def installPlugin(): # Make sure OsiriX is running beforehand. Due to the modified environment of # MeVisLab OsiriX may behave differently than usual when started from this # environment... if MLAB.macIsApplicationRunning('com.rossetantoine.osirix'): MLAB.openFile(os.path.join(ctx.package().binPath(),'PlugIns','OsiriXMeVisLabBridge.osirixplugin')) else: MLAB.showInformation('OsiriX must be running to install the plugin. Please start OsiriX.', 'The plugin will be handed to OsiriX for installation. Click on the Install button again after launching OsiriX.', 'OsiriXBridge', ctx.window())
def installPlugin(): # Make sure OsiriX is running beforehand. Due to the modified environment of # MeVisLab OsiriX may behave differently than usual when started from this # environment... if MLAB.macIsApplicationRunning('com.rossetantoine.osirix'): MLAB.openFile( os.path.join(ctx.package().binPath(), 'PlugIns', 'OsiriXMeVisLabBridge.osirixplugin')) else: MLAB.showInformation( 'OsiriX must be running to install the plugin. Please start OsiriX.', 'The plugin will be handed to OsiriX for installation. Click on the Install button again after launching OsiriX.', 'OsiriXBridge', ctx.window())
def showGuide(): MLAB.openFile( os.path.join(ctx.package().documentationPath(), 'Publish', 'OsiriXMeVisLabBridge.pdf'))
def showPlugin(): MLAB.openFile(os.path.join(ctx.package().binPath(),'PlugIns'))