def plot2dCstr(aObj: Union[rel.constraint, rel.polynomial, rel.convexProg], ax: pt.matplotlib.axes, x0: np.ndarray = None, opts={}, fig=None): opts_ = { 'binaryPlot': True, 'filled': False, 'nGrid': 200, 'cbar': True, 'ctrOpts': {} } #opts_.update(opts) recursiveExclusiveUpdate(opts_, opts) if isinstance(aObj, rel.polynomial): bRel = rel.lasserreRelax(aObj.repr) aObj = rel.lasserreConstraint(bRel, aObj) try: opts_['nGrid'][0] except TypeError: opts_['nGrid'] = (opts_['nGrid'], opts_['nGrid']) #Get points xg, yg = pt.ax2Grid(ax, opts_['nGrid']) XX = np.vstack([xg.flatten(), yg.flatten()]) if x0 is not None: DXX = XX - x0 else: DXX = XX ZZ = aObj.poly.repr.evalAllMonoms(DXX) if isinstance(aObj, rel.convexProg): YY = sum([ aCstr.poly.eval2(ZZ) for aCstr in aObj.constraints.l + aObj.constraints.q + aObj.constraints.s ]) else: YY = aObj.poly.eval2(ZZ) if opts_['binaryPlot']: YY = (YY >= 0.).astype(nfloat) opts_.update({'levels': [0., 1.]}) if opts_['filled']: cc = ax.contourf(xg, yg, YY.reshape(xg.shape), **opts_['ctrOpts']) else: cc = ax.contour(xg, yg, YY.reshape(xg.shape), **opts_['ctrOpts']) if opts_['cbar']: if fig is None: print("Cannot print colorbar without figure") else: fig.colorbar(cc) return cc
def test2(funnel: distributedFunnel): import plotting as plot import relaxations as relax Ngrid = 100 repr_ = funnel.dynSys.repr relLasserre = relax.lasserreRelax(repr_) thisPoly = polynomial(repr_) center = 2. * (np.random.rand(2, 1) - .5) P = 1.5 * (np.random.rand(2, 2) - .5) P = ndot(P.T, P) + .5 * nidentity(2) thisPoly.setEllipsoidalConstraint(center, 1., P) lass_cstr = relax.lasserreConstraint(relLasserre, thisPoly) ff, aa = plot.plt.subplots(1, 1) plot.plotEllipse(aa, center, P, 1., faceAlpha=0.) aa.autoscale() aa.axis('equal') xx, yy, XX = plot.ax2Grid(aa, Ngrid, True) z = lass_cstr.poly.eval2(XX).reshape((Ngrid, Ngrid)) aa.contour(xx, yy, z, [-0.1, 0., 0.01]) is_valid = lass_cstr.isValid(XX, simpleEval=False) is_n_valid = np.logical_not(is_valid) aa.plot(XX[0, is_valid], XX[1, is_valid], '.g') aa.plot(XX[0, is_n_valid], XX[1, is_n_valid], '.r') aa.plot(center[0, :], center[1, :], 'sk') return None
aa[0].autoscale() xx, yy = plot.ax2Grid(aa[0], Ngrid) XX = np.vstack((xx.flatten(), yy.flatten())) valCstr = cstrPolySep.eval2(XX - refTraj.getX(0.)) aa[0].contour(xx, yy, valCstr.reshape((Ngrid, Ngrid)), [0.]) # Evaluate the norm of the control input uNorm = ndot( uCtrlLin, np.vstack((np.zeros( (1, XX.shape[1])), XX - refTraj.getX(0.)))).flatten() plot.plotEllipse(aa[1], refTraj.getX(0.), lyapF.P, 1., faceAlpha=0.) aa[1].contourf(xx, yy, uNorm.reshape((Ngrid, Ngrid))) aa[1].contour(xx, yy, uNorm.reshape((Ngrid, Ngrid)), [-10, -5, 0, 5, 10]) # Build up the optimization problem baseRelax = relax.lasserreRelax(thisRepr) cstrRelaxSep = relax.lasserreConstraint( baseRelax, cstrPolySep) # Here the 'plus' space is singled out -> negative input cstrPolyEllip = poly.polynomial(thisRepr) cstrPolyEllip.setQuadraticForm( -lyapF.P, thisRepr.varNumsPerDeg[1], narray([lyapF.alpha], dtype=nfloat), thisRepr.varNumsPerDeg[0]) # x'.P.x<=alpha --> x'.(-P).x + alpha >= 0 cstrRelaxEllip = relax.lasserreConstraint(baseRelax, cstrPolyEllip) # Exclude inner as zero always yields zero excludeInner = 0.1 cstrPolyEllipInner = poly.polynomial(thisRepr) cstrPolyEllipInner.setQuadraticForm( lyapF.P, thisRepr.varNumsPerDeg[1], narray([-excludeInner * lyapF.alpha],
def testSol(sol, ctrlDict:dict): nDim, maxDeg = sol['probDict']['dimsNDeg'] # Set up helpers thisRepr = poly.polynomialRepr(nDim, maxDeg) thisPoly = poly.polynomial(thisRepr) # Test if solution(s) is(are) valid ySol = sol['ySol'] print(f"Minimizers are:\n{ySol}") zySol = thisRepr.evalAllMonoms(ySol) try: PG0n = ctrlDict['PG0']/(norm(ctrlDict['PG0'], axis=0, keepdims=True)+floatEps) except KeyError: pass # Loop over constraint polynomials for k, acstr in enumerate(sol['origProb']['cstr']): thisPoly.coeffs = acstr for i in range(zySol.shape[1]): if not thisPoly.eval2(zySol[:,[i]])>=0.: thisRelax = relax.lasserreRelax(thisRepr) print(f"Failed on cstr {k} with {thisPoly.eval2(thisPoly.eval2(zySol[:,[i]]))} for point {i}") thisCstr = relax.lasserreConstraint(thisRelax, thisPoly) print(f"Original sol with {sol['sol']['x_np']} is valid : {thisCstr.isValid(sol['sol']['x_np'].T, simpleEval=False)}") print(f"Reconstructed sol with {ySol} is valid : {thisCstr.isValid(ySol, simpleEval=False)}") if nany(thisCstr.isValid(sol['sol']['x_np'].T, simpleEval=False) != thisCstr.isValid(ySol, simpleEval=False)): raise RuntimeError # Check if minimizer is compatible with control law definition if 'PG0' in ctrlDict.keys(): dist2Planes = ndot(PG0n.T, ySol) signPlanes = np.sign(dist2Planes).astype(nint) signPlanes[signPlanes==0] = 1 for i,type in enumerate(sol['probDict']['u'].squeeze()): if (nany(signPlanes[0,:] != signPlanes[0,0])) and not type==2: print(f"Attention: minimizers are on different signs of the plane. Check wich separation is used") if not type in list(-signPlanes[i,:])+[2]: print(f"Failed on input {i} with dist {dist2Planes[i]} and ctrl {type}") raise RuntimeError # Check if minimal value corresponds to ctrlDict value thisPoly.coeffs = -ctrlDict[-1][0] optsVals = thisPoly.eval2(zySol).reshape((-1,)) for i,type in enumerate(sol['probDict']['u'].squeeze()): thisPoly.coeffs = -ctrlDict[i][type] for k in range(zySol.shape[1]): thisVal = thisPoly.eval2(zySol[:,[k]]) optsVals[k] += thisVal if thisVal <= 0.: print(f"The control type {type} for input {i} failed on minimizer {k}") print(f"global minimum was \n{sol['sol']['primal objective']}\n, computed values from ctrlDict are \n{optsVals}") print('a')
def plot2dProof(funnel: fn.distributedFunnel, t=0.0, opts={}): from plotting.plottingCstr import plot2dCstr opts_ = { 'zoneOpts': { 'pltStyle': 'proj', 'linewidth': 1., 'color': [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0], 'faceAlpha': 0.0, 'linestyle': '-', 'plotAx': np.array([0, 1]) }, 'streamOpts': { 'cmap': 'viridis', 'colorStreams': 'ang', 'nGrid': 200, 'cbar': True, 'plotValidOnly': True, 'validEps': -.1 }, 'modeDyn': [3, 3], 'cstrOpts': { 'binaryPlot': True, 'filled': False, 'nGrid': 200, 'cbar': False, 'ctrOpts': {} } } recursiveExclusiveUpdate(opts_, opts) optsStream_ = opts_['streamOpts'] # Helper stuff thisPoly = poly.polynomial(funnel.repr) thisRelax = relax.lasserreRelax(funnel.repr) #Get the subproof try: subProofList = funnel.proof_[t] except KeyError: keysT = narray(list(funnel.proof_.keys()), dtype=nfloat) tprime = keysT[np.argmin(np.abs(keysT - t))] print(f"Using time point {tprime} instead of {t}") t = tprime subProofList = funnel.proof_[t] x0, dx0, uRef = funnel.dynSys.ctrlInput.refTraj.getX( t), funnel.dynSys.ctrlInput.refTraj.getDX( t), funnel.dynSys.ctrlInput.refTraj.getU(t) allDict = {} for nSub, (subProof, _) in enumerate(subProofList): allDict[nSub] = {} thisDict = allDict[nSub] nProbs = len(subProof['origProb']) nax = [1, 1] while True: if nax[0] * nax[1] >= nProbs: break nax[1] += 1 if nax[0] * nax[1] >= nProbs: break nax[0] += 1 ff, aa = plt.subplots(*nax, sharex=True, sharey=True) aa = narray(aa, ndmin=2) thisDict['fig'] = ff thisDict['ax'] = aa ff.suptitle(f"Proof {nSub} at {t:.4e}") #Loop over the significant problems and their solutions for k, (aVal, aProb) in enumerate(subProof['sigProbAndVals']): thisDict[k] = {} idx, idy = divmod(k, nax[1]) aa[idx, idy].set_title( f"{aProb['sol']['primal objective']:.2e} : {list(aProb['origProb']['probDict']['u'].reshape((-1,)))}" ) # Plot the zone zonePlot = funnel.lyapFunc.plot(ax=aa[idx, idy], t=t, x0=x0, opts=opts_['zoneOpts']) # Get the grid aa[idx, idy].autoscale() aa[idx, idy].axis('equal') xx, yy = ax2Grid(aa[idx, idy], opts_['streamOpts']['nGrid']) XX = np.vstack([xx.flatten(), yy.flatten()]) DXX = XX - x0 # Plot the additional contraints and check which points satisfy them idxValid = nones((DXX.shape[1], )).astype(np.bool_) for aCstrCoeff in aProb['origProb']['cstr'][1:]: thisPoly.coeffs = aCstrCoeff thisCstr = relax.lasserreConstraint(thisRelax, thisPoly) # Plot plot2dCstr(thisCstr, aa[idx, idy], x0=x0, opts=opts_['cstrOpts']) # Check feasibility of points idxValid = np.logical_and( idxValid, thisCstr.isValid(XX, atol=opts_['streamOpts']['validEps'])) # Get the velocities UU = funnel.dynSys.ctrlInput.getUVal( DXX, aProb['origProb']['probDict']['u'], t, zone=funnel.lyapFunc.getZone(t), gTaylor=funnel.dynSys.getTaylorApprox(x0)[1], uRef=uRef) VV = funnel.dynSys(XX, UU, mode=opts_['modeDyn'], x0=x0, dx0=dx0) streamColor = getStreamColor(funnel.lyapFunc, XX, VV, t, opts_['streamOpts']) thisStream = aa[idx, idy].streamplot( xx, yy, VV[0, :].reshape((optsStream_['nGrid'], optsStream_['nGrid'])), VV[1, :].reshape((optsStream_['nGrid'], optsStream_['nGrid'])), color=streamColor, cmap=optsStream_['cmap']) if optsStream_['cbar']: thisCBar = ff.colorbar(thisStream.lines) else: thisCBar = None thisDict[k]['zonePlot'] = zonePlot thisDict[k]['stream'] = thisStream thisDict[k]['cbar'] = thisCBar return allDict
def doTesting(funnel: distributedFunnel): import plotting as plot import relaxations as relax lyapFunc_ = funnel.lyapFunc dynSys_ = funnel.dynSys repr_ = funnel.dynSys.repr relLasserre = relax.lasserreRelax(repr_) thisPoly0 = polynomial(repr_) thisPoly1 = polynomial(repr_) thisPolyCstr = polynomial(repr_) # Fill up the Lyapunov function P0 = np.array([[2.1, 0.4], [0.4, 0.95]], dtype=nfloat) P1 = np.array([[1.5, -0.4], [-0.4, 1.25]], dtype=nfloat) lyapFunc_.reset() lyapFunc_.register(0., (P0, 1.05)) lyapFunc_.register(0.5, (P1, 0.95)) t = 0.133 # Get the zone zone = lyapFunc_.getZone(0.133) x0, dx0, u0 = funnel.dynSys.ctrlInput.refTraj(t) # Taylor fTaylor, gTaylor = dynSys_.getTaylorApprox(x0) # Get the control dict ctrlDict, zoneP = lyapFunc_.getCtrlDict(t, fTaylor, gTaylor, True) # Project to unit sphere ctrlDictProj = dp(ctrlDict) funnel.doProjection(zone, [], ctrlDictProj) # Get the linear control law K, Kmonoms = dynSys_.ctrlInput.getU2(2 * nones((, ), dtype=nint), t, zone, gTaylor, x0, True, u0) # Get a grid to evaluate on ff, aa = plot.plt.subplots(1, 2) lyapFunc_.plot(aa[0], t) aa[0].autoscale() aa[0].axis('equal') aa[1].autoscale() aa[1].axis('equal') xx, yy = plot.ax2Grid(aa[0], 100) xx *= 1.25 yy *= 1.25 XX = np.vstack((xx.flatten(), yy.flatten())) ZZ = repr_.evalAllMonoms(XX) dXX = XX - x0 dZX = repr_.evalAllMonoms(dXX) # Project onto sphere dYY = lyapFunc_.ellip2Sphere(t, dXX) dZY = repr_.evalAllMonoms(dYY) # Check if the taylor approx is the same as the original for polynomials idx2 = np.random.choice(np.arange(xx.shape[1]), 1) idx3 = np.random.choice(np.arange(xx.shape[1]), 1) fTaylor2, gTaylor2 = dynSys_.getTaylorApprox(XX[:, idx2]) dXX2 = XX - XX[:, idx2] dZX2 = repr_.evalAllMonoms(dXX2) fXX = np.transpose(dynSys_.fEval(XX), (2, 1, 0))[0, :, :] # Test other fXXCall = dynSys_(XX - XX[:, idx3], u=nzeros((, XX.shape[1])), restrictInput=False, mode=[3, 3], x0=XX[:, idx3]) fXXtaylor1 = ndot(fTaylor, dZX[:fTaylor.shape[1], :]) fXXtaylor2 = ndot(fTaylor2, dZX2[:fTaylor2.shape[1], :]) GXX = dynSys_.gEval(XX) GXXtaylor1 = neinsum("zij,zn->nij", gTaylor, dZX[:gTaylor.shape[0], :]) GXXtaylor2 = neinsum("zij,zn->nij", gTaylor2, dZX2[:gTaylor.shape[0], :]) if not np.allclose(fXX, fXXCall): print(f"Prob in call ot dynSys") if not np.allclose(fXX, fXXtaylor1): print(f"f failed for taylor1 or dynSys") if not np.allclose(fXX, fXXtaylor2): print(f"f failed for taylor2 or dynSys") if not np.allclose(GXX, GXXtaylor1): print(f"G failed for taylor1 or dynSys") if not np.allclose(GXX, GXXtaylor2): print(f"G failed for taylor2 or dynSys") fff, aaa = plot.plt.subplots(1, 1) lyapFunc_.plot(aaa, t, opts={'faceAlpha': 0.}) aaa.axis('equal') aaa.autoscale() aaa.streamplot(xx, yy, fXXCall[0, :].reshape((100, 100)), fXXCall[1, :].reshape((100, 100))) # Check if # Control input does not exceed limits Vxx = lyapFunc_.evalV(dXX, t, kd=False) idxInside = (Vxx <= zone[1]).squeeze() aa[0].plot(XX[0, idxInside], XX[1, idxInside], '.') # Compare with projection Vyy = norm(dYY, axis=0, keepdims=False) idxInsideY = Vyy <= 1. if not nall(idxInside == idxInsideY): idxFalse = idxInside != idxInsideY print( f"Failed on \n {dXX[:, idxFalse]} \n with \n {Vxx[:, idxFalse]} and \n {dYY[:, idxFalse]} \n with \n {Vyy[:, idxFalse]}" ) aa[1].plot(dYY[0, idxInside], dYY[1, idxInside], '.') # Compute control # First row of K is constant term Ulinx = ndot(K, dZX[:3, :]) # Check if limits are nowhere exceeded uMin, uMax = np.tile(dynSys_.ctrlInput.getMinU(t), (1, XX.shape[1])), np.tile( dynSys_.ctrlInput.getMaxU(t), (1, XX.shape[1])) if not nall( np.logical_and(uMin[:, idxInside] <= Ulinx[:, idxInside], Ulinx[:, idxInside] <= uMax[:, idxInside])): idx = np.logical_and( idxInside, np.any(np.logical_or(uMin <= Ulinx, Ulinx <= uMax), axis=0)) print(f"Failed input check on :\n") for ii, aidx in enumerate(idx): if not aidx: continue print( f"X: {list(dXX[:, ii])}; V: {float(Vxx[ii])}; U: {list(Ulinx[:,ii])}" ) # Check consistency of convergence polynomials # Step compare projected and original polynomials for i in range(-1, for type in range(3): try: thisPoly0.coeffs = ctrlDict[i][type] thisPoly1.coeffs = ctrlDictProj[i][type] if not np.allclose(thisPoly0.eval2(dZX), thisPoly1.eval2(dZY)): print( f"Failed on {i}-{type}: {np.where(np.isclose(thisPoly0.eval2(dZX), thisPoly1.eval2(dZY)))}" ) except KeyError: print(f"Ignore keys {i}-{type}") # Now compare the control dict convergence with the actual convergence # No input dxUzero = dynSys_(XX, u=np.zeros_like(uMin), restrictInput=False, mode=[3, 3], x0=x0, dx0=dx0) # Minimal input dxUmin = dynSys_(XX, u=uMin, restrictInput=False, mode=[3, 3], x0=x0, dx0=dx0) # Maximal input dxUmax = dynSys_(XX, u=uMax, restrictInput=False, mode=[3, 3], x0=x0, dx0=dx0) # Linear [2,2] dxUlin = dynSys_(XX, u=Ulinx, restrictInput=False, mode=[3, 3], x0=x0, dx0=dx0) dxUlinlim = dynSys_(XX, u=Ulinx, restrictInput=True, mode=[3, 3], x0=x0, dx0=dx0) # Mixed [1,2] dxUmix = dynSys_(XX, u=np.vstack([uMin[0, :], Ulinx[1, :]]), restrictInput=False, mode=[3, 3], x0=x0, dx0=dx0) # Using dynSys convDynSysZeroU = lyapFunc_.evalVd(dXX, dxUzero, t, False) convDynSysMinU = lyapFunc_.evalVd(dXX, dxUmin, t, False) convDynSysMaxU = lyapFunc_.evalVd(dXX, dxUmax, t, False) convDynSysLinU = lyapFunc_.evalVd(dXX, dxUlin, t, False) convDynSysLinLimU = lyapFunc_.evalVd(dXX, dxUlinlim, t, False) convDynSysMixU = lyapFunc_.evalVd(dXX, dxUmix, t, False) # Using ctrlDict convCtrlDictZeroU = ctrlDict[-1][0].copy() thisPoly0.coeffs = convCtrlDictZeroU convCtrlDictZeroU = thisPoly0.eval2(dZX).reshape((-1, )) convCtrlDictMinU = ctrlDict[-1][0].copy() convCtrlDictMinU += ctrlDict[0][-1] convCtrlDictMinU += ctrlDict[1][-1] thisPoly0.coeffs = convCtrlDictMinU convCtrlDictMinU = thisPoly0.eval2(dZX).reshape((-1, )) convCtrlDictMaxU = ctrlDict[-1][0].copy() convCtrlDictMaxU += ctrlDict[0][1] convCtrlDictMaxU += ctrlDict[1][1] thisPoly0.coeffs = convCtrlDictMaxU convCtrlDictMaxU = thisPoly0.eval2(dZX).reshape((-1, )) convCtrlDictLinU = ctrlDict[-1][0].copy() convCtrlDictLinU += ctrlDict[0][2] convCtrlDictLinU += ctrlDict[1][2] thisPoly0.coeffs = convCtrlDictLinU convCtrlDictLinU = thisPoly0.eval2(dZX).reshape((-1, )) convCtrlDictMixU = ctrlDict[-1][0].copy() convCtrlDictMixU += ctrlDict[0][-1] convCtrlDictMixU += ctrlDict[1][2] thisPoly0.coeffs = convCtrlDictMixU convCtrlDictMixU = thisPoly0.eval2(dZX).reshape((-1, )) ff, aa = plot.plt.subplots(1, 1) aa.plot(convDynSysMinU, 'r') aa.plot(convDynSysMaxU, 'b') aa.plot(convDynSysMixU, 'g') aa.plot(convCtrlDictMinU, '.-r') aa.plot(convCtrlDictMaxU, '--b') aa.plot(convCtrlDictMixU, '*-g') ff, aa = plot.plt.subplots(5, 1) aa[0].plot(convDynSysZeroU, 'r') aa[0].plot(convCtrlDictZeroU, '--b') aa[1].plot(convDynSysMinU, 'r') aa[1].plot(convCtrlDictMinU, '--b') aa[2].plot(convDynSysMaxU, 'r') aa[2].plot(convCtrlDictMaxU, '--b') aa[3].plot(convDynSysLinU, 'r') aa[3].plot(convCtrlDictLinU, '--b') aa[3].plot(convDynSysLinLimU, '-.g') aa[4].plot(convDynSysMixU, 'r') aa[4].plot(convCtrlDictMixU, '--b') if not np.allclose(convDynSysZeroU, convCtrlDictZeroU): print("Failed on zero U") if not np.allclose(convDynSysMinU, convCtrlDictMinU): print("Failed on min U") if not np.allclose(convDynSysMaxU, convCtrlDictMaxU): print("Failed on max U") if not np.allclose(convDynSysLinU, convCtrlDictLinU): print("Failed on lin U") #todo if not np.allclose(convDynSysMixU, convCtrlDictMixU): print("Failed on mix U") #todo return None