コード例 #1
ファイル: builder.py プロジェクト: 0xddaa/pwntools
 def enc_data_builder(self, input):
    if len(input) == 0:
       return ''
    output = ''
    arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
    self.I = random_funcs.randel(arr)
    p = 0
    for p in range(len(input)):
       ab = input[p]
       b = ord(ab) & 0x0f
       e0 = random_funcs.enc_data_msn(b, self.I)
       e0 = e0 << 4
       ef = e0 | b
       d = ((ord(ab) & 0xf0) ^ e0) >> 4
       c0 = random_funcs.enc_data_msn(d, self.I) << 4
       cd = c0 | d
       output += chr(cd & 0xff)
       output += chr(ef & 0xff)
    #Last two bytes to stop the decoder_loop*/
    max = 0x30 | self.I
    output += chr(alphanum_byte.alphanumeric_get_byte())
    output += chr(alphanum_byte.alphanumeric_get_byte_ltmax(max))
    return output
コード例 #2
 def enc_data_builder(self, input):
    if len(input) == 0:
       return ''
    output = ''
    arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
    self.I = random_funcs.randel(arr)
    p = 0
    for p in range(len(input)):
       ab = input[p]
       b = ord(ab) & 0x0f
       e0 = random_funcs.enc_data_msn(b, self.I)
       e0 = e0 << 4
       ef = e0 | b
       d = ((ord(ab) & 0xf0) ^ e0) >> 4
       c0 = random_funcs.enc_data_msn(d, self.I) << 4
       cd = c0 | d
       output += chr(cd & 0xff)
       output += chr(ef & 0xff)
    #Last two bytes to stop the decoder_loop*/
    max = 0x30 | self.I
    output += chr(alphanum_byte.alphanumeric_get_byte())
    output += chr(alphanum_byte.alphanumeric_get_byte_ltmax(max))
    return output
コード例 #3
def alphanumeric_get_byte_ltmax(max):
    sz = 0
    while sz < len(ALPHANUMERIC_BYTES) and ord(ALPHANUMERIC_BYTES[sz]) <= max:
        sz += 1
    return ord(random_funcs.randel(ALPHANUMERIC_BYTES[:sz]))
コード例 #4
def alphanumeric_get_byte():
    return ord(random_funcs.randel(ALPHANUMERIC_BYTES))
コード例 #5
ファイル: builder.py プロジェクト: 0xddaa/pwntools
   def DecoderLoopBuilder(self, icache_flush):
      dec_loop = ''
      # Select p,s,t and q */
      arr = [3, 7]
      p = random_funcs.randel(arr)
      if p == 3:
         s = 7
         s = 3
      t = 6
      arr2 = [8, 9]
      q = random_funcs.randel(arr2)

      # Add the instructions*/
      if icache_flush != 0:
         dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.swi(MI)

      rsalnum = alphanum_byte.alphanumeric_get_byte()

      if icache_flush != 0:
         #EORMIS rp, r4, #(randomly selected alphanumeric value)*/
         dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.dpimm(EOR, MI, 1, p, 4, rsalnum)

      if icache_flush == 1:
         dist = 0x2c
         dist = 0x28

      offset = alphanum_byte.off_gen(dist + 0x04)

      #SUBPL rs, r4, #(dist+0x04+offset)*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.dpimm(SUB, PL, 0, s, 4, chr(dist + 0x04 + offset))

      #SUBPL rs, pc, rs LSR r4*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.dpshiftreg(SUB, 0, s, 0x0f, s, LSR, 4)

      #EORPLS rt, r4, rs LSR r4*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.dpshiftreg(EOR, 1, t, 4, s, LSR, 4)

      #EORMIS rp, r4, #rsalnum*/
      rsalnum = alphanum_byte.alphanumeric_get_byte()
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.dpimm(EOR, MI, 1, p, 4, rsalnum)

      #LDRPLB rp, [rs, #(-offset)]*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.lsbyte(LDR, PL, p, s, offset)

      #SUBPL rs, rs, r5 LSR r4*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.dpshiftreg(SUB, 0, s, s, 5, LSR, 4)

      #LDRPLB rq, [rs, #(-offset)]*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.lsbyte(LDR, PL, q, s, offset)

      #EORPLS rp, rq, rp ROR #28*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.dpshiftimm(EOR, 1, p, q, p, 28)

      #STRPLB rp, [rt, #(-offset)]*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.lsbyte(STR, PL, p, t, offset)

      #SUBPL rt, rt, r5 LSR r4*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.dpshiftreg(SUB, 0, t, t, 5, LSR, 4)

      #SUBPL rs, rs, r5 LSR r4*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.dpshiftreg(SUB, 0, s, s, 5, LSR, 4)

      #RSBPLS rq, rq, #0x3I*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.dpimm(RSB, PL, 1, q, q, 0x30 | self.I)

      #BMI 0xfffff4*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.bmi()

      #STRPLB r4, [rt, #-(offset+1)]*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.lsbyte(STR, PL, 4, t, offset + 1)

      if icache_flush == 1:
         #SWIPL 0x9f0002*/
         dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.swi(PL)
      return dec_loop
コード例 #6
ファイル: builder.py プロジェクト: 0xddaa/pwntools
   def buildInit(self, input):
      if len(input) == 0:
         return ('', input)
      output = ''

      #Select values of v and w*/
      total = 0x70
      arr1 = [0x30, 0x34, 0x38]
      v1 = random_funcs.randel(arr1)
      v2 = random_funcs.randel(arr1)

      topv = ((total - (v1 + v2))/4) + 1

      w1 = random_funcs.randel(arr1)
      w2 = random_funcs.randel(arr1)

      topw = ((total - (w1 + w2))/4) + 2

      arrop = [EOR, SUB, RSB]
      arrcond = [PL, MI]
      arrs = [0, 1]
      arrd = [3, 5, 7]
      arrn = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
      p = 1
      while p <= ((total-8)/4):
         op = random_funcs.randel(arrop)
         cond = random_funcs.randel(arrcond)
         if op == EOR:
            s = 1
            s = random_funcs.randel(arrs)
         d = random_funcs.randel(arrd)
         n = random_funcs.randel(arrn)
         if p == topv or p == topw:
            output += ARM_Instructions.dpimm(op, cond, s, d, n, self.x)
            output += ARM_Instructions.dpimm(op, cond, s, d, n, alphanum_byte.alphanumeric_get_byte())
         p += 1

      #SUBPL ri, pc, #v1*/
      output += ARM_Instructions.dpimm(SUB, PL, 0, self.i, 15, v1)
      #SUBMI ri, pc, #w1*/
      output += ARM_Instructions.dpimm(SUB, MI, 0, self.i, 15, w1)
      #LDRPLB ri, [ri, #(-v2)]*/
      output += ARM_Instructions.lsbyte(LDR, PL, self.i, self.i, v2)
      #LDRMIB ri, [ri, #(-w2)]*/
      output += ARM_Instructions.lsbyte(LDR, MI, self.i, self.i, w2)

      output += self.algo2()

      #SUBPL rj, ri, #(x+1)*/
      output += ARM_Instructions.dpimm(SUB, PL, 0, self.j, self.i, self.x + 1)
      #Initializer built!!*/

      #Replace 0x91s in decoder with addr_offset*/
      input_new = ''
      for p in input:
         if p == "\x91":
            input_new += chr(self.addr_offset)
            input_new += p
      return (output, input_new)
コード例 #7
ファイル: builder.py プロジェクト: 0xddaa/pwntools
   def DecoderBuilder(self, input, icache_flush):
      if len(input) == 0:
         return ''
      output = ''

      #Register selections*/
      arr = [4,6]
      self.addr  = random_funcs.randel(arr)
      arr2 = [3, 5, 7]
      self.i = random_funcs.randel(arr2)
      arr3 = [0, 0]
      q = 0
      for p in range(3):
         if arr2[p] != self.i:
            arr3[q] = arr2[p]
            q += 1
      self.j = random_funcs.randel(arr3)
      for p in range(2):
         if arr3[p] != self.j:
            self.k = arr3[p]

      self.x = alphanum_byte.off_gen(0x01)
      offset = 0x91
      if icache_flush != 0:
         output += self.algo1(input, 0, 3)
         output += self.gap_traverse(0x1e)
         output += self.algo1(input, 33, 5)
         output += self.gap_traverse(0x19)
         output += self.algo1(input, 25, 5)
      output += self.gap_traverse(0x0f)
      if icache_flush != 0:
         output += self.algo1(input, 53, 15)
         output += self.algo1(input, 45, 11)
      #trucate the last instruction, which increments raddr by 1, from the output*/
      output = output[:-4]
      self.size -= 4
      #Setting r0, r1, r2 for parameter passing*/
      #SUBPLS ri, ri, #x*/
      output += ARM_Instructions.dpimm(SUB, PL, 1, self.i, self.i, self.x)
      #SUBPL r4, ri, ri LSR ri*/
      output += ARM_Instructions.dpshiftreg(SUB, 0, 4, self.i, self.i, LSR, self.i)
      #SUBPL r6, ri, ri LSR ri*/
      output += ARM_Instructions.dpshiftreg(SUB, 0, 6, self.i, self.i, LSR, self.i)
      #SUBPL r5, rj, r4 ROR r6*/
      output += ARM_Instructions.dpshiftreg(SUB, 0, 5, self.j, 4, ROR, 6)

      self.size += 4 * 4

      if icache_flush:
         arr4 = [3,7]
         m = random_funcs.randel(arr4)

         c = alphanum_byte.off_gen(24)
         arr5 = [2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18]
         arr6 = [4,6]
         arr7 = [1,2,4,8]
         reglH = 0x40 | random_funcs.randel(arr7)
         #SUBPL rm, sp, #(c+24) */
         output += ARM_Instructions.dpimm(SUB, PL, 0, m, 13, c + 24)

         #Store 4 0x00*/
         #STRPLB random_funcs.randel(arr6), [!rm, -(r5 ROR #random_funcs.randel(arr5))]*/
         output += ARM_Instructions.sbyteposti(random_funcs.randel(arr6), m, 5, random_funcs.randel(arr5))
         output += ARM_Instructions.sbyteposti(random_funcs.randel(arr6), m, 5, random_funcs.randel(arr5))
         output += ARM_Instructions.sbyteposti(random_funcs.randel(arr6), m, 5, random_funcs.randel(arr5))
         output += ARM_Instructions.sbyteposti(random_funcs.randel(arr6), m, 5, random_funcs.randel(arr5))

         #Store 4 0xff*/
         #STRPLB r5, [!rm, -(r5 ROR #random_funcs.randel(arr5))]*/
         output += ARM_Instructions.sbyteposti(5, m, 5, random_funcs.randel(arr5))
         output += ARM_Instructions.sbyteposti(5, m, 5, random_funcs.randel(arr5))
         output += ARM_Instructions.sbyteposti(5, m, 5, random_funcs.randel(arr5))
         output += ARM_Instructions.sbyteposti(5, m, 5, random_funcs.randel(arr5))

         #Store 4 0x00*/
         #STRPLB random_funcs.randel(arr6), [!rm, -(r5 ROR #random_funcs.randel(arr5))]*/
         output += ARM_Instructions.sbyteposti(random_funcs.randel(arr6), m, 5, random_funcs.randel(arr5))
         output += ARM_Instructions.sbyteposti(random_funcs.randel(arr6), m, 5, random_funcs.randel(arr5))
         output += ARM_Instructions.sbyteposti(random_funcs.randel(arr6), m, 5, random_funcs.randel(arr5))
         output += ARM_Instructions.sbyteposti(random_funcs.randel(arr6), m, 5, random_funcs.randel(arr5))

         #SUBPL rm, sp, #c*/
         output += ARM_Instructions.dpimm(SUB, PL, 0, m, 13, c)

         #LDMPLDB rm!, {r0, r1, r2, r6, r8/9/10/11, r14}*/
         output += ARM_Instructions.lmul(m, reglH, 0x47)

         #SUBPLS rm, r5, r4 ROR rm*/
         output += ARM_Instructions.dpshiftreg(SUB, 1, m, 5, 4, ROR, m)

         self.size += 4 * 16
      return output
コード例 #8
   def DecoderLoopBuilder(self, icache_flush):
      dec_loop = ''
      # Select p,s,t and q */
      arr = [3, 7]
      p = random_funcs.randel(arr)
      if p == 3:
         s = 7
         s = 3
      t = 6
      arr2 = [8, 9]
      q = random_funcs.randel(arr2)

      # Add the instructions*/
      if icache_flush != 0:
         dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.swi(MI)

      rsalnum = alphanum_byte.alphanumeric_get_byte()

      if icache_flush != 0:
         #EORMIS rp, r4, #(randomly selected alphanumeric value)*/
         dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.dpimm(EOR, MI, 1, p, 4, rsalnum)

      if icache_flush == 1:
         dist = 0x2c
         dist = 0x28

      offset = alphanum_byte.off_gen(dist + 0x04)

      #SUBPL rs, r4, #(dist+0x04+offset)*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.dpimm(SUB, PL, 0, s, 4, chr(dist + 0x04 + offset))

      #SUBPL rs, pc, rs LSR r4*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.dpshiftreg(SUB, 0, s, 0x0f, s, LSR, 4)

      #EORPLS rt, r4, rs LSR r4*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.dpshiftreg(EOR, 1, t, 4, s, LSR, 4)

      #EORMIS rp, r4, #rsalnum*/
      rsalnum = alphanum_byte.alphanumeric_get_byte()
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.dpimm(EOR, MI, 1, p, 4, rsalnum)

      #LDRPLB rp, [rs, #(-offset)]*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.lsbyte(LDR, PL, p, s, offset)

      #SUBPL rs, rs, r5 LSR r4*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.dpshiftreg(SUB, 0, s, s, 5, LSR, 4)

      #LDRPLB rq, [rs, #(-offset)]*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.lsbyte(LDR, PL, q, s, offset)

      #EORPLS rp, rq, rp ROR #28*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.dpshiftimm(EOR, 1, p, q, p, 28)

      #STRPLB rp, [rt, #(-offset)]*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.lsbyte(STR, PL, p, t, offset)

      #SUBPL rt, rt, r5 LSR r4*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.dpshiftreg(SUB, 0, t, t, 5, LSR, 4)

      #SUBPL rs, rs, r5 LSR r4*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.dpshiftreg(SUB, 0, s, s, 5, LSR, 4)

      #RSBPLS rq, rq, #0x3I*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.dpimm(RSB, PL, 1, q, q, 0x30 | self.I)

      #BMI 0xfffff4*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.bmi()

      #STRPLB r4, [rt, #-(offset+1)]*/
      dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.lsbyte(STR, PL, 4, t, offset + 1)

      if icache_flush == 1:
         #SWIPL 0x9f0002*/
         dec_loop += ARM_Instructions.swi(PL)
      return dec_loop
コード例 #9
   def buildInit(self, input):
      if len(input) == 0:
         return ('', input)
      output = ''

      #Select values of v and w*/
      total = 0x70
      arr1 = [0x30, 0x34, 0x38]
      v1 = random_funcs.randel(arr1)
      v2 = random_funcs.randel(arr1)

      topv = ((total - (v1 + v2))/4) + 1

      w1 = random_funcs.randel(arr1)
      w2 = random_funcs.randel(arr1)

      topw = ((total - (w1 + w2))/4) + 2

      arrop = [EOR, SUB, RSB]
      arrcond = [PL, MI]
      arrs = [0, 1]
      arrd = [3, 5, 7]
      arrn = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
      p = 1
      while p <= ((total-8)/4):
         op = random_funcs.randel(arrop)
         cond = random_funcs.randel(arrcond)
         if op == EOR:
            s = 1
            s = random_funcs.randel(arrs)
         d = random_funcs.randel(arrd)
         n = random_funcs.randel(arrn)
         if p == topv or p == topw:
            output += ARM_Instructions.dpimm(op, cond, s, d, n, self.x)
            output += ARM_Instructions.dpimm(op, cond, s, d, n, alphanum_byte.alphanumeric_get_byte())
         p += 1

      #SUBPL ri, pc, #v1*/
      output += ARM_Instructions.dpimm(SUB, PL, 0, self.i, 15, v1)
      #SUBMI ri, pc, #w1*/
      output += ARM_Instructions.dpimm(SUB, MI, 0, self.i, 15, w1)
      #LDRPLB ri, [ri, #(-v2)]*/
      output += ARM_Instructions.lsbyte(LDR, PL, self.i, self.i, v2)
      #LDRMIB ri, [ri, #(-w2)]*/
      output += ARM_Instructions.lsbyte(LDR, MI, self.i, self.i, w2)

      output += self.algo2()

      #SUBPL rj, ri, #(x+1)*/
      output += ARM_Instructions.dpimm(SUB, PL, 0, self.j, self.i, self.x + 1)
      #Initializer built!!*/

      #Replace 0x91s in decoder with addr_offset*/
      input_new = ''
      for p in input:
         if p == "\x91":
            input_new += chr(self.addr_offset)
            input_new += p
      return (output, input_new)
コード例 #10
   def DecoderBuilder(self, input, icache_flush):
      if len(input) == 0:
         return ''
      output = ''

      #Register selections*/
      arr = [4,6]
      self.addr  = random_funcs.randel(arr)
      arr2 = [3, 5, 7]
      self.i = random_funcs.randel(arr2)
      arr3 = [0, 0]
      q = 0
      for p in range(3):
         if arr2[p] != self.i:
            arr3[q] = arr2[p]
            q += 1
      self.j = random_funcs.randel(arr3)
      for p in range(2):
         if arr3[p] != self.j:
            self.k = arr3[p]

      self.x = alphanum_byte.off_gen(0x01)
      offset = 0x91
      if icache_flush != 0:
         output += self.algo1(input, 0, 3)
         output += self.gap_traverse(0x1e)
         output += self.algo1(input, 33, 5)
         output += self.gap_traverse(0x19)
         output += self.algo1(input, 25, 5)
      output += self.gap_traverse(0x0f)
      if icache_flush != 0:
         output += self.algo1(input, 53, 15)
         output += self.algo1(input, 45, 11)
      #trucate the last instruction, which increments raddr by 1, from the output*/
      output = output[:-4]
      self.size -= 4
      #Setting r0, r1, r2 for parameter passing*/
      #SUBPLS ri, ri, #x*/
      output += ARM_Instructions.dpimm(SUB, PL, 1, self.i, self.i, self.x)
      #SUBPL r4, ri, ri LSR ri*/
      output += ARM_Instructions.dpshiftreg(SUB, 0, 4, self.i, self.i, LSR, self.i)
      #SUBPL r6, ri, ri LSR ri*/
      output += ARM_Instructions.dpshiftreg(SUB, 0, 6, self.i, self.i, LSR, self.i)
      #SUBPL r5, rj, r4 ROR r6*/
      output += ARM_Instructions.dpshiftreg(SUB, 0, 5, self.j, 4, ROR, 6)

      self.size += 4 * 4

      if icache_flush:
         arr4 = [3,7]
         m = random_funcs.randel(arr4)

         c = alphanum_byte.off_gen(24)
         arr5 = [2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18]
         arr6 = [4,6]
         arr7 = [1,2,4,8]
         reglH = 0x40 | random_funcs.randel(arr7)
         #SUBPL rm, sp, #(c+24) */
         output += ARM_Instructions.dpimm(SUB, PL, 0, m, 13, c + 24)

         #Store 4 0x00*/
         #STRPLB random_funcs.randel(arr6), [!rm, -(r5 ROR #random_funcs.randel(arr5))]*/
         output += ARM_Instructions.sbyteposti(random_funcs.randel(arr6), m, 5, random_funcs.randel(arr5))
         output += ARM_Instructions.sbyteposti(random_funcs.randel(arr6), m, 5, random_funcs.randel(arr5))
         output += ARM_Instructions.sbyteposti(random_funcs.randel(arr6), m, 5, random_funcs.randel(arr5))
         output += ARM_Instructions.sbyteposti(random_funcs.randel(arr6), m, 5, random_funcs.randel(arr5))

         #Store 4 0xff*/
         #STRPLB r5, [!rm, -(r5 ROR #random_funcs.randel(arr5))]*/
         output += ARM_Instructions.sbyteposti(5, m, 5, random_funcs.randel(arr5))
         output += ARM_Instructions.sbyteposti(5, m, 5, random_funcs.randel(arr5))
         output += ARM_Instructions.sbyteposti(5, m, 5, random_funcs.randel(arr5))
         output += ARM_Instructions.sbyteposti(5, m, 5, random_funcs.randel(arr5))

         #Store 4 0x00*/
         #STRPLB random_funcs.randel(arr6), [!rm, -(r5 ROR #random_funcs.randel(arr5))]*/
         output += ARM_Instructions.sbyteposti(random_funcs.randel(arr6), m, 5, random_funcs.randel(arr5))
         output += ARM_Instructions.sbyteposti(random_funcs.randel(arr6), m, 5, random_funcs.randel(arr5))
         output += ARM_Instructions.sbyteposti(random_funcs.randel(arr6), m, 5, random_funcs.randel(arr5))
         output += ARM_Instructions.sbyteposti(random_funcs.randel(arr6), m, 5, random_funcs.randel(arr5))

         #SUBPL rm, sp, #c*/
         output += ARM_Instructions.dpimm(SUB, PL, 0, m, 13, c)

         #LDMPLDB rm!, {r0, r1, r2, r6, r8/9/10/11, r14}*/
         output += ARM_Instructions.lmul(m, reglH, 0x47)

         #SUBPLS rm, r5, r4 ROR rm*/
         output += ARM_Instructions.dpshiftreg(SUB, 1, m, 5, 4, ROR, m)

         self.size += 4 * 16
      return output
コード例 #11
ファイル: alphanum_byte.py プロジェクト: CTF-Thanos/binjitsu
def alphanumeric_get_byte_ltmax(max):
   sz = 0
   while sz < len(ALPHANUMERIC_BYTES) and ord(ALPHANUMERIC_BYTES[sz]) <= max:
      sz += 1
   return ord(random_funcs.randel(ALPHANUMERIC_BYTES[:sz]))
コード例 #12
ファイル: alphanum_byte.py プロジェクト: CTF-Thanos/binjitsu
def alphanumeric_get_byte():
   return ord(random_funcs.randel(ALPHANUMERIC_BYTES))