コード例 #1
category = Category()
category.title = 'Wishes & Dishes'
category.explanation = 'Foods you would like to eat'
print('Explanation: ', category.explanation)

# check creation of a single category with the initializer
print('\nSingle Category with initializer:')
category = Category('Category 1', 'Explanation of Category 1')

# check creation of a single category with 5 items
print('\nSingle Category with 5 items:')
category = Category('Category with Items', 'Five items to be exact.')
for i in range(5):
    category.add_item(Item('Item ' + str(i), 'Response to item ' + str(i)))
for i in range(5):
    print('   Item ' + str(i) + ': ' + str(category.items[i]))

#                                    #
#            Game Tests              #
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# check creation of game from scratch

print('\nBuilding a game from scratch:')
game = Game()
game.name = 'Catechism Questions'