コード例 #1
def flagfile(basename, max_DM=2097.2, freq_l=0.169615, freq_h=0.200335, padding=3):
    This function takes in a text file of bad 0 DM times and
    writes out one flagged over the correct de-dispersive smearing
    times, looking for overlaps along the way. There must be a text file named
    basename.bad with rows indicating bad times for this to work. 
    from subprocess import check_call

    # BWM: originally planned to move this to the load_file function, 
    #  but left it incase we JUST want to call flagfile
    bads = np.genfromtxt(basename+'.bad', comments='#', autostrip=True)

    # BWM: again because how np.genfromtxt works, if there is only 1 bad line, we get a list, 
    # if there are 2+ bad lines we get a list of lists. So have to check for np.ndarray 
    # instances and change method accordingly.

    i = 0 # initialize counter for new list
    flags = []

    if any(isinstance(b, np.ndarray) for b in bads):
        for bad in bads:
            start = bad[0] - (padding + disp_delay(freq1=freq_l, freq2=freq_h, DM=max_DM)/1000.0)
            if start < 0:
                start = 0
            stop = bad[1] + padding
            if len(flags) > 0:
                if start <= flags[-1][1]:
                    flags[-1][1] = stop
                    flags.append([start, stop])
                flags.append([start, stop])
        # if there is a no bad regions (defaulted) then don't put any padding in
        if bads[0] == bads[1]:
            padding = 0
            max_DM = 0

        start = bads[0] - (padding + disp_delay(freq1=freq_l, freq2=freq_h, DM=max_DM)/1000.0)
        if start < 0:
            start = 0
        stop = bads[1] + padding
        if len(flags) > 0:
            if start <= flags[-1][1]:
                flags[-1][1] = stop
                flags.append([start, stop])
            flags.append([start, stop])
    # save new file  as basename.flag
    np.savetxt(basename+'.flag', flags, fmt='%d')
    # call flag.sh script to creat masked singlepulse file
    check_call(['flag.sh', basename])
コード例 #2
def flagfile(basename, max_DM=2097.2, freq_l=0.169615, freq_h=0.200335, padding=3):
    """This function takes in a text file of bad 0 DM times and
    writes out one flagged over the correct de-dispersive smearing
    times, looking for overlaps along the way. There must be a text file named
    basename.bad with rows indicating bad times for this to work. """
    from subprocess import Popen

    bads = np.genfromtxt(basename+'.bad')
    i = 0 # initialize counter for new list
    flags = []
    for bad in bads:
        start = bad[0] - (padding + disp_delay(freq1=freq_l, freq2=freq_h, DM=max_DM)/1000)
        if start < 0:
            start = 0
        stop = bad[1] + padding
        if len(flags) > 0:
            if start <= flags[-1][1]:
                flags[-1][1] = stop
                flags.append([start, stop])
            flags.append([start, stop])
    np.savetxt(basename+'.flag', flags, fmt='%d')
    Popen(['flag.sh', basename]).communicate()[0]