def gui_it(click_func, style="qdarkstyle", **argvs) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- click_func `new_thread` is used for qt-based func, like matplotlib """ global _gstyle _gstyle = GStyle(style) # Need to ensure plugins work on systems w. no Qt5 installed: # os.environ['QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH'] = "." # Or rather: 'resource_path(".")' ??? # app_path = os.path.abspath(__file__) app_path = resource_path(".") app_plugin_path = os.path.join(app_path, "plugins") os.environ['QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH'] = app_path # QtWidgets.QApplication.addLibraryPath(os.path.join(pyqt, "plugins")) app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) # app_path = app.applicationDirPath() # Won't work! Points to local 'python.exe' ... :-( app.addLibraryPath(app_path) app.addLibraryPath(app_plugin_path) print(f"Using '{app_plugin_path}" ' as plugin PATH ...') print(app.libraryPaths()) # For DEBUG only! print(f"Running application '{app_path}' ...") app.setStyleSheet(_gstyle.stylesheet) # set the default value for argvs argvs["run_exit"] = argvs.get("run_exit", False) argvs["new_thread"] = argvs.get("new_thread", False) ex = App(click_func, **argvs) sys.exit(app.exec_())
def vv_fram_erase(cleanup=True, verbose=True, debug=False): """ Erase FRAM on irrigation-sensor target (VV). Note that erase-application START-address is NOT equal to RAM-startaddr! Instead, the 'ResetISR' symbol is located 212 bytes ABOVE the vector table, at addr=0x1FFFE0D4. """ FRAM_ERASE_JLINK_CMD_FILE = "FRAM_erase.tmp.jlink" FRAM_ERASE_APP_SREC = resource_path("VV_FRAM_eraser.srec") # TODO: must have a separate, K32L-specific application(=SREC) in order to erase FRAM on 'AB'-type!! FRAM_ERASE_APP_START_ADDR = 0x1FFFE0D4 # NOTE: location of '.init' symbol read from .MAP-file --> app loaded in SRAM! # with open(FRAM_ERASE_JLINK_CMD_FILE, 'w') as fp: fp.write("halt\n") fp.write("r\n") fp.write(f"loadfile {FRAM_ERASE_APP_SREC}\n") fp.write(f"setpc {hex(FRAM_ERASE_APP_START_ADDR)}\n") fp.write("g\n") fp.write("sleep 6000\n") # Must ensure we sleep at least 5sec to allow erase-app to run to finish! fp.write("q\n") # Need to sleep at least 5sec to allow FRAM-erase process to complete. # TODO: check when erase-app has finished blanking FRAM! # (but, tricky without serial port connection ...) # TODO: also determine end result of FRAM-erase (PASS or FAIL)! cmd_status, jlink_output = run_jlink_cmd_file(FRAM_ERASE_JLINK_CMD_FILE) # Remove file if specified: if cleanup: try: os.remove(FRAM_ERASE_JLINK_CMD_FILE) except OSError: pass # return cmd_status, jlink_output
def run_jlink_cmd_file(cmd_file_name, verbose=True): SUBPROC_RETVAL_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0 status = False # cmd_with_args = [] cmd_with_args.append(resource_path(JLINK_EXE_FILE)) cmd_with_args.extend(JLINK_TARGET_OPTIONS) cmd_with_args.append(cmd_file_name) # print("Running: " + str(cmd_with_args)) try: # if sys.plaform == 'win32': if != 'posix': startup_info = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startup_info.dwFlags = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE | subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW startup_info.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE # p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd_with_args, shell=False, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=startup_info) else: p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd_with_args, shell=False, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # Run the command output = p1.communicate(timeout=30)[0] except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: print("ERROR: timeout from running J-Link!") return status, None lines = output.splitlines() lines_out = [] for line in lines: line_str = line.decode('latin1', 'ignore') lines_out.append(line_str) if verbose: print(line_str) # Check for J-Link NOT connected, or connection problems: if line_str.startswith("Cannot connect to target") or line_str.startswith("Connecting to J-Link via USB...FAILED"): return status, lines_out # Check for WRITE-errors: if line_str.startswith("Could not write"): return status, lines_out # Check for 'Error'/'ERROR' in output: if line_str.find('Error') > 0 or line_str.find('ERROR') > 0: return status, lines_out # Check for 'Error'/'ERROR' in output: if line_str.find('Error') > 0 or line_str.find('ERROR') > 0: return status, lines_out # If 'normal' output - or NO output at all - the return value is used to decide 'status': status = (p1.returncode == SUBPROC_RETVAL_STATUS_SUCCESS) # return status, lines_out
def generate_cmd_button(self, label, cmd_slot, tooltip: str = "", icon_name: str = ""): button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(label) button.setToolTip(tooltip) if icon_name != "": if icon_name.startswith('SP_'): button.setIcon( getattr(QtWidgets.QStyle, icon_name))) else: try: button.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(resource_path(icon_name))) except Exception: pass button.clicked.connect(self.clean_sysargv) button.clicked.connect(self.add_sysargv) button.clicked.connect(cmd_slot) return button
def run_jlink_cmd_file(cmd_file_name, verbose=True): SUBPROC_RETVAL_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0 status = False # cmd_with_args = [] cmd_with_args.append(resource_path(JLINK_EXE_FILE)) cmd_with_args.extend(JLINK_TARGET_OPTIONS) cmd_with_args.append(cmd_file_name) # print("Running: " + str(cmd_with_args)) try: startup_info = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startup_info.dwFlags = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE | subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW startup_info.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE # p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd_with_args, shell=False, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, startupinfo=startup_info) # Run the command output = p1.communicate(timeout=30)[0] except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: print("ERROR: timeout from running J-Link!") return status lines = output.splitlines() lines_out = [] for line in lines: line_str = line.decode('latin1', 'ignore') lines_out.append(line_str) if verbose: print(line_str) status = (p1.returncode == SUBPROC_RETVAL_STATUS_SUCCESS) # return status, lines_out
print("================================") # if total_status: print("PASS: successful programming.") else: print("FAIL: programming error!!") print("================================") print("") # print("Completed FW-programming.") # return total_status # ***************** MAIN ************************ if __name__ == "__main__": prog_func = run_irrigation_sensor_programming prog_func.__setattr__("name", f"Irrigation Sensor Programming Tool ver.{VER_MAJOR}.{VER_MINOR}.{VER_SUBMINOR}") quick.gui_it(prog_func, run_exit=False, new_thread=False, style="qdarkstyle", output="gui", width=650, height=750, left=100, top=100, app_icon=resource_path("7sense-7-hvit.png"))