コード例 #1
ファイル: test_lj_cpp.py プロジェクト: spraharsh/pele
    def setUp(self):
        boxv = np.array([10.] * 3)
        natoms = 30
        rcut = 2.
        self.x0 = np.array([ 1.39757936,  1.83281398,  2.32259516,  1.60560537,  3.11214842,
                            2.61582972,  4.76275273,  3.37651599,  4.66292907,  6.12541448,
                            3.75706966,  0.54669172,  4.55566734,  7.41983351,  3.0333311 ,
                            3.5405557 ,  0.71801575,  1.71847253,  2.17861941,  5.70588003,
                            6.74642534,  3.43588101,  2.0687562 ,  5.55499349,  3.27452166,
                            3.96526201,  6.61476763,  0.64229015,  1.27522777,  1.21875002,
                            0.99191894,  4.41664435,  1.97658992,  6.41180268,  2.15398194,
                            4.2636531 ,  6.95210635,  2.75332174,  7.29174054,  6.53110874,
                            4.64505199,  6.90914585,  2.9151178 ,  6.28565612,  7.95207857,
                            6.06415512,  4.92514773,  2.53285987,  3.72928997,  0.53255714,
                            6.51884144,  1.2042502 ,  7.34367396,  4.25806453,  2.06642627,
                            4.83650925,  1.29926411,  3.12454566,  2.71078146,  2.99731328])
        # use a random configuration that is quenched slightly so the energy is not crazy
        x = np.random.uniform(0, boxv[0], natoms*3)
        self.pot_true = _lj_cpp.LJCut(boxvec=boxv, rcut=rcut)
        self.pot = _lj_cpp.LJCutCellLists(boxvec=boxv, rcut=rcut, ncellx_scale=1.)
        from pele.optimize import lbfgs_cpp
        ret = lbfgs_cpp(x, self.pot_true, tol=10.)
        self.x0 = ret.coords
#         print repr(self.x0)
        self.e0 = self.pot_true.getEnergy(self.x0)
        print("true energy", self.e0)

        self.ae_kwargs = dict(places=6)
        self.rcut = rcut
        self.boxvec = boxv
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_lj_cpp.py プロジェクト: pele-python/pele
    def setUp(self):
        boxv = np.array([10.] * 3)
        natoms = 30
        rcut = 2.
        self.x0 = np.array([ 1.39757936,  1.83281398,  2.32259516,  1.60560537,  3.11214842,
                            2.61582972,  4.76275273,  3.37651599,  4.66292907,  6.12541448,
                            3.75706966,  0.54669172,  4.55566734,  7.41983351,  3.0333311 ,
                            3.5405557 ,  0.71801575,  1.71847253,  2.17861941,  5.70588003,
                            6.74642534,  3.43588101,  2.0687562 ,  5.55499349,  3.27452166,
                            3.96526201,  6.61476763,  0.64229015,  1.27522777,  1.21875002,
                            0.99191894,  4.41664435,  1.97658992,  6.41180268,  2.15398194,
                            4.2636531 ,  6.95210635,  2.75332174,  7.29174054,  6.53110874,
                            4.64505199,  6.90914585,  2.9151178 ,  6.28565612,  7.95207857,
                            6.06415512,  4.92514773,  2.53285987,  3.72928997,  0.53255714,
                            6.51884144,  1.2042502 ,  7.34367396,  4.25806453,  2.06642627,
                            4.83650925,  1.29926411,  3.12454566,  2.71078146,  2.99731328])
        # use a random configuration that is quenched slightly so the energy is not crazy
        x = np.random.uniform(0, boxv[0], natoms*3)
        self.pot_true = _lj_cpp.LJCut(boxvec=boxv, rcut=rcut)
        self.pot = _lj_cpp.LJCutCellLists(boxvec=boxv, rcut=rcut, ncellx_scale=1.)
        from pele.optimize import lbfgs_cpp
        ret = lbfgs_cpp(x, self.pot_true, tol=10.)
        self.x0 = ret.coords
#         print repr(self.x0)
        self.e0 = self.pot_true.getEnergy(self.x0)
        print("true energy", self.e0)

        self.ae_kwargs = dict(places=6)
        self.rcut = rcut
        self.boxvec = boxv
コード例 #3
 def test_quench(self):
     ret = lbfgs_cpp(self.x0, self.pot)
     eblj = self.blj.getEnergy(ret.coords)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(eblj, ret.energy, places=6)
     # ensure the frozen atoms have not moved
     frozen_dof = self.pot.frozen1d
     self.compare_arrays(self.x0[frozen_dof], ret.coords[frozen_dof])
コード例 #4
ファイル: basesystem.py プロジェクト: sniblett402/pele
 def get_minimizer(self, **kwargs):
     """return a function to minimize the structure
     The function should be one of the optimizers in `pele.optimize`, or
     have similar structure.
     See Also
     pot = self.get_potential()
     kwargs = dict_copy_update(self.params["structural_quench_params"], kwargs)
     return lambda coords: lbfgs_cpp(coords, pot, **kwargs)
コード例 #5
    def get_minimizer(self, **kwargs):
        """return a function to minimize the structure

        The function should be one of the optimizers in `pele.optimize`, or
        have similar structure.

        See Also
        pot = self.get_potential()
        kwargs = dict_copy_update(self.params["structural_quench_params"], kwargs)
        return lambda coords: lbfgs_cpp(coords, pot, **kwargs)
コード例 #6
ファイル: bench_cell_lists.py プロジェクト: yangxi1209/pele

x = x0_cpp.copy().ravel()
natoms = x.size / 3
density = 1.2
L = (natoms * (4. / 3 * np.pi) / density)**(1. / 3)
print "box length", L
boxvec = np.array([L] * 3)
rcut = 2.

pot = LJCutCellLists(boxvec=boxvec, rcut=rcut, ncellx_scale=1.)

#x = np.random.uniform(0, boxvec[0], natoms*3)

if False:
    res = lbfgs_cpp(x, pot, tol=100)
    x = res.coords
    print "coords"
    np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.nan, precision=16, linewidth=100)
    print repr(res.coords.reshape(-1, 3))
    raise Exception("stopping early")

print "initial energy", pot.getEnergy(x)
lbfgs_cpp(x, pot, iprint=100)

#for i in xrange(1):
#    print "displacement", i
#    x += np.random.uniform(-.2, .2, x.size)
#    lbfgs_cpp(x, pot, iprint=50)
コード例 #7
ファイル: basesystem.py プロジェクト: dimaslave/pele
 def get_minimizer(self, **kwargs):
     """return a function to minimize the structure"""
     pot = self.get_potential()
     kwargs = dict_copy_update(self.params["structural_quench_params"], kwargs)        
     return lambda coords: lbfgs_cpp(coords, pot, **kwargs)
コード例 #8
ファイル: _test_wca_cpp.py プロジェクト: js850/pele
def minimize(coords, pot):
    result = lbfgs_cpp(coords, pot)
    return result.coords, result.energy, result.grad, result.rms
コード例 #9
ファイル: bench_cell_lists.py プロジェクト: Mahdisadjadi/pele
x = x0_cpp.copy().ravel()
natoms = x.size / 3
density = 1.2
L = (natoms * (4./3*np.pi) / density)**(1./3)
print "box length", L
boxvec = np.array([L]*3)
rcut = 2.

pot = LJCutCellLists(boxvec=boxvec, rcut=rcut, ncellx_scale=1.)

#x = np.random.uniform(0, boxvec[0], natoms*3)

if False:
    res = lbfgs_cpp(x, pot, tol=100)
    x = res.coords
    print "coords"
    np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.nan, precision=16, linewidth=100)
    print repr(res.coords.reshape(-1,3))
    raise Exception("stopping early")

print "initial energy", pot.getEnergy(x)
lbfgs_cpp(x, pot, iprint=100)

#for i in xrange(1):
#    print "displacement", i
#    x += np.random.uniform(-.2, .2, x.size)
#    lbfgs_cpp(x, pot, iprint=50)