class FrontEndApp(object): """Orchestrates pywb's core Wayback Machine functionality and is comprised of 2 core sub-apps and 3 optional apps. Sub-apps: - WarcServer: Serves the archive content (WARC/ARC and index) as well as from the live web in record/proxy mode - RewriterApp: Rewrites the content served by pywb (if it is to be rewritten) - WSGIProxMiddleware (Optional): If proxy mode is enabled, performs pywb's HTTP(s) proxy functionality - AutoIndexer (Optional): If auto-indexing is enabled for the collections it is started here - RecorderApp (Optional): Recording functionality, available when recording mode is enabled """ REPLAY_API = 'http://localhost:%s/{coll}/resource/postreq' CDX_API = 'http://localhost:%s/{coll}/index' RECORD_SERVER = 'http://localhost:%s' RECORD_API = 'http://localhost:%s/%s/resource/postreq?param.recorder.coll={coll}' RECORD_ROUTE = '/record' PROXY_CA_NAME = 'pywb HTTPS Proxy CA' PROXY_CA_PATH = os.path.join('proxy-certs', 'pywb-ca.pem') ALL_DIGITS = re.compile(r'^\d+$') def __init__(self, config_file='./config.yaml', custom_config=None): """ :param str config_file: Path to the config file :param dict custom_config: Dictionary containing additional configuration information """ self.handler = self.handle_request self.warcserver = WarcServer(config_file=config_file, custom_config=custom_config) config = self.warcserver.config self.debug = config.get('debug', False) self.warcserver_server = GeventServer(self.warcserver, port=0) self.proxy_prefix = None # the URL prefix to be used for the collection with proxy mode (e.g. /coll/id_/) self.proxy_coll = None # the name of the collection that has proxy mode enabled self.init_proxy(config) self.init_recorder(config.get('recorder')) self.init_autoindex(config.get('autoindex')) static_path = config.get('static_url_path', 'pywb/static/').replace('/', os.path.sep) self.static_handler = StaticHandler(static_path) self.cdx_api_endpoint = config.get('cdx_api_endpoint', '/cdx') self._init_routes() upstream_paths = self.get_upstream_paths(self.warcserver_server.port) framed_replay = config.get('framed_replay', True) self.rewriterapp = RewriterApp(framed_replay, config=config, paths=upstream_paths) self.templates_dir = config.get('templates_dir', 'templates') self.static_dir = config.get('static_dir', 'static') metadata_templ = os.path.join(self.warcserver.root_dir, '{coll}', 'metadata.yaml') self.metadata_cache = MetadataCache(metadata_templ) def _init_routes(self): """Initialize the routes and based on the configuration file makes available specific routes (proxy mode, record)""" self.url_map = Map() self.url_map.add(Rule('/static/_/<coll>/<path:filepath>', endpoint=self.serve_static)) self.url_map.add(Rule('/static/<path:filepath>', endpoint=self.serve_static)) self.url_map.add(Rule('/collinfo.json', endpoint=self.serve_listing)) if self.is_valid_coll('$root'): coll_prefix = '' else: coll_prefix = '/<coll>' self.url_map.add(Rule('/', endpoint=self.serve_home)) self.url_map.add(Rule(coll_prefix + self.cdx_api_endpoint, endpoint=self.serve_cdx)) self.url_map.add(Rule(coll_prefix + '/', endpoint=self.serve_coll_page)) self.url_map.add(Rule(coll_prefix + '/timemap/<timemap_output>/<path:url>', endpoint=self.serve_content)) if self.recorder_path: self.url_map.add(Rule(coll_prefix + self.RECORD_ROUTE + '/<path:url>', endpoint=self.serve_record)) if self.proxy_prefix is not None: # Add the proxy-fetch endpoint to enable PreservationWorker to make CORS fetches worry free in proxy mode self.url_map.add(Rule('/proxy-fetch/<path:url>', endpoint=self.proxy_fetch, methods=['GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS'])) self.url_map.add(Rule(coll_prefix + '/<path:url>', endpoint=self.serve_content)) def get_upstream_paths(self, port): """Retrieve a dictionary containing the full URLs of the upstream apps :param int port: The port used by the replay and cdx servers :return: A dictionary containing the upstream paths (replay, cdx-server, record [if enabled]) :rtype: dict[str, str] """ base_paths = { 'replay': self.REPLAY_API % port, 'cdx-server': self.CDX_API % port, } if self.recorder_path: base_paths['record'] = self.recorder_path return base_paths def init_recorder(self, recorder_config): """Initialize the recording functionality of pywb. If recording_config is None this function is a no op""" if not recorder_config: self.recorder = None self.recorder_path = None return if isinstance(recorder_config, str): recorder_coll = recorder_config recorder_config = {} else: recorder_coll = recorder_config['source_coll'] # TODO: support dedup dedup_index = None warc_writer = MultiFileWARCWriter(self.warcserver.archive_paths, max_size=int(recorder_config.get('rollover_size', 1000000000)), max_idle_secs=int(recorder_config.get('rollover_idle_secs', 600)), filename_template=recorder_config.get('filename_template'), dedup_index=dedup_index) self.recorder = RecorderApp(self.RECORD_SERVER % str(self.warcserver_server.port), warc_writer, accept_colls=recorder_config.get('source_filter')) recorder_server = GeventServer(self.recorder, port=0) self.recorder_path = self.RECORD_API % (recorder_server.port, recorder_coll) def init_autoindex(self, auto_interval): """Initialize and start the auto-indexing of the collections. If auto_interval is None this is a no op. :param str|int auto_interval: The auto-indexing interval from the configuration file or CLI argument """ if not auto_interval: return from pywb.manager.autoindex import AutoIndexer colls_dir = self.warcserver.root_dir if self.warcserver.root_dir else None indexer = AutoIndexer(colls_dir=colls_dir, interval=int(auto_interval)) if not os.path.isdir(indexer.root_path): msg = 'No managed directory "{0}" for auto-indexing' logging.error(msg.format(indexer.root_path)) import sys sys.exit(2) msg = 'Auto-Indexing Enabled on "{0}", checking every {1} secs', auto_interval)) indexer.start() def is_proxy_enabled(self, environ): return self.proxy_prefix is not None and 'wsgiprox.proxy_host' in environ def serve_home(self, environ): """Serves the home (/) view of pywb (not a collections) :param dict environ: The WSGI environment dictionary for the request :return: The WbResponse for serving the home (/) path :rtype: WbResponse """ home_view = BaseInsertView(self.rewriterapp.jinja_env, 'index.html') fixed_routes = self.warcserver.list_fixed_routes() dynamic_routes = self.warcserver.list_dynamic_routes() routes = fixed_routes + dynamic_routes all_metadata = self.metadata_cache.get_all(dynamic_routes) content = home_view.render_to_string(environ, routes=routes, all_metadata=all_metadata) return WbResponse.text_response(content, content_type='text/html; charset="utf-8"') def serve_static(self, environ, coll='', filepath=''): """Serve a static file associated with a specific collection or one of pywb's own static assets :param dict environ: The WSGI environment dictionary for the request :param str coll: The collection the static file is associated with :param str filepath: The file path (relative to the collection) for the static assest :return: The WbResponse for the static asset :rtype: WbResponse """ proxy_enabled = self.is_proxy_enabled(environ) if proxy_enabled and environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD') == 'OPTIONS': return WbResponse.options_response(environ) if coll: path = os.path.join(self.warcserver.root_dir, coll, self.static_dir) else: path = self.static_dir environ['pywb.static_dir'] = path try: response = self.static_handler(environ, filepath) if proxy_enabled: response.add_access_control_headers(env=environ) return response except: self.raise_not_found(environ, 'Static File Not Found: {0}'.format(filepath)) def get_metadata(self, coll): """Retrieve the metadata associated with a collection :param str coll: The name of the collection to receive metadata for :return: The collections metadata if it exists :rtype: dict """ #if coll == self.all_coll: # coll = '*' metadata = {'coll': coll, 'type': 'replay'} if coll in self.warcserver.list_fixed_routes(): metadata.update(self.warcserver.get_coll_config(coll)) else: metadata.update(self.metadata_cache.load(coll)) return metadata def serve_coll_page(self, environ, coll='$root'): """Render and serve a collections search page (search.html). :param dict environ: The WSGI environment dictionary for the request :param str coll: The name of the collection to serve the collections search page for :return: The WbResponse containing the collections search page :rtype: WbResponse """ if not self.is_valid_coll(coll): self.raise_not_found(environ, 'No handler for "/{0}"'.format(coll)) self.setup_paths(environ, coll) metadata = self.get_metadata(coll) view = BaseInsertView(self.rewriterapp.jinja_env, 'search.html') wb_prefix = environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME') if wb_prefix: wb_prefix += '/' content = view.render_to_string(environ, wb_prefix=wb_prefix, metadata=metadata, coll=coll) return WbResponse.text_response(content, content_type='text/html; charset="utf-8"') def serve_cdx(self, environ, coll='$root'): """Make the upstream CDX query for a collection and response with the results of the query :param dict environ: The WSGI environment dictionary for the request :param str coll: The name of the collection this CDX query is for :return: The WbResponse containing the results of the CDX query :rtype: WbResponse """ base_url = self.rewriterapp.paths['cdx-server'] #if coll == self.all_coll: # coll = '*' cdx_url = base_url.format(coll=coll) if environ.get('QUERY_STRING'): cdx_url += '&' if '?' in cdx_url else '?' cdx_url += environ.get('QUERY_STRING') try: res = requests.get(cdx_url, stream=True) content_type = res.headers.get('Content-Type') return WbResponse.bin_stream(StreamIter(res.raw), content_type=content_type) except Exception as e: return WbResponse.text_response('Error: ' + str(e), status='400 Bad Request') def serve_record(self, environ, coll='$root', url=''): """Serve a URL's content from a WARC/ARC record in replay mode or from the live web in live, proxy, and record mode. :param dict environ: The WSGI environment dictionary for the request :param str coll: The name of the collection the record is to be served from :param str url: The URL for the corresponding record to be served if it exists :return: WbResponse containing the contents of the record/URL :rtype: WbResponse """ if coll in self.warcserver.list_fixed_routes(): return WbResponse.text_response('Error: Can Not Record Into Custom Collection "{0}"'.format(coll)) return self.serve_content(environ, coll, url, record=True) def serve_content(self, environ, coll='$root', url='', timemap_output='', record=False): """Serve the contents of a URL/Record rewriting the contents of the response when applicable. :param dict environ: The WSGI environment dictionary for the request :param str coll: The name of the collection the record is to be served from :param str url: The URL for the corresponding record to be served if it exists :param str timemap_output: The contents of the timemap included in the link header of the response :param bool record: Should the content being served by recorded (save to a warc). Only valid in record mode :return: WbResponse containing the contents of the record/URL :rtype: WbResponse """ if not self.is_valid_coll(coll): self.raise_not_found(environ, 'No handler for "/{0}"'.format(coll)) self.setup_paths(environ, coll, record) request_uri = environ.get('REQUEST_URI') script_name = environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '') + '/' if request_uri and request_uri.startswith(script_name): wb_url_str = request_uri[len(script_name):] else: wb_url_str = to_native_str(url) if environ.get('QUERY_STRING'): wb_url_str += '?' + environ.get('QUERY_STRING') metadata = self.get_metadata(coll) if record: metadata['type'] = 'record' if timemap_output: metadata['output'] = timemap_output # ensure that the timemap path information is not included wb_url_str = wb_url_str.replace('timemap/{0}/'.format(timemap_output), '') try: response = self.rewriterapp.render_content(wb_url_str, metadata, environ) except UpstreamException as ue: response = self.rewriterapp.handle_error(environ, ue) raise HTTPException(response=response) return response def setup_paths(self, environ, coll, record=False): """Populates the WSGI environment dictionary with the path information necessary to perform a response for content or record. :param dict environ: The WSGI environment dictionary for the request :param str coll: The name of the collection the record is to be served from :param bool record: Should the content being served by recorded (save to a warc). Only valid in record mode """ if not coll or not self.warcserver.root_dir: return if coll != '$root': pop_path_info(environ) if record: pop_path_info(environ) paths = [self.warcserver.root_dir] if coll != '$root': paths.append(coll) paths.append(self.templates_dir) # jinja2 template paths always use '/' as separator environ['pywb.templates_dir'] = '/'.join(paths) def serve_listing(self, environ): """Serves the response for WARCServer fixed and dynamic listing (paths) :param dict environ: The WSGI environment dictionary for the request :return: WbResponse containing the frontend apps WARCServer URL paths :rtype: WbResponse """ result = {'fixed': self.warcserver.list_fixed_routes(), 'dynamic': self.warcserver.list_dynamic_routes() } return WbResponse.json_response(result) def is_valid_coll(self, coll): """Determines if the collection name for a request is valid (exists) :param str coll: The name of the collection to check :return: True if the collection is valid, false otherwise :rtype: bool """ #if coll == self.all_coll: # return True return (coll in self.warcserver.list_fixed_routes() or coll in self.warcserver.list_dynamic_routes()) def raise_not_found(self, environ, msg): """Utility function for raising a werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound execption with the supplied WSGI environment and message. :param dict environ: The WSGI environment dictionary for the request :param str msg: The error message """ raise NotFound(response=self.rewriterapp._error_response(environ, msg)) def _check_refer_redirect(self, environ): """Returns a WbResponse for a HTTP 307 redirection if the HTTP referer header is the same as the HTTP host header :param dict environ: The WSGI environment dictionary for the request :return: WbResponse HTTP 307 redirection :rtype: WbResponse """ referer = environ.get('HTTP_REFERER') if not referer: return host = environ.get('HTTP_HOST') if host not in referer: return inx = referer[1:].find('http') if not inx: inx = referer[1:].find('///') if inx > 0: inx + 1 if inx < 0: return url = referer[inx + 1:] host = referer[:inx + 1] orig_url = environ['PATH_INFO'] if environ.get('QUERY_STRING'): orig_url += '?' + environ['QUERY_STRING'] full_url = host + urljoin(url, orig_url) return WbResponse.redir_response(full_url, '307 Redirect') def __call__(self, environ, start_response): return self.handler(environ, start_response) def handle_request(self, environ, start_response): """Retrieves the route handler and calls the handler returning its the response :param dict environ: The WSGI environment dictionary for the request :param start_response: :return: The WbResponse for the request :rtype: WbResponse """ urls = self.url_map.bind_to_environ(environ) try: endpoint, args = urls.match() # store original script_name (original prefix) before modifications are made environ['pywb.app_prefix'] = environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME') response = endpoint(environ, **args) return response(environ, start_response) except HTTPException as e: redir = self._check_refer_redirect(environ) if redir: return redir(environ, start_response) return e(environ, start_response) except Exception as e: if self.debug: traceback.print_exc() response = self.rewriterapp._error_response(environ, 'Internal Error: ' + str(e), '500 Server Error') return response(environ, start_response) @classmethod def create_app(cls, port): """Create a new instance of FrontEndApp that listens on port with a hostname of :param int port: The port FrontEndApp is to listen on :return: A new instance of FrontEndApp wrapped in GeventServer :rtype: GeventServer """ app = FrontEndApp() app_server = GeventServer(app, port=port, hostname='') return app_server def init_proxy(self, config): """Initialize and start proxy mode. If proxy configuration entry is not contained in the config this is a no op. Causes handler to become an instance of WSGIProxMiddleware. :param dict config: The configuration object used to configure this instance of FrontEndApp """ proxy_config = config.get('proxy') if not proxy_config: return if isinstance(proxy_config, str): proxy_coll = proxy_config proxy_config = {} else: proxy_coll = proxy_config['coll'] if '/' in proxy_coll: raise Exception('Proxy collection can not contain "/"') proxy_config['ca_name'] = proxy_config.get('ca_name', self.PROXY_CA_NAME) proxy_config['ca_file_cache'] = proxy_config.get('ca_file_cache', self.PROXY_CA_PATH) if proxy_config.get('recording'):'Proxy recording into collection "{0}"'.format(proxy_coll)) if proxy_coll in self.warcserver.list_fixed_routes(): raise Exception('Can not record into fixed collection') proxy_coll += self.RECORD_ROUTE if not config.get('recorder'): config['recorder'] = 'live' else:'Proxy enabled for collection "{0}"'.format(proxy_coll)) if proxy_config.get('enable_content_rewrite', True): self.proxy_prefix = '/{0}/bn_/'.format(proxy_coll) else: self.proxy_prefix = '/{0}/id_/'.format(proxy_coll) self.proxy_default_timestamp = proxy_config.get('default_timestamp') if self.proxy_default_timestamp: if not self.ALL_DIGITS.match(self.proxy_default_timestamp): try: self.proxy_default_timestamp = iso_date_to_timestamp(self.proxy_default_timestamp) except: raise Exception('Invalid Proxy Timestamp: Must Be All-Digit Timestamp or ISO Date Format') self.proxy_coll = proxy_coll self.handler = WSGIProxMiddleware(self.handle_request, self.proxy_route_request, proxy_host=proxy_config.get('host', 'pywb.proxy'), proxy_options=proxy_config) def proxy_route_request(self, url, environ): """ Return the full url that this proxy request will be routed to The 'environ' PATH_INFO and REQUEST_URI will be modified based on the returned url Default is to use the 'proxy_prefix' to point to the proxy collection """ if self.proxy_default_timestamp: environ['pywb_proxy_default_timestamp'] = self.proxy_default_timestamp return self.proxy_prefix + url def proxy_fetch(self, env, url): """Proxy mode only endpoint that handles OPTIONS requests and COR fetches for Preservation Worker. Due to normal cross-origin browser restrictions in proxy mode, auto fetch worker cannot access the CSS rules of cross-origin style sheets and must re-fetch them in a manner that is CORS safe. This endpoint facilitates that by fetching the stylesheets for the auto fetch worker and then responds with its contents :param dict env: The WSGI environment dictionary :param str url: The URL of the resource to be fetched :return: WbResponse that is either response to an Options request or the results of fetching url :rtype: WbResponse """ if not self.is_proxy_enabled(env): # we are not in proxy mode so just respond with forbidden return WbResponse.text_response('proxy mode must be enabled to use this endpoint', status='403 Forbidden') if env.get('REQUEST_METHOD') == 'OPTIONS': return WbResponse.options_response(env) # ensure full URL request_url = env['REQUEST_URI'] # replace with /id_ so we do not get rewritten url = request_url.replace('/proxy-fetch', '/id_') # update WSGI environment object env['REQUEST_URI'] = self.proxy_coll + url env['PATH_INFO'] = env['PATH_INFO'].replace('/proxy-fetch', self.proxy_coll + '/id_') # make request using normal serve_content response = self.serve_content(env, self.proxy_coll, url) # for WR if isinstance(response, WbResponse): response.add_access_control_headers(env=env) return response
class FrontEndApp(object): """Orchestrates pywb's core Wayback Machine functionality and is comprised of 2 core sub-apps and 3 optional apps. Sub-apps: - WarcServer: Serves the archive content (WARC/ARC and index) as well as from the live web in record/proxy mode - RewriterApp: Rewrites the content served by pywb (if it is to be rewritten) - WSGIProxMiddleware (Optional): If proxy mode is enabled, performs pywb's HTTP(s) proxy functionality - AutoIndexer (Optional): If auto-indexing is enabled for the collections it is started here - RecorderApp (Optional): Recording functionality, available when recording mode is enabled """ REPLAY_API = 'http://localhost:%s/{coll}/resource/postreq' CDX_API = 'http://localhost:%s/{coll}/index' RECORD_SERVER = 'http://localhost:%s' RECORD_API = 'http://localhost:%s/%s/resource/postreq?param.recorder.coll={coll}' RECORD_ROUTE = '/record' PROXY_CA_NAME = 'pywb HTTPS Proxy CA' PROXY_CA_PATH = os.path.join('proxy-certs', 'pywb-ca.pem') ALL_DIGITS = re.compile(r'^\d+$') def __init__(self, config_file='./config.yaml', custom_config=None): """ :param str config_file: Path to the config file :param dict custom_config: Dictionary containing additional configuration information """ self.handler = self.handle_request self.warcserver = WarcServer(config_file=config_file, custom_config=custom_config) config = self.warcserver.config self.debug = config.get('debug', False) self.warcserver_server = GeventServer(self.warcserver, port=0) self.proxy_prefix = None # the URL prefix to be used for the collection with proxy mode (e.g. /coll/id_/) self.proxy_coll = None # the name of the collection that has proxy mode enabled self.init_proxy(config) self.init_recorder(config.get('recorder')) self.init_autoindex(config.get('autoindex')) static_path = config.get('static_url_path', 'pywb/static/').replace('/', os.path.sep) self.static_handler = StaticHandler(static_path) self.cdx_api_endpoint = config.get('cdx_api_endpoint', '/cdx') self._init_routes() upstream_paths = self.get_upstream_paths(self.warcserver_server.port) framed_replay = config.get('framed_replay', True) self.rewriterapp = RewriterApp(framed_replay, config=config, paths=upstream_paths) self.templates_dir = config.get('templates_dir', 'templates') self.static_dir = config.get('static_dir', 'static') metadata_templ = os.path.join(self.warcserver.root_dir, '{coll}', 'metadata.yaml') self.metadata_cache = MetadataCache(metadata_templ) def _init_routes(self): """Initialize the routes and based on the configuration file makes available specific routes (proxy mode, record)""" self.url_map = Map() self.url_map.add( Rule('/static/_/<coll>/<path:filepath>', endpoint=self.serve_static)) self.url_map.add( Rule('/static/<path:filepath>', endpoint=self.serve_static)) self.url_map.add(Rule('/collinfo.json', endpoint=self.serve_listing)) if self.is_valid_coll('$root'): coll_prefix = '' else: coll_prefix = '/<coll>' self.url_map.add(Rule('/', endpoint=self.serve_home)) self.url_map.add( Rule(coll_prefix + self.cdx_api_endpoint, endpoint=self.serve_cdx)) self.url_map.add(Rule(coll_prefix + '/', endpoint=self.serve_coll_page)) self.url_map.add( Rule(coll_prefix + '/timemap/<timemap_output>/<path:url>', endpoint=self.serve_content)) if self.recorder_path: self.url_map.add( Rule(coll_prefix + self.RECORD_ROUTE + '/<path:url>', endpoint=self.serve_record)) if self.proxy_prefix is not None: # Add the proxy-fetch endpoint to enable PreservationWorker to make CORS fetches worry free in proxy mode self.url_map.add( Rule('/proxy-fetch/<path:url>', endpoint=self.proxy_fetch, methods=['GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS'])) self.url_map.add( Rule(coll_prefix + '/<path:url>', endpoint=self.serve_content)) def get_upstream_paths(self, port): """Retrieve a dictionary containing the full URLs of the upstream apps :param int port: The port used by the replay and cdx servers :return: A dictionary containing the upstream paths (replay, cdx-server, record [if enabled]) :rtype: dict[str, str] """ base_paths = { 'replay': self.REPLAY_API % port, 'cdx-server': self.CDX_API % port, } if self.recorder_path: base_paths['record'] = self.recorder_path return base_paths def init_recorder(self, recorder_config): """Initialize the recording functionality of pywb. If recording_config is None this function is a no op""" if not recorder_config: self.recorder = None self.recorder_path = None return if isinstance(recorder_config, str): recorder_coll = recorder_config recorder_config = {} else: recorder_coll = recorder_config['source_coll'] # TODO: support dedup dedup_index = None warc_writer = MultiFileWARCWriter( self.warcserver.archive_paths, max_size=int(recorder_config.get('rollover_size', 1000000000)), max_idle_secs=int(recorder_config.get('rollover_idle_secs', 600)), filename_template=recorder_config.get('filename_template'), dedup_index=dedup_index) self.recorder = RecorderApp( self.RECORD_SERVER % str(self.warcserver_server.port), warc_writer, accept_colls=recorder_config.get('source_filter')) recorder_server = GeventServer(self.recorder, port=0) self.recorder_path = self.RECORD_API % (recorder_server.port, recorder_coll) def init_autoindex(self, auto_interval): """Initialize and start the auto-indexing of the collections. If auto_interval is None this is a no op. :param str|int auto_interval: The auto-indexing interval from the configuration file or CLI argument """ if not auto_interval: return from pywb.manager.autoindex import AutoIndexer colls_dir = self.warcserver.root_dir if self.warcserver.root_dir else None indexer = AutoIndexer(colls_dir=colls_dir, interval=int(auto_interval)) if not os.path.isdir(indexer.root_path): msg = 'No managed directory "{0}" for auto-indexing' logging.error(msg.format(indexer.root_path)) import sys sys.exit(2) msg = 'Auto-Indexing Enabled on "{0}", checking every {1} secs', auto_interval)) indexer.start() def is_proxy_enabled(self, environ): return self.proxy_prefix is not None and 'wsgiprox.proxy_host' in environ def serve_home(self, environ): """Serves the home (/) view of pywb (not a collections) :param dict environ: The WSGI environment dictionary for the request :return: The WbResponse for serving the home (/) path :rtype: WbResponse """ home_view = BaseInsertView(self.rewriterapp.jinja_env, 'index.html') fixed_routes = self.warcserver.list_fixed_routes() dynamic_routes = self.warcserver.list_dynamic_routes() routes = fixed_routes + dynamic_routes all_metadata = self.metadata_cache.get_all(dynamic_routes) content = home_view.render_to_string(environ, routes=routes, all_metadata=all_metadata) return WbResponse.text_response( content, content_type='text/html; charset="utf-8"') def serve_static(self, environ, coll='', filepath=''): """Serve a static file associated with a specific collection or one of pywb's own static assets :param dict environ: The WSGI environment dictionary for the request :param str coll: The collection the static file is associated with :param str filepath: The file path (relative to the collection) for the static assest :return: The WbResponse for the static asset :rtype: WbResponse """ proxy_enabled = self.is_proxy_enabled(environ) if proxy_enabled and environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD') == 'OPTIONS': return WbResponse.options_response(environ) if coll: path = os.path.join(self.warcserver.root_dir, coll, self.static_dir) else: path = self.static_dir environ['pywb.static_dir'] = path try: response = self.static_handler(environ, filepath) if proxy_enabled: response.add_access_control_headers(env=environ) return response except: self.raise_not_found(environ, 'Static File Not Found: {0}'.format(filepath)) def get_metadata(self, coll): """Retrieve the metadata associated with a collection :param str coll: The name of the collection to receive metadata for :return: The collections metadata if it exists :rtype: dict """ #if coll == self.all_coll: # coll = '*' metadata = {'coll': coll, 'type': 'replay'} if coll in self.warcserver.list_fixed_routes(): metadata.update(self.warcserver.get_coll_config(coll)) else: metadata.update(self.metadata_cache.load(coll)) return metadata def serve_coll_page(self, environ, coll='$root'): """Render and serve a collections search page (search.html). :param dict environ: The WSGI environment dictionary for the request :param str coll: The name of the collection to serve the collections search page for :return: The WbResponse containing the collections search page :rtype: WbResponse """ if not self.is_valid_coll(coll): self.raise_not_found(environ, 'No handler for "/{0}"'.format(coll)) self.setup_paths(environ, coll) metadata = self.get_metadata(coll) view = BaseInsertView(self.rewriterapp.jinja_env, 'search.html') wb_prefix = environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '') if wb_prefix: wb_prefix += '/' content = view.render_to_string(environ, wb_prefix=wb_prefix, metadata=metadata, coll=coll) return WbResponse.text_response( content, content_type='text/html; charset="utf-8"') def serve_cdx(self, environ, coll='$root'): """Make the upstream CDX query for a collection and response with the results of the query :param dict environ: The WSGI environment dictionary for the request :param str coll: The name of the collection this CDX query is for :return: The WbResponse containing the results of the CDX query :rtype: WbResponse """ base_url = self.rewriterapp.paths['cdx-server'] #if coll == self.all_coll: # coll = '*' cdx_url = base_url.format(coll=coll) if environ.get('QUERY_STRING'): cdx_url += '&' if '?' in cdx_url else '?' cdx_url += environ.get('QUERY_STRING') try: res = requests.get(cdx_url, stream=True) content_type = res.headers.get('Content-Type') return WbResponse.bin_stream(StreamIter(res.raw), content_type=content_type) except Exception as e: return WbResponse.text_response('Error: ' + str(e), status='400 Bad Request') def serve_record(self, environ, coll='$root', url=''): """Serve a URL's content from a WARC/ARC record in replay mode or from the live web in live, proxy, and record mode. :param dict environ: The WSGI environment dictionary for the request :param str coll: The name of the collection the record is to be served from :param str url: The URL for the corresponding record to be served if it exists :return: WbResponse containing the contents of the record/URL :rtype: WbResponse """ if coll in self.warcserver.list_fixed_routes(): return WbResponse.text_response( 'Error: Can Not Record Into Custom Collection "{0}"'.format( coll)) return self.serve_content(environ, coll, url, record=True) def serve_content(self, environ, coll='$root', url='', timemap_output='', record=False): """Serve the contents of a URL/Record rewriting the contents of the response when applicable. :param dict environ: The WSGI environment dictionary for the request :param str coll: The name of the collection the record is to be served from :param str url: The URL for the corresponding record to be served if it exists :param str timemap_output: The contents of the timemap included in the link header of the response :param bool record: Should the content being served by recorded (save to a warc). Only valid in record mode :return: WbResponse containing the contents of the record/URL :rtype: WbResponse """ if not self.is_valid_coll(coll): self.raise_not_found(environ, 'No handler for "/{0}"'.format(coll)) self.setup_paths(environ, coll, record) request_uri = environ.get('REQUEST_URI') script_name = environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '') + '/' if request_uri and request_uri.startswith(script_name): wb_url_str = request_uri[len(script_name):] else: wb_url_str = to_native_str(url) if environ.get('QUERY_STRING'): wb_url_str += '?' + environ.get('QUERY_STRING') metadata = self.get_metadata(coll) if record: metadata['type'] = 'record' if timemap_output: metadata['output'] = timemap_output # ensure that the timemap path information is not included wb_url_str = wb_url_str.replace( 'timemap/{0}/'.format(timemap_output), '') try: response = self.rewriterapp.render_content(wb_url_str, metadata, environ) except UpstreamException as ue: response = self.rewriterapp.handle_error(environ, ue) raise HTTPException(response=response) return response def setup_paths(self, environ, coll, record=False): """Populates the WSGI environment dictionary with the path information necessary to perform a response for content or record. :param dict environ: The WSGI environment dictionary for the request :param str coll: The name of the collection the record is to be served from :param bool record: Should the content being served by recorded (save to a warc). Only valid in record mode """ if not coll or not self.warcserver.root_dir: return if coll != '$root': pop_path_info(environ) if record: pop_path_info(environ) paths = [self.warcserver.root_dir] if coll != '$root': paths.append(coll) paths.append(self.templates_dir) # jinja2 template paths always use '/' as separator environ['pywb.templates_dir'] = '/'.join(paths) def serve_listing(self, environ): """Serves the response for WARCServer fixed and dynamic listing (paths) :param dict environ: The WSGI environment dictionary for the request :return: WbResponse containing the frontend apps WARCServer URL paths :rtype: WbResponse """ result = { 'fixed': self.warcserver.list_fixed_routes(), 'dynamic': self.warcserver.list_dynamic_routes() } return WbResponse.json_response(result) def is_valid_coll(self, coll): """Determines if the collection name for a request is valid (exists) :param str coll: The name of the collection to check :return: True if the collection is valid, false otherwise :rtype: bool """ #if coll == self.all_coll: # return True return (coll in self.warcserver.list_fixed_routes() or coll in self.warcserver.list_dynamic_routes()) def raise_not_found(self, environ, msg): """Utility function for raising a werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound execption with the supplied WSGI environment and message. :param dict environ: The WSGI environment dictionary for the request :param str msg: The error message """ raise NotFound(response=self.rewriterapp._error_response(environ, msg)) def _check_refer_redirect(self, environ): """Returns a WbResponse for a HTTP 307 redirection if the HTTP referer header is the same as the HTTP host header :param dict environ: The WSGI environment dictionary for the request :return: WbResponse HTTP 307 redirection :rtype: WbResponse """ referer = environ.get('HTTP_REFERER') if not referer: return host = environ.get('HTTP_HOST') if host not in referer: return inx = referer[1:].find('http') if not inx: inx = referer[1:].find('///') if inx > 0: inx + 1 if inx < 0: return url = referer[inx + 1:] host = referer[:inx + 1] orig_url = environ['PATH_INFO'] if environ.get('QUERY_STRING'): orig_url += '?' + environ['QUERY_STRING'] full_url = host + urljoin(url, orig_url) return WbResponse.redir_response(full_url, '307 Redirect') def __call__(self, environ, start_response): return self.handler(environ, start_response) def handle_request(self, environ, start_response): """Retrieves the route handler and calls the handler returning its the response :param dict environ: The WSGI environment dictionary for the request :param start_response: :return: The WbResponse for the request :rtype: WbResponse """ urls = self.url_map.bind_to_environ(environ) try: endpoint, args = urls.match() # store original script_name (original prefix) before modifications are made environ['pywb.app_prefix'] = environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '') response = endpoint(environ, **args) return response(environ, start_response) except HTTPException as e: redir = self._check_refer_redirect(environ) if redir: return redir(environ, start_response) return e(environ, start_response) except Exception as e: if self.debug: traceback.print_exc() response = self.rewriterapp._error_response( environ, 'Internal Error: ' + str(e), '500 Server Error') return response(environ, start_response) @classmethod def create_app(cls, port): """Create a new instance of FrontEndApp that listens on port with a hostname of :param int port: The port FrontEndApp is to listen on :return: A new instance of FrontEndApp wrapped in GeventServer :rtype: GeventServer """ app = FrontEndApp() app_server = GeventServer(app, port=port, hostname='') return app_server def init_proxy(self, config): """Initialize and start proxy mode. If proxy configuration entry is not contained in the config this is a no op. Causes handler to become an instance of WSGIProxMiddleware. :param dict config: The configuration object used to configure this instance of FrontEndApp """ proxy_config = config.get('proxy') if not proxy_config: return if isinstance(proxy_config, str): proxy_coll = proxy_config proxy_config = {} else: proxy_coll = proxy_config['coll'] if '/' in proxy_coll: raise Exception('Proxy collection can not contain "/"') proxy_config['ca_name'] = proxy_config.get('ca_name', self.PROXY_CA_NAME) proxy_config['ca_file_cache'] = proxy_config.get( 'ca_file_cache', self.PROXY_CA_PATH) if proxy_config.get('recording'): 'Proxy recording into collection "{0}"'.format(proxy_coll)) if proxy_coll in self.warcserver.list_fixed_routes(): raise Exception('Can not record into fixed collection') proxy_coll += self.RECORD_ROUTE if not config.get('recorder'): config['recorder'] = 'live' else: 'Proxy enabled for collection "{0}"'.format(proxy_coll)) if proxy_config.get('enable_content_rewrite', True): self.proxy_prefix = '/{0}/bn_/'.format(proxy_coll) else: self.proxy_prefix = '/{0}/id_/'.format(proxy_coll) self.proxy_default_timestamp = proxy_config.get('default_timestamp') if self.proxy_default_timestamp: if not self.ALL_DIGITS.match(self.proxy_default_timestamp): try: self.proxy_default_timestamp = iso_date_to_timestamp( self.proxy_default_timestamp) except: raise Exception( 'Invalid Proxy Timestamp: Must Be All-Digit Timestamp or ISO Date Format' ) self.proxy_coll = proxy_coll self.handler = WSGIProxMiddleware(self.handle_request, self.proxy_route_request, proxy_host=proxy_config.get( 'host', 'pywb.proxy'), proxy_options=proxy_config) def proxy_route_request(self, url, environ): """ Return the full url that this proxy request will be routed to The 'environ' PATH_INFO and REQUEST_URI will be modified based on the returned url Default is to use the 'proxy_prefix' to point to the proxy collection """ if self.proxy_default_timestamp: environ[ 'pywb_proxy_default_timestamp'] = self.proxy_default_timestamp return self.proxy_prefix + url def proxy_fetch(self, env, url): """Proxy mode only endpoint that handles OPTIONS requests and COR fetches for Preservation Worker. Due to normal cross-origin browser restrictions in proxy mode, auto fetch worker cannot access the CSS rules of cross-origin style sheets and must re-fetch them in a manner that is CORS safe. This endpoint facilitates that by fetching the stylesheets for the auto fetch worker and then responds with its contents :param dict env: The WSGI environment dictionary :param str url: The URL of the resource to be fetched :return: WbResponse that is either response to an Options request or the results of fetching url :rtype: WbResponse """ if not self.is_proxy_enabled(env): # we are not in proxy mode so just respond with forbidden return WbResponse.text_response( 'proxy mode must be enabled to use this endpoint', status='403 Forbidden') if env.get('REQUEST_METHOD') == 'OPTIONS': return WbResponse.options_response(env) # ensure full URL request_url = env['REQUEST_URI'] # replace with /id_ so we do not get rewritten url = request_url.replace('/proxy-fetch', '/id_') # update WSGI environment object env['REQUEST_URI'] = self.proxy_coll + url env['PATH_INFO'] = env['PATH_INFO'].replace('/proxy-fetch', self.proxy_coll + '/id_') # make request using normal serve_content response = self.serve_content(env, self.proxy_coll, url) # for WR if isinstance(response, WbResponse): response.add_access_control_headers(env=env) return response
class FrontEndApp(object): REPLAY_API = 'http://localhost:%s/{coll}/resource/postreq' CDX_API = 'http://localhost:%s/{coll}/index' RECORD_SERVER = 'http://localhost:%s' RECORD_API = 'http://localhost:%s/%s/resource/postreq?param.recorder.coll={coll}' RECORD_ROUTE = '/record' PROXY_CA_NAME = 'pywb HTTPS Proxy CA' PROXY_CA_PATH = os.path.join('proxy-certs', 'pywb-ca.pem') def __init__(self, config_file='./config.yaml', custom_config=None): self.handler = self.handle_request self.warcserver = WarcServer(config_file=config_file, custom_config=custom_config) config = self.warcserver.config self.debug = config.get('debug', False) self.warcserver_server = GeventServer(self.warcserver, port=0) self.init_proxy(config) self.init_recorder(config.get('recorder')) self.init_autoindex(config.get('autoindex')) static_path = config.get('static_url_path', 'pywb/static/').replace('/', os.path.sep) self.static_handler = StaticHandler(static_path) self.cdx_api_endpoint = config.get('cdx_api_endpoint', '/cdx') self._init_routes() upstream_paths = self.get_upstream_paths(self.warcserver_server.port) framed_replay = config.get('framed_replay', True) self.rewriterapp = RewriterApp(framed_replay, config=config, paths=upstream_paths) self.templates_dir = config.get('templates_dir', 'templates') self.static_dir = config.get('static_dir', 'static') metadata_templ = os.path.join(self.warcserver.root_dir, '{coll}', 'metadata.yaml') self.metadata_cache = MetadataCache(metadata_templ) def _init_routes(self): self.url_map = Map() self.url_map.add( Rule('/static/_/<coll>/<path:filepath>', endpoint=self.serve_static)) self.url_map.add( Rule('/static/<path:filepath>', endpoint=self.serve_static)) self.url_map.add(Rule('/collinfo.json', endpoint=self.serve_listing)) if self.is_valid_coll('$root'): coll_prefix = '' else: coll_prefix = '/<coll>' self.url_map.add(Rule('/', endpoint=self.serve_home)) self.url_map.add( Rule(coll_prefix + self.cdx_api_endpoint, endpoint=self.serve_cdx)) self.url_map.add(Rule(coll_prefix + '/', endpoint=self.serve_coll_page)) self.url_map.add( Rule(coll_prefix + '/timemap/<timemap_output>/<path:url>', endpoint=self.serve_content)) if self.recorder_path: self.url_map.add( Rule(coll_prefix + self.RECORD_ROUTE + '/<path:url>', endpoint=self.serve_record)) self.url_map.add( Rule(coll_prefix + '/<path:url>', endpoint=self.serve_content)) def get_upstream_paths(self, port): base_paths = { 'replay': self.REPLAY_API % port, 'cdx-server': self.CDX_API % port, } if self.recorder_path: base_paths['record'] = self.recorder_path return base_paths def init_recorder(self, recorder_config): if not recorder_config: self.recorder = None self.recorder_path = None return if isinstance(recorder_config, str): recorder_coll = recorder_config recorder_config = {} else: recorder_coll = recorder_config['source_coll'] # TODO: support dedup dedup_index = None warc_writer = MultiFileWARCWriter( self.warcserver.archive_paths, max_size=int(recorder_config.get('rollover_size', 1000000000)), max_idle_secs=int(recorder_config.get('rollover_idle_secs', 600)), filename_template=recorder_config.get('filename_template'), dedup_index=dedup_index) self.recorder = RecorderApp( self.RECORD_SERVER % str(self.warcserver_server.port), warc_writer, accept_colls=recorder_config.get('source_filter')) recorder_server = GeventServer(self.recorder, port=0) self.recorder_path = self.RECORD_API % (recorder_server.port, recorder_coll) def init_autoindex(self, auto_interval): if not auto_interval: return from pywb.manager.autoindex import AutoIndexer colls_dir = self.warcserver.root_dir if self.warcserver.root_dir else None indexer = AutoIndexer(colls_dir=colls_dir, interval=int(auto_interval)) if not os.path.isdir(indexer.root_path): msg = 'No managed directory "{0}" for auto-indexing' logging.error(msg.format(indexer.root_path)) import sys sys.exit(2) msg = 'Auto-Indexing Enabled on "{0}", checking every {1} secs', auto_interval)) indexer.start() def serve_home(self, environ): home_view = BaseInsertView(self.rewriterapp.jinja_env, 'index.html') fixed_routes = self.warcserver.list_fixed_routes() dynamic_routes = self.warcserver.list_dynamic_routes() routes = fixed_routes + dynamic_routes all_metadata = self.metadata_cache.get_all(dynamic_routes) content = home_view.render_to_string(environ, routes=routes, all_metadata=all_metadata) return WbResponse.text_response( content, content_type='text/html; charset="utf-8"') def serve_static(self, environ, coll='', filepath=''): if coll: path = os.path.join(self.warcserver.root_dir, coll, self.static_dir) else: path = self.static_dir environ['pywb.static_dir'] = path try: return self.static_handler(environ, filepath) except: self.raise_not_found(environ, 'Static File Not Found: {0}'.format(filepath)) def get_metadata(self, coll): #if coll == self.all_coll: # coll = '*' metadata = {'coll': coll, 'type': 'replay'} if coll in self.warcserver.list_fixed_routes(): metadata.update(self.warcserver.get_coll_config(coll)) else: metadata.update(self.metadata_cache.load(coll)) return metadata def serve_coll_page(self, environ, coll='$root'): if not self.is_valid_coll(coll): self.raise_not_found(environ, 'No handler for "/{0}"'.format(coll)) self.setup_paths(environ, coll) metadata = self.get_metadata(coll) view = BaseInsertView(self.rewriterapp.jinja_env, 'search.html') wb_prefix = environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME') if wb_prefix: wb_prefix += '/' content = view.render_to_string(environ, wb_prefix=wb_prefix, metadata=metadata, coll=coll) return WbResponse.text_response( content, content_type='text/html; charset="utf-8"') def serve_cdx(self, environ, coll='$root'): base_url = self.rewriterapp.paths['cdx-server'] #if coll == self.all_coll: # coll = '*' cdx_url = base_url.format(coll=coll) if environ.get('QUERY_STRING'): cdx_url += '&' if '?' in cdx_url else '?' cdx_url += environ.get('QUERY_STRING') try: res = requests.get(cdx_url, stream=True) content_type = res.headers.get('Content-Type') return WbResponse.bin_stream(StreamIter(res.raw), content_type=content_type) except Exception as e: return WbResponse.text_response('Error: ' + str(e), status='400 Bad Request') def serve_record(self, environ, coll='$root', url=''): if coll in self.warcserver.list_fixed_routes(): return WbResponse.text_response( 'Error: Can Not Record Into Custom Collection "{0}"'.format( coll)) return self.serve_content(environ, coll, url, record=True) def serve_content(self, environ, coll='$root', url='', timemap_output='', record=False): if not self.is_valid_coll(coll): self.raise_not_found(environ, 'No handler for "/{0}"'.format(coll)) self.setup_paths(environ, coll, record) request_uri = environ.get('REQUEST_URI') script_name = environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '') + '/' if request_uri and request_uri.startswith(script_name): wb_url_str = request_uri[len(script_name):] else: wb_url_str = to_native_str(url) if environ.get('QUERY_STRING'): wb_url_str += '?' + environ.get('QUERY_STRING') metadata = self.get_metadata(coll) if record: metadata['type'] = 'record' if timemap_output: metadata['output'] = timemap_output try: response = self.rewriterapp.render_content(wb_url_str, metadata, environ) except UpstreamException as ue: response = self.rewriterapp.handle_error(environ, ue) raise HTTPException(response=response) return response def setup_paths(self, environ, coll, record=False): if not coll or not self.warcserver.root_dir: return if coll != '$root': pop_path_info(environ) if record: pop_path_info(environ) paths = [self.warcserver.root_dir] if coll != '$root': paths.append(coll) paths.append(self.templates_dir) # jinja2 template paths always use '/' as separator environ['pywb.templates_dir'] = '/'.join(paths) def serve_listing(self, environ): result = { 'fixed': self.warcserver.list_fixed_routes(), 'dynamic': self.warcserver.list_dynamic_routes() } return WbResponse.json_response(result) def is_valid_coll(self, coll): #if coll == self.all_coll: # return True return (coll in self.warcserver.list_fixed_routes() or coll in self.warcserver.list_dynamic_routes()) def raise_not_found(self, environ, msg): raise NotFound(response=self.rewriterapp._error_response(environ, msg)) def _check_refer_redirect(self, environ): referer = environ.get('HTTP_REFERER') if not referer: return host = environ.get('HTTP_HOST') if host not in referer: return inx = referer[1:].find('http') if not inx: inx = referer[1:].find('///') if inx > 0: inx + 1 if inx < 0: return url = referer[inx + 1:] host = referer[:inx + 1] orig_url = environ['PATH_INFO'] if environ.get('QUERY_STRING'): orig_url += '?' + environ['QUERY_STRING'] full_url = host + urljoin(url, orig_url) return WbResponse.redir_response(full_url, '307 Redirect') def __call__(self, environ, start_response): return self.handler(environ, start_response) def handle_request(self, environ, start_response): urls = self.url_map.bind_to_environ(environ) try: endpoint, args = urls.match() response = endpoint(environ, **args) return response(environ, start_response) except HTTPException as e: redir = self._check_refer_redirect(environ) if redir: return redir(environ, start_response) return e(environ, start_response) except Exception as e: if self.debug: traceback.print_exc() response = self.rewriterapp._error_response( environ, 'Internal Error: ' + str(e), '500 Server Error') return response(environ, start_response) @classmethod def create_app(cls, port): app = FrontEndApp() app_server = GeventServer(app, port=port, hostname='') return app_server def init_proxy(self, config): proxy_config = config.get('proxy') self.proxy_prefix = None if not proxy_config: return if isinstance(proxy_config, str): proxy_coll = proxy_config proxy_config = {} else: proxy_coll = proxy_config['coll'] if '/' in proxy_coll: raise Exception('Proxy collection can not contain "/"') proxy_config['ca_name'] = proxy_config.get('ca_name', self.PROXY_CA_NAME) proxy_config['ca_file_cache'] = proxy_config.get( 'ca_file_cache', self.PROXY_CA_PATH) if proxy_config.get('recording'): 'Proxy recording into collection "{0}"'.format(proxy_coll)) if proxy_coll in self.warcserver.list_fixed_routes(): raise Exception('Can not record into fixed collection') proxy_coll += self.RECORD_ROUTE if not config.get('recorder'): config['recorder'] = 'live' else: 'Proxy enabled for collection "{0}"'.format(proxy_coll)) if proxy_config.get('use_head_insert', True): self.proxy_prefix = '/{0}/bn_/'.format(proxy_coll) else: self.proxy_prefix = '/{0}/id_/'.format(proxy_coll) self.handler = WSGIProxMiddleware(self.handle_request, self.proxy_route_request, proxy_host=proxy_config.get( 'host', 'pywb.proxy'), proxy_options=proxy_config) def proxy_route_request(self, url, environ): """ Return the full url that this proxy request will be routed to The 'environ' PATH_INFO and REQUEST_URI will be modified based on the returned url Default is to use the 'proxy_prefix' to point to the proxy collection """ return self.proxy_prefix + url