPS {:d} - {:d}".format( g_dict['channel'], gpsb, gpse), style="display:inline") + ol.h3(ol.a("Coherences with slow channels", target='_blank', href=cohe_page_name), style="display:inline")) # todo: normalized by what? time_title = ol.h2("Normalized BRMS time series") time_img = ol.img(class_="myImg", src=pdir + group + "_time.png", alt=group + "Time plot", width="400") spec_title = ol.h2("Spectrum of BRMS time series") spec_img = ol.img(class_="myImg", src=pdir + group + "_psd.png", alt=group + "PSD plot", width="400") frame += ol.div(time_title + time_img + spec_title + spec_img, style="float:left") tab_title_gen = (ol.h2("Best Correlations" " and best Coherences for {}".format(c)) for c in ([group] + g_dict['band_list'])) frame += ol.div( (title + tbl for title, tbl in zip(tab_title_gen, tab_str.values())), class_="v_tabcontent", id=(['v_' + group] + g_dict['band_list'])) onclick_gen = ("openBand(event, '{}')".format(band) for band in (['v_' + group] + g_dict['band_list'])) frame += ol.div(ol.button([group] + g_dict['band_list'], class_='v_tablinks', onclick=onclick_gen, id=['defaultOpen', '']), class_='vertical_tab') page.div(frame, id=group, class_='tabcontent') # create coherence subpage page2 = page2.init(title="NonStatMoni", css='../style/style.css') page2.h1("Coherences with slow channels") for aux_name, aux_groups in data.aux_dict.iteritems(): if group in aux_groups: page2.div(ol.img(src=(pdir + group + '_' + 'cohe_' + aux_name.split(':')[1] + '.png'), alt=(" No plots for" + aux_name)), id=aux_name.split(':')[1]) page2.savehtml(hdir + cohe_page_name) # create the modal for the plot images modal = ol.span("×", class_="close") modal += ol.img(class_="modal-content", id="img01") modal += ol.div('', id="caption") page.div(modal, id='myModal', class_="modal") page.h2("Contacts") page.scripts({script: 'javascript'}) page.savehtml(hdir + 'index.html')