コード例 #1
ファイル: extract.py プロジェクト: maysara/pandora_image
def cuts(prefix):
    fname = os.path.join(prefix, 'cuts.json')
    if not os.path.exists(fname):
        return []
    with open(fname) as f:
        cuts = json.load(f)
    return cuts
コード例 #2
def cuts(prefix):
    fname = os.path.join(prefix, 'cuts.json')
    if not os.path.exists(fname):
        return []
    with open(fname) as f:
        cuts = json.load(f)
    return cuts
コード例 #3
def get_data(isbn):
    data = {}
    ol = find(isbn)
    if ol['docs']:
        d = ol['docs'][0]
        data['title'] = d['title']
        data['author'] = authors_ol(d['authors'])
        data['work'] = d['key']
        data['edition'] =  d['edition_key'][0]
        url = 'https://openlibrary.org/books/%s.json' % data['edition']
        info = json.load(read_url(url))
        data['pages'] = info['number_of_pages']
        if 'dewey_decimal_class' in info: 
            data['classification'] = info['dewey_decimal_class'][0]
    return data
コード例 #4
ファイル: file.py プロジェクト: adityamangla/metaStudio
def read_json(file, verbose=False):
    if verbose:
        print 'reading', file
    with open(file) as fd:
        data = json.load(fd)
    return data
コード例 #5
def update_static():
    oxjs_build = os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT,
    if os.path.exists(oxjs_build):
        print 'update oxjs'
        if os.path.exists(
            geo = '-nogeo'
            geo = ''
        os.system('%s %s >/dev/null' % (oxjs_build, geo))

    data = ''
    js = []
    pandora_js = os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, 'js/pandora.min.js')
    pandora_json = os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, 'json/pandora.json')
    for root, folders, files in os.walk(
            os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, 'js')):
        for f in files:
            if not f in ('pandora.js',
                         'pandora.min.js') and f.endswith('.js') and len(
                             f.split('.')) == 2:
                f = os.path.join(root, f)
                #ignore old embed js file
                if 'js/embed/' in f:
                fsite = f.replace('.js',
                                  '.%s.js' % settings.CONFIG['site']['id'])
                if os.path.exists(fsite):
                    f = fsite
                js.append(f[len(settings.STATIC_ROOT) + 1:])
                with open(f) as j:
                    data += j.read() + '\n'
    js += [
    print 'write', pandora_js
    with open(pandora_js, 'w') as f:
        data = ox.js.minify(data)

    print 'write', pandora_json
    with open(pandora_json, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(sorted(js), f, indent=2)

    for f in (pandora_js, pandora_json):
        os.system('gzip -9 -c "%s" > "%s.gz"' % (f, f))

    for root, folders, files in os.walk(
            os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, 'oxjs/build')):
        for f in files:
            if os.path.splitext(f)[-1] in ('.js', '.json'):
                f = os.path.join(root, f)
                os.system('gzip -9 -c "%s" > "%s.gz"' % (f, f))

    for name in ('logo', 'icon'):
        site = os.path.join(
            'png/%s.%s.png' % (name, settings.CONFIG['site']['id']))
        pandora = os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT,
                               'png/%s.pandora.png' % name)
        image = os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, 'png/%s.png' % name)
        if not os.path.exists(image):
            if os.path.exists(site):
                shutil.copyfile(site, image)
                shutil.copyfile(pandora, image)
    for f in sorted(
        with open(f) as fd:
            locale = json.load(fd)
        site_locale = f.replace('locale.pandora',
                                'locale.' + settings.CONFIG['site']['id'])
        locale_file = f.replace('locale.pandora', 'locale')
        print 'write', locale_file
        print '    adding', f
        if os.path.exists(site_locale):
            with open(site_locale) as fdl:
                print '    adding', site_locale
        with open(locale_file, 'w') as fd:
            json.dump(locale, fd)
        os.system('gzip -9 -c "%s" > "%s.gz"' % (locale_file, locale_file))

    #download geo data

    for script in (settings.ITEM_POSTER, settings.ITEM_ICON,
        if not os.path.exists(script):
            site_script = script.replace(
                '.py', '.%s.py' % settings.CONFIG['site']['id'])
            default_script = script.replace('.py', '.pandora.py')
            if os.path.exists(site_script):
                os.symlink(site_script, script)
                os.symlink(default_script, script)
コード例 #6
ファイル: config.py プロジェクト: maysara/pandora_image
def update_static():
    oxjs_build = os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, 'oxjs/tools/build/build.py')
    if os.path.exists(oxjs_build):
        print 'update oxjs'
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, 'oxjs/build/Ox.Geo/json/Ox.Geo.json')):
            geo = '-nogeo'
            geo = ''
        os.system('%s %s >/dev/null' % (oxjs_build, geo))

    data = ''
    js = []
    pandora_js = os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, 'js/pandora.min.js')
    pandora_json = os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, 'json/pandora.json')
    for root, folders, files in os.walk(os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, 'js')):
        for f in files:
            if not f in (
                'pandora.js', 'pandora.min.js'
            ) and f.endswith('.js') and len(f.split('.'))  == 2:
                f = os.path.join(root, f)
                #ignore old embed js file
                if 'js/embed/' in f:
                fsite = f.replace('.js', '.%s.js' % settings.CONFIG['site']['id'])
                if os.path.exists(fsite):
                    f = fsite
                with open(f) as j:
                    data += j.read() + '\n'
    js += [
    print 'write', pandora_js
    with open(pandora_js, 'w') as f:
        data = ox.js.minify(data)

    print 'write', pandora_json
    with open(pandora_json, 'w') as f:
        json.dump(sorted(js), f, indent=2)

    for f in (pandora_js, pandora_json):
        os.system('gzip -9 -c "%s" > "%s.gz"' % (f, f))

    for root, folders, files in os.walk(os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, 'oxjs/build')):
            for f in files:
                if os.path.splitext(f)[-1] in ('.js', '.json'):
                    f = os.path.join(root, f)
                    os.system('gzip -9 -c "%s" > "%s.gz"' % (f, f))
    for name in ('logo', 'icon'):
        site = os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, 'png/%s.%s.png'%(name, settings.CONFIG['site']['id']))
        pandora = os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, 'png/%s.pandora.png'%name)
        image = os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, 'png/%s.png'%name)
        if not os.path.exists(image):
            if os.path.exists(site):
                shutil.copyfile(site, image)
                shutil.copyfile(pandora, image)
    for f in sorted(glob(os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, 'json/locale.pandora.*.json'))):
        with open(f) as fd:
            locale = json.load(fd)
        site_locale = f.replace('locale.pandora', 'locale.' + settings.CONFIG['site']['id'])
        locale_file = f.replace('locale.pandora', 'locale')
        print 'write', locale_file
        print '    adding', f
        if os.path.exists(site_locale):
            with open(site_locale) as fdl:
                print '    adding', site_locale
        with open(locale_file, 'w') as fd:
            json.dump(locale, fd)
        os.system('gzip -9 -c "%s" > "%s.gz"' % (locale_file, locale_file))

    #download geo data

    for script in (settings.ITEM_POSTER, settings.ITEM_ICON, settings.LIST_ICON):
        if not os.path.exists(script):
            site_script = script.replace('.py', '.%s.py' % settings.CONFIG['site']['id'])
            default_script = script.replace('.py', '.pandora.py')
            if os.path.exists(site_script):
                os.symlink(site_script, script)
                os.symlink(default_script, script)
コード例 #7
def join_tiles(source_paths, target_path):
    This is an implementation of a join_tiles function for new-style timelines.
    Timelines of files will be read from source_paths, the timeline of the item will
    be written to target_path.

    def divide(num, by):
        # divide(100, 3) -> [33, 33, 34]
        arr = []
        div = int(num / by)
        mod = num % by
        for i in range(int(by)):
            arr.append(div + (i > by - 1 - mod))
        return arr

    def get_file_info(file_name):
        for mode in modes:
            if re.match('^timeline' + mode + '64p\d+\.jpg', file_name):
                return {
                    'file': file_name,
                    'mode': mode,
                    'index': int(file_name[11 + len(mode):-4])
        return None

    def save_and_open(data):
        # whenever a large tile is done or needed,
        # this function saves the previous large tile
        # (if any) and opens the next one (if any).
        # in between, whenever required, small tiles
        # are opened, rendered and saved, and the
        # large full tile is being generated.
        # 'keyframes' are only rendered in large size,
        # 'keyframeswide' only resized to small size.
        image_mode = 'L' if mode == 'audio' else 'RGB'
        small_mode = 'keyframes' if mode == 'keyframeswide' else mode
        large_tile_i = int(target_w / large_tile_w)
        # save previous large tile
        if large_tile_i > 0:
            large_tile_i -= 1
            if mode != 'keyframeswide':
                image_file = '%stimeline%s%dp%d.jpg' % (
                    target_path, mode, large_tile_h, large_tile_i
                #print image_file
            if mode != 'keyframes':
                # open small tile
                small_tile_i = int(large_tile_i / 60)
                small_tile_x = (large_tile_i % 60) * 60
                if small_tile_x == 0:
                    if small_tile_i < small_tile_n - 1:
                        w = small_tile_w
                        w = small_tile_last_w
                    data['target_images']['small'] = Image.new(image_mode, (w, small_tile_h))
                # paste large tile into small tile
                w = 60 if large_tile_i < large_tile_n - 1 else small_tile_last_w % 60
                data['target_images']['large'] = data['target_images']['large'].resize(
                    (w, small_tile_h), Image.ANTIALIAS
                    data['target_images']['large'], (small_tile_x, 0)
                # save small tile
                if small_tile_x == small_tile_w - 60 or large_tile_i == large_tile_n - 1:
                    image_file = '%stimeline%s%dp%d.jpg' % (
                        target_path, small_mode, small_tile_h, small_tile_i
                    #print image_file
            if mode == 'antialias':
                # render full tile
                resized = data['target_images']['large'].resize((
                    data['full_tile_widths'][0], large_tile_h
                ), Image.ANTIALIAS)
                data['target_images']['full'].paste(resized, (data['full_tile_offset'], 0))
                data['full_tile_offset'] += data['full_tile_widths'][0]
                data['full_tile_widths'] = data['full_tile_widths'][1:]
            large_tile_i += 1
        # open next large tile
        if large_tile_i < large_tile_n:
            w = large_tile_w if large_tile_i < large_tile_n - 1 else large_tile_last_w
            data['target_images']['large'] = Image.new(image_mode, (w, large_tile_h))

    data = {}
    fps = 25
    large_tile_w, large_tile_h = 1500, 64
    small_tile_w, small_tile_h = 3600, 16
    full_tile_w = 1920
    modes = ['antialias', 'slitscan', 'keyframes', 'keyframeswide', 'audio']
    source_files = {}
    for mode in modes:
        source_files[mode] = []

    # read files
    durations = [0] * len(source_paths)
    frame_n = 0
    for i, path in enumerate(source_paths):
        file_info = map(get_file_info, os.listdir(path))
        file_info = filter(lambda x: x != None, file_info)
        for info in sorted(file_info, key=lambda x: x['index']):
            mode = info['mode']
            source_files[mode].append(path + info['file'])
            if mode == modes[0]:
                width = Image.open(source_files[mode][-1]).size[0]
                durations[i] += width / fps
                frame_n += width
    large_tile_n = int(math.ceil(frame_n / large_tile_w)) 
    large_tile_last_w = frame_n % large_tile_w or 60
    small_tile_n = int(math.ceil(frame_n / fps / small_tile_w)) 
    small_tile_last_w = int(math.ceil(frame_n / fps)) % small_tile_w or small_tile_w

    # open full timeline
    if large_tile_n == 1:
        data['full_tile_widths'] = [large_tile_last_w]
        w = full_tile_w
        n = large_tile_n
        if large_tile_last_w < large_tile_w:
            factor = full_tile_w / frame_n
            last_w = int(round(large_tile_last_w * factor))
            w -= last_w
            n -= 1
        data['full_tile_widths'] = divide(w, n)
        if large_tile_last_w < large_tile_w:
    data['full_tile_offset'] = 0
    full_tile_image = Image.new('RGB', (full_tile_w, large_tile_h))

    # main loop
    data['target_images'] = {'large': None, 'small': None, 'full': full_tile_image}
    for mode in modes:
        target_w = 0
        for source_file in source_files[mode]:
            source_image = Image.open(source_file)
            source_w = source_image.size[0]
            target_x = target_w % large_tile_w
            if target_x == 0:
            data['target_images']['large'].paste(source_image, (target_x, 0))
            target_w += source_w
            if target_x + source_w > large_tile_w:
                # target tile overflows into next source tile
                target_x -= large_tile_w
                data['target_images']['large'].paste(source_image, (target_x, 0))
        # save_and_open saves previous tile and opens tile at target_w
        # increase target_w to be in next tile
        target_w += large_tile_w

    # save full timelines
    image_file = '%stimelineantialias%dp.jpg' % (target_path, large_tile_h)
    #print image_file
    image_file = '%stimelineantialias%dp.jpg' % (target_path, small_tile_h)
        (full_tile_w, small_tile_h), Image.ANTIALIAS
    #print image_file

    # join cuts
    cuts = []
    offset = 0
    for i, path in enumerate(source_paths):
        p = os.path.join(path, 'cuts.json')
        if os.path.exists(p):
            with open(p, 'r') as f:
                path_cuts = json.load(f)
            print p, 'missing'
            path_cuts = []
        if i > 0:
        for cut in path_cuts:
            cuts.append(offset + cut)
        offset += durations[i]
    with open(os.path.join(target_path, 'cuts.json'), 'w') as f:
        # avoid float rounding artefacts
        f.write('[' + ', '.join(map(lambda x: '%.2f' % x, cuts)) + ']')