class A3CTrainingThread(object): def __init__(self, thread_index, global_network, initial_learning_rate, learning_rate_input, grad_applier, max_global_time_step, device, network_scope="network", scene_scope="scene", task_scope="task"): self.thread_index = thread_index self.learning_rate_input = learning_rate_input self.max_global_time_step = max_global_time_step self.network_scope = network_scope self.scene_scope = scene_scope self.task_scope = task_scope self.scopes = [network_scope, scene_scope, task_scope] self.local_network = ActorCriticFFNetwork(action_size=ACTION_SIZE, device=device, network_scope=network_scope, scene_scopes=[scene_scope]) self.local_network.prepare_loss(ENTROPY_BETA, self.scopes) self.trainer = AccumTrainer(device) self.trainer.prepare_minimize(self.local_network.total_loss, self.local_network.get_vars()) self.accum_gradients = self.trainer.accumulate_gradients() self.reset_gradients = self.trainer.reset_gradients() accum_grad_names = [ self._local_var_name(x) for x in self.trainer.get_accum_grad_list() ] global_net_vars = [ x for x in global_network.get_vars() if self._get_accum_grad_name(x) in accum_grad_names ] self.apply_gradients = grad_applier.apply_gradients( global_net_vars, self.trainer.get_accum_grad_list()) self.sync = self.local_network.sync_from(global_network) self.env = None self.local_t = 0 self.initial_learning_rate = initial_learning_rate self.episode_reward = 0 self.episode_length = 0 self.episode_max_q = -np.inf def _local_var_name(self, var): return '/'.join('/')[1:]) def _get_accum_grad_name(self, var): return self._local_var_name(var).replace(':', '_') + '_accum_grad:0' def _anneal_learning_rate(self, global_time_step): time_step_to_go = max(self.max_global_time_step - global_time_step, 0.0) learning_rate = self.initial_learning_rate * time_step_to_go / self.max_global_time_step return learning_rate def choose_action(self, pi_values): values = [] sum = 0.0 for rate in pi_values: sum = sum + rate value = sum values.append(value) r = random.random() * sum for i in range(len(values)): if values[i] >= r: return i # fail safe return len(values) - 1 def _record_score(self, sess, writer, summary_op, placeholders, values, global_t): feed_dict = {} for k in placeholders: feed_dict[placeholders[k]] = values[k] summary_str =, feed_dict=feed_dict) if VERBOSE: sys.stdout.write('writing to summary writer at time %d\n' % (global_t)) writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_t) # writer.flush() def process(self, sess, global_t, summary_writer, summary_op, summary_placeholders): if self.env is None: # lazy evaluation time.sleep(self.thread_index * 1.0) self.env = Environment({ 'scene_name': self.scene_scope, 'terminal_state_id': int(self.task_scope) }) states = [] actions = [] rewards = [] values = [] targets = [] rnn_inits = [] state_representation = [] usf = [] reward_vector = [] terminal_end = False # reset accumulated gradients # copy weights from shared to local #At each episode start we set the initial state of the RNN to zero start_local_t = self.local_t start_lstm_state = self.local_network.lstm_state_out # t_max times loop for i in range(LOCAL_T_MAX): pi_, value_, usf_s_g = self.local_network.run_policy_and_value( sess, self.env.s_t,, self.scopes) imidia_s = self.local_network.run_state(sess, self.env.s_t, self.scopes) #usf_s_g = self.local_network.run_usf(sess, self.env.s_t,,self.rnn_state_init[0] ,self.rnn_state_init[1] ,self.scopes) action = self.choose_action(pi_) states.append(self.env.s_t) actions.append(action) values.append(value_) targets.append( usf.append(usf_s_g) state_representation.append(imidia_s) if VERBOSE and (self.thread_index == 0) and (self.local_t % 1000) == 0: sys.stdout.write("Pi = {0} V = {1}\n".format(pi_, value_)) # process game self.env.step(action) # receive game result reward = self.env.reward terminal = self.env.terminal # ad-hoc reward for navigation reward = 10.0 if terminal else -0.01 if self.episode_length > 5e3: terminal = True self.episode_reward += reward self.episode_length += 1 self.episode_max_q = max(self.episode_max_q, np.max(value_)) # clip reward rewards.append(np.clip(reward, -1, 1)) self.local_t += 1 # s_t1 -> s_t self.env.update() if i == (LOCAL_T_MAX - 1) or terminal: imidiate_state_representation_next = [] usf_next = [] #reward_vector_predictor_next=[] last_state = self.env.s_t imidia_s_next = self.local_network.run_state( sess, self.env.s_t, self.scopes) state_representation_next = state_representation[1:] + [ imidia_s_next ] if terminal: usf_next_imi = 0 else: usf_next_imi = self.local_network.run_usf( sess, self.env.s_t,, self.scopes) usf_next = usf[1:] + [usf_next_imi] if terminal: terminal_end = True sys.stdout.write( "time %d | thread #%d | scene %s | target #%s\n%s %s episode reward = %.3f\n%s %s episode length = %d\n%s %s episode max Q = %.3f\n" % (global_t, self.thread_index, self.scene_scope, self.task_scope, self.scene_scope, self.task_scope, self.episode_reward, self.scene_scope, self.task_scope, self.episode_length, self.scene_scope, self.task_scope, self.episode_max_q)) oneResult = [ global_t, self.thread_index, self.scene_scope, self.task_scope, self.episode_reward, self.episode_length, self.episode_max_q ] with open('trainingOutput.csv', 'a+') as fp: # fd.write(oneResult) wr = csv.writer(fp) wr.writerow(oneResult) summary_values = { "episode_reward_input": self.episode_reward, "episode_length_input": float(self.episode_length), "episode_max_q_input": self.episode_max_q, "learning_rate_input": self._anneal_learning_rate(global_t) } self._record_score(sess, summary_writer, summary_op, summary_placeholders, summary_values, global_t) self.episode_reward = 0 self.episode_length = 0 self.episode_max_q = -np.inf self.local_network.reset_state() self.env.reset() break R = 0.0 usf_R = 0.0 if not terminal_end: R = self.local_network.run_value(sess, self.env.s_t,, self.scopes) usf_R = self.local_network.run_usf(sess, self.env.s_t,, self.scopes) actions.reverse() states.reverse() rewards.reverse() values.reverse() state_representation.reverse() state_representation_next.reverse() usf_next.reverse() batch_si = [] batch_a = [] batch_td = [] batch_R = [] batch_usf_R = [] batch_t = [] # compute and accmulate gradients for (ai, ri, si, Vi, ti, state, usf_n) in zip(actions, rewards, states, values, targets, state_representation_next, usf_next): R = ri + GAMMA * R usf_R = state + GAMMA * usf_R #usf_R = state + GAMMA*usf_n td = R - Vi a = np.zeros([ACTION_SIZE]) a[ai] = 1 batch_si.append(si) batch_a.append(a) batch_td.append(td) batch_R.append(R) batch_usf_R.append(usf_R) batch_t.append(ti) #We need to reverse this since in the training we unroll for 5 steps unlike in the inferences batch_si.reverse() batch_a.reverse() batch_td.reverse() batch_R.reverse() batch_usf_R.reverse() batch_t.reverse(), feed_dict={ self.local_network.s: batch_si, self.local_network.a: batch_a, self.local_network.t: batch_t, batch_td, self.local_network.r: batch_R, self.local_network.return_usf: batch_usf_R, self.local_network.initial_lstm_state: start_lstm_state, self.local_network.step_size: [len(batch_a)], }) cur_learning_rate = self._anneal_learning_rate(global_t), feed_dict={self.learning_rate_input: cur_learning_rate}) if VERBOSE and (self.thread_index == 0) and (self.local_t % 100) == 0: sys.stdout.write("Local timestep %d\n" % self.local_t) # return advanced local step size diff_local_t = self.local_t - start_local_t return diff_local_t
class A3CTrainingThread(object): def __init__(self, thread_index, global_network, initial_learning_rate, learning_rate_input, grad_applier, max_global_time_step, device, network_scope="network", scene_scope="scene", training_scene="scene", task_scope="task", checkpoint_scope="checkpoint"): self.thread_index = thread_index self.learning_rate_input = learning_rate_input self.max_global_time_step = max_global_time_step self.network_scope = network_scope self.scene_scope = scene_scope self.training_scene = training_scene self.task_scope = task_scope self.checkpoint_scope = checkpoint_scope self.scopes = [network_scope, scene_scope, task_scope] self.local_network = ActorCriticFFNetwork(action_size=ACTION_SIZE, device=device, network_scope=network_scope, scene_scopes=[scene_scope]) self.local_network.prepare_loss(ENTROPY_BETA, self.scopes) self.trainer = AccumTrainer(device) self.trainer.prepare_minimize(self.local_network.total_loss, self.local_network.get_vars()) self.accum_gradients = self.trainer.accumulate_gradients() self.reset_gradients = self.trainer.reset_gradients() accum_grad_names = [ self._local_var_name(x) for x in self.trainer.get_accum_grad_list() ] global_net_vars = [ x for x in global_network.get_vars() if self._get_accum_grad_name(x) in accum_grad_names ] self.apply_gradients = grad_applier.apply_gradients( global_net_vars, self.trainer.get_accum_grad_list()) self.sync = self.local_network.sync_from(global_network) self.env = None self.local_t = 0 self.initial_learning_rate = initial_learning_rate self.episode_reward = 0 self.episode_length = 0 self.episode_max_q = -np.inf def _local_var_name(self, var): return '/'.join('/')[1:]) def _get_accum_grad_name(self, var): return self._local_var_name(var).replace(':', '_') + '_accum_grad:0' def _anneal_learning_rate(self, global_time_step): time_step_to_go = max(self.max_global_time_step - global_time_step, 0.0) learning_rate = self.initial_learning_rate * time_step_to_go / self.max_global_time_step return learning_rate def choose_action(self, pi_values): values = [] sum = 0.0 for rate in pi_values: sum = sum + rate value = sum values.append(value) r = random.random() * sum for i in range(len(values)): if values[i] >= r: return i # fail safe return len(values) - 1 def _record_score(self, sess, writer, summary_op, placeholders, values, global_t): feed_dict = {} for k in placeholders: feed_dict[placeholders[k]] = values[k] summary_str =, feed_dict=feed_dict) if VERBOSE: sys.stdout.write('writing to summary writer at time %d\n' % (global_t)) writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_t) # writer.flush() def process(self, sess, global_t, summary_writer, summary_op, summary_placeholders): if self.env is None: # lazy evaluation time.sleep(self.thread_index * 1.0) self.env = Environment({ 'scene_name': self.training_scene, 'terminal_state_id': self.task_scope, 'checkpoint_state_id': self.checkpoint_scope }) self.env.reset() states = [] actions = [] rewards = [] values = [] targets = [] checkpoints = [] positions = [] auxilaries = [] auxilaries_cl = [] aclists = [] colists = [] isCheckpointed = [] collision = [] terminal_end = False # reset accumulated gradients # copy weights from shared to local start_local_t = self.local_t # t_max times loop for i in range(LOCAL_T_MAX): pi_, value_ = self.local_network.run_policy_and_value( sess, self.env.s_t, self.env.s_position, self.env.checkpoint, self.env.s_a_t, self.env.s_c_t, self.env.isCheckpoint, self.env.s_aux_cl, self.scopes) action = self.choose_action(pi_) states.append(self.env.s_t) actions.append(action) values.append(value_) targets.append( checkpoints.append(self.env.checkpoint) positions.append(self.env.s_position) aclists.append(self.env.s_a_t) colists.append(self.env.s_c_t) collision.append(self.env.s_aux_cl) isCheckpointed.append(int(self.env.isCheckpoint)) if VERBOSE and (self.thread_index == 0) and (self.local_t % 1000) == 0: sys.stdout.write("Pi = {0} V = {1}\n".format(pi_, value_)) # process game self.env.step(action) # receive game result reward = self.env.reward terminal = self.env.terminal #if self.env.isCheckpoint: # sys.stdout.write("CHECKPOINT \n") if self.episode_length > 5e3: terminal = True self.episode_reward += reward self.episode_length += 1 self.episode_max_q = max(self.episode_max_q, np.max(value_)) # clip reward rewards.append(np.clip(reward, -1, 1)) self.local_t += 1 # s_t1 -> s_t self.env.update() auxilaries.append(self.env.s_aux) auxilaries_cl.append(self.env.s_aux_cl) if terminal: terminal_end = True sys.stdout.write( "time %d | thread #%d | scene %s | target #%s\n%s %s episode reward = %.3f\n%s %s episode length = %d\n%s %s episode max Q = %.3f\n" % (global_t, self.thread_index, self.scene_scope, self.task_scope, self.scene_scope, self.task_scope, self.episode_reward, self.scene_scope, self.task_scope, self.episode_length, self.scene_scope, self.task_scope, self.episode_max_q)) summary_values = { "episode_reward_input": self.episode_reward, "episode_length_input": float(self.episode_length), "episode_max_q_input": self.episode_max_q, "learning_rate_input": self._anneal_learning_rate(global_t) } self._record_score(sess, summary_writer, summary_op, summary_placeholders, summary_values, global_t) self.episode_reward = 0 self.episode_length = 0 self.episode_max_q = -np.inf self.env.reset() break R = 0.0 if not terminal_end: R = self.local_network.run_value(sess, self.env.s_t, self.env.s_position, self.env.checkpoint, self.env.s_a_t, self.env.s_c_t, self.env.isCheckpoint, self.env.s_aux_cl, self.scopes) actions.reverse() states.reverse() rewards.reverse() values.reverse() positions.reverse() auxilaries.reverse() auxilaries_cl.reverse() aclists.reverse() colists.reverse() isCheckpointed.reverse() collision.reverse() batch_si = [] batch_a = [] batch_td = [] batch_R = [] batch_t = [] batch_c = [] batch_p = [] batch_aux = [] batch_aux_cl = [] batch_al = [] batch_cl = [] batch_ic = [] batch_collision = [] # compute and accmulate gradients for (ai, ri, si, Vi, ti, ci, pi, auxi, aux_cl_i, ali, cli, ici, coli) in zip(actions, rewards, states, values, targets, checkpoints, positions, auxilaries, auxilaries_cl, aclists, colists, isCheckpointed, collision): R = ri + GAMMA * R td = R - Vi a = np.zeros([ACTION_SIZE]) a[ai] = 1 batch_si.append(si) batch_a.append(a) batch_td.append(td) batch_R.append(R) batch_t.append(ti) batch_c.append(ci) batch_p.append(pi) batch_aux.append(auxi) batch_aux_cl.append(aux_cl_i) batch_al.append(ali) batch_cl.append(cli) batch_ic.append(ici) batch_collision.append(coli), feed_dict={ self.local_network.s: batch_si, self.local_network.a: batch_a, self.local_network.t: batch_p, self.local_network.c: batch_c, batch_td, self.local_network.aux: batch_aux, self.local_network.aux_cl: batch_aux_cl, batch_al, batch_cl, self.local_network.ic: batch_ic, self.local_network.col: batch_collision, self.local_network.r: batch_R }) cur_learning_rate = self._anneal_learning_rate(global_t), feed_dict={self.learning_rate_input: cur_learning_rate}) if VERBOSE and (self.thread_index == 0) and (self.local_t % 100) == 0: sys.stdout.write("Local timestep %d\n" % self.local_t) # return advanced local step size diff_local_t = self.local_t - start_local_t return diff_local_t, terminal
class A3CTrainingThread(object): def __init__(self, thread_index, global_network, global_discriminator, initial_learning_rate, learning_rate_input, grad_applier, grad_applier_discriminator, max_global_time_step, device, device2, network_scope="network", scene_scope="scene", task_scope="task"): self.thread_index = thread_index self.learning_rate_input = learning_rate_input self.max_global_time_step = max_global_time_step self.network_scope = network_scope self.network_scope_D = network_scope + "_d" self.scene_scope = scene_scope self.task_scope = task_scope self.scopes = [network_scope, scene_scope, task_scope] self.scopes_d = [self.network_scope_D, task_scope] self.local_network = ActorCriticFFNetwork(action_size=ACTION_SIZE, device=device, network_scope=network_scope, scene_scopes=[scene_scope]) self.local_network.prepare_loss(ENTROPY_BETA, self.scopes) self.trainer = AccumTrainer(device) self.trainer.prepare_minimize( self.local_network. total_loss, #getting the gradients of for the local network variablkes self.local_network.get_vars()) #This part is for the newly added PPO loss (we need to keep old and new update parameters) new_variable_list = self.local_network.get_vars() old_varaible_list = self.local_network.get_vars_old() #For the ppo loss begining of the each iteration we need to sync old with current self.old_new_sync = self.local_network.sync_curre_old() self.accum_gradients = self.trainer.accumulate_gradients( ) #This is to assign gradients self.reset_gradients = self.trainer.reset_gradients( ) #after applying the grads to variables we need to resent those variables accum_grad_names = [ self._local_var_name(x) for x in self.trainer.get_accum_grad_list() ] #get the name list of all the grad vars global_net_vars = [ x for x in global_network.get_vars() if self._get_accum_grad_name(x) in accum_grad_names ] #check whether the global_network vars are mentioned in gradiet computations for them local_net_vars = [ x for x in self.local_network.get_vars() if self._get_accum_grad_name(x) in accum_grad_names ] self.apply_gradients = grad_applier.apply_gradients( global_net_vars, self.trainer.get_accum_grad_list()) self.apply_gradients_local = grad_applier.apply_gradients_local_net( local_net_vars, self.trainer.get_accum_grad_list()) #If this is unstable it is desireable to first apply the gradients on the local network and then clip and after that we apply self.sync = self.local_network.sync_from( global_network ) #this is to sync from the glocal network Apply updated global params to the local network #This part is for the Discriminator ######################################################################################### # self.local_discriminator = Discriminator_WGAN( # action_size=ACTION_SIZE, # device=device, # network_scope=network_scope, # scene_scopes=[scene_scope]) # # self.local_discriminator.prepare_loss_D(ENTROPY_BETA, self.scopes_d) # # self.trainer_D = AccumTrainer_d(device=device, name="AccumTrainer_d") # # self.trainer_D.prepare_minimize( self.local_discriminator.total_loss_d, # self.local_discriminator.get_vars()) # # # self.accum_gradients_d = self.trainer_D.accumulate_gradients() # self.reset_gradients_d = self.trainer_D.reset_gradients() # # accum_grad_names_discrimi = [ self._local_var_name(x) for x in self.trainer_D.get_accum_grad_list() ] # # global_discri_vars = [ x for x in global_discriminator.get_vars() if self._get_accum_grad_name(x) in accum_grad_names_discrimi ] local_discri_vars = [ x for x in self.local_discriminator.get_vars() if self._get_accum_grad_name(x) in accum_grad_names_discrimi ] # self.apply_gradients_discriminator = grad_applier_discriminator.apply_gradients( local_discri_vars, self.trainer_D.get_accum_grad_list() ) #applying grad to the LOCAL network # self.clip_local_d_weights = self.local_discriminator.clip_weights( ) #here we are clipping the global net weights directly. # self.sync_discriminator_l_G = self.local_discriminator.sync_to( global_discriminator) # self.sync_discriminator_G_l = self.local_discriminator.sync_from( global_discriminator) # self.D_var_G = global_discriminator.get_vars() self.D_var_l = self.local_discriminator.get_vars() # # # ######################################################################################### self.env = None self.local_t = 0 self.initial_learning_rate = initial_learning_rate self.episode_reward = 0 self.episode_length = 0 self.episode_max_q = -np.inf def _local_var_name(self, var): return '/'.join('/')[1:]) def _get_accum_grad_name(self, var): return self._local_var_name(var).replace(':', '_') + '_accum_grad:0' def _anneal_learning_rate(self, global_time_step): time_step_to_go = max(self.max_global_time_step - global_time_step, 0.0) learning_rate = self.initial_learning_rate * time_step_to_go / self.max_global_time_step return learning_rate def choose_action(self, pi_values): values = [] sum = 0.0 for rate in pi_values: sum = sum + rate value = sum values.append(value) r = random.random() * sum for i in range(len(values)): if values[i] >= r: return i # fail safe return len(values) - 1 def _record_score(self, sess, writer, summary_op, placeholders, values, global_t): feed_dict = {} for k in placeholders: feed_dict[placeholders[k]] = values[k] summary_str =, feed_dict=feed_dict) if VERBOSE: print('writing to summary writer at time %d\n' % (global_t)) writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_t) # writer.flush() def process(self, sess, global_t, summary_writer, summary_op, summary_placeholders): if self.env is None: # lazy evaluation time.sleep(self.thread_index * 1.0) self.env = Environment({ 'scene_name': self.scene_scope, 'terminal_state_id': int(self.task_scope) }) self.env.reset() #resetting the environment for each thread self.env_Oracle = Environment( { #Every iteration in the thread the expert start with the current state of the agent 'scene_name': self.scene_scope, 'terminal_state_id': int(self.task_scope), 'initial_state': self.env.current_state_id }) self.env_Oracle.reset() states = [] #to keeep state ,actions ,targets and other stae actions = [] rewards = [] values = [] targets = [] dones = [] states_oracle = [] actions_oracle = [] targets_oracle = [] terminal_end = False #in the start terminal state_end is false self.reset_gradients ) #resetting the gradient positions when starting the process for each Iteration # copy weights from shared to local #dicriminator sync ########################## ) #Copy the weights from the sharead to the local ) #resetting the gradients of the discriminator slosts ######################## start_local_t = self.local_t = ShortestPathOracle(self.env_Oracle, ACTION_SIZE) ######################################################################################### #Sampling the Expert Trajectories for i in range(100): #We might need to use an for loop to finish the expert trajectory first oracle_pi = self.env_Oracle.current_state_id ) #get the policy of the oracle which means the shotest path kind of action in the given state oracle_action = self.choose_action(oracle_pi) states_oracle.append(self.env_Oracle.s_t) actions_oracle.append(oracle_action) targets_oracle.append( self.env_Oracle.step(oracle_action) terminal_o = self.env_Oracle.terminal self.env_Oracle.update() if terminal_o: break ############################################################################################## # t_max times loop for i in range( LOCAL_T_MAX ): #one thread will run for maximum amoound to 5 iterations then do a gradiet uodate pi_, value_ = self.local_network.run_policy_and_value( sess, self.env.s_t,, self.scopes) action = self.choose_action(pi_) states.append(self.env.s_t) actions.append(action) values.append(value_) targets.append( if VERBOSE and (self.thread_index == 0) and (self.local_t % 1000) == 0: sys.stdout.write("Pi = {0} V = {1}\n".format(pi_, value_)) # process game self.env.step(action) # receive game result reward = self.env.reward #getting the reward from the env terminal = self.env.terminal #geting whether the agent went to a terminal state # ad-hoc reward for navigation reward = 10.0 if terminal else -0.01 #this is the normal reward here 10 if terminal all the others it is -0.01 (ollision donesst take in to the accout) if self.episode_length > 5e3: terminal = True #Here we do not let agent to run more that 5000 steps so we make it terminal #but the above terminal thing has no effect on giving 10 as the rwaerd because we set the rweard above self.episode_reward += reward self.episode_length += 1 #this is what is the maximum value got in the episode self.episode_max_q = max(self.episode_max_q, np.max( value_)) #self.episode_max_q-This is -inf in the beggining # clip reward rewards.append( np.clip(reward, -1, 1) ) #make sure the rewartds is between -1 and +1 even thore rtthere is a 10 self.local_t += 1 # s_t1 -> s_t self.env.update() if terminal: #if we go to the terminal state we will surely break the function score = self.local_discriminator.run_critic( sess, states, targets, actions, self.scopes_d) sys.stdout.write("Critic_Score = {0}".format(score)) terminal_end = True sys.stdout.write( "time %d | thread #%d | scene %s | target #%s\n%s %s episode reward = %.3f\n%s %s episode length = %d\n%s %s episode max Q = %.3f\n" % (global_t, self.thread_index, self.scene_scope, self.task_scope, self.scene_scope, self.task_scope, self.episode_reward, self.scene_scope, self.task_scope, self.episode_length, self.scene_scope, self.task_scope, self.episode_max_q)) summary_values = { "episode_reward_input": self.episode_reward, "episode_length_input": float(self.episode_length), "episode_max_q_input": self.episode_max_q, "learning_rate_input": self._anneal_learning_rate(global_t) } self._record_score(sess, summary_writer, summary_op, summary_placeholders, summary_values, global_t) self.episode_reward = 0 #after terminal state we gonna make all these variables to zero self.episode_length = 0 #Now the AI need to start from new position self.episode_max_q = -np.inf #after a terminaltion we do this self.env.reset() break R = 0.0 #In the terminal Return is nothing #If it's terminal end we do not have a return from the final state if not terminal_end: #But if it's not the turminal Return is the next value function R = self.local_network.run_value(sess, self.env.s_t,, self.scopes) #Agent's Samples actions.reverse() states.reverse() rewards.reverse() values.reverse() #Expert's Samples states_oracle.reverse() actions_oracle.reverse() actions_oracle.reverse() #Agent's batch batch_si = [] batch_a = [] batch_actions = [] batch_td = [] batch_R = [] batch_t = [] #Expert's Batch batch_si_ex = [] batch_a_ex = [] batch_t_ex = [] batch_si_d = [] batch_t_d = [] batch_actions_d = [] #This is for the for (s_e, a_e, t_e) in zip(states_oracle, actions_oracle, targets_oracle): batch_si_ex.append(s_e) batch_a_ex.append(a_e) batch_t_ex.append(t_e) for (ai, si, ti) in zip(actions, states, targets): batch_actions_d.append(ai) batch_si_d.append(si) batch_t_d.append(ti) cur_learning_rate = self._anneal_learning_rate(global_t) for i in range(10): self. accum_gradients_d, #since we update the algorithm for given action ,given state, given advatns and given value and given reward we do not care about the sequence feed_dict={ self.local_discriminator.s_e: batch_si_ex, self.local_discriminator.Actions_e: batch_a_ex, self.local_discriminator.s_a: batch_si_d, self.local_discriminator.Actions_a: batch_actions_d, self.local_discriminator.t_e: batch_t_ex, self.local_discriminator.t_a: batch_t_d }) self. apply_gradients_discriminator, #directly gradients get apply on the global discri feed_dict={self.learning_rate_input: 0.00005}) loss =, feed_dict={ self.local_discriminator.s_e: batch_si_ex, self.local_discriminator.Actions_e: batch_a_ex, self.local_discriminator.s_a: batch_si_d, self.local_discriminator.Actions_a: batch_actions_d, self.local_discriminator.t_e: batch_t_ex, self.local_discriminator.t_a: batch_t_d }) ) #every update make sure u clip weihtfs critic_r = self.local_discriminator.run_critic(sess, batch_si_d, batch_t_d, batch_actions_d, self.scopes_d) critic_r = critic_r * 0.1 rewards = rewards + critic_r #We concatenate the rewrds function # Compute the advantage function , return and stack them as batches in Agent for (ai, ri, si, Vi, ti) in zip(actions, rewards, states, values, targets): R = ri + GAMMA * R #calculatung the adcantage function td = R - Vi a = np.zeros([ACTION_SIZE]) a[ai] = 1 #making the actions one hot batch_actions.append(ai) batch_si.append(si) batch_a.append(a) batch_td.append(td) batch_R.append(R) batch_t.append(ti) #syncying the new paramters to the old network in the thread PPO for i in range(4): #reset the gradients self. accum_gradients, #since we update the algorithm for given action ,given state, given advatns and given value and given reward we do not care about the sequence feed_dict={ self.local_network.s: batch_si, self.local_network.a: batch_a, self.local_network.t: batch_t, batch_td, self.local_network.r: batch_R, }) self. apply_gradients_local, #apply the gradients to the local networ feed_dict={self.learning_rate_input: cur_learning_rate}) #theoritcally we can have one accume gradient operation here, feed_dict={self.learning_rate_input: cur_learning_rate}) self.sync_discriminator_l_G ) #syncing the paramters from the local network to the global newok if VERBOSE and (self.thread_index == 0) and (self.local_t % 100) == 0: sys.stdout.write("Local timestep %d\n" % self.local_t) # return advanced local step size diff_local_t = self.local_t - start_local_t return diff_local_t
class A3CTrainingThread(object): def __init__(self, thread_index, global_network, initial_learning_rate, learning_rate_input, grad_applier, max_global_time_step, device, network_scope="network", scene_scope="scene", task_scope="task"): self.thread_index = thread_index self.learning_rate_input = learning_rate_input self.max_global_time_step = max_global_time_step self.network_scope = network_scope self.scene_scope = scene_scope self.task_scope = task_scope self.scopes = [network_scope, scene_scope, task_scope] if USE_LSTM: self.local_network = ActorCriticLSTMNetwork( action_size=ACTION_SIZE, device=device, network_scope=network_scope, scene_scopes=[scene_scope]) else: self.local_network = ActorCriticFFNetwork( action_size=ACTION_SIZE, device=device, network_scope=network_scope, scene_scopes=[scene_scope]) self.local_network.prepare_loss(ENTROPY_BETA, self.scopes) self.trainer = AccumTrainer(device) self.trainer.prepare_minimize(self.local_network.total_loss, self.local_network.get_vars()) self.accum_gradients = self.trainer.accumulate_gradients() self.reset_gradients = self.trainer.reset_gradients() accum_grad_names = [ self._local_var_name(x) for x in self.trainer.get_accum_grad_list() ] global_net_vars = [ x for x in global_network.get_vars() if self._get_accum_grad_name(x) in accum_grad_names ] self.apply_gradients = grad_applier.apply_gradients( global_net_vars, self.trainer.get_accum_grad_list()) self.sync = self.local_network.sync_from(global_network) self.env = None self.obs = None self.local_t = 0 self.initial_learning_rate = initial_learning_rate self.episode_reward = 0 self.episode_length = 0 self.episode_max_q = -np.inf self.entropy = np.zeros(20) def _local_var_name(self, var): return '/'.join('/')[1:]) def _get_accum_grad_name(self, var): return self._local_var_name(var).replace(':', '_') + '_accum_grad:0' def _anneal_learning_rate(self, global_time_step): time_step_to_go = max(self.max_global_time_step - global_time_step, 0.0) learning_rate = self.initial_learning_rate * time_step_to_go / self.max_global_time_step return learning_rate def choose_action(self, pi_values): values = [] sum = 0.0 for rate in pi_values: sum = sum + rate value = sum values.append(value) r = random.random() * sum for i in range(len(values)): if values[i] >= r: return i # fail safe return len(values) - 1 def _record_score(self, sess, writer, summary_op, placeholders, values, global_t): feed_dict = {} for k in placeholders: feed_dict[placeholders[k]] = values[k] summary_str =, feed_dict=feed_dict) if VERBOSE: sys.stdout.write('writing to summary writer at time %d\n' % (global_t)) writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_t) # writer.flush() def process(self, sess, global_t, summary_writer, summary_op, summary_placeholders): if self.env is None: # lazy evaluation time.sleep(self.thread_index * 1.0) self.env = gym.make('Pong-v0') self.obs = self.env.reset() states = [] actions = [] rewards = [] values = [] terminal_end = False # reset accumulated gradients # copy weights from shared to local start_local_t = self.local_t if USE_LSTM: start_lstm_state = self.local_network.lstm_state_out # t_max times loop for i in range(LOCAL_T_MAX): pi_, value_ = self.local_network.run_policy_and_value( sess, self.obs, self.scopes) action = self.choose_action(pi_) states.append(self.obs) actions.append(action) values.append(value_) if VERBOSE and (self.thread_index == 0) and (self.local_t % 1000) == 0: sys.stdout.write("Pi = {0} V = {1}\n".format(pi_, value_)) # process game self.obs, reward, terminal, info = self.env.step(action) # ad-hoc reward for navigation # reward = 10.0 if terminal else -0.01 # if self.episode_length > 5e3: terminal = True self.episode_reward += reward self.episode_length += 1 self.episode_max_q = max(self.episode_max_q, np.max(value_)) # clip reward rewards.append(np.clip(reward, -1, 1)) self.local_t += 1 # s_t1 -> s_t # self.env.update() if terminal: terminal_end = True sys.stdout.write( "time %d | thread #%d | scene %s \n" "%s %s episode reward = %.3f\n" "%s %s episode length = %d\n" "%s %s episode max Q = %.3f\n" % (global_t, self.thread_index, self.scene_scope, self.scene_scope, self.task_scope, self.episode_reward, self.scene_scope, self.task_scope, self.episode_length, self.scene_scope, self.task_scope, self.episode_max_q)) summary_values = { "episode_reward_input": self.episode_reward, "episode_length_input": float(self.episode_length), "episode_max_q_input": self.episode_max_q, "learning_rate_input": self._anneal_learning_rate(global_t), "episode_entropy": self.entropy[ 0] # self.entropy here is a np.array([1, 20]) with same # value for each element, don't know why } self._record_score(sess, summary_writer, summary_op, summary_placeholders, summary_values, global_t) self.episode_reward = 0 self.episode_length = 0 self.episode_max_q = -np.inf self.obs = self.env.reset() if USE_LSTM: self.local_network.reset_state() break R = 0.0 if not terminal_end: R = self.local_network.run_value(sess, self.obs, self.scopes) actions.reverse() states.reverse() rewards.reverse() values.reverse() batch_si = [] batch_a = [] batch_td = [] batch_R = [] # compute and accmulate gradients for (ai, ri, si, Vi) in zip(actions, rewards, states, values): R = ri + GAMMA * R td = R - Vi a = np.zeros([ACTION_SIZE]) a[ai] = 1 batch_si.append(si) batch_a.append(a) batch_td.append(td) batch_R.append(R) cur_learning_rate = self._anneal_learning_rate(global_t) if USE_LSTM: batch_si.reverse() batch_a.reverse() batch_td.reverse() batch_R.reverse() _, self.entropy = [self.apply_gradients, self.local_network.entropy], feed_dict={ self.local_network.s: batch_si, self.local_network.a: batch_a, batch_td, self.local_network.r: batch_R, self.local_network.initial_lstm_state: start_lstm_state, self.local_network.step_size: [len(batch_a)], self.learning_rate_input: cur_learning_rate }) # _, self.entropy =[self.accum_gradients, self.local_network.entropy], # feed_dict={ # self.local_network.s: batch_si, # self.local_network.a: batch_a, # batch_td, # self.local_network.r: batch_R, # self.local_network.step_size: [len(batch_a)] # }) else: _, self.entropy = [self.accum_gradients, self.local_network.entropy], feed_dict={ self.local_network.s: batch_si, self.local_network.a: batch_a, batch_td, self.local_network.r: batch_R }), feed_dict={self.learning_rate_input: cur_learning_rate}) if VERBOSE and (self.thread_index == 0) and (self.local_t % 100) == 0: sys.stdout.write("Local timestep %d\n" % self.local_t) # return advanced local step size diff_local_t = self.local_t - start_local_t return diff_local_t
class A3CTrainingThread(object): def __init__(self, thread_index, global_network, global_discriminator, initial_learning_rate, learning_rate_input, grad_applier, grad_applier_discriminator, max_global_time_step, device, network_scope="network", scene_scope="scene", task_scope="task"): self.thread_index = thread_index self.learning_rate_input = learning_rate_input self.max_global_time_step = max_global_time_step self.network_scope = network_scope self.network_scope_D = network_scope + "_d" self.scene_scope = scene_scope self.task_scope = task_scope self.scopes = [network_scope, scene_scope, task_scope] self.scopes_d = [self.network_scope_D, scene_scope, task_scope] self.local_network = ActorCriticFFNetwork(action_size=ACTION_SIZE, device=device, network_scope=network_scope, scene_scopes=[scene_scope]) self.local_discriminator = Discriminator_WGAN( action_size=ACTION_SIZE, device=device, network_scope=network_scope, scene_scopes=[scene_scope]) self.local_network.prepare_loss(ENTROPY_BETA, self.scopes) self.local_discriminator.prepare_loss_D(ENTROPY_BETA, self.scopes_d) self.trainer = AccumTrainer(device) self.trainer_D = AccumTrainer( device, name="AccumTrainer_d") #new instance for discrimninateor self.trainer.prepare_minimize( self.local_network. total_loss, #getting the gradients of for the local network variablkes self.local_network.get_vars()) self.trainer_D.prepare_minimize(self.local_discriminator.total_loss_d, self.local_discriminator.get_vars()) new_variable_list = self.local_network.get_vars() old_varaible_list = self.local_network.get_vars_old() self.old_new_sync = self.local_network.sync_curre_old() self.accum_gradients = self.trainer.accumulate_gradients( ) #This is to assign gradients self.reset_gradients = self.trainer.reset_gradients( ) #after applying the grads to variables we need to resent those variables #This is for the discriminatro self.accum_gradients_d = self.trainer_D.accumulate_gradients() self.reset_gradients_d = self.trainer_D.reset_gradients() accum_grad_names = [ self._local_var_name(x) for x in self.trainer.get_accum_grad_list() ] #get the name list of all the grad vars accum_grad_names_discrimi = [ self._local_var_name(x) for x in self.trainer_D.get_accum_grad_list() ] global_net_vars = [ x for x in global_network.get_vars() if self._get_accum_grad_name(x) in accum_grad_names ] #check whether the global_network vars are mentioned in gradiet computations for them local_net_vars = [ x for x in self.local_network.get_vars() if self._get_accum_grad_name(x) in accum_grad_names ] #self.trainer.get_accum_grad_list() this is about gradients righjt now global_discri_vars = [ x for x in global_discriminator.get_vars() if self._get_accum_grad_name(x) in accum_grad_names_discrimi ] self.apply_gradients = grad_applier.apply_gradients( global_net_vars, self.trainer.get_accum_grad_list()) self.apply_gradients_local = grad_applier.apply_gradients_local_net( local_net_vars, self.trainer.get_accum_grad_list()) #Discriminator self.apply_gradients_discriminator = grad_applier_discriminator.apply_gradients( global_discri_vars, self.trainer_D.get_accum_grad_list()) self.clip_global_d_weights = global_discriminator.clip_weights( ) #here we are clipping the global net weights directly. #If this is unstable it is desireable to first apply the gradients on the local network and then clip and after that we apply self.sync = self.local_network.sync_from( global_network ) #this is to sync from the glocal network Apply updated global params to the local network self.sync_discriminator = self.local_discriminator.sync_from( global_discriminator) self.env = None self.local_t = 0 self.initial_learning_rate = initial_learning_rate self.episode_reward = 0 self.episode_length = 0 self.episode_max_q = -np.inf def _local_var_name(self, var): return '/'.join('/')[1:]) def _get_accum_grad_name(self, var): return self._local_var_name(var).replace(':', '_') + '_accum_grad:0' def _anneal_learning_rate(self, global_time_step): time_step_to_go = max(self.max_global_time_step - global_time_step, 0.0) learning_rate = self.initial_learning_rate * time_step_to_go / self.max_global_time_step return learning_rate def choose_action(self, pi_values): values = [] sum = 0.0 for rate in pi_values: sum = sum + rate value = sum values.append(value) r = random.random() * sum for i in range(len(values)): if values[i] >= r: return i # fail safe return len(values) - 1 def _record_score(self, sess, writer, summary_op, placeholders, values, global_t): feed_dict = {} for k in placeholders: feed_dict[placeholders[k]] = values[k] summary_str =, feed_dict=feed_dict) if VERBOSE: print('writing to summary writer at time %d\n' % (global_t)) writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_t) # writer.flush() def process(self, sess, global_t, summary_writer, summary_op, summary_placeholders): if self.env is None: # lazy evaluation time.sleep(self.thread_index * 1.0) self.env = Environment({ 'scene_name': self.scene_scope, 'terminal_state_id': int(self.task_scope) }) self.env.reset() #resetting the environment for each thread states = [] #to keeep state ,actions ,targets and other stae actions = [] rewards = [] values = [] targets = [] dones = [] terminal_end = False #in the start terminal state_end is false # reset accumulated gradients self.reset_gradients ) #resetting the gradient positions when starting the process for each # copy weights from shared to local start_local_t = self.local_t # t_max times loop for i in range( LOCAL_T_MAX ): #one thread will run for maximum amoound to 5 iterations then do a gradiet uodate pi_, value_ = self.local_network.run_policy_and_value( sess, self.env.s_t,, self.scopes) #pi_Old, value_Old = self.local_network.run_policy_and_value_old(sess, self.env.s_t,, self.scopes) action = self.choose_action(pi_) states.append(self.env.s_t) actions.append(action) values.append(value_) targets.append( if VERBOSE and (self.thread_index == 0) and (self.local_t % 1000) == 0: sys.stdout.write("Pi = {0} V = {1}\n".format(pi_, value_)) # process game self.env.step(action) # receive game result reward = self.env.reward #getting the reward from the env terminal = self.env.terminal #geting whether the agent went to a terminal state # ad-hoc reward for navigation reward = 10.0 if terminal else -0.01 #this is the normal reward here 10 if terminal all the others it is -0.01 (ollision donesst take in to the accout) if self.episode_length > 5e3: terminal = True #Here we do not let agent to run more that 5000 steps so we make it terminal #but the above terminal thing has no effect on giving 10 as the rwaerd because we set the rweard above self.episode_reward += reward self.episode_length += 1 #this is what is the maximum value got in the episode self.episode_max_q = max(self.episode_max_q, np.max( value_)) #self.episode_max_q-This is -inf in the beggining # clip reward rewards.append( np.clip(reward, -1, 1) ) #make sure the rewartds is between -1 and +1 even thore rtthere is a 10 self.local_t += 1 # s_t1 -> s_t self.env.update() if terminal: #if we go to the terminal state we will surely break the function sys.stdout.write("Pi = {0} V = {1}\n".format(pi_, value_)) terminal_end = True sys.stdout.write( "time %d | thread #%d | scene %s | target #%s\n%s %s episode reward = %.3f\n%s %s episode length = %d\n%s %s episode max Q = %.3f\n" % (global_t, self.thread_index, self.scene_scope, self.task_scope, self.scene_scope, self.task_scope, self.episode_reward, self.scene_scope, self.task_scope, self.episode_length, self.scene_scope, self.task_scope, self.episode_max_q)) summary_values = { "episode_reward_input": self.episode_reward, "episode_length_input": float(self.episode_length), "episode_max_q_input": self.episode_max_q, "learning_rate_input": self._anneal_learning_rate(global_t) } self._record_score(sess, summary_writer, summary_op, summary_placeholders, summary_values, global_t) self.episode_reward = 0 #after terminal state we gonna make all these variables to zero self.episode_length = 0 #Now the AI need to start from new position self.episode_max_q = -np.inf #after a terminaltion we do this self.env.reset() break ''' Here I should call the discriminator and get the reward signal from that,action)) ''' R = 0.0 #In the terminal Return is nothing #If it's terminal end we do not have a return from the final state if not terminal_end: #But if it's not the turminal Return is the next value function R = self.local_network.run_value(sess, self.env.s_t,, self.scopes) Returns = np.zeros_like(rewards) Advants = np.zeros_like(rewards) lastgaelam = 0 LAMBDA = 0.9 GAM = 0.9 self.nsteps = len(rewards) ############################################################################# we should assined all params to the new params #This will only has an effect on ##################################################################### for t in reversed(range(self.nsteps)): if t == self.nsteps - 1: nextnonterminal = 1.0 - bool( R == 0) #if R ==0 means the agent found the terminal stage nextvalues = R else: nextnonterminal = 1.0 - bool(R == 0) nextvalues = values[t + 1] delta = rewards[t] + GAM * nextvalues * nextnonterminal - values[t] Advants[ t] = lastgaelam = delta + GAM * LAMBDA * lastgaelam * nextnonterminal Returns[t] = Advants[t] + values[t] #Returns=Advants+values #This is more of the v_next Advants = (Advants - Advants.mean()) / (Advants.std() + 1e-5) #Returns=(Returns - Returns.mean()) / (Returns.std() + 1e-5) Returns = Returns.tolist() Advants = Advants.tolist() actions.reverse() states.reverse() rewards.reverse() values.reverse() Returns.reverse() Advants.reverse() batch_si = [] batch_a = [] batch_td = [] batch_R = [] batch_t = [] batch_advant = [] batch_Return = [] # compute and accmulate gradients for (ai, ri, si, Vi, ti, Re, Ad) in zip(actions, rewards, states, values, targets, Returns, Advants): R = ri + GAMMA * R #calculatung the adcantage function td = R - Vi a = np.zeros([ACTION_SIZE]) a[ai] = 1 #making the actions one hot batch_si.append(si) batch_a.append(a) batch_td.append(td) batch_R.append(R) batch_t.append(ti) batch_advant.append(Ad) batch_Return.append(Re) cur_learning_rate = self._anneal_learning_rate(global_t) for i in range(3): self. accum_gradients, #since we update the algorithm for given action ,given state, given advatns and given value and given reward we do not care about the sequence feed_dict={ self.local_network.s: batch_si, self.local_network.a: batch_a, self.local_network.t: batch_t, batch_td, self.local_network.r: batch_R, self.local_network.Returns: batch_Return, self.local_network.Advantages: batch_advant }), feed_dict={self.learning_rate_input: cur_learning_rate}), feed_dict={self.learning_rate_input: cur_learning_rate}) if VERBOSE and (self.thread_index == 0) and (self.local_t % 100) == 0: sys.stdout.write("Local timestep %d\n" % self.local_t) # return advanced local step size diff_local_t = self.local_t - start_local_t return diff_local_t
class A3CTrainingThread(object): def __init__(self, thread_index, global_network, initial_learning_rate, learning_rate_input, grad_applier, max_global_time_step, device, network_scope="network", scene_scope="scene", task_scope="task"): self.thread_index = thread_index self.learning_rate_input = learning_rate_input self.max_global_time_step = max_global_time_step self.network_scope = network_scope self.scene_scope = scene_scope self.task_scope = task_scope self.scopes = [network_scope, scene_scope, task_scope] self.task_scope_name=1 self.local_network = ActorCriticFFNetwork( action_size=ACTION_SIZE, device=device, network_scope=network_scope, scene_scopes=[scene_scope]) self.local_network.prepare_loss(ENTROPY_BETA, self.scopes) self.trainer = AccumTrainer(device) self.trainer.prepare_minimize(self.local_network.total_loss, self.local_network.get_vars()) self.accum_gradients = self.trainer.accumulate_gradients() self.reset_gradients = self.trainer.reset_gradients() accum_grad_names = [self._local_var_name(x) for x in self.trainer.get_accum_grad_list()] global_net_vars = [x for x in global_network.get_vars() if self._get_accum_grad_name(x) in accum_grad_names] self.apply_gradients = grad_applier.apply_gradients( global_net_vars, self.trainer.get_accum_grad_list() ) self.sync = self.local_network.sync_from(global_network) self.env = None self.local_t = 0 self.initial_learning_rate = initial_learning_rate self.episode_reward = 0 self.episode_length = 0 self.episode_max_q = -np.inf def _local_var_name(self, var): return '/'.join('/')[1:]) def _get_accum_grad_name(self, var): return self._local_var_name(var).replace(':','_') + '_accum_grad:0' def _anneal_learning_rate(self, global_time_step): time_step_to_go = max(self.max_global_time_step - global_time_step, 0.0) learning_rate = self.initial_learning_rate * time_step_to_go / self.max_global_time_step return learning_rate def choose_action(self, pi_values): values = [] sum = 0.0 for rate in pi_values: sum = sum + rate value = sum values.append(value) r = random.random() * sum for i in range(len(values)): if values[i] >= r: return i # fail safe return len(values) - 1 def _record_score(self, sess, writer, summary_op, placeholders, values, global_t): feed_dict = {} for k in placeholders: feed_dict[placeholders[k]] = values[k] summary_str =, feed_dict=feed_dict) if VERBOSE: print('writing to summary writer at time %d\n' % (global_t)) writer.add_summary(summary_str, global_t) # writer.flush() def process(self, sess, global_t, summary_writer, summary_op, summary_placeholders): if self.env is None: # lazy evaluation time.sleep(self.thread_index*1.0) self.task_scope_name = random.randint(1, 468) - 1 self.env = Environment({ 'scene_name': self.scene_scope, 'terminal_state_id': self.task_scope_name }) self.env.reset() states = [] actions = [] rewards = [] values = [] targets = [] terminal_end = False # reset accumulated gradients self.reset_gradients ) # copy weights from shared to local self.sync ) start_local_t = self.local_t # t_max times loop for i in range(LOCAL_T_MAX): pi_, value_ = self.local_network.run_policy_and_value(sess, self.env.s_t,, self.scopes) action = self.choose_action(pi_) states.append(self.env.s_t) actions.append(action) values.append(value_) targets.append( if VERBOSE and (self.thread_index == 0) and (self.local_t % 1000) == 0: sys.stdout.write("Pi = {0} V = {1}\n".format(pi_, value_)) # process game self.env.step(action) # receive game result reward = self.env.reward terminal = self.env.terminal # ad-hoc reward for navigation reward = 10.0 if terminal else -0.01 if self.episode_length > 5e3: terminal = True self.episode_reward += reward self.episode_length += 1 self.episode_max_q = max(self.episode_max_q, np.max(value_)) # clip reward rewards.append( np.clip(reward, -1, 1) ) self.local_t += 1 # s_t1 -> s_t self.env.update() if terminal: terminal_end = True print'----------' print('real terminal id is {}'.format(self.task_scope_name)) sys.stdout.write("time %d | thread #%d | scene %s | target #%s\n%s %s episode reward = %.3f\n%s %s episode length = %d\n%s %s episode max Q = %.3f\n" % (global_t, self.thread_index, self.scene_scope, self.task_scope, self.scene_scope, self.task_scope, self.episode_reward, self.scene_scope, self.task_scope, self.episode_length, self.scene_scope, self.task_scope, self.episode_max_q)) summary_values = { "episode_reward_input": self.episode_reward, "episode_length_input": float(self.episode_length), "episode_max_q_input": self.episode_max_q, "learning_rate_input": self._anneal_learning_rate(global_t) } self._record_score(sess, summary_writer, summary_op, summary_placeholders, summary_values, global_t) self.episode_reward = 0 self.episode_length = 0 self.episode_max_q = -np.inf self.task_scope_name = random.randint(1, 468) - 1 self.env = Environment({ 'scene_name': self.scene_scope, 'terminal_state_id': self.task_scope_name }) self.env.reset() print ('init id is {}'.format(self.env.current_state_id)) print'----------' break R = 0.0 if not terminal_end: R = self.local_network.run_value(sess, self.env.s_t,, self.scopes) actions.reverse() states.reverse() rewards.reverse() values.reverse() batch_si = [] batch_a = [] batch_td = [] batch_R = [] batch_t = [] # compute and accmulate gradients for(ai, ri, si, Vi, ti) in zip(actions, rewards, states, values, targets): R = ri + GAMMA * R td = R - Vi a = np.zeros([ACTION_SIZE]) a[ai] = 1 batch_si.append(si) batch_a.append(a) batch_td.append(td) batch_R.append(R) batch_t.append(ti) if USE_LSTM: batch_si.reverse() batch_a.reverse() batch_td.reverse() batch_R.reverse() batch_t.reverse(), feed_dict={ self.local_network.s: batch_si, self.local_network.a: batch_a, self.local_network.t: batch_t, batch_td, self.local_network.r: batch_R, self.local_network.initial_lstm_state: start_lstm_state,}) # self.local_network.step_size: [len(batch_a)] else: self.accum_gradients, feed_dict = { self.local_network.s: batch_si, self.local_network.a: batch_a, self.local_network.t: batch_t, batch_td, self.local_network.r: batch_R} ) cur_learning_rate = self._anneal_learning_rate(global_t) self.apply_gradients, feed_dict = { self.learning_rate_input: cur_learning_rate } ) if VERBOSE and (self.thread_index == 0) and (self.local_t % 100) == 0: sys.stdout.write("Local timestep %d\n" % self.local_t) # return advanced local step size diff_local_t = self.local_t - start_local_t return diff_local_t