コード例 #1
class UI(QWidget):
    def __init__(self):
        self.__problem = Problem()
        self.__controller = Controller(self.__problem)


    def initUI(self):
        self.l0 = QLabel(self)
        self.l0.move(0, 210)

        self.le0 = QLineEdit(self)
        self.le0.move(150, 210)

        self.l1 = QLabel(self)
        self.l1.setText("Probability of mutation")
        self.l1.move(0, 0)

        self.le1 = QLineEdit(self)
        self.le1.move(150, 0)
        self.l2 = QLabel(self)
        self.l2.setText("Population size")
        self.l2.move(0, 30)

        self.le2 = QLineEdit(self)
        self.le2.move(150, 30)
        self.l3 = QLabel(self)
        self.l3.setText("Number of iterations")
        self.l3.move(0, 60)

        self.le3 = QLineEdit(self)
        self.le3.move(150, 60)
        self.l4 = QLabel(self)
        self.l4.setText("Number of neighbours")
        self.l4.move(0, 90)

        self.le4 = QLineEdit(self)
        self.le4.move(150, 90)
        self.l5 = QLabel(self)
        self.l5.move(0, 120)

        self.le5 = QLineEdit(self)
        self.le5.move(150, 120)
        self.l6 = QLabel(self)
        self.l6.move(0, 150)

        self.le6 = QLineEdit(self)
        self.le6.move(150, 150)
        self.l7 = QLabel(self)
        self.l7.move(0, 180)

        self.le7 = QLineEdit(self)
        self.le7.move(150, 180)

        self.qtable = QTableWidget(self)
        self.qtable.move(200, 300)
        self.qtable.setGeometry(200, 300, 600, 600)

        self.setWindowTitle('Input dialog')

        self.btn = QPushButton('Take arguments', self)
        self.btn.move(200, 250)


    def showDialog(self):
        if isinstance(self.le1.text(), str) and self.le1.text() != '':
            pM = float(self.le1.text())
            pM = 0
        if isinstance(self.le2.text(), str) and self.le2.text() != '':
            dimPopulation = int(self.le2.text())
            dimPopulation = 20
        if isinstance(self.le3.text(), str) and self.le3.text() != '':
            noIteratii = int(self.le3.text())
            noIteratii = 1000
        if isinstance(self.le4.text(), str) and self.le4.text() != '':
            sizeOfNeighborhood = int(self.le4.text())
            sizeOfNeighborhood = 2
        if isinstance(self.le5.text(), str) and self.le5.text() != '':
            w = float(self.le5.text())
            w = 1
        if isinstance(self.le6.text(), str) and self.le6.text() != '':
            c1 = float(self.le6.text())
            c1 = 1
        if isinstance(self.le7.text(), str) and self.le7.text() != '':
            c2 = float(self.le7.text())
            c2 = 2.5

        if isinstance(self.le0.text(), str) and self.le0.text() != '':
            a = self.le0.text()
            a = 0

        self.run(a, pM, dimPopulation, noIteratii, sizeOfNeighborhood, w, c1,

    def printMatrix(self, array):
        self.qtable.setColumnCount(len(array[0]))  # rows and columns of table
        for row in range(len(
                array[0])):  # add items from array to QTableWidget
            for column in range(len(array[0])):
                item = (array[0][row][column], array[1][row][column]
                        )  # each item is a QTableWidgetItem
                self.qtable.setItem(row, column, QTableWidgetItem(str(item)))


    def case1(self, a, pM, dimPopulation, noIteratii, sizeOfNeighborhood, w,
              c1, c2):
        dimIndividual = 4
        P = self.__problem.population(dimPopulation, dimIndividual, 0, 0)
        for i in range(noIteratii):
            P = self.__controller.iteration(P, pM, 0, 0)

        # print the best individual
        graded = [(self.__problem.fitness(x), x) for x in P]
        graded = sorted(graded)
        result = graded[0]
        fitnessOptim = result[0]
        individualOptim = result[1]

    def case2(self, a, pM, dimPopulation, noIteratii, sizeOfNeighborhood, w,
              c1, c2):
        dimIndividual = 4
        ind = self.__problem.individual(dimIndividual, 0, 0)
        res = self.__controller.hillClimb(ind)

    def case3(self, a, pM, dimPopulation, noIteratii, sizeOfNeighborhood, w,
              c1, c2):
        noParticles = dimPopulation
        # individual size
        dimParticle = 4
        # the boundries of the search interval
        vmin = -100
        vmax = -10
        # specific parameters for PSO
        w = 1.0
        c1 = 1.
        c2 = 2.5
        # sizeOfNeighborhood = 2
        P = self.__problem.populationForParticles(noParticles, dimParticle,
                                                  vmin, vmax)
        # we establish the particles' neighbors
        neighborhoods = self.__problem.selectNeighbors(P, sizeOfNeighborhood)

        for i in range(noIteratii):
            P = self.__controller.iterationForParticles(
                P, neighborhoods, c1, c2, w / (i + 1))

        # print the best individual
        best = 0
        for i in range(1, len(P)):
            if (P[i].fitness < P[best].fitness):
                best = i

        fitnessOptim = P[best].fitness
        individualOptim = P[best].pozition

    def run(self, a, pM, dimPopulation, noIteratii, sizeOfNeighborhood, w, c1,
            c2):  #ui
        dimIndividual = 4
        vmin = 0
        vmax = 0
        if a == "1":
            self.case1(a, pM, dimPopulation, noIteratii, sizeOfNeighborhood, w,
                       c1, c2)
        if a == "2":
            self.case2(a, pM, dimPopulation, noIteratii, sizeOfNeighborhood, w,
                       c1, c2)
        if a == "3":
            self.case3(a, pM, dimPopulation, noIteratii, sizeOfNeighborhood, w,
                       c1, c2)

    def validation(self):
        fitnessOptimForEA = []
        for i in range(30):
            dimIndividual = 4
            dimPopulation = 40
            noIteratii = 1000
            pM = 0.01
            P = self.__problem.population(dimPopulation, dimIndividual, 0, 0)

            for i in range(noIteratii):
                P = self.__controller.iteration(P, pM, 0, 0)

            graded = [(self.__problem.fitness(x), x) for x in P]
            graded = sorted(graded)
            result = graded[0]

        fitnessOptimForHC = []
        for i in range(30):
            dimIndividual = 4
            ind = self.__problem.individual(dimIndividual, 0, 0)
            res = self.__controller.hillClimb(ind)

        fitnessOptimForPSO = []
        for i in range(3):
            noIteratii = 1000
            noParticles = 40
            dimParticle = 4
            # the boundries of the search interval
            vmin = -100
            vmax = -10
            # specific parameters for PSO
            w = 1.0
            c1 = 1.
            c2 = 2.5
            sizeOfNeighborhood = 2
            P = self.__problem.populationForParticles(noParticles, dimParticle,
                                                      vmin, vmax)
            neighborhoods = self.__problem.selectNeighbors(
                P, sizeOfNeighborhood)
            for i in range(noIteratii):
                P = self.__controller.iterationForParticles(
                    P, neighborhoods, c1, c2, w / (i + 1))
            best = 0
            for i in range(1, len(P)):
                if (P[i].fitness < P[best].fitness):
                    best = i
            fitnessOptim = P[best].fitness

        plt.plot(fitnessOptimForEA)  # plotting by columns
        np1 = np.array(fitnessOptimForEA)
        std1 = np.std(np1)
        m1 = np.mean(np1)
        plt.xlabel("standard deviation= " + str(std1) + ";mean= " + str(m1) +
                   "            Trials")
        plt.ylabel("EA algorithm" + "              Fitness")

        plt.plot(fitnessOptimForHC)  # plotting by columns
        np2 = np.array(fitnessOptimForHC)
        std2 = np.std(np2)
        m2 = np.mean(np2)
        plt.xlabel("standard deviation= " + str(std2) + ";mean= " + str(m2) +
                   "            Trials")
        plt.ylabel("HC algorithm" + "              Fitness")

        plt.plot(fitnessOptimForPSO)  # plotting by columns
        np3 = np.array(fitnessOptimForPSO)
        std3 = np.std(np3)
        m3 = np.mean(np3)
        plt.xlabel("standard deviation= " + str(std3) + ";mean= " + str(m3) +
                   "            Trials")
        plt.ylabel("PSO algorithm" + "              Fitness")