コード例 #1
ファイル: ivector.py プロジェクト: tirkarthi/odin-ai
def _extract_zero_and_first_stats(X, sad, indices, gmm, z_path, f_path,
    n_samples = X.shape[0]
    # indices is None, every row is single sample (utterance or image ...)
    if indices is None:
        if os.path.exists(z_path):
        if os.path.exists(f_path):
        Z = MmapArrayWriter(path=z_path,
                            shape=(n_samples, gmm.nmix),
        F = MmapArrayWriter(path=f_path,
                            shape=(n_samples, gmm.feat_dim * gmm.nmix),
        jobs, _ = _split_jobs(n_samples,

        def map_transform(start_end):
            start, end = start_end
            for i in range(start, end):
                # removed by SAD
                if sad is not None and not bool(sad[i]):
                    yield None, None, None
                    z, f = gmm.transform(X[i][np.newaxis, :],
                    yield i, z, f

        prog = Progbar(target=n_samples,
                       name="Extracting zero and first order statistics")
        for i, z, f in mpi.MPI(jobs, map_transform, ncpu=None, batch=1):
            if i is not None:  # i None means removed by SAD
                Z[i] = z
                F[i] = f
    # use directly the transform_to_disk function
コード例 #2
ファイル: ivector.py プロジェクト: imito/odin
def _extract_zero_and_first_stats(X, sad, indices, gmm, z_path, f_path, name_path):
  n_samples = X.shape[0]
  # indices is None, every row is single sample (utterance or image ...)
  if indices is None:
    if os.path.exists(z_path):
    if os.path.exists(f_path):
    Z = MmapData(path=z_path, dtype='float32',
                 shape=(n_samples, gmm.nmix), read_only=False)
    F = MmapData(path=f_path, dtype='float32',
                 shape=(n_samples, gmm.feat_dim * gmm.nmix),
    jobs, _ = _split_jobs(n_samples, ncpu=mpi.cpu_count(),
                       device='cpu', gpu_factor=1)

    def map_transform(start_end):
      start, end = start_end
      for i in range(start, end):
        # removed by SAD
        if sad is not None and not bool(sad[i]):
          yield None, None, None
          z, f = gmm.transform(X[i][np.newaxis, :],
                               zero=True, first=True, device='cpu')
          yield i, z, f
    prog = Progbar(target=n_samples,
                   print_report=True, print_summary=False,
                   name="Extracting zero and first order statistics")
    for i, z, f in mpi.MPI(jobs, map_transform,
                           ncpu=None, batch=1):
      if i is not None: # i None means removed by SAD
        Z[i] = z
        F[i] = f
    Z.flush(); Z.close()
    F.flush(); F.close()
  # use directly the transform_to_disk function
    gmm.transform_to_disk(X, indices=indices, sad=sad,
                          dtype='float32', device=None, ncpu=None,
コード例 #3
    with np.warnings.catch_warnings():
        for path, name in SAMPLED_WAV_FILE:
            feat = recipe.transform(path)
            assert feat['bnf'].shape[0] == feat['mspec'].shape[0]
            V.plot_multiple_features(feat, title=feat['name'])
        V.plot_save(os.path.join(PATH_EXP, 'features_%s.pdf' % args.recipe))
# ===========================================================================
# Prepare the processor
# ===========================================================================
with np.warnings.catch_warnings():
    jobs = list(WAV_FILES.keys())
    processor = pp.FeatureProcessor(
        path=os.path.join(PATH_ACOUSTIC_FEAT, args.recipe),
                 cpu_count() - 2),
        log_path=os.path.join(PATH_EXP, 'processor_%s.log' % args.recipe),
                         path=os.path.join(PATH_EXP, args.recipe),
コード例 #4
# ====== debugging ====== #
  with np.warnings.catch_warnings():
    for path, name in SAMPLED_WAV_FILE:
      feat = recipe.transform(path)
      assert feat['bnf'].shape[0] == feat['mspec'].shape[0]
      V.plot_multiple_features(feat, title=feat['name'])
    V.plot_save(os.path.join(PATH_EXP, 'features_%s.pdf' % args.recipe))
# ===========================================================================
# Prepare the processor
# ===========================================================================
with np.warnings.catch_warnings():
  jobs = list(WAV_FILES.keys())
  processor = pp.FeatureProcessor(jobs=jobs,
      path=os.path.join(PATH_ACOUSTIC_FEAT, args.recipe),
      ncpu=min(18, cpu_count() - 2),
      log_path=os.path.join(PATH_EXP, 'processor_%s.log' % args.recipe),
                       path=os.path.join(PATH_EXP, args.recipe),
コード例 #5
ファイル: fast_tsne.py プロジェクト: johndpope/odin-ai
def fast_tsne(*X,
  n_components : int, optional (default: 2)
      Dimension of the embedded space.

  n_samples : {int, None}
      if given, downsampling the data to given number of sample

  perplexity : float, optional (default: 30)
      The perplexity is related to the number of nearest neighbors that
      is used in other manifold learning algorithms. Larger datasets
      usually require a larger perplexity. Consider selecting a value
      between 5 and 50. The choice is not extremely critical since t-SNE
      is quite insensitive to this parameter.

  early_exaggeration : float, optional (default: 8.0)
      Controls how tight natural clusters in the original space are in
      the embedded space and how much space will be between them. For
      larger values, the space between natural clusters will be larger
      in the embedded space. Again, the choice of this parameter is not
      very critical. If the cost function increases during initial
      optimization, the early exaggeration factor or the learning rate
      might be too high.

  learning_rate : float, optional (default: 200.0)
      The learning rate for t-SNE is usually in the range [10.0, 1000.0]. If
      the learning rate is too high, the data may look like a 'ball' with any
      point approximately equidistant from its nearest neighbours. If the
      learning rate is too low, most points may look compressed in a dense
      cloud with few outliers. If the cost function gets stuck in a bad local
      minimum increasing the learning rate may help.

  n_iter : int, optional (default: 1000)
      Maximum number of iterations for the optimization. Should be at
      least 250.

  n_iter_without_progress : int, optional (default: 300)
      Maximum number of iterations without progress before we abort the
      optimization, used after 250 initial iterations with early
      exaggeration. Note that progress is only checked every 50 iterations so
      this value is rounded to the next multiple of 50.

  min_grad_norm : float, optional (default: 1e-7)
      If the gradient norm is below this threshold, the optimization will
      be stopped.

  metric : string or callable, optional
      The metric to use when calculating distance between instances in a
      feature array. If metric is a string, it must be one of the options
      allowed by scipy.spatial.distance.pdist for its metric parameter, or
      a metric listed in pairwise.PAIRWISE_DISTANCE_FUNCTIONS.
      If metric is "precomputed", X is assumed to be a distance matrix.
      Alternatively, if metric is a callable function, it is called on each
      pair of instances (rows) and the resulting value recorded. The callable
      should take two arrays from X as input and return a value indicating
      the distance between them. The default is "euclidean" which is
      interpreted as squared euclidean distance.

  init : string or numpy array, optional (default: "random")
      Initialization of embedding. Possible options are 'random', 'pca',
      and a numpy array of shape (n_samples, n_components).
      PCA initialization cannot be used with precomputed distances and is
      usually more globally stable than random initialization.

  verbose : int, optional (default: 0)
      Verbosity level.

  random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional (default: None)
      If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator;
      If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator;
      If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used
      by `np.random`.  Note that different initializations might result in
      different local minima of the cost function.

  method : string (default: 'barnes_hut')
      By default the gradient calculation algorithm uses Barnes-Hut
      approximation running in O(NlogN) time. method='exact'
      will run on the slower, but exact, algorithm in O(N^2) time. The
      exact algorithm should be used when nearest-neighbor errors need
      to be better than 3%. However, the exact method cannot scale to
      millions of examples.

  angle : float (default: 0.5)
      Only used if method='barnes_hut'
      This is the trade-off between speed and accuracy for Barnes-Hut T-SNE.
      'angle' is the angular size (referred to as theta in [3]) of a distant
      node as measured from a point. If this size is below 'angle' then it is
      used as a summary node of all points contained within it.
      This method is not very sensitive to changes in this parameter
      in the range of 0.2 - 0.8. Angle less than 0.2 has quickly increasing
      computation time and angle greater 0.8 has quickly increasing error.
    assert len(X) > 0, "No input is given!"
    if isinstance(X[0], (tuple, list)):
        X = X[0]
    if not all(isinstance(x, np.ndarray) for x in X):
        raise ValueError(
            "`X` can only be list of numpy.ndarray or numpy.ndarray")
    # ====== kwarg for creating T-SNE class ====== #
    kwargs = dict(locals())
    del kwargs['X']
    n_samples = kwargs.pop('n_samples', None)
    # ====== downsampling ====== #
    if n_samples is not None:
        n_samples = int(n_samples)
        assert n_samples > 0
        new_X = []
        rand = random_state if isinstance(random_state, np.random.RandomState) else \
        for x in X:
            if x.shape[0] > n_samples:
                ids = rand.permutation(x.shape[0])[:n_samples]
                x = x[ids]
        X = new_X
    # ====== import proper T-SNE ====== #
    tsne_version = None
        from tsnecuda import TSNE
        from tsnecuda.NaiveTSNE import NaiveTSNE as _exact_TSNE
        tsne_version = 'cuda'
    except ImportError:
        # wprint("Install CUDA-TSNE from `https://github.com/CannyLab/tsne-cuda` "
        #        "for significant speed up.")
            from MulticoreTSNE import MulticoreTSNE as TSNE
            tsne_version = 'multicore'
        except ImportError:
                "Install MulticoreTSNE from `pip install git+https://github.com/DmitryUlyanov/Multicore-TSNE.git`"
                ' to accelerate the T-SNE on multiple CPU cores.')
                from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
                tsne_version = 'sklearn'
            except Exception as e:
                raise e
    # ====== modify kwargs ====== #
    if tsne_version == 'cuda':
        kwargs['random_seed'] = kwargs['random_state']
        kwargs['theta'] = angle
        if method == 'exact':
            TSNE = _exact_TSNE
            del kwargs['theta']
        del kwargs['random_state']
        del kwargs['n_jobs']
        del kwargs['angle']
        del kwargs['method']
    elif tsne_version == 'multicore':
        del kwargs['n_jobs']
    # ====== getting cached values ====== #
    results = []
    X_new = []
    for i, x in enumerate(X):
        md5 = md5_checksum(x)
        key = _create_key(kwargs, md5)
        if key in _cached_values:
            results.append((i, _cached_values[key]))
            X_new.append((i, md5, x))

    # ====== perform T-SNE ====== #
    def apply_tsne(j):
        idx, md5, x = j
        tsne = TSNE(**kwargs)
        return (idx, md5, tsne.fit_transform(x))

    # only 1 X, no need for MPI
    if len(X_new) == 1:
        idx, md5, x = apply_tsne(X_new[0])
        results.append((idx, x))
        _cached_values[_create_key(kwargs, md5)] = x
        mpi = MPI(jobs=X_new,
                           cpu_count() - 1))
        for idx, md5, x in mpi:
            results.append((idx, x))
            _cached_values[_create_key(kwargs, md5)] = x
    # ====== return and clean ====== #
    results = sorted(results, key=lambda a: a[0])
    results = [r[1] for r in results]
    return results[0] if len(results) == 1 else results
コード例 #6
ファイル: helpers.py プロジェクト: professorlust/odin-ai
# ====== DNN ====== #
BATCH_SIZE = int(_args.batch)
EPOCH = int(_args.epoch)
LEARNING_RATE = float(_args.lr)
GRADIENT_CLIPPING = float(_args.clip)
# ====== searching for the appropriate system ====== #
SCORE_SYSTEM_ID = int(_args.sysid)
N_LDA = int(_args.lda)
N_PLDA = int(_args.plda)
assert N_PLDA > 0, "Number of PLDA components must > 0, but given: %d" % N_PLDA
PLDA_SHOW_LLK = bool(_args.showllk)
# ====== system ====== #
NCPU = min(18, mpi.cpu_count() - 2) if _args.ncpu <= 0 else int(_args.ncpu)

# ====== helper for checking the requirement ====== #
def _check_feature_extraction_requirement():
    # check requirement for feature extraction
    from shutil import which
    if which('sox') is None:
        raise RuntimeError("`sox` was not installed")
    if which('sph2pipe') is None:
        raise RuntimeError("`sph2pipe` was not installed")
    if which('ffmpeg') is None:
        raise RuntimeError("`ffmpeg` was not installed")

def _check_recipe_name_for_extraction():
コード例 #7
        V.plot_multiple_features(tmp, title=name)
    V.plot_save(os.path.join(PATH_EXP, 'feature_debug.pdf'))
# ===========================================================================
# Processor
# ===========================================================================
with np.warnings.catch_warnings():
  processor = pp.FeatureProcessor(jobs=all_files,
      ncpu =min(18, cpu_count() - 2) if args.ncpu <= 0 else int(args.ncpu),
      log_path=os.path.join(PATH_EXP, 'processor.log'),
      stop_on_failure=True # small dataset, enable stop on failure
  with UnitTimer():
  n_error = len(processor.error_log)
# ====== copy readme and check the preprocessed dataset ====== #
if n_error == 0:
  readme_path = os.path.join(audio.path, [i for i in os.listdir(audio.path)
                                          if 'README' in i][0])
              os.path.join(PATH_ACOUSTIC, 'README.md'))
コード例 #8
                V.plot_multiple_features(tmp, title=name)
        V.plot_save(os.path.join(PATH_EXP, 'feature_debug.pdf'))
# ===========================================================================
# Processor
# ===========================================================================
with np.warnings.catch_warnings():
    processor = pp.FeatureProcessor(
                 cpu_count() - 2) if args.ncpu <= 0 else int(args.ncpu),
        log_path=os.path.join(PATH_EXP, 'processor.log'),
        stop_on_failure=True  # small dataset, enable stop on failure
    with UnitTimer():
    n_error = len(processor.error_log)
# ====== copy readme and check the preprocessed dataset ====== #
if n_error == 0:
    readme_path = os.path.join(
        audio.path, [i for i in os.listdir(audio.path) if 'README' in i][0])
    shutil.copy(readme_path, os.path.join(PATH_ACOUSTIC, 'README.md'))
コード例 #9
ファイル: fast_tsne.py プロジェクト: imito/odin
def fast_tsne(*X, n_components=2, n_samples=None, perplexity=30.0,
              early_exaggeration=8.0, learning_rate=200.0, n_iter=1000,
              n_iter_without_progress=300, min_grad_norm=1e-7,
              metric="euclidean", init="random", verbose=0,
              random_state=5218, method='barnes_hut', angle=0.5,
  n_components : int, optional (default: 2)
      Dimension of the embedded space.

  n_samples : {int, None}
      if given, downsampling the data to given number of sample

  perplexity : float, optional (default: 30)
      The perplexity is related to the number of nearest neighbors that
      is used in other manifold learning algorithms. Larger datasets
      usually require a larger perplexity. Consider selecting a value
      between 5 and 50. The choice is not extremely critical since t-SNE
      is quite insensitive to this parameter.

  early_exaggeration : float, optional (default: 8.0)
      Controls how tight natural clusters in the original space are in
      the embedded space and how much space will be between them. For
      larger values, the space between natural clusters will be larger
      in the embedded space. Again, the choice of this parameter is not
      very critical. If the cost function increases during initial
      optimization, the early exaggeration factor or the learning rate
      might be too high.

  learning_rate : float, optional (default: 200.0)
      The learning rate for t-SNE is usually in the range [10.0, 1000.0]. If
      the learning rate is too high, the data may look like a 'ball' with any
      point approximately equidistant from its nearest neighbours. If the
      learning rate is too low, most points may look compressed in a dense
      cloud with few outliers. If the cost function gets stuck in a bad local
      minimum increasing the learning rate may help.

  n_iter : int, optional (default: 1000)
      Maximum number of iterations for the optimization. Should be at
      least 250.

  n_iter_without_progress : int, optional (default: 300)
      Maximum number of iterations without progress before we abort the
      optimization, used after 250 initial iterations with early
      exaggeration. Note that progress is only checked every 50 iterations so
      this value is rounded to the next multiple of 50.

  min_grad_norm : float, optional (default: 1e-7)
      If the gradient norm is below this threshold, the optimization will
      be stopped.

  metric : string or callable, optional
      The metric to use when calculating distance between instances in a
      feature array. If metric is a string, it must be one of the options
      allowed by scipy.spatial.distance.pdist for its metric parameter, or
      a metric listed in pairwise.PAIRWISE_DISTANCE_FUNCTIONS.
      If metric is "precomputed", X is assumed to be a distance matrix.
      Alternatively, if metric is a callable function, it is called on each
      pair of instances (rows) and the resulting value recorded. The callable
      should take two arrays from X as input and return a value indicating
      the distance between them. The default is "euclidean" which is
      interpreted as squared euclidean distance.

  init : string or numpy array, optional (default: "random")
      Initialization of embedding. Possible options are 'random', 'pca',
      and a numpy array of shape (n_samples, n_components).
      PCA initialization cannot be used with precomputed distances and is
      usually more globally stable than random initialization.

  verbose : int, optional (default: 0)
      Verbosity level.

  random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional (default: None)
      If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator;
      If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator;
      If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used
      by `np.random`.  Note that different initializations might result in
      different local minima of the cost function.

  method : string (default: 'barnes_hut')
      By default the gradient calculation algorithm uses Barnes-Hut
      approximation running in O(NlogN) time. method='exact'
      will run on the slower, but exact, algorithm in O(N^2) time. The
      exact algorithm should be used when nearest-neighbor errors need
      to be better than 3%. However, the exact method cannot scale to
      millions of examples.

  angle : float (default: 0.5)
      Only used if method='barnes_hut'
      This is the trade-off between speed and accuracy for Barnes-Hut T-SNE.
      'angle' is the angular size (referred to as theta in [3]) of a distant
      node as measured from a point. If this size is below 'angle' then it is
      used as a summary node of all points contained within it.
      This method is not very sensitive to changes in this parameter
      in the range of 0.2 - 0.8. Angle less than 0.2 has quickly increasing
      computation time and angle greater 0.8 has quickly increasing error.
  assert len(X) > 0, "No input is given!"
  if isinstance(X[0], (tuple, list)):
    X = X[0]
  if not all(isinstance(x, np.ndarray) for x in X):
    raise ValueError("`X` can only be list of numpy.ndarray or numpy.ndarray")
  # ====== kwarg for creating T-SNE class ====== #
  kwargs = dict(locals())
  del kwargs['X']
  n_samples = kwargs.pop('n_samples', None)
  # ====== downsampling ====== #
  if n_samples is not None:
    n_samples = int(n_samples)
    assert n_samples > 0
    new_X = []
    rand = random_state if isinstance(random_state, np.random.RandomState) else \
    for x in X:
      if x.shape[0] > n_samples:
        ids = rand.permutation(x.shape[0])[:n_samples]
        x = x[ids]
    X = new_X
  # ====== import proper T-SNE ====== #
  tsne_version = None
    from tsnecuda import TSNE
    from tsnecuda.NaiveTSNE import NaiveTSNE as _exact_TSNE
    tsne_version = 'cuda'
  except ImportError:
    # wprint("Install CUDA-TSNE from `https://github.com/CannyLab/tsne-cuda` "
    #        "for significant speed up.")
      from MulticoreTSNE import MulticoreTSNE as TSNE
      tsne_version = 'multicore'
    except ImportError:
      wprint("Install MulticoreTSNE from `pip install git+https://github.com/DmitryUlyanov/Multicore-TSNE.git`"
             ' to accelerate the T-SNE on multiple CPU cores.')
        from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
        tsne_version = 'sklearn'
      except Exception as e:
        raise e
  # ====== modify kwargs ====== #
  if tsne_version == 'cuda':
    kwargs['random_seed'] = kwargs['random_state']
    kwargs['theta'] = angle
    if method == 'exact':
      TSNE = _exact_TSNE
      del kwargs['theta']
    del kwargs['random_state']
    del kwargs['n_jobs']
    del kwargs['angle']
    del kwargs['method']
  elif tsne_version == 'multicore':
    del kwargs['n_jobs']
  # ====== getting cached values ====== #
  results = []
  X_new = []
  for i, x in enumerate(X):
    md5 = md5_checksum(x)
    key = _create_key(kwargs, md5)
    if key in _cached_values:
      results.append((i, _cached_values[key]))
      X_new.append((i, md5, x))

  # ====== perform T-SNE ====== #
  def apply_tsne(j):
    idx, md5, x = j
    tsne = TSNE(**kwargs)
    return (idx, md5, tsne.fit_transform(x))
  # only 1 X, no need for MPI
  if len(X_new) == 1:
    idx, md5, x = apply_tsne(X_new[0])
    results.append((idx, x))
    _cached_values[_create_key(kwargs, md5)] = x
    mpi = MPI(jobs=X_new, func=apply_tsne, batch=1,
              ncpu=min(len(X_new), cpu_count() - 1))
    for idx, md5, x in mpi:
      results.append((idx, x))
      _cached_values[_create_key(kwargs, md5)] = x
  # ====== return and clean ====== #
  results = sorted(results, key=lambda a: a[0])
  results = [r[1] for r in results]
  return results[0] if len(results) == 1 else results
コード例 #10
ファイル: helpers.py プロジェクト: imito/odin
                    'sre04', 'sre05', 'sre06', 'sre08', 'sre10']
# ====== DNN ====== #
BATCH_SIZE = int(_args.batch)
EPOCH = int(_args.epoch)
LEARNING_RATE = float(_args.lr)
GRADIENT_CLIPPING = float(_args.clip)
# ====== searching for the appropriate system ====== #
SCORE_SYSTEM_ID = int(_args.sysid)
N_LDA = int(_args.lda)
N_PLDA = int(_args.plda)
assert N_PLDA > 0, "Number of PLDA components must > 0, but given: %d" % N_PLDA
PLDA_SHOW_LLK = bool(_args.showllk)
# ====== system ====== #
NCPU = min(18, mpi.cpu_count() - 2) if _args.ncpu <= 0 else int(_args.ncpu)
# ====== helper for checking the requirement ====== #
def _check_feature_extraction_requirement():
  # check requirement for feature extraction
  from shutil import which
  if which('sox') is None:
    raise RuntimeError("`sox` was not installed")
  if which('sph2pipe') is None:
    raise RuntimeError("`sph2pipe` was not installed")
  if which('ffmpeg') is None:
    raise RuntimeError("`ffmpeg` was not installed")

def _check_recipe_name_for_extraction():
  # check the requirement of recipe name for feature extraction
  if '_' in FEATURE_RECIPE:
    raise ValueError("'_' can appear in recipe name which is: '%s'" % FEATURE_RECIPE)
コード例 #11
ファイル: fast_tsne.py プロジェクト: trungnt13/odin-ai
def fast_tsne(
    n_components: int = 2,
    max_samples: Optional[int] = None,
    perplexity: float = 30.0,
    early_exaggeration: float = 12.0,
    learning_rate: float = 200.0,
    n_iter: int = 1000,
    n_iter_without_progress: int = 300,
    exaggeration_iter: int = 250,
    perplexity_max_iter: int = 100,
    min_grad_norm: float = 1e-7,
    method: str = 'barnes_hut',
    metric: str = "euclidean",
    init: str = "random",
    angle: float = 0.5,
    n_jobs: Optional[int] = 4,
    merge_inputs: bool = True,
    pca_preprocessing: bool = True,
    return_model: bool = False,
    random_state: int = 1,
    verbose: int = 0,
    framework: Literal['auto', 'sklearn', 'cuml'] = 'auto',
    """ t-Stochastic Nearest Neighbors.
  If the algorithm take unexpected long time for running, lower the
  `exaggeration_iter`, or reduce the amount of samples by downsampling
  the dataset.

  n_components : int, optional (default: 2)
      Dimension of the embedded space.
  max_samples : {int, None}
      if given, downsampling the data to given number of sample
  perplexity : float, optional (default: 30)
      The perplexity is related to the number of nearest neighbors that
      is used in other manifold learning algorithms. Larger datasets
      usually require a larger perplexity. Consider selecting a value
      between 5 and 50. The choice is not extremely critical since t-SNE
      is quite insensitive to this parameter.
  early_exaggeration : float, optional (default: 8.0)
      Controls how tight natural clusters in the original space are in
      the embedded space and how much space will be between them. For
      larger values, the space between natural clusters will be larger
      in the embedded space. Again, the choice of this parameter is not
      very critical. If the cost function increases during initial
      optimization, the early exaggeration factor or the learning rate
      might be too high.
  learning_rate : float, optional (default: 200.0)
      The learning rate for t-SNE is usually in the range [10.0, 1000.0]. If
      the learning rate is too high, the data may look like a 'ball' with any
      point approximately equidistant from its nearest neighbours. If the
      learning rate is too low, most points may look compressed in a dense
      cloud with few outliers. If the cost function gets stuck in a bad local
      minimum increasing the learning rate may help.
  n_iter : int, optional (default: 1000)
      Maximum number of iterations for the optimization. Should be at
      least 250.
  n_iter_without_progress : int, optional (default: 300)
      Maximum number of iterations without progress before we abort the
      optimization, used after 250 initial iterations with early
      exaggeration. Note that progress is only checked every 50 iterations so
      this value is rounded to the next multiple of 50.
  perplexity_max_iter : int, (default 100)
      The number of epochs the best gaussian bands are found for.
  exaggeration_iter : int, (default 250)
      To promote the growth of clusters, set this higher.
  min_grad_norm : float, optional (default: 1e-7)
      If the gradient norm is below this threshold, the optimization will
      be stopped.
  metric : string or callable, optional
      The metric to use when calculating distance between instances in a
      feature array. If metric is a string, it must be one of the options
      allowed by scipy.spatial.distance.pdist for its metric parameter, or
      a metric listed in pairwise.PAIRWISE_DISTANCE_FUNCTIONS.
      If metric is "precomputed", X is assumed to be a distance matrix.
      Alternatively, if metric is a callable function, it is called on each
      pair of instances (rows) and the resulting value recorded. The callable
      should take two arrays from X as input and return a value indicating
      the distance between them. The default is "euclidean" which is
      interpreted as squared euclidean distance.
  init : string or numpy array, optional (default: "random")
      Initialization of embedding. Possible options are 'random', 'pca',
      and a numpy array of shape (n_samples, n_components).
      PCA initialization cannot be used with precomputed distances and is
      usually more globally stable than random initialization.
  verbose : int, optional (default: 0)
      Verbosity level, a number from 0 to 6.
  random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, optional (default: None)
      If int, random_state is the seed used by the random number generator;
      If RandomState instance, random_state is the random number generator;
      If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used
      by `np.random`.  Note that different initializations might result in
      different local minima of the cost function.
  method : string (default: 'barnes_hut')
      By default the gradient calculation algorithm uses Barnes-Hut
      approximation running in O(NlogN) time. method='exact'
      will run on the slower, but exact, algorithm in O(N^2) time. The
      exact algorithm should be used when nearest-neighbor errors need
      to be better than 3%. However, the exact method cannot scale to
      millions of examples.
  angle : float (default: 0.5)
      Only used if method='barnes_hut'
      This is the trade-off between speed and accuracy for Barnes-Hut T-SNE.
      'angle' is the angular size (referred to as theta in [3]) of a distant
      node as measured from a point. If this size is below 'angle' then it is
      used as a summary node of all points contained within it.
      This method is not very sensitive to changes in this parameter
      in the range of 0.2 - 0.8. Angle less than 0.2 has quickly increasing
      computation time and angle greater 0.8 has quickly increasing error.
  return_model : a Boolean, if `True`,
      return the trained t-SNE model
  merge_inputs : a Boolean, if `True`,
      merge all arrays into a single array
      for training t-SNE.
    assert len(X) > 0, "No input is given!"
    if isinstance(X[0], (tuple, list)):
        X = X[0]
    if not all(isinstance(x, np.ndarray) for x in X):
        raise ValueError(
            "`X` can only be list of numpy.ndarray or numpy.ndarray")
    # ====== kwarg for creating T-SNE class ====== #
    kwargs = dict(locals())
    del kwargs['X']
    # ====== downsampling ====== #
    if max_samples is not None:
        max_samples = int(max_samples)
        assert max_samples > 0
        new_X = []
        rand = random_state if isinstance(random_state, np.random.RandomState) else \
        for x in X:
            if x.shape[0] > max_samples:
                ids = rand.permutation(x.shape[0])[:max_samples]
                x = x[ids]
        X = new_X
    # ====== import proper T-SNE ====== #
    tsne_version = None
    if framework != 'sklearn':
            from cuml.manifold import TSNE
            tsne_version = 'cuda'
        except ImportError:
            warnings.warn("Install RAPIDSAI cuML GPUs-accelerated t-SNE")
                from MulticoreTSNE import MulticoreTSNE as TSNE
                tsne_version = 'multicore'
            except ImportError:
                    "pip install "
    if tsne_version is None:
        from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
        tsne_version = 'sklearn'
    # ====== modify kwargs ====== #
    if tsne_version == 'cuda':
        del kwargs['n_jobs']
    elif tsne_version == 'multicore':
        del kwargs['perplexity_max_iter']
        del kwargs['exaggeration_iter']
        del kwargs['n_jobs']
        del kwargs['perplexity_max_iter']
        del kwargs['exaggeration_iter']
    # ====== getting cached values ====== #
    results = []
    X_new = []
    X_size = []
    if merge_inputs:
        X_size = [x.shape[0] for x in X]
        x = np.vstack(X) if len(X) > 1 else X[0]
        md5 = md5_checksum(x)
        key = _create_key(tsne_version, kwargs, md5)
        if key in _cached_values:
            results.append((0, _cached_values[key]))
            X_new.append((0, md5, x))
        for i, x in enumerate(X):
            md5 = md5_checksum(x)
            key = _create_key(tsne_version, kwargs, md5)
            if key in _cached_values:
                results.append((i, _cached_values[key]))
                X_new.append((i, md5, x))

    # ====== perform T-SNE ====== #
    def apply_tsne(j):
        idx, md5, x = j
        if pca_preprocessing:
            x = PCA(n_components=None,
        tsne = TSNE(**kwargs)
        return (idx, md5, tsne.fit_transform(x),
                tsne if return_model else None)

    # only 1 X, no need for MPI
    if len(X_new) == 1 or tsne_version in ('cuda', 'multicore'):
        for x in X_new:
            idx, md5, x, model = apply_tsne(x)
            results.append((idx, x))
            _cached_values[_create_key(tsne_version, kwargs, md5)] = x
        mpi = MPI(jobs=X_new,
                           cpu_count() - 1))
        model = []
        for idx, md5, x, m in mpi:
            results.append((idx, x))
            _cached_values[_create_key(tsne_version, kwargs, md5)] = x
    # ====== return and clean ====== #
    if merge_inputs and len(X_size) > 1:
        indices = [0] + np.cumsum(X_size).tolist()
        results = [results[0][1][s:e] for s, e in zip(indices, indices[1:])]
        results = sorted(results, key=lambda a: a[0])
        results = [r[1] for r in results]
    results = results[0] if len(results) == 1 else results
    if return_model:
        return results, model
    del model
    return results