def main(): """ runs experiment in different settings """ #data = ["cancer", "toy", "landmine", "mnist"] #compare_solvers(500, "splicing") #compare_solvers("cancer", 100) #compare_solvers("landmine", 30000) #compare_solvers("mnist", 30000) #compare_solvers("toy", 10000) #args = [["mnist", 30000],["toy", 10000]] ar = [] #ar.append({"data_name": "mnist", "min_interval": 1000}) ar.append({"data_name": "toy", "min_interval": 1000}) #ar.append({"data_name": "landmine", "min_interval": 300}) #ar.append({"data_name": "cancer", "min_interval": 100}) local = True max_num_threads = 1 pythongrid.pg_map(compare_solvers, ar, {}, local, max_num_threads, mem="18G")
def runExample(): """ execute map example """ args = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16] local = True max_num_threads = 3 param = {"h_vmem": "1G"} intermediate_results = pg_map(computeFactorial, args, param, local, max_num_threads) print "reducing result" for i, ret in enumerate(intermediate_results): print "f(%i) = %i" % (args[i], ret)
def train(tax, tax_name, num_train): """ hierarchical training procedure """ datadir = "../../data" num_vald = num_train*3 params_c = "[1 10 100 250]" params_b = "[0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0]" # enqueue root node grey_nodes = [tax] ##################################################### # top-down processing of taxonomy # ##################################################### leaf_cmds = [] while len(grey_nodes)>0: node = grey_nodes.pop(0) # pop first item # enqueue children if node.children != None: grey_nodes.extend(node.children) # get data below current node data_keys = node.get_data_keys() # create org list in matlab format org_list = str(data_keys).replace("[", "{").replace("]", "}") # set up presvm if node.is_root(): # no parent at root node parent_model = "none" else: # regularize against parent predictor parent_model = "../../out/%s/%s" % (tax_name, # determine current output directory current_out = "../out/%s/%s" % (tax_name, # create dirs if not present if not os.path.exists(current_out): #Super-mkdir; create a leaf directory and all intermediate ones. print "creating dir %s" % (current_out) os.makedirs(current_out) # construct commands matlab_call_train = "matlab -nojvm -nosplash -nodesktop -r \"train_orgs('%s',%s,'%s',%i,%i,%s,%s,'%s/evaluation.mat'), exit;\" " % (datadir, org_list, current_out, num_train, num_vald, params_c, params_b, parent_model) matlab_call_eval = "matlab -nojvm -nosplash -nodesktop -r \"evaluate_result('%s'), exit;\" " % ("../" + current_out) # example call: # matlab -nojvm -nosplash -nodesktop -r train_orgs('../../data',{'Bacillus_anthracis_Ames_uid57909', 'Bacillus_subtilis_168_uid57675'},'../out/tax1/bacillus',10,50,[0.1 1 10],[0 0.1 0.5 0.8 0.9],'../../out/All_Tasks/evaluation.mat'), exit; cmd_tuple = matlab_call_train, matlab_call_eval # execute processing at inner nodes, enqueue for leaves if node.is_leaf(): leaf_cmds.append(cmd_tuple) else: system_call.call2(cmd_tuple) # execute leaf processing in parallel result = pg.pg_map(system_call.call2, leaf_cmds, local=True, maxNumThreads=4, mem="16G")