コード例 #1
ファイル: physics.py プロジェクト: glhrmfrts/rgb
	def create_platforms_rect(self, tiles, layer):
		""" Create a collision rect for each non-empty tile segment, that is, one or more tiles together """
		if len(tiles) < 1:
			return False

		x, y = tiles.pop(0)
		width = self.map.content['tilewidth']
		height = self.map.content['tileheight']
		rect = Rect((0, 0, 0, 0))
		rect.left = x * width
		rect.top = y * height
		rect.width = width
		rect.height = height
		# self.platforms.append(Platform(rect, layer))
		n_tiles_x, n_tiles_y = 0, 0

		# exclude the tiles we're about to create a platform for
		excluded_tiles = []
		for (n_x, n_y) in tiles:
			if abs(n_x - x) == n_tiles_x and n_y == y:
				rect.width += width
				n_tiles_x += 1
				excluded_tiles.append((n_x, n_y))
			if abs(n_y - y) == n_tiles_y and n_x == x:
				rect.height += height
				n_tiles_y += 1
				excluded_tiles.append((n_x, n_y))

		self.platforms.append(Platform(rect, layer))
		self.create_platforms_rect([t for t in tiles if not t in excluded_tiles], layer)
コード例 #2
ファイル: dialog.py プロジェクト: bpa/renegade
def draw_round_border(surface, width=4, color=None, bounds=None):
    """draw_round_border(Surface, line_width, Color, Rect) => None
       only Surface is required"""
    h = surface.get_height()
    w = surface.get_width()
    img = dialog.circle_border_image
    if color == None: color = pygame.color.Color("white")
    if bounds == None: bounds = surface.get_rect()

    r = Rect(0,0,8,8)
    border = bounds.inflate(-8,-8)
    border.topleft = bounds.topleft

    surface.blit(img, border.topleft, r)
    r.top = 8
    surface.blit(img, border.bottomleft, r)
    r.left = 8
    surface.blit(img, border.bottomright, r)
    r.top = 0
    surface.blit(img, border.topright, r)
    i = bounds.inflate(-17,-17)
    o = bounds.inflate(-3,-3)
    o.topleft = bounds.topleft
    draw.line(surface, color, (i.left,o.top),(i.right,o.top),       4 )
    draw.line(surface, color, (o.left,i.top),(o.left,i.bottom),     4 )
    draw.line(surface, color, (i.left,o.bottom),(i.right,o.bottom), 4 )
    draw.line(surface, color, (o.right,i.top),(o.right,i.bottom),   4 )
コード例 #3
def bounce_in_box(bounce_obj_rect: Rect, bounce_object_speed, \
 box_rect: Rect) -> bool:
	Bounce the object if it hits the border of the box.
	The speed and the position of the `bounce_obj` will be updated.

	@param bounce_obj_rect The Rect of the bouncing object
	@param bounce_obj_speed The 2D speed vector of the bouncing object.
	@return Whether the `bounce_obj` hits the box or not.
    hit = False

    if bounce_obj_rect.left <= box_rect.left:
        bounce_obj_rect.left = box_rect.left
        bounce_object_speed[0] *= -1
        hit = True
    elif bounce_obj_rect.right >= box_rect.right:
        bounce_obj_rect.right = box_rect.right
        bounce_object_speed[0] *= -1
        hit = True

    if bounce_obj_rect.top <= box_rect.top:
        bounce_obj_rect.top = box_rect.top
        bounce_object_speed[1] *= -1
        hit = True
    elif bounce_obj_rect.bottom >= box_rect.bottom:
        bounce_obj_rect.bottom = box_rect.bottom
        bounce_object_speed[1] *= -1
        hit = True

    return hit
コード例 #4
 def scroll_left_rect(self):
     d = self.scroll_button_size
     r = Rect(0, 0, d, d)
     m = self.margin
     r.bottom = self.height - m
     r.left = m
     r.inflate_ip(-4, -4)
     return r
コード例 #5
 def scroll_left_rect(self):
     d = self.scroll_button_size
     r = Rect(0, 0, d, d)
     m = self.margin
     r.bottom = self.height - m
     r.left = m
     r.inflate_ip(-4, -4)
     return r
コード例 #6
def get_bullet_image(index, w=16, h=16):
    global bullet_image
    if not bullet_image:
        bullet_image = image.load(resource_path(config.nbtTreeSettings.bulletFileName.get()))
    r =  Rect(0, 0, w, h)
    line_length = int(bullet_image.get_width() / w)
    line = int(index / line_length)
    r.top = line * h
    r.left = (index - (line * line_length)) * w
    return bullet_image.subsurface(r)
コード例 #7
def get_bullet_image(index, w=16, h=16):
    global bullet_image
    if not bullet_image:
        bullet_image = image.load(resource_path(config.nbtTreeSettings.bulletFileName.get()))
    r =  Rect(0, 0, w, h)
    line_length = int(bullet_image.get_width() / w)
    line = int(index / line_length)
    r.top = line * h
    r.left = (index - (line * line_length)) * w
    return bullet_image.subsurface(r)
コード例 #8
ファイル: rect_test.py プロジェクト: CTPUG/pygame_cffi
 def test_left( self ):
     """Changing the left attribute moves the rect and does not change
        the rect's width
     r = Rect( 1, 2, 3, 4 )
     new_left = 10
     r.left = new_left
     self.assertEqual( new_left, r.left )
     self.assertEqual( Rect(new_left,2,3,4), r )
コード例 #9
ファイル: rect_test.py プロジェクト: annie60/Xilarius
    def test_left(self):
        """Changing the left attribute moves the rect and does not change
           the rect's width
        r = Rect(1, 2, 3, 4)
        new_left = 10

        r.left = new_left
        self.assertEqual(new_left, r.left)
        self.assertEqual(Rect(new_left, 2, 3, 4), r)
コード例 #10
ファイル: widgets.py プロジェクト: DonyTawil/Tetris--pygame-
    def draw(self):
        #First draw container rect,then draw text rect inside it
        self.text_surface= self.font.render(self.text, True,self.font_color,self.bgcolor)
        container_rect=Rect(self.x_y[0]-self.border_width,self.x_y[1] - self.border_width,self.text_size[0] + self.border_width,self.text_size[1]+self.border_width)

コード例 #11
ファイル: pong.py プロジェクト: Cbhihe/reinforced_pong
    def get_debug_zone(self, controller):
        w, h = self.size
        rect = Rect((0, PADDLE_MARGIN_Y),
                    (PADDLE_MARGIN_X, h - 2 * PADDLE_MARGIN_Y))

        if controller == self.cl:
            rect.right = PADDLE_MARGIN_X
            return rect

            rect.left = w - PADDLE_MARGIN_X
            return rect
コード例 #12
ファイル: helpers.py プロジェクト: skilldeliver/code-jam-5
def draw_infinity_bg(screen: Surface, image: Surface, rect1: Rect,
                     rect2: Rect) -> None:
    Draws the infinity backround.

    It uses two rectangles to swap the images.
    The two rectangles are moving in one direction.

    One of them is always with WIDTH ahead of the other rectangle.
    So if it reaches the end, every rectangle goes back with -WIDTH.
    rect1.left += 1
    rect2.left += 1

    if rect1.left == WIDTH:
        rect1.left = -WIDTH
    if rect2.left == WIDTH:
        rect2.left = -WIDTH

    screen.blit(image, rect1)
    screen.blit(image, rect2)
コード例 #13
    def __contains__(self, event: Event):

        r = Rect(self._rect)
        r.left = 0
        r.top = 0

        answer: bool = False
            p = self.global_to_local(event.pos)
            pList = list(p)
            answer = r.collidepoint(pList[0], pList[1])
        except AttributeError as ae:

        return answer
コード例 #14
def push_ip(larger_rect: Rect, smaller_rect: Rect):
    '''Larger rect pushes out smaller rect via the smallest possible vector.'''
    clip = larger_rect.clip(smaller_rect)
    if not clip:
    if clip.height <= clip.width:
        if smaller_rect.centery <= clip.centery:
            smaller_rect.bottom = larger_rect.top
            smaller_rect.top = larger_rect.bottom
        if smaller_rect.centerx <= clip.centerx:
            smaller_rect.right = larger_rect.left
            smaller_rect.left = larger_rect.right
コード例 #15
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: dim-an/9game
def load_image_array(name):
    fullpath = os.path.join(RESOURCE_PATH, name)
    image = pygame.image.load(fullpath)
    if image.get_alpha() is None:
        image = image.convert()
        image = image.convert_alpha()
    width, height = image.get_size()
    if width % height != 0:
        raise ValueError, 'Image has invalid dimensions'

    image_list = []
    rect = Rect((0, 0), (height, height))
    for i in xrange(width / height):
        rect.left = i * height
    return image_list
コード例 #16
ファイル: discard.py プロジェクト: realliance/RiichiRoyale
def render_vertical_discard_pile(board_render, player_id, seat):
    group = Group()
    match = board_render.match
    player = match.players[player_id]

    if player.discard_pile is None:
        return group

    rect = Rect(board_render.surface.get_rect())
    rect.center = (0, 0)

    side_calculation = (SMALL_TILE_SIZE[1] + 10) * 4
    if seat == 1:
        rect.right = side_calculation + 180
    if seat == 3:
        rect.left = -side_calculation - 180

    tile_offset = 10
    tiles_per_row = 8
    i = 0
    row = 0
    row_offset = SMALL_TILE_SIZE[1] + tile_offset
    full_width = tiles_per_row * (SMALL_TILE_SIZE[0] +
                                  tile_offset) - tile_offset
    beginning_of_across_line = rect.height - ((rect.height - full_width) / 2)
    beginning_of_across_line -= full_width if seat == 3 else 0
    across = beginning_of_across_line
    for tile in player.discard_pile:
        tile_pos = (-rect.x + (row * row_offset), across)
        tile_sprite = TileRender(
        across -= (SMALL_TILE_SIZE[0] + tile_offset
                   if seat == 1 else -(SMALL_TILE_SIZE[0] + tile_offset))
        i += 1
        if i >= tiles_per_row:
            i = 0
            row += 1 if seat == 1 else -1
            across = beginning_of_across_line
    return group
コード例 #17
def split_surface(sprite_sheet, subsurface_tuple):
    Return a list of Surface objects pulled from the sprite sheet.

    The list is in order from top to bottom, left to right.
    The subsurface_tuple is expected to be (width, height).
    subsurfaces = []
    surface_rect = sprite_sheet.get_rect()
    subsurface_size = (surface_rect.width // subsurface_tuple[0],
                       surface_rect.height // subsurface_tuple[1])

    rect = Rect((0, 0), subsurface_size)
    for i in range(subsurface_tuple[0]):
        rect.left = i * rect.width
        for j in range(subsurface_tuple[1]):
            rect.top = j * rect.width

    return subsurfaces
コード例 #18
ファイル: gui.py プロジェクト: Dancheek/coop_game
def draw_text(text='sample text', color=(255, 255, 255), pos=(0, 0), surface=None, align_x='left', align_y='top'):
	if (surface == None):
		surface = api.screen
	text_rect = Rect(0, 0, *font.size(text))

	if (align_x == 'left'):
		text_rect.left = pos[0]
	elif (align_x == 'center'):
		text_rect.centerx = pos[0]
	elif (align_x == 'right'):
		text_rect.right = pos[0]

	if (align_y == 'top'):
		text_rect.top = pos[1]
	elif (align_y == 'center'):
		text_rect.centery = pos[1]
	elif (align_y == 'bottom'):
		text_rect.bottom = pos[1]

	surface.blit(font.render(text, 1, color), text_rect)
コード例 #19
def bounce_in_box_ip(bounce_obj_rect: Rect, bounce_obj_speed, box_rect: Rect):
    Bounce the object if it hits the border of the box.
    The speed and the position of the `bounce_obj` will be updated.

    @param bounce_obj_rect The Rect of the bouncing object
    @param bounce_obj_speed The 2D speed vector of the bouncing object.
    if bounce_obj_rect.left <= box_rect.left:
        bounce_obj_rect.left = box_rect.left
        bounce_obj_speed[0] *= -1
    elif bounce_obj_rect.right >= box_rect.right:
        bounce_obj_rect.right = box_rect.right
        bounce_obj_speed[0] *= -1

    if bounce_obj_rect.top <= box_rect.top:
        bounce_obj_rect.top = box_rect.top
        bounce_obj_speed[1] *= -1
    elif bounce_obj_rect.bottom >= box_rect.bottom:
        bounce_obj_rect.bottom = box_rect.bottom
        bounce_obj_speed[1] *= -1
コード例 #20
ファイル: data.py プロジェクト: yuriifreire/runner
def load_images():
    images = {}

    images['Terrain'] = {}

    images['Terrain'][False] = load_file('Terrain-Solid.png')
    images['Terrain'][True] = load_file('Terrain-Spikes.png')
    images['Terrain']['Goal'] = load_file('Goal.png')

    images['Player'] = {}
    images['Player']['Idle'] = load_file('Player-Idle.png')
    images['Player']['Jump'] = load_file('Player-Jump.png')
    images['Player']['Fall'] = load_file('Player-Fall.png')
    images['Player']['Dead'] = load_file('Player-Dead.png')

    images['Player']['Run'] = [load_file(('Player-Run-'+str(frame)+'.png')) for frame in range(1,3)]
    images['Player']['Walk'] = [load_file(('Player-Walk-'+str(frame)+'.png')) for frame in range(1,3)]


    images['Digits'] = []

    digit_rect = Rect(0,0,5,8)
    digit_image = load_file('Digits.png')

    for digit_number in range(10):
        digit_rect.left = digit_rect.right
        digit_rect.left += 1

    images['Splash'] = {}

    images['Splash']['Logo'] = load_file('yuriifreire.png')
    images['Splash']['Title'] = load_file('Title.png')
    images['Splash']['Presents'] = load_file('Presents.png')
    images['Splash']['Press-Any-Key'] = load_file('Press-Any-Key.png')

    return images
コード例 #21
ファイル: pgutils.py プロジェクト: DigiDuncan/LaserGame
def align_rect(outer: pygame.Rect,
               inner: pygame.Rect,
               halign: Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
               valign: Literal["top", "center", "bottom"] = "top",
               outer_halign: Literal["left", "center", "right"] = "left",
               outer_valign: Literal["top", "center", "bottom"] = "top"):
    """Calculate coordinates for an inner rectangle aligned to an outer rectangle"""
    x, y = coords

    if outer_halign == "left":
    elif outer_halign == "center":
        x = outer.centerx + x
    elif outer_halign == "right":
        x = outer.right + x

    if outer_valign == "top":
    elif outer_valign == "center":
        y = outer.centery + y
    elif outer_valign == "bottom":
        y = outer.bottom + y

    if halign == "left":
        inner.left = x
    elif halign == "center":
        inner.centerx = x
    elif halign == "right":
        inner.right = x

    if valign == "top":
        inner.top = y
    elif valign == "center":
        inner.centery = y
    elif valign == "bottom":
        inner.bottom = y

    return inner.topleft
コード例 #22
def bounce_off_ip(bounce_obj_rect: Rect, bounce_obj_speed, \
 hit_obj_rect: Rect, hit_obj_speed):
	Update the speed and position of the `bounce_obj` after it bounces off the `hit_obj`.

	This function is called only when two objects are colliding.

	@param bounce_obj_rect The Rect of the bouncing object
	@param bounce_obj_speed The 2D speed vector of the bouncing object.
	@param hit_obj_rect The Rect of the hit object
	@param hit_obj_speed The 2D speed vector of the hit object
    # Treat the hit object as an unmoveable object
    speed_diff_x = bounce_obj_speed[0] - hit_obj_speed[0]
    speed_diff_y = bounce_obj_speed[1] - hit_obj_speed[1]

    # The relative position between top and bottom, and left and right
    # of two objects at the last frame
    rect_diff_T_B = bounce_obj_rect.top - hit_obj_rect.bottom - speed_diff_y
    rect_diff_B_T = bounce_obj_rect.bottom - hit_obj_rect.top - speed_diff_y
    rect_diff_L_R = bounce_obj_rect.left - hit_obj_rect.right - speed_diff_x
    rect_diff_R_L = bounce_obj_rect.right - hit_obj_rect.left - speed_diff_x

    # Set the position and speed of the bouncing object
    # acccroding to the relative position of two objects
    if rect_diff_T_B > 0 and rect_diff_B_T > 0:
        bounce_obj_rect.top = hit_obj_rect.bottom
        bounce_obj_speed[1] *= -1
    elif rect_diff_T_B < 0 and rect_diff_B_T < 0:
        bounce_obj_rect.bottom = hit_obj_rect.top
        bounce_obj_speed[1] *= -1

    if rect_diff_L_R > 0 and rect_diff_R_L > 0:
        bounce_obj_rect.left = hit_obj_rect.right
        bounce_obj_speed[0] *= -1
    elif rect_diff_L_R < 0 and rect_diff_R_L < 0:
        bounce_obj_rect.right = hit_obj_rect.left
        bounce_obj_speed[0] *= -1
コード例 #23
ファイル: tree.py プロジェクト: Nerocat/MCEdit-Unified
 def get_bullet_rect(self, surf, lvl):
     r = Rect(0, 0, self.bullet_size, self.bullet_size)
     r.left = self.bullet_size * lvl
     r.inflate_ip(-4, -4)
     return r
コード例 #24
def reverse_clamp_ip(larger_rect: Rect, smaller_rect: Rect):
    if not larger_rect.contains(smaller_rect):
        larger_rect.left = min(larger_rect.left, smaller_rect.left)
        larger_rect.right = max(larger_rect.right, smaller_rect.right)
        larger_rect.top = min(larger_rect.top, smaller_rect.top)
        larger_rect.bottom = max(larger_rect.bottom, smaller_rect.bottom)
コード例 #25
ファイル: pong.py プロジェクト: TheBeachLab/Pong
        aiPaddle.y = 0
        ai_speed = 0

    elif aiPaddle.bottom > height:
        aiPaddle.bottom = height
        ai_speed = 0

    if playerPaddle.colliderect(ball):
        ball_speed_x = -ball_speed_x
        if player_speed == 0:
            ball_speed_y = ball_speed_y/abs(ball_speed_y)
            ball_speed_y = player_speed

        ball.left = playerPaddle.right + 1

    elif aiPaddle.colliderect(ball):
        ball_speed_x = -ball_speed_x

        # prevent
        if ai_speed == 0:
            ball_speed_y = ball_speed_y/abs(ball_speed_y)
            ball_speed_y = ai_speed

        ball.right = aiPaddle.x - 1

    if ball.y <= 0:
コード例 #26
def main():



    p1 = Personaje()
    p1._x = 430
    p1._y = 180
    p1.x_antes = 50
    p1.y_antes = 50
    p1.tam_rectangulos((70, 70))

    p2 = Personaje()
    p2._x = 100
    p2._y = 200
    p2.tam_rectangulos((100, 100))

    plataforma2 = Plataforma()
    plataforma2.setXY(250, 200)
    plataforma2.setTamRect(300, 100)

    p1_antes = Rect(p1.x_antes, p1.y_antes, 70, 70)

    motor = MotorVideojuego()
    motor.conjuntoPersonajes = [p1, p2]
    start = pygame.time.get_ticks()/1000


    l = reposicion(p1, plataforma2)
    while salir == False:

        lista=pygame.event.get()#((pygame.KEYDOWN, pygame.KEYUP, pygame.QUIT, pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN))
        for event in lista:
            #----------Escuchando Eventos del Usuario-#
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                salir = True
            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                if event.button == 1:
                    print "SAlta"
            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
                p1.x_antes = xy[0]
                p1.y_antes = xy[1]
                p1_antes.left = xy[0]
                p1_antes.top = xy[1]
                l = reposicion(p1, plataforma2)

        if pygame.time.get_ticks()>limit:
            #print iter

        pygame.draw.rect(pantalla, green, plataforma2.rectangulo)
        pygame.draw.rect(pantalla, red, p1.rectangulo)
        pygame.draw.rect(pantalla, red, p1_antes)

        for rec in l:
            pygame.draw.rect(pantalla, darkBlue, rec)

    motor.salirJuego = True
コード例 #27
        rect = Rect(x - radius, y - radius, radius * 2, radius * 2)
        bandit = self.parent.bandit.rect
        if rect.colliderect(bandit):
            if bandit.left - rect.right > rect.top - bandit.bottom:
                angle = -angle
                rect.right = bandit.left
                angle = pi - angle
                rect.top = bandit.bottom
        field = self.parent.rect
        if rect.right > field.w or rect.left < 0:
            angle = -angle
            if rect.right > field.w:
                rect.right = field.w
                rect.left = 0
        if rect.top < 0 or rect.bottom > field.h:
            angle = pi - angle
            if rect.top < 0:
                rect.top = 0
                rect.bottom = field.h
        self.angle = angle
        self.center = rect.center
    def update_total_elapsed(self):
        current_ticks = time.get_ticks()
        self.total_elapsed += current_ticks - self.last_ticks
        self.last_ticks = current_ticks
    def draw_circle(self):
コード例 #28
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: 18986064/mcedit
 def __contains__(self, event):
     r = Rect(self._rect)
     r.left = 0
     r.top = 0
     p = self.global_to_local(event.pos)
     return r.collidepoint(p)
コード例 #29
ファイル: nbtexplorer.py プロジェクト: Nerocat/MCEdit-Unified
            print "*** MCEDIT DEBUG: bullets image file:", resource_path(
            print "*** MCEDIT DEBUG: current directory:", os.getcwd()
            from pygame import Surface, draw, SRCALPHA
            bullet_image = Surface((64, 64), SRCALPHA)
            bullet_image.fill((0, 0, 0, 0))
            for i in range(4):
                for j in range(4):
                        (255 / (i or 1), 255 / (j or 1), 255, 255),
                        [16 * i, 16 * j, 16 * i + 16, 16 * j + 16])
    r = Rect(0, 0, w, h)
    line_length = int(bullet_image.get_width() / w)
    line = int(index / line_length)
    r.top = line * h
    r.left = (index - (line * line_length)) * w
    return bullet_image.subsurface(r)

default_bullet_styles = {
    TAG_Byte: ((20, 20, 200), None, 'circle', 'b'),
    TAG_Double: ((20, 200, 20), None, 'circle', 'd'),
    TAG_Float: ((200, 20, 20), None, 'circle', 'f'),
    TAG_Int: ((16, 160, 160), None, 'circle', 'i'),
    TAG_Long: ((200, 20, 200), None, 'circle', 'l'),
    TAG_Short: ((200, 200, 20), (0, 0, 0), 'circle', 's'),
    TAG_String: ((60, 60, 60), None, 'circle', 's'),
    TAG_Compound: (bullet_color_active, None, '', ''),
    TAG_Byte_Array: ((20, 20, 200), None, 'square', 'B'),
    TAG_Int_Array: ((16, 160, 160), None, 'square', 'I'),
    TAG_List: ((200, 200, 200), (0, 0, 0), 'square', 'L'),
コード例 #30
        except Exception, e:
            print "*** MCEDIT DEBUG: bullets image could not be loaded."
            print "*** MCEDIT DEBUG:", e
            print "*** MCEDIT DEBUG: bullets image file:", resource_path(config.nbtTreeSettings.bulletFileName.get())
            print "*** MCEDIT DEBUG: current directory:", os.getcwd()
            from pygame import Surface, draw, SRCALPHA
            bullet_image = Surface((64, 64), SRCALPHA)
            bullet_image.fill((0, 0, 0, 0))
            for i in range(4):
                for j in range(4):
                    bullet_image.fill((255/(i or 1), 255/(j or 1), 255, 255), [16*i, 16*j, 16*i+16, 16*j+16])
    r = Rect(0, 0, w, h)
    line_length = int(bullet_image.get_width() / w)
    line = int(index / line_length)
    r.top = line * h
    r.left = (index - (line * line_length)) * w
    return bullet_image.subsurface(r)

default_bullet_styles = {TAG_Byte: ((20, 20, 200), None, 'circle', 'b'),
                         TAG_Double: ((20, 200, 20), None, 'circle', 'd'),
                         TAG_Float: ((200, 20, 20), None, 'circle', 'f'),
                         TAG_Int: ((16, 160, 160), None, 'circle', 'i'),
                         TAG_Long: ((200, 20, 200), None, 'circle', 'l'),
                         TAG_Short: ((200, 200, 20), (0, 0, 0), 'circle', 's'),
                         TAG_String: ((60, 60, 60), None, 'circle', 's'),
                         TAG_Compound: (bullet_color_active, None, '', ''),
                         TAG_Byte_Array: ((20, 20, 200), None, 'square', 'B'),
                         TAG_Int_Array: ((16, 160, 160), None, 'square', 'I'),
                         TAG_List: ((200, 200, 200), (0, 0, 0), 'square', 'L'),
                         TAG_Short_Array: ((200, 200, 20), None, 'square', 'S'),
コード例 #31
ファイル: widget.py プロジェクト: f5inet/MCEdit-Unified
 def __contains__(self, event):
     r = Rect(self._rect)
     r.left = 0
     r.top = 0
     p = self.global_to_local(event.pos)
     return r.collidepoint(p)