コード例 #1
def Zutaten_delete(w, DB, c):
    """ Deletes an ingredient out of the DB if its not needed in any recipe. \n
    In addition to do so, a password is needed in the interface.
    ZID = 0
    if w.LEpw2.text() == globals.masterpassword:
        if not w.LWZutaten.selectedItems():
            standartbox("Keine Zutat ausgewählt!")
            Zname = w.LWZutaten.currentItem().text()
            Zspeicher = c.execute("SELECT ID FROM Zutaten WHERE Name = ?",
                                  (Zname, ))
            for row in Zspeicher:
                ZID = row[0]
            c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Zusammen WHERE Zutaten_ID=?",
                      (ZID, ))
            Zutatentest = c.fetchone()[0]
            # Checks if the ingredient is used in any bottle or in any recipe and reacts accordingly
            if Zutatentest == 0:
                c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Belegung WHERE ID=?", (ZID, ))
                Zutatentest = c.fetchone()[0]
                if Zutatentest == 0:
                    c.execute("DELETE FROM Zutaten WHERE ID = ?", (ZID, ))
                    ZutatenCB_Rezepte(w, DB, c)
                    # This isn't nececary, a simple remove is better
                    # ZutatenCB_Belegung(w, DB, c)
                    for box in range(1, 11):
                        CBBname = getattr(w, "CBB" + str(box))
                        index = CBBname.findText(Zname, Qt.MatchFixedString)
                        if index >= 0:
                            globals.supressbox = True
                            globals.supressbox = False
                    Zutaten_clear(w, DB, c)
                    Zutaten_a(w, DB, c)
                        "Zutat mit der ID und dem Namen:\n<{}> <{}>\ngelöscht!"
                        .format(ZID, Zname))
                        "Achtung, die Zutat ist noch in der Belegung registriert!"
            # if the ingredient is still used in recipes, inform the user about it and the first 10 recipes
                stringsaver = c.execute(
                    "SELECT Rezepte.Name FROM Zusammen INNER JOIN Rezepte ON Rezepte.ID = Zusammen.Rezept_ID WHERE Zusammen.Zutaten_ID=?",
                    (ZID, ))
                Zutatenliste = []
                for output in stringsaver:
                    if len(Zutatenliste) >= 10:
                Zutatenstring = ', '.join(Zutatenliste)
                    "Zutat kann nicht gelöscht werden, da sie in {} Rezept(en) genutzt wird! Diese sind (maximal die zehn ersten):\n{}"
                    .format(Zutatentest, Zutatenstring))
        standartbox("Falsches Passwort!")
コード例 #2
def Rezepte_delete(w, DB, c):
    """ Deletes the selected recipe, requires the Password """
    if w.LEpw.text() == globals.masterpassword:
        if not w.LWRezepte.selectedItems():
            standartbox("Kein Rezept ausgewählt!")
            Rname = w.LWRezepte.currentItem().text()
            CocktailID = c.execute(
                "SELECT ID FROM Rezepte WHERE Name = ?", (Rname,)).fetchone()[0]
            c.execute("DELETE FROM Zusammen WHERE Rezept_ID = ?", (CocktailID,))
            c.execute("DELETE FROM Rezepte WHERE ID = ?", (CocktailID,))
            delfind = w.LWRezepte.findItems(Rname, Qt.MatchExactly)
            if len(delfind) > 0:
                for item in delfind:
            delfind = w.LWMaker.findItems(Rname, Qt.MatchExactly)
            if len(delfind) > 0:
                for item in delfind:
            Rezepte_clear(w, DB, c, False)
            standartbox("Rezept mit der ID und dem Namen:\n<{}> <{}>\ngelöscht!".format(Rname, CocktailID))
        print("Falsches Passwort!")
コード例 #3
def enableall(w, DB, c):
    idinput = []
    Zspeicher = c.execute("SELECT ID FROM Rezepte WHERE Enabled = 0")
    for Werte in Zspeicher:
    c.execute("UPDATE OR IGNORE Rezepte SET Enabled = 1")
    Rezepte_a_M(w, DB, c, False, "enable", idinput)
    Rezepte_clear(w, DB, c, False)
    standartbox("Alle Rezepte wurden wieder aktiv gesetzt!")
コード例 #4
def save_quant(w, DB, c, wobject_name, filename, dbstring, searchstring1, searchstring2, where_=False):
    """ Saves all the amounts of the ingredients/recipes to a csv. 
    after that sets the variable ingredient/recipes counter to zero.
    Needs the password for that procedure.
    Needs a Filename, dbstring = Listname and the lifetime (ss1) variable (ss2) amount
    where_ == True: only values greater zero are exported
    wherestring1 = ""
    wherestring2 = ""
    wobject = getattr(w, wobject_name)
    if wobject.text() == globals.masterpassword:
        with open(filename, mode='a', newline='') as writer_file:
            csv_writer = csv.writer(writer_file, delimiter=',')
                ["----- Neuer Export von %s -----" % datetime.date.today()])
            row1 = []
            row2 = []
            if where_:
                wherestring1 = " WHERE {} > 0".format(searchstring1)
                wherestring2 = " WHERE {} > 0".format(searchstring2)
            # selects the actual use and the names and writes them
            sqlstring = "SELECT Name, {0} FROM {1}{2} ORDER BY {0} DESC, Name ASC".format(
                searchstring1, dbstring, wherestring1)
            Zspeicher = c.execute(sqlstring)
            for row in Zspeicher:
            csv_writer.writerow(["----- Gesamte Mengen über Lebenszeit -----"])
            row1 = []
            row2 = []
            # selects the life time use and saves them
            sqlstring = "SELECT Name, {0} FROM {1}{2} ORDER BY {0} DESC, Name ASC".format(
                searchstring2, dbstring, wherestring2)
            Zspeicher = c.execute(sqlstring)
            for row in Zspeicher:
            csv_writer.writerow([" "])
        sqlstring = "UPDATE OR IGNORE {} SET {} = 0".format(dbstring, searchstring1)
            "Alle Daten wurden exportiert und die zurücksetzbaren Mengen zurückgesetzt!")
        standartbox("Falsches Passwort!")
コード例 #5
def Belegung_Flanwenden(w, DB, c):
    """ Renews all the Bottles which are checked as new. """
    for Flaschen_C in range(1, 11):
        PBname = getattr(w, "PBneu" + str(Flaschen_C))
        if PBname.isChecked():
            bottleid = c.execute("SELECT ID FROM Belegung WHERE Flasche = ?", (Flaschen_C,)).fetchone()[0]
            # the value can be None if the user checks a not used box, so its captured here
            if bottleid != 0:
                c.execute("UPDATE OR IGNORE Zutaten Set Mengenlevel = Flaschenvolumen WHERE ID = ?", (bottleid,))
    # remove all the checks from the combobuttons
    for Flaschen_C in range(1, 11):
        PBname = getattr(w, "PBneu" + str(Flaschen_C))
    Belegung_progressbar(w, DB, c)
    standartbox("Alle Flaschen angewendet!")
コード例 #6
def Belegung_Flanwenden(w, DB, c):
    """ Renews all the Bottles which are checked as new. """
    for Flaschen_C in range(1, 11):
        PBname = getattr(w, "PBneu" + str(Flaschen_C))
        if PBname.isChecked():
            storevar = c.execute(
                "SELECT Zutaten.Flaschenvolumen FROM Belegung INNER JOIN Zutaten ON Zutaten.ID = Belegung.ID WHERE Belegung.Flasche = ?", (Flaschen_C,)).fetchone()
            # the value can be None if the user checks a not used box, so its captured here
            if storevar is not None:
                storevol = storevar[0]
                    "UPDATE OR IGNORE Belegung SET Mengenlevel = ? WHERE Flasche = ?", (storevol, Flaschen_C))
    # remove all the checks from the combobuttons
    for Flaschen_C in range(1, 11):
        PBname = getattr(w, "PBneu" + str(Flaschen_C))
    Belegung_progressbar(w, DB, c)
    standartbox("Alle Flaschen angewendet!")
コード例 #7
def CleanMachine(w, DB, c, devenvironment):
    """ Activate all Pumps for 20 s to clean them. Needs the Password. Logs the Event. """
    if not devenvironment:
        import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
    if w.LECleanMachine.text() == globals.masterpassword:
            "Achtung!: Maschine wird gereinigt, genug Wasser bereitstellen! Ok zum Fortfahren.")
        logger = logging.getLogger('cocktail_application')
        template = "{:*^80}"
        logger.info(template.format("Cleaning the Pumps",))
        Pinvektor = globals.usedpins
        for row in range(0, 9):
            if not devenvironment:
                GPIO.setup(Pinvektor[row], GPIO.OUT)
        T_aktuell = 0
        while (T_aktuell < 20):
            for row in range(0, 9):
                if not devenvironment:
                    GPIO.output(Pinvektor[row], 0)
            T_aktuell += 0.1
            T_aktuell = round(T_aktuell, 1)
        for row in range(0, 9):
            if not devenvironment:
                GPIO.output(Pinvektor[row], 1)
        standartbox("Falsches Passwort!!!!")
コード例 #8
def Belegung_eintragen(w, DB, c, msgcall=False):
    """ Insert the selected Bottleorder into the DB. """
    # this import is neccecary on module level, otherwise there would be a circular import
    from maker import Rezepte_a_M
    # Checks where are entries and appends them to a list
    CBB_List = []
    dbl_check = 0
    for Flaschen_C in range(1, 11):
        CBBname = getattr(w, "CBB" + str(Flaschen_C))
        if (CBBname.currentText() != "" and CBBname.currentText() != 0):
    # Checks if any ingredient is used twice, if so, dbl_check gets activated 
    for Flaschen_i in range(0, len(CBB_List)):
        for Flaschen_j in range(0, len(CBB_List)):
            if ((CBB_List[Flaschen_i] == CBB_List[Flaschen_j]) and (Flaschen_i != Flaschen_j)):
                dbl_check = 1
                standartbox("Eine der Zutaten wurde doppelt zugewiesen!")
        if dbl_check == 1:
    # If no error, insert values into DB
    if dbl_check == 0:
        for Flaschen_C in range(1, 11):
            Speicher_ID = 0
            CBBname = getattr(w, "CBB" + str(Flaschen_C))
            ingredientname = CBBname.currentText()
            buffer = c.execute(
                "SELECT ID FROM Zutaten WHERE Name = ?", (ingredientname,))
            for buf in buffer:
                Speicher_ID = buf[0]
            c.execute("UPDATE OR IGNORE Belegung SET ID = ?, Zutat_F = ? WHERE Flasche = ?",
                (int(Speicher_ID), ingredientname, Flaschen_C))
        Belegung_a(w, DB, c)
        Rezepte_a_M(w, DB, c)
        Belegung_progressbar(w, DB, c)
        if msgcall:
            standartbox("Belegung wurde geändert!")        
コード例 #9
ファイル: maker.py プロジェクト: GabeOchieng/Cocktailmaker_AW
def Maker_Zubereiten(w, DB, c, normalcheck, devenvironment):
    """ Starts the Cocktail Making procedure, if not already started.\n
    Two different Modes (normalcheck) are available: \n
    "True:"   Uses the regular amount of Volume \n
    "False:"  Uses the User defined (over the GUI) Volume \n
    The global variable "loopcheck" is to interrupt the procedure over the cancel button
    and the belonging function for this button. \n
    In this Function, the Pins and the Volumeflow of each connected Pump are defined,
    if anything changes, it needs to be adapted here/in the global.py.
    if not devenvironment:
        import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
    # can only start one process
    if globals.startcheck == False:
        globals.startcheck = True
        V_ZM = []
        V_FNr = []
        V_Zeit = []
        V_Volumen = 0
        V_Verbrauch = []
        timestep = 0.05
        Fixmenge = int(w.LCustomMenge.text())
        Alkoholfaktor = 1 + (w.HSIntensity.value()/100)
        MFaktor = 1
        globals.loopcheck = True
        createcheck = True
        Pinvektor = globals.usedpins
        Volumenstrom = globals.pumpvolume
        if not w.LWMaker.selectedItems():
            standartbox("Kein Rezept ausgewählt!")
        # Select ID, Bottles and amount, calculate the time and update the counter
            Zspeicher = c.execute(
                "SELECT ID, Menge FROM Rezepte WHERE Name = ?", (w.LWMaker.currentItem().text(),))
            for row in Zspeicher:
                CocktailID = row[0]
                Cocktailmenge = row[1]
                "UPDATE OR IGNORE Rezepte SET Anzahl_Lifetime = Anzahl_Lifetime + 1, Anzahl = Anzahl + 1 WHERE ID = ?", (CocktailID,))
            if normalcheck == False:
                Cocktailmenge = Fixmenge
            Zspeicher = c.execute(
                "SELECT Zusammen.Menge, Belegung.Flasche, Zusammen.Alkoholisch From Zusammen INNER JOIN Belegung ON Zusammen.Zutaten_ID = Belegung.ID WHERE Zusammen.Rezept_ID = ?", (CocktailID,))
            for row in Zspeicher:
                if row[2] == 1:
                    MFaktor = Alkoholfaktor
                    MFaktor = 1
                V_ZM.append(round(int(row[0])*MFaktor, 1))
                    round((int(row[0])*MFaktor)/Volumenstrom[row[1]-1], 2))
                V_Volumen += round(int(row[0])*MFaktor, 1)
            # If there is a comment, it will be checked, and the quantity of the ingredients will be added to the V_Volumen
            c.execute("SELECT Kommentar FROM Rezepte WHERE Name = ?",(w.LWMaker.currentItem().text(),))
            Zspeicher = c.fetchone()[0]
            if Zspeicher is None:
            elif len(Zspeicher) >= 1:
                mysplitstring = re.split(', | |,', Zspeicher) 
                for allwords in mysplitstring:
                        V_Volumen += int(allwords)
            MVH = Cocktailmenge/V_Volumen
            if MVH != 1:
                for x in range(0, len(V_ZM)):
                    V_ZM[x] = round(V_ZM[x]*MVH, 1)
                    V_Zeit[x] = round(V_Zeit[x]*MVH, 1)
            # Checks if there is still enough volume in the Bottle
            for x in range(0, len(V_ZM)):
                mengentest = c.execute("SELECT Zutaten.Name FROM Zutaten INNER JOIN Belegung ON Zutaten.ID = Belegung.ID WHERE Belegung.Flasche = ? AND Zutaten.Mengenlevel<?", (V_FNr[x], V_ZM[x])).fetchone()
                if mengentest is not None:
                    createcheck = False
                    mangelzutat = mengentest[0]
                    standartbox("Es ist in Flasche %i mit der Zutat %s nicht mehr genug Volumen vorhanden, %.0f ml wird benötigt!" % (
                        V_FNr[x], mangelzutat, V_ZM[x]))
            # if all conditions are met, go on
            if createcheck:
                # Generate the Comment for the end of the Programm
                c.execute("SELECT Kommentar FROM Rezepte WHERE Name = ?",(w.LWMaker.currentItem().text(),))
                Zspeicher = c.fetchone()[0]
                if Zspeicher is not None:
                    if len(Zspeicher) >= 1:
                        mysplitstring = re.split(', |,', str(Zspeicher))
                        zusatzstring = "\n\nNoch hinzufügen:"
                        for x in mysplitstring:
                            y = x.split(' ')
                            z = "{} ".format(str(round(int(y[0])*MVH))) + ' '.join(y[1:])
                            zusatzstring = zusatzstring + "\n- ca. {}".format(z)
                        zusatzstring = ""
                    zusatzstring = ""
                # search for the longest time
                T_max = V_Zeit[0]
                for row in range(1, len(V_Zeit)):
                    if T_max < V_Zeit[row]:
                        T_max = V_Zeit[row]
                T_aktuell = 0
                # activate the pins
                for row in range(0, len(V_FNr)):
                    if not devenvironment:
                        GPIO.setup(Pinvektor[V_FNr[row] - 1], GPIO.OUT)
                        "Pin: " + str(Pinvektor[V_FNr[row] - 1]) + " wurde initialisiert")
                # Until the max time is reached check which channel still needs to be opened
                while (T_aktuell < T_max and globals.loopcheck):
                    if (T_aktuell) % 1 == 0:
                        print(str(T_aktuell) + " von " +
                              str(T_max) + " Sekunden ")
                    for row in range(0, len(V_FNr)):
                        if V_Zeit[row] > T_aktuell:
                            if (T_aktuell) % 1 == 0:
                                print("Pin: " + str(Pinvektor[V_FNr[row] - 1]) + " aktiv, aktuelles Volumen: " + str(
                                    round(Volumenstrom[V_FNr[row] - 1]*T_aktuell, 1)))
                            if not devenvironment:
                                GPIO.output(Pinvektor[V_FNr[row] - 1], 0)
                            V_Verbrauch[row] += Volumenstrom[V_FNr[row] - 1]*timestep
                            if (T_aktuell) % 1 == 0:
                                    "Pin: " + str(Pinvektor[V_FNr[row] - 1]) + " geschlossen!")
                            if not devenvironment:
                                GPIO.output(Pinvektor[V_FNr[row] - 1], 1)
                    T_aktuell += timestep
                    T_aktuell = round(T_aktuell, 2)
                # Due to safety, each channel is closed at the end
                print("-- Ende --")
                for row in range(0, len(V_FNr)):
                        "Pin: " + str(Pinvektor[V_FNr[row] - 1]) + " wurde geschlossen")
                    if not devenvironment:
                        GPIO.output(Pinvektor[V_FNr[row] - 1], 1)
                # Adds the usage
                for x in range(0, len(V_FNr)):
                    c.execute("UPDATE OR IGNORE Zutaten SET Mengenlevel = Mengenlevel - ? WHERE ID = (SELECT ID FROM Belegung WHERE Flasche = ?)", (round(V_Verbrauch[x]), V_FNr[x]))
                # logs all value, checks if recipe was interrupted and where
                if normalcheck:
                    mengenstring = "Standard"
                    mengenstring = str(Cocktailmenge) + " ml"
                if globals.loopcheck == False:
                    abbruchstring = " - Rezept wurde bei " + \
                        str(round(T_aktuell, 1)) + " s abgebrochen - " + \
                        str(round(Cocktailmenge*(T_aktuell + timestep)/T_max)) + " ml"
                    abbruchstring = ""
                template = "{:8} | {}{}"
                logger = logging.getLogger('cocktail_application')
                    mengenstring, w.LWMaker.currentItem().text(), abbruchstring))
                print("Verbrauchsmengen: ", [round(x) for x in V_Verbrauch])
                for x in range(0, len(V_Verbrauch)):
                    c.execute("UPDATE OR IGNORE Zutaten SET Verbrauchsmenge = Verbrauchsmenge + ?, Verbrauch = Verbrauch + ? WHERE ID = (SELECT ID FROM Belegung WHERE Flasche = ?)",
                              (round(V_Verbrauch[x]), round(V_Verbrauch[x]), V_FNr[x]))
                Belegung_progressbar(w, DB, c)
                if globals.loopcheck:
                        "Der Cocktail ist fertig! Bitte kurz warten, falls noch etwas nachtropft.{}".format(zusatzstring))
                elif not globals.loopcheck:
                    standartbox("Der Cocktail wurde abgebrochen!")
                Maker_nullProB(w, DB, c)
        globals.startcheck = False
コード例 #10
def Zutat_eintragen(w, DB, c, newingredient=True):
    """ Insert the new ingredient into the DB, if all values are given 
    and its name is not already in the DB.
    Also can change the current selected ingredient (newingredient = False)
    # print("Zutat ist: ", w.LEZutatRezept.text())
    # print("Alkoholanteil ist: ", w.LEGehaltRezept.text())
    # print("Flaschenvolumen ist: ", w.LEFlaschenvolumen.text())
    # print("Neues Rezept: {}".format(newingredient))
    Zutatentest = 0
    ingredientname = w.LEZutatRezept.text()
    # counts the entries in the DB with the name and checks if its already there
    if newingredient:
        c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Zutaten WHERE Name=?",
                  (ingredientname, ))
        Zutatentest = c.fetchone()[0]
    if Zutatentest != 0 and newingredient:
        standartbox("Dieser Name existiert schon in der Datenbank!")
    # if the ingredient should be changed, check if its selected (should always be) and get the ID
    if not newingredient and not w.LWZutaten.selectedItems():
        Zutatentest = 1
        standartbox("Es ist keine Zutat ausgewählt!")
    elif not newingredient and w.LWZutaten.selectedItems():
        altername = w.LWZutaten.currentItem().text()
        Zspeicher = c.execute("SELECT ID FROM Zutaten WHERE Name = ?",
                              (altername, )).fetchone()[0]
        ZID = int(Zspeicher)
    # check if all Fields are filled
    if Zutatentest == 0:
        if (ingredientname == "") or (w.LEGehaltRezept.text()
                                      == "") or (w.LEFlaschenvolumen.text()
                                                 == ""):
            standartbox("Eine der Eingaben ist leer!")
            Zutatentest = 1
    # check if the numbers make sense and then saves them into variables
    if Zutatentest == 0:
            conc = int(w.LEGehaltRezept.text())
            vol = int(w.LEFlaschenvolumen.text())
            if conc > 100:
                Zutatentest = 1
                standartbox("Alkoholgehalt kann nicht größer als 100 sein!")
        except ValueError:
            Zutatentest = 1
                "Alkoholgehalt und Flaschenvolumen muss eine Zahl sein!")
    # if everything is okay, insert or update the db, and the List widget
    if Zutatentest == 0:
        if newingredient:
                "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Zutaten(Name,Alkoholgehalt,Flaschenvolumen,Verbrauchsmenge,Verbrauch) VALUES (?,?,?,0,0)",
                (ingredientname, conc, vol))
                "UPDATE OR IGNORE Zutaten SET Name = ?, Alkoholgehalt = ?, Flaschenvolumen = ? WHERE ID = ?",
                (ingredientname, conc, vol, ZID))
        # old ingredients need to be deleted and readded
        # also when you delete an item, the selection jumps to the next item
        # to prevent strange bugs deselect all items
        if not newingredient:
            delfind = w.LWZutaten.findItems(altername, Qt.MatchExactly)
            if len(delfind) > 0:
                for item in delfind:
            for i in range(w.LWZutaten.count()):
        # Deletes the used values
        ZutatenCB_Rezepte(w, DB, c)
        # if its a new ingredient, adds it to the boxes and sorts them
        # if its a changed one, update the values
        for box in range(1, 11):
            CBBname = getattr(w, "CBB" + str(box))
            if newingredient:
                index = CBBname.findText(altername, Qt.MatchFixedString)
                if index >= 0:
                    CBBname.setItemText(index, ingredientname)
        if newingredient:
            standartbox("Zutat eingetragen")
                "Zutat mit dem Namen: <{}> under <{}> aktualisiert".format(
                    altername, ingredientname))
コード例 #11
def Rezept_eintragen(w, DB, c, newrecipe):
    """ Enter a new recipe into the DB, if all values are given an logical. \n
    There can be up to 8 different ingredients for each recipe. \n
    To store the values into the DB, a many to many relation is used. \n
    The newrecipe dertermines if the recipe is a new one, or an old is being updated
    # val_check if triggered (eg = 1) if any condition is not met
    val_check = 0
    neuername = w.LECocktail.text()
    # Checking if Cocktailname is missing
    if (neuername == "" or neuername == 0):
        val_check = 1
        standartbox("Bitte Cocktailnamen eingeben!")
    # Checking if both values are given (ingredient and quantity)
    if val_check == 0:
        for check_v in range(1, 9):
            CBRname = getattr(w, "CBR" + str(check_v))
            LERname = getattr(w, "LER" + str(check_v))
            if ((CBRname.currentText() != "") and LERname.text() == "") or ((CBRname.currentText() == "") and LERname.text() != ""):
                val_check = 1
                standartbox("Irgendwo ist ein Wert vergessen worden!")
                # Checks if quantity is a number
                if LERname.text() != "":
                    except ValueError:
                        val_check = 1
                        standartbox("Menge muss eine Zahl sein!")
    # Checks, if any ingredient was used twice
    if val_check == 0:
        Zutaten_V = []
        Mengen_V = []
        # in addition, also the values are stored into a list for later
        for check_v in range(1, 9):
            CBRname = getattr(w, "CBR" + str(check_v))
            LERname = getattr(w, "LER" + str(check_v))
            if CBRname.currentText() != "":
        for Flaschen_i in range(0, len(Zutaten_V)):
            for Flaschen_j in range(0, len(Zutaten_V)):
                if ((Zutaten_V[Flaschen_i] == Zutaten_V[Flaschen_j]) and (Flaschen_i != Flaschen_j)):
                    standartbox("Eine der Zutaten:\n<{}>\nwurde doppelt verwendet!".format(Zutaten_V[Flaschen_i]))
                    val_check = 1
            if val_check == 1:
    # checks if there is at least one ingredient, else this would make no sense
    if val_check == 0:
        if len(Zutaten_V) < 1:
            val_check = 1
            standartbox("Es muss mindestens eine Zutat eingetragen sein!")
    # Checks if both commentvalues are given (or none) and if they are, if they are numbers
    if val_check == 0:
        if (w.LEmenge_a.text() != "" and w.LEprozent_a.text() == "") or (w.LEmenge_a.text() == "" and w.LEprozent_a.text() != ""):
            val_check = 1
            standartbox("Bei den Kommentarwerten muss sowohl die Menge, als auch die Konzentration eingegeben werden!")
        elif (w.LEmenge_a.text() != "" and w.LEprozent_a.text() != ""):
            except ValueError:
                val_check = 1
                standartbox("Bei den Kommentarwerten wurde mindestens einmal keine Zahl eingegeben!")
    # Checks if the name of the recipe already exists in case of a new recipe
    if val_check == 0 and newrecipe:
        c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Rezepte WHERE Name=?",(neuername,))
        val_check = c.fetchone()[0]
        if not val_check == 0:
            standartbox("Dieser Name existiert schon in der Datenbank!")
    # If nothing is wrong, starts writing into DB
    if val_check == 0:
        if not newrecipe:
            altername = w.LWRezepte.currentItem().text()
            c.execute("SELECT ID FROM Rezepte WHERE Name = ?", (altername,))
            CocktailID = c.fetchone()[0]
        SVol = 0
        SVolcon = 0
        SVol_alk = 0
        SVolcon_alk = 0
        # Calculates the concentration of the recipe and of the alcoholic/comment part
        for Anzahl in range(0, len(Zutaten_V)):
            c.execute("SELECT Alkoholgehalt FROM Zutaten WHERE Name = ?", (Zutaten_V[Anzahl],))
            Konzentration = c.fetchone()[0]
            Volcon = Mengen_V[Anzahl]*int(Konzentration)
            if Konzentration > 0:
                SVol_alk += Mengen_V[Anzahl]
                SVolcon_alk += Volcon
            SVol += Mengen_V[Anzahl]
            SVolcon +=  Volcon
        SVol2 = SVol
        c_com = 0
        v_com = 0
        # includes the Concentration and Amount if there was a Comment
        if w.LEmenge_a.text() != "":
            SVol2 += int(w.LEmenge_a.text())
            v_com = int(w.LEmenge_a.text())
            SVolcon += int(w.LEmenge_a.text())*int(w.LEprozent_a.text())
            c_com = int(w.LEprozent_a.text())
        Alkoholgehalt_Cocktail = int(SVolcon/SVol2)
        # for none alcoholic recipes, you can't devide by zero (SVol_alk is zero if there is no alcohol)
        if SVol_alk > 0:
            c_alk = int(SVolcon_alk/SVol_alk)
            c_alk = 0
        v_alk = SVol_alk
        if w.CHBenabled.isChecked():
            isenabled = 1
            isenabled = 0
        # Insert into recipe DB
        if newrecipe:
            c.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Rezepte(Name, Alkoholgehalt, Menge, Kommentar, Anzahl_Lifetime, Anzahl, Enabled, V_Alk, c_Alk, V_Com, c_Com) VALUES (?,?,?,?,0,0,?,?,?,?,?)",
                      (neuername, Alkoholgehalt_Cocktail, SVol, w.LEKommentar.text(), isenabled, v_alk, c_alk, v_com, c_com))
        if not newrecipe:
            c.execute("UPDATE OR IGNORE Rezepte SET Name = ?, Alkoholgehalt = ?, Menge = ?, Kommentar = ?, Enabled = ?, V_Alk = ?, c_Alk = ?, V_Com = ?, c_Com = ? WHERE ID = ?",
                      (neuername, Alkoholgehalt_Cocktail, SVol, w.LEKommentar.text(), isenabled, v_alk, c_alk, v_com, c_com, int(CocktailID)))
            c.execute("DELETE FROM Zusammen WHERE Rezept_ID = ?", (CocktailID,))
        # RezeptID, Alkoholisch and ZutatenIDs gets inserted into Zusammen DB
        c.execute("SELECT ID FROM Rezepte WHERE Name = ?", (neuername,))
        RezepteDBID = c.fetchone()[0]
        for Anzahl in range(0, len(Zutaten_V)):
            temp1 = c.execute(
                "SELECT ID, Alkoholgehalt FROM Zutaten WHERE Name = ?", (Zutaten_V[Anzahl],))
            for temp3 in temp1:
                ZutatenDBID = temp3[0]
                if temp3[1] > 0:
                    isalkoholic = 1
                    isalkoholic = 0
            c.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Zusammen(Rezept_ID, Zutaten_ID, Menge, Alkoholisch) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",
                      (RezepteDBID, ZutatenDBID, Mengen_V[Anzahl], isalkoholic))
        # Removing the old name from the list and adds the new one, clears the fields
        if not newrecipe:
            delfind = w.LWRezepte.findItems(altername, Qt.MatchExactly)
            if len(delfind) > 0:
                for item in delfind:
            delfind = w.LWMaker.findItems(altername, Qt.MatchExactly)
            if len(delfind) > 0:
                for item in delfind:
        # add needs to be checked, if all ingredients are used 
        Rezepte_a_M(w, DB, c, False, "add", RezepteDBID, isenabled)
        Rezepte_clear(w, DB, c, True)
        if newrecipe:
            standartbox("Rezept unter der ID und dem Namen:\n<{}> <{}>\neingetragen!".format(RezepteDBID, neuername))
            standartbox("Rezept mit der ID und dem Namen:\n<{}> <{}>\nunter dem Namen:\n<{}>\naktualisiert!".format(RezepteDBID, altername, neuername))