def update(self, rollouts: Sequence[StepSequence]): r""" Train the particles $mu$. :param rollouts: rewards collected from the rollout """ policy_grads = [] parameters = [] for i in range(self.num_particles): # Get the rollouts associated to the i-th particle concat_ros = StepSequence.concat(rollouts[i]) concat_ros.torch() act_stats = compute_action_statistics(concat_ros, self.expl_strats[i]) act_stats_fixed = compute_action_statistics( concat_ros, self.fixed_expl_strats[i]) klds = to.distributions.kl_divergence(act_stats.act_distr, act_stats_fixed.act_distr) entropy = act_stats.act_distr.entropy() log_prob = act_stats.log_probs concat_ros.rewards = concat_ros.rewards - ( 0.1 * klds.mean(1)).view(-1) - 0.1 * entropy.mean(1).view(-1) # Update the advantage estimator's parameters and return advantage estimates adv = self.particles[i].critic.update(rollouts[i], use_empirical_returns=True) # Estimate policy gradients self.optimizers[i].zero_grad() policy_grad = -to.mean(log_prob * adv.detach()) policy_grad.backward() # step comes later than usual # Collect flattened parameter and gradient vectors policy_grads.append(self.expl_strats[i].param_grad) parameters.append(self.expl_strats[i].param_values) parameters = to.stack(parameters) policy_grads = to.stack(policy_grads) Kxx, dx_Kxx = self.kernel(parameters) grad_theta = (, policy_grads / self.temperature) + dx_Kxx) / self.num_particles for i in range(self.num_particles): self.expl_strats[i].param_grad = grad_theta[i] self.optimizers[i].step() self.updatecount += 1
def test_action_statistics(env: SimEnv, policy: Policy): sigma = 1.0 # with lower values like 0.1 we can observe violations of the tolerances # Create an action-based exploration strategy explstrat = NormalActNoiseExplStrat(policy, std_init=sigma) # Sample a deterministic rollout ro_policy = rollout(env, policy, eval=True, max_steps=1000, stop_on_done=False, seed=0) ro_policy.torch(to.get_default_dtype()) # Run the exploration strategy on the previously sampled rollout if policy.is_recurrent: if isinstance(policy, TwoHeadedPolicy): act_expl, _, _ = explstrat(ro_policy.observations) else: act_expl, _ = explstrat(ro_policy.observations) # Get the hidden states from the deterministic rollout hidden_states = ro_policy.hidden_states else: if isinstance(policy, TwoHeadedPolicy): act_expl, _ = explstrat(ro_policy.observations) else: act_expl = explstrat(ro_policy.observations) hidden_states = [ 0.0 ] * ro_policy.length # just something that does not violate the format ro_expl = StepSequence( actions=act_expl[:-1], # truncate act due to last obs observations=ro_policy.observations, rewards=ro_policy.rewards, # don't care but necessary hidden_states=hidden_states, ) ro_expl.torch() # Compute action statistics and the ground truth actstats = compute_action_statistics(ro_expl, explstrat) gt_logprobs = Normal(loc=ro_policy.actions, scale=sigma).log_prob(ro_expl.actions) gt_entropy = Normal(loc=ro_policy.actions, scale=sigma).entropy() to.testing.assert_allclose(actstats.log_probs, gt_logprobs, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-5) to.testing.assert_allclose(actstats.entropy, gt_entropy, rtol=1e-4, atol=1e-5)
def update(self, rollouts: Sequence[StepSequence]): # Turn the batch of rollouts into a list of steps concat_ros = StepSequence.concat(rollouts) concat_ros.torch(data_type=to.get_default_dtype()) with to.no_grad(): # Compute the action probabilities using the old (before update) policy act_stats = compute_action_statistics(concat_ros, self._expl_strat) log_probs_old = act_stats.log_probs act_distr_old = act_stats.act_distr # Compute value predictions using the old old (before update) value function v_pred_old = self._critic.values(concat_ros) # Attach advantages and old log probs to rollout concat_ros.add_data('log_probs_old', log_probs_old) concat_ros.add_data('v_pred_old', v_pred_old) # For logging the gradient norms policy_grad_norm = [] value_fcn_grad_norm = [] # Compute the value targets (empirical discounted returns) for all samples before fitting the V-fcn parameters adv = self._critic.gae(concat_ros) # done with to.no_grad() v_targ = discounted_values(rollouts, self._critic.gamma).view( -1, 1) # empirical discounted returns concat_ros.add_data('adv', adv) concat_ros.add_data('v_targ', v_targ) # Iterations over the whole data set for e in range(self.num_epoch): for batch in tqdm(concat_ros.split_shuffled_batches( self.batch_size, complete_rollouts=self._policy.is_recurrent or isinstance(self._critic.value_fcn, RecurrentPolicy)), total=num_iter_from_rollouts( None, concat_ros, self.batch_size), desc=f'Epoch {e}', unit='batches', file=sys.stdout, leave=False): # Reset the gradients self.optim.zero_grad() # Compute log of the action probabilities for the mini-batch log_probs = compute_action_statistics( batch, self._expl_strat) # Compute value predictions for the mini-batch v_pred = self._critic.values(batch) # Compute combined loss and backpropagate loss = self.loss_fcn(log_probs, batch.log_probs_old, batch.adv, v_pred, batch.v_pred_old, batch.v_targ) loss.backward() # Clip the gradients if desired policy_grad_norm.append( self.clip_grad(self._expl_strat.policy, self.max_grad_norm)) value_fcn_grad_norm.append( self.clip_grad(self._critic.value_fcn, self.max_grad_norm)) # Call optimizer self.optim.step() if to.isnan(self._expl_strat.noise.std).any(): raise RuntimeError( f'At least one exploration parameter became NaN! The exploration parameters are' f'\n{self._expl_strat.std.detach().numpy()}') # Update the learning rate if a scheduler has been specified if self._lr_scheduler is not None: self._lr_scheduler.step() # Additional logging if self.log_loss: with to.no_grad(): # Compute value predictions using the new (after the updates) value function approximator v_pred = self._critic.values(concat_ros).to(self.policy.device) v_loss_old = self._critic.loss_fcn(, v_loss_new = self._critic.loss_fcn(v_pred, v_targ).to( self.policy.device) value_fcn_loss_impr = v_loss_old - v_loss_new # positive values are desired # Compute the action probabilities using the new (after the updates) policy act_stats = compute_action_statistics(concat_ros, self._expl_strat) log_probs_new = act_stats.log_probs act_distr_new = act_stats.act_distr loss_after = self.loss_fcn(log_probs_new, log_probs_old, adv, v_pred, v_pred_old, v_targ) kl_avg = to.mean(kl_divergence( act_distr_old, act_distr_new)) # mean seeking a.k.a. inclusive KL # Compute explained variance (after the updates) explvar = explained_var(v_pred, v_targ) self.logger.add_value('explained var', explvar.detach().numpy()) self.logger.add_value('V-fcn loss improvement', value_fcn_loss_impr.detach().numpy()) self.logger.add_value('loss after', loss_after.detach().numpy()) self.logger.add_value('KL(old_new)', kl_avg.item()) # Logging self.logger.add_value( 'avg expl strat std', to.mean( self.logger.add_value('expl strat entropy', self._expl_strat.noise.get_entropy().item()) self.logger.add_value('avg policy grad norm', np.mean(policy_grad_norm)) self.logger.add_value('avg V-fcn grad norm', np.mean(value_fcn_grad_norm)) if self._lr_scheduler is not None: self.logger.add_value('learning rate', self._lr_scheduler.get_lr())
def update(self, rollouts: Sequence[StepSequence]): # Turn the batch of rollouts into a list of steps concat_ros = StepSequence.concat(rollouts) concat_ros.torch(data_type=to.get_default_dtype()) # Update the advantage estimator's parameters and return advantage estimates adv = self._critic.update(rollouts, use_empirical_returns=False) with to.no_grad(): # Compute the action probabilities using the old (before update) policy act_stats = compute_action_statistics(concat_ros, self._expl_strat) log_probs_old = act_stats.log_probs act_distr_old = act_stats.act_distr # Attach advantages and old log probs to rollout concat_ros.add_data('adv', adv) concat_ros.add_data('log_probs_old', log_probs_old) # For logging the gradient norms policy_grad_norm = [] # Iterations over the whole data set for e in range(self.num_epoch): for batch in tqdm(concat_ros.split_shuffled_batches( self.batch_size, complete_rollouts=self._policy.is_recurrent), total=num_iter_from_rollouts( None, concat_ros, self.batch_size), desc=f'Epoch {e}', unit='batches', file=sys.stdout, leave=False): # Reset the gradients self.optim.zero_grad() # Compute log of the action probabilities for the mini-batch log_probs = compute_action_statistics( batch, self._expl_strat).log_probs # Compute policy loss and backpropagate loss = self.loss_fcn(log_probs, batch.log_probs_old, batch.adv) loss.backward() # Clip the gradients if desired policy_grad_norm.append( self.clip_grad(self._expl_strat.policy, self.max_grad_norm)) # Call optimizer self.optim.step() if to.isnan(self._expl_strat.noise.std).any(): raise RuntimeError( f'At least one exploration parameter became NaN! The exploration parameters are' f'\n{self._expl_strat.std.detach().numpy()}') # Update the learning rate if a scheduler has been specified if self._lr_scheduler is not None: self._lr_scheduler.step() # Additional logging if self.log_loss: with to.no_grad(): act_stats = compute_action_statistics(concat_ros, self._expl_strat) log_probs_new = act_stats.log_probs act_distr_new = act_stats.act_distr loss_after = self.loss_fcn(log_probs_new, log_probs_old, adv) kl_avg = to.mean(kl_divergence( act_distr_old, act_distr_new)) # mean seeking a.k.a. inclusive KL self.logger.add_value('loss after', loss_after.detach().numpy()) self.logger.add_value('KL(old_new)', kl_avg.item()) # Logging self.logger.add_value( 'avg expl strat std', to.mean( self.logger.add_value('expl strat entropy', self._expl_strat.noise.get_entropy().item()) self.logger.add_value('avg policy grad norm', np.mean(policy_grad_norm)) if self._lr_scheduler is not None: self.logger.add_value('learning rate', self._lr_scheduler.get_lr())
def update(self, rollouts: Sequence[StepSequence]): # Turn the batch of rollouts into a list of steps concat_ros = StepSequence.concat(rollouts) concat_ros.torch(data_type=to.get_default_dtype()) # Compute the value targets (empirical discounted returns) for all samples before fitting the V-fcn parameters adv = self._critic.gae(concat_ros) # done with to.no_grad() v_targ = discounted_values(rollouts, self._critic.gamma).view(-1, 1).to(self.policy.device) # empirical discounted returns with to.no_grad(): # Compute value predictions and the GAE using the old (before the updates) value function approximator v_pred = self._critic.values(concat_ros) # Compute the action probabilities using the old (before update) policy act_stats = compute_action_statistics(concat_ros, self._expl_strat) log_probs_old = act_stats.log_probs act_distr_old = act_stats.act_distr loss_before = self.loss_fcn(log_probs_old, adv, v_pred, v_targ) self.logger.add_value('loss before', loss_before, 4) concat_ros.add_data('adv', adv) concat_ros.add_data('v_targ', v_targ) # For logging the gradients' norms policy_grad_norm = [] for batch in tqdm(concat_ros.split_shuffled_batches( self.batch_size, complete_rollouts=self._policy.is_recurrent or isinstance(self._critic.vfcn, RecurrentPolicy)), total=num_iter_from_rollouts(None, concat_ros, self.batch_size), desc='Updating', unit='batches', file=sys.stdout, leave=False): # Reset the gradients self.optim.zero_grad() # Compute log of the action probabilities for the mini-batch log_probs = compute_action_statistics(batch, self._expl_strat).log_probs # Compute value predictions for the mini-batch v_pred = self._critic.values(batch) # Compute combined loss and backpropagate loss = self.loss_fcn(log_probs, batch.adv, v_pred, batch.v_targ) loss.backward() # Clip the gradients if desired policy_grad_norm.append(self.clip_grad(self.expl_strat.policy, self.max_grad_norm)) # Call optimizer self.optim.step() # Update the learning rate if a scheduler has been specified if self._lr_scheduler is not None: self._lr_scheduler.step() if to.isnan(self.expl_strat.noise.std).any(): raise RuntimeError(f'At least one exploration parameter became NaN! The exploration parameters are' f'\n{self.expl_strat.std.item()}') # Logging with to.no_grad(): # Compute value predictions and the GAE using the new (after the updates) value function approximator v_pred = self._critic.values(concat_ros).to(self.policy.device) adv = self._critic.gae(concat_ros) # done with to.no_grad() # Compute the action probabilities using the new (after the updates) policy act_stats = compute_action_statistics(concat_ros, self._expl_strat) log_probs_new = act_stats.log_probs act_distr_new = act_stats.act_distr loss_after = self.loss_fcn(log_probs_new, adv, v_pred, v_targ) kl_avg = to.mean( kl_divergence(act_distr_old, act_distr_new)) # mean seeking a.k.a. inclusive KL explvar = explained_var(v_pred, v_targ) # values close to 1 are desired self.logger.add_value('loss after', loss_after, 4) self.logger.add_value('KL(old_new)', kl_avg, 4) self.logger.add_value('explained var', explvar, 4) ent = self.expl_strat.noise.get_entropy() self.logger.add_value('avg expl strat std', to.mean(self.expl_strat.noise.std), 4) self.logger.add_value('expl strat entropy', to.mean(ent), 4) self.logger.add_value('avg grad norm policy', np.mean(policy_grad_norm), 4) if self._lr_scheduler is not None: self.logger.add_value('avg lr', np.mean(self._lr_scheduler.get_last_lr()), 6)