def Zutaten_delete(w, DB, c): """ Deletes an ingredient out of the DB if its not needed in any recipe. \n In addition to do so, a password is needed in the interface. """ ZID = 0 if w.LEpw2.text() == globals.masterpassword: if not w.LWZutaten.selectedItems(): standartbox("Keine Zutat ausgewählt!") else: Zname = w.LWZutaten.currentItem().text() Zspeicher = c.execute("SELECT ID FROM Zutaten WHERE Name = ?", (Zname, )) for row in Zspeicher: ZID = row[0] c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Zusammen WHERE Zutaten_ID=?", (ZID, )) Zutatentest = c.fetchone()[0] # Checks if the ingredient is used in any bottle or in any recipe and reacts accordingly if Zutatentest == 0: c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Belegung WHERE ID=?", (ZID, )) Zutatentest = c.fetchone()[0] if Zutatentest == 0: c.execute("DELETE FROM Zutaten WHERE ID = ?", (ZID, )) DB.commit() ZutatenCB_Rezepte(w, DB, c) # This isn't nececary, a simple remove is better # ZutatenCB_Belegung(w, DB, c) for box in range(1, 11): CBBname = getattr(w, "CBB" + str(box)) index = CBBname.findText(Zname, Qt.MatchFixedString) if index >= 0: globals.supressbox = True CBBname.removeItem(index) globals.supressbox = False Zutaten_clear(w, DB, c) Zutaten_a(w, DB, c) standartbox( "Zutat mit der ID und dem Namen:\n<{}> <{}>\ngelöscht!" .format(ZID, Zname)) else: standartbox( "Achtung, die Zutat ist noch in der Belegung registriert!" ) # if the ingredient is still used in recipes, inform the user about it and the first 10 recipes else: stringsaver = c.execute( "SELECT Rezepte.Name FROM Zusammen INNER JOIN Rezepte ON Rezepte.ID = Zusammen.Rezept_ID WHERE Zusammen.Zutaten_ID=?", (ZID, )) Zutatenliste = [] for output in stringsaver: Zutatenliste.append(output[0]) if len(Zutatenliste) >= 10: break Zutatenstring = ', '.join(Zutatenliste) standartbox( "Zutat kann nicht gelöscht werden, da sie in {} Rezept(en) genutzt wird! Diese sind (maximal die zehn ersten):\n{}" .format(Zutatentest, Zutatenstring)) else: standartbox("Falsches Passwort!") w.LEpw2.setText("")
def Rezepte_delete(w, DB, c): """ Deletes the selected recipe, requires the Password """ if w.LEpw.text() == globals.masterpassword: if not w.LWRezepte.selectedItems(): standartbox("Kein Rezept ausgewählt!") else: Rname = w.LWRezepte.currentItem().text() CocktailID = c.execute( "SELECT ID FROM Rezepte WHERE Name = ?", (Rname,)).fetchone()[0] c.execute("DELETE FROM Zusammen WHERE Rezept_ID = ?", (CocktailID,)) c.execute("DELETE FROM Rezepte WHERE ID = ?", (CocktailID,)) DB.commit() w.LWRezepte.clearSelection() delfind = w.LWRezepte.findItems(Rname, Qt.MatchExactly) if len(delfind) > 0: for item in delfind: w.LWRezepte.takeItem(w.LWRezepte.row(item)) delfind = w.LWMaker.findItems(Rname, Qt.MatchExactly) if len(delfind) > 0: for item in delfind: w.LWMaker.takeItem(w.LWMaker.row(item)) Rezepte_clear(w, DB, c, False) standartbox("Rezept mit der ID und dem Namen:\n<{}> <{}>\ngelöscht!".format(Rname, CocktailID)) else: print("Falsches Passwort!") w.LEpw.setText("")
def enableall(w, DB, c): idinput = [] Zspeicher = c.execute("SELECT ID FROM Rezepte WHERE Enabled = 0") for Werte in Zspeicher: idinput.append(int(Werte[0])) c.execute("UPDATE OR IGNORE Rezepte SET Enabled = 1") DB.commit() Rezepte_a_M(w, DB, c, False, "enable", idinput) Rezepte_clear(w, DB, c, False) standartbox("Alle Rezepte wurden wieder aktiv gesetzt!")
def save_quant(w, DB, c, wobject_name, filename, dbstring, searchstring1, searchstring2, where_=False): """ Saves all the amounts of the ingredients/recipes to a csv. after that sets the variable ingredient/recipes counter to zero. Needs the password for that procedure. Needs a Filename, dbstring = Listname and the lifetime (ss1) variable (ss2) amount where_ == True: only values greater zero are exported """ wherestring1 = "" wherestring2 = "" wobject = getattr(w, wobject_name) if wobject.text() == globals.masterpassword: with open(filename, mode='a', newline='') as writer_file: csv_writer = csv.writer(writer_file, delimiter=',') csv_writer.writerow( ["----- Neuer Export von %s -----" %]) row1 = [] row2 = [] if where_: wherestring1 = " WHERE {} > 0".format(searchstring1) wherestring2 = " WHERE {} > 0".format(searchstring2) # selects the actual use and the names and writes them sqlstring = "SELECT Name, {0} FROM {1}{2} ORDER BY {0} DESC, Name ASC".format( searchstring1, dbstring, wherestring1) Zspeicher = c.execute(sqlstring) for row in Zspeicher: row1.append(row[0]) row2.append(row[1]) csv_writer.writerow(row1) csv_writer.writerow(row2) csv_writer.writerow(["----- Gesamte Mengen über Lebenszeit -----"]) row1 = [] row2 = [] # selects the life time use and saves them sqlstring = "SELECT Name, {0} FROM {1}{2} ORDER BY {0} DESC, Name ASC".format( searchstring2, dbstring, wherestring2) Zspeicher = c.execute(sqlstring) for row in Zspeicher: row1.append(row[0]) row2.append(row[1]) csv_writer.writerow(row1) csv_writer.writerow(row2) csv_writer.writerow([" "]) sqlstring = "UPDATE OR IGNORE {} SET {} = 0".format(dbstring, searchstring1) c.execute(sqlstring) DB.commit() standartbox( "Alle Daten wurden exportiert und die zurücksetzbaren Mengen zurückgesetzt!") else: standartbox("Falsches Passwort!") wobject.setText("")
def Belegung_Flanwenden(w, DB, c): """ Renews all the Bottles which are checked as new. """ for Flaschen_C in range(1, 11): PBname = getattr(w, "PBneu" + str(Flaschen_C)) if PBname.isChecked(): bottleid = c.execute("SELECT ID FROM Belegung WHERE Flasche = ?", (Flaschen_C,)).fetchone()[0] # the value can be None if the user checks a not used box, so its captured here if bottleid != 0: c.execute("UPDATE OR IGNORE Zutaten Set Mengenlevel = Flaschenvolumen WHERE ID = ?", (bottleid,)) DB.commit() # remove all the checks from the combobuttons for Flaschen_C in range(1, 11): PBname = getattr(w, "PBneu" + str(Flaschen_C)) PBname.setChecked(False) Belegung_progressbar(w, DB, c) standartbox("Alle Flaschen angewendet!")
def Belegung_Flanwenden(w, DB, c): """ Renews all the Bottles which are checked as new. """ for Flaschen_C in range(1, 11): PBname = getattr(w, "PBneu" + str(Flaschen_C)) if PBname.isChecked(): storevar = c.execute( "SELECT Zutaten.Flaschenvolumen FROM Belegung INNER JOIN Zutaten ON Zutaten.ID = Belegung.ID WHERE Belegung.Flasche = ?", (Flaschen_C,)).fetchone() # the value can be None if the user checks a not used box, so its captured here if storevar is not None: storevol = storevar[0] c.execute( "UPDATE OR IGNORE Belegung SET Mengenlevel = ? WHERE Flasche = ?", (storevol, Flaschen_C)) DB.commit() # remove all the checks from the combobuttons for Flaschen_C in range(1, 11): PBname = getattr(w, "PBneu" + str(Flaschen_C)) PBname.setChecked(False) Belegung_progressbar(w, DB, c) standartbox("Alle Flaschen angewendet!")
def CleanMachine(w, DB, c, devenvironment): """ Activate all Pumps for 20 s to clean them. Needs the Password. Logs the Event. """ if not devenvironment: import RPi.GPIO as GPIO GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) if w.LECleanMachine.text() == globals.masterpassword: standartbox( "Achtung!: Maschine wird gereinigt, genug Wasser bereitstellen! Ok zum Fortfahren.") logger = logging.getLogger('cocktail_application') template = "{:*^80}""Cleaning the Pumps",)) Pinvektor = globals.usedpins w.LECleanMachine.setText("") for row in range(0, 9): if not devenvironment: GPIO.setup(Pinvektor[row], GPIO.OUT) T_aktuell = 0 while (T_aktuell < 20): for row in range(0, 9): if not devenvironment: GPIO.output(Pinvektor[row], 0) T_aktuell += 0.1 T_aktuell = round(T_aktuell, 1) time.sleep(0.1) qApp.processEvents() for row in range(0, 9): if not devenvironment: GPIO.output(Pinvektor[row], 1) standartbox("Fertig!!!") else: standartbox("Falsches Passwort!!!!") w.LECleanMachine.setText("")
def Belegung_eintragen(w, DB, c, msgcall=False): """ Insert the selected Bottleorder into the DB. """ # this import is neccecary on module level, otherwise there would be a circular import from maker import Rezepte_a_M # Checks where are entries and appends them to a list CBB_List = [] dbl_check = 0 for Flaschen_C in range(1, 11): CBBname = getattr(w, "CBB" + str(Flaschen_C)) if (CBBname.currentText() != "" and CBBname.currentText() != 0): CBB_List.append(CBBname.currentText()) # Checks if any ingredient is used twice, if so, dbl_check gets activated for Flaschen_i in range(0, len(CBB_List)): for Flaschen_j in range(0, len(CBB_List)): if ((CBB_List[Flaschen_i] == CBB_List[Flaschen_j]) and (Flaschen_i != Flaschen_j)): dbl_check = 1 standartbox("Eine der Zutaten wurde doppelt zugewiesen!") break if dbl_check == 1: break # If no error, insert values into DB if dbl_check == 0: for Flaschen_C in range(1, 11): Speicher_ID = 0 CBBname = getattr(w, "CBB" + str(Flaschen_C)) ingredientname = CBBname.currentText() buffer = c.execute( "SELECT ID FROM Zutaten WHERE Name = ?", (ingredientname,)) for buf in buffer: Speicher_ID = buf[0] c.execute("UPDATE OR IGNORE Belegung SET ID = ?, Zutat_F = ? WHERE Flasche = ?", (int(Speicher_ID), ingredientname, Flaschen_C)) DB.commit() Belegung_a(w, DB, c) Rezepte_a_M(w, DB, c) Belegung_progressbar(w, DB, c) if msgcall: standartbox("Belegung wurde geändert!")
def Maker_Zubereiten(w, DB, c, normalcheck, devenvironment): """ Starts the Cocktail Making procedure, if not already started.\n ------------------------------------------------------------ Two different Modes (normalcheck) are available: \n "True:" Uses the regular amount of Volume \n "False:" Uses the User defined (over the GUI) Volume \n ------------------------------------------------------------ The global variable "loopcheck" is to interrupt the procedure over the cancel button and the belonging function for this button. \n ------------------------------------------------------------ In this Function, the Pins and the Volumeflow of each connected Pump are defined, if anything changes, it needs to be adapted here/in the """ if not devenvironment: import RPi.GPIO as GPIO GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) # can only start one process if globals.startcheck == False: globals.startcheck = True V_ZM = [] V_FNr = [] V_Zeit = [] V_Volumen = 0 V_Verbrauch = [] timestep = 0.05 Fixmenge = int(w.LCustomMenge.text()) Alkoholfaktor = 1 + (w.HSIntensity.value()/100) MFaktor = 1 globals.loopcheck = True createcheck = True Pinvektor = globals.usedpins Volumenstrom = globals.pumpvolume if not w.LWMaker.selectedItems(): standartbox("Kein Rezept ausgewählt!") # Select ID, Bottles and amount, calculate the time and update the counter else: Zspeicher = c.execute( "SELECT ID, Menge FROM Rezepte WHERE Name = ?", (w.LWMaker.currentItem().text(),)) for row in Zspeicher: CocktailID = row[0] Cocktailmenge = row[1] c.execute( "UPDATE OR IGNORE Rezepte SET Anzahl_Lifetime = Anzahl_Lifetime + 1, Anzahl = Anzahl + 1 WHERE ID = ?", (CocktailID,)) if normalcheck == False: Cocktailmenge = Fixmenge Zspeicher = c.execute( "SELECT Zusammen.Menge, Belegung.Flasche, Zusammen.Alkoholisch From Zusammen INNER JOIN Belegung ON Zusammen.Zutaten_ID = Belegung.ID WHERE Zusammen.Rezept_ID = ?", (CocktailID,)) for row in Zspeicher: if row[2] == 1: MFaktor = Alkoholfaktor else: MFaktor = 1 V_ZM.append(round(int(row[0])*MFaktor, 1)) V_FNr.append(int(row[1])) V_Zeit.append( round((int(row[0])*MFaktor)/Volumenstrom[row[1]-1], 2)) V_Volumen += round(int(row[0])*MFaktor, 1) V_Verbrauch.append(0) # If there is a comment, it will be checked, and the quantity of the ingredients will be added to the V_Volumen c.execute("SELECT Kommentar FROM Rezepte WHERE Name = ?",(w.LWMaker.currentItem().text(),)) Zspeicher = c.fetchone()[0] if Zspeicher is None: pass elif len(Zspeicher) >= 1: mysplitstring = re.split(', | |,', Zspeicher) for allwords in mysplitstring: try: V_Volumen += int(allwords) except: pass MVH = Cocktailmenge/V_Volumen if MVH != 1: for x in range(0, len(V_ZM)): V_ZM[x] = round(V_ZM[x]*MVH, 1) V_Zeit[x] = round(V_Zeit[x]*MVH, 1) # Checks if there is still enough volume in the Bottle for x in range(0, len(V_ZM)): mengentest = c.execute("SELECT Zutaten.Name FROM Zutaten INNER JOIN Belegung ON Zutaten.ID = Belegung.ID WHERE Belegung.Flasche = ? AND Zutaten.Mengenlevel<?", (V_FNr[x], V_ZM[x])).fetchone() if mengentest is not None: createcheck = False mangelzutat = mengentest[0] standartbox("Es ist in Flasche %i mit der Zutat %s nicht mehr genug Volumen vorhanden, %.0f ml wird benötigt!" % ( V_FNr[x], mangelzutat, V_ZM[x])) w.tabWidget.setCurrentIndex(3) break # if all conditions are met, go on if createcheck: # Generate the Comment for the end of the Programm c.execute("SELECT Kommentar FROM Rezepte WHERE Name = ?",(w.LWMaker.currentItem().text(),)) Zspeicher = c.fetchone()[0] if Zspeicher is not None: if len(Zspeicher) >= 1: mysplitstring = re.split(', |,', str(Zspeicher)) zusatzstring = "\n\nNoch hinzufügen:" for x in mysplitstring: y = x.split(' ') z = "{} ".format(str(round(int(y[0])*MVH))) + ' '.join(y[1:]) zusatzstring = zusatzstring + "\n- ca. {}".format(z) else: zusatzstring = "" else: zusatzstring = "" # search for the longest time T_max = V_Zeit[0] for row in range(1, len(V_Zeit)): if T_max < V_Zeit[row]: T_max = V_Zeit[row] T_aktuell = 0 w.progressionqwindow() # activate the pins for row in range(0, len(V_FNr)): if not devenvironment: GPIO.setup(Pinvektor[V_FNr[row] - 1], GPIO.OUT) print( "Pin: " + str(Pinvektor[V_FNr[row] - 1]) + " wurde initialisiert") # Until the max time is reached check which channel still needs to be opened while (T_aktuell < T_max and globals.loopcheck): if (T_aktuell) % 1 == 0: print(str(T_aktuell) + " von " + str(T_max) + " Sekunden ") w.prow_change(T_aktuell/T_max*100) for row in range(0, len(V_FNr)): if V_Zeit[row] > T_aktuell: if (T_aktuell) % 1 == 0: print("Pin: " + str(Pinvektor[V_FNr[row] - 1]) + " aktiv, aktuelles Volumen: " + str( round(Volumenstrom[V_FNr[row] - 1]*T_aktuell, 1))) if not devenvironment: GPIO.output(Pinvektor[V_FNr[row] - 1], 0) V_Verbrauch[row] += Volumenstrom[V_FNr[row] - 1]*timestep else: if (T_aktuell) % 1 == 0: print( "Pin: " + str(Pinvektor[V_FNr[row] - 1]) + " geschlossen!") if not devenvironment: GPIO.output(Pinvektor[V_FNr[row] - 1], 1) T_aktuell += timestep T_aktuell = round(T_aktuell, 2) time.sleep(timestep) qApp.processEvents() # Due to safety, each channel is closed at the end print("-- Ende --") for row in range(0, len(V_FNr)): print( "Pin: " + str(Pinvektor[V_FNr[row] - 1]) + " wurde geschlossen") if not devenvironment: GPIO.output(Pinvektor[V_FNr[row] - 1], 1) w.prow_close() # Adds the usage for x in range(0, len(V_FNr)): c.execute("UPDATE OR IGNORE Zutaten SET Mengenlevel = Mengenlevel - ? WHERE ID = (SELECT ID FROM Belegung WHERE Flasche = ?)", (round(V_Verbrauch[x]), V_FNr[x])) # logs all value, checks if recipe was interrupted and where if normalcheck: mengenstring = "Standard" else: mengenstring = str(Cocktailmenge) + " ml" if globals.loopcheck == False: abbruchstring = " - Rezept wurde bei " + \ str(round(T_aktuell, 1)) + " s abgebrochen - " + \ str(round(Cocktailmenge*(T_aktuell + timestep)/T_max)) + " ml" else: abbruchstring = "" template = "{:8} | {}{}" logger = logging.getLogger('cocktail_application') mengenstring, w.LWMaker.currentItem().text(), abbruchstring)) print("Verbrauchsmengen: ", [round(x) for x in V_Verbrauch]) for x in range(0, len(V_Verbrauch)): c.execute("UPDATE OR IGNORE Zutaten SET Verbrauchsmenge = Verbrauchsmenge + ?, Verbrauch = Verbrauch + ? WHERE ID = (SELECT ID FROM Belegung WHERE Flasche = ?)", (round(V_Verbrauch[x]), round(V_Verbrauch[x]), V_FNr[x])) DB.commit() Belegung_progressbar(w, DB, c) if globals.loopcheck: standartbox( "Der Cocktail ist fertig! Bitte kurz warten, falls noch etwas nachtropft.{}".format(zusatzstring)) elif not globals.loopcheck: standartbox("Der Cocktail wurde abgebrochen!") Maker_nullProB(w, DB, c) globals.startcheck = False
def Zutat_eintragen(w, DB, c, newingredient=True): """ Insert the new ingredient into the DB, if all values are given and its name is not already in the DB. Also can change the current selected ingredient (newingredient = False) """ # print("Zutat ist: ", w.LEZutatRezept.text()) # print("Alkoholanteil ist: ", w.LEGehaltRezept.text()) # print("Flaschenvolumen ist: ", w.LEFlaschenvolumen.text()) # print("Neues Rezept: {}".format(newingredient)) Zutatentest = 0 ingredientname = w.LEZutatRezept.text() # counts the entries in the DB with the name and checks if its already there if newingredient: c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Zutaten WHERE Name=?", (ingredientname, )) Zutatentest = c.fetchone()[0] if Zutatentest != 0 and newingredient: standartbox("Dieser Name existiert schon in der Datenbank!") # if the ingredient should be changed, check if its selected (should always be) and get the ID if not newingredient and not w.LWZutaten.selectedItems(): Zutatentest = 1 standartbox("Es ist keine Zutat ausgewählt!") elif not newingredient and w.LWZutaten.selectedItems(): altername = w.LWZutaten.currentItem().text() Zspeicher = c.execute("SELECT ID FROM Zutaten WHERE Name = ?", (altername, )).fetchone()[0] ZID = int(Zspeicher) # check if all Fields are filled if Zutatentest == 0: if (ingredientname == "") or (w.LEGehaltRezept.text() == "") or (w.LEFlaschenvolumen.text() == ""): standartbox("Eine der Eingaben ist leer!") Zutatentest = 1 # check if the numbers make sense and then saves them into variables if Zutatentest == 0: try: conc = int(w.LEGehaltRezept.text()) vol = int(w.LEFlaschenvolumen.text()) if conc > 100: Zutatentest = 1 standartbox("Alkoholgehalt kann nicht größer als 100 sein!") except ValueError: Zutatentest = 1 standartbox( "Alkoholgehalt und Flaschenvolumen muss eine Zahl sein!") # if everything is okay, insert or update the db, and the List widget if Zutatentest == 0: if newingredient: c.execute( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Zutaten(Name,Alkoholgehalt,Flaschenvolumen,Verbrauchsmenge,Verbrauch) VALUES (?,?,?,0,0)", (ingredientname, conc, vol)) else: c.execute( "UPDATE OR IGNORE Zutaten SET Name = ?, Alkoholgehalt = ?, Flaschenvolumen = ? WHERE ID = ?", (ingredientname, conc, vol, ZID)) DB.commit() # old ingredients need to be deleted and readded # also when you delete an item, the selection jumps to the next item # to prevent strange bugs deselect all items if not newingredient: delfind = w.LWZutaten.findItems(altername, Qt.MatchExactly) if len(delfind) > 0: for item in delfind: w.LWZutaten.takeItem(w.LWZutaten.row(item)) for i in range(w.LWZutaten.count()): w.LWZutaten.item(i).setSelected(False) w.LWZutaten.addItem(ingredientname) # Deletes the used values w.LEZutatRezept.clear() w.LEGehaltRezept.clear() w.LEFlaschenvolumen.clear() ZutatenCB_Rezepte(w, DB, c) # if its a new ingredient, adds it to the boxes and sorts them # if its a changed one, update the values for box in range(1, 11): CBBname = getattr(w, "CBB" + str(box)) if newingredient: CBBname.addItem(ingredientname) CBBname.model().sort(0) else: index = CBBname.findText(altername, Qt.MatchFixedString) if index >= 0: CBBname.setItemText(index, ingredientname) if newingredient: standartbox("Zutat eingetragen") else: standartbox( "Zutat mit dem Namen: <{}> under <{}> aktualisiert".format( altername, ingredientname))
def Rezept_eintragen(w, DB, c, newrecipe): """ Enter a new recipe into the DB, if all values are given an logical. \n There can be up to 8 different ingredients for each recipe. \n To store the values into the DB, a many to many relation is used. \n The newrecipe dertermines if the recipe is a new one, or an old is being updated """ # val_check if triggered (eg = 1) if any condition is not met val_check = 0 neuername = w.LECocktail.text() # Checking if Cocktailname is missing if (neuername == "" or neuername == 0): val_check = 1 standartbox("Bitte Cocktailnamen eingeben!") # Checking if both values are given (ingredient and quantity) if val_check == 0: for check_v in range(1, 9): CBRname = getattr(w, "CBR" + str(check_v)) LERname = getattr(w, "LER" + str(check_v)) if ((CBRname.currentText() != "") and LERname.text() == "") or ((CBRname.currentText() == "") and LERname.text() != ""): val_check = 1 standartbox("Irgendwo ist ein Wert vergessen worden!") break else: # Checks if quantity is a number if LERname.text() != "": try: int(LERname.text()) except ValueError: val_check = 1 standartbox("Menge muss eine Zahl sein!") break # Checks, if any ingredient was used twice if val_check == 0: Zutaten_V = [] Mengen_V = [] # in addition, also the values are stored into a list for later for check_v in range(1, 9): CBRname = getattr(w, "CBR" + str(check_v)) LERname = getattr(w, "LER" + str(check_v)) if CBRname.currentText() != "": Zutaten_V.append(CBRname.currentText()) Mengen_V.append(int(LERname.text())) for Flaschen_i in range(0, len(Zutaten_V)): for Flaschen_j in range(0, len(Zutaten_V)): if ((Zutaten_V[Flaschen_i] == Zutaten_V[Flaschen_j]) and (Flaschen_i != Flaschen_j)): standartbox("Eine der Zutaten:\n<{}>\nwurde doppelt verwendet!".format(Zutaten_V[Flaschen_i])) val_check = 1 break if val_check == 1: break # checks if there is at least one ingredient, else this would make no sense if val_check == 0: if len(Zutaten_V) < 1: val_check = 1 standartbox("Es muss mindestens eine Zutat eingetragen sein!") # Checks if both commentvalues are given (or none) and if they are, if they are numbers if val_check == 0: if (w.LEmenge_a.text() != "" and w.LEprozent_a.text() == "") or (w.LEmenge_a.text() == "" and w.LEprozent_a.text() != ""): val_check = 1 standartbox("Bei den Kommentarwerten muss sowohl die Menge, als auch die Konzentration eingegeben werden!") elif (w.LEmenge_a.text() != "" and w.LEprozent_a.text() != ""): try: int(w.LEmenge_a.text()) int(w.LEprozent_a.text()) except ValueError: val_check = 1 standartbox("Bei den Kommentarwerten wurde mindestens einmal keine Zahl eingegeben!") # Checks if the name of the recipe already exists in case of a new recipe if val_check == 0 and newrecipe: c.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Rezepte WHERE Name=?",(neuername,)) val_check = c.fetchone()[0] if not val_check == 0: standartbox("Dieser Name existiert schon in der Datenbank!") # If nothing is wrong, starts writing into DB if val_check == 0: if not newrecipe: altername = w.LWRezepte.currentItem().text() c.execute("SELECT ID FROM Rezepte WHERE Name = ?", (altername,)) CocktailID = c.fetchone()[0] SVol = 0 SVolcon = 0 SVol_alk = 0 SVolcon_alk = 0 # Calculates the concentration of the recipe and of the alcoholic/comment part for Anzahl in range(0, len(Zutaten_V)): c.execute("SELECT Alkoholgehalt FROM Zutaten WHERE Name = ?", (Zutaten_V[Anzahl],)) Konzentration = c.fetchone()[0] Volcon = Mengen_V[Anzahl]*int(Konzentration) if Konzentration > 0: SVol_alk += Mengen_V[Anzahl] SVolcon_alk += Volcon SVol += Mengen_V[Anzahl] SVolcon += Volcon SVol2 = SVol c_com = 0 v_com = 0 # includes the Concentration and Amount if there was a Comment if w.LEmenge_a.text() != "": SVol2 += int(w.LEmenge_a.text()) v_com = int(w.LEmenge_a.text()) SVolcon += int(w.LEmenge_a.text())*int(w.LEprozent_a.text()) c_com = int(w.LEprozent_a.text()) Alkoholgehalt_Cocktail = int(SVolcon/SVol2) # for none alcoholic recipes, you can't devide by zero (SVol_alk is zero if there is no alcohol) if SVol_alk > 0: c_alk = int(SVolcon_alk/SVol_alk) else: c_alk = 0 v_alk = SVol_alk if w.CHBenabled.isChecked(): isenabled = 1 else: isenabled = 0 # Insert into recipe DB if newrecipe: c.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Rezepte(Name, Alkoholgehalt, Menge, Kommentar, Anzahl_Lifetime, Anzahl, Enabled, V_Alk, c_Alk, V_Com, c_Com) VALUES (?,?,?,?,0,0,?,?,?,?,?)", (neuername, Alkoholgehalt_Cocktail, SVol, w.LEKommentar.text(), isenabled, v_alk, c_alk, v_com, c_com)) if not newrecipe: c.execute("UPDATE OR IGNORE Rezepte SET Name = ?, Alkoholgehalt = ?, Menge = ?, Kommentar = ?, Enabled = ?, V_Alk = ?, c_Alk = ?, V_Com = ?, c_Com = ? WHERE ID = ?", (neuername, Alkoholgehalt_Cocktail, SVol, w.LEKommentar.text(), isenabled, v_alk, c_alk, v_com, c_com, int(CocktailID))) c.execute("DELETE FROM Zusammen WHERE Rezept_ID = ?", (CocktailID,)) # RezeptID, Alkoholisch and ZutatenIDs gets inserted into Zusammen DB c.execute("SELECT ID FROM Rezepte WHERE Name = ?", (neuername,)) RezepteDBID = c.fetchone()[0] for Anzahl in range(0, len(Zutaten_V)): temp1 = c.execute( "SELECT ID, Alkoholgehalt FROM Zutaten WHERE Name = ?", (Zutaten_V[Anzahl],)) for temp3 in temp1: ZutatenDBID = temp3[0] if temp3[1] > 0: isalkoholic = 1 else: isalkoholic = 0 c.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO Zusammen(Rezept_ID, Zutaten_ID, Menge, Alkoholisch) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", (RezepteDBID, ZutatenDBID, Mengen_V[Anzahl], isalkoholic)) DB.commit() # Removing the old name from the list and adds the new one, clears the fields if not newrecipe: delfind = w.LWRezepte.findItems(altername, Qt.MatchExactly) if len(delfind) > 0: for item in delfind: w.LWRezepte.takeItem(w.LWRezepte.row(item)) delfind = w.LWMaker.findItems(altername, Qt.MatchExactly) if len(delfind) > 0: for item in delfind: w.LWMaker.takeItem(w.LWMaker.row(item)) w.LWRezepte.addItem(neuername) # add needs to be checked, if all ingredients are used Rezepte_a_M(w, DB, c, False, "add", RezepteDBID, isenabled) Rezepte_clear(w, DB, c, True) if newrecipe: standartbox("Rezept unter der ID und dem Namen:\n<{}> <{}>\neingetragen!".format(RezepteDBID, neuername)) else: standartbox("Rezept mit der ID und dem Namen:\n<{}> <{}>\nunter dem Namen:\n<{}>\naktualisiert!".format(RezepteDBID, altername, neuername))