コード例 #1
from ase.calculators.lammpsrun import LAMMPS
from ase.optimize import BFGS
from structure import create_stucture
from ase.visualize import view
from ase.structure import graphene_nanoribbon
from write_structure import saveAndPrint
from ase.io.trajectory import PickleTrajectory
from datetime import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os

path = '/space/tohekorh/ShearSlide/files/KC_corrugation/twist4/'

edge = 'ac'

params0 = get_simulParams(edge)[-1]
bond = params0['bond']

if edge == 'ac':
    lat_vec1 = np.array([3. / 2 * bond, np.sqrt(3) / 2 * bond, 0.])
    lat_vec2 = np.array([3. / 2 * bond, -np.sqrt(3) / 2 * bond, 0.])
elif edge == 'zz':
    lat_vec1 = np.array([np.sqrt(3.) / 2 * bond, 3. / 2 * bond, 0.])
    lat_vec2 = np.array([np.sqrt(3.) * bond, 0., 0.])

def Rmat(theta):

    return np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta), 0.],
                     [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta), 0.], [0., 0., 1.]])
コード例 #2
from structure import create_stucture, get_posInds, get_constraints
from ase.calculators.lammpsrun import LAMMPS
from ase.visualize import view
from ase.io.trajectory import PickleTrajectory
from ase.md.langevin import Langevin
from ase.optimize import BFGS
from ase.md.velocitydistribution import MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution as mbd
from ase import units
import sys

#width, edge, rmin, rmax =  int(sys.argv[1]), sys.argv[2], int(sys.argv[3]), int(sys.argv[4])

taito = False
width, edge, rmin, rmax = 7, 'ac', 5, 6

T, dt, fric, thres_Z, v, bond, h = get_simulParams(edge)

#bond        =   1.39695
#h           =   3.3705
#ncores      =   2
#T           =   10 #K
#dt, fric    =   2, 0.002
#v           =   .001 #Angst/fs

tau = 10. / fric / 5
#thres_Z     =   4.

def shearDyn(width, ratio, edge, save=False, force_dir_update=True):

    atoms, L, W, length_int, b_idxs = create_stucture(ratio,
コード例 #3
def corr_KC(width, edge):
    #width   =   5
    #edge    =   'ac'
    params0 = get_simulParams(edge)[-1]
    bond = params0['bond']

    atoms = create_stucture(1, width, edge, key='top', a=bond)[0]

    atoms.set_cell([40, 40, 20])
    atoms.positions[:, 2] = 3.4

    h_t = []
    for i in range(len(atoms)):
        if atoms[i].number == 1:

    del atoms[h_t]

    params = {}
    params['positions'] = atoms.positions
    params['chemical_symbols'] = atoms.get_chemical_symbols()
    params['ia_dist'] = 10
    params['edge'] = edge
    params['bond'] = bond
    params['ncores'] = 2
    add_KC = KC_potential_p(params)

    constraints = []
    for i in range(len(atoms)):
        fix_l = FixedLine(i, [0., 0., 1.])


    lamp_parameters = get_lammps_params(H=False)
    calc = LAMMPS(parameters=lamp_parameters)  #, files=['lammps.data'])

    #dyn     =   BFGS(atoms, trajectory = 'test.traj')

    trans_vec = trans_atomsKC(atoms.positions[0], edge, bond)

    init_pos = atoms.positions.copy()
    middle = [
        np.average(init_pos[:, 0]),
        np.average(init_pos[:, 1]),
        np.average(init_pos[:, 2])

    thetas = np.linspace(np.pi / 2, np.pi, 91)
    L = 4 * bond
    ds = .05
    n = int(L / ds)

    for i, theta in enumerate(thetas):
        fname = path + 'corr_w=%02d_%s_theta=%.2f.data' % (width, edge, theta /
                                                           (2 * np.pi) * 360)
        if not os.path.isfile(fname):
            print 'Calculating w=%i, theta = %.2f' % (width, theta /
                                                      (2 * np.pi) * 360)

            atoms.positions = init_pos
            atoms.rotate([0, 0, 1], theta, center=middle)
            trans_vec = np.array([-np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta), 0])
            data = np.zeros((n, 3))

            for j in range(n):
                atoms.translate(ds * trans_vec)
                emin, hmin = get_optimal_h(atoms, len(atoms), dyn=False)
                data[j, :] = [j * ds, emin, hmin]
                #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond)

            header = '%s runs along x-dir, angle measured from x-axis, natoms = %i. x (Angs), e (eV/atom), hmin' % (
                edge, len(atoms))
            np.savetxt(fname, data, header=header)
コード例 #4
def corr_KC(width, edge):

    params0 = get_simulParams(edge)[-1]
    bond = params0['bond']
    atoms   =   graphene_nanoribbon(1, 1, type= 'armchair', C_C=bond, saturated = False)
    atoms.rotate([1,0,0], np.pi/2, rotate_cell = True)
    atoms.rotate([0,0,1], -np.pi/2, rotate_cell = True)
    atoms.set_cell([20, 20, 10])
    del atoms[[2,3]]
    atoms = create_stucture(2, width, edge, key='top', a=bond)[0]

    atoms.set_cell([70, 70, 20])
    atoms.positions[:, 2] = 3.4

    h_t = []
    for i in range(len(atoms)):
        if atoms[i].number == 1:

    del atoms[h_t]

    params = {}
    params['positions'] = atoms.positions
    params['chemical_symbols'] = atoms.get_chemical_symbols()
    params['ia_dist'] = 10
    params['edge'] = edge
    params['bond'] = bond
    params['ncores'] = 2
    params['no_edge_neigh'] = True
    add_KC = KC_potential_p(params)

    constraints = []
    for i in range(len(atoms)):
        fix_l = FixedLine(i, [0., 0., 1.])


    lamp_parameters = get_lammps_params(H=False)
    calc = LAMMPS(parameters=lamp_parameters)  #, files=['lammps.data'])

    #dyn     =   BFGS(atoms, trajectory = 'test.traj')

    #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond)

    trans_vec = trans_atomsKC(atoms.positions[0], edge, bond)

    #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond)
    init_pos = atoms.positions.copy()
    r_around = init_pos[1]

    thetas = np.linspace(0, np.pi / 3, 61)
    n = 15

    lat_vec1 = np.array([3. / 2 * bond, np.sqrt(3) / 2 * bond, 0.])
    lat_vec2 = np.array([3. / 2 * bond, -np.sqrt(3) / 2 * bond, 0.])

    for i, theta in enumerate(thetas):
        fname = path + 'corr_%s_theta=%.2f.data' % (edge, theta /
                                                    (2 * np.pi) * 360)
        #if not os.path.isfile(fname):
        print 'Calculating theta = %.2f' % (theta / (2 * np.pi) * 360)
        atoms.positions = init_pos
        atoms.rotate([0, 0, 1], theta, center=r_around)

        R = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta), 0.],
                      [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta), 0.], [0., 0., 1.]])

        lat_vec_theta1 = np.dot(R, lat_vec1.copy())
        lat_vec_theta2 = np.dot(R, lat_vec2.copy())

        #trans_vec1      =   lat_vec_theta1.copy()/n
        trans_vec2 = lat_vec_theta2.copy() / n

        data = np.zeros((n, n))
        #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond, vecs =  [lat_vec_theta1, lat_vec_theta2])

        for k in range(n):
            atoms.positions = init_pos
            atoms.translate(lat_vec_theta1 * float(k) / n)
            #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond, vecs =  [lat_vec_theta1, lat_vec_theta2])
            #print trans_vec1*float(k)/n, k, n, float(k)/n

            for l in range(n):
                emin, hmin = get_optimal_h(atoms, len(atoms), dyn=False)
                #data[k,l,:]  =   [emin, hmin]
                data[k, l] = emin  #atoms.get_potential_energy()/len(atoms)

        header  =   '%s runs along x-dir, angle measured from x-axis, natoms = %i. x (Angs), e (eV/atom), hmin \n\
the lattice vectors are l1 = [%.5f, %.5f, %.5f] and l2 = [%.5f, %.5f, %.5f], they are divided in %i parts. data[i,j,:] \n\
-> atoms pos += l1/n*i + l2/n*j, initial position is such that atom1 is in middle if hexagon.' \
    %(edge, len(atoms), lat_vec_theta1[0], lat_vec_theta1[1], lat_vec_theta1[2], \
      lat_vec_theta2[0], lat_vec_theta2[1], lat_vec_theta2[2], n)
        np.savetxt(fname, data, header=header)
コード例 #5
Created on 31.8.2015

@author: tohekorh

from twist_topByRod import shearDyn
from misc.lammps_help import get_simulParams
import sys

#width, edge, ratio  =  int(sys.argv[1]), sys.argv[2], int(sys.argv[3])

width, edge, ratio =   8, 'zz', 4
vs      =   [0.0001, 0.0002, 0.0003, 0.0004, 0.0005]   
taito   =   False

params_dic          =   get_simulParams(edge)[-1]
params_dic['taito'] =   taito
params_dic['ratio'] =   ratio
params_dic['width'] =   width
params_dic['vMAX']  =   .0008    
pot_key             =   'LJ'

for _ in range(0, 5):
    for v in vs:
        params_dic['vmax']  =   v
        folder  =   shearDyn(params_dic, pot_key, True)
コード例 #6
def plot_corr_surf(edge):

    params0 = get_simulParams(edge)[-1]
    bond = params0['bond']

    lat_vec1 = np.array([3. / 2 * bond, np.sqrt(3) / 2 * bond, 0.])
    lat_vec2 = np.array([3. / 2 * bond, -np.sqrt(3) / 2 * bond, 0.])

    print lat_vec1

    for filen in os.listdir(path):
        if filen[:7] == 'corr_%s' % (edge):
            print filen.split('theta=')[-1].split('.data')[0]
            theta = float(
                filen.split('theta=')[-1].split('.data')[0]) / 360 * 2 * np.pi
            data = np.loadtxt(path + filen)
            data -= np.min(data)
            emax = np.max(data)
            n, m = data.shape

            R = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta), 0.],
                          [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta), 0.], [0., 0., 1.]])

            lat_vec_theta1 = np.dot(R, lat_vec1.copy())
            lat_vec_theta2 = np.dot(R, lat_vec2.copy())
            X = np.zeros((n, m))
            Y = np.zeros((n, m))
            Z = np.zeros((n, m))

            for i in range(n):
                for j in range(m):
                    x, y, _ = i * lat_vec_theta1 / n + j * lat_vec_theta2 / n
                    X[i, j] = x
                    Y[i, j] = y
                    Z[i, j] = data[i, j] * 1000  #t get meV

            origin = 'lower'

            xmin, xmax, Dx = np.min(X), np.max(X), np.max(X) - np.min(X)
            ymin, ymax, Dy = np.min(Y), np.max(Y), np.max(Y) - np.min(Y)
            plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')

            plt.arrow(xmin, ymin, 1, .0)
            plt.arrow(xmin, ymin, 1 * np.cos(theta), 1 * np.sin(theta))

            plt.text(xmin - .05 * Dx * np.sin(theta),
                     ymin + Dy * (.05 + .05 * np.cos(theta)),
                     'ac-edge of top',
                     rotation=theta / (2 * np.pi) * 360)
            plt.text(xmin, ymin - .05 * Dy, 'ac-edge of bottom')
            CS = plt.contourf(
                100,  # [-1, -0.1, 0, 0.1],

            print theta
            plt.title('Theta = %.1f deg' % (theta / (2 * np.pi) * 360))
            cbar = plt.colorbar(CS)
            cbar.ax.set_ylabel('corrugation meV/atom')
コード例 #7
from ase.calculators.lammpsrun import LAMMPS
from ase.optimize import BFGS
from structure import create_stucture
from ase.visualize import view
from ase.structure import graphene_nanoribbon
from write_structure import saveAndPrint
from ase.io.trajectory import PickleTrajectory
from datetime import datetime
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import os

path    =   '/space/tohekorh/ShearSlide/files/KC_corrugation/twist4/'

edge    =   'ac'

params0 =   get_simulParams(edge)[-1]
bond    =   params0['bond']
if edge == 'ac':
    lat_vec1    =   np.array([3./2*bond,  np.sqrt(3)/2*bond, 0.])   
    lat_vec2    =   np.array([3./2*bond, -np.sqrt(3)/2*bond, 0.])
elif edge == 'zz':
    lat_vec1    =   np.array([np.sqrt(3.)/2*bond, 3./2*bond, 0.])   
    lat_vec2    =   np.array([np.sqrt(3.)*bond, 0., 0.])

def Rmat(theta):
    return  np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta), 0.],
                      [np.sin(theta),  np.cos(theta), 0.],
                      [0., 0., 1.]])
コード例 #8
def corr_KC(width, edge):
    #width   =   5
    #edge    =   'ac'
    params0 =   get_simulParams(edge)[-1]
    bond    =   params0['bond']
    atoms   =   create_stucture(1, width, edge, key = 'top', a = bond)[0]
    atoms.set_cell([40, 40, 20])
    atoms.positions[:,2]    =   3.4
    h_t =   []
    for i in range(len(atoms)):
        if atoms[i].number == 1:
    del atoms[h_t]
    params  =   {}
    params['positions']         =   atoms.positions
    params['chemical_symbols']  =   atoms.get_chemical_symbols()   
    params['ia_dist']           =   10
    params['edge']              =   edge
    params['bond']              =   bond    
    params['ncores']            =   2
    add_KC                      =   KC_potential_p(params)
    constraints =   []
    for i in range(len(atoms)):
        fix_l   =   FixedLine(i, [0., 0., 1.])
    lamp_parameters =   get_lammps_params(H=False)
    calc            =   LAMMPS(parameters = lamp_parameters) #, files=['lammps.data'])
    #dyn     =   BFGS(atoms, trajectory = 'test.traj')
    trans_vec   =   trans_atomsKC(atoms.positions[0], edge, bond)
    init_pos    =   atoms.positions.copy()
    middle      =   [np.average(init_pos[:,0]), 
    thetas      =   np.linspace(np.pi/2, np.pi, 91)
    L           =   4*bond
    ds          =   .05
    n           =   int(L/ds)
    for i, theta in enumerate(thetas):
        fname   =   path + 'corr_w=%02d_%s_theta=%.2f.data' %(width, edge, theta/(2*np.pi)*360)
        if not os.path.isfile(fname): 
            print 'Calculating w=%i, theta = %.2f' %(width, theta/(2*np.pi)*360)
            atoms.positions =   init_pos
            atoms.rotate([0,0,1], theta, center = middle)
            trans_vec       =   np.array([-np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta), 0])
            data            =   np.zeros((n, 3))
            for j in range(n):
                emin, hmin  =   get_optimal_h(atoms, len(atoms), dyn = False)
                data[j, :]  =   [j*ds, emin, hmin]   
                #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond)
            header  =   '%s runs along x-dir, angle measured from x-axis, natoms = %i. x (Angs), e (eV/atom), hmin' %(edge, len(atoms))
            np.savetxt(fname, data, header = header)
コード例 #9
def corr_KC(width, edge):
    params0 =   get_simulParams(edge)[-1]
    bond    =   params0['bond']
    atoms   =   graphene_nanoribbon(1, 1, type= 'armchair', C_C=bond, saturated = False)
    atoms.rotate([1,0,0], np.pi/2, rotate_cell = True)
    atoms.rotate([0,0,1], -np.pi/2, rotate_cell = True)
    atoms.set_cell([20, 20, 10])
    del atoms[[2,3]]
    atoms   =   create_stucture(2, width, edge, key = 'top', a = bond)[0]
    atoms.set_cell([70, 70, 20])
    atoms.positions[:,2]    =   3.4
    h_t =   []
    for i in range(len(atoms)):
        if atoms[i].number == 1:
    del atoms[h_t]
    params  =   {}
    params['positions']         =   atoms.positions
    params['chemical_symbols']  =   atoms.get_chemical_symbols()   
    params['ia_dist']           =   10
    params['edge']              =   edge
    params['bond']              =   bond    
    params['ncores']            =   2
    params['no_edge_neigh']     =   True
    add_KC                      =   KC_potential_p(params)
    constraints =   []
    for i in range(len(atoms)):
        fix_l   =   FixedLine(i, [0., 0., 1.])
    lamp_parameters =   get_lammps_params(H=False)
    calc            =   LAMMPS(parameters = lamp_parameters) #, files=['lammps.data'])
    #dyn     =   BFGS(atoms, trajectory = 'test.traj')
    #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond)
    trans_vec   =   trans_atomsKC(atoms.positions[0], edge, bond)
    #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond)
    init_pos    =   atoms.positions.copy()
    r_around    =   init_pos[1]
    thetas      =   np.linspace(0, np.pi/3, 61)
    n           =   15
    lat_vec1    =   np.array([3./2*bond,  np.sqrt(3)/2*bond, 0.])   
    lat_vec2    =   np.array([3./2*bond, -np.sqrt(3)/2*bond, 0.])
    for i, theta in enumerate(thetas):
        fname   =   path + 'corr_%s_theta=%.2f.data' %(edge, theta/(2*np.pi)*360)
        #if not os.path.isfile(fname): 
        print 'Calculating theta = %.2f' %(theta/(2*np.pi)*360)
        atoms.positions =   init_pos
        atoms.rotate([0,0,1], theta, center = r_around)
        R               =   np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta), 0.],
                                      [np.sin(theta),  np.cos(theta), 0.],
                                      [0., 0., 1.]])
        lat_vec_theta1  =   np.dot(R, lat_vec1.copy())
        lat_vec_theta2  =   np.dot(R, lat_vec2.copy())
        #trans_vec1      =   lat_vec_theta1.copy()/n
        trans_vec2      =   lat_vec_theta2.copy()/n
        data            =   np.zeros((n,n))
        #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond, vecs =  [lat_vec_theta1, lat_vec_theta2])
        for k in range(n):
            atoms.positions =   init_pos
            #plot_posits(atoms, edge, bond, vecs =  [lat_vec_theta1, lat_vec_theta2])
            #print trans_vec1*float(k)/n, k, n, float(k)/n 
            for l in range(n):
                emin, hmin   =   get_optimal_h(atoms, len(atoms), dyn = False)
                #data[k,l,:]  =   [emin, hmin]   
                data[k,l]  =  emin #atoms.get_potential_energy()/len(atoms)
        header  =   '%s runs along x-dir, angle measured from x-axis, natoms = %i. x (Angs), e (eV/atom), hmin \n\
the lattice vectors are l1 = [%.5f, %.5f, %.5f] and l2 = [%.5f, %.5f, %.5f], they are divided in %i parts. data[i,j,:] \n\
-> atoms pos += l1/n*i + l2/n*j, initial position is such that atom1 is in middle if hexagon.' \
    %(edge, len(atoms), lat_vec_theta1[0], lat_vec_theta1[1], lat_vec_theta1[2], \
      lat_vec_theta2[0], lat_vec_theta2[1], lat_vec_theta2[2], n)
        np.savetxt(fname, data, header = header)
コード例 #10
def plot_corr_surf(edge):
    params0 =   get_simulParams(edge)[-1]
    bond    =   params0['bond']
    lat_vec1    =   np.array([3./2*bond,  np.sqrt(3)/2*bond, 0.])   
    lat_vec2    =   np.array([3./2*bond, -np.sqrt(3)/2*bond, 0.])
    print lat_vec1
    for filen in os.listdir(path):
        if filen[:7] == 'corr_%s' %(edge):
            print filen.split('theta=')[-1].split('.data')[0]
            theta   =   float(filen.split('theta=')[-1].split('.data')[0])/360*2*np.pi
            data    =   np.loadtxt(path + filen)
            data   -=   np.min(data)
            emax    =   np.max(data)
            n,m     =   data.shape
            R       =   np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta), 0.],
                                  [np.sin(theta),  np.cos(theta), 0.],
                                  [0., 0., 1.]])
            lat_vec_theta1  =   np.dot(R, lat_vec1.copy())
            lat_vec_theta2  =   np.dot(R, lat_vec2.copy())
            X   =   np.zeros((n,m))
            Y   =   np.zeros((n,m))
            Z   =   np.zeros((n,m))
            for i in range(n):
                for j in range(m):
                    x,y,_   =   i*lat_vec_theta1/n + j*lat_vec_theta2/n
                    X[i,j]  =   x
                    Y[i,j]  =   y
                    Z[i,j]  =   data[i,j]*1000 #t get meV
            origin = 'lower'
            xmin, xmax, Dx  =   np.min(X), np.max(X), np.max(X) - np.min(X)
            ymin, ymax, Dy  =   np.min(Y), np.max(Y), np.max(Y) - np.min(Y)
            plt.figure(figsize=(8,6), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k')
            plt.arrow(xmin, ymin, 1, .0)
            plt.arrow(xmin, ymin, 1*np.cos(theta), 1*np.sin(theta))
            plt.text(xmin - .05*Dx*np.sin(theta), ymin + Dy*(.05 + .05*np.cos(theta)), 'ac-edge of top', rotation=theta/(2*np.pi)*360)
            plt.text(xmin, ymin - .05*Dy, 'ac-edge of bottom')
            CS = plt.contourf(X, Y, Z, 100, # [-1, -0.1, 0, 0.1],
            print theta
            plt.title('Theta = %.1f deg' %(theta/(2*np.pi)*360))
            cbar = plt.colorbar(CS)
            cbar.ax.set_ylabel('corrugation meV/atom')