コード例 #1
    print "Found", len(times), " different observations for this site."

    # Change the missing data to the QC flag of -9999
    cbh = np.where(np.asarray(cbh) > 0, cbh/1000., -9999)

    #utc = pytz.UTC

    #lead_str = site.lower() + 'ceilocbhC1.a1.' + datetime.strftime(times[0], '%Y%m%d.%H%M%S.cdf')
    lead_str = out_path + '/' + site.lower() + 'ceilocbhC1.a1.' + datetime.strftime(dt, '%Y%m%d.000000.cdf')
    print 'Saving data for this site at: ', lead_str
    ncdf = Dataset(lead_str, 'w')
    ncdf.createDimension('time', len(times))
    ncdf.description = "This file contains the lowest cloud height at any time and is used in the AERIoe retrieval algorithm."
    ncdf.link_to_data = string
    ncdf.station_id = site
    ncdf.station_name = name
    ncdf.state = state

    nums = date2num(times, 'seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00-00:00')
    bt = ncdf.createVariable('base_time', 'i4')
    bt[:] = nums[0]
    to = ncdf.createVariable('time_offset', 'i4', ('time',))
    to[:] = nums - nums[0]

    la = ncdf.createVariable('lat', 'f4')
    la[:] = lat
    lo = ncdf.createVariable('lon', 'f4')
    lo[:] = lon

    al = ncdf.createVariable('alt', 'f4')