コード例 #1
ファイル: convert.py プロジェクト: nickszap/mpas-tools
def example(ncNameFile):
  #Input file is a list of each output file on its own line.
  #Paraview has a hard time animating the 0 time step .nc files. Maybe it's an issue with the MPAS reader?
  #We can get around it by creating vtk files of the fields of interest named fnameN.vtk where N is an integer that indicates time.
  #store the names of the files we want in order in a file
  #ncNameFile = 'ncNames.txt'
  fp = open(ncNameFile,'r')

  #output the files to
  outNameBase = 'june'
  i = 0
  for line in fp:
    ncfname = line.rstrip('\n') #do we have to strip off any characters like \n?
    if (i==0):
      #reference field for orientation
      vtkfname = outNameBase+'_ref'+'.vtk'
      data = output_data.open_netcdf_data(ncfname)

      #header and mesh info
      fvtk = output_data.write_vtk_header_polydata(vtkfname, ncfname)
      nNodes =  output_data.write_vtk_xyzNodes(fvtk, data)
      nCells = output_data.write_vtk_polygons(fvtk, data)
      fvtk.write('\nCELL_DATA '+str(nCells)+'\n')
    vtkfname = outNameBase+str(i)+'.vtk'

    data = output_data.open_netcdf_data(ncfname)
    #header and mesh info
    fvtk = output_data.write_vtk_header_polydata(vtkfname, ncfname)
    nNodes =  output_data.write_vtk_xyzNodes(fvtk, data)
    nCells = output_data.write_vtk_polygons(fvtk, data)
    #write cell data
    fvtk.write('\nCELL_DATA '+str(nCells)+'\n')
    time = 0
    vLevel = 18
    output_data.write_vtk_cellCenterVelocity(fvtk, data, time, vLevel, nCells)
    output_data.write_vtk_var_timeLevelCells(fvtk, 'pv_cell', data, vLevel, time, nCells)
    i = i+1
    #close files

コード例 #2
ファイル: makePlots.py プロジェクト: nickszap/mpas-tools
def example():

    # file properties
    ncfname = "/arctic1/nick/cases/cfsr/output.2006-08-07_12.00.00.nc"
    # ncfname = '/home/nickszap/research/mpas/output.2010-10-23_00:00:00.nc' #input file
    vtkfname = "plotTest.vtk"  # output file

    data = output_data.open_netcdf_data(ncfname)

    # open the output vtk file and write header. -------------------
    fvtk = output_data.write_vtk_header_polydata(vtkfname, ncfname)

    # write nodes and cells
    nNodes = output_data.write_vtk_xyzNodes(fvtk, data)
    nCells = output_data.write_vtk_polygons(fvtk, data)
    nLevels = len(data.dimensions["nVertLevels"])

    # write some cell data --------------------
    fvtk.write("\nCELL_DATA " + str(nCells) + "\n")

    output_data.write_vtk_staticGeoFields(fvtk, data, nCells)

    # time dependent stuff goes in different files
    time = 0
    output_data.write_vtk_pressureHeights(fvtk, data, nCells, time, nLevels, 50000)  # 500mb = 50,000Pa

    # write some node data

    # close the .nc and vtk files
コード例 #3
ファイル: writeGeo_vtk.py プロジェクト: nickszap/mpas-tools
def driver_ncGeo2vtk(ncfname):
  given .nc (MPAS NETCDF) file, output the surface geography data into classic vtk format.
  The MPAS NetCDF reader in Paraview loads only the "critical" netcdf variables, ie with time and vertLevels.
  Rather than edit that reader, we can create a file of the vars we care about on the scvt mesh rather than the dual.
  I think they have to use the dual for the volume mesh since the elements need to be of supported VTK type (eg prism, hex,...)
  #file properties
  #ncfname = '/home/nickszap/research/mpas/output.2010-10-23_00:00:00.nc' #input file
  vtkfname = 'geoTest.vtk' #output file
  data = output_data.open_netcdf_data(ncfname)
  #open the output vtk file and write header.
  fvtk = output_data.write_vtk_header_polydata(vtkfname, ncfname)
  #write nodes and cells
  nNodes =  output_data.write_vtk_xyzNodes(fvtk, data)
  nCells = output_data.write_vtk_polygons(fvtk, data)
  vLevels =  len(data.dimensions['nVertLevels'])
  nTimes = len(data.dimensions['Time'])
  #write some geographic cell data
  fvtk.write('\nCELL_DATA '+str(nCells)+'\n')
  write_vtk_timeGeoFields(fvtk,data,nCells, nTimes)
  #write node data (none for geog)
  #close the .nc and vtk files
コード例 #4
ファイル: compare.py プロジェクト: nickszap/mpas-tools
def example_2pvu():
    # fpath = '/arctic1/nick/cases/v1.0/x4/august/kf/v1.1/x4.kf.output.2006-08-01_00.00.00.nc'
    fpath = "/arctic1/nick/cases/v1.0/x4/august/tiedtke/v1.1/x4.t.output.2006-08-08_00.00.00.nc"
    # fpath = '/arctic1/nick/cases/v1.0/x4/august/kf/v1.1/x4.kf.output.2006-08-08_00.00.00.nc'
    # fnames = searchFiles()
    # for iFile, fpath in enumerate(fnames):
    data = output_data.open_netcdf_data(fpath)

    for timeInd in xrange(0, 28, 4):
        # for timeInd in [0]:
        # open the output vtk file and write header, nodes, and cells
        vtkfname = "x4_t_2006-08-01_1day." + str(28 + timeInd) + ".vtk"
        # vtkfname = 'x4_cfsr_2006-07-25_1day.'+str(iFile)+'.vtk'
        fvtk = output_data.write_vtk_header_polydata(vtkfname, fpath)
        # fvtk = open(vtkfname,'w'); nCells = 163842
        nNodes = output_data.write_vtk_xyzNodes(fvtk, data)
        nCells = output_data.write_vtk_polygons(fvtk, data)

        # write some cell dataa
        fvtk.write("\nCELL_DATA " + str(nCells) + "\n")

        # calc values
        # timeInd = 0
        epv_ht, theta_trop = calc_height_theta_2PVU(data, timeInd)

        output_data.write_levelData_float("ht_2pvu", fvtk, epv_ht, nCells)
        output_data.write_levelData_float("theta_2pvu", fvtk, theta_trop, nCells)

コード例 #5
ファイル: convert.py プロジェクト: nickszap/mpas-tools
def derivedSfcs(ncfname, vtkfname):
  #write some derived surfaces to file
  data = output_data.open_netcdf_data(ncfname)
  #header info
  fvtk = output_data.write_vtk_header_polydata(vtkfname, ncfname)
  nNodes =  output_data.write_vtk_xyzNodes(fvtk, data)
  nCells = output_data.write_vtk_polygons(fvtk, data)
  nLevels =  len(data.dimensions['nVertLevels'])
  #cell data
  fvtk.write('\nCELL_DATA '+str(nCells)+'\n')
  #geo for reference
  time = 0
  #500 mb
  output_data.write_vtk_pressureHeights(fvtk, data, nCells, time, vLevels, 50000.)
  #theta on dynamic tropopause
  pv = np.empty((nCells,nLevels), dtype=float)
  for hcell in range(nCells):
    for l in range(nLevels):
      pv[hcell,l] = vars.calc_ertelPV(data, 'theta', time, hcell, l, nLevels)
  pvuVal = 2.
  thetaVal = np.empty(nCells)
  for hcell in range(nCells):
    (l,dl) = output_data.calcIndexOfValue(pvuVal,pv[hcell,:], nLevels)
    thetaVal[hcell] = output_data.calcValueOfIndex(l,dl,data.variables['theta'][time,hcell,:])
  output_data.write_levelData_float('theta_pv', fvtk, thetaVal, nCells)
  slp = np.empty(nCells)
  for hcell in range(nCells):
    slp[hcell] = vars.calc_slp(data, hcell, nLevels, time)
  output_data.write_levelData_float('slp', fvtk, slp, nCells)
  #close da files
コード例 #6
ファイル: makePlots.py プロジェクト: nickszap/mpas-tools
def example_vars():
    # for every 6 hours of the IC CFSR data,
    # write a vtk file with slp, 500mb heights, and theta on 2 pv surface

    t0 = dt.datetime(2006, 6, 1, 0)
    # tf = dt.datetime(2006,9,29,18)
    tf = dt.datetime(2006, 6, 1, 13)
    h6 = dt.timedelta(hours=6)

    cfsrPath = "/arctic1/nick/cases/cfsr/"
    vtkBase = "cfsrIC."

    i = 1
    t = t0
    while t <= tf:  # since increment t after check, don't do
        # open the .nc data file for this datetime
        tString = cfsr.form_cfsrTimeString(t)
        ncName = "vert_sfc." + tString + ".nc"  # initial condition netcdf file
        ncName = cfsrPath + ncName
        data = output_data.open_netcdf_data(ncName)

        # open the output vtk file and write header. -------------------
        vtkfname = vtkBase + str(i - 1) + ".vtk"
        fvtk = output_data.write_vtk_header_polydata(vtkfname, ncName)

        # write nodes and cells
        nNodes = output_data.write_vtk_xyzNodes(fvtk, data)
        nCells = output_data.write_vtk_polygons(fvtk, data)
        nLevels = len(data.dimensions["nVertLevels"])

        # write some cell data --------------------
        fvtk.write("\nCELL_DATA " + str(nCells) + "\n")

        timeInd = 0


        # increment day
        t = t0 + i * h6
        i = i + 1
コード例 #7
ファイル: compare.py プロジェクト: nickszap/mpas-tools
def example_difference_vtk():
    # For this, we have mpas outputs and CFSR ICs every 6 hours.
    # The files are on the same horizontal and vertical mesh

    t0 = dt.datetime(2006, 7, 15, 0)
    mpasFile = mpasOutputName(t0)
    mpasData = netCDF4.Dataset(mpasFile, "r")

    # fields: config_frames_per_outfile tells us when we need to get new file
    # config_output_interval time separation between values
    nTimeInds = 28
    h6 = dt.timedelta(hours=6)

    s = cfsr.form_cfsrTimeString(t0)
    diffFile = "diff." + s + ".6hr.vtk"

    fvtk = output_data.write_vtk_header_polydata(diffFile, s)

    # write nodes and cells
    nNodes = output_data.write_vtk_xyzNodes(fvtk, mpasData)
    nCells = output_data.write_vtk_polygons(fvtk, mpasData)
    nLevels = len(mpasData.dimensions["nVertLevels"])

    fieldKeys = [
    ]  # ,'qv','qc','qr']
    for i in xrange(nTimeInds):
        # for i in xrange(4,5,1):
        t = t0 + i * h6
        initFile = loc_initFile(t)
        initData = netCDF4.Dataset(initFile, "r")

        for key in fieldKeys:
            varInit = initData.variables[key][0, :, :]
            varMPAS = mpasData.variables[key][i, :, :]
            varMPAS -= varInit
            s = "Statistics for MPAS-Init for variable {0} at timInd {1}\n".format(key, i)
            m = np.mean(varMPAS)
            dev = np.std(varMPAS)
            maxd = np.max(np.abs(varMPAS))
            s += "{0},\t{1},\t{2}\n".format(m, dev, maxd)
            print s
            s = ""
            # diffData.variables[key][i,:,:] = varMPAS[:,:]

            # histograms
            varMPAS.flatten()  # else each column is separate dataset
            nBins = 100
            plt2.hist(varMPAS, bins=nBins, normed=False)
            # save instead of displaying
            figName = key + ".t" + str(i)
            # plt2.savefig(figName+'.png')
            plt2.autoscale(enable=True, axis="x", tight=True)
            plt2.savefig(figName + ".png")

