コード例 #1
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: mobishift2011/amzn
    def crawl_category(self, ctx='', **kwargs):
        res = requests.get(HOST)
        tree = lxml.html.fromstring(res.content)
        dept_nodes = tree.cssselect('div#top-navigation ul.navigation li.menu-item a')
        for dept_node in dept_nodes:
            key = dept_node.text.strip()
            if 'brand' in key.lower():

            combine_url = dept_node.get('href')
            match = re.search(r'https?://.+', combine_url)
            if not match:
                combine_url = '%s%s' % (HOST, combine_url)

            r = requests.get(combine_url)
            t = lxml.html.fromstring(r.content)
            pagesize_node = None
            link_nodes = t.cssselect('div.atg_store_filter ul.atg_store_pager li')
            for link_node in link_nodes:
                if link_node.get('class') and 'nextLink' in link_node.get('class'):
                pagesize_node = link_node

            pagesize = int(pagesize_node.cssselect('a')[0].text.strip()) if pagesize_node else 1

            is_new = False; is_updated = False
            category = Category.objects(key=key).first()

            if not category:
                is_new = True
                category = Category(key=key)
                category.is_leaf = True

            if combine_url and combine_url != category.combine_url:
                category.combine_url = combine_url
                is_updated = True

            if pagesize and pagesize != category.pagesize:
                category.pagesize = pagesize
                is_updated = True

            category.hit_time = datetime.utcnow()
            print category.key; print category.cats; print category.pagesize; print category.combine_url; print is_new; print is_updated; print;

            common_saved.send(sender=ctx, obj_type='Category', key=category.key, url=category.combine_url, \
                is_new=is_new, is_updated=((not is_new) and is_updated) )