コード例 #1
 def cell_rect(self, row, col):
     w, h = self.cell_size
     d = self.margin
     x = col * w + d - self.hscroll
     y = row * h + d
     return Rect(x, y, w, h)
コード例 #2
ファイル: tree.py プロジェクト: Neui/MCEdit-Unified
 def get_bullet_rect(self, surf, lvl):
     r = Rect(0, 0, self.bullet_size, self.bullet_size)
     r.left = self.bullet_size * lvl
     r.inflate_ip(-4, -4)
     return r
コード例 #3
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: mohit-surana/SentiViz
def _get_tags_bounding(tag_store):
    if not len(tag_store):
        return Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
    rects = [tag.rect for tag in tag_store]
    return rects[0].unionall(rects[1:])
コード例 #4
ファイル: orthographic.py プロジェクト: garred/only_fighters
 def make_rect(x, y):
     return Rect((x * tw, y * th), (tw, th))
コード例 #5
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: AbeJellinek/MCEdit-Unified
 def get_margin_rect(self):
     r = Rect((0, 0), self.size)
     d = -2 * self.margin
     r.inflate_ip(d, d)
     return r
コード例 #6
ファイル: tiles.py プロジェクト: k-polyakov/tilegamelib
 def draw(self, frame, pos):
     """Draws the tile on the given position into the bitmap."""
     destrect = Rect(pos.x, pos.y, self.size.x, self.size.y)
     frame.blit(self.image, destrect, self.box)
コード例 #7
    ('.', 2, 0),  # dot

SIZE = 32

image = 'tiles.xpm'

def load_tiles()
    Load tiles from an image file into a dictionary.
    Returns a tuple of (image, tile_dict)
    tiles = {}
    tile_img = image.loaad('tiless.xpm')
    for x, y in TILEPOSITIONS:
        rect = Rect(x*SIZE, y*SIZE, SIZE, SIZE)
        tiles[symbol] = rect
    return tile_img, tiles

if __name__ == '__main__':
    tile_img, tiles = load_tiles()
    m = Surface((96, 32))
    m.blit(tile_img, get_tile_rect(0, 0), tiles['#'])
    m.blit(tile_img, get_tile_rect(1, 0), tiles[' '])
    m.blit(tile_img, get_tile_rect(2, 0), tiles['*'])
    image.save(m, 'tile_combo.png')

# ----------------------------
コード例 #8
 def __init__(self):
     self.surface = None
     self.rect = Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
コード例 #9
ファイル: music.py プロジェクト: JLoosa/MCEdit-Unified
 def __init__(self, **kwds):
     Widget.__init__(self, Rect((0, 0), (100, 20)), **kwds)
コード例 #10
ファイル: zombie.py プロジェクト: srdantas/tomb-of-rasputin
 def draw_health(self):
     width = int(self.rect.width * self.health / ZOMBIE_HEALTH)
     health_bar = Rect(0, 0, width, 5)
     if self.health < ZOMBIE_HEALTH:
         draw.rect(self.image, GREEN, health_bar)
コード例 #11
 def getrect(self):
     return Rect(self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h)
コード例 #12
    def draw(self, surface, bgd=None):
        Draws all sprites on the surface you pass in.
        You can pass the background too. If a background is already set, 
        then the bgd argument has no effect.
        # speedups
        _orig_clip = surface.get_clip()
        _clip = self._clip
        if _clip is None:
            _clip = _orig_clip

        _surf = surface
        _sprites = self._spritelist
        _old_rect = self.spritedict
        _update = self.lostsprites
        _update_append = _update.append
        _ret = None
        _surf_blit = _surf.blit
        _rect = pygame.Rect
        if bgd is not None:
            self._bgd = bgd
        _bgd = self._bgd

        # -------
        # 0. deside if normal render of flip
        start_time = get_ticks()
        if self._use_update:  # dirty rects mode
            # 1. find dirty area on screen and put the rects into _update
            # still not happy with that part
            for spr in _sprites:
                if 0 < spr.dirty:
                    if spr.source_rect is not None:
                        _union_rect = Rect(spr.rect.topleft,
                        _union_rect = _rect(spr.rect)
                    _union_rect_collidelist = _union_rect.collidelist
                    _union_rect_union_ip = _union_rect.union_ip
                    i = _union_rect_collidelist(_update)
                    while -1 < i:
                        del _update[i]
                        i = _union_rect_collidelist(_update)

                    _union_rect = _rect(_old_rect[spr])
                    _union_rect_collidelist = _union_rect.collidelist
                    _union_rect_union_ip = _union_rect.union_ip
                    i = _union_rect_collidelist(_update)
                    while -1 < i:
                        del _update[i]
                        i = _union_rect_collidelist(_update)
            # can it be done better? because that is an O(n**2) algorithm in
            # worst case

            # clear using background
            if _bgd is not None:
                for rec in _update:
                    _surf_blit(_bgd, rec, rec)

            # 2. draw
            for spr in _sprites:
                if 1 > spr.dirty:
                    if spr._visible:
                        # sprite not dirty, blit only the intersecting part
                        if spr.source_rect is not None:
                            _spr_rect = Rect(spr.rect.topleft,
                            _spr_rect = spr.rect
                        _spr_rect_clip = _spr_rect.clip
                        for idx in _spr_rect.collidelistall(_update):
                            # clip
                            clip = _spr_rect_clip(_update[idx])
                            _surf_blit(spr.image, clip, \
                                       (clip[0]-_spr_rect[0], \
                                            clip[1]-_spr_rect[1], \
                                            clip[2], \
                                            clip[3]))#, spr.blendmode)
                else:  # dirty sprite
                    if spr._visible:
                        if spr.source_rect is not None:
                            _old_rect[spr] = _surf_blit(spr.image, spr.rect, \
                                               spr.source_rect)#, spr.blendmode)
                            _old_rect[spr] = _surf_blit(spr.image, spr.rect)

                    if spr.dirty == 1:
                        spr.dirty = 0
            _ret = list(_update)
        else:  # flip, full screen mode
            if _bgd is not None:
                _surf_blit(_bgd, (0, 0))
            for spr in _sprites:
                if spr.visible:
                    if spr.source_rect is not None:
                        _old_rect[spr] = _surf_blit(
                            spr.image, spr.rect,
                            spr.source_rect)  #,spr.blendmode)
                        _old_rect[spr] = _surf_blit(
                            spr.rect)  #, spr.source_rect)#,spr.blendmode)
            _ret = [_rect(_clip)]  # return only the part of the screen changed

        # timing for switching modes
        # how to find a good treshold? it depends on the hardware it runs on
        end_time = get_ticks()
        if end_time - start_time > self._time_threshold:
            self._use_update = False
            self._use_update = True

##        # debug
##        print "               check: using dirty rects:", self._use_update

# emtpy dirty reas list
        _update[:] = []

        # -------
        # restore original clip
        return _ret
コード例 #13
ファイル: tab_panel.py プロジェクト: JLoosa/MCEdit-Unified
 def content_rect(self):
     return Rect((0, self.tab_height), self.content_size())
コード例 #14
    def apply_collision_detection(self, game_state):
        hitbox_pos, hitbox_size = self.state[const.HITBOX_CONFIG].get(
        self.state[const.HITBOX] = Rect(
            (self.state[const.X_COORD] + hitbox_pos[0],
             self.state[const.Y_COORD] + hitbox_pos[1]), hitbox_size)

        plats = [
            Rect((x, y), (w, h))
            for x, y, w, h, idx in game_state[const.LEVEL][const.PLATFORMS]
        # this flag checks for a broken state where the player starts overlapped with a platform
        brokeflag = self.state[const.HITBOX].collidelist(plats) != -1

        # X axis
        if self.state[const.VELOCITY]:
            # xflag checks if we are moving
            xflag = abs(self.state[const.VELOCITY]) > 0
            direction = 1 if self.state[const.VELOCITY] < 0 else -1

            # as long as hitbox -> x velocity collides with a platform, decrement x velocity
            while self.state[const.HITBOX].move(self.state[const.VELOCITY],
                                                0).collidelist(plats) != -1:
                self.state[const.VELOCITY] += direction

            # if the player is overlapped with a platform then the last bit will have left the x velocity
            # leaving the player right outside the platform. so shift the player by that much and set x velocity to 0
            # then update hitbox
            if brokeflag:
                self.state[const.X_COORD] += self.state[const.VELOCITY]
                self.state[const.VELOCITY] = 0
                self.state[const.HITBOX] = Rect(
                    (self.state[const.X_COORD] + hitbox_pos[0],
                     self.state[const.Y_COORD] + hitbox_pos[1]), hitbox_size)
            # if we were moving and are no longer moving, change state to bonk
            # this logic should ideally be in the player state machine
            # but i havent thought of a good way to handle hit detection logic there
            if xflag and not self.state[const.VELOCITY]:
                if self.state[const.STATE] in [const.DIVE, const.DIVELANDJUMP]:
                    self.state[const.STATE] = const.BONK
                    self.state[const.FRAME] = 0

        # Y axis -- more or less the same
        if self.state[const.VERTICAL_VELOCITY]:
            # checks if moving vertically DOWNWARD specifically
            yflag = self.state[const.VERTICAL_VELOCITY] > 0
            direction = 1 if self.state[const.VERTICAL_VELOCITY] < 0 else -1

            # while hitbox -> y velocity collides with plat, decrement y velocity
            while self.state[const.HITBOX].move(
                    0, self.state[const.VERTICAL_VELOCITY]).collidelist(
                        plats) != -1:
                self.state[const.VERTICAL_VELOCITY] += direction

            # same as above but for Y axis
            if brokeflag and self.state[const.VERTICAL_VELOCITY]:
                self.state[const.Y_COORD] += self.state[
                self.state[const.VERTICAL_VELOCITY] = 1
                self.state[const.HITBOX] = Rect(
                    (self.state[const.X_COORD] + hitbox_pos[0],
                     self.state[const.Y_COORD] + hitbox_pos[1]), hitbox_size)

            # this time this line will trigger if the player was moving downward and has stopped
            if yflag and not self.state[const.VERTICAL_VELOCITY]:
                # switch from most airborn states to LAND animation
                if self.state[const.STATE] in [
                        const.FALLING, const.AIR, const.DIVELANDJUMP,
                        const.KICKFLIP0, const.KICKFLIP1, const.KICKFLIP2
                    self.state[const.STATE] = const.LAND
                    self.state[const.FRAME] = 0

                # DIVE -> DIVELAND  BONK -> BONKLAND
                if self.state[const.STATE] in [const.DIVE, const.BONK]:
                    # this line is a little hacky but whatever
                    self.state[const.STATE] = const[
                        self.state[const.STATE].value + const.LAND.value]
                    self.state[const.FRAME] = 0

        # bug in the corner
        if self.state[const.VELOCITY] and self.state[const.VERTICAL_VELOCITY]:
            # while still moving in both axis decrement both velocities
            while self.state[const.HITBOX].move(
                    self.state[const.VELOCITY], self.state[
                        const.VERTICAL_VELOCITY]).collidelist(plats) != -1:
                self.state[const.VELOCITY] += 1 if self.state[
                    const.VELOCITY] < 0 else -1
                self.state[const.VERTICAL_VELOCITY] += 1 if self.state[
                    const.VERTICAL_VELOCITY] < 0 else -1
コード例 #15
 def update_rectangle(self):
     return Rect(self.position.x - self.radius,
                 self.position.y - self.radius, self.radius * 2,
                 self.radius * 2)
コード例 #16
def build_border():
    Creates a Rect border around the Universe
    :return: Rect instance
    return Rect(5, 5, Screen.WIDTH - 10, Screen.HEIGHT - 100)
コード例 #17
ファイル: image_test.py プロジェクト: russiantie/pygame
 def as_rect(square_x, square_y):
     return Rect(
         square_x * square_len, square_y * square_len, square_len, square_len
コード例 #18
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: gerard/TwoDeeWars
 def pygame_rect(self):
     return Rect(self.pos[0], self.pos[1], self.size[0], self.size[1])
コード例 #19
    def __init__(self, items, depth=4, bounding_rect=None):
        """Creates a quad-tree.
        @param items:
            A sequence of items to store in the quad-tree. Note that these
            items must be a pygame.Rect or have a .rect attribute.
        @param depth:
            The maximum recursion depth.
        @param bounding_rect:
            The bounding rectangle of all of the items in the quad-tree. For
            internal use only.

        # The sub-quadrants are empty to start with.
        self.nw = self.ne = self.se = self.sw = None

        # If we've reached the maximum depth then insert all items into this
        # quadrant.
        depth -= 1
        if depth == 0 or not items:
            self.items = items

        # Find this quadrant's centre.
        if bounding_rect:
            bounding_rect = Rect(bounding_rect)
            # If there isn't a bounding rect, then calculate it from the items.
            bounding_rect = Rect(items[0])
            for item in items[1:]:
        cx = self.cx = bounding_rect.centerx
        cy = self.cy = bounding_rect.centery

        self.items = []
        nw_items = []
        ne_items = []
        se_items = []
        sw_items = []

        for item in items:
            # Which of the sub-quadrants does the item overlap?
            in_nw = item.left <= cx and item.top <= cy
            in_sw = item.left <= cx and item.bottom >= cy
            in_ne = item.right >= cx and item.top <= cy
            in_se = item.right >= cx and item.bottom >= cy

            # If it overlaps all 4 quadrants then insert it at the current
            # depth, otherwise append it to a list to be inserted under every
            # quadrant that it overlaps.
            if in_nw and in_ne and in_se and in_sw:
                if in_nw: nw_items.append(item)
                if in_ne: ne_items.append(item)
                if in_se: se_items.append(item)
                if in_sw: sw_items.append(item)

        # Create the sub-quadrants, recursively.
        if nw_items:
            self.nw = FastQuadTree(nw_items, depth, \
                      (bounding_rect.left, bounding_rect.top, cx, cy))

        if ne_items:
            self.ne = FastQuadTree(ne_items, depth, \
                      (cx, bounding_rect.top, bounding_rect.right, cy))

        if se_items:
            self.se = FastQuadTree(se_items, depth, \
                      (cx, cy, bounding_rect.right, bounding_rect.bottom))

        if sw_items:
            self.sw = FastQuadTree(sw_items, depth, \
                      (bounding_rect.left, cy, cx, bounding_rect.bottom))
コード例 #20
ファイル: boss.py プロジェクト: ptf-prod/pepe-of-yandex
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.xvel = 1
        self.start_x = x
        self.start_y = y
        self.image = Surface((512, 512))
        self.rect = Rect(x, y - 320, 64, 512)  # прямоугольный объект
        self.hp = 100
        self.attack = False
        self.attack_delay = 0
        self.direction = ""
        self.walk = True
        self.stand_time = 0
        self.clap = False
        self.stomp = False
        self.blast = False
        bolt_anim = []
        for anim in ANIMATION_WALK:
                pygame.transform.scale(image.load(anim), (512, 512)), True,
                False), ANIMATION_DELAY))
        self.boltAnimWalkRight = pyganim.PygAnimation(bolt_anim)

        bolt_anim = []
        for anim in ANIMATION_WALK:
                                        (512, 512)), ANIMATION_DELAY))
        self.boltAnimWalkLeft = pyganim.PygAnimation(bolt_anim)
        self.boltAnimWalkLeft.blit(self.image, (0, 0))

        bolt_anim = []
        for anim in ANIMATION_CLAP:
                pygame.transform.scale(image.load(anim), (512, 512)), True,
                False), ANIMATION_DELAY))
        self.boltAnimClapRight = pyganim.PygAnimation(bolt_anim)

        bolt_anim = []
        for anim in ANIMATION_CLAP:
                                        (512, 512)), ANIMATION_DELAY))
        self.boltAnimClapLeft = pyganim.PygAnimation(bolt_anim)

        bolt_anim = []
        for anim in ANIMATION_STOMP:
                pygame.transform.scale(image.load(anim), (512, 512)), True,
                False), ANIMATION_DELAY))
        self.boltAnimStompRight = pyganim.PygAnimation(bolt_anim)

        bolt_anim = []
        for anim in ANIMATION_STOMP:
                                        (512, 512)), ANIMATION_DELAY))
        self.boltAnimStompLeft = pyganim.PygAnimation(bolt_anim)

        bolt_anim = []
        for anim in ANIMATION_BLAST:
                pygame.transform.scale(image.load(anim), (512, 512)), True,
                False), ANIMATION_DELAY))
        self.boltAnimBlastRight = pyganim.PygAnimation(bolt_anim)

        bolt_anim = []
        for anim in ANIMATION_BLAST:
                                        (512, 512)), ANIMATION_DELAY))
        self.boltAnimBlastLeft = pyganim.PygAnimation(bolt_anim)
コード例 #21
 def __init__(self, displayText, percentDone):
     super(FlipResult, self).__init__(background_color=result_yellow)
     self.progress = ProgressView(percent_done=percentDone)
     self.text = TextView(displayText, font=text_font)
     self.addView(Rect(0, 0, 320, 445), self.text)
     self.addView(Rect(0, 445, 320, 35), self.progress)
コード例 #22
    def __init__(self, pos, name, items):
        screen = pygame.display.get_surface()
        screen_rect = screen.get_rect()
        self.name = name
        self.items = []
        self.menu_item = None
        # Make the frame rect
        x, y = pos
        self.rect = Rect(x, y, 0, 0)
        self.rect.width += margin * 2
        self.rect.height += margin * 2
        # Make the title image and rect, and grow the frame rect
        self.title_image = font.render(name, True, text_color)
        self.title_rect = self.title_image.get_rect(topleft=(x + margin,
                                                             y + margin))
        self.rect.width = margin * 2 + self.title_rect.width
        self.rect.height = margin + self.title_rect.height
        # Make the item highlight rect
        self.hi_rect = Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)

        # Make menu items
        n = 0
        for item in items:
            menu_item = MenuItem(item, n)
            self.rect.width = max(self.rect.width,
                                  menu_item.rect.width + margin * 2)
            self.rect.height += menu_item.rect.height + margin
            n += 1
        self.rect.height += margin

        # Position menu fully within view
        if not screen_rect.contains(self.rect):
            savex, savey = self.rect.topleft
            self.title_rect.top = self.rect.top + margin
            self.title_rect.left = self.rect.left + margin

        # Position menu items within menu frame
        y = self.title_rect.bottom + margin
        for item in self.items:
            item.rect.x = self.rect.x + margin
            item.rect.y = y
            y = item.rect.bottom + margin
            item.rect.width = self.rect.width - margin * 2

        # Calculate highlight rect's left-alignment and size
        self.hi_rect.left = menu_item.rect.left
        self.hi_rect.width = self.rect.width - margin * 2
        self.hi_rect.height = menu_item.rect.height

        # Create the menu frame and highlight frame images
        self.bg_image = pygame.surface.Surface(self.rect.size)
        self.hi_image = pygame.surface.Surface(self.hi_rect.size)
        # Draw menu border
        rect = self.bg_image.get_rect()
        pygame.draw.rect(self.bg_image, glint_color, rect, 1)
        t, l, b, r = rect.top, rect.left, rect.bottom, rect.right
        pygame.draw.line(self.bg_image, shadow_color, (l, b - 1), (r, b - 1),
        pygame.draw.line(self.bg_image, shadow_color, (r - 1, t), (r - 1, b),
        # Draw title divider in menu frame
        left = margin
        right = self.rect.width - margin * 2
        y = self.title_rect.height + 1
        pygame.draw.line(self.bg_image, shadow_color, (left, y), (right, y))
コード例 #23
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: AbeJellinek/MCEdit-Unified
 def set_rect(self, x):
     old_size = self._rect.size
     self._rect = Rect(x)
コード例 #24
def draw():
    """Displays the maze on the screen"""
    img = draw_grid(maze, tile_img, tiles)
    display.blit(img, Rect((0, 0, 384, 224)), Rect((0, 0, 384, 224)))
コード例 #25
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: AbeJellinek/MCEdit-Unified
 def __contains__(self, event):
     r = Rect(self._rect)
     r.left = 0
     r.top = 0
     p = self.global_to_local(event.pos)
     return r.collidepoint(p)
コード例 #26
ファイル: gamecore.py プロジェクト: GeiGeiLa/MLHW1
class Scene:
    The main game scene

    area_rect = Rect(0, 0, 300, 300)

    def __init__(self):

        self.score = 0
        self._frame = 0
        self._status = GameStatus.GAME_ALIVE

    def _create_scene(self):
        Import gameobjects to the scene and add them to the draw group
        self._snake = Snake()
        self._food = Food()

        self._draw_group = Group()
        self._draw_group.add(self._snake.head, *self._snake.body, self._food)

    def _random_food_pos(self):
        Randomly set the position of the food
        while True:
            candidate_pos = (random.randrange(0, Scene.area_rect.width, 10),
                             random.randrange(0, Scene.area_rect.height, 10))

            if (candidate_pos != self._snake.head_pos
                    and not self._snake.is_body_pos(candidate_pos)):

        self._food.pos = candidate_pos

    def reset(self):
        self.score = 0
        self._frame = 0
        self._status = GameStatus.GAME_ALIVE

        self._snake = Snake()
        self._draw_group.add(self._snake.head, *self._snake.body, self._food)

    def draw_gameobjects(self, surface):
        Draw gameobjects to the given surface

    def update(self, action):
        Update the scene

        @param action The action for controlling the movement of the snake
        self._frame += 1

        if self._snake.head_pos == self._food.pos:
            self.score += 1
            new_body = self._snake.grow()

        if (not Scene.area_rect.collidepoint(self._snake.head_pos)
                or self._snake.is_body_pos(self._snake.head_pos)):
            self._status = GameStatus.GAME_OVER

        return self._status

    def get_scene_info(self):
        Get the current scene information
        scene_info = {
            "frame": self._frame,
            "status": self._status.value,
            "snake_head": self._snake.head_pos,
            "snake_body": [body.pos for body in self._snake.body],
            "food": self._food.pos

        return scene_info
コード例 #27
ファイル: tree.py プロジェクト: Neui/MCEdit-Unified
 def draw_item_text(self, surf, r, text):
     buf = self.font.render(unicode(text), True, self.fg_color)
         surf, buf,
         Rect(r.right, r.top,
              surf.get_width() - r.right, r.height), 'c')
コード例 #28
ファイル: Camera.py プロジェクト: Resinchen/pygame-platformer
 def __init__(self, camera_func, width, height):
     self.camera_func = camera_func
     self.state = Rect(0, 0, width, height)
コード例 #29
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: mohit-surana/SentiViz
def _draw_cloud(tag_list,
                size=(500, 500),

    # sort the tags by size and word length
    tag_list.sort(key=lambda tag: len(tag['tag']))
    tag_list.sort(key=lambda tag: tag['size'])

    # create the tag space
    tag_sprites = []
    area = 0
    for tag in tag_list:
        tag_sprite = Tag(tag, (0, 0), fontname=fontname)
        area += tag_sprite.mask.count()

    canvas = Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
    ratio = float(size[1]) / size[0]

    if rectangular:
        spiral = _rectangular_spiral
        spiral = _archimedean_spiral

    aligned_tags = Group()
    for tag_sprite in tag_sprites:
        angle = 0
        if layout == LAYOUT_MIX and randint(0, 2) == 0:
            angle = 90
        elif layout == LAYOUT_VERTICAL:
            angle = 90


        xpos = canvas.width - tag_sprite.rect.width
        if xpos < 0: xpos = 0
        xpos = randint(int(xpos * LOWER_START), int(xpos * UPPER_START))
        tag_sprite.rect.x = xpos

        ypos = canvas.height - tag_sprite.rect.height
        if ypos < 0: ypos = 0
        ypos = randint(int(ypos * LOWER_START), int(ypos * UPPER_START))
        tag_sprite.rect.y = ypos

        _search_place(tag_sprite, aligned_tags, canvas, spiral, ratio)
    canvas = _get_tags_bounding(aligned_tags)

    # resize cloud
    zoom = min(float(size[0]) / canvas.w, float(size[1]) / canvas.h)

    for tag in aligned_tags:
        tag.rect.x *= zoom
        tag.rect.y *= zoom
        tag.rect.width *= zoom
        tag.rect.height *= zoom
        tag.tag['size'] = int(tag.tag['size'] * zoom)

    canvas = _get_tags_bounding(aligned_tags)

    return canvas, aligned_tags
コード例 #30
 def __init__(self):
     self._rect = Rect(0, 0, 50, 50)
     self._colour = Color(255, 255, 255)