コード例 #1
from render import Render, V2, V3

from obj import Obj

from texture import Texture

from shaders import gourad, toon, outline, toon_mod

from utils import color

r = Render()

r.active_texture = Texture('./models/model.bmp')
r.active_shader = toon

#r.light = V3(1,0,0)

r.loadModel('./models/model.obj', V3(250,500,0), V3(150,150,150))

r.active_shader = outline

r.loadModel('./models/model.obj', V3(500,500,0), V3(150,150,150))

r.active_shader = toon_mod

r.loadModel('./models/model.obj', V3(750,500,0), V3(150,150,150))

コード例 #2
r = Render(width, height)

r.light = V3(0, 0, 1)
# For background image
r.bk_texture = Texture('./models/background.bmp')

r.glColor(255, 255, 255)
# r.lookAt(posModel, V3(0,0,0))

r.active_shader = gourad

# horse model
r.active_shader = toon_mod
posModel = V3(0, -20, -40)
r.active_texture = Texture('./models/horse.bmp')
r.loadModel('./models/horse.obj', posModel, V3(0.05, 0.05, 0.05),
            V3(0, 160, 0))

r.active_shader = toon_mod
posModel = V3(-10, -20, -40)
r.active_texture = Texture('./models/horse.bmp')
r.loadModel('./models/horse.obj', posModel, V3(0.06, 0.06, 0.06),
            V3(0, -45, 0))

r.active_texture = unlit
posModel = V3(-20, 10, -30)
r.active_texture = Texture('./models/UFO.bmp')
r.loadModel('./models/UFO.obj', posModel, V3(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), V3(20, 30, 20))
コード例 #3
white points, and that random has lower probability when y is greater. 


We draw to moons, using an sphere model, each one has different texture
and differnt shader to produce the effect of an celestial body. This models
were made using bump mapping. 


#Draw the moon Iscaco
t = Texture('./models/iscalo.bmp')
r.active_texture = t
r.active_light = norm(V3(0, 20, 0))
r.load('./models/sphere.obj', [-0.55, 0.70, 0], [0.22, 0.22, 0.22],
       [0, 0.2, 0])
r.active_shader = moon

#Draw the moon Urica
t = Texture('./models/urica.bmp')
r.active_texture = t
r.load('./models/sphere.obj', [0.57, 0.80, 0], [0.20, 0.20, 0.20], [0, 0.2, 0])
r.active_shader = planet

We use model.bmp that is a face, to draw some mountains in the background, in 
コード例 #4
from utils import color

r = Render(1000, 1000)

r.light = V3(0, 0, 1)

posModel = V3(0, 0, -20)

# r.lookAt(posModel, V3(0,-8,0))

#medium shot
# r.lookAt(posModel, V3(0,0,0))
# posModel = V3(0,0,-30)

# highangle
r.lookAt(posModel, V3(0, 15, 0))
posModel = V3(0, 5, -20)

#dutch angle
# r.camRotation = V3(0,0,15)
# r.createViewMatrix()
# r.createProjectionMatrix()
# posModel = V3(0,0,-20)

r.active_texture = Texture('./models/heli.bmp')
r.active_shader = unlit

r.loadModel('./models/heli.obj', posModel, V3(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), V3(0, 0, 0))
