def before_trading_start(context, data): # Gets our pipeline output every day. context.output = pipeline_output('my_pipeline') stocks_worst = context.output['stocks_worst'] context.stocks_worst = context.output[stocks_worst].index.tolist() context.stocks_worst_weight = my_compute_weights(context) context.MyCandidate = cycle(context.stocks_worst) context.MyCandidateMean = {} context.LowestPrice = context.MyLeastPrice # reset beginning of day positions = context.portfolio.positions #print_position(context) #print 'beggining positions', len(positions) for stock in positions: CurrPrice = float(data.current(stock, 'price')) if CurrPrice < context.LowestPrice: context.LowestPrice = CurrPrice if stock in context.age: context.age[stock] += 1 else: context.age[stock] = 1 for stock in context.age.keys(): if stock not in positions: del context.age[stock] else: message = 'stock.symbol:{} age:{}', context.age[stock])) for stock in context.stocks_worst: PH_Avg = data.history(stock, 'price', 20, '1d').mean() context.MyCandidateMean[stock] = PH_Avg
def rebalance(context, data): pipeline_output_df = pipeline_output('pipeline').dropna(how='any') # part of constrains max_lever = opt.MaxGrossExposure(context.max_lever) dollar_net = opt.DollarNeutral() constrain_sector_style_risk = opt.experimental.RiskModelExposure( risk_model_loadings=context.risk_loading_pipeline, version=0, ) todays_predictions = pipeline_output_df.Model target_weight_series = todays_predictions.sub(todays_predictions.mean()) target_weight_series = target_weight_series/target_weight_series.abs().sum() order_optimal_portfolio( objective=TargetWeights(target_weight_series), constraints=[ #constrain_posTam, max_lever, constrain_sector_style_risk, dollar_net ] ) pass
def rebalance(context, data): """ Execute orders according to our schedule_function() timing.""" # Timeit! start_time = time.time() ## Run pipeline pipeline_output_df = pipeline_output('my_pipeline').dropna(how='any') todays_predictions = pipeline_output_df.Model # Demean pipeline scores target_weight_series = todays_predictions.sub(todays_predictions.mean()) # Reweight scores to prepare for portfolio ordering. target_weight_series = target_weight_series / target_weight_series.abs( ).sum() order_optimal_portfolio(objective=TargetWeights(target_weight_series), constraints=[]) # Print useful things. You could also track these with the "record" function. print('Full Rebalance Computed Seconds: ' + '{0:.2f}').format(time.time() - start_time) print("Number of total securities trading: ") + str( len(target_weight_series[target_weight_series > 0])) print("Leverage: ") + str(context.account.leverage)
def before_trading_start(context, data): """ Called every day before market open. """ # Gets our pipeline output every day. context.output = pipeline_output('my_pipeline') # Go long in securities for which the 'longs' value is True. context.longs = context.output[context.output['longs']].index.tolist() # Go short in securities for which the 'shorts' value is True. context.shorts = context.output[context.output['shorts']].index.tolist() # Compute daily momentum for the past 6 months. momentum = my_compute_momentum(context, data) # Convert into a NumPy array for computations. momentum_np = np.array(momentum) # Calculate daily volatility of historical momentum. realized_vol_daily = np.std(momentum_np) # Annualize realized_vol_annual = realized_vol_daily * np.sqrt(252) # Target volatility of 12% target_vol = 0.12 ratio = target_vol / realized_vol_annual # Scale leverage. leverage = 0.5 * ratio # Max leverage of 1.1 if leverage > 0.55: leverage = 0.55 context.long_leverage = leverage context.short_leverage = -1 * leverage
def before_trading_start(context, data): # Gets our pipeline output every day. context.output = pipeline_output('my_pipeline') context.stocks_worst = context.output[ context.output['stocks_worst']].index.tolist() context.stocks_worst_weight = my_compute_weights(context) context.MyCandidate = cycle(context.stocks_worst) context.LowestPrice = context.MyLeastPrice #reset beginning of day print len(context.portfolio.positions) for stock in context.portfolio.positions: CurrPrice = float(data.current([stock], 'price')) if CurrPrice < context.LowestPrice: context.LowestPrice = CurrPrice if stock in context.age: context.age[stock] += 1 else: context.age[stock] = 1 for stock in context.age: if stock not in context.portfolio.positions: context.age[stock] = 0 message = 'stock.symbol: {symbol} : age: {age}', age=context.age[stock])) pass
def before_trading_start(context,data): context.output = pipeline_output('my_pipeline') # LONG context.longs = context.output[context.output['longs']].index.tolist() # SHORT context.shorts = context.output[context.output['shorts']].index.tolist() context.long_weight,context.short_weight = my_compute_weights(context)
def set_pairs(context, data): print "IT IS A NEW WEEK - set pairs" context.output = pipeline_output('my_pipeline') # turn pipeline output into 2d array of equities by industry context.eq_arr_by_indus = get_2d_equities_from_pipe_by_industry(context.output) # use loop to convert 2d array of equities into array of price dataframes by industry context.arr_of_price_dfs = [] for i in range(len(context.eq_arr_by_indus)): this_industry = context.eq_arr_by_indus[i] this_price_df = eq_list_to_price_df(this_industry, COINT_TEST_NUM_DAYS, data) # print this_price_df context.arr_of_price_dfs.append(this_price_df) # find cointegrated pairs on this array of price dataframes found_some_pairs = find_cointegrated_pairs(context.arr_of_price_dfs) for pair in found_some_pairs: if pair not in context.stock_pairs: context.stock_pairs.append(pair) context.tstat_list.append([]) # print "context.stock_pairs is", context.stock_pairs #updates tstats list of lists each week create_list_of_tstat_lists(context, data) #updates correlation lookback df each week make_correlation_df(context,data) #narrows down all cointegrted (past tense) stock pairs to just ones that will be cointegrated in the next week if len(context.correlation_df.index)>2: actual_pair_indicies = sort_correlation_and_choose_trading_pairs_indicies(context, data) actual_pair_indicies = actual_pair_indicies.astype(int) for index in actual_pair_indicies: context.actualpairs.append(context.stock_pairs[index]) return
def before_trading_start(context, data): """ Called every day before market open. """ context.output = pipeline_output('my_pipeline') context.current_stock_list = context.output.index.tolist() context.hourly_data = {}
def trade (context, data): results = pipeline_output('my_pipeline') stck = context.stock_traded stck_close = results.loc[stck].close stck_rsi = results.loc[stck].rsi_9 if not context.invested: if stck_rsi < 30: order_target_percent(stck, context.leverage) context.invested = True context.short = False else: if stck_rsi > 70: order_target(stck, 0) context.invested = False # Record decisions made by algo: if context.invested: if context.short: position = -100.0 else: position = 100.0 else: position = 0.0 record(stck_rsi = stck_rsi, stck = stck_close, pos = position, )
def before_trading_start(context, data): # Pipeline_output returns the constructed dataframe. output = pipeline_output('example') # Select and update your universe. context.my_universe = output.sort('simple_return', ascending=False).iloc[:context.x] update_universe(context.my_universe.index)
def before_trading_start(context, data): context.output = pipeline_output('ranked_stocks').dropna()"Original DF:\n%s" %context.output.head(3)) n_30 = int(context.portfolio.portfolio_value/30e3) = max(context.min_holdings, n_30) # Only consider stocks with a efficiency rating > threshold ranked_stocks = context.output[context.output.factor_5 > 0.0] # We are interested in the top 10 stocks ranked by combo_rank context.stock_factors = ranked_stocks.sort(['combo_rank'], ascending=True).iloc[] context.stock_list = context.stock_factors.index # # Entry/exit logic using slow/fast SMA # Canary = data.history(context.canary, 'price', 80, '1d') Canary_fast = Canary[-15:].mean() Canary_slow = Canary.mean() context.buy_stocks = False if Canary_fast > Canary_slow: context.buy_stocks = True
def before_trading_start(context, data): """ Called every day before market open. """ context.output = pipeline_output('pipeline') context.output[context.output['Market Cap'] > 1e8] context.output.sort(['Market Cap'], ascending=False, inplace=True) context.security_list = context.output.head(500).index prices = np.log(data.history(context.security_list, 'price', context.lookback, '1d')).dropna(axis=1) R = (prices / prices.shift(context.return_window)).dropna() R = R[np.isfinite(R[R.columns])].fillna(0) # Subtract the cross-sectional average out of each data point on each day. ranks = (R.T - R.T.mean()).T.mean() # Take the top and botton percentiles for the long and short baskets lower, upper = ranks.quantile([.05, .95]) shorts = ranks[ranks <= lower] longs = ranks[ranks >= upper] # Get weights that reduce the correlation within each basket if context.reduce_correlation: daily_R = prices.pct_change().dropna() context.longs = get_reduced_correlation_weights(daily_R[longs.index]) context.shorts = get_reduced_correlation_weights(daily_R[shorts.index]) else: # Use even weights longs = longs.abs() context.longs /= longs.sum() shorts = shorts.abs() context.shorts /= shorts.sum()
def before_trading_start(context, data): L, S = 0, 0 for sec in context.portfolio.positions: if context.portfolio.positions[sec].amount > 0: L += 1 if context.portfolio.positions[sec].amount < 0: S += 1 record(Longs=L) record(Shorts=S) record(leverage=context.account.leverage) context.output = pipeline_output('my_pipeline') context.List = context.output.index while context.newM == True: for sec in context.List: stockSymbol = str(sec.symbol) context.Data_Dictionary[stockSymbol] = 0.0 for sec in context.List: stockSymbol = str(sec.symbol) Historical_Data = data.history(sec, "price", 390 * 10, "1m") for i in range(1, (390 * 10)): if i % 1 == 0: # PLACEHOLDER - DOES NOTHING. # NOT DEFAULT - GIVES SECURITIES THAT FALL OVER THE WHOLE TIME SERIES A BOOST, AND THOSE THAT RISE GET A PENALTY # Reasoning: Mean Reversion Theorem # Results : Positive old_price = ( Historical_Data[i - 60] ) #remember, 0 is the first value in the array, but, with HISTORICAL data, the first value is the "oldest" new_price = (Historical_Data[i]) if new_price > old_price: context.Data_Dictionary[stockSymbol] += 1 elif new_price < old_price: context.Data_Dictionary[stockSymbol] -= 1 #we are done scoring stocks for this month: leave the while loop. context.newM = False
def rebalance(context, data): """ Execute orders according to our schedule_function() timing. """ df = algo.pipeline_output('pipeline') # These are the securities that we are interested in trading each month. top_roe = df['roe'].nlargest(context.roe_top_n).index # Perform Momentum calculations for each security ranking = [] for sec in top_roe: ts = data.history(sec, 'price', context.momentum_days + context.days_to_skip + 10, '1d') score = momentum_score(ts[:-context.days_to_skip]) if score > context.score_to_go: ranking.append((score, sec)) # Sort to rank each security based on momentum ranking.sort(reverse=True) sec_to_trade = [el[1] for el in ranking] sec_to_trade = sec_to_trade[:context.num_stocks_to_trade] # weights for next order weights = {} # First find positions to close for sec in context.portfolio.positions: if sec not in sec_to_trade: if sec not in context.bonds: weights[sec] = 0.0 elif context.can_buy_stocks: # TODO Gradual decrease of bonds not all at once sold weights[sec] = 0.0 # Compute remaining weights if context.can_buy_stocks and context.can_buy: for sec in sec_to_trade: weights[sec] = 1.0 / len(sec_to_trade) elif not context.can_buy_stocks and context.can_buy: # buy bonds cs = current_money_in_stocks(context) bond_weight = 1.0 - (cs / context.portfolio.portfolio_value) for bond in context.bonds: if bond_weight > 0.0: weights[bond] = bond_weight / len(context.bonds) else: weights[bond] = 0.0 if context.use_weights: # Use optimizer with weights objective = TargetWeights(weights) constraints = [NetExposure(0, 1.0)] algo.order_optimal_portfolio(objective, constraints)
def before_trading_start(context, data): """ Called every day before market open. """ context.output = pipeline_output('my_pipeline') # These are the securities that we are interested in trading each day. context.security_list = context.output.index
def before_trading_start(context, data): """ Called every day before market open. """ # Get pipeline output context.output = algo.pipeline_output('pipeline') context.output['ebit_ttm_asof_date'] =context.output['ebit_ttm_asof_date'].astype('datetime64[ns]')
def before_trading_start(context, data): ## パイプラインにadd したデータと, fetch_csvでフェッチしたデータの取り込み方の違いも確認!! context.output = pipeline_output( 'my_pipeline') # pipeline_output は pandas.DataFrame を返す context.vix = context.output['QuandleVIXClose'].loc[context.vxx] # ⇐ここ context.vxv = context.output['QuandleVXVClose'].loc[context.vxx] # ⇐ここ context.vixcsv = data.current('vix', 'Close') context.vxvcsv = data.current('vxv', 'Close')
def before_trading_start(context, data): context.output = pipeline_output('Custom_pipeline') record(Leverage=context.account.leverage, pos=len(context.portfolio.positions), results=len(context.output.index)) print context.output
def before_trading_start(context, data): context.output = pipeline_output('momentum_metrics') ranks = context.output['combined_rank'] context.longs = rank[context.output['longs']] context.shorts = rank[context.output['shorts']] # union は 論理和. set{a,b,c}.union(set{'a, d'}) => set{a,b,c,d} context.active_portfolio = context.longs.index.union(context.shorts.index) update_universe(context.active_portfolio)
def before_trading_start(context, data): context.pipe = pipeline_output('sectorFilter') for sector in context.pipe['Sector']: if sector in context.sectorCount.keys(): context.sectorCount[sector] += 1 print(context.sectorCount) print(len(context.pipe)) print(context.pipe)
def before_trading_start(context, data): context.share_for_allocation = 0.99 context.out = algo.pipeline_output('pipeline') context.to_hold = { x: 0.0 for x in (equity_universe + bonds_universe + reits_universe + stress_universe) }
def before_trading_start(context, data): port = pipeline_output('pipeline') context.longs = port[(port['impact'] == 100) and (port['sentiment'] > 0.5)].index.tolist() context.shorts = port[(port['impact'] == 100) and (port['sentiment'] < -0.5)].index.tolist() # context.long_weight, context.short_weight = compute_weights(context)
def before_trading_start(context, data): # Access results using the name passed to `attach_pipeline`. results = pipeline_output('my_pipeline') print results.head(5) # Define a universe with the results of a Pipeline. # Take the first ten assets by 30-day SMA. update_universe(results.sort('sma_30').index[:10])
def before_trading_start(context, data): # CALL PIPELINE BEFORE TRADING START (FILL N/A IS DEFAULT TO NaN) context.output = pipeline_output('quality pipe').fillna(1000) # DEFINE NUMBER OF SECURITIES TO LONG AND SHORT BASED ON INDEX LOCATION context.long_list = context.output.sort_values(['quality_rank'], ascending=False).iloc[:100] context.short_list = context.output.sort_values(['quality_rank'], ascending=False).iloc[-100:]
def before_trading_start(context,data): context.output = pipeline_output('my_pipeline') # Long context.longs = context.output[context.output['High Growth']].index.tolist() context.long_weight = my_compute_weights(context)
def rebalance(context, data): pipeline_output_df = pipeline_output('my_pipeline').dropna(how='any') todays_predictions = pipeline_output_df.Model target_weight_series = todays_predictions.sub(todays_predictions.mean()) target_weight_series = target_weight_series * random.random( ) / target_weight_series.abs().sum() order_optimal_portfolio(objective=TargetWeights(target_weight_series), constraints=[])
def before_trading_start(context, data): results = pipeline_output('factors').dropna() ranks = results.rank().mean(axis=1).order() context.hold = ranks[results["momentum"] > 1].tail(40) context.hold /= context.hold.sum() context.security_list = context.hold.tolist()
def before_trading_start(context, data): context.output = pipeline_output('my_pipeline') context.security_list = context.output.index context.security_listF = {} try: context.vix = context.output["VixClose"].iloc[1] except: context.vix = 30
def before_trading_start(context, data): context.output = pipeline_output('ranked_stocks') ranked_stocks = context.output.fillna(0) context.stock_list = ranked_stocks.sort( ['combo_rank'], ascending=True).iloc[] update_universe(context.stock_list.index)
def before_trading_start(context, data): # Screen for securities that only have an earnings release # 1 business day previous and separate out the earnings surprises into # positive and negative results = pipeline_output('estimize') results = results[results['pe'] == 1] assets_in_universe = results.index context.positive_surprise = assets_in_universe[results.longs]
def before_trading_start(context, data): context.output = pipeline_output('my_pipeline') context.output = context.output.dropna() context.long_df = context.output.sort_values(by = 'combo_rank', ascending=False).iloc[:20] context.short_df = context.output.sort_values(by = 'combo_rank', ascending=False).iloc[-20:] context.cash_etf_list = []
def before_trading_start(context, data): context.output = algo.pipeline_output('pipeline') # These are the securities that we are interested in trading each day. context.security_list = context.output.index context.day_count += 1
def before_trading_start(context, data): context.output = pipeline_output('my_pipeline') #Filtramos por el indice creado en el pipeline# context.longs = context.output[context.output['Top Growth Company']].index #Llamamos a la función que asigna el peso de cada una de las posiciones# context.long_weight = assign_weights(context,data)
def before_trading_start(context, data): # Pipeline_output returns the constructed dataframe. output = pipeline_output('dollar_volume_10m_pipeline') # sort the output. Most liquid stocks are at the top of the list, # and least liquid stocks are at the bottom sorted_output = output.sort('dollar_volume', ascending = False) context.my_securities = sorted_output.index
def before_trading_start(context, data): """ Called every day before market open. """ context.output = pipeline_output('my_pipeline') # These are the securities that we are interested in trading each day. context.security_list = context.output.index context.long_list = context.output[(context.output['ewma15'] >= context.output['ewma120']) & (context.output['yes_price'] < context.output['ewma15'])] context.short_list = context.output[(context.output['ewma15'] < context.output['ewma120']) & (context.output['yes_price'] > context.output['ewma15'])]
def before_trading_start(context, data): # apply the logic to the data pull in order to get a ranked list of equities context.output = pipeline_output("Data") context.output, index = standard_frame_compute(context.output) context.output = composite_score(context.output, index) # create lists of stocks on which to go long and short context.long_set = set(context.output.head(26).index) context.short_set = set(context.output.tail(6).index)
def before_trading_start(context, data): # Call pipeline_output to get the output context.output = pipeline_output('long_short_factors') context.longs = context.output[context.output['longs']].index.tolist() context.shorts = context.output[context.output['shorts']].index.tolist() context.long_weight, context.short_weight = assign_weights(context) # These are the securities that we are interested in trading each day. context.security_list = context.output.index
def before_trading_start(context, data): """ Called every day before market open. """ context.output = pipeline_output('pipeline') # sort by earning yield context.output = context.output.sort( columns='Free Cash Flow', ascending=False) # get top 20 stocks as security list context.eligible_assets = context.output.iloc[:19]
def before_trading_start(context, data): # Pipeline_output returns a pandas DataFrame with the results of our factors # and filters. context.output = pipeline_output('mean_reversion_example') # Sets the list of securities we want to long as the securities with a 'True' # value in the low_returns column. context.long_secs = context.output[context.output['low_returns']] # Sets the list of securities we want to short as the securities with a 'True' # value in the high_returns column. context.short_secs = context.output[context.output['high_returns']] # Update our universe to contain the securities that we would like to long and short. update_universe(context.long_secs.index.union(context.short_secs.index))
def before_trading_start(context, data): # Call pipeline_output to get the output # Note: this is a dataframe where the index is the SIDs for all # securities to pass my screen and the columns are the factors which output = pipeline_output('ranking_example') ranks = output['combined_rank'] long_ranks = ranks[output['longs']] short_ranks = ranks[output['shorts']] context.long_weights = (long_ranks / long_ranks.sum())"Long Weights:") context.short_weights = (short_ranks / short_ranks.sum())"Short Weights:")
def before_trading_start(context, data): """ Called every day before market open. This is where we get the securities that made it through the pipeline. """ # Pipeline_output returns a pandas DataFrame with the results of our factors # and filters. context.output = pipeline_output('mean_reversion_example') # Sets the list of securities we want to long as the securities with a 'True' # value in the low_returns column. context.long_secs = context.output[context.output['low_returns']] # Sets the list of securities we want to short as the securities with a 'True' # value in the high_returns column. context.short_secs = context.output[context.output['high_returns']] # Keep a list reference and a set reference to all of our pipeline securities # (set has much faster lookup) context.security_list = context.long_secs.index.union(context.short_secs.index).tolist() context.security_set = set(context.security_list)
def before_trading_start(context, data): output = pipeline_output('vix_pipeline') output = output.dropna() context.vixpipe = output
def before_trading_start(context, data): context.pipeline_data = pipeline_output('long_short_equity_template')
def before_trading_start(context, data): context.pipe_output = pipeline_output('top_dollar_volume')