def year_dist(final_year_dict): df = pd.DataFrame(final_year_dict, columns = ['no_studies', 'year']) pos = list(range(len(df['no_studies']))) width = 0.25 fig, ax = plt.subplots( figsize=(23,12)) # Create a bar with riboseq files data in position pos,,df['no_studies'], width, alpha=1,color=redhex,linewidth=0,label="Number of studies")#df['readlengths'][0]) # Set the y axis label ax.set_ylabel('Number of studies', labelpad=100,fontsize="21") ax.set_xlabel('Publication year',fontsize="21") # Set the chart's title ax.set_title("No. of studies per year",y=1.05,fontsize="25") # Set the position of the x ticks ax.set_xticks([p + 1 * width for p in pos]) # Set the labels for the x ticks ax.set_xticklabels(df['year']) # Setting the x-axis and y-axis limits plt.xlim(min(pos)-width, max(pos)+width*4) plt.ylim([0, max(df['no_studies'])*1.1]) ax.set_axis_bgcolor(background_col) ax.tick_params('both', labelsize=16) plt.grid(color="white", linewidth=2,linestyle="solid") plugins.connect(fig, plugins.TopToolbar(xoffset=-13, yoffset=115),plugins.DownloadPNG(returnstr="Study distribution by year")) return mpld3.fig_to_html(fig)
def org_breakdown_plot(read_dict): df = pd.DataFrame(read_dict, columns=['riboseq_files', 'rnaseq_files', 'organisms']) pos = list(range(len(df['riboseq_files']))) width = 0.25 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(23, 12)) # Create a bar with riboseq files data in position pos,, df['riboseq_files'], width, alpha=1, color=redhex, linewidth=0, label="Riboseq files") #df['readlengths'][0]) # Create a bar with rnaseq files data in position pos + some width buffer,[p + width for p in pos], df['rnaseq_files'], width, alpha=1, color=greenhex, linewidth=0, label="Rnaseq files") # Set the y axis label ax.set_ylabel('Count', labelpad=100, fontsize="21") ax.set_xlabel('Organisms', fontsize="21") # Set the chart's title ax.set_title("No. of files per organism", y=1.05, fontsize="25") # Set the position of the x ticks ax.set_xticks([p + 1 * width for p in pos]) # Set the labels for the x ticks ax.set_xticklabels(df['organisms']) # Setting the x-axis and y-axis limits plt.xlim(min(pos) - width, max(pos) + width * 4) plt.ylim([0, max(max(df['riboseq_files']), max(df['rnaseq_files'])) * 1.1]) # Adding the legend and showing the plot leg = plt.legend(['Riboseq files', 'Rnaseq files'], loc='upper right') leg.get_frame().set_edgecolor('#D2D2EB') ax.set_axis_bgcolor(background_col) ax.tick_params('both', labelsize=16) plt.grid(color="white", linewidth=2, linestyle="solid") plugins.connect(fig, plugins.TopToolbar(xoffset=-13, yoffset=115), plugins.DownloadPNG(returnstr="Organism breakdown")) return mpld3.fig_to_html(fig)
def generate_plot(tran, ambig, min_read, max_read, master_filepath_dict, lite, offset_dict, ribocoverage, organism, normalize, short_code, background_col, hili_start, hili_stop, comp_uag_col, comp_uga_col, comp_uaa_col, trips_annotation_location, title_size, subheading_size, axis_label_size, marker_size, cds_marker_size, cds_marker_colour, legend_size, transcriptome): labels = [] start_visible = [] line_collections = [] all_stops = ["TAG", "TAA", "TGA"] returnstr = "Position," y_max = 50 if normalize == True: y_max = 0 connection = sqlite3.connect('{}/trips.sqlite'.format(config.SCRIPT_LOC)) # connection = sqlite3.connect('/home/DATA/www/tripsviz/tripsviz/trips.sqlite') connection.text_factory = str cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute( "SELECT owner FROM organisms WHERE organism_name = '{}' and transcriptome_list = '{}';" .format(organism, transcriptome)) owner = (cursor.fetchone())[0] if owner == 1: if os.path.isfile("{0}{1}/{1}.{2}.sqlite".format( config.ANNOTATION_DIR, organism, transcriptome)): transhelve = sqlite3.connect("{0}{1}/{1}.{2}.sqlite".format( config.ANNOTATION_DIR, organism, transcriptome)) else: return "Cannot find annotation file {}.{}.sqlite".format( organism, transcriptome) else: transhelve = sqlite3.connect( "{0}transcriptomes/{1}/{2}/{3}/{2}_{3}.v2.sqlite".format( config.UPLOADS_DIR, owner, organism, transcriptome)) cursor = transhelve.cursor() cursor.execute( "SELECT * from transcripts WHERE transcript = '{}'".format(tran)) result = cursor.fetchone() traninfo = { "transcript": result[0], "gene": result[1], "length": result[2], "cds_start": result[3], "cds_stop": result[4], "seq": result[5], "strand": result[6], "stop_list": result[7].split(","), "start_list": result[8].split(","), "exon_junctions": result[9].split(","), "tran_type": result[10], "principal": result[11] } traninfo["stop_list"] = [int(x) for x in traninfo["stop_list"]] traninfo["start_list"] = [int(x) for x in traninfo["start_list"]] if str(traninfo["exon_junctions"][0]) != "": traninfo["exon_junctions"] = [ int(x) for x in traninfo["exon_junctions"] ] else: traninfo["exon_junctions"] = [] transhelve.close() gene = traninfo["gene"] tranlen = traninfo["length"] cds_start = traninfo["cds_start"] cds_stop = traninfo["cds_stop"] strand = traninfo["strand"] if cds_start == 'NULL' or cds_start == None: cds_start = 0 if cds_stop == 'NULL' or cds_stop == None: cds_stop = 0 all_starts = traninfo["start_list"] all_stops = {"TAG": [], "TAA": [], "TGA": []} seq = traninfo["seq"].upper() for i in range(0, len(seq)): if seq[i:i + 3] in all_stops: all_stops[seq[i:i + 3]].append(i + 1) start_stop_dict = { 1: { "starts": [0], "stops": { "TGA": [0], "TAG": [0], "TAA": [0] } }, 2: { "starts": [0], "stops": { "TGA": [0], "TAG": [0], "TAA": [0] } }, 3: { "starts": [0], "stops": { "TGA": [0], "TAG": [0], "TAA": [0] } } } for start in all_starts: rem = ((start - 1) % 3) + 1 start_stop_dict[rem]["starts"].append(start - 1) for stop in all_stops: for stop_pos in all_stops[stop]: rem = ((stop_pos - 1) % 3) + 1 start_stop_dict[rem]["stops"][stop].append(stop_pos - 1) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(23, 12)) ax_main = plt.subplot2grid((30, 1), (0, 0), rowspan=22) if normalize != True: label = 'Read count' else: label = 'Normalized read count' ax_main.set_ylabel(label, fontsize=axis_label_size, labelpad=30) label = 'Position (nucleotides)' ax_main.set_xlabel(label, fontsize=axis_label_size, labelpad=10) #if normalize is true work out the factors for each colour if normalize == True: all_mapped_reads = [] for color in master_filepath_dict: all_mapped_reads.append( master_filepath_dict[color]["mapped_reads"]) min_reads = float(min(all_mapped_reads)) for color in master_filepath_dict: factor = min_reads / float( master_filepath_dict[color]["mapped_reads"]) master_filepath_dict[color]["factor"] = factor # So items can be plotted alphabetically unsorted_list = [] for color in master_filepath_dict: input_list = [ color, master_filepath_dict[color]["file_names"], master_filepath_dict[color]["file_descs"], master_filepath_dict[color]["file_ids"], master_filepath_dict[color]["filepaths"], master_filepath_dict[color]["file_type"], master_filepath_dict[color]["minread"], master_filepath_dict[color]["maxread"] ] if "factor" in master_filepath_dict[color]: input_list.append(master_filepath_dict[color]["factor"]) unsorted_list.append(input_list) sorted_list = sorted(unsorted_list, key=lambda x: x[1][0]) returndict = {} for item in sorted_list: # needed to make get_reads accept file_paths file_paths = {"riboseq": {}} for i in range(0, len(item[3])): file_paths["riboseq"][item[3][i]] = item[4][i] file_names = item[1][0] file_descs = item[2] if item[5] == "riboseq": filename_reads, seqvar_dict = get_reads(ambig, item[6], item[7], tran, file_paths, tranlen, ribocoverage, organism, False, False, "fiveprime", "riboseq", 1) else: filename_reads, seqvar_dict = get_reads(ambig, item[6], item[7], tran, file_paths, tranlen, True, organism, False, False, "fiveprime", "riboseq", 1) if normalize == False: try: max_val = max(filename_reads.values()) * 1.1 if max_val > y_max: y_max = max_val except Exception as e: print "Error", e pass labels.append(file_names) start_visible.append(True) plot_filename = ax_main.plot(filename_reads.keys(), filename_reads.values(), alpha=1, label=labels, zorder=1, color=item[0], linewidth=3) line_collections.append(plot_filename) returndict[file_names] = {} for pos in filename_reads: returndict[file_names][pos] = filename_reads[pos] else: normalized_reads = {} print "Normalization is true, normalizing by factor", item[8] for pos in filename_reads: normalized_reads[pos] = filename_reads[pos] * item[8] try: max_val = max(normalized_reads.values()) * 1.1 if max_val > y_max: y_max = max_val except Exception as e: print "Error", e pass labels.append(file_names) start_visible.append(True) plot_filename = ax_main.plot(normalized_reads.keys(), normalized_reads.values(), alpha=1, label=labels, zorder=1, color=item[0], linewidth=3) line_collections.append(plot_filename) returndict[file_names] = {} for pos in filename_reads: returndict[file_names][pos] = normalized_reads[pos] for plot_filename in returndict: returnstr += "{},".format(plot_filename) returnstr += "\n" for i in range(0, tranlen): returnstr += "{},".format(i) for plot_filename in returndict: returnstr += "{},".format(returndict[plot_filename][i]) returnstr += "\n" ax_main.set_ylim(0, y_max) # draw cds start plt.plot((cds_start, cds_start), (0, y_max), cds_marker_colour, linestyle=':', linewidth=cds_marker_size) # draw cds end plt.plot((cds_stop, cds_stop), (0, y_max), cds_marker_colour, linestyle=':', linewidth=cds_marker_size) ax_f1 = plt.subplot2grid((30, 1), (27, 0), rowspan=1, sharex=ax_main) ax_f1.set_axis_bgcolor('lightgray') ax_f2 = plt.subplot2grid((30, 1), (28, 0), rowspan=1, sharex=ax_main) ax_f2.set_axis_bgcolor('lightgray') ax_f6 = plt.subplot2grid((30, 1), (29, 0), rowspan=1, sharex=ax_main) ax_f6.set_axis_bgcolor('lightgray') ax_f6.set_xlabel('Transcript: {} Length: {} nt'.format(tran, tranlen), fontsize=subheading_size, labelpad=10) for axis, frame in ((ax_f1, 1), (ax_f2, 2), (ax_f6, 3)): color = color_dict['frames'][frame - 1] axis.set_xlim(0, tranlen) starts = [(item, 1) for item in start_stop_dict[frame]['starts']] axis.broken_barh(starts, (0.5, 1), color='white', zorder=5, linewidth=2) stops = [(item, 1) for item in start_stop_dict[frame]['stops']] uag_stops = [(item, 1) for item in start_stop_dict[frame]['stops']['TAG']] uaa_stops = [(item, 1) for item in start_stop_dict[frame]['stops']['TAA']] uga_stops = [(item, 1) for item in start_stop_dict[frame]['stops']['TGA']] axis.broken_barh(uag_stops, (0, 1), color=comp_uag_col, zorder=2, linewidth=2) axis.broken_barh(uaa_stops, (0, 1), color=comp_uaa_col, zorder=2, linewidth=2) axis.broken_barh(uga_stops, (0, 1), color=comp_uga_col, zorder=2, linewidth=2) axis.set_ylabel('{}'.format(frame), rotation='horizontal', labelpad=10, verticalalignment='center') axis.set_ylim(0, 1) axis.tick_params(top=False, left=False, right=False, bottom=False, labeltop=False, labelleft=False, labelright=False, labelbottom=False) ax_f6.axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) ax_f2.axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) ax_f1.axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) title_str = '{} ({})'.format(gene, short_code) plt.title(title_str, fontsize=title_size, y=36) if not (hili_start == 0 and hili_stop == 0): hili_start = int(hili_start) hili_stop = int(hili_stop) hili = ax_main.fill_between([hili_start, hili_stop], [y_max, y_max], zorder=0, alpha=0.75, color="#fffbaf") labels.append("Highligter") start_visible.append(True) line_collections.append(hili) leg_offset = (legend_size - 17) * 5 if leg_offset < 0: leg_offset = 0 leg_offset += 230 ilp = plugins.InteractiveLegendPlugin(line_collections, labels, alpha_unsel=0.05, xoffset=leg_offset, yoffset=20, start_visible=start_visible, fontsize=legend_size) plugins.connect(fig, ilp, plugins.TopToolbar(yoffset=100), plugins.DownloadProfile(returnstr=returnstr), plugins.DownloadPNG(returnstr=title_str)) ax_main.set_axis_bgcolor(background_col) # This changes the size of the tick markers, works on both firefox and chrome. ax_main.tick_params('both', labelsize=marker_size) ax_main.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(3)) ax_main.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(3)) ax_main.grid(color="white", linewidth=20, linestyle="solid") graph = "<div style='padding-left: 55px;padding-top: 22px;'> <a href='{0}' target='_blank' ><button class='button centerbutton' type='submit'><b>Direct link to this plot</b></button></a> </div>".format( short_code) graph += mpld3.fig_to_html(fig) return graph
def generate_plot(tran, ambig, min_read, max_read, lite, ribocoverage, organism, readscore, noisered, primetype, minfiles, nucseq, user_hili_starts, user_hili_stops, uga_diff, file_paths_dict, short_code, color_readlen_dist, background_col, uga_col, uag_col, uaa_col, advanced, trips_annotation_location, seqhili, seq_rules, title_size, subheading_size, axis_label_size, marker_size, transcriptome, trips_uploads_location, cds_marker_size, cds_marker_colour, legend_size, ribo_linewidth, secondary_readscore, pcr, mismatches, hili_start, hili_stop): if lite == "n" and ribocoverage == True: return "Error: Cannot display Ribo-Seq Coverage when 'Line Graph' is turned off" labels = [ "Frame 1 profiles", "Frame 2 profiles", "Frame 3 profiles", "RNA", "Exon Junctions" ] start_visible = [True, True, True, True, False] if mismatches == True: labels.append("Mismatches A") labels.append("Mismatches T") labels.append("Mismatches G") labels.append("Mismatches C") start_visible.append(False) start_visible.append(False) start_visible.append(False) start_visible.append(False) start_visible.append(True) labels.append("CDS markers") #This is a list of booleans that decide if the interactive legends boxes are filled in or not.Needs to be same length as labels stop_codons = ["TAG", "TAA", "TGA"] frame_orfs = {1: [], 2: [], 3: []} connection = sqlite3.connect( '/home/DATA/www/tripsviz/tripsviz/trips.sqlite') connection.text_factory = str cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute( "SELECT owner FROM organisms WHERE organism_name = '{}' and transcriptome_list = '{}';" .format(organism, transcriptome)) owner = (cursor.fetchone())[0] if owner == 1: transhelve = sqlite3.connect("{0}{1}/{1}.v2.sqlite".format( trips_annotation_location, organism)) else: transhelve = sqlite3.connect( "{0}transcriptomes/{1}/{2}/{3}/{2}_{3}.v2.sqlite".format( trips_uploads_location, owner, organism, transcriptome)) cursor = transhelve.cursor() cursor.execute( "SELECT * from transcripts WHERE transcript = '{}'".format(tran)) result = cursor.fetchone() traninfo = { "transcript": result[0], "gene": result[1], "length": result[2], "cds_start": result[3], "cds_stop": result[4], "seq": result[5], "strand": result[6], "stop_list": result[7].split(","), "start_list": result[8].split(","), "exon_junctions": result[9].split(","), "tran_type": result[10], "principal": result[11] } try: traninfo["stop_list"] = [int(x) for x in traninfo["stop_list"]] except: traninfo["stop_list"] = [] try: traninfo["start_list"] = [int(x) for x in traninfo["start_list"]] except: traninfo["start_list"] = [] if str(traninfo["exon_junctions"][0]) != "": traninfo["exon_junctions"] = [ int(x) for x in traninfo["exon_junctions"] ] else: traninfo["exon_junctions"] = [] transhelve.close() gene = traninfo["gene"] tranlen = traninfo["length"] cds_start = traninfo["cds_start"] cds_stop = traninfo["cds_stop"] if cds_start == "NULL" or cds_start == None: cds_start = 0 if cds_stop == "NULL" or cds_stop == None: cds_stop = 0 all_starts = traninfo["start_list"] all_stops = {"TAG": [], "TAA": [], "TGA": []} exon_junctions = traninfo["exon_junctions"] seq = traninfo["seq"].upper() for i in range(0, len(seq)): if seq[i:i + 3] in stop_codons: all_stops[seq[i:i + 3]].append(i + 1) # Error occurs if one of the frames is empty for any given start/stop, so we initialise with -5 as this won't be seen by user and will prevent the error start_stop_dict = { 1: { "starts": [-5], "stops": { "TGA": [-5], "TAG": [-5], "TAA": [-5] } }, 2: { "starts": [-5], "stops": { "TGA": [-5], "TAG": [-5], "TAA": [-5] } }, 3: { "starts": [-5], "stops": { "TGA": [-5], "TAG": [-5], "TAA": [-5] } } } for start in all_starts: rem = ((start - 1) % 3) + 1 start_stop_dict[rem]["starts"].append(start) for stop in all_stops: for stop_pos in all_stops[stop]: rem = ((stop_pos - 1) % 3) + 1 start_stop_dict[rem]["stops"][stop].append(stop_pos) #find all open reading frames for frame in [1, 2, 3]: for start in start_stop_dict[frame]["starts"]: best_stop_pos = 10000000 for stop in start_stop_dict[frame]["stops"]: for stop_pos in start_stop_dict[frame]["stops"][stop]: if stop_pos > start and stop_pos < best_stop_pos: best_stop_pos = stop_pos if best_stop_pos != 10000000: frame_orfs[frame].append((start, best_stop_pos)) all_rna_reads, rna_seqvar_dict = get_reads(ambig, min_read, max_read, tran, file_paths_dict, tranlen, True, organism, False, noisered, primetype, "rnaseq", readscore, pcr, get_mismatches=mismatches) all_subcodon_reads, ribo_seqvar_dict = get_reads(ambig, min_read, max_read, tran, file_paths_dict, tranlen, ribocoverage, organism, True, noisered, primetype, "riboseq", readscore, secondary_readscore, pcr, get_mismatches=mismatches) seq_var_dict = merge_dicts(ribo_seqvar_dict, rna_seqvar_dict) try: rnamax = max(all_rna_reads.values()) except: rnamax = 0 try: subcodonmax = max(all_subcodon_reads.values()) except: subcodonmax = 0 y_max = max(1, rnamax, subcodonmax) * 1.1 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(23, 12)) ax_main = plt.subplot2grid((30, 1), (0, 0), rowspan=22) ax_main.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) alt_seq_type_vars = [] # Plot any alternative sequence types if there are any for seq_type in file_paths_dict: if seq_type != "riboseq" and seq_type != "rnaseq": if seq_rules[seq_type]["frame_breakdown"] == 1: frame_breakdown = True else: frame_breakdown = False alt_sequence_reads, empty_seqvar_dict = get_reads( ambig, min_read, max_read, tran, file_paths_dict, tranlen, True, organism, frame_breakdown, noisered, primetype, seq_type, readscore) if frame_breakdown == False: alt_seq_plot = ax_main.plot(alt_sequence_reads.keys(), alt_sequence_reads.values(), alpha=1, label=seq_type, zorder=2, color='lightblue', linewidth=2) labels.append(seq_type) start_visible.append(True) alt_seq_type_vars.append(alt_seq_plot) else: alt_frame_counts = { 0: collections.OrderedDict(), 1: collections.OrderedDict(), 2: collections.OrderedDict() } for key in alt_sequence_reads: start = key rem = start % 3 if rem == 1: # frame 1 frame = 2 elif rem == 2: # frame 2 frame = 0 elif rem == 0: # frame 3 frame = 1 alt_frame_counts[frame][key] = alt_sequence_reads[key] frame0_altseqplot = ax_main.plot(alt_frame_counts[0].keys(), alt_frame_counts[0].values(), alpha=0.75, label=seq_type + "frame0", zorder=2, color="#FF4A45", linewidth=2) frame1_altseqplot = ax_main.plot(alt_frame_counts[1].keys(), alt_frame_counts[1].values(), alpha=0.75, label=seq_type + "frame1", zorder=2, color="#64FC44", linewidth=2) frame2_altseqplot = ax_main.plot(alt_frame_counts[2].keys(), alt_frame_counts[2].values(), alpha=0.75, label=seq_type + "frame2*", zorder=2, color="#5687F9", linewidth=2) labels.append(seq_type + "frame 1") labels.append(seq_type + "frame 2") labels.append(seq_type + "frame 3") start_visible.append(True) start_visible.append(True) start_visible.append(True) alt_seq_type_vars.append(frame0_altseqplot) alt_seq_type_vars.append(frame1_altseqplot) alt_seq_type_vars.append(frame2_altseqplot) if max(alt_sequence_reads.values()) > y_max: y_max = max(alt_sequence_reads.values()) label = 'Read count' ax_main.set_ylabel(label, fontsize=axis_label_size, labelpad=30) label = 'Position (nucleotides)' ax_main.set_xlabel(label, fontsize=axis_label_size) ax_main.set_ylim(0, y_max) if lite == "n": rna_bars =, all_rna_reads.values(), alpha=1, label=labels, zorder=1, color='lightgray', linewidth=0, width=1) else: rna_bars = ax_main.plot(all_rna_reads.keys(), all_rna_reads.values(), alpha=1, label=labels, zorder=1, color='#a7adb7', linewidth=4) #if lite == "n": # all_profiles =, all_ribo_reads.values(), alpha=0.01, label = labels, zorder=2, color='crimson', linewidth=0,width=1) #else: # all_profiles = ax_main.plot(all_ribo_reads.keys(), all_ribo_reads.values(), alpha=0.01, label = labels, zorder=2, color='crimson', linewidth=1) cds_markers = ax_main.plot((cds_start + 1, cds_start + 1), (0, y_max), color=cds_marker_colour, linestyle='solid', linewidth=cds_marker_size) cds_markers += ax_main.plot((cds_stop + 1, cds_stop + 1), (0, y_max), color=cds_marker_colour, linestyle='solid', linewidth=cds_marker_size) ax_f1 = plt.subplot2grid((30, 1), (26, 0), rowspan=1, sharex=ax_main) ax_f1.set_axis_bgcolor(color_dict['frames'][0]) ax_f2 = plt.subplot2grid((30, 1), (27, 0), rowspan=1, sharex=ax_main) ax_f2.set_axis_bgcolor(color_dict['frames'][1]) ax_f3 = plt.subplot2grid((30, 1), (28, 0), rowspan=1, sharex=ax_main) ax_f3.set_axis_bgcolor(color_dict['frames'][2]) ax_nucseq = plt.subplot2grid((30, 1), (29, 0), rowspan=1, sharex=ax_main) ax_nucseq.set_xlabel('Transcript: {} Length: {} nt'.format(tran, tranlen), fontsize=subheading_size, labelpad=10) #plot a dummy exon junction at postion -1, needed in cases there are no exon junctions, this wont be seen allexons = ax_main.plot((-1, -1), (0, 1), alpha=0.01, color='black', linestyle='-.', linewidth=2) for exon in exon_junctions: allexons += ax_main.plot((exon, exon), (0, y_max), alpha=0.01, color='black', linestyle='-.', linewidth=3) #dictionary for each frame in which the keys are the posistions and the values are the counts frame_counts = { 0: collections.OrderedDict(), 1: collections.OrderedDict(), 2: collections.OrderedDict() } for key in all_subcodon_reads: rem = key % 3 if rem == 1: # frame 1 frame = 2 elif rem == 2: # frame 2 frame = 0 elif rem == 0: # frame 3 frame = 1 frame_counts[frame][key] = all_subcodon_reads[key] if lite == "n": frame_counts[frame][key + 1] = 0 frame_counts[frame][key + 2] = 0 if lite == "n": frame0subpro =[0].keys(), frame_counts[0].values(), alpha=0.75, label=labels, zorder=2, color="#FF4A45", width=1, linewidth=0) frame1subpro =[1].keys(), frame_counts[1].values(), alpha=0.75, label=labels, zorder=2, color="#64FC44", width=1, linewidth=0) frame2subpro =[2].keys(), frame_counts[2].values(), alpha=0.75, label=labels, zorder=2, color="#5687F9", width=1, linewidth=0) else: frame0subpro = ax_main.plot(frame_counts[0].keys(), frame_counts[0].values(), alpha=0.75, label=labels, zorder=2, color="#FF4A45", linewidth=ribo_linewidth) frame1subpro = ax_main.plot(frame_counts[1].keys(), frame_counts[1].values(), alpha=0.75, label=labels, zorder=2, color="#64FC44", linewidth=ribo_linewidth) frame2subpro = ax_main.plot(frame_counts[2].keys(), frame_counts[2].values(), alpha=0.75, label=labels, zorder=2, color="#5687F9", linewidth=ribo_linewidth) if mismatches == True: a_mismatches = ax_main.plot(seq_var_dict["A"].keys(), seq_var_dict["A"].values(), alpha=0.01, label=labels, zorder=2, color="purple", linewidth=2) t_mismatches = ax_main.plot(seq_var_dict["T"].keys(), seq_var_dict["T"].values(), alpha=0.01, label=labels, zorder=2, color="yellow", linewidth=2) g_mismatches = ax_main.plot(seq_var_dict["G"].keys(), seq_var_dict["G"].values(), alpha=0.01, label=labels, zorder=2, color="orange", linewidth=2) c_mismatches = ax_main.plot(seq_var_dict["C"].keys(), seq_var_dict["C"].values(), alpha=0.01, label=labels, zorder=2, color="pink", linewidth=2) xy = 0 if nucseq == True: ax_nucseq.set_axis_bgcolor(background_col) mrnaseq = seq.replace("T", "U") for char in mrnaseq: ax_nucseq.text((xy + 1) - 0.1, 0.2, mrnaseq[xy], fontsize=20, color="grey") xy += 1 # If the user passed a list of sequences to highlight, find and plot them here. if seqhili != ['']: near_cog_starts, signalhtml = get_user_defined_seqs(seq, seqhili) for slip in near_cog_starts[0]: try: hili_sequences += ax_f1.plot((slip, slip), (0, 0.5), alpha=1, label=labels, zorder=4, color='black', linewidth=5) except Exception as e: hili_sequences = ax_f1.plot((slip, slip), (0, 0.5), alpha=1, label=labels, zorder=4, color='black', linewidth=5) for slip in near_cog_starts[1]: try: hili_sequences += ax_f2.plot((slip, slip), (0, 0.5), alpha=1, label=labels, zorder=4, color='black', linewidth=5) except: hili_sequences = ax_f2.plot((slip, slip), (0, 0.5), alpha=1, label=labels, zorder=4, color='black', linewidth=5) for slip in near_cog_starts[2]: try: hili_sequences += ax_f3.plot((slip, slip), (0, 0.5), alpha=1, label=labels, zorder=4, color='black', linewidth=5) except: hili_sequences = ax_f3.plot((slip, slip), (0, 0.5), alpha=1, label=labels, zorder=4, color='black', linewidth=5) #Plot sequence identifiers which will create a popup telling user what the subsequence is (useful if they have passed multiple subsequences) frame1_subsequences = ax_f1.plot(near_cog_starts[0], [0.25] * len(near_cog_starts[0]), 'o', color='b', mec='k', ms=12, mew=1, alpha=0, zorder=4) frame2_subsequences = ax_f2.plot(near_cog_starts[1], [0.25] * len(near_cog_starts[1]), 'o', color='b', mec='k', ms=12, mew=1, alpha=0, zorder=4) frame3_subsequences = ax_f3.plot(near_cog_starts[2], [0.25] * len(near_cog_starts[2]), 'o', color='b', mec='k', ms=12, mew=1, alpha=0, zorder=4) #Attach the labels to the subsequences plotted above signaltooltip1 = plugins.PointHTMLTooltip(frame1_subsequences[0], signalhtml[0], voffset=10, hoffset=10, css=point_tooltip_css) signaltooltip2 = plugins.PointHTMLTooltip(frame2_subsequences[0], signalhtml[1], voffset=10, hoffset=10, css=point_tooltip_css) signaltooltip3 = plugins.PointHTMLTooltip(frame3_subsequences[0], signalhtml[2], voffset=10, hoffset=10, css=point_tooltip_css) for axisname in (ax_f1, ax_f2, ax_f3, ax_nucseq): axisname.tick_params(top=False, bottom=False, labelleft=False, labelright=False, labelbottom=False) for label in ax_main.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(): label.set_fontsize(36) for axis, frame in ((ax_f1, 1), (ax_f2, 2), (ax_f3, 3)): axis.set_xlim(1, tranlen) starts = [(item, 1) for item in start_stop_dict[frame]['starts']] uag_stops = [(item, 1) for item in start_stop_dict[frame]['stops']['TAG']] uaa_stops = [(item, 1) for item in start_stop_dict[frame]['stops']['TAA']] uga_stops = [(item, 1) for item in start_stop_dict[frame]['stops']['TGA']] axis.broken_barh(starts, (0.5, 1), color="white", zorder=2) axis.broken_barh(uag_stops, (0, 1), color=uag_col, zorder=2, linewidth=2) axis.broken_barh(uaa_stops, (0, 1), color=uaa_col, zorder=2, linewidth=2) axis.broken_barh(uga_stops, (0, 1), color=uga_col, zorder=2, linewidth=2) axis.set_ylim(0, 1) axis.set_ylabel('{}'.format(frame), labelpad=10, verticalalignment='center', rotation="horizontal", color="black") title_str = '{} ({})'.format(gene, short_code) plt.title(title_str, fontsize=title_size, y=36) line_collections = [ frame0subpro, frame1subpro, frame2subpro, rna_bars, allexons ] if mismatches == True: line_collections.append(a_mismatches) line_collections.append(t_mismatches) line_collections.append(g_mismatches) line_collections.append(c_mismatches) line_collections.append(cds_markers) if not (hili_start == 0 and hili_stop == 0): hili_start = int(hili_start) hili_stop = int(hili_stop) hili = ax_main.fill_between([hili_start, hili_stop], [y_max, y_max], zorder=0, alpha=0.75, color="#fffbaf") labels.append("Highligted region") start_visible.append(True) line_collections.append(hili) for alt_plot in alt_seq_type_vars: line_collections.append(alt_plot) if 'hili_sequences' in locals(): labels.append("Highligted sequences") start_visible.append(True) line_collections.append(hili_sequences) if user_hili_starts != [] and user_hili_stops != []: for i in range(0, len(user_hili_starts)): user_hili_start = int(user_hili_starts[i]) user_hili_stop = int(user_hili_stops[i]) try: hili += ax_main.fill_between([user_hili_start, user_hili_stop], [y_max, y_max], alpha=0.75, color="#fffbaf") except: hili = ax_main.fill_between([user_hili_start, user_hili_stop], [y_max, y_max], alpha=0.75, color="#fffbaf") labels.append("Highligter") start_visible.append(True) line_collections.append(hili) leg_offset = (legend_size - 17) * 5 if leg_offset < 0: leg_offset = 0 ilp = plugins.InteractiveLegendPlugin(line_collections, labels, alpha_unsel=0, alpha_sel=0.85, start_visible=start_visible, fontsize=legend_size, xoffset=leg_offset) htmllabels = {1: [], 2: [], 3: []} all_start_points = {1: [], 2: [], 3: []} try: con_scores = SqliteDict("{0}homo_sapiens/score_dict.sqlite".format( trips_annotation_location)) except Exception as e: print "Couldn't open conservation scores " + e con_scores = [] for frame in [1, 2, 3]: orf_list = frame_orfs[frame] for tup in orf_list: orf_ribo = 0.0 outframe_ribo = 0.0 orf_rna = 0.0001 start = tup[0] try: context = (seq[start - 7:start + 4].upper()).replace("T", "U") except Exception as e: con_score = "?" if len(context) != 11 or context[6:9] != "AUG": con_score = "?" else: try: con_score = con_scores[context.upper()] except Exception as e: con_score = "?" all_start_points[frame].append(start - 1) stop = tup[1] other_ribo = 0.0 otherother_ribo = 0.0 for i in range(start + 2, stop, 3): for subframe in [0, 1, 2]: if i in frame_counts[subframe]: orf_ribo += frame_counts[subframe][i] for i in range(start, stop, 3): for subframe in [0, 1, 2]: if i in frame_counts[subframe]: outframe_ribo += frame_counts[subframe][i] for i in range(start + 1, stop, 3): for subframe in [0, 1, 2]: if i in frame_counts[subframe]: outframe_ribo += frame_counts[subframe][i] for i in range(start, stop + 1): if i in all_rna_reads: orf_rna += all_rna_reads[i] orf_te = float(orf_ribo) / float(orf_rna) orf_len = int(stop - start) try: in_out_ratio = orf_ribo / outframe_ribo except: in_out_ratio = "Null" datadict = { 'inframe ribo': [orf_ribo], 'outframe ribo': [outframe_ribo], 'in/out ratio': [in_out_ratio], 'rna': [orf_rna], 'te': [orf_te], 'len': [orf_len], 'context_score': [str(con_score) + "/150"] } df = pd.DataFrame(datadict, columns=([ "inframe ribo", "outframe ribo", "in/out ratio", "rna", "te", "len", "context_score" ])) label = df.ix[[0], :].T label.columns = ["Start pos: {}".format(start - 1)] htmllabels[frame].append(str(label.to_html())) points1 = ax_f1.plot(all_start_points[1], [0.75] * len(all_start_points[1]), 'o', color='b', mec='k', ms=13, mew=1, alpha=0, zorder=3) points2 = ax_f2.plot(all_start_points[2], [0.75] * len(all_start_points[2]), 'o', color='b', mec='k', ms=13, mew=1, alpha=0, zorder=3) points3 = ax_f3.plot(all_start_points[3], [0.75] * len(all_start_points[3]), 'o', color='b', mec='k', ms=13, mew=1, alpha=0, zorder=3) tooltip1 = plugins.PointHTMLTooltip(points1[0], htmllabels[1], voffset=10, hoffset=10, css=point_tooltip_css) tooltip2 = plugins.PointHTMLTooltip(points2[0], htmllabels[2], voffset=10, hoffset=10, css=point_tooltip_css) tooltip3 = plugins.PointHTMLTooltip(points3[0], htmllabels[3], voffset=10, hoffset=10, css=point_tooltip_css) ax_f3.axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) ax_f2.axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) ax_f1.axes.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) returnstr = "Position,Sequence,Frame 1,Frame 2, Frame 3,RNA-Seq\n" for i in range(0, len(seq)): f1_count = 0 f2_count = 0 f3_count = 0 rna_count = 0 if i + 1 in frame_counts[0]: f1_count = frame_counts[0][i + 1] elif i + 1 in frame_counts[1]: f2_count = frame_counts[1][i + 1] elif i + 1 in frame_counts[2]: f3_count = frame_counts[2][i + 1] if i + 1 in all_rna_reads: rna_count = all_rna_reads[i + 1] returnstr += "{},{},{},{},{},{}\n".format(i + 1, seq[i], f1_count, f2_count, f3_count, rna_count) if seqhili == ['']: plugins.connect(fig, ilp, tooltip1, tooltip2, tooltip3, plugins.TopToolbar(yoffset=100), plugins.DownloadProfile(returnstr=returnstr), plugins.DownloadPNG(returnstr=title_str)) else: plugins.connect(fig, ilp, tooltip1, tooltip2, tooltip3, signaltooltip1, signaltooltip2, signaltooltip3, plugins.TopToolbar(yoffset=100), plugins.DownloadProfile(returnstr=returnstr), plugins.DownloadPNG(returnstr=title_str)) ax_main.set_axis_bgcolor(background_col) # This changes the size of the tick markers, works on both firefox and chrome. ax_main.tick_params('both', labelsize=marker_size) ax_main.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(3)) ax_main.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(3)) ax_main.grid(True, color="white", linewidth=30, linestyle="solid") #Without this style tag the markers sizes will appear correct on browser but be original size when downloaded via png graph = "<style>.mpld3-xaxis {{font-size: {0}px;}} .mpld3-yaxis {{font-size: {0}px;}}</style>".format( marker_size) graph += "<div style='padding-left: 55px;padding-top: 22px;'> <a href='{0}' target='_blank' ><button class='button centerbutton' type='submit'><b>Direct link to this plot</b></button></a> </div>".format( short_code) graph += mpld3.fig_to_html(fig) return graph