コード例 #1
def update_friends(request, caller_context, container_user):
    response = { 'success' : False,
                'message' : 'unknown error'}
    if request.method != "POST":
        response.message ='only POST method is supported'
        friends_controller = Friends_controller()
        friends_json = request.raw_post_data
        logging.debug('friends json from update_friends: %s' % friends_json)
        decoder = simplejson.JSONDecoder()
        friends = decoder.decode(friends_json)
            pyramidController = PyramidController()
            saved, failed = friends_controller.save_container_friends(container_user, friends)
            friend_pyramid_ids = pyramidController.get_friend_pyramid_ids(container_user.character, True)
            response['success'] = True
            response['message'] = 'friend list updated - %d saved, %d failed to save' % (saved, failed) 
            response['friendPyramidCount'] = len(friend_pyramid_ids)
        except Exception, e:
            logging.warn('failed to save friends')
            logging.warn('friends json: %s' % friends_json)
            response['success'] = False
            response['message'] = 'error saving friends'
コード例 #2
def pyramids(request, caller_context, container_user, group, active_page=1, active_position=1):
    get page of pyramid by taking a pyramid id and finding its page
    pyramidController = PyramidController()
    pyramid_ids = None
    if (group == "joined"):
        pyramid_ids = pyramidController.get_character_pyramid_ids(container_user.character, True)
    elif (group == "friends"):
        pyramid_ids = pyramidController.get_friend_pyramid_ids(container_user.character, True)
    elif (group == "invited"):
        pyramid_ids, invites = pyramidController.get_invited_pyramid_ids(container_user, True)
    elif (group == "open"):
        character = None
        if container_user:
            character = container_user.character
        pyramid_ids = pyramidController.find_open_pyramid_ids(character, 1000)
        if len(pyramid_ids) < 10: # if there are fewer than 10 open pyramids, create one 
            pyramid = pyramidController.create_new_pyramid(4, 3, 100) # 4 total levels, fill 3 levels, $100 price
            logging.debug('created new pyramid: ' + pyramid.to_xml())
            logging.debug('found open pyramids')
        #controller.set_game_invite(pyramid, container_user.character)
    elif (group == 'condemned'):
        pyramid_ids = pyramidController.get_character_pyramid_ids(container_user.character, active=False, paid=False)
    if pyramid_ids:
        pyramid_display, paginator, pyramid_page = get_paged_pyramids(caller_context.config, pyramid_ids, container_user, 10, int(active_page), int(active_position))

    return render_to_response('pyramids.html', locals())