コード例 #1
ファイル: webservice.py プロジェクト: apotapov/musicproject
	def getUserRating(self, entityUri):
		"""Return the rating a user has applied to an entity.

		The given parameter has to be a fully qualified MusicBrainz
		ID, as returned by other library functions.
		Note that this method only works if a valid user name and
		password have been set. Only the rating the authenticated user
		applied to the entity will be returned. If username and/or
		password are incorrect, an AuthenticationError is raised.
		This method will return a L{Rating <musicbrainz2.model.Rating>}
		@param entityUri: a string containing an absolute MB ID
		@raise ValueError: invalid entityUri
  		@raise ConnectionError: couldn't connect to server
		@raise RequestError: invalid ID or entity
		@raise AuthenticationError: invalid user name and/or password
		entity = mbutils.extractEntityType(entityUri)
		uuid = mbutils.extractUuid(entityUri, entity)
		params = { 'entity': entity, 'id': uuid }
		stream = self._ws.get('rating', '', filter=params)
			parser = MbXmlParser()
			result = parser.parse(stream)
		except ParseError, e:
			raise ResponseError(str(e), e)
コード例 #2
ファイル: webservice.py プロジェクト: apotapov/musicproject
	def submitUserTags(self, entityUri, tags):
		"""Submit folksonomy tags for an entity.

		Note that all previously existing tags from the authenticated
		user are replaced with the ones given to this method. Other
		users' tags are not affected.
		@param entityUri: a string containing an absolute MB ID
		@param tags: A list of either L{Tag <musicbrainz2.model.Tag>} objects
		             or strings

		@raise ValueError: invalid entityUri
		@raise ConnectionError: couldn't connect to server
		@raise RequestError: invalid ID, entity or tags
		@raise AuthenticationError: invalid user name and/or password
		entity = mbutils.extractEntityType(entityUri)
		uuid = mbutils.extractUuid(entityUri, entity)
		params = (
			('type', 'xml'),
			('entity', entity),
			('id', uuid),
			('tags', ','.join([unicode(tag).encode('utf-8') for tag in tags]))

		encodedStr = urllib.urlencode(params)

		self._ws.post('tag', '', encodedStr)
コード例 #3
ファイル: webservice.py プロジェクト: apotapov/musicproject
	def submitUserRating(self, entityUri, rating):
		"""Submit rating for an entity.

		Note that all previously existing rating from the authenticated
		user are replaced with the one given to this method. Other
		users' ratings are not affected.
		@param entityUri: a string containing an absolute MB ID
		@param rating: A L{Rating <musicbrainz2.model.Rating>} object
		             or integer

		@raise ValueError: invalid entityUri
		@raise ConnectionError: couldn't connect to server
		@raise RequestError: invalid ID, entity or tags
		@raise AuthenticationError: invalid user name and/or password
		entity = mbutils.extractEntityType(entityUri)
		uuid = mbutils.extractUuid(entityUri, entity)
		params = (
			('type', 'xml'),
			('entity', entity),
			('id', uuid),
			('rating', unicode(rating).encode('utf-8'))

		encodedStr = urllib.urlencode(params)

		self._ws.post('rating', '', encodedStr)
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_utils.py プロジェクト: apotapov/musicproject
	def testExtractEntityType(self):
		prefix = 'http://musicbrainz.org'
		uuid = 'c0b2500e-0cef-4130-869d-732b23ed9df5'

		mbid1 = prefix + '/artist/' + uuid
		self.assertEquals(u.extractEntityType(mbid1), 'artist')

		mbid2 = prefix + '/release/' + uuid
		self.assertEquals(u.extractEntityType(mbid2), 'release')

		mbid3 = prefix + '/track/' + uuid
		self.assertEquals(u.extractEntityType(mbid3), 'track')

		mbid4 = prefix + '/label/' + uuid
		self.assertEquals(u.extractEntityType(mbid4), 'label')

		mbid5 = prefix + '/invalid/' + uuid
		self.assertRaises(ValueError, u.extractEntityType, mbid5)

		self.assertRaises(ValueError, u.extractEntityType, None)
		self.assertRaises(ValueError, u.extractEntityType, uuid)

		invalidUri = 'http://example.invalid/foo'
		self.assertRaises(ValueError, u.extractEntityType, invalidUri)