def find_log_file(self, wdir_prefix=".."): """ Try to find the game log file Returns a string path, or None if we couldn't find it """ logfile_location = "" version_path_fragment = Options().game_version if version_path_fragment == "Antibirth": version_path_fragment = "Rebirth" if platform.system() == "Windows": logfile_location = os.environ['USERPROFILE'] + '/Documents/My Games/Binding of Isaac {}/' elif platform.system() == "Linux": logfile_location = os.getenv('XDG_DATA_HOME', os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.local/share') + '/binding of isaac {}/' version_path_fragment = version_path_fragment.lower() elif platform.system() == "Darwin": logfile_location = os.path.expanduser('~') + '/Library/Application Support/Binding of Isaac {}/' logfile_location = logfile_location.format(version_path_fragment) for check in (wdir_prefix + '../log.txt', logfile_location + 'log.txt'): if os.path.isfile(check): return check self.log.error("Couldn't find log.txt in " + logfile_location) return None
def download_file(self, url, path): ''' Downloads an single url. ''' o = Options() o.add_option('--output-document', path) self.url = url self.prepare_command(o) self._download_file(url, path)
def fill_option_data(frame): """ This collects all call options data near the stock price. NOTE ---- If this breaks in the options data it is beacuse I changed the file. in my pandas installation. See the class in the local """ ticks = frame.index out = pd.DataFrame() for tick in range(1, ticks.size): try: new = Options(ticks[tick]).get_forward_data(plus, call=True, put=False, near=True, above_below=2) new.index = [ticks[tick]] * new.index.size cat = new[['Strike', 'Expiry', 'Last', 'Vol', 'Open Int']] out = pd.concat([out, cat]) except: pass return out
def __init__(self): from cli_options_parser import parser Options.__init__(self) opts, args = parser.parse_args() self.options = opts.__dict__ self.options['path'] = [os.path.normpath(path) for path in args]
def _get_prefs_data(self, req, opts=None): """Returns the pref data, a dict of rule class titles whose values include lists of rule spec preference dicts each with these keys: id (based on unique key) label (of checkbox) enabled ('1' or '0') type ('none', 'select', or 'text') options (list of options if type is 'select') value (saved preference or default value) """ if opts is None: opts = Options(self.env) data = {} for rule in self.rules: for key in opts: if not opts.has_pref(key): continue target_re = re.compile(r"(?P<target>[^.]+).*") target = target_re.match(key).groupdict()['target'] trigger = rule.get_trigger(req, target, key, opts) if not trigger: continue # this rule spec has a pref - so get it! pref = opts.get_pref(req, target, key) rule.update_pref(req, trigger, target, key, opts, pref) data.setdefault(rule.title,{'desc':rule.desc,'prefs':[]}) data[rule.title]['prefs'].append(pref) return data
def __init__(self, executable_path="chromedriver", port=0, chrome_options=None, service_args=None, desired_capabilities=None): """ Creates a new instance of the chrome driver. Starts the service and then creates new instance of chrome driver. :Args: - executable_path - path to the executable. If the default is used it assumes the executable is in the $PATH - port - port you would like the service to run, if left as 0, a free port will be found. - desired_capabilities: Dictionary object with non-browser specific capabilities only, such as "proxy" or "loggingPref". - chrome_options: this takes an instance of ChromeOptions """ if chrome_options is None: options = Options() else: options = chrome_options if desired_capabilities is not None: desired_capabilities.update(options.to_capabilities()) else: desired_capabilities = options.to_capabilities() self.service = Service(executable_path, port=port, service_args=service_args) self.service.start() try: RemoteWebDriver.__init__(self, command_executor=self.service.service_url, desired_capabilities=desired_capabilities) except: self.quit() raise
def __init__(self, executable_path="chromedriver", port=0, desired_capabilities=None, chrome_options=None): """ Creates a new instance of the chrome driver. Starts the service and then creates new instance of chrome driver. :Args: - executable_path - path to the executable. If the default is used it assumes the executable is in the $PATH - port - port you would like the service to run, if left as 0, a free port will be found. - desired_capabilities: Dictionary object with desired capabilities (Can be used to provide various chrome switches). This is being deprecated, please use chrome_options - chrome_options: this takes an instance of ChromeOptions """ if chrome_options is None: options = Options() else: options = chrome_options if desired_capabilities is not None: warnings.warn("Desired Capabilities has been deprecated, please user chrome_options.", DeprecationWarning) desired_capabilities.update(options.to_capabilities()) else: desired_capabilities = options.to_capabilities() self.service = Service(executable_path, port=port) self.service.start() try: RemoteWebDriver.__init__(self, command_executor=self.service.service_url, desired_capabilities=desired_capabilities) except: self.quit() raise WebDriverException("The Driver was not able to start.")
def download_new_files(self, downloader, episodes):"Subscriptions.download_new_files") queue = self.prepare_queue(episodes) if len(queue) > 0: o = Options() o.add_option('--directory-prefix', self._data_subdir()) if self.limitrate: o.add_option('--limit-rate', self.limitrate) downloader.download_queue(queue, o)
def load_options(self): #realkeydict self.rkd = {} options = Options() for dkey, rkey in options.iteritems(): try: self.rkd[dkey] = key.__getattribute__(rkey) except AttributeError: if rkey == 'M1': self.rkd[dkey] = 1 + self.mouse_offset
def __init__(self, profile='default'): Options.__init__(self) if _PROFILES is not None: try: opts, args = parser.parse_args(shlex.split(_PROFILES[profile])) self.options = opts.__dict__ self.options['path'] = args except KeyError: if profile != 'default': sys.stderr.write("Error: there is no profile with name '%s'\n" % profile) sys.exit()
def ctmain(): utils.fix_output_encoding() settings = ComicTaggerSettings() opts = Options() opts.parseCmdLineArgs() # manage the CV API key if opts.cv_api_key: if opts.cv_api_key != settings.cv_api_key: settings.cv_api_key = opts.cv_api_key if opts.only_set_key: print("Key set") return ComicVineTalker.api_key = settings.cv_api_key signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) if not qt_available and not opts.no_gui: opts.no_gui = True print >> sys.stderr, "PyQt4 is not available. ComicTagger is limited to command-line mode." if opts.no_gui: cli.cli_mode(opts, settings) else: app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) if platform.system() != "Linux": img = QtGui.QPixmap(ComicTaggerSettings.getGraphic('tags.png')) splash = QtGui.QSplashScreen(img) splash.raise_() app.processEvents() try: tagger_window = TaggerWindow(opts.file_list, settings, opts=opts) if platform.system() != "Linux": splash.finish(tagger_window) sys.exit(app.exec_()) except Exception as e: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( QtGui.QMainWindow(), "Error", "Unhandled exception in app:\n" + traceback.format_exc())
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.option_add("*tearOff", FALSE) self.initialized = False self.title("Papyer") x, y = 1500, 500 self.minsize(x, y) placeWindow(self, x, y) self.options = Options(self) self["menu"] = TopMenu(self) self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.closeFun) self.base = os.getcwd() self.selectVar = StringVar() self.searchVar = StringVar() self.createWidgets() self.columnconfigure(1, weight = 1) self.columnconfigure(3, weight = 1) self.columnconfigure(5, weight = 1) self.rowconfigure(4, weight = 1) self.bind("<Control-d>", lambda e: self.filetree.keepDuplicates()) self.bind("<Control-a>", lambda e: self.filetree.selectAll()) self.mainloop()
class PyvisdkApp(object): ''' Base class implementation of a command line application. See the :py:mod:`` module for documentation on the format of the options file. ''' def __init__(self, usage=None): ''' Constructor ''' self.options = Options() if not usage: usage = "usage: %prog [options]" self.parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) self.parser.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="VI_CONFIG", help="Specify non-default name or location for the VI Perl Toolkit configuration file. Default name and location for Linux is ~/.visdkrc and for Windows is %HOME%\visdk.rc.") self.parser.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="VI_PASSWORD", help="Password for the specified username. Sucessful authentication with username and password returns a session object that can be saved and used for subsequent connections using the same or different script. See sessionfile.") self.parser.add_option("--portnumber", dest="VI_PORTNUMBER", help="Port used for server connection.") self.parser.add_option("--protocol", dest="VI_PROTOCOL", help="Protocol used to connect to server. Default is HTTPS. If the server has been configured for HTTP, set to HTTP. ") self.parser.add_option("-s", "--server", dest="VI_SERVER", help="ESX Server or VirtualCenter Management Server host to which you want the application or script to connect. Default is localhost if none specified.") self.parser.add_option("--servicepath", dest="VI_SERVICEPATH", help="Service path for server connection. Default is /sdk/webService.") self.parser.add_option("--sessionfile", dest="VI_SESSIONFILE", help="Name of file containing the token saved from successful login. Alternative to specifying username and password. Sessions time out after 30 minutes of inactivity.") self.parser.add_option("--url", dest="VI_URL", help="Complete URL for SDK connection. An alternative to specifying protocol, server, and servicepath as individual connection parameters. For example, python --url --username root --password mypassword") self.parser.add_option("-u", "--username", dest="VI_USERNAME", help="User account that has privileges to connect to the server.") self.parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="VI_VERBOSE", help="Increase loglevel. Use in conjunction with Util::trace subroutine to display additional debugging information. By default, value of --verbose (loglevel) is 0. ") self.parser.add_option("-V", "--version", help="Displays script version information, if available.") def parse(self): (cmd_opts, _) = self.parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) # IGNORE W0201 # load up options from the visdkrc file if there is any if cmd_opts.VI_CONFIG: self.options.load(cmd_opts.VI_CONFIG) else: self.options.load() # also, update options with environmental values, overriding those in the configuration file. self.options.load_env() # update our options with what was entered on the command line. This will override previously # entered options for name, value in cmd_opts.__dict__.items(): if value: self.options.update({name:value}) # need to have server, username, and password or fail if not (self.options.VI_USERNAME and self.options.VI_PASSWORD and self.options.VI_SERVER): raise RuntimeError("Must specify --username, --password and --server") def connect(self): self.vim = Vim(self.options.VI_SERVER) self.vim.login(self.options.VI_USERNAME, self.options.VI_PASSWORD) def disconnect(self): self.vim.logout()
def userFolder(): opts = Options() opts.parseCmdLineArgs(False) filename_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() if opts.user_dir is not None: folder = opts.user_dir elif platform.system() == "Windows": folder = os.path.join( AppFolders.windowsAppDataFolder(), appname ) elif platform.system() == "Darwin": folder = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser('~') , 'Library/Application Support/'+appname) else: folder = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser('~') , '.'+appname) if folder is not None: folder = folder.decode(filename_encoding) return folder
def userFolder(): opts = Options() opts.parseCmdLineArgs() filename_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() if opts.user_dir is not None: folder = opts.user_dir elif platform.system() == "Windows": folder = os.path.join(AppFolders.windowsAppDataFolder(), "ComicStreamer") elif platform.system() == "Darwin": folder = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "Library/Application Support/ComicStreamer") else: folder = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".ComicStreamer") if folder is not None: folder = folder.decode(filename_encoding) return folder
def load_configuration(self): self.options = Options.from_file(Spaz.OPTIONS_FILE) if not self.options.ok: sys.exit(1) self.parse_args() self.configuration = Configuration.from_file(self.options.config_file) if not self.configuration.ok: sys.exit(1) if self.args.validate: # just validate configuration logging.getLogger(__name__).info("Validated: OK") sys.exit(0)
def __init__(self): self.main = Corrector() self.match = "" self.matchgeo = "" self.commands = [] self.option = Options() self.display = Chunks("") self.display.create_Chunks() self.last_Display = "" self.find = Chunks("") self.find.create_Chunks() self.table = Outline() self.location_History = {}
def process(self,command): opts = [];self.main.disting(command) for i in self.main.cur()['words']+self.main.cur()['splits']: for j in self.main.match(i): if j[0]=='None': continue if j[1]==0: try: k = self.main.cur()['words'].index(i) self.main.cur()['words'][k] = j[0] except: self.main.cur()['words'].append(j[0]) continue if opts == []: opts = Options() opts.add_Option(content="{0}".format(j[0])) if opts: return [self.main.cur()['words'],self.main.history],opts,i return [self.main.cur()['words'],self.main.history],opts,""
class DisplayPanel(object): def __init__(self, surface, pos, player, images): self.surface = surface self.pos = pos self.player = player self.images = images self.optionsPos = (0,0) self.optionsRect = pygame.Rect(self.optionsPos, (Cell.size * 12, Cell.size * 6)) self.options = Options(self.surface.subsurface(self.optionsRect), self.optionsPos, self.player, images) self.statusPos = (0, Cell.size * 6 + Cell.size) self.statusRect = pygame.Rect(self.statusPos, (Cell.size * 12, Cell.size)) self.status = Status(self.surface.subsurface(self.statusRect), self.statusPos, self.player, images) self.logPos = (0, Cell.size * 7 + (Cell.size * 2)) self.logRect = pygame.Rect(self.logPos, (Cell.size * 12, Cell.size * 8)) self.log = Output(self.surface.subsurface(self.logRect), self.logPos, self.player.log) def draw(self): self.options.draw() self.status.draw() self.log.draw() def notify(self, pos, event): vec = Vector2(pos) vec -= self.pos point = (int(vec[0]), int(vec[1])) if self.optionsRect.collidepoint(point): self.options.notify(point, event) if self.statusRect.collidepoint(point): self.status.notify(point, event) if self.logRect.collidepoint(point): self.log.notify(point, event)
def setup_user_session(self): self.tree.get_widget("user").set_markup("<b>%s</b>" % self.username) self.options = Options(self.username, self.usersDB) if not os.path.exists(self.HOME_DIR + self.username + 'DB'): self.write_info(_("User database doesn't exist, creating.")) self.first_run = True else: self.first_run = False self.song_db = dbClass.lastfmDb(self.HOME_DIR + self.username + "DB", self.first_run) self.set_button_count() self.show_main_window() if self.options.return_option("startup_check") == True: self.on_check_device_clicked(None)
def _get_triggers(self, req): """Converts trac.ini config to dict of triggers with rule specs.""" triggers = {} opts = Options(self.env) for key in opts: # extract the target field target_re = re.compile(r"(?P<target>[^.]+).*") target = target_re.match(key).groupdict()['target'] # extract rule specifications from configs for rule in self.rules: trigger = rule.get_trigger(req, target, key, opts) if not trigger: continue if not opts.is_enabled(req, key): continue value,_ = opts.get_value_and_options(req, target, key) spec = {'rule_name', 'trigger':trigger, 'target':target, 'value':value} rule.update_spec(req, key, opts, spec) triggers.setdefault(trigger, []).append(spec) return triggers
def __init__(self): self.mainloop = gobject.MainLoop() self.status_icon = gtk.StatusIcon() self.status_icon.set_from_file(TRAYICON) self.options = Options() self.ui = UiDict(os.path.join(XML, 'pyazan_ui.xml')) self.ui['pref_window'].set_icon_from_file(TRAYICON) self.attach_signals() self.load_options() self.plugin_handler = PluginGTK(self) gobject.timeout_add_seconds(60, self.update_tool_tip)
def test_verify(self): o = Options({}) self.assertTrue(o.get_verify()) dictionary = {'verify': False} o = Options(dictionary) self.assertFalse(o.get_verify()) dictionary = {'verify': True} o = Options(dictionary) self.assertTrue(o.get_verify())
def __init__(self, surface, pos, player, images): self.surface = surface self.pos = pos self.player = player self.images = images self.optionsPos = (0,0) self.optionsRect = pygame.Rect(self.optionsPos, (Cell.size * 12, Cell.size * 6)) self.options = Options(self.surface.subsurface(self.optionsRect), self.optionsPos, self.player, images) self.statusPos = (0, Cell.size * 6 + Cell.size) self.statusRect = pygame.Rect(self.statusPos, (Cell.size * 12, Cell.size)) self.status = Status(self.surface.subsurface(self.statusRect), self.statusPos, self.player, images) self.logPos = (0, Cell.size * 7 + (Cell.size * 2)) self.logRect = pygame.Rect(self.logPos, (Cell.size * 12, Cell.size * 8)) self.log = Output(self.surface.subsurface(self.logRect), self.logPos, self.player.log)
class Controller: def __init__(self, options = None): if options and isinstance(options, Options): self.options = options else: self.options = Options() def run(self): parsedArgs = self.options.parse() scanner = Scanner(parsedArgs.path) duplicateCollector = DuplicateCollector() scanner.scan(duplicateCollector) if parsedArgs.verbose: duplicateCollector.write(True) else: duplicateCollector.write()
def __init__(self, usage=None): ''' Constructor ''' self.options = Options() if not usage: usage = "usage: %prog [options]" self.parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) self.parser.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="VI_CONFIG", help="Specify non-default name or location for the VI Perl Toolkit configuration file. Default name and location for Linux is ~/.visdkrc and for Windows is %HOME%\visdk.rc.") self.parser.add_option("-p", "--password", dest="VI_PASSWORD", help="Password for the specified username. Sucessful authentication with username and password returns a session object that can be saved and used for subsequent connections using the same or different script. See sessionfile.") self.parser.add_option("--portnumber", dest="VI_PORTNUMBER", help="Port used for server connection.") self.parser.add_option("--protocol", dest="VI_PROTOCOL", help="Protocol used to connect to server. Default is HTTPS. If the server has been configured for HTTP, set to HTTP. ") self.parser.add_option("-s", "--server", dest="VI_SERVER", help="ESX Server or VirtualCenter Management Server host to which you want the application or script to connect. Default is localhost if none specified.") self.parser.add_option("--servicepath", dest="VI_SERVICEPATH", help="Service path for server connection. Default is /sdk/webService.") self.parser.add_option("--sessionfile", dest="VI_SESSIONFILE", help="Name of file containing the token saved from successful login. Alternative to specifying username and password. Sessions time out after 30 minutes of inactivity.") self.parser.add_option("--url", dest="VI_URL", help="Complete URL for SDK connection. An alternative to specifying protocol, server, and servicepath as individual connection parameters. For example, python --url --username root --password mypassword") self.parser.add_option("-u", "--username", dest="VI_USERNAME", help="User account that has privileges to connect to the server.") self.parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="VI_VERBOSE", help="Increase loglevel. Use in conjunction with Util::trace subroutine to display additional debugging information. By default, value of --verbose (loglevel) is 0. ") self.parser.add_option("-V", "--version", help="Displays script version information, if available.")
def __init__(self, parent=None): # QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) # from PyQt4 import QString self.ui = Ui_Form() self.ui.setupUi(self, [ (_('Reset'), self.reset), (_('Measuring mode'), self.setMeasuringMode), (_('Distance to measure in X axis'), self.askWantedX), (_('Distance to measure in Y axis'), self.askWantedY), (_('Calibrate Y axis'), self.calY), (_('Calibrate X axis'), self.calX), (_('Finish calibration'), self.finishCal), (_('Save calibration'), self.saveRatio), (_('Allow calibration'), self.allowCalibrate), ]) print 'main widget: ',self.centralWidget() self.centralWidget().setMouseTracking(True) # mode of working self.mode = Mode(self, ("MEASURING", "CAL_X", "CAL_Y")) # storing programs options self.options = Options() # object that manages all other objects :) self.mediator = Mediator(self.cursor(), self) # distance the user wants the device to travel self.wantedX, self.wantedY = 0.0, 0.0 self.setMeasuringMode() # set default values self.reset()
def test_proxy(self): dictionary = {} o = Options(dictionary) self.assertDictEqual({}, o.get_proxies()) dictionary = {'proxies': {'http': 'http://*****:*****@'}} o = Options(dictionary) self.assertDictEqual({'http': 'http://*****:*****@'}, o.get_proxies()) dictionary = {'proxies': {'http': 'http://*****:*****@', 'https': ''}} o = Options(dictionary) self.assertDictEqual( {'http': 'http://*****:*****@', 'https': ''}, o.get_proxies() )
def main(options): # print('__main__') options = Options.from_arguments(arguments) if options.collecting_data: data_collection = DataCollection(options) data_collection.collect_data() elif options.display_data: display(options) elif options.test: print('running tests...') suite = unittest.TestSuite() for t in [test.split('.')[0] for test in glob.glob('test_*.py')]: try: # If the module defines a suite() function, call it to get the suite. mod = __import__(t, globals(), locals(), ['suite']) suitefn = getattr(mod, 'suite') suite.addTest(suitefn()) except (ImportError, AttributeError): # else, just load all the test cases from the module. suite.addTest(unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromName(t)) unittest.TextTestRunner().run(suite)
def draw_state(self, state): """ Draws the state :param state: """ if self.state != state: self.reset() self.state = state opt = Options() # Clear the screen self.screen.fill(DrawingTool.color(opt.background_color)) # If state is None we just want to clear the screen if self.state is None: return # If items were added, or removed (run restarted) regenerate items if self.state.modified: # We picked up an item, start the counter self.item_picked_up() overlay = Overlay(self.wdir_prefix, self.state) overlay.update_seed() if len(self.drawn_items) > 0: overlay.update_stats() overlay.update_last_item_description() current_floor = self.state.last_floor # Draw item pickup text, if applicable # Save the previous text_height to know if we need to reflow the items text_height_before = self.text_height text_written = False if self.item_message_countdown_in_progress(): if opt.show_description: text_written = self.write_item_text() else: self.selected_item_index = None if not text_written and opt.show_status_message: # Draw seed/guppy text: seed = self.state.seed dic = defaultdict(str, seed=seed, version_number=self.state.version_number, room_id=self.state.room_id) # Update this dic with player stats for stat in ItemInfo.stat_list: dic[stat] = Overlay.format_value(self.state.player_stats[stat]) for transform in ItemInfo.transform_list: dic[transform] = Overlay.format_transform( self.state.player_transforms[transform]) # Use vformat to handle the case where the user adds an # undefined placeholder in default_message message = string.Formatter().vformat(opt.status_message, (), dic) self.text_height = self.write_message(message) elif not text_written: self.text_height = 0 # We want to reflow if the state has been modified or if the text # height has changed if self.state.modified or self.text_height != text_height_before: self.__reflow() floor_to_draw = None idx = 0 # Draw items on screen, excluding filtered items: for drawable_item in self.drawn_items: if floor_to_draw is None or floor_to_draw.floor != drawable_item.item.floor: floor_to_draw = DrawableFloor(drawable_item.item.floor, drawable_item.x, drawable_item.y, self) if not floor_to_draw.is_drawn and self.show_floors: floor_to_draw.draw() drawable_item.draw(selected=(idx == self.selected_item_index)) idx += 1 # Also draw the floor if we hit the end or if the list is empty, # so the current floor is visible if self.show_floors and current_floor is not None: if floor_to_draw is None or (floor_to_draw is not None and floor_to_draw.floor != current_floor): x, y = self.next_item DrawableFloor(current_floor, x, y, self).draw() self.state.drawn() pygame.display.flip() self.framecount += 1
def send_files(self, filenames=None): """ Build the GUI in send files mode. Note that this is the only mode currently implemented. """ # file selection self.file_selection = FileSelection() if filenames: for filename in filenames: self.file_selection.file_list.add_file(filename) # server status self.server_status = ServerStatus(self.qtapp,, web, self.file_selection) self.server_status.server_started.connect( self.file_selection.server_started) self.server_status.server_started.connect(self.start_server) self.server_status.server_stopped.connect( self.file_selection.server_stopped) self.server_status.server_stopped.connect(self.stop_server) self.start_server_finished.connect(self.clear_message) self.start_server_finished.connect( self.server_status.start_server_finished) self.stop_server_finished.connect( self.server_status.stop_server_finished) self.file_selection.file_list.files_updated.connect( self.server_status.update) self.server_status.url_copied.connect(self.copy_url) self.starting_server_step2.connect(self.start_server_step2) # filesize warning self.filesize_warning = QtGui.QLabel() self.filesize_warning.setStyleSheet( 'padding: 10px 0; font-weight: bold; color: #333333;') self.filesize_warning.hide() # downloads self.downloads = Downloads() # options self.options = Options(web, # status bar self.status_bar = QtGui.QStatusBar() self.status_bar.setSizeGripEnabled(False) # main layout self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.layout.addLayout(self.file_selection) self.layout.addLayout(self.server_status) self.layout.addWidget(self.filesize_warning) self.layout.addLayout(self.downloads) self.layout.addLayout(self.options) self.layout.addWidget(self.status_bar) self.setLayout(self.layout) # check for requests frequently self.timer = QtCore.QTimer() QtCore.QObject.connect(self.timer, QtCore.SIGNAL("timeout()"), self.check_for_requests) self.timer.start(500)
import numpy as np import torchvision from torchvision.datasets import MNIST from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor from options import Options # dataset class ToNumpy(object): def __call__(self, sample): return np.array(sample) def load_mnist_dataset(dataset_path, download=False, train=True): dataset = MNIST(root=dataset_path, download=download, train=train, transform=torchvision.transforms.Compose( [ToNumpy(), torchvision.transforms.ToTensor()])) return dataset if __name__ == '__main__': cfg = Options().parse() dataset_path = cfg.dataset_path load_mnist_dataset(dataset_path=dataset_path, download=True)
def main(): global ROOTDIR global nodes global cores global target global nprocmax global nprocmin # Parse command line arguments args = parse_args() # Extract arguments ntask = args.ntask nodes = args.nodes cores = args.cores nprocmin_pernode = args.nprocmin_pernode machine = args.machine optimization = args.optimization nruns = args.nruns truns = args.truns # JOBID = args.jobid TUNER_NAME = args.optimization os.environ['MACHINE_NAME'] = machine os.environ['TUNER_NAME'] = TUNER_NAME nprocmax = nodes*cores-1 # YL: there is one proc doing spawning, so nodes*cores should be at least 2 nprocmin = min(nodes*nprocmin_pernode,nprocmax-1) # YL: ensure strictly nprocmin<nprocmax, required by the Integer space # matrices = ["big.rua", "g4.rua", "g20.rua"] matrices = ["nimrodMatrix-V.bin", "nimrodMatrix-B.bin", "cg20.cua"] # matrices = ["Si2.rb", "SiH4.rb", "SiNa.rb", "Na5.rb", "benzene.rb", "Si10H16.rb", "Si5H12.rb", "SiO.rb", "Ga3As3H12.rb", "GaAsH6.rb", "H2O.rb"] # Task parameters matrix = Categoricalnorm (matrices, transform="onehot", name="matrix") # Input parameters COLPERM = Categoricalnorm (['2', '4'], transform="onehot", name="COLPERM") LOOKAHEAD = Integer (5, 20, transform="normalize", name="LOOKAHEAD") nprows = Integer (1, nprocmax, transform="normalize", name="nprows") nproc = Integer (nprocmin, nprocmax, transform="normalize", name="nproc") NSUP = Integer (30, 300, transform="normalize", name="NSUP") NREL = Integer (10, 40, transform="normalize", name="NREL") factor = Real (float("-Inf") , float("Inf"), name="factor_time") solve = Real (float("-Inf") , float("Inf"), name="solve_time") IS = Space([matrix]) PS = Space([COLPERM, LOOKAHEAD, nproc, nprows, NSUP, NREL]) OS = Space([factor, solve]) cst1 = "NSUP >= NREL" cst2 = "nproc >= nprows" # intrinsically implies "p <= nproc" constraints = {"cst1" : cst1, "cst2" : cst2} models = {} """ Print all input and parameter samples """ print(IS, PS, OS, constraints, models) problem = TuningProblem(IS, PS, OS, objectives, constraints, None) computer = Computer(nodes = nodes, cores = cores, hosts = None) """ Set and validate options """ options = Options() options['model_processes'] = 1 # options['model_threads'] = 1 options['model_restarts'] = 1 # options['search_multitask_processes'] = 1 # options['model_restart_processes'] = 1 options['distributed_memory_parallelism'] = False options['shared_memory_parallelism'] = False options['model_class '] = 'Model_LCM' options['verbose'] = False options['search_algo'] = 'nsga2' #'maco' #'moead' #'nsga2' #'nspso' options['search_pop_size'] = 1000 # 1000 options['search_gen'] = 10 options['search_more_samples'] = 4 options.validate(computer = computer) """ Intialize the tuner with existing data""" data = Data(problem) gt = GPTune(problem, computer = computer, data = data, options = options) if(TUNER_NAME=='GPTune'): #""" Building MLA with NI random tasks """ #NI = ntask #NS = nruns #(data, model,stats) = gt.MLA(NS=NS, NI=NI, NS1 = max(NS//2,1)) #print("stats: ",stats) """ Building MLA with the given list of tasks """ #giventask = [["big.rua"], ["g4.rua"], ["g20.rua"]] giventask = [["cg20.cua"]] # giventask = [["nimrodMatrix-V.bin"]] NI = len(giventask) NS = nruns (data, model,stats) = gt.MLA(NS=NS, NI=NI, Igiven =giventask, NS1 = max(NS//2,1)) print("stats: ",stats) """ Print all input and parameter samples """ for tid in range(NI): print("tid: %d"%(tid)) print(" matrix:%s"%(data.I[tid][0])) print(" Ps ", data.P[tid]) print(" Os ", data.O[tid]) ndf, dl, dc, ndr = pg.fast_non_dominated_sorting(data.O[tid]) front = ndf[0] # print('front id: ',front) fopts = data.O[tid][front] xopts = [data.P[tid][i] for i in front] print(' Popts ', xopts) print(' Oopts ', fopts)
drop_last=False) return train_dl, valid_dl if __name__ == '__main__': # from options import Options # opt = Options().parse() # # samples = pickle_loader("../data/watch-n-bot/fridge_k1/out/data_01-05-11.pkl") # # tr, va = build_dataloader(opt) # dataloader = {'train': tr, 'valid': va} from options import Options import cv2 opt = Options().parse() opt.batch_size = 5 # opt.data_dir = '../data/watch-n-bot/fridge_k1/sequence' tr, vl = build_dataloader(opt) for index, (a, b) in enumerate(tr): # a: 5 x 10 x c x w x h # imgs = a[0].unbind(0) # imgs = list(map(lambda x: (x.permute([1, 2, 0]).numpy()*255).squeeze().astype(np.uint8), imgs)) # for index, img in enumerate(imgs): # cv2.imwrite('l_{}.png'.format(index), img) # exit(1) print(index) print(a.shape)
def tick(self): """ Tick the clock. """ self.clock.tick(int(Options().framerate_limit))
def save_window_position(self): if platform.system() == "Windows": win_pos = self.win_info.getScreenPosition() Options().x_position = win_pos["left"] Options().y_position = win_pos["top"]
from options import Options from torchvision import datasets, models, transforms from torchvision.datasets import ImageFolder from import DataLoader from torchvision.utils import make_grid from random import choice #path = './models/cifar10_dim_128_lambda_40_zlambd_0_epochs_50.torch' path = './models/cifar10_dim_128_lambda_40_zlambd_0_epochs_100.torch' state_dict = torch.load(path) model.load_state_dict(state_dict) model.eval() batch_size = 64 opt = Options().parse() dataset = "NanjingRail_blocks2" opt.batch_size = batch_size opt.isize = 32 # dataloader = load_data(opt) transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.Scale(opt.isize), transforms.CenterCrop(opt.isize), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize((0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)), ]) dataset_train = ImageFolder('./data/{}/train'.format(dataset), transform) dataset_train = torch.stack(list(zip(*dataset_train))[0])
#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function from anchor_wrap import anchor_call from data import Data from options import Options import os import resource import sys from xgbooster import XGBooster if __name__ == '__main__': # parsing command-line options options = Options(sys.argv) # making output unbuffered if sys.version_info.major == 2: sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'w', 0) xgb = XGBooster(options, from_model='../temp/lending_data/lending_data_nbestim_50_maxdepth_3_testsplit_0.2.mod.pkl') # encode it and save the encoding to another file xgb.encode() with open('../bench/anchor/lending/lending.samples', 'r') as fp: lines = fp.readlines() # timers atimes = []
from options import Options import itertools from .php5_common import generate_via_half_string_merge, php_hash options = Options() options.add_option('n_collisions', 10, 'Number of colliding strings to create') options.add_option('n_substrings', 100, 'Number of target and zero hash substrings to use') options.add_option('hash_table_size', 2**32, 'Size of target hash table') options.add_option( 'target_type', 'preimage', 'Whether the target is an image (hash output) or preimage (hash input)', ['image', 'preimage']) options.add_option('target', 'hello', 'Image or preimage of desired hash value') DESCRIPTION = 'Produces hash collisions for the PHP 5 hash function. Uses a faster less memory intensive\n' + \ ' technique but generates longer strings. n_substrings is the number of initial target and\n' + \ ' zero strings to generate which will then be combined to create the desired number of collisions.\n' + \ ' By setting this to larger values more time and memory is required but smaller strings are\n' + \ ' generated.' DEFAULT_INPUT = 'char' def run(generator, output): """Generate hash collisions in two steps: 1) generate substrings with a hash of the target and a hash of zero and 2) combine the strings by incrementally increasing the number of zero strings prepended.""" forbidden_string = '' n_collisions = options['n_collisions'] n_substrings = options['n_substrings']
from options import Options from model import SQuAD import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig( format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(name)s - %(message)s", datefmt="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", level=logging.INFO) if __name__ == '__main__': opt = Options().parse() ''' ''' opt.model_type = "distilbert" #for more pretrain models, see opt.model_name_or_path = "distilbert-base-uncased-distilled-squad" opt.do_train = True opt.do_eval = True opt.do_lower_case = True opt.output_dir = "../models/wwm_uncased_finetuned_squad" opt.threads = 4 m = SQuAD(opt) # do train global_step, tr_loss = m.train() # save the final model # do evaluation using the final model # m.load("path-to-checkpoint")
# pylint: disable=C0103 """sniffing for sockets""" import socket import sys from packets import TCP, UDP, ethernet from options import Options PACKET_SIZE = 65535 if __name__ == '__main__': opts = Options(sys.platform) packets_count = opts.capture_count() packets_file = opts.output_file() count = 0 capture = None if opts.get_platform() == 'win': capture = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.IPPROTO_IP) #reuse address capture.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) capture.bind((socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()), 0)) if opts.is_promiscuous(): ethernet.set_promiscuous_mode_on(capture) elif opts.get_platform() == 'linux': capture = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket.htons(0x03))
""" Created on Dec 13, 2018 @author: Yuedong Chen """ from options import Options from solvers import create_solver if __name__ == '__main__': opt = Options().parse() solver = create_solver(opt) solver.run_solver() print('[THE END]')
def write_error_message(self, message): opt = Options() # Clear the screen self.screen.fill(DrawingTool.color(opt.background_color)) self.write_message(message, flip=True)
from mdnet_init import initialize_model from mdnet_finetune import mdnet_finetune from lr_multiplier import LearningRateMultiplier from bbox_reg import BBoxRegressor parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-s', '--seq', default='Car1', help='input seq') parser.add_argument('-r', '--reg', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() seq = args.seq regress = args.reg ############################## # Initialization ############################## opts = Options() path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'data', seq) imgList, gt = get_data(path) # gt: (x, y, box-width, box-height) nFrames = len(imgList) img = imread(imgList[0]) if (len(img.shape) != 3): img = np.expand_dims(img, -1) img = np.concatenate((img, img, img), -1) imgSize = img.shape targetLoc = np.array(gt[0]) # initial bounding box result = reg_result = np.zeros((nFrames, 4)) result[0] = reg_result[0] = targetLoc # result is to keep track of predictions without regression # result will not be plot if the regressor is active
def handle_events(self): """ Handle any pygame event """ opt = Options() # pygame logic for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: return Event.DONE elif event.type == VIDEORESIZE: self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(event.dict['size'], RESIZABLE) opt.width = event.dict["w"] opt.height = event.dict["h"] self.__reflow() pygame.display.flip() elif event.type == MOUSEMOTION: if pygame.mouse.get_focused(): pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() self.select_item_on_hover(*pos) elif event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_UP and pygame.key.get_mods( ) & KMOD_CTRL and opt.read_from_server: opt.read_delay += 1 self.update_window_title() elif event.key == K_DOWN and pygame.key.get_mods( ) & KMOD_CTRL and opt.read_from_server: opt.read_delay = max(0, opt.read_delay - 1) self.update_window_title() elif event.key == K_RETURN: self.load_selected_detail_page() elif event.key == K_F4 and pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_ALT: return Event.DONE elif event.key == K_c and pygame.key.get_mods() & KMOD_CTRL: # Debug function to write the state to a json file #with open("../export_state.json", "w") as state_file: # state_file.write(json.dumps(self.state, cls=TrackerStateEncoder, sort_keys=True)) # Write the seed to the clipboard # (from r = Tk() r.withdraw() r.clipboard_clear() r.clipboard_append(self.state.seed) r.destroy() #self.generate_run_summary() # This is commented out because run summaries are broken with the new "state" model rewrite of the item tracker elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.button == 1: self.load_selected_detail_page() if event.button == 3: self.save_window_position() import option_picker self.screen.fill(DrawingTool.color(opt.background_color)) self.write_message("Editing options...", flip=True) pygame.event.set_blocked( [QUIT, MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, KEYDOWN, MOUSEMOTION]) pygame.event.set_allowed( [QUIT, MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, KEYDOWN, MOUSEMOTION]) self.reset_options() self.reset() if self.state is not None: self.__reflow() return Event.OPTIONS_UPDATE return None
def from_row(cls, row): return cls(row.get("guild_id"), row.get("post_channel"), Options(row.get("options")), row.get("prefix"), row.get("_offset"), row.get("special_roles", []), row.get("latest_event_count"), row.get("recent_events", []))
from options import Options import os import re import subprocess if __name__ == "__main__": # Options options = Options().options # Check whether negative folder exists if not os.path.exists(options.sample_folder): print("Creating " + options.sample_folder + " folder") os.makedirs(options.sample_folder) print("...Done") print() # Default rngseed value. This gets incremented after every use rngseed = 12345 print("Looping over all the positive images") for image_filename in os.listdir(options.positive_folder): # CreateTrainingSamplesFromInfo # Create positive samples for all positive images[ r"C:\opencv\build\x64\vc15\bin\opencv_createsamples", "-img", os.path.join(options.positive_folder, image_filename), "-bg", "negatives.txt", # The positive images are png files, so replacing their filename with txt "-info",
def load_detail_page(self): url = Options().item_details_link if not url: return url = url.replace("$ID", self.item.item_id), autoraise=True)
def test_02_getitem(self): """Test if getting items with []s works as specified.""" options = Options("debug", "verbose", log_file="logging.txt", port=80) message = "Retrieving an unspecfied option must return False." # no need to check specified options, since checked in previous test self.assertEqual(options["fsdgjhgd"], False, message)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt input_space = Space([Real(0., 10., transform="normalize", name="t")]) parameter_space = Space([Real(0., 1., transform="normalize", name="x")]) # input_space = Space([Real(0., 0.0001, "uniform", "normalize", name="t")]) # parameter_space = Space([Real(-1., 1., "uniform", "normalize", name="x")]) output_space = Space([Real(float('-Inf'), float('Inf'), name="time")]) constraints = {"cst1": "x >= 0. and x <= 1."} # problem = TuningProblem(input_space, parameter_space,output_space, objectives, constraints, models) # with performance model problem = TuningProblem(input_space, parameter_space, output_space, objectives, constraints, None) # no performance model computer = Computer(nodes=1, cores=16, hosts=None) options = Options() options['model_restarts'] = 1 options['distributed_memory_parallelism'] = False options['shared_memory_parallelism'] = False options['objective_evaluation_parallelism'] = False options['objective_multisample_threads'] = 1 options['objective_multisample_processes'] = 1 options['objective_nprocmax'] = 1 options['model_processes'] = 1 # options['model_threads'] = 1 # options['model_restart_processes'] = 1 # options['search_multitask_processes'] = 1
def get_message_duration(self): return Options().message_duration * Options().framerate_limit
from options import Options options = Options() options.add_option('pattern_length', 5, 'Length of pattern to search') options.add_option('string_length', 10, 'Length of string to search in') options.add_option('match', True, 'Whether to generate a matching or non-matching pattern') DESCRIPTION = 'Produces a worst-case string and search pattern for the Knuth-Moore-Pratt string matching algorithm.' \ '\n\n ' \ 'The worst case for the KMP algorithm is O(n+m), where n is the length of the pattern being searched, and ' \ 'm is the length of the string being searched in.' DEFAULT_INPUT = 'char' def run(generator, output): if options['match']: ret = all_same_match(generator, options['string_length'], options['pattern_length']) else: ret = no_match(generator, options['string_length'], options['pattern_length']) output.output(ret) def no_match(generator, string_length, pattern_length): # For if you want to not match the pattern base = generator.get_min_value() pattern = pattern_length * base k = string_length // pattern_length
def __reflow(self): ''' Regenerate the displayed item list ''' opt = Options() size_multiplier = opt.size_multiplier # Empty the previous drawn items list self.drawn_items[:] = [] # Build the list of items to display items_to_flow = [x for x in self.state.item_list if self.show_item(x) ] if self.state is not None else [] n_items_to_flow = len(items_to_flow) if n_items_to_flow == 0: self.next_item = (0, self.text_height + self.text_margin_size) return # Check for trailing floor and consider we'll have to draw it if items_to_flow[-1].floor != self.state.last_floor: n_items_to_flow += 1 # Compute the icon size according to user's multiplier, as well as # the minimum size that we want to display (the "footprint") icon_size = int(opt.default_spacing * size_multiplier) min_icon_footprint = int(opt.min_spacing * size_multiplier) # Declare these variables here so that we can reuse it after the loop max_col = 0 available_width = 0 # Find the biggest possible footprint while displaying every items, chosen_icon_footprint = icon_size while chosen_icon_footprint >= min_icon_footprint: # Compute the maximum number of columns, taking into account the # last item's width available_width = opt.width - (icon_size - chosen_icon_footprint) if opt.enable_mouseover: # Boxes have a line width of 2px, so we need to substract them available_width -= 2 max_col = floor(available_width / chosen_icon_footprint) row_height = chosen_icon_footprint if self.show_floors: row_height += self.text_margin_size # height also has to take into account the size of the items on the edges, so they never flow off the bottom available_height = opt.height - self.text_height - ( icon_size - chosen_icon_footprint) max_row = floor(available_height / row_height) # We have our maximum number of columns and rows visible, we can # check if everything will fit, or if we reached the minimal size if (n_items_to_flow <= max_col * max_row or chosen_icon_footprint == min_icon_footprint): break chosen_icon_footprint -= 1 unused_pixels = 0 # If we fully filled the row, and the number of items per line doesn't # match the exact windows width, then we have some pixels left to use # to perfectly "stretch" the items if n_items_to_flow > max_col or chosen_icon_footprint != icon_size: unused_pixels = available_width % chosen_icon_footprint # Compute the strech needed per item, and the possible stretch remaining # We use max_col - 1 because we want the first item to be left-aligned stretch_per_item = 0 stretch_remaining = 0 if max_col > 1: stretch_per_item = int(unused_pixels / (max_col - 1)) if stretch_per_item == 0: stretch_remaining = unused_pixels else: stretch_remaining = unused_pixels % stretch_per_item # Compute x,y positions for each items cur_col = 0 cur_row = 0 xpos = 0 ypos = self.text_height + self.text_margin_size for item in items_to_flow: # Deal with drawable items self.drawn_items.append(DrawableItem(item, xpos, ypos, self)) cur_col += 1 if (cur_col % max_col == 0): cur_col = 0 cur_row += 1 xpos = 0 ypos += self.text_margin_size + chosen_icon_footprint else: xpos += chosen_icon_footprint + stretch_per_item # If some stretch is remaining, add 1 px per item until we reach # the maximum stretch remaining if cur_col <= stretch_remaining: xpos += 1 # Set coordinates for trailing floor, in case it would be needed self.next_item = (xpos, ypos) self.build_position_index()
from .deflate import max_deflate_png from options import Options options = Options() options.add_option('width', 225000, 'Desired width of uncompressed PNG in pixels') options.add_option('height', 225000, 'Desired height of uncompressed PNG in pixels') DESCRIPTION = 'Generates a PNG bomb.' \ '\n\n ' \ 'The PNG file output expands immensely when loaded into memory by certain applications. ' \ 'We construct a custom PNG file from scratch, inserting a DEFLATE compression bomb, as DEFLATE ' \ 'is the underlying compression used in PNG.' # NOTE: We looked at using the pypng library for this instead of the custom deflate code # While the png code is significantly simpler, it also takes significantly longer to run # because the png library uses zlib for compression, whereas the custom implementation knows # that the input is all zero bytes and thus can write out the compressed data directly NO_INPUT = True DEFAULT_OUTPUT = 'file' DEFAULT_OUTPUT_OPTIONS = {'final_newline': False, 'format': 'binary'} def run(output): ret = max_deflate_png(options['width'], options['height']) output.output([ret])
def __init__(self): self.options = Options() self.utils = Utils() self.gspreadWrapper = GspreadWrapper()
print('{0} min oracle calls per instance: {1}'.format(prefix, min(calls))) print('{0} avg oracle calls per instance: {1:.2f}'.format( prefix, float(sum(calls)) / len(calls))) print('{0} avg number of explanations per instance: {1:.2f}'.format( prefix, float(sum(exlen)) / len(exlen))) print('{0} avg explanation size per instance: {1:.2f}'.format( prefix, float(sum(xsize)) / len(xsize))) print('') if __name__ == '__main__': # parsing command-line options options = Options(sys.argv) # making output unbuffered if sys.version_info.major == 2: sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'w', 0) # subset-minimal enumerate_all(options, xtype='abductive', xnum=-1, smallest=False, usecld=False, usemhs=False, useumcs=False, prefix='mabd') # enumerate_all(options, xtype='contrastive', xnum=-1, smallest=False, usecld=False, usemhs=True, useumcs=False, prefix='mcon3')
def main(): ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument('--arch', required=True, nargs='+', type=int) ap.add_argument('--lr', required=False, type=float, default=.01) ap.add_argument('--epochs', required=False, type=int, default=100) ap.add_argument('--iters', required=True, type=int) ap.add_argument('--trials', required=True, type=int) ap.add_argument('--env', required=True) ap.add_argument('--t', required=True, type=int) ap.add_argument('--grads', required=True, type=int) ap.add_argument('--weights', required=True, nargs='+', type=float, default=[1.0, .1, .5]) ap.add_argument('--ufact', required=True, default=4.0, type=float) ap.add_argument('--id', required=True, default=4.0, type=int) ap.add_argument('--nu', required=True, type=float) ap.add_argument('--gamma', required=True, type=float) opt = Options() args = ap.parse_args() opt.load_args(args) args = vars(args) opt.envname = opt.env opt.env = gym.envs.make(opt.envname).env opt.sim = gym.envs.make(opt.envname).env exp_id = args['id'] opt.env.my_weights = args['weights'] opt.env.ufact = args['ufact'] opt.pi = net.Network([64, 64], .01, 300) suffix = '_' + utils.stringify(args['weights']) + '_' + str(args['ufact']) weights_path = 'meta/' + 'test' + '/' + opt.envname + '_' + str( exp_id) + '_weights' + suffix + '.txt' stats_path = 'meta/' + 'test' + '/' + opt.envname + '_' + str( exp_id) + '_stats' + suffix + '.txt' opt.pi.load_weights(weights_path, stats_path) opt.sup = Supervisor(opt.pi) opt.misc = Options() opt.misc.num_evaluations = 1 opt.misc.samples = 200 rec_results = {} lnr_results = {} plot_dir = utils.generate_plot_dir('initial', 'experts', vars(opt)) data_dir = utils.generate_data_dir('initial', 'experts', vars(opt)) if not os.path.exists(plot_dir): os.makedirs(plot_dir) if not os.path.exists(data_dir): os.makedirs(data_dir) if not os.path.exists(plot_dir + '/scores'): os.makedirs(plot_dir + '/scores') if not os.path.exists(plot_dir + '/mags'): os.makedirs(plot_dir + '/mags') try: for t in range(opt.trials): start_time = timer.time() results = run_trial(opt) for key in results['rec'].keys(): if key in rec_results: rec_results[key].append(results['rec'][key]) else: rec_results[key] = [results['rec'][key]] for key in results['lnr'].keys(): if key in lnr_results: lnr_results[key].append(results['lnr'][key]) else: lnr_results[key] = [results['lnr'][key]] except KeyboardInterrupt: pass labels = sorted(list(rec_results.keys())) for key in rec_results.keys(): rec_results[key] = np.array(rec_results[key]) / float(opt.misc.samples) lnr_results[key] = np.array(lnr_results[key]) / float(opt.misc.samples) rec_means = [ np.mean(rec_results[key]) for key in sorted(rec_results.keys()) ] rec_sems = [ scipy.stats.sem(rec_results[key]) for key in sorted(rec_results.keys()) ] lnr_means = [ np.mean(lnr_results[key]) for key in sorted(lnr_results.keys()) ] lnr_sems = [ scipy.stats.sem(lnr_results[key]) for key in sorted(lnr_results.keys()) ]
def main(): ## parse flags config = Options().parse() utils.print_opts(config) ## set up folders exp_dir = os.path.join(config.exp_dir, config.exp_name) model_dir = os.path.join(exp_dir, 'models') img_dir = os.path.join(exp_dir, 'images') if not os.path.exists(exp_dir): os.makedirs(exp_dir) if not os.path.exists(model_dir): os.makedirs(model_dir) if not os.path.exists(img_dir): os.makedirs(img_dir) if config.use_tbx: # remove old tensorboardX logs logs = glob.glob(os.path.join(exp_dir, 'events.out.tfevents.*')) if len(logs) > 0: os.remove(logs[0]) tbx_writer = SummaryWriter(exp_dir) else: tbx_writer = None ## initialize data loaders/generators & model r_loader, z_loader = get_loader(config) if config.solver == 'w1': model = W1(config, r_loader, z_loader) elif config.solver == 'w2': model = W2(config, r_loader, z_loader) elif config.solver == 'bary_ot': model = BaryOT(config, r_loader, z_loader) cudnn.benchmark = True networks = model.get_networks() utils.print_networks(networks) ## training ## stage 1 (dual stage) of bary_ot start_time = time.time() if config.solver == 'bary_ot': print("Starting: dual stage for %d iters." % config.dual_iters) for step in range(config.dual_iters): model.train_diter_only(config) if ((step + 1) % 100) == 0: stats = model.get_stats(config) end_time = time.time() stats['disp_time'] = (end_time - start_time) / 60. start_time = end_time utils.print_out(stats, step + 1, config.dual_iters, tbx_writer) print("dual stage iterations complete.") ## main training loop of w1 / w2 or stage 2 (map stage) of bary-ot map_iters = config.map_iters if config.solver == 'bary_ot' else config.train_iters if config.solver == 'bary_ot': print("Starting: map stage for %d iters." % map_iters) else: print("Starting training...") for step in range(map_iters): model.train_iter(config) if ((step + 1) % 100) == 0: stats = model.get_stats(config) end_time = time.time() stats['disp_time'] = (end_time - start_time) / 60. start_time = end_time utils.print_out(stats, step + 1, map_iters, tbx_writer) if ((step + 1) % 500) == 0: images = model.get_visuals(config) utils.visualize_iter(images, img_dir, step + 1, config) print("Training complete.") networks = model.get_networks() utils.save_networks(networks, model_dir) ## testing root = "./mvg_test" file = open(os.path.join(root, "data.pkl"), "rb") fixed_z = pickle.load(file) file.close() fixed_z = utils.to_var(fixed_z) fixed_gz = model.g(fixed_z).view(*fixed_z.size()) utils.visualize_single(fixed_gz, os.path.join(img_dir, 'test.png'), config)
def draw_selected_box(self, x, y): size_multiplier = int(64 * Options().size_multiplier) pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, DrawingTool.color(Options().text_color), (x, y, size_multiplier, size_multiplier), 2)