コード例 #1
                address_line_text = station_text_list[ address_line_index ]
                address_line_text = address_line_text.strip()
                station_address += address_line_text
            #-- END loop over remaining address lines (except the first one). --#

            print( "station_address: " + station_address )
            # Now, we actually put the information together and store to
            #    database.

            # make station description
            station_description += " - " + station_call_sign + " - " + station_address + "; " + station_city + ", " + station_state + " " + station_zip_code
            # clean out new lines
            station_description = StringHelper.clean_string( station_description )
            # do we have a URL?
            if ( ( station_url ) and ( station_url != None ) and ( station_url != "" ) ):
                # adding to database.
                print( "    ===> adding station: " + station_description )
                domain_counter += 1

                # domain name
                cleaned_url = station_url
                # handle redirect URLS? - first, see if this URL contains "goto="
                #redirect_index = cleaned_url.find( URL_FORWARD_STRING )
                #if ( redirect_index >= 0 ):
                #    # yes.  strip off everything before "goto="
コード例 #2
                        # None - no next element.  stop walking.
                        keep_strolling = False
                    #-- END check to see if there is a next element. --#
                #-- END loop over station elements. --#

                #print( a_list_bs )
                #print( text_list_bs )
                # make a string out of the text.
                station_text = " ".join( text_list_bs )
                # clean string - strip out newlines, tabs, and more than one
                #    contiguous space.
                station_text = StringHelper.clean_string( station_text )
                # is this a news station?
                # Either:
                # - contains the word "news"
                # - contains "talk", but not "sport", "christian", or "religious" (I checked the sites that match these by hand, they don't have news).
                if ( ( NEWS_MATCH.lower() in station_text.lower() ) or ( ( TALK_MATCH.lower() in station_text.lower() ) and ( ( "sport" not in station_text.lower() ) and ( "christian" not in station_text.lower() ) and ( "religious" not in station_text.lower() ) ) ) ):
                    # news!
                    news_station_counter += 1
                    print( "- NEWS: " + bold_text + " - " + station_text )
                    # get URL.  Got anything in <a> list?
                    if ( len( a_list_bs ) > 0 ):