コード例 #1
    def encode_data( self, value_IN, encoding_IN = None ):
        accepts data to be passed with request.  If data is a unicode string,
           encodes it to the encoding passed in.  If no encoding passed in, uses
           the default encoding (UTF-8).
        # return reference
        value_OUT = ""
        # declare variables
        is_data_unicode = False
        # see if data is a unicode object.
        is_data_unicode = StringHelper.is_unicode( value_IN )
        if ( is_data_unicode == True ):
            # yes, its unicode.  Encode it.  Got an encoding?
            if ( ( encoding_IN is not None ) and ( encoding_IN != "" ) ):
                # yes - use it.
                my_encoding = encoding_IN
                # no - get default.
                my_encoding = self.get_default_encoding()
            #-- END check for encoding. --#
            # Encode.
            value_OUT = StringHelper.encode_string( value_IN, my_encoding )
            # not unicode. Use as-is.
            value_OUT = value_IN
        #-- END check to see if data is unicode object --#

        return value_OUT
コード例 #2
    def print_calais_json( cls, json_IN, logger_IN = None ):
        Accepts OpenCalais API JSON object, prints selected parts of it to a
           string variable.  Returns that string.
        # return reference
        string_OUT = ""
        # declare variables
        me = "OpenCalaisV2ApiResponse.print_calais_json()"
        my_logger = None
        temp_string = ""
        properties_to_output_list = []
        current_property = ""
        my_logger = logger_IN
        # set properties we want to output
        properties_to_output_list = [ "_type", "_typeGroup", "commonname", "name", "person" ]
        # loop over the stuff in the response:
        item_counter = 0
        current_container = json_IN
        # got something in current_container?
        if ( current_container is not None ):

            # yes - loop on keys.
            for item in current_container.keys():
                item_counter += 1
                temp_string = "==> " + str( item_counter ) + ": " + item + "\n"
                string_OUT += temp_string
                if ( my_logger is not None ):
                    my_logger.debug( "In " + me + ": " + temp_string )
                #-- END check to see if logger --#
                # loop over properties that we care about.
                for current_property in properties_to_output_list:
                    # is property in the current JSON item we are looking at?
                    if ( current_property in current_container[ item ] ):
                        # yes - output.
                        current_property_value = current_container[ item ][ current_property ]
                        # exception handling to try to deal with unicode added in
                        #    OpenCalais API version 2.
                            # first, try using str()
                            temp_string = str( current_property_value )
                        except Exception as e:
                            # on exception, try using StringHelper.encode_string()
                            temp_string = StringHelper.encode_string( current_property_value )
                        #-- END try/except --#
                        temp_string = "----> " + current_property + ": " + temp_string + "\n"
                        string_OUT += temp_string
                        if ( my_logger is not None ):
                            my_logger.debug( "In " + me + ": " + temp_string )
                        #-- END check to see if logger --#
                        # is it a Quotation or a Person?
                        if ( ( current_property_value == "Quotation" ) or ( current_property_value == "Person" ) ):
                            string_OUT += str( current_container[ item ] ) + "\n"
                        #-- END check to see if type is "Quotation" --#
                    #-- END current_property --#
                #-- END loop over list of properties we want to output. --#
            #-- END loop over items --#
        #-- END check to see if JSON passed in. --#
        return string_OUT