コード例 #1
def main():

    # Look for parallel in args
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--parallel', action = "store_true")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # What to run
    argdicts = {
        "-driver" : 'llg',

        '-mesh' : 'ut_sphere',
        '-tmax' : 10,
        '-damping' : 1,

        '-ts' : 'imr',
        '-dt' : 0.1,

        '-ms-method' : 'implicit',
        '-quadrature' : 'lnodal',
        '-newton-tol' : 1e-12,
        "-solver" : "gmres",
        "-matrix-type" : "som",
        "-prec" : "som-main-exact",

    # Where it's going to end up
    base_outdir = os.path.abspath(pjoin(os.path.dirname(__file__), "Validation"))

    # Run
    err_codes, outdirs = mm.run_sweep(argdicts, base_outdir,
                                      serial_mode=not args.parallel)

    # Get data
    datasets = list(map(mm.parse_run, outdirs))

    # Check things
    ran = all((e == 0 for e in err_codes))
    t1 = all([tests.check_m_length(d, 1e-7) for d in datasets])
    t2 = all([tests.check_error_norm(d, 1e-2) for d in datasets])

    # ??ds not convinced I should let the tols be this loose

    if ran and t1:
        return 0
        return 1
コード例 #2
def main():

    # Look for parallel in args
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--parallel', action = "store_true")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Test without magnetostatics by comparison with Mallinson solution
    argdicts = {
        "-driver" : ["ll"],
        "-dt": [0.01],
        "-scale": [10],
        "-ms-method" : "disabled",
        "-ts" : ["cay-euler", "cay-rk2"],
        "-tmax" : [3],

    base_outdir = os.path.abspath(pjoin(os.path.dirname(__file__), "Validation"))

    # Run
    err_codes, outdirs = mm.run_sweep(argdicts, base_outdir,
                                      serial_mode=not args.parallel)

    # Get data
    datasets = list(map(mm.parse_run, outdirs))

    # Check things
    ran = all((e == 0 for e in err_codes))
    t1 = all([tests.check_error_norm(d, 1e-5) for d in datasets])
    t2 = all([tests.check_m_length(d, 1e-14) for d in datasets])

    if ran and t1 and t2:
        return 0
        return 1
コード例 #3
def main():

    # Look for parallel in args
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--parallel', action = "store_true")
    parser.add_argument('--short', action = "store_true")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # What to run
    argdicts_1d = {
         # Problem specification
        '-driver' : 'llg',
        '-ms-method' : 'disabled',
        '-mesh' : 'sq_line_periodic',
        '-initial-m' : 'periodic_exact',
        '-initial-is-exact' : 1,
        '-h-app' : 'zero',
        '-damping' : [0.9, 0.01, 0],
        '-tmax' : 1.0,
        '-wave-solution-c' : 1/12, # Jeong et. al's value

        # Integration/calculation details
        '-ts' : ["imr"],
        '-ref' : [1, 4],
        '-dt' : [0.1, 0.01, 0.005],
        # ref 1 is way to little and dt 0.1 is way to big but test
        # conservation properties anyway (should conserve).

        '-newton-tol' : 1e-12,
        '-renormalise' : "never",
        '-quadrature' : ['lnodal'],

    argdicts_2d = {
         # Problem specification
        '-driver' : 'llg',
        '-ms-method' : 'disabled',
        '-mesh' : 'sq_square_periodic',
        '-initial-m' : 'periodic_exact',
        '-initial-is-exact' : 1,
        '-h-app' : 'zero',
        '-damping' : [0.5], #only one case because it's slower
        '-tmax' : 1.0,
        '-wave-solution-c' : 1/12, # Jeong et. al's value

        # Integration/calculation details
        '-ts' : ["imr"],
        '-ref' : [2, 5], # need to test high refinement to check that
                         # rescaling is working
        '-dt' : [0.1],
        '-newton-tol' : 1e-12,
        '-renormalise' : "never",
        '-quadrature' : ['lnodal'],

    # Seems like exact solution is weird, so check another case as well
    argdicts_non_exact = {
         # Problem specification
        '-driver' : 'llg',
        '-ms-method' : 'disabled',
        '-mesh' : ['sq_square'], # 'st_square'],
        '-initial-m' : 'smoothly_varying_5',
        '-h-app' : 'zero',
        '-damping' : [0.5],
        '-tmax' : 1.0,

        # Integration/calculation details
        '-ts' : ["imr"],
        '-ref' : [2],
        '-dt' : [0.1],
        '-newton-tol' : 1e-12,
        '-renormalise' : "never",
        '-quadrature' : ['lnodal'],

    # Where it's going to end up
    base_outdir = os.path.abspath(pjoin(os.path.dirname(__file__), "Validation"))

    # Run
    if not args.short:
        err_codes_1d, outdirs_1d = mm.run_sweep(argdicts_1d, base_outdir,
                                                serial_mode=not args.parallel)
        err_codes_2d, outdirs_2d = mm.run_sweep(argdicts_2d, base_outdir + "_2d",
                                                serial_mode=not args.parallel)
        err_codes_1d = []
        outdirs_1d = []
        err_codes_2d = []
        outdirs_2d = []

    err_codes_non_exact, outdirs_non_exact = mm.run_sweep(argdicts_non_exact,
                                                          serial_mode=not args.parallel)

    err_codes = err_codes_1d + err_codes_2d + err_codes_non_exact
    outdirs = outdirs_1d + outdirs_2d + outdirs_non_exact

    # Get data
    datasets = list(map(mm.parse_run, outdirs))

    # Check things
    ran = all((e == 0 for e in err_codes))

    t1 = all([tests.check_m_length(d, tol=1e-10) for d in datasets])

    if ran and t1:
        return 0
        return 1