def main(): arguments = get_args() supported_ext_types = ['.json', '.xml'] # Get the file extension _, ext = os.path.splitext(arguments.data_file) if ext not in supported_ext_types: msg = 'PDF Creator only accepts the following file types: ' \ '{}. Got {}' raise RuntimeError(msg.format(str(supported_ext_types, ext))) doc = SimpleDocTemplate(arguments.path, rightMargin=72, leftMargin=36, topMargin=125, bottomMargin=18) if ext == '.xml': data = parse_xml(arguments.data_file) elif ext == '.json': data = parse_json(arguments.data_file) elements = [] txt = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit,' styles = getSampleStyleSheet() paragraph = Paragraph(txt, styles["Normal"]) elements.append(paragraph) = data doc.logo_path = arguments.logo, onFirstPage=header)
def buildPDF(pdfdoc, sheet, usr): scans = [] now = pdf_doc = SimpleDocTemplate(pdfdoc, pagesize=PAGE_SIZE, leftMargin=MARGIN_SIZE, rightMargin=MARGIN_SIZE, topMargin=4 * MARGIN_SIZE, bottomMargin=3 * MARGIN_SIZE) # data = [['', '', '', 'Grand Total', '' , pFooterGrandTotal]] text_data = [ "S. No", "Vendor", "Vendor Name", "Description", "Date", "Invoice ID", "Amount (INR)" ] d = [] font_size = 8 centered = ParagraphStyle(name="centered", alignment=TA_CENTER) for text in text_data: ptext = "<font size=%s><b>%s</b></font>" % (font_size, text) p = Paragraph(ptext, centered) d.append(p) data = [d] line_num = 1 formatted_line_data = [] totalAmount = 0 for i in sheet['invoices']: service = i['service'] dt = i['dated'] try: dateStr = dt.toString('dd-MMM-yyyy') except: dateStr = dt.strftime("%d-%m-%Y") line_data = [ str(line_num), str(service['pk']), service['name'], i['description'], dateStr, i['pk'], i['amount'] ] if i['attachment'] is None: scans.append(i['file']) else: scans.append( os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'temp', i['attachment'].split('/')[-1])) totalAmount += i['amount'] for item in line_data: ptext = "<font size=%s>%s</font>" % (font_size - 1, item) p = Paragraph(ptext, centered) formatted_line_data.append(p) data.append(formatted_line_data) formatted_line_data = [] line_num += 1 t = Table(data, colWidths=[35, 40, 100, 220, 50, 50, 50]) ts = TableStyle([ ('LINEABOVE', (0, 0), (-1, 0), 0.25, colors.gray), ('LINEABOVE', (0, 1), (-1, 1), 0.25, colors.gray), ('GRID', (0, 0), (-1, -1), 1,, ]) t.setStyle(ts) #add some flowables story = [] expHead = expanseReportHead(usr) story.append(expHead) story.append(Spacer(2.5, 0.75 * cm)) story.append(t) story.append(Spacer(2.5, 0.75 * cm)) summryParaSrc = """ <font size='12'>Total amount : %s</font> """ % (totalAmount) story.append(Paragraph(summryParaSrc, styleN)) for s in scans: story.append(PageBreak()) story.append(FullPageImage(s)) = { 'barCode': '%s%s' % ("%m%Y"), sheet['pk']) }, onFirstPage=addPageNumber, onLaterPages=addPageNumber, canvasmaker=PageNumCanvas)