コード例 #1
ファイル: test_users.py プロジェクト: kkdeep/basket
    def check_get_user(self, master, optin, confirm, error, expected_result):
        Call get_user_data with the given conditions and verify
        that the return value matches the expected result.
        The expected result can include `ANY` values for don't-cares.

        :param master: What should be returned if we query the master DB
        :param optin: What should be returned if we query the opt-in DB
        :param confirm: What should be returned if we query the confirmed DB
        :param error: Exception to raise
        :param expected_result: Expected return value of get_user_data, or
            expected exception raised if any

        # Use this method to mock look_for_user so that we can return
        # different values given the input arguments
        def mock_look_for_user(database, email, token, fields):
            if error:
                raise error
            if database == settings.EXACTTARGET_DATA:
                return master
            elif database == settings.EXACTTARGET_OPTIN_STAGE:
                return optin
            elif database == settings.EXACTTARGET_CONFIRMATION:
                return optin
                raise Exception("INVALID INPUT TO mock_look_for_user - "
                                "database %r unknown" % database)

        with patch('news.views.look_for_user') as look_for_user:
            look_for_user.side_effect = mock_look_for_user
            result = get_user_data()

        self.assertEqual(expected_result, result)
コード例 #2
ファイル: tasks.py プロジェクト: bensternthal/basket
def send_recovery_message_task(email):
    # Have to import here to avoid circular import - that means that for
    # testing, this can't be mocked. Mock look_for_user instead.
    from news.views import get_user_data

    # We should check ET so we can get format and lang if they exist.
    # If they don't exist, then we can create a basket subscriber.

    user_data = get_user_data(email=email, sync_data=True)
    if not user_data:
        log.warn("In send_recovery_message_task, email not known: %s" % email)

    # make sure we have a language and format, no matter what ET returned
    lang = user_data.get('lang', 'en') or 'en'
    format = user_data.get('format', 'H') or 'H'

    message_id = mogrify_message_id(RECOVERY_MESSAGE_ID, lang, format)
    send_message(message_id, email, user_data['token'], format)
コード例 #3
ファイル: tasks.py プロジェクト: kkdeep/basket
def confirm_user(token, user_data):
    Confirm any pending subscriptions for the user with this token.

    If any of the subscribed newsletters have welcome messages,
    send them.

    :param token: User's token
    :param user_data: Dictionary with user's data from Exact Target,
        as returned by get_user_data(), or None if that wasn't available
        when this was called.
    :raises: BasketError for fatal errors, NewsletterException for retryable
    # Get user data if we don't already have it
    if user_data is None:
        from .views import get_user_data   # Avoid circular import
        user_data = get_user_data(token=token)
    if user_data is None:
        raise BasketError(MSG_USER_NOT_FOUND)
    if user_data['status'] == 'error':
        msg = "error getting user data for %s: %s" % \
              (token, user_data['desc'])
        raise NewsletterException(msg)
    if user_data['confirmed']:
        log.info("In confirm_user, user with token %s "
                 "is already confirmed" % token)
    if not 'email' in user_data or not user_data['email']:
        msg = "in confirm_user, token %s has no email addr in ET" % token
        raise BasketError(msg)

    # Add user's token to the confirmation database at ET. A nightly
    # task will somehow do something about it.
    apply_updates(settings.EXACTTARGET_CONFIRMATION, {'TOKEN': token})

    # Now, if they're subscribed to any newsletters with confirmation
    # welcome messages, send those.
    send_welcomes(user_data, user_data['newsletters'],
                  user_data.get('format', 'H'))
コード例 #4
ファイル: tasks.py プロジェクト: bensternthal/basket
def update_user(data, email, token, created, type, optin):
    """Task for updating user's preferences and newsletters.

    :param dict data: POST data from the form submission
    :param string email: User's email address
    :param string token: User's token
    :param boolean created: Whether a new user was created in Basket
    :param int type: What kind of API call it was. Could be
    :param boolean optin: Whether the user should go through the
        double-optin process or not. If ``optin`` is ``True`` then
        the user should bypass the double-optin process.

    :returns: One of the return codes UU_ALREADY_CONFIRMED,
        etc. (see code) to indicate what case we figured out we were
        doing.  (These are primarily for tests to use.)
    :raises: NewsletterException if there are any errors that would be
        worth retrying. Our task wrapper will retry in that case.

    # Parse the parameters
    # `record` will contain the data we send to ET in the format they want.
    record = {
        'EMAIL_ADDRESS_': email,
        'TOKEN': token,
        'MODIFIED_DATE_': gmttime(),

    extra_fields = {
        'country': 'COUNTRY_',
        'lang': 'LANGUAGE_ISO2',
        'source_url': 'SOURCE_URL',

    # Optionally add more fields
    for field in extra_fields:
        if field in data:
            record[extra_fields[field]] = data[field]

    lang = record.get('LANGUAGE_ISO2', '') or ''

    # Can't import this earlier, circular import
    from .views import get_user_data

    # Get the user's current settings from ET, if any
    user_data = get_user_data(token=token)
    # If we don't find the user, get_user_data returns None. Create
    # a minimal dictionary to use going forward. This will happen
    # often due to new people signing up.
    if user_data is None:
        user_data = {
            'email': email,
            'token': token,
            'master': False,
            'pending': False,
            'confirmed': False,
            'lang': lang,
            'status': 'ok',
    elif user_data.get('status', 'error') != 'ok':
        # Error talking to ET - raise so we retry later
        msg = "Some error with Exact Target: %r" % user_data
        raise NewsletterException(msg)

    if lang:
        # User asked for a language change. Use the new language from
        # here on.
        user_data['lang'] = lang
        # Use `lang` as a shorter reference to user_data['lang']
        lang = user_data['lang']

    # We need an HTML/Text format choice for sending welcome messages, and
    # optionally to update their ET record
    if 'format' in data:  # Submitted in call
        fmt = 'T' if data.get('format', 'H').upper().startswith('T') else 'H'
        # We only set the format in ET if the call asked us to
        record['EMAIL_FORMAT_'] = fmt
    elif 'format' in user_data:  # Existing user preference
        fmt = user_data['format']
    else:  # Default to 'H'
        fmt = 'H'
    # From here on, fmt is either 'H' or 'T', preferring 'H'

    newsletters = [x.strip() for x in data.get('newsletters', '').split(',')]

    cur_newsletters = user_data.get('newsletters', None)
    if cur_newsletters is not None:
        cur_newsletters = set(cur_newsletters)

    # Set the newsletter flags in the record by comparing to their
    # current subscriptions.
    to_subscribe, to_unsubscribe = parse_newsletters(record, type,

    # Are they subscribing to any newsletters that don't require confirmation?
    # When including any newsletter that does not
    # require confirmation, user gets a pass on confirming and goes straight
    # to confirmed.
    exempt_from_confirmation = optin or Newsletter.objects\
        .filter(slug__in=to_subscribe, requires_double_optin=False)\

    # Send welcomes when type is SUBSCRIBE and trigger_welcome arg
    # is absent or 'Y'.
    should_send_welcomes = data.get('trigger_welcome', 'Y') == 'Y'\
        and type == SUBSCRIBE


    if user_data['confirmed']:
        # The user is already confirmed.
        # Just add any new subs to whichever of master or optin list is
        # appropriate, and send welcomes.
        target_et = MASTER if user_data['master'] else OPT_IN
        apply_updates(target_et, record)
        if should_send_welcomes:
            send_welcomes(user_data, to_subscribe, fmt)
        return_code = UU_ALREADY_CONFIRMED
    elif exempt_from_confirmation:
        # This user is not confirmed, but they
        # qualify to be excepted from confirmation.
        if user_data['pending']:
            # We were waiting for them to confirm.  Update the data in
            # their record (currently in the Opt-in table), then go
            # ahead and confirm them. This will also send welcomes.
            apply_updates(OPT_IN, record)
            confirm_user(user_data['token'], user_data)
            return_code = UU_EXEMPT_PENDING
            # Brand new user: Add them directly to master subscriber DB
            # and send welcomes.
            record['CREATED_DATE_'] = gmttime()
            apply_updates(MASTER, record)
            if should_send_welcomes:
                send_welcomes(user_data, to_subscribe, fmt)
            return_code = UU_EXEMPT_NEW
        # This user must confirm
        if user_data['pending']:
            return_code = UU_MUST_CONFIRM_PENDING
            # Creating a new record, need a couple more fields
            record['CREATED_DATE_'] = gmttime()
            record['SubscriberKey'] = record['TOKEN']
            record['EmailAddress'] = record['EMAIL_ADDRESS_']
            return_code = UU_MUST_CONFIRM_NEW
        # Create or update OPT_IN record and send email telling them (or
        # reminding them) to confirm.
        apply_updates(OPT_IN, record)
        send_confirm_notice(email, token, lang, fmt, to_subscribe)
    return return_code