コード例 #1
ファイル: exMSS.py プロジェクト: kingang1986/shapematching
 def __findContour(self, filename): #find the contour of images, and save all points in self.vKeyPoints
     self.img = highgui.cvLoadImage (filename)
     self.grayimg = cv.cvCreateImage(cv.cvSize(self.img.width, self.img.height), 8,1)
     self.drawimg = cv.cvCreateImage(cv.cvSize(self.img.width, self.img.height), 8,3)
     cv.cvCvtColor (self.img, self.grayimg, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY)
     cv.cvSmooth(self.grayimg, self.grayimg, cv.CV_BLUR, 9)
     cv.cvSmooth(self.grayimg, self.grayimg, cv.CV_BLUR, 9)
     cv.cvSmooth(self.grayimg, self.grayimg, cv.CV_BLUR, 9)
     cv.cvThreshold( self.grayimg, self.grayimg, self.threshold, self.threshold +100, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY )
     storage = cv.cvCreateMemStorage(0)
     nb_contours, cont = cv.cvFindContours (self.grayimg,
         cv.cvPoint (0,0))
     cv.cvDrawContours (self.drawimg, cont, cv.cvScalar(255,255,255,0), cv.cvScalar(255,255,255,0), 1, 1, cv.CV_AA, cv.cvPoint (0, 0))
     self.allcurve = []
     idx = 0
     for c in cont.hrange():
         PointArray = cv.cvCreateMat(1, c.total  , cv.CV_32SC2)
         PointArray2D32f= cv.cvCreateMat( 1, c.total  , cv.CV_32FC2)
         cv.cvCvtSeqToArray(c, PointArray, cv.cvSlice(0, cv.CV_WHOLE_SEQ_END_INDEX))
         fpoints = []
         for i in range(c.total):
             kp = myPoint()
             kp.x = cv.cvGet2D(PointArray,0, i)[0]
             kp.y = cv.cvGet2D(PointArray,0, i)[1]
             kp.index = idx
             idx += 1
     self.curvelength = idx
コード例 #2
ファイル: CVThreshold.py プロジェクト: lamielle/aether
	def read(self):
		if self.enabled:

			cv_rs = [None]*4
			cv_thresh = [0]*4
			cv_max = [255]*4

			for i in self.channels :
				cv_rs[i] = cv.cvCreateImage(cv.cvSize(frame.width,frame.height),frame.depth,1)
				cv_thresh[i] = self.thresholds[i]
				cv_max[i] = self.max_thresholds[i]

			# extract the color channel

			for i in self.channels :

			#cv_thresh = cv.cvCreateImage(cv.cvSize(frame.width,frame.height),frame.depth,3)

			#frame = cv_thresh
		return frame
コード例 #3
ファイル: plane2point.py プロジェクト: jlefley/igvrt-uiuc
def depthmatch(x,y,leftimage,rightimage,roi=80,buf=50,baseline=2.7,focal_length=80):
    """depthmatch function
    x,y : (int) pixel position of target in left image
    leftimage, rightimage : (IplImage) stereo images
    roi: (int) region of interest around x,y to use in matching
    buf: (int) buffer outside of a straight horizontal search for a match
    #print "Match",x,y
    info = cv.cvGetSize(leftimage)
    width = info.width
    height = info.height
    centerx = width/2
    centery = height/2
    (y1,x1,y2,x2) = (y-roi,x-roi,y+roi,x+roi)
    if y1<0: y1 = 0
    if x1<0: x1 = 0
    if y2>height: y2 = height
    if x2>width: x2 = width
    # copy subregion roi x roi

    template_rect = cv.cvRect(x1,y1,(x2-x1),(y2-y1))
    template = cv.cvGetSubRect(leftimage, template_rect)
    #(y3,x3,y4,x4) = (y-roi-buf,x-roi-buf,y+roi+buf,width) # +/- 20 pixels in vertical direction, -20 to the right edge

    (y3,x3,y4,x4) = (y-roi-buf,0,y+roi+buf,x+roi+buf) # +/- buf pixels in vertical direction, +buf to the left edge
    if x3<0: x3 = 0
    if y3<0: y3 = 0
    if x4>=width: x4 = width-1
    if y4>height: y4 = height
    #cv.cvSetImageROI(rightimage, (y3,x3,y4,x4))

    rightsub_rect = cv.cvRect(x3,y3,(x4-x3),(y4-y3))
    rightsub = cv.cvGetSubRect(rightimage, rightsub_rect)
    # result matrix should be (W - w + 1) x (H - h + 1) where WxH are template dimensions, wxh are rightsub dimensions
    W = x4-x3
    H = y4-y3
    w = x2-x1
    h = y2-y1

    resy = (y4-y3)-(y2-y1)+1
    resx = (x4-x3)-(x2-x1)+1

    resultmat = cv.cvCreateImage((resx, resy), 32, 1)
    # match template image in a subportion of rightimage
    cv.cvMatchTemplate(rightsub, template, resultmat, cv.CV_TM_SQDIFF)
    min_val, max_val, min_point, max_point = cv.cvMinMaxLoc(resultmat)
    cv.cvNormalize(resultmat, resultmat, 1, 0, cv.CV_MINMAX)
    depth = plane2point(x-centerx, y-centery, x3+min_point.x+roi-centerx, y3+min_point.y+roi-centery, baseline, focal_length)
    #print "Found match at", min_point.x+x3, min_point.y+y3
    return (depth, (x,y), (x3+min_point.x+roi, y3+min_point.y+roi))
コード例 #4
ファイル: chroma.py プロジェクト: bmiro/vpc
def getBackground(frameWidht, frameHeight):
    text = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3)
    frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3)
    background = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3)

    font = cvInitFont(CV_FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2)
    pt1 = cvPoint(50, 100)
    pt2 = cvPoint(50, 150)
    center = cvPoint(frameWidth/2, frameHeight/2)
    cvPutText(text, "Press enter, run away and wait", pt1, font, CV_RGB(150, 100, 150))
    cvPutText(text, str(delayS) + " seconds to capture background", pt2, font, CV_RGB(150, 100, 150))
    cvShowImage("Background", text)
    key = -1
    while key == -1:
        key = cvWaitKey(10)    
    like = False
    while not like:
        for i in range(delayS):
            cvPutText(text, str(delayS-i), center, font, CV_RGB(150, 100, 150))
            cvShowImage("Background", text)
        csut = camStartUpTime
        while (csut): # Stats capturing frames in order to give time to the cam to auto-adjust colors
            if not cvGrabFrame(CAM):
                print "Could not grab a frame"
            csut -= 1
        frame = cvQueryFrame(CAM)
        cvCopy(frame, background)
        cvCopy(frame, text)
        cvPutText(text, "Is correct? [y/n]", center, font, CV_RGB(150, 100, 150))

        cvShowImage("Background", text)
        key = -1
        while key != 'n' and key != 'y':
            key = cvWaitKey(10)
            if key == 'y': 
                like = True
    return background        
コード例 #5
def process_image(slider_pos):
    Define trackbar callback functon. This function find contours,
    draw it and approximate it by ellipses.
    stor = cv.cvCreateMemStorage(0)

    # Threshold the source image. This needful for cv.cvFindContours().
    cv.cvThreshold(image03, image02, slider_pos, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY)

    # Find all contours.
    nb_contours, cont = cv.cvFindContours(image02, stor, cv.sizeof_CvContour,
                                          cv.cvPoint(0, 0))

    # Clear images. IPL use.

    # This cycle draw all contours and approximate it by ellipses.
    for c in cont.hrange():
        count = c.total
        # This is number point in contour

        # Number point must be more than or equal to 6 (for cv.cvFitEllipse_32f).
        if (count < 6):

        # Alloc memory for contour point set.
        PointArray = cv.cvCreateMat(1, count, cv.CV_32SC2)
        PointArray2D32f = cv.cvCreateMat(1, count, cv.CV_32FC2)

        # Get contour point set.
        cv.cvCvtSeqToArray(c, PointArray,
                           cv.cvSlice(0, cv.CV_WHOLE_SEQ_END_INDEX))

        # Convert CvPoint set to CvBox2D32f set.
        cv.cvConvert(PointArray, PointArray2D32f)

        box = cv.CvBox2D()

        # Fits ellipse to current contour.
        box = cv.cvFitEllipse2(PointArray2D32f)

        # Draw current contour.
        cv.cvDrawContours(image04, c, cv.CV_RGB(255, 255, 255),
                          cv.CV_RGB(255, 255, 255), 0, 1, 8, cv.cvPoint(0, 0))

        # Convert ellipse data from float to integer representation.
        center = cv.CvPoint()
        size = cv.CvSize()
        center.x = cv.cvRound(box.center.x)
        center.y = cv.cvRound(box.center.y)
        size.width = cv.cvRound(box.size.width * 0.5)
        size.height = cv.cvRound(box.size.height * 0.5)
        box.angle = -box.angle

        # Draw ellipse.
        cv.cvEllipse(image04, center, size, box.angle, 0, 360,
                     cv.CV_RGB(0, 0, 255), 1, cv.CV_AA, 0)

    # Show image. HighGUI use.
    highgui.cvShowImage("Result", image04)
コード例 #6
ファイル: 3d.py プロジェクト: jlefley/igvrt-uiuc
def depthmatch(x,y,leftimage,rightimage,roi=20,buf=10,debug=False):
    __doc__ = """depthmatch function
    x,y : (int) pixel position of target in left image
    leftimage, rightimage : (IplImage) stereo images
    roi: (int) region of interest around x,y to use in matching
    buf: (int) buffer outside of a straight horizontal search for a match
    info = cv.cvGetSize(leftimage)
    width = info.width
    height = info.height

    (y1,x1,y2,x2) = (y-roi,x-roi,y+roi,x+roi)
    #template = cv.cvCreateImage((roi*2,roi*2), 8, 3)
    if y1<0: y1 = 0
    if x1<0: x1 = 0
    if y2>height: y2 = height
    if x2>width: x2 = width
    # copy subregion roi x roi

    template_rect = cv.cvRect(x1,y1,(x2-x1),(y2-y1))
    template = cv.cvGetSubRect(leftimage, template_rect)
    (y3,x3,y4,x4) = (y-roi-buf,x-roi-buf,y+roi+buf,width) # +/- 20 pixels in vertical direction, -20 to the right edge
    if x3<0: x3 = 0
    if y3<0: y3 = 0
    if x4>=width: x4 = width-1
    if y4>height: y4 = height
    #cv.cvSetImageROI(rightimage, (y3,x3,y4,x4))

    rightsub_rect = cv.cvRect(x3,y3,(x4-x3),(y4-y3))
    rightsub = cv.cvGetSubRect(rightimage, rightsub_rect)
    # result matrix should be (W - w + 1) x (H - h + 1) where WxH are template dimensions, wxh are rightsub dimensions
    W = x4-x3
    H = y4-y3
    w = x2-x1
    h = y2-y1

    resy = (y4-y3)-(y2-y1)+1
    resx = (x4-x3)-(x2-x1)+1

    resultmat = cv.cvCreateImage((resx, resy), 32, 1)
    # match template image in a subportion of rightimage
    cv.cvMatchTemplate(rightsub, template, resultmat, cv.CV_TM_SQDIFF)
    min_val, max_val, min_point, max_point = cv.cvMinMaxLoc(resultmat)
    cv.cvNormalize(resultmat, resultmat, 1, 0, cv.CV_MINMAX)
    depth = stereo.depth(x, x3+min_point.x, max_pixels=width/2)
    if debug:
        print "Input image: %ix%i, target: (%i,%i)" % (width,height,x,y)
        print "Template box: (%i,%i) to (%i,%i)" % (x1, y1, x2, y2)
        print "Search area: (%i,%i) to (%i,%i)" % (x3, y3, x4, y4)
        print "%ix%i, %ix%i" % (W,H,w,h)
        print "Result matrix %ix%i" % (resx, resy)
        print "stereo.depth(%i,%i,max_pixels=%i)" % (x, min_point.x+x3,width/2)
        if depth[0]:
            print "Depth: ", depth[0], "(cm)"
        #cv.cvRectangle(rightimage, cv.cvPoint(x1,y1), cv.cvPoint(x2,y2), (255,0,0))
        cv.cvRectangle(rightimage, cv.cvPoint(min_point.x+x3,min_point.y+y3), cv.cvPoint(min_point.x+x3+roi*2,min_point.y+y3+roi*2), (0,255,0))
        cv.cvRectangle(rightimage, cv.cvPoint(x3,y3), cv.cvPoint(x4,y4), (0,0,255))
        cv.cvRectangle(leftimage, cv.cvPoint(x1,y1), cv.cvPoint(x2,y2), (255,0,0))
        #cv.cvRectangle(leftimage, cv.cvPoint(min_point.x+x3,min_point.y+y3), cv.cvPoint(min_point.x+x3+roi*2,min_point.y+y3+roi*2), (0,255,0))
        cv.cvRectangle(leftimage, cv.cvPoint(x3,y3), cv.cvPoint(x4,y4), (0,0,255))
        if depth[0]:
            cv.cvPutText(leftimage, "%5f(cm)" % depth[0], (x1,y1), font, (255,255,255))
        highgui.cvShowImage("depthmatch - template", template)
        highgui.cvShowImage("depthmatch - match", resultmat)
        highgui.cvShowImage("depthmatch - right", rightimage)
        highgui.cvShowImage("depthmatch - left", leftimage)
コード例 #7
ファイル: fitellipse.py プロジェクト: AndrewShmig/FaceDetect
def process_image( slider_pos ): 
    Define trackbar callback functon. This function find contours,
    draw it and approximate it by ellipses.
    stor = cv.cvCreateMemStorage(0);
    # Threshold the source image. This needful for cv.cvFindContours().
    cv.cvThreshold( image03, image02, slider_pos, 255, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY );
    # Find all contours.
    nb_contours, cont = cv.cvFindContours (image02,
            cv.cvPoint (0,0))
    # Clear images. IPL use.
    # This cycle draw all contours and approximate it by ellipses.
    for c in cont.hrange():
        count = c.total; # This is number point in contour

        # Number point must be more than or equal to 6 (for cv.cvFitEllipse_32f).        
        if( count < 6 ):
        # Alloc memory for contour point set.    
        PointArray = cv.cvCreateMat(1, count, cv.CV_32SC2)
        PointArray2D32f= cv.cvCreateMat( 1, count, cv.CV_32FC2)
        # Get contour point set.
        cv.cvCvtSeqToArray(c, PointArray, cv.cvSlice(0, cv.CV_WHOLE_SEQ_END_INDEX));
        # Convert CvPoint set to CvBox2D32f set.
        cv.cvConvert( PointArray, PointArray2D32f )
        box = cv.CvBox2D()

        # Fits ellipse to current contour.
        box = cv.cvFitEllipse2(PointArray2D32f);
        # Draw current contour.
        cv.cvDrawContours(image04, c, cv.CV_RGB(255,255,255), cv.CV_RGB(255,255,255),0,1,8,cv.cvPoint(0,0));
        # Convert ellipse data from float to integer representation.
        center = cv.CvPoint()
        size = cv.CvSize()
        center.x = cv.cvRound(box.center.x);
        center.y = cv.cvRound(box.center.y);
        size.width = cv.cvRound(box.size.width*0.5);
        size.height = cv.cvRound(box.size.height*0.5);
        box.angle = -box.angle;
        # Draw ellipse.
        cv.cvEllipse(image04, center, size,
                  box.angle, 0, 360,
                  cv.CV_RGB(0,0,255), 1, cv.CV_AA, 0);
    # Show image. HighGUI use.
    highgui.cvShowImage( "Result", image04 );
コード例 #8
ファイル: track_object.py プロジェクト: Tfou57/robomow
            if (track_box.size.width > 10 or track_box.size.height  > 10):

                rotate = ( (image.width/2.0) - track_box.center.x) / (image.width/2.0)
                translate = ((image.height/2.0) - track_box.center.y) / (image.height/2.0)
                #print "rotate =", rotate, "translate =", translate
                if go:
                    move(translate, rotate)
        if select_object and selection.width > 0 and selection.height > 0:
            subimg = cv.cvGetSubRect(image, selection)
            cv.cvXorS( subimage, cv.cvScalarAll(255), subimage, 0 )

        highgui.cvShowImage( "VisualJoystick", image )

        c = highgui.cvWaitKey(10)
        if c == '\x1b':
        elif c == 'b':
            backproject_mode ^= 1
        elif c == 'c':
            track_object = 0
            cv.cvZero( histimg )
            if go:

if go:

コード例 #9
def compute_saliency(image):
    global thresh
    global scale
    saliency_scale = int(math.pow(2,scale));
    bw_im1 = cv.cvCreateImage(cv.cvGetSize(image), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U,1)
    cv.cvCvtColor(image, bw_im1, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY)
    bw_im = cv.cvCreateImage(cv.cvSize(saliency_scale,saliency_scale), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U,1)
    cv.cvResize(bw_im1, bw_im)
    highgui.cvShowImage("BW", bw_im)
    realInput = cv.cvCreateImage( cv.cvGetSize(bw_im), cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
    imaginaryInput = cv.cvCreateImage( cv.cvGetSize(bw_im), cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
    complexInput = cv.cvCreateImage( cv.cvGetSize(bw_im), cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 2);

    cv.cvScale(bw_im, realInput, 1.0, 0.0);
    cv.cvMerge(realInput, imaginaryInput, None, None, complexInput);

    dft_M = saliency_scale #cv.cvGetOptimalDFTSize( bw_im.height - 1 );
    dft_N = saliency_scale #cv.cvGetOptimalDFTSize( bw_im.width - 1 );

    dft_A = cv.cvCreateMat( dft_M, dft_N, cv.CV_32FC2 );
    image_Re = cv.cvCreateImage( cv.cvSize(dft_N, dft_M), cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
    image_Im = cv.cvCreateImage( cv.cvSize(dft_N, dft_M), cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);

    # copy A to dft_A and pad dft_A with zeros
    tmp = cv.cvGetSubRect( dft_A, cv.cvRect(0,0, bw_im.width, bw_im.height));
    cv.cvCopy( complexInput, tmp, None );
    if(dft_A.width > bw_im.width):
        tmp = cv.cvGetSubRect( dft_A, cv.cvRect(bw_im.width,0, dft_N - bw_im.width, bw_im.height));
        cv.cvZero( tmp );
    cv.cvDFT( dft_A, dft_A, cv.CV_DXT_FORWARD, complexInput.height );
    cv.cvSplit( dft_A, image_Re, image_Im, None, None );
    # Compute the phase angle 
    image_Mag = cv.cvCreateImage(cv.cvSize(dft_N, dft_M), cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
    image_Phase = cv.cvCreateImage(cv.cvSize(dft_N, dft_M), cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);

    #compute the phase of the spectrum
    cv.cvCartToPolar(image_Re, image_Im, image_Mag, image_Phase, 0)

    log_mag = cv.cvCreateImage(cv.cvSize(dft_N, dft_M), cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
    cv.cvLog(image_Mag, log_mag)
    #Box filter the magnitude, then take the difference
    image_Mag_Filt = cv.cvCreateImage(cv.cvSize(dft_N, dft_M), cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1);
    filt = cv.cvCreateMat(3,3, cv.CV_32FC1);
    cv.cvFilter2D(log_mag, image_Mag_Filt, filt, cv.cvPoint(-1,-1))

    cv.cvAdd(log_mag, image_Mag_Filt, log_mag, None)
    cv.cvExp(log_mag, log_mag)
    cv.cvPolarToCart(log_mag, image_Phase, image_Re, image_Im,0);

    cv.cvMerge(image_Re, image_Im, None, None, dft_A)
    cv.cvDFT( dft_A, dft_A, cv.CV_DXT_INVERSE, complexInput.height)
    tmp = cv.cvGetSubRect( dft_A, cv.cvRect(0,0, bw_im.width, bw_im.height));
    cv.cvCopy( tmp, complexInput, None );
    cv.cvSplit(complexInput, realInput, imaginaryInput, None, None)
    min, max = cv.cvMinMaxLoc(realInput);
    #cv.cvScale(realInput, realInput, 1.0/(max-min), 1.0*(-min)/(max-min));
    cv.cvSmooth(realInput, realInput);
    threshold = thresh/100.0*cv.cvAvg(realInput)[0]
    cv.cvThreshold(realInput, realInput, threshold, 1.0, cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY)
    tmp_img = cv.cvCreateImage(cv.cvGetSize(bw_im1),cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1)
    cv.cvScale(tmp_img, bw_im1, 255,0)
    return bw_im1
コード例 #10
                rotate = ((image.width / 2.0) -
                          track_box.center.x) / (image.width / 2.0)
                translate = ((image.height / 2.0) -
                             track_box.center.y) / (image.height / 2.0)

                #print "rotate =", rotate, "translate =", translate

                if go:
                    move(translate, rotate)

        if select_object and selection.width > 0 and selection.height > 0:
            subimg = cv.cvGetSubRect(image, selection)
            cv.cvXorS(subimage, cv.cvScalarAll(255), subimage, 0)

        highgui.cvShowImage("VisualJoystick", image)

        c = highgui.cvWaitKey(10)
        if c == '\x1b':
        elif c == 'b':
            backproject_mode ^= 1
        elif c == 'c':
            track_object = 0
            if go:

if go:
コード例 #11
    rgb[sector_data[sector][2]] = p

    return cv.cvScalar(rgb[2], rgb[1], rgb[0], 0)

img_h = cv.cvCreateImage(size, 8, 1)
img_s = cv.cvCreateImage(size, 8, 1)
img_v = cv.cvCreateImage(size, 8, 1)
thresh_mask = cv.cvCreateImage(size, 8, 1)
hist_hue_img = cv.cvCreateImage((int(h_bins * scalewidth), scaleheight), 8, 3)
hist_val_img = cv.cvCreateImage((int(v_bins * scalewidth), scaleheight), 8, 3)
output_mask = cv.cvCreateImage(size, 8, 1)

while True:
    img = highgui.cvQueryFrame(cap)
    highgui.cvShowImage("Input", img)
    # 5x5 Gaussian Blur
    cv.cvSmooth(img, img, cv.CV_GAUSSIAN, 5, 5)
    # convert to HSV
    cv.cvCvtColor(img, img, cv.CV_BGR2HSV)

    # threshold bad values
    cv.cvInRangeS(img, hsv_min, hsv_max, thresh_mask)

    cv.cvAnd(thresh_mask, mask_bw, thresh_mask)
    # Hue(0,180), Saturation(0,255), Value(0,255)
    cv.cvSplit(img, img_h, img_s, img_v, 0)