def Vtrace(cdata, param, fig=None): """ Calculate position of next V-trace from fitted model . Args: cdata (?): TODO param (?): TODO fit (None or integer): figure handle. """ cc = cdata[0] psi = param[-1] q = np.array([10, 0]).reshape((2, 1)) p1 = cc + pgeometry.rot2D(psi).dot(q) p2 = cc + pgeometry.rot2D(np.pi + psi).dot(q) pp = np.array(np.hstack((p1, cc, p2))) pp = np.array(np.hstack((p1, p2))) if fig is not None: plt.figure(fig) pgeometry.plotPoints(pp, '--k', markersize=20, linewidth=3, label='scan line') pgeometry.plotPoints(pp, '.y', markersize=20) plt.legend(numpoints=1, fontsize=14, loc=0) psi, slope = __calcSlope(pp) return pp, cc, slope
def plot_onedot(results, ds=None, verbose=2, fig=100, linecolor='c', ims=None, extentImageMatlab=None, lv=None): """ Plot results of a barrier-barrier scan of a single dot Args: results (dict): results of the onedotGetBalance function ds (None or DataSet): dataset to use for plotting fig (int or None): figure window to plot to """ if ds is None: ds = if fig is not None: _plot_dataset(ds, fig) if verbose >= 2: pgeometry.plotPoints(results['balancefit'], '--', color=linecolor, linewidth=2, label='balancefit') if verbose >= 2: pgeometry.plotPoints(results['balancepoint0'], '.r', markersize=13, label='balancepoint0') pgeometry.plotPoints(results['balancepoint'], '.m', markersize=17, label='balancepoint') if ims is not None:, extentImageMatlab, fig=fig + 1) # XX plt.axis('image') plt.title('Smoothed image') pgeometry.plotPoints(results['balancepoint'], '.m', markersize=16, label='balancepoint') > lv, None, fig=fig + 2) pgeometry.plotPoints(results['balancefitpixel'], '--c', markersize=16, label='balancefit') pgeometry.plotLabels(results['balancefitpixel']) plt.axis('image') plt.title('thresholded area') if verbose >= 2: qq = ims.flatten() plt.figure(fig + 3) plt.clf() plt.hist(qq, 20) plot2Dline([-1, 0, np.percentile(ims, 1)], '--m', label='percentile 1') plot2Dline([-1, 0, np.percentile(ims, 2)], '--m', label='percentile 2') plot2Dline([-1, 0, np.percentile(ims, 99)], '--m', label='percentile 99') plot2Dline([-1, 0, lv], '--r', linewidth=2, label='lv') plt.legend(numpoints=1) plt.title('Histogram of image intensities') plt.xlabel('Image (smoothed) values')
def _onedotGetBlobs(fimg, fig=None): """ Extract blobs for a 2D scan of a one-dot """ # thr=otsu(fimg) thr = np.median(fimg) x = np.percentile(fimg, 99.5) thr = thr + (x - thr) * .5 bim = 30 * (fimg > thr).astype(np.uint8) xx = detect_blobs_binary(bim) if int(cv2.__version__[0]) >= 3: # opencv 3 ww, contours, tmp = cv2.findContours(bim.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) else: contours, tmp = cv2.findContours(bim.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) qq = [] for ii in range(len(contours)): qq += [weightedCentroid(fimg, contours, contourIdx=ii, fig=None)] xxw = np.array(qq) if fig is not None: plt.figure(fig) plt.clf() pgeometry.imshowz(fimg, interpolation='nearest') plt.axis('image') plt.colorbar() # ax = plt.gca() pgeometry.plotPoints(xx.T, '.g', markersize=16, label='blob centres') plt.title('Reponse image with detected blobs') plt.figure(fig + 1) plt.clf() pgeometry.imshowz(bim, interpolation='nearest') plt.axis('image') plt.colorbar() # ax = plt.gca() pgeometry.plotPoints(xxw.T, '.g', markersize=16, label='blob centres') pgeometry.plotPoints(xx.T, '.m', markersize=12, label='blob centres (alternative)') plt.title('Binary blobs') pgeometry.tilefigs([fig, fig + 1], [2, 2]) return xxw, (xx, contours)
def onedotGetBalance(dataset, verbose=1, fig=None, drawpoly=False, polylinewidth=2, linecolor='c', full_output=False, od=None): """ Determine tuning point from a 2D scan of a 1-dot This function performs a simple fitting of the open (conducting region). Args: od (one-dot structure or None): data for one-dot dd (2D dataset): data containing charge stability diagram Returns: fitresults (dict): dictionary with fitting results od (obj): modified one-dot object """ if od is not None: warnings.warn('od argument will be removed in the future', DeprecationWarning) extentscan, g0, g2, vstep, vsweep, arrayname = dataset2Dmetadata( dataset, arrayname=None) im, tr = extentImageMatlab = tr.matplotlib_image_extent() ims = im.copy() # simlpy smoothing of the image kk = np.ones((3, 3)) / 9. for ii in range(2): ims = scipy.ndimage.convolve(ims, kk, mode='nearest', cval=0.0) r = np.percentile(ims, 99) - np.percentile(ims, 1) lv = np.percentile(ims, 2) + r / 100 x = ims.flatten() lvstd = np.std(x[x < lv]) lv = lv + lvstd / 2 # works for very smooth images lv = (.45 * pgeometry.otsu(ims) + .55 * lv) # more robust if verbose >= 2: print('onedotGetBalance: threshold for low value %.1f' % lv) # balance point: method 1 (first point above threshold of 45 degree line) try: ww = np.nonzero(ims > lv) zz = -ww[0] + ww[1] idx = zz.argmin() pt = np.array([[ww[1][idx]], [ww[0][idx]]]) ptv = tr.pixel2scan(pt) except: print('qutechtnotools: error in onedotGetBalance: please debug') idx = 0 pt = np.array([[int(vstep.size / 2)], [int(vsweep.size / 2)]]) ptv = np.array([[vstep[pt[0, 0]]], [vsweep[-pt[1, 0]]]]) pass # balance point: method 2 (fit quadrilateral) wwarea = ims > lv x0 = np.array( [pt[0] - .1 * im.shape[1], pt[1] + .1 * im.shape[0], pt[0], pt[1]]).reshape(4, ) # initial square ff = lambda x: costscoreOD(x[0], x[1], x[2:4], wwarea) # scipy.optimize.show_options(method='Nelder-Mead') opts = dict({'disp': verbose >= 2, 'fatol': 1e-6, 'xatol': 1e-5}) powell_opts = dict({'disp': verbose >= 2, 'ftol': 1e-6, 'xtol': 1e-5}) xx = scipy.optimize.minimize(ff, x0, method='Nelder-Mead', options=opts) # print(' optimize: %f->%f' % (ff(x0), ff(xx.x)) ) opts['disp'] = verbose >= 2 xx = scipy.optimize.minimize(ff, xx.x, method='Powell', options=powell_opts) x = xx.x cost, pts, imx = costscoreOD(x0[0], x0[1], x0[2:4], wwarea, output=True) balancefitpixel0 = pts.reshape((-1, 2)).T.copy() cost, pts, imx = costscoreOD(x[0], x[1], x[2:4], wwarea, output=True) pt = pts[1, :, :].transpose() fitresults = {} fitresults['balancepoint0'] = ptv fitresults['balancepointpixel'] = pt fitresults['balancepointpolygon'] = tr.pixel2scan(pt) fitresults['balancepoint'] = tr.pixel2scan(pt) fitresults['balancefitpixel'] = pts.reshape((-1, 2)).T.copy() fitresults['balancefit'] = tr.pixel2scan(fitresults['balancefitpixel']) fitresults['balancefit1'] = tr.pixel2scan(balancefitpixel0) fitresults['setpoint'] = fitresults['balancepoint'] + 8 fitresults['x0'] = x0 fitresults['gatevalues'] = dataset.metadata.get('allgatevalues', None) if od is not None: fitresults['gatevalues'][od['gates'][2]] = float( fitresults['balancepoint'][0]) fitresults['gatevalues'][od['gates'][0]] = float( fitresults['balancepoint'][1]) ptv = fitresults['balancepoint'] if od is not None: # copy results into od structure for k in fitresults: od[k] = fitresults[k] od['onedotbalance'] = fitresults odname = od['name'] else: odname = 'one-dot' if verbose: print('onedotGetBalance %s: balance point 0 at: %.1f %.1f [mV]' % (odname, ptv[0, 0], ptv[1, 0])) print('onedotGetBalance: balance point at: %.1f %.1f [mV]' % (fitresults['balancepoint'][0, 0], fitresults['balancepoint'][1, 0])) if verbose >= 3: #% plt.figure(9) plt.clf() plt.imshow(im, interpolation='nearest') pgeometry.plotPoints(balancefitpixel0, '.-r', label='balancefitpixel0') pgeometry.plotLabels(balancefitpixel0) pgeometry.plotPoints(fitresults['balancefitpixel'], '.-m') pgeometry.plotLabels(fitresults['balancefitpixel']) cost, pts, imx = costscoreOD(x[0], x[1], x[2:4], wwarea, output=True, verbose=1) #% if fig is not None: plot_onedot(fitresults, ds=dataset, verbose=2, fig=100, linecolor='c', ims=ims, extentImageMatlab=extentImageMatlab, lv=lv), extentImageMatlab, fig=fig) if verbose >= 2 or drawpoly: pgeometry.plotPoints(fitresults['balancefit'], '--', color=linecolor, linewidth=polylinewidth, label='balancefit') if verbose >= 2: pgeometry.plotPoints(fitresults['balancepoint0'], '.r', markersize=13, label='balancepoint0') pgeometry.plotPoints(fitresults['balancepoint'], '.m', markersize=17, label='balancepoint') plt.axis('image') if full_output: fitresults['ims'] = ims fitresults['lv'] = lv fitresults['wwarea'] = wwarea return fitresults, ptv
def onedotGetBalanceFine(impixel=None, dd=None, verbose=1, fig=None, baseangle=-np.pi / 4, units=None, full_output=False): """ Determine central position of Coulomb peak in 2D scan The position is determined by scanning with Gabor filters and then performing blob detection The image should be in pixel coordinates Returns: pt (array): detected point results (dict): dictionary with all results """ extentscan, g0, g2, vstep, vsweep, arrayname = dataset2Dmetadata( dd, arrayname=None) tr = if impixel is None: impixel, tr = dataset2image(dd, mode='pixel') im = np.array(impixel) else: im = np.array(impixel) theta0 = baseangle step = np.abs(np.nanmean(np.diff(vstep))) filters, angles, _ = qtt.algorithms.generic.makeCoulombFilter( theta0=theta0, step=step, fig=None) lowvalue = np.percentile(im, 5) highvalue = np.percentile(im, 95) gfilter = filters[0] fimg = cv2.filter2D(im, -1, gfilter) bestvalue = highvalue * gfilter[gfilter > 0].sum() + lowvalue * gfilter[ gfilter < 0].sum() xxw, _ = _onedotGetBlobs(fimg, fig=None) vv = _onedotSelectBlob(im, xxw, fimg=None) ptpixel = np.array(vv).reshape((1, 2)) pt = tr.pixel2scan(ptpixel.T) ptvalue = fimg[int(ptpixel[0, 1]), int(ptpixel[0, 0])] if verbose: print('onedotGetBalanceFine: point/best filter value: %.2f/%.2f' % (ptvalue, bestvalue)) if fig is not None: od = None xx = show2D(dd, impixel=im, fig=fig, verbose=1, title='input image for gabor', units=units) if od is not None: pt0 = od['balancepoint'].reshape((2, 1)) pgeometry.plotPoints(pt0, '.m', markersize=12) plt.plot(pt[0], pt[1], '.', color=(0, .8, 0), markersize=16) plt.axis('image') xx = show2D(dd, impixel=fimg, fig=fig + 1, verbose=1, title='response image for gabor', units=units) plt.plot(pt[0], pt[1], '.', color=(0, .8, 0), markersize=16, label='balance point fine') plt.axis('image') acc = 1 if (np.abs(ptvalue) / bestvalue < 0.05): acc = 0 logging.debug('accuracy: %d: %.2f' % (acc, (np.abs(ptvalue) / bestvalue))) results = dict({ 'step': step, 'ptv': pt, 'ptpixel': ptpixel, 'accuracy': acc, 'gfilter': gfilter }) if full_output: results['fimg'] = fimg return pt, results