コード例 #1
 def __init__(self, scoreboard, pump, model):
     super(Strategy, self).__init__(scoreboard, pump, model, INTERVAL, START_WAIT)
     # Setup migration queue
     simple = True
     self.migration_queue = MigrationQueue(self, simple, not simple)
     # Build allocations
     self.placement = initial_placement_dsap_helper.DSAPPlacement()
     self.initial_migrations, self.active_server_info = self.placement.execute(NUM_BUCKETS,
                                                         lambda x: np.percentile(x, PERCENTILE),
     # Current bucket
     self.curr_bucket = 0
コード例 #2
 def __init__(self, scoreboard, pump, model):
     super(Strategy, self).__init__(scoreboard, pump, model, INTERVAL, START_WAIT)
     # Setup migration queue
     simple = True
     self.migration_queue = MigrationQueue(self, simple, not simple, True)
コード例 #3
class Strategy(strategy.StrategyBase):
    def __init__(self, scoreboard, pump, model):
        super(Strategy, self).__init__(scoreboard, pump, model, INTERVAL, START_WAIT)
        # Setup migration queue
        simple = True
        self.migration_queue = MigrationQueue(self, simple, not simple)
        # Build allocations
        self.placement = initial_placement_dsap_helper.DSAPPlacement()
        self.initial_migrations, self.active_server_info = self.placement.execute(NUM_BUCKETS,
                                                            lambda x: np.percentile(x, PERCENTILE),
        # Current bucket
        self.curr_bucket = 0
    def start(self):
        # Initialization time
        self.time_null = self.pump.sim_time()
        # Super call
        super(Strategy, self).start()
    def dump(self):
        print 'DSAP controller - Dump configuration...'
        logger.info('Strategy Configuration: %s' % json.dumps({'name' : 'DSAP-Strategy',
                                                                 'start_wait' : START_WAIT,
                                                                 'interval' : INTERVAL,
                                                                 'num_bucketsl' : NUM_BUCKETS,
    def __run_migrations(self, bucket_index):
        # Assignment
        curr_assignment = self.placement.assignment_list[bucket_index]
        # Previous assignment (based on model data - not uncertain calculation data)
        # Calculated data might be different from model data due to failed migrations
        # prev_assignment = self.placement.assignment_list[(bucket_index - 1) % NUM_BUCKETS]
        prev_assignment = self.model.get_assignment_list()
        for index_domain in curr_assignment.keys():
            # Get data
            domain_name = conf_domains.initial_domains[index_domain].name
            source_node = conf_nodes.get_node_name(prev_assignment[index_domain])
            target_node = conf_nodes.get_node_name(curr_assignment[index_domain])
            # Find current node for domain
            source_node = self.model.get_host_for_domain(domain_name).name
            # Trigger migration
            model_domain = self.model.get_host(domain_name)
            model_source = self.model.get_host(source_node)
            model_target = self.model.get_host(target_node)
            self.migration_queue.add(model_domain, model_source, model_target)
    def __run_optimized_migrations(self, bucket_index):
        # Create allocations lists for GOAP 
        # Assignment
        curr_assignment = self.placement.assignment_list[bucket_index]
        # Previous assignment
        prev_assignment = self.placement.assignment_list[(bucket_index - 1) % NUM_BUCKETS]
        as_current = [0 for _ in xrange(conf_domains.count())]
        as_next = [0 for _ in xrange(conf_domains.count())]
        for index_domain in xrange(conf_domains.count()):
            as_current[index_domain] = prev_assignment[index_domain]
            as_next[index_domain] = curr_assignment[index_domain]
        # Get current domain loads
        domain_load = []
        for mapping in conf_domains.initial_domains:
            domain_name = mapping.domain
            load = self.model.get_host(domain_name).mean_load(20)
            domain_load.append(conf_nodes.to_node_load(load, conf_domainsize.DEFAULT))
        # Schedule migrations
        from ai import astar
        migrations = astar.plan(conf_nodes.NODE_COUNT, as_current, as_next, domain_load)
        # Trigger migrations
        dep = None
        for migration in migrations:
            domain_name = conf_domains.initial_domains[migration[0]].domain
            source_node = conf_nodes.get_node_name(migration[1])
            target_node = conf_nodes.get_node_name(migration[2])
            print 'domain %s - source %s - target %s' % (domain_name, source_node, target_node) 
            model_domain = self.model.get_host(domain_name)
            model_source = self.model.get_host(source_node)
            model_target = self.model.get_host(target_node)
            # dep = self.migration_queue.add(model_domain, model_source, model_target, dep)
            dep = self.migration_queue.add(model_domain, model_source, model_target)
    def balance(self):
        # Current bucket index
        time = self.pump.sim_time() - self.time_null  # relative time since end of ramp-up and start of steady-state
        timeg = time # global time in TS data  
        bucket_index = int(timeg / bucket_duration)  # always floor this value
        bucket_time = bucket_duration - (timeg - bucket_duration * bucket_index)
        # bucket_index %= NUM_BUCKETS
        print 'bucket index %i' % bucket_index
        print 'time till next bucket %i' % (bucket_time)
        if bucket_index >= NUM_BUCKETS:

        # Schedule migrations only once per bucket
        if self.curr_bucket == bucket_index:
        # Wait for migration queue to finish up all migrations
        if not self.migration_queue.empty():
        # Update current bucket status
        self.curr_bucket = bucket_index
        # Trigger migrations to get new bucket allocation
        # self.__run_optimized_migrations(self.curr_bucket)
    def post_migrate_hook(self, success, domain, node_from, node_to, end_time):
        node_from.blocked = self.pump.sim_time() - 1
        node_to.blocked = self.pump.sim_time() - 1
        self.migration_queue.finished(success, domain, node_from, node_to)
コード例 #4
class Strategy(strategy.StrategyBase):
    def __init__(self, scoreboard, pump, model):
        super(Strategy, self).__init__(scoreboard, pump, model, INTERVAL, START_WAIT)
        # Setup migration queue
        simple = True
        self.migration_queue = MigrationQueue(self, simple, not simple, True)
    def start(self):
        # Super call
        super(Strategy, self).start()
    def dump(self):
        print 'DSAP controller - Dump configuration...'
        logger.info('Strategy Configuration: %s' % json.dumps({'name' : 'DSAP-Strategy',
                                                                 'start_wait' : START_WAIT,
                                                                 'interval' : INTERVAL,
    def __run_migrations(self):
        conversion_table = {}
        prev_assignment = {}
        i = 0
        for node in self.model.get_hosts(types.NODE):
            for domain_name in node.domains.keys():
                conversion_table[i] = domain_name
                prev_assignment[i] = conf_nodes.index_of(node.name)
                i +=1
        inverse_conversion_table = {domain_name : i for i, domain_name in conversion_table.iteritems()}
        demand_cpu = {}
        demand_mem = {}
        for domain in self.model.get_hosts(types.DOMAIN):
            if domain in conf_domains.initial_domains:
                domain_size = conf_domains.initial_domains[conf_domains.initial_domain_index(domain.name)].size
                domain_size = conf_domains.available_domains[conf_domains.available_domain_index(domain.name)].size
            domain_index = inverse_conversion_table[domain.name]
            cpu_readings = domain.get_readings()
            domain_load = conf_nodes.to_node_load(np.mean(cpu_readings[-NUM_CPU_READINGS:]), domain_size)
            demand_cpu[domain_index] = domain_load
            demand_mem[domain_index] = domain.domain_configuration.get_domain_spec().total_memory()
            print 'domain : %d, demand_cpu : %d, demand_memory : %d' % (domain_index, domain_load, domain.domain_configuration.get_domain_spec().total_memory())
        # Assignment
            _, curr_assignment = dsapp.solve(conf_nodes.NODE_COUNT,
            print 'invalid solution #######################'
            # don't change anything and just return in case the model was infeasible
        assignment_changed = dsapp.AssignmentChanged(prev_assignment, curr_assignment)
        print 'CHANGE in the Assignment : %s' % assignment_changed
        if not assignment_changed:
            # there is no change in the assignment, we can just return
            logger.info("Returning because the previous assignment was optimal...")
        for index_domain in curr_assignment.keys():
            domain_name = conversion_table[index_domain]
            source_node = conf_nodes.get_node_name(prev_assignment[index_domain])
            target_node = conf_nodes.get_node_name(curr_assignment[index_domain])
            # Find current node for domain
            source_node = self.model.get_host_for_domain(domain_name).name
            # Trigger migration
            model_domain = self.model.get_host(domain_name)
            model_source = self.model.get_host(source_node)
            model_target = self.model.get_host(target_node)
            self.migration_queue.add(model_domain, model_source, model_target)    
    def balance(self):
        # Wait for migration queue to finish up all migrations
        if not self.migration_queue.empty():
        # Trigger migrations
    def post_migrate_hook(self, success, domain, node_from, node_to, end_time):
        node_from.blocked = self.pump.sim_time() - 1
        node_to.blocked = self.pump.sim_time() - 1
        self.migration_queue.finished(success, domain, node_from, node_to)