def generateTemplatesForMessagesFile(messagesFilePath): with open(messagesFilePath, 'r') as fileObject: settings = json.load(fileObject) rootPath = os.path.dirname(messagesFilePath) for templateSettings in settings: if "skip" in templateSettings and templateSettings["skip"] == "yes": continue inputRootPath = rootPath if "inputRoot" in templateSettings: inputRootPath = os.path.join(rootPath, templateSettings["inputRoot"]) template = Catalog(os.path.join(rootPath, templateSettings["output"]), create=True, truncate=True) h = template.update_header(templateSettings["project"], "Translation template for %project.", "Copyright © "+"2014"+" "+templateSettings["copyrightHolder"], "This file is distributed under the same license as the %project project.", plforms="nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);") h.remove_field("Report-Msgid-Bugs-To") h.remove_field("Last-Translator") h.remove_field("Language-Team") h.remove_field("Language") = Monlist() for rule in templateSettings["rules"]: if "skip" in rule and rule["skip"] == "yes": continue options = rule.get("options", {}) extractorClass = getattr(__import__("extractors.extractors", {}, {}, [rule["extractor"]]), rule["extractor"]) extractor = extractorClass(inputRootPath, rule["filemasks"], options) formatFlag = None if "format" in options: formatFlag = options["format"] for message, plural, context, location, comments in msg = Message({"msgid": message, "msgid_plural": plural, "msgctxt": context, "auto_comment": comments, "flag": [formatFlag] if formatFlag and string.find(message, "%") != -1 else None, "source": [location]}) if template.get(msg): template.get(msg).source.append(Monpair(location)) else: template.add(msg) template.set_encoding("utf-8") template.sync(fitplural=True) print(u"Generated \"{}\" with {} messages.".format(templateSettings["output"], len(template)))
def hybdl(path, path0, accnohyb=False): cat = Catalog(path) cat0 = Catalog(path0, monitored=False) nhybridized = 0 nstopped = 0 for msg in cat: if "no-hybdl" in manc_parse_flag_list(msg, "|"): continue # Unembed diff if message was diffed for review. # Replace ediff with manual review flag. diffed = False for flag in msg.flag: if flag.startswith("ediff"): msg.flag.remove(flag) diffed = True if diffed: msg_ediff_to_new(msg, msg) msg.flag.add(u"reviewed") # Fetch original message. msg0 = cat0.get(msg) if msg0 is None: warning_on_msg( _("@info", "Message does not exist in the original catalog."), msg, cat) nstopped += 1 continue if len(msg.msgstr) != len(msg0.msgstr): warning_on_msg( _( "@info", "Number of translations not same as in " "the original message."), msg, cat) nstopped += 1 continue if msg.msgstr == msg0.msgstr: # No changes, nothing new to hybridize. continue # Hybridize translation. textsh = [] textshinv = [] for text0, text in zip(msg0.msgstr, msg.msgstr): texth = tohi(text0, text, parthyb=True) textsh.append(texth) if not accnohyb: texthinv = tohi(text, text0, parthyb=True) textshinv.append(texthinv) if accnohyb or textsh == textshinv: for i, texth in zip(range(len(msg.msgstr)), textsh): msg.msgstr[i] = texth nhybridized += 1 else: nstopped += 1 msgh = MessageUnsafe(msg) msgh.msgstr = textsh msghinv = MessageUnsafe(msg) msghinv.msgstr = textshinv msg_ediff(msghinv, msgh, emsg=msgh, colorize=True) report_msg_content(msgh, cat, delim=("-" * 20)) if nstopped == 0: if cat.sync(): report("! %s (%d)" % (path, nhybridized)) else: warning( n_("@info", "%(num)d message in '%(file)s' cannot be " "cleanly hybridized.", "%(num)d messages in '%(file)s' cannot be " "cleanly hybridized.", num=nstopped, file=path)) nhybridized = 0 return nhybridized
def generateTemplatesForMessagesFile(messagesFilePath): with open(messagesFilePath, 'r') as fileObject: settings = json.load(fileObject) rootPath = os.path.dirname(messagesFilePath) for templateSettings in settings: if "skip" in templateSettings and templateSettings["skip"] == "yes": continue inputRootPath = rootPath if "inputRoot" in templateSettings: inputRootPath = os.path.join(rootPath, templateSettings["inputRoot"]) template = Catalog(os.path.join(rootPath, templateSettings["output"]), create=True, truncate=True) h = template.update_header( templateSettings["project"], "Translation template for %project.", "Copyright © " + "2014" + " " + templateSettings["copyrightHolder"], "This file is distributed under the same license as the %project project.", plforms="nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);") h.remove_field("Report-Msgid-Bugs-To") h.remove_field("Last-Translator") h.remove_field("Language-Team") h.remove_field("Language") = Monlist() for rule in templateSettings["rules"]: if "skip" in rule and rule["skip"] == "yes": continue options = rule.get("options", {}) extractorClass = getattr( __import__("extractors.extractors", {}, {}, [rule["extractor"]]), rule["extractor"]) extractor = extractorClass(inputRootPath, rule["filemasks"], options) formatFlag = None if "format" in options: formatFlag = options["format"] for message, plural, context, location, comments in ): msg = Message({ "msgid": message, "msgid_plural": plural, "msgctxt": context, "auto_comment": comments, "flag": [formatFlag] if formatFlag and string.find(message, "%") != -1 else None, "source": [location] }) if template.get(msg): template.get(msg).source.append(Monpair(location)) else: template.add(msg) template.set_encoding("utf-8") template.sync(fitplural=True) print(u"Generated \"{}\" with {} messages.".format( templateSettings["output"], len(template)))