def non_uniform_kspace(phantom): NufftObj = pnft.NUFFT() Nd = (phantom.shape[0], phantom.shape[1]) Kd = (2 * phantom.shape[0], 2 * phantom.shape[1]) Jd = (6, 6) om = np.random.randn(15120, 3) NufftObj.plan(om, Nd, Kd, Jd) x = NufftObj.forward(phantom) Data = NufftObj.solve(x, solver='cg', maxiter=50) k = np.fft.fft2(Data) k_space = (np.fft.fftshift(k)) / np.sqrt(k) plt.title('Non-uniform K-Space of The phantom'), plt.xticks( []), plt.yticks([]) plt.imshow(20 * np.log(np.abs(k_space)), cmap='gray')
def __init__(self, samples, shape): """ Initialize the 'NUFFT3' class. Parameters ---------- samples: np.ndarray((m'*n'*p', 3)) samples' coordinates in the Fourier domain. shape: tuple of int shape of the final reconstructed image (m, n, p) (not necessarily a square matrix). """ self.plan = pynufft.NUFFT() shape_fourier = [] for dim_size in shape: shape_fourier.append(int(2 * dim_size)) self.plan.plan(samples, tuple(shape), tuple(shape_fourier), (5, 5, 5)) self.shape = shape self.samples = samples
def get_nufft_obj(trajectory, nimg, nfe, n_kernel=6, device_index=None): NufftObj = pynufft.NUFFT(device_indx=device_index) n_size =[0].shape) traj0_max = np.max(trajectory[0]) traj1_max = np.max(trajectory[1]) traj0 = np.reshape(trajectory[0], (n_size, )) / traj0_max * np.pi # normalize to -pi..pi traj1 = np.reshape(trajectory[1], (n_size, )) / traj1_max * np.pi # normalize to -pi..pi # Stack real and imag together om_traj = np.stack([traj0, traj1], axis=-1) NufftObj.plan(om_traj, Nd=(nimg, nimg), Kd=(nfe, nfe), Jd=(n_kernel, n_kernel)) return NufftObj
def test_init(): import cProfile import numpy import matplotlib.pyplot import copy cm = # load example image import pkg_resources DATA_PATH = pkg_resources.resource_filename('pynufft', 'src/data/') # PHANTOM_FILE = pkg_resources.resource_filename('pynufft', 'data/phantom_256_256.txt') import numpy import matplotlib.pyplot import scipy # load example image # image = numpy.loadtxt(DATA_PATH +'phantom_256_256.txt') # image = scipy.misc.face(gray=True) image = scipy.misc.ascent() image = scipy.misc.imresize(image, (256,256)) image=image.astype(numpy.float)/numpy.max(image[...])'phantom_256_256',image) matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(1,3,1) matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(image, matplotlib.pyplot.title("Load Scipy \"ascent\" image") # print('loading image...') # image[128, 128] = 1.0 Nd = (256, 256) # image space size Kd = (512, 512) # k-space size Jd = (6, 6) # interpolation size # load k-space points om = numpy.load(DATA_PATH+'om2D.npz')['arr_0'] # create object # else: # n_shift=tuple(list(n_shift)+numpy.array(Nd)/2) import pynufft nfft = pynufft.NUFFT() # CPU nfft.plan(om, Nd, Kd, Jd) # nfft.initialize_gpu() import scipy.sparse # scipy.sparse.save_npz('tests/test.npz',['p']) NufftObj = NUFFT() NufftObj.plan(om, Nd, Kd, Jd) NufftObj.offload(API='ocl', platform_number= 1 , device_number= 0) # print('sp close? = ', numpy.allclose(['p'].data,['p'].data, atol=1e-1)) # NufftObj.initialize_gpu() y = nfft.k2y(nfft.xx2k(nfft.x2xx(image))) NufftObj.x_Nd = NufftObj.thr.to_device( image.astype(dtype)) gx = NufftObj.thr.copy_array(NufftObj.x_Nd) print('x close? = ', numpy.allclose(image, NufftObj.x_Nd.get() , atol=1e-4)) NufftObj._x2xx() # ttt2= NufftObj.thr.copy_array(NufftObj.x_Nd) print('xx close? = ', numpy.allclose(nfft.x2xx(image), NufftObj.x_Nd.get() , atol=1e-4)) NufftObj._xx2k() # print(NufftObj.k_Kd.get(queue=NufftObj.queue, async=True).flags) # print(nfft.xx2k(nfft.x2xx(image)).flags) k = nfft.xx2k(nfft.x2xx(image)) print('k close? = ', numpy.allclose(nfft.xx2k(nfft.x2xx(image)), NufftObj.k_Kd.get() , atol=1e-3*numpy.linalg.norm(k))) NufftObj._k2y() NufftObj._y2k() y2 = NufftObj.y.get( ) print('y close? = ', numpy.allclose(y, y2 , atol=1e-3*numpy.linalg.norm(y))) # print(numpy.mean(numpy.abs(nfft.y2k(y)-NufftObj.k_Kd2.get(queue=NufftObj.queue, async=False) ))) print('k2 close? = ', numpy.allclose(nfft.y2k(y2), NufftObj.k_Kd2.get(), atol=1e-3*numpy.linalg.norm(nfft.y2k(y2)) )) NufftObj._k2xx() # print('xx close? = ', numpy.allclose(nfft.k2xx(nfft.y2k(y2)), NufftObj.xx_Nd.get(queue=NufftObj.queue, async=False) , atol=0.1)) NufftObj._xx2x() print('x close? = ', numpy.allclose(nfft.adjoint(y2), NufftObj.x_Nd.get() , atol=1e-3*numpy.linalg.norm(nfft.adjoint(y2)))) image3 = NufftObj.x_Nd.get() import time t0 = time.time() for pp in range(0,10): # y = nfft.k2y(nfft.xx2k(nfft.x2xx(image))) # x = nfft.adjoint(y) y = nfft.forward(image) # y2 = NufftObj.y.get( NufftObj.queue, async=False) t_cpu = (time.time() - t0)/10.0 print(t_cpu) # del nfft t0= time.time() for pp in range(0,100): # pass # NufftObj.adjoint() gy=NufftObj.forward(gx) # NufftObj.thr.synchronize() t_cl = (time.time() - t0)/100 print(t_cl) print('gy close? = ', numpy.allclose(y,gy.get(), atol=1e-1)) print("acceleration=", t_cpu/t_cl) maxiter =100 import time t0= time.time() # x2 = nfft.solver(y2, 'cg',maxiter=maxiter) x2 = nfft.solver(y2, 'L1TVLAD',maxiter=maxiter, rho = 2) t1 = time.time()-t0 # gy=NufftObj.thr.copy_array(NufftObj.thr.to_device(y2)) t0= time.time() # x = NufftObj.solver(gy,'dc', maxiter=maxiter) x = NufftObj.solver(gy,'L1TVLAD', maxiter=maxiter, rho=2) t2 = time.time() - t0 print(t1, t2) print('acceleration=', t1/t2 ) # k = x.get() # x = nfft.k2xx(k)/['sn'] # return matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(1, 3, 2) matplotlib.pyplot.imshow( x.get().real, cmap= matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(1, 3,3) matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(x2.real, cmap=
import numpy # from pynufft import NUFFT import pynufft NufftObj = pynufft.NUFFT() # load the data folder import pkg_resources # find the relative path of data folder DATA_PATH = pkg_resources.resource_filename('pynufft', 'src/data/') # now load the om locations om = numpy.load(DATA_PATH + 'om2D.npz')['arr_0'] # om is an Mx2 numpy.ndarray print(om) # display om import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot pyplot.plot(om[:, 0], om[:, 1]) pyplot.title('2D trajectory of M points') pyplot.xlabel('X') pyplot.ylabel('Y') Nd = (256, 256) # image dimension Kd = (512, 512) # k-spectrum dimension Jd = (6, 6) # interpolator size NufftObj.plan(om, Nd, Kd, Jd)