コード例 #1
ファイル: view_camera.py プロジェクト: matrixchan/morse
def move(contr):
    """ Read the keys for specific combinations
        that will make the camera move in 3D space. """
    # get the object this script is attached to
    camera = contr.owner

    scene = blenderapi.scene()

    # Do not move the camera if the current view is using another camera
    if camera != scene.active_camera:

    if 'Human'  in scene.objects:
        human = scene.objects['Human']
        if not human['move_cameraFP']:

    # set the movement speed
    speed = camera['Speed']

    # Get Blender keyboard sensor
    keyboard = contr.sensors['All_Keys']

    # Default movement speed
    move_speed = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

    keylist = keyboard.events
    for key in keylist:
        if key[1] == blenderapi.input_active():
            # Also add the corresponding key for an AZERTY keyboard
            if key[0] == blenderapi.WKEY or key[0] == blenderapi.ZKEY:
                move_speed[2] = -speed
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.SKEY:
                move_speed[2] = speed
            # Also add the corresponding key for an AZERTY keyboard
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.AKEY or key[0] == blenderapi.QKEY:
                move_speed[0] = -speed
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.DKEY:
                move_speed[0] = speed
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.RKEY:
                move_speed[1] = speed
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.FKEY:
                move_speed[1] = -speed
                move_speed[0] = 0
                move_speed[1] = 0
                move_speed[2] = 0

            # The second parameter of 'applyMovement' determines
            #  a movement with respect to the object's local
            #  coordinate system
            camera.applyMovement( move_speed, True )

        elif key[1] == blenderapi.input_just_activated():
            # Other actions activated with the keyboard
            # Reset camera to center
            if key[0] == blenderapi.F8KEY and keyboard.positive:
コード例 #2
ファイル: human_control.py プロジェクト: DAInamite/morse
def set_human_animation(contr):
    """ Toggle the animation actions (walking, standing still...) of 
    the armature. 
    # Get sensor named Mouse
    armature = contr.owner

    # get the suffix of the human to reference the right objects
    suffix = armature.name[-4:] if armature.name[-4] == "." else ""

    scene = blenderapi.scene()
    active_camera = scene.active_camera
    human = scene.objects[armature.parent.name]

    # if the human is external, do nothing
    if human.get('External_Robot_Tag') or human['disable_keyboard_control']:

    keyboard = contr.sensors['All_Keys']

    keylist = keyboard.events
    pressed = []      #all keys that are currently pressed
    for key in keylist:
        # key[0] == blenderapi.keycode, key[1] = status
        if key[1] == blenderapi.input_just_activated():
            # Keys for moving forward or turning
            if key[0] == blenderapi.WKEY or key[0] == blenderapi.ZKEY:
                armature['movingForward'] = True
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.SKEY:
                armature['movingBackward'] = True
            # TEST: Read the rotation of the bones in the armature
            if key[0] == blenderapi.BKEY:
            #elif key[0] == blenderapi.VKEY:
        #elif key[1] == blenderapi.input_just_released():
            if key[0] == blenderapi.WKEY or key[0] == blenderapi.ZKEY:
                armature['movingForward'] = False
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.SKEY:
                armature['movingBackward'] = False
        elif key[1] == blenderapi.input_active():

    if human['move_cameraFP'] and active_camera.name != 'Human_Camera':
    if (FORWARDS in pressed or LEFT in pressed or BACKWARDS in pressed or
        RIGHT in pressed):
        armature['movingForward'] = True
        armature['movingForward'] = False
コード例 #3
ファイル: human_control.py プロジェクト: imclab/morse
def set_human_animation(contr):
    """ Toggle the animation actions (walking, standing still...) of 
    the armature. 
    # Get sensor named Mouse
    armature = contr.owner

    # get the suffix of the human to reference the right objects
    suffix = armature.name[-4:] if armature.name[-4] == "." else ""

    scene = blenderapi.scene()
    active_camera = scene.active_camera
    human = scene.objects[armature.parent.name]

    # if the human is external, do nothing
    if human.get('External_Robot_Tag') or human['disable_keyboard_control']:

    keyboard = contr.sensors['All_Keys']

    keylist = keyboard.events
    pressed = []      #all keys that are currently pressed
    for key in keylist:
        # key[0] == blenderapi.keycode, key[1] = status
        if key[1] == blenderapi.input_just_activated():
            # Keys for moving forward or turning
            if key[0] == blenderapi.WKEY or key[0] == blenderapi.ZKEY:
                armature['movingForward'] = True
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.SKEY:
                armature['movingBackward'] = True
            # TEST: Read the rotation of the bones in the armature
            if key[0] == blenderapi.BKEY:
            #elif key[0] == blenderapi.VKEY:
        #elif key[1] == blenderapi.input_just_released():
            if key[0] == blenderapi.WKEY or key[0] == blenderapi.ZKEY:
                armature['movingForward'] = False
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.SKEY:
                armature['movingBackward'] = False
        elif key[1] == blenderapi.input_active():

    if human['move_cameraFP'] and active_camera.name != 'Human_Camera':
    if (FORWARDS in pressed or LEFT in pressed or BACKWARDS in pressed or
        RIGHT in pressed):
        armature['movingForward'] = True
        armature['movingForward'] = False
コード例 #4
def test(contr):
    Show which objects are interactable
    keylist = keyboard.events

    for key in keylist:
        if key[0] == blenderapi.LEFTALTKEY:
            if key[1] == blenderapi.input_just_activated():
                #show text over all objects

            elif key[1] == blenderapi.input_just_released():
                #hide text of all objects
コード例 #5
ファイル: show_objects.py プロジェクト: DAInamite/morse
def test(contr):
    Show which objects are interactable
    keylist = keyboard.events

    for key in keylist:
        if key[0] == blenderapi.LEFTALTKEY:
            if key[1] == blenderapi.input_just_activated():
                #show text over all objects
            elif key[1] == blenderapi.input_just_released():
                #hide text of all objects
コード例 #6
ファイル: human_control.py プロジェクト: ekyah411/morse
def lock_movement(contr):
    human = contr.owner
    keyboard = contr.sensors['All_Keys']

    scene = blenderapi.scene()

    if scene.active_camera.name != 'CameraFP':

    keylist = keyboard.events
    for key in keylist:
        # key[0] == blenderapi.keycode, key[1] = status
        if key[1] == blenderapi.input_just_activated():
            if key[0] == blenderapi.F5KEY:
                human['move_cameraFP'] = not human['move_cameraFP']
                if human['move_cameraFP']:
                    logger.info("Moving CameraFP")
                    logger.info("Moving Human")
コード例 #7
ファイル: human_control.py プロジェクト: DAInamite/morse
def lock_movement(contr):
    human = contr.owner
    keyboard = contr.sensors['All_Keys']

    scene = blenderapi.scene()

    if scene.active_camera.name != 'CameraFP':

    keylist = keyboard.events
    for key in keylist:
        # key[0] == blenderapi.keycode, key[1] = status
        if key[1] == blenderapi.input_just_activated():
            if key[0] == blenderapi.F5KEY:
                human['move_cameraFP'] = not human['move_cameraFP']
                if human['move_cameraFP']:
                    logger.info("Moving CameraFP")
                    logger.info("Moving Human")
コード例 #8
def move(contr):
    """ Read the keys for specific combinations
        that will make the camera move in 3D space. """
    # get the object this script is attached to
    camera = contr.owner

    scene = blenderapi.scene()
    if not scene:
        # not ready, main reload(blenderapi)

    # Do not move the camera if the current view is using another camera
    if camera != scene.active_camera:

    # Do not move the camera if another object has set move_cameraFP
    for obj in keyboard_ctrl_objects:
        if not obj['move_cameraFP']:

    # set camera position increment from the movement speed
    pos_inc = camera['Speed'] / blenderapi.getfrequency()

    # Get Blender keyboard sensor
    keyboard = contr.sensors['All_Keys']

    # Default movement
    move_translation = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

    keylist = keyboard.events
    for key in keylist:
        if key[1] == blenderapi.input_active():
            # Also add the corresponding key for an AZERTY keyboard
            if key[0] == blenderapi.WKEY or key[0] == blenderapi.ZKEY:
                move_translation[2] = -pos_inc
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.SKEY:
                move_translation[2] = pos_inc
            # Also add the corresponding key for an AZERTY keyboard
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.AKEY or key[0] == blenderapi.QKEY:
                move_translation[0] = -pos_inc
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.DKEY:
                move_translation[0] = pos_inc
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.RKEY:
                move_translation[1] = pos_inc
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.FKEY:
                move_translation[1] = -pos_inc
                move_translation[0] = 0
                move_translation[1] = 0
                move_translation[2] = 0

            # The second parameter of 'applyMovement' determines
            #  a movement with respect to the object's local
            #  coordinate system
            camera.applyMovement(move_translation, True)

        elif key[1] == blenderapi.input_just_activated():
            # Other actions activated with the keyboard
            # Reset camera to center
            if key[0] == blenderapi.F8KEY and keyboard.positive:
コード例 #9
ファイル: human_control.py プロジェクト: ekyah411/morse
def move(contr):
    """ Read the keys for specific combinations
        that will make the camera move in 3D space. """

    # Get the currently active camera to adapt control method
    scene = blenderapi.scene()
    active_camera = scene.active_camera

    # get the object this script is attached to
    human = contr.owner

    # if the human is external, do nothing
    if human.get('External_Robot_Tag') or human['disable_keyboard_control']:

    # get the suffix of the human to reference the right objects
    suffix = human.name[-4:] if human.name[-4] == "." else ""

    # set the movement speed
    speed = human['Speed']

    # Get sensor named Mouse
    keyboard = contr.sensors['All_Keys']

    # Default movement speed
    move_speed = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    rotation_speed = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

    human_camera = "Human_Camera" + suffix

    if human['move_cameraFP'] and active_camera.name != human_camera:

    keylist = keyboard.events
    for key in keylist:
        # key[0] == blenderapi.keycode, key[1] = status
        if key[1] == blenderapi.input_active():
            if human['Manipulate']:
                if key[0] == FORWARDS:
                    move_speed[0] = speed
                elif key[0] == BACKWARDS:
                    move_speed[0] = -speed
                elif key[0] == TURN_LEFT:
                    rotation_speed[2] = speed
                elif key[0] == TURN_RIGHT:
                    rotation_speed[2] = -speed
                elif key[0] == RIGHT:
                    if active_camera.name == human_camera:
                        move_speed[1] = -speed
                        rotation_speed[2] = -speed
                elif key[0] == LEFT:
                    if active_camera.name == human_camera:
                        move_speed[1] = speed
                        rotation_speed[2] = speed
                if key[0] in (FORWARDS, BACKWARDS, LEFT, RIGHT):
                    move_speed[0] = speed
                    if active_camera.name != human_camera and key[
                            0] == BACKWARDS:
                        move_speed[0] = -speed

            # The second parameter of 'applyMovement' determines
            #  a movement with respect to the object's local
            #  coordinate system
            human.applyMovement(move_speed, True)
            human.applyRotation(rotation_speed, True)
            if key[0] == blenderapi.UPARROWKEY:
                move_speed[0] = speed
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.DOWNARROWKEY:
                move_speed[0] = -speed
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.LEFTARROWKEY:
                rotation_speed[2] = speed
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.RIGHTARROWKEY:
                rotation_speed[2] = -speed
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.AKEY:
                move_speed[2] = speed
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.EKEY:
                move_speed[2] = -speed

        elif key[1] == blenderapi.input_just_activated():
            # Other actions activated with the keyboard
            # Reset camera to center
            if key[0] == blenderapi.NKEY and keyboard.positive:
            # Switch between look and manipulate
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.XKEY:
コード例 #10
ファイル: human_control.py プロジェクト: DAInamite/morse
def move(contr):
    """ Read the keys for specific combinations
        that will make the camera move in 3D space. """
    # Get the currently active camera to adapt control method
    scene = blenderapi.scene()
    active_camera = scene.active_camera
    # get the object this script is attached to
    human = contr.owner

    # if the human is external, do nothing
    if human.get('External_Robot_Tag') or human['disable_keyboard_control']:
    # get the suffix of the human to reference the right objects
    suffix = human.name[-4:] if human.name[-4] == "." else ""

    # set the movement speed
    speed = human['Speed']

    # Get sensor named Mouse
    keyboard = contr.sensors['All_Keys']

    # Default movement speed
    move_speed = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    rotation_speed = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

    human_camera = "Human_Camera" + suffix

    if human['move_cameraFP'] and active_camera.name != human_camera:

    keylist = keyboard.events
    for key in keylist:
        # key[0] == blenderapi.keycode, key[1] = status
        if key[1] == blenderapi.input_active():
            if human['Manipulate']:
                if key[0] == FORWARDS:
                    move_speed[0] = speed
                elif key[0] == BACKWARDS:
                    move_speed[0] = -speed
                elif key[0] == TURN_LEFT:
                    rotation_speed[2] = speed
                elif key[0] == TURN_RIGHT:
                    rotation_speed[2] = -speed
                elif key[0] == RIGHT:
                    if active_camera.name == human_camera:
                        move_speed[1] = -speed
                        rotation_speed[2] = -speed
                elif key[0] == LEFT:
                    if active_camera.name == human_camera:
                        move_speed[1] = speed
                        rotation_speed[2] = speed
                if key[0] in (FORWARDS, BACKWARDS, LEFT, RIGHT):
                    move_speed[0] = speed
                    if active_camera.name != human_camera and key[0] == BACKWARDS:
                        move_speed[0] = -speed

            # The second parameter of 'applyMovement' determines
            #  a movement with respect to the object's local
            #  coordinate system
            human.applyMovement( move_speed, True )
            human.applyRotation( rotation_speed, True )

            if key[0] == blenderapi.UPARROWKEY:
                move_speed[0] = speed
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.DOWNARROWKEY:
                move_speed[0] = -speed
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.LEFTARROWKEY:
                rotation_speed[2] = speed
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.RIGHTARROWKEY:
                rotation_speed[2] = -speed
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.AKEY:
                move_speed[2] = speed
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.EKEY:
                move_speed[2] = -speed

        elif key[1] == blenderapi.input_just_activated():
            # Other actions activated with the keyboard
            # Reset camera to center
            if key[0] == blenderapi.NKEY and keyboard.positive:
            # Switch between look and manipulate
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.XKEY:
コード例 #11
ファイル: view_camera.py プロジェクト: Greg8978/morse_MaRDi
def move(contr):
    """ Read the keys for specific combinations
        that will make the camera move in 3D space. """
    # get the object this script is attached to
    camera = contr.owner

    scene = blenderapi.scene()
    if not scene:
        # not ready, main reload(blenderapi)

    # Do not move the camera if the current view is using another camera
    if camera != scene.active_camera:

    # Do not move the camera if another object has set move_cameraFP
    for obj in keyboard_ctrl_objects:
        if not obj['move_cameraFP']:

    # set camera position increment from the movement speed
    pos_inc = camera['Speed'] / blenderapi.getfrequency()

    # Get Blender keyboard sensor
    keyboard = contr.sensors['All_Keys']

    # Default movement
    move_translation = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

    keylist = keyboard.events
    for key in keylist:
        if key[1] == blenderapi.input_active():
            # Also add the corresponding key for an AZERTY keyboard
            if key[0] == blenderapi.WKEY or key[0] == blenderapi.ZKEY:
                move_translation[2] = -pos_inc
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.SKEY:
                move_translation[2] = pos_inc
            # Also add the corresponding key for an AZERTY keyboard
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.AKEY or key[0] == blenderapi.QKEY:
                move_translation[0] = -pos_inc
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.DKEY:
                move_translation[0] = pos_inc
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.RKEY:
                move_translation[1] = pos_inc
            elif key[0] == blenderapi.FKEY:
                move_translation[1] = -pos_inc
                move_translation[0] = 0
                move_translation[1] = 0
                move_translation[2] = 0

            # The second parameter of 'applyMovement' determines
            #  a movement with respect to the object's local
            #  coordinate system
            camera.applyMovement( move_translation, True )

        elif key[1] == blenderapi.input_just_activated():
            # Other actions activated with the keyboard
            # Reset camera to center
            if key[0] == blenderapi.F8KEY and keyboard.positive: