コード例 #1
    def process_exception(self, request, exception):
        if settings.DEBUG:
            # don't do any smart processing; 404 & 500 will get normal Django processing, everything else becomes a stacktrace
            return None

        if hasattr(settings, 'EXCEPTIONAL_INVASION') and settings.EXCEPTIONAL_INVASION==True:
            if isinstance(exception, Http404):
                exception = HttpNotFound(exception)
            if not isinstance(exception, RareHttpResponse):
                if isinstance(exception, SystemExit):
                    # we're emulating Django's 500 processing, but using our render system to make it pretty
                    # most importantly, we fire off the ``got_request_exception`` signal so people know something
                    # has gone wrong. We *DON'T* email admins, since we don't really believe that's a good idea --
                    # you should do something in a signal handler instead (shove it in a queue, db, or something else
                    # more manageable than email; or send an email from the handler).
                    # (If you disagree, you probably want to refactor the handler in Django itself and expose the
                    # mail admin functionality so we can use it in a couple of lines, rather than copying all the code
                    # out.)
                    receivers = signals.got_request_exception.send(sender=self.__class__, request=request)
                    # FIXME: sender is wrong. It should be the handler class that handled the request
                    # (django.core.handlers.wsgi.WsgiHandler or whatever). We could look through the stack trace
                    # for a subclass of django.core.handlers.base.BaseHandler?
                    exception = HttpServerError(exception)

        if isinstance(exception, RareHttpResponse):
            def do_render(template=None):
                if template:
                    template = 'http_responses/%s.html' % (template,)
                    template = 'http_responses/%i.html' % (exception.http_code, ),
                return self.render(
                        'http_code': exception.http_code,
                        'http_message': STATUS_CODE_TEXT.get(exception.http_code, 'UNKNOWN'), # TRANSLATE IN TEMPLATE
                        'http_response_exception': exception,

                response = do_render()
            except TemplateDoesNotExist:
                response = do_render('default')
            response.status_code = exception.http_code
            if exception.headers:
                for k,v in exception.headers.items():
                    response[k] = v
            return response
        return None
コード例 #2
    def process_exception(self, request, exception):
        # first, make sure the exception is handled by sentry, if installed
        # we don't pass through our exceptions unless http_code >= 500, or
        # the Django 1.3 Http404 exception, since these are raised in normal
        # circumstances and so aren't useful to Sentry.
        # (Sentry should pick up the 404s using the Sentry 404 middleware,
        # which it separates out from exceptions. Ideally, Sentry would
        # track other 4xx responses similarly.)
        if 'sentry' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
            if isinstance(exception, RareHttpResponse) and exception.http_code < 500:
            elif isinstance(exception, Http404) or isinstance(exception, Resolver404):
                    from sentry.client.models import sentry_exception_handler
                except ImportError:
        if settings.DEBUG:
            # unless 3xx, don't do any smart processing; 404 & 500 will get normal
            # Django processing, everything else becomes a stacktrace
            if not isinstance(exception, RareHttpResponse) or exception.http_code // 100 != 3:
                return None

        if hasattr(settings, 'EXCEPTIONAL_INVASION') and settings.EXCEPTIONAL_INVASION==True:
            if isinstance(exception, Http404) or isinstance(exception, Resolver404):
                exception = HttpNotFound(exception)
            if isinstance(exception, PermissionDenied):
                exception = HttpForbidden(exception)
            if not isinstance(exception, RareHttpResponse):
                if isinstance(exception, SystemExit):
                    # we're emulating Django's 500 processing, but using our render system to make it pretty
                    # most importantly, we fire off the ``got_request_exception`` signal so people know something
                    # has gone wrong. We *DON'T* email admins, since we don't really believe that's a good idea --
                    # you should do something in a signal handler instead (shove it in a queue, db, or something else
                    # more manageable than email; or send an email from the handler).
                    # (If you disagree, you probably want to refactor the handler in Django itself and expose the
                    # mail admin functionality so we can use it in a couple of lines, rather than copying all the code
                    # out.)
                    receivers = signals.got_request_exception.send(sender=self.__class__, request=request)
                    # FIXME: sender is wrong. It should be the handler class that handled the request
                    # (django.core.handlers.wsgi.WsgiHandler or whatever). We could look through the stack trace
                    # for a subclass of django.core.handlers.base.BaseHandler?
                    exception = HttpServerError(exception)

        if isinstance(exception, RareHttpResponse):
            def do_render(template=None):
                if template:
                    template = 'http_responses/%s.html' % (template,)
                    template = 'http_responses/%i.html' % (exception.http_code, ),
                return self.render(
                        'http_code': exception.http_code,
                        'http_message': STATUS_CODE_TEXT.get(exception.http_code, 'UNKNOWN'), # TRANSLATE IN TEMPLATE
                        'http_response_exception': exception,

                response = do_render()
            except TemplateDoesNotExist:
                response = do_render('default')
            response.status_code = exception.http_code
            if exception.headers:
                for k,v in exception.headers.items():
                    response[k] = v
            return response
        return None