コード例 #1
ファイル: power.py プロジェクト: qingu/wrftools
def power(config):
    """Reads 'time series' from netcdf time series file, and adds power as a variable. """
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        logger = loghelper.create_logger(config)
        logger = loghelper.get_logger(config['log.name'])
    # Number of samples to use should be in here
    # Whether to normalise power should be in here    
    pnorm           = config['pnorm']
    pdist           = config['pdist']
    sstd            = config['sstd']
    dstd            = config['dstd']
    pquants         = config['pquants']
    quantiles       = np.array(pquants)
    if pdist:
    grid_id         = config['grid_id']
    init_time       = config['init_time']
    pcurve_dir      = config['pcurve_dir']
    ts_dir          = config['tseries_dir']
    tseries_file    = expand(config['tseries_file'], config)
    power_file      = expand(config['power_file'], config)

    logger.info('Estimating power from time series: %s ' % tseries_file)
    logger.info('Writing power time series to: %s ' % power_file)
    dataset_in = Dataset(tseries_file, 'a')

    # Get dimensions
    dims    = dataset_in.dimensions
    ntime   = len(dims['time'])
    nloc    = len(dims['location'])
    nheight = len(dims['height'])
    loc_str_len = len(dims['loc_str_length'])
    # Get coordinate variables
    nctime    = dataset_in.variables['time']
    datetimes = netcdftime.num2date(nctime, nctime.units)
    location = [''.join(l.filled(' ')).strip() for l in dataset_in.variables['location']]
    height   = dataset_in.variables['height']

    # Get attributes
    metadata = config['metadata']

    if power_file == tseries_file:
        dataset_out = dataset_in
        dataset_out = Dataset(power_file, 'w')

    # Get number of quantiles
    nq    = len(quantiles)
    pdata = np.ma.zeros((ntime,nloc,nheight,nq+1), np.float) # mean will be 1st value
    use_locs = []
    for l,loc in enumerate(location):
        pcurve_file = '%s/%s.csv' %(pcurve_dir, loc)
        # mask power data if no power curve found for this park
        if not os.path.exists(pcurve_file):
            #logger.debug("Power curve: %s not found, skipping" % pcurve_file)
            pdata[:,l,:,:] = np.ma.masked
        logger.info('Predicting power output for %s' % loc )
        # Open power curve
        pcurve = from_file(pcurve_file)

        for h in range(nheight):
            speed     = dataset_in.variables['SPEED'][:,l,h]
            direction = dataset_in.variables['DIRECTION'][:,l,h]
            #pwr = pcurve.power(speed,direction)
            # pdist will create a distribution for each timetep based on sampling
            # n times from a normal distribution. 
            pdist   = pcurve.power_dist(speed, direction, sstd=sstd,dstd=dstd,n=n, normalise=pnorm)
            pmean   = np.mean(pdist, axis=1)
            pquants = scipy.stats.mstats.mquantiles(pdist, prob=quantiles/100.0,axis=1, alphap=0.5, betap=0.5)

            pdata[:,l,h,0]  = pmean
            pdata[:,l,h,1:] = pquants[:,:]

        logger.info('finished %s' % loc)            

    use_inds = np.array(use_locs)

    if dataset_out != dataset_in:

        dataset_out.createDimension('time', None)
        dataset_out.createVariable('time', 'float', ('time',))
        dataset_out.variables['time'][:] = nctime[:]
        dataset_out.variables['time'].units = nctime.units
        dataset_out.variables['time'].calendar = nctime.calendar
        dataset_out.createDimension('location', len(use_locs))
        dataset_out.createDimension('loc_str_length', loc_str_len)
        loc_data =np.array([list(l.ljust(loc_str_len, ' ')) for l in location])
        dataset_out.createVariable('location', 'c', ('location', 'loc_str_length'))
        dataset_out.variables['location'][:] = loc_data[use_inds,:]
        dataset_out.createDimension('height', nheight)        
        dataset_out.createVariable('height', 'i', ('height',))
        dataset_out.variables['height'][:] = height[:]
        dataset_out.GRID_ID = dataset_in.GRID_ID
        dataset_out.DX = dataset_in.DX
        dataset_out.DY = dataset_in.DY
            dataset_out.variables['height'].units = height.units
        except Exception:
            logger.warn("height units missing")
        pdata = pdata[:, use_inds, :, :]
        for key in metadata.keys():
            key = key.upper()
    pavg    = dataset_out.createVariable('POWER','f',('time','location','height'))
    pavg.units = 'kW'
    pavg.description = 'forecast power output'
    pavg[:] = pdata[:,:,:,0]

    for q, qval in enumerate(quantiles):

        varname = 'POWER.P%02d' % qval
        logger.debug("creating variable %s" % varname)
        var  = dataset_out.createVariable(varname,'f',('time','location','height'))
        if pnorm:
            var.units = 'ratio'
            var.units = 'kW'
        var.description = 'forecast power output'
        print pdata[:,:,:,q+1]
        var[:] = pdata[:,:,:,q+1]

    if dataset_out!=dataset_in:
コード例 #2
ファイル: power.py プロジェクト: keenmisty/wrftools
def power(config):
    """Reads 'time series' from netcdf time series file, and adds power as a variable. """
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        logger = loghelper.create_logger(config)
        logger = loghelper.get_logger(config['log.name'])
    # listify ensures they are returned as a list, even if it is one file
    files = shared._listify(config['<files>'])
    # Number of samples to use should be in here
    # Whether to normalise power should be in here    
    start     = config.get('start')
    delay     = config.get('delay')
    cycles    = shared._listify(config.get('cycles'))
    pnorm     = config.get('pnorm')
    pdist     = config.get('pdist')
    sstd      = config.get('sstd')
    dstd      = config.get('dstd')
    pquants   = config.get('pquants')
    quantiles = np.array(pquants)
    pcurve_dir = config.get('pcurve-dir')
    ts_dir     = config.get('tseries-dir')
    out        = config.get('out')
    metadata   = config.get('metadata')

    basetime = start if start else datetime.datetime.today()
    prior = shared._prior_time(basetime, delay=delay, hours=cycles)

    logger.debug("using %s as a start time" % prior)

    if not files:
        logger.debug("no files specified, finding using options")
        file_pattern = config.get('file-pattern')
        if not file_pattern: raise ConfigError('either supply files or specify file-pattern')
        expanded = substitute.sub_date(file_pattern, init_time=prior)
        files = glob.glob(expanded)

    # if we get to this point and there are still no files, then we have a problem
    if not files: raise IOError("no files found")
    logger.debug("input files: ")
    for f in files:
        logger.debug("\t%s" % f)
    # if pdist 
    if pdist: n=pdist
    #grid_id         = config['grid_id']
    out_pattern     = config.get('out')
    for tseries_file in files:
        dataset_in = Dataset(tseries_file, 'a')
        # Get dimensions
        dims      = dataset_in.dimensions
        nreftime  = len(dims['reftime'])
        ntime     = len(dims['leadtime'])
        nloc      = len(dims['location'])
        nheight   = len(dims['height'])
        loc_str_len = len(dims['loc_str_length'])
        # Get coordinate variables
        reftime   = dataset_in.variables['reftime']
        leadtime  = dataset_in.variables['leadtime']
        validtime = nctools._valid_time(reftime, leadtime)
        refdt     = num2date(reftime[:], reftime.units)
        power_file = substitute.sub_date(out, init_time=refdt[0])

        logger.info('Estimating power from time series: %s ' % tseries_file)
        logger.info('Writing power time series to: %s ' % power_file)

        location = [''.join(l.filled(' ')).strip() for l in dataset_in.variables['location']]
        height   = dataset_in.variables['height']

        if power_file == tseries_file:
            dataset_out = dataset_in
            dataset_out = Dataset(power_file, 'w')

        # Get number of quantiles
        nq    = len(quantiles)
        pdata = np.ma.zeros((ntime,nloc,nheight,nq+1), np.float) # mean will be 1st value
        use_locs = []
        # loop through locations and look for power-curve file
        for l,loc in enumerate(location):
            pcurve_file = '%s/%s.csv' %(pcurve_dir, loc)
            # mask power data if no power curve found for this park
            if not os.path.exists(pcurve_file):
                #logger.debug("Power curve: %s not found, skipping" % pcurve_file)
                pdata[:,l,:,:] = np.ma.masked
            logger.info('Predicting power output for %s' % loc )
            # Open power curve
            pcurve = from_file(pcurve_file)

            for h in range(nheight):
                speed     = dataset_in.variables['SPEED'][0,:,l,h]
                direction = dataset_in.variables['DIRECTION'][0,:,l,h]
                #pwr = pcurve.power(speed,direction)
                # pdist will create a distribution for each timetep based on sampling
                # n times from a normal distribution. 
                pdist   = pcurve.power_dist(speed, direction, sstd=sstd,dstd=dstd,n=n, normalise=pnorm)
                pmean   = np.mean(pdist, axis=1)
                pquants = scipy.stats.mstats.mquantiles(pdist, prob=quantiles/100.0,axis=1, alphap=0.5, betap=0.5)

                pdata[:,l,h,0]  = pmean
                pdata[:,l,h,1:] = pquants[:,:]

            #logger.info('finished %s' % loc)            

        use_inds = np.array(use_locs)

        if dataset_out != dataset_in:
            dataset_out.createDimension('reftime', None)
            dataset_out.createVariable('reftime', 'float', ('reftime',))
            dataset_out.variables['reftime'][:] = reftime[:]
            dataset_out.variables['reftime'].units = reftime.units
            dataset_out.variables['reftime'].calendar = reftime.calendar
            dataset_out.variables['reftime'].long_name = reftime.long_name
            dataset_out.variables['reftime'].standard_name = reftime.standard_name

            dataset_out.createDimension('leadtime', len(leadtime))
            dataset_out.createVariable('leadtime', 'int', ('leadtime',))
            dataset_out.variables['leadtime'][:] = leadtime[:]
            dataset_out.variables['leadtime'].units = leadtime.units
            dataset_out.variables['leadtime'].long_name = leadtime.long_name
            dataset_out.variables['leadtime'].standard_name = leadtime.standard_name
            dataset_out.createDimension('location', len(use_locs))
            dataset_out.createDimension('loc_str_length', loc_str_len)
            loc_data =np.array([list(l.ljust(loc_str_len, ' ')) for l in location])
            dataset_out.createVariable('location', 'c', ('location', 'loc_str_length'))
            dataset_out.variables['location'][:] = loc_data[use_inds,:]
            dataset_out.createDimension('height', nheight)        
            dataset_out.createVariable('height', 'i', ('height',))
            dataset_out.variables['height'][:] = height[:]
            dataset_out.GRID_ID = dataset_in.GRID_ID
            dataset_out.DX = dataset_in.DX
            dataset_out.DY = dataset_in.DY
                dataset_out.variables['height'].units = height.units
            except Exception:
                logger.warn("height units missing")
            pdata = pdata[:, use_inds, :, :]
            for key in metadata.keys():
                key = key.upper()
        pavg    = dataset_out.createVariable('POWER','f',('reftime','leadtime','location','height'))
        pavg.units = 'kW'
        pavg.description = 'forecast power output'
        pavg[0,:,:,:] = pdata[:,:,:,0]

        for q, qval in enumerate(quantiles):

            varname = 'POWER.P%02d' % qval

            var  = dataset_out.createVariable(varname,'f',('reftime','leadtime','location','height'))
            if pnorm:
                var.units = 'ratio'
                var.units = 'kW'
            var.description = 'forecast power output'

            var[0,:,:,:] = pdata[:,:,:,q+1]
        if dataset_out!=dataset_in:
コード例 #3
landsea_mask.units = ""
landsea_mask.scale_factor = 1.0
landsea_mask.add_offset = 0.0
landsea_mask.missing_value = -9999.0
landsea_mask.vmin = 0.0
landsea_mask.vmax = 0.0
landsea_mask.num_bins = 0
# What about extents and DX?
# ...

landsea.description = 'Land-Sea mask with binary 0/1 values'
landsea.history = 'Created ' + time.ctime(time.time())
landsea.SOUTH_WEST_CORNER_LAT = -90.0
landsea.SOUTH_WEST_CORNER_LON = -180.0
landsea.DX = 0.5
landsea.DY = 0.5

landsea_lons.units = 'east_west'
landsea_lats.units = 'north_south'

# Now put some data into out variables
# lets do the lats and lons first

# Raw data values for lat and lon
lats = np.arange(-90, 90, 0.5)
lons = np.arange(-180, 180, 0.5)

# Now assign the raw data to netcdf coordinate variable
landsea_lons[:] = lons
landsea_lats[:] = lats
コード例 #4
ファイル: power.py プロジェクト: dchichkov/wrftools
def power(config):
    """Reads 'time series' from netcdf time series file, and adds power as a variable. """

    if __name__ == "__main__":
        logger = loghelper.create_logger(config)
        logger = loghelper.get_logger(config['log.name'])

    # Number of samples to use should be in here
    # Whether to normalise power should be in here
    pnorm = config['pnorm']
    pdist = config['pdist']
    sstd = config['sstd']
    dstd = config['dstd']
    pquants = config['pquants']
    quantiles = np.array(pquants)


    if pdist:
        n = pdist

    grid_id = config['grid_id']
    init_time = config['init_time']
    pcurve_dir = config['pcurve_dir']
    ts_dir = config['tseries_dir']

    tseries_file = expand(config['tseries_file'], config)
    power_file = expand(config['power_file'], config)

    logger.info('Estimating power from time series: %s ' % tseries_file)
    logger.info('Writing power time series to: %s ' % power_file)

    dataset_in = Dataset(tseries_file, 'a')

    # Get dimensions
    dims = dataset_in.dimensions
    ntime = len(dims['time'])
    nloc = len(dims['location'])
    nheight = len(dims['height'])
    loc_str_len = len(dims['loc_str_length'])

    # Get coordinate variables
    nctime = dataset_in.variables['time']
    datetimes = netcdftime.num2date(nctime, nctime.units)
    location = [
        ''.join(l.filled(' ')).strip()
        for l in dataset_in.variables['location']
    height = dataset_in.variables['height']

    # Get attributes
    metadata = config['metadata']

    if power_file == tseries_file:
        dataset_out = dataset_in
        dataset_out = Dataset(power_file, 'w')

    # Get number of quantiles
    nq = len(quantiles)
    pdata = np.ma.zeros((ntime, nloc, nheight, nq + 1),
                        np.float)  # mean will be 1st value

    use_locs = []
    for l, loc in enumerate(location):

        pcurve_file = '%s/%s.csv' % (pcurve_dir, loc)

        # mask power data if no power curve found for this park
        if not os.path.exists(pcurve_file):
            #logger.debug("Power curve: %s not found, skipping" % pcurve_file)
            pdata[:, l, :, :] = np.ma.masked

        logger.info('Predicting power output for %s' % loc)
        # Open power curve
        pcurve = from_file(pcurve_file)

        for h in range(nheight):
            speed = dataset_in.variables['SPEED'][:, l, h]
            direction = dataset_in.variables['DIRECTION'][:, l, h]

            #pwr = pcurve.power(speed,direction)

            # pdist will create a distribution for each timetep based on sampling
            # n times from a normal distribution.
            pdist = pcurve.power_dist(speed,
            pmean = np.mean(pdist, axis=1)
            pquants = scipy.stats.mstats.mquantiles(pdist,
                                                    prob=quantiles / 100.0,

            pdata[:, l, h, 0] = pmean
            pdata[:, l, h, 1:] = pquants[:, :]

        logger.info('finished %s' % loc)

    use_inds = np.array(use_locs)
    logger.debug(pdata[:, use_inds, :, :].shape)

    if dataset_out != dataset_in:

        dataset_out.createDimension('time', None)
        dataset_out.createVariable('time', 'float', ('time', ))
        dataset_out.variables['time'][:] = nctime[:]
        dataset_out.variables['time'].units = nctime.units
        dataset_out.variables['time'].calendar = nctime.calendar

        dataset_out.createDimension('location', len(use_locs))
        dataset_out.createDimension('loc_str_length', loc_str_len)

        loc_data = np.array(
            [list(l.ljust(loc_str_len, ' ')) for l in location])
        dataset_out.createVariable('location', 'c',
                                   ('location', 'loc_str_length'))
        dataset_out.variables['location'][:] = loc_data[use_inds, :]

        dataset_out.createDimension('height', nheight)
        dataset_out.createVariable('height', 'i', ('height', ))
        dataset_out.variables['height'][:] = height[:]
        dataset_out.GRID_ID = dataset_in.GRID_ID
        dataset_out.DX = dataset_in.DX
        dataset_out.DY = dataset_in.DY

            dataset_out.variables['height'].units = height.units
        except Exception:
            logger.warn("height units missing")

        pdata = pdata[:, use_inds, :, :]
        for key in metadata.keys():
            key = key.upper()
            dataset_out.setncattr(key, dataset_in.getncattr(key))

    pavg = dataset_out.createVariable('POWER', 'f',
                                      ('time', 'location', 'height'))
    pavg.units = 'kW'
    pavg.description = 'forecast power output'
    pavg[:] = pdata[:, :, :, 0]

    for q, qval in enumerate(quantiles):

        varname = 'POWER.P%02d' % qval
        logger.debug("creating variable %s" % varname)
        var = dataset_out.createVariable(varname, 'f',
                                         ('time', 'location', 'height'))
        if pnorm:
            var.units = 'ratio'
            var.units = 'kW'
        var.description = 'forecast power output'
        print pdata[:, :, :, q + 1]
        var[:] = pdata[:, :, :, q + 1]

    if dataset_out != dataset_in:
コード例 #5
ファイル: power.py プロジェクト: zhangylang/wrftools
def power(config):
    """Reads 'time series' from netcdf time series file, and adds power as a variable. """

    if __name__ == "__main__":
        logger = loghelper.create_logger(config)
        logger = loghelper.get_logger(config['log.name'])

    # listify ensures they are returned as a list, even if it is one file
    files = shared._listify(config['<files>'])

    # Number of samples to use should be in here
    # Whether to normalise power should be in here
    start = config.get('start')
    delay = config.get('delay')
    cycles = shared._listify(config.get('cycles'))
    pnorm = config.get('pnorm')
    pdist = config.get('pdist')
    sstd = config.get('sstd')
    dstd = config.get('dstd')
    pquants = config.get('pquants')
    quantiles = np.array(pquants)
    pcurve_dir = config.get('pcurve-dir')
    ts_dir = config.get('tseries-dir')
    out = config.get('out')
    metadata = config.get('metadata')

    basetime = start if start else datetime.datetime.today()
    prior = shared._prior_time(basetime, delay=delay, hours=cycles)

    logger.debug("using %s as a start time" % prior)

    if not files:
        logger.debug("no files specified, finding using options")
        file_pattern = config.get('file-pattern')
        if not file_pattern:
            raise ConfigError('either supply files or specify file-pattern')

        expanded = substitute.sub_date(file_pattern, init_time=prior)
        files = glob.glob(expanded)

    # if we get to this point and there are still no files, then we have a problem
    if not files: raise IOError("no files found")

    logger.debug("input files: ")
    for f in files:
        logger.debug("\t%s" % f)

    # if pdist
    if pdist: n = pdist

    #grid_id         = config['grid_id']

    out_pattern = config.get('out')

    for tseries_file in files:
        dataset_in = Dataset(tseries_file, 'a')

        # Get dimensions
        dims = dataset_in.dimensions
        nreftime = len(dims['reftime'])
        ntime = len(dims['leadtime'])
        nloc = len(dims['location'])
        nheight = len(dims['height'])
        loc_str_len = len(dims['loc_str_length'])

        # Get coordinate variables
        reftime = dataset_in.variables['reftime']
        leadtime = dataset_in.variables['leadtime']
        validtime = nctools._valid_time(reftime, leadtime)

        refdt = num2date(reftime[:], reftime.units)

        power_file = substitute.sub_date(out, init_time=refdt[0])

        logger.info('Estimating power from time series: %s ' % tseries_file)
        logger.info('Writing power time series to: %s ' % power_file)

        location = [
            ''.join(l.filled(' ')).strip()
            for l in dataset_in.variables['location']
        height = dataset_in.variables['height']

        if power_file == tseries_file:
            dataset_out = dataset_in
            dataset_out = Dataset(power_file, 'w')

        # Get number of quantiles
        nq = len(quantiles)
        pdata = np.ma.zeros((ntime, nloc, nheight, nq + 1),
                            np.float)  # mean will be 1st value

        use_locs = []
        # loop through locations and look for power-curve file

        for l, loc in enumerate(location):
            pcurve_file = '%s/%s.csv' % (pcurve_dir, loc)

            # mask power data if no power curve found for this park
            if not os.path.exists(pcurve_file):
                #logger.debug("Power curve: %s not found, skipping" % pcurve_file)
                pdata[:, l, :, :] = np.ma.masked

            logger.info('Predicting power output for %s' % loc)
            # Open power curve
            pcurve = from_file(pcurve_file)

            for h in range(nheight):
                speed = dataset_in.variables['SPEED'][0, :, l, h]
                direction = dataset_in.variables['DIRECTION'][0, :, l, h]

                #pwr = pcurve.power(speed,direction)

                # pdist will create a distribution for each timetep based on sampling
                # n times from a normal distribution.
                pdist = pcurve.power_dist(speed,
                pmean = np.mean(pdist, axis=1)
                pquants = scipy.stats.mstats.mquantiles(pdist,
                                                        prob=quantiles / 100.0,

                pdata[:, l, h, 0] = pmean
                pdata[:, l, h, 1:] = pquants[:, :]

            #logger.info('finished %s' % loc)

        use_inds = np.array(use_locs)

        if dataset_out != dataset_in:
            dataset_out.createDimension('reftime', None)
            dataset_out.createVariable('reftime', 'float', ('reftime', ))
            dataset_out.variables['reftime'][:] = reftime[:]
            dataset_out.variables['reftime'].units = reftime.units
            dataset_out.variables['reftime'].calendar = reftime.calendar
            dataset_out.variables['reftime'].long_name = reftime.long_name
                'reftime'].standard_name = reftime.standard_name

            dataset_out.createDimension('leadtime', len(leadtime))
            dataset_out.createVariable('leadtime', 'int', ('leadtime', ))
            dataset_out.variables['leadtime'][:] = leadtime[:]
            dataset_out.variables['leadtime'].units = leadtime.units
            dataset_out.variables['leadtime'].long_name = leadtime.long_name
                'leadtime'].standard_name = leadtime.standard_name

            dataset_out.createDimension('location', len(use_locs))
            dataset_out.createDimension('loc_str_length', loc_str_len)

            loc_data = np.array(
                [list(l.ljust(loc_str_len, ' ')) for l in location])
            dataset_out.createVariable('location', 'c',
                                       ('location', 'loc_str_length'))
            dataset_out.variables['location'][:] = loc_data[use_inds, :]

            dataset_out.createDimension('height', nheight)
            dataset_out.createVariable('height', 'i', ('height', ))
            dataset_out.variables['height'][:] = height[:]
            dataset_out.GRID_ID = dataset_in.GRID_ID
            dataset_out.DX = dataset_in.DX
            dataset_out.DY = dataset_in.DY

                dataset_out.variables['height'].units = height.units
            except Exception:
                logger.warn("height units missing")

            pdata = pdata[:, use_inds, :, :]
            for key in metadata.keys():
                key = key.upper()
                dataset_out.setncattr(key, dataset_in.getncattr(key))

        pavg = dataset_out.createVariable(
            'POWER', 'f', ('reftime', 'leadtime', 'location', 'height'))
        pavg.units = 'kW'
        pavg.description = 'forecast power output'
        pavg[0, :, :, :] = pdata[:, :, :, 0]

        for q, qval in enumerate(quantiles):

            varname = 'POWER.P%02d' % qval

            var = dataset_out.createVariable(
                varname, 'f', ('reftime', 'leadtime', 'location', 'height'))
            if pnorm:
                var.units = 'ratio'
                var.units = 'kW'
            var.description = 'forecast power output'

            var[0, :, :, :] = pdata[:, :, :, q + 1]


        if dataset_out != dataset_in: