def DrawCol(): u.bookCanvas(h,key='colorTable',title='colors',nx=100,ny=600,cx=1,cy=1) gPad = h['colorTable'].cd(1) gPad.SetFillColor(0) gPad.Clear() text = ROOT.TText(0,0,"") text.SetTextFont(61) text.SetTextSize(0.07) text.SetTextAlign(22) box = ROOT.TBox() # Draw color table boxes. hs = 1./float(8) xlow = 0.1 xup = 0.9 j = 0 for E in range(50,450,50): ylow = hs*(j+0.1) yup = hs*(j+0.9) color = ncol[E] box.SetFillStyle(1001) box.SetFillColor(color) box.DrawBox(xlow, ylow, xup, yup) box.SetFillStyle(0) box.SetLineColor(1) box.DrawBox(xlow, ylow, xup, yup) if color == 1: text.SetTextColor(0) else : text.SetTextColor(1) text.DrawText(0.5*(xlow+xup), 0.5*(ylow+yup), str(E)+' GeV/c') j+=1
def eventTime(Nev=-1): Tprev = -1 if Nev < 0 : Nev = eventTree.GetEntries() ut.bookHist(h,'Etime','delta event time; dt [s]',100,0.0,1.) ut.bookHist(h,'EtimeZ','delta event time; dt [ns]',1000,0.0,10000.) ut.bookCanvas(h,'T',' ',1024,2*768,1,2) eventTree.GetEvent(0) t0 = eventTree.EventHeader.GetEventTime()/160.E6 eventTree.GetEvent(Nev-1) tmax = eventTree.EventHeader.GetEventTime()/160.E6 ut.bookHist(h,'time','elapsed time; t [s]',1000,0,tmax-t0) N=-1 for event in eventTree: N+=1 if N>Nev: break T = event.EventHeader.GetEventTime() dT = 0 if Tprev >0: dT = T-Tprev Tprev = T rc = h['Etime'].Fill(dT/freq) rc = h['EtimeZ'].Fill(dT*1E9/160.E6) rc = h['time'].Fill( (T/freq-t0)) tc = h['T'].cd(1) tc.SetLogy(1) h['EtimeZ'].Draw() tc.Update() tc = h['T'].cd(2) h['time'].Draw() h['T'].Update() h['T'].Print('time-run'+str(options.runNumber)+'.png')
def plotHitMaps(): for event in sTree: for hit in event.Digi_MufluxSpectrometerHits: s,v,p,l,view = stationInfo(hit) rc = xLayers[s][p][l][view].Fill(hit.GetDetectorID()%1000) rc = h['TDC'+xLayers[s][p][l][view].GetName()].Fill(hit.GetDigi()) if not h.has_key('hitMapsX'): ut.bookCanvas(h,key='hitMapsX',title='Hit Maps All Layers',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=4,cy=6) if not h.has_key('TDCMapsX'): ut.bookCanvas(h,key='TDCMapsX',title='TDC Maps All Layers',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=4,cy=6) j=0 for s in range(1,5): for view in ['_x','_u','_v']: for p in range(2): for l in range(2): if not xLayers[s][p][l].has_key(view):continue if s>2 and view != '_x': continue if s==1 and view == '_v': continue if s==2 and view == '_u': continue j+=1 rc = h['hitMapsX'].cd(j) xLayers[s][p][l][view].Draw() rc = h['TDCMapsX'].cd(j) h['TDC'+xLayers[s][p][l][view].GetName()].Draw() mean = xLayers[s][p][l][view].GetEntries()/channels[s][p][l][view] for i in range(int(xLayers[s][p][l][view].GetEntries())): if xLayers[s][p][l][view].GetBinContent(i) > noiseThreshold * mean: n = xLayers[s][p][l][view].GetName().split('_')[0] noisyChannels.append(int(n)*100+i) print "list of noisy channels" for n in noisyChannels: print n
def runStability(C=None): if not C: C = getCalibrationParameters(options.runNumbers) runEvol = {1:{},2:{}} badChannels = {1:{},2:{}} for r in C: for s in C[r]: for l in C[r][s]: for i in C[r][s][l]['mean']: value = C[r][s][l]['mean'][i] key = l+'_'+str(i) rError = value[1] / value[0] if rError > 0.05: continue # remove distributions with low statistics if not key in runEvol[s]: runEvol[s][key] = ROOT.TGraph() n = runEvol[s][key].GetN() runEvol[s][key].SetPoint(n,value[0],1.) ut.bookHist(h,'rms'+sdict[s],'rms',1000,-1.,1.) ut.bookCanvas(h,sdict[s],'',900,600,1,1) h[sdict[s]].cd() for key in runEvol[s]: x = runEvol[s][key].GetRMS()/runEvol[s][key].GetMean() rc = h['rms'+sdict[s]].Fill(x) if abs(x)>0.2: badChannels[key]=x print("%s : %5.2F %5.2F %5.2F"%(key,x,runEvol[s][key].GetRMS(),runEvol[s][key].GetMean())) h['rms'+sdict[s]+'100']=h['rms'+sdict[s]].Rebin(10,'rms'+sdict[s]+'100') h['rms'+sdict[s]+'100'].Draw() return runEvol,badChannels
def makePlots(): ut.bookCanvas(h,key='fitresults',title='Fit Results',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=2,cy=2) cv = h['fitresults'].cd(1) h['delPOverP'].Draw('box') cv = h['fitresults'].cd(2) cv.SetLogy(1) h['chi2'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults'].cd(3) h['delPOverP_proj'] = h['delPOverP'].ProjectionY() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(11111) h['delPOverP_proj'].Draw() h['delPOverP_proj'].Fit('gaus') cv = h['fitresults'].cd(4) h['delPOverP2_proj'] = h['delPOverP2'].ProjectionY() h['delPOverP2_proj'].Draw() h['delPOverP2_proj'].Fit('gaus') h['fitresults'].Print('fitresults.gif') ut.bookCanvas(h,key='fitresults2',title='Fit Results',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=2,cy=2) cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(1) h['Doca'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(2) h['IP0'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(3) h['HNL'].Draw() h['HNL'].Fit('gaus') cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(4) h['IP0/mass'].Draw('box') h['fitresults2'].Print('fitresults2.gif')
def DrawCol(): if h.has_key('colorTable') : return u.bookCanvas(h,key='colorTable',title='colors',nx=100,ny=600,cx=1,cy=1) gPad = h['colorTable'].cd(1) gPad.SetFillColor(0) gPad.Clear() text = ROOT.TText(0,0,"") text.SetTextFont(61) text.SetTextSize(0.07) text.SetTextAlign(22) box = ROOT.TBox() # Draw color table boxes. hs = 1./float(8) xlow = 0.1 xup = 0.9 for j in h['Erange']: E = h['Erange'][j] ylow = hs*(j-1+0.1) yup = hs*(j-1+0.9) color = ncol[int(E)] box.SetFillStyle(1001) box.SetFillColor(color) box.DrawBox(xlow, ylow, xup, yup) box.SetFillStyle(0) box.SetLineColor(1) box.DrawBox(xlow, ylow, xup, yup) if color == 1: text.SetTextColor(0) else : text.SetTextColor(1) text.DrawText(0.5*(xlow+xup), 0.5*(ylow+yup), E+' GeV/c')
def makePlots(): ut.bookCanvas(h, key='Test_Mass', title='Fit Results', nx=1000, ny=1000, cx=2, cy=2) cv = h['Test_Mass'].cd(1) h['HNL_true'].SetXTitle('Invariant mass [GeV/c2]') h['HNL_true'].SetYTitle('No. of Particles') h['HNL_true'].Draw() cv = h['Test_Mass'].cd(2) h['HNL_reco'].SetXTitle('Invariant mass [GeV/c2]') h['HNL_reco'].SetYTitle('No. of Particles') h['HNL_reco'].Draw() fitSingleGauss('HNL_reco', 0.9, 1.1) cv = h['Test_Mass'].cd(3) h['HNL_mom'].SetXTitle('Momentum [GeV/c]') h['HNL_mom'].SetYTitle('No. of Particles') h['HNL_mom'].SetLineColor(2) h['HNL_mom'].Draw() h['HNL_mom_reco'].Draw("same") cv = h['Test_Mass'].cd(4) h['HNL_mom_diff'].SetXTitle('Momentum Difference [GeV/c]') h['HNL_mom_diff'].SetYTitle('Frequency') h['HNL_mom_diff'].Draw() h['Test_Mass'].Print('HNLgraphs.png') #====================================================================================================================== ut.bookCanvas(h, key='Time_Res', title='Fit Results 2', nx=1000, ny=1000, cx=2, cy=2) cv = h['Time_Res'].cd(1) h['Time'].SetXTitle('Time [ns]') h['Time'].SetYTitle('Frequency') h['Time'].Draw() cv = h['Time_Res'].cd(2) h['Time2'].SetXTitle('Time [ns]') h['Time2'].SetYTitle('Frequency') h['Time2'].Draw() cv = h['Time_Res'].cd(3) h['Time3'].SetXTitle('Time [ns]') h['Time3'].SetYTitle('Frequency') h['Time3'].Draw() cv = h['Time_Res'].cd(4) h['Time4'].SetXTitle('Time [ns]') h['Time4'].SetYTitle('Frequency') h['Time4'].Draw() h['Time_Res'].Print('TimeRes1.png')
def makePlots(): ut.bookCanvas(h,key='DPanalysis',title='Mass',nx=800,ny=600,cx=2,cy=1) cv = h['DPanalysis'].cd(1) h['DPgenM'].Draw() cv = h['DPanalysis'].cd(2) h['DPselMw'].Draw() h['DPanalysis'].Print("./DPmass.pdf") h['DPanalysis'].Print("./DPmass.png") print 'finished making plots'
def plotEvent(n): rc = sTree.GetEvent(n) for c in hitCollection: rc=hitCollection[c][1].Set(0) global stereoHits stereoHits = [] ut.bookHist(h,'xz','x (y) vs z',500,0.,1200.,100,-150.,150.) if not h.has_key('simpleDisplay'): ut.bookCanvas(h,key='simpleDisplay',title='simple event display',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=1,cy=0) rc = h[ 'simpleDisplay'].cd(1) h['xz'].SetMarkerStyle(30) h['xz'].SetStats(0) h['xz'].Draw('b') for hit in sTree.Digi_MufluxSpectrometerHits: statnb,vnb,pnb,lnb,view = stationInfo(hit) # print statnb,vnb,pnb,lnb,view,hit.GetDetectorID() rc = hit.MufluxSpectrometerEndPoints(vbot,vtop) if view != '_x': stereoHit = ROOT.TGraph() stereoHit.SetPoint(0,vbot[2],vbot[0]) stereoHit.SetPoint(1,vtop[2],vtop[0]) stereoHits.append(stereoHit) continue if statnb<3: c = hitCollection['upstream'] rc = c[1].SetPoint(c[0],vbot[2],vbot[0]) c[0]+=1 else: c = hitCollection['downstream'] rc = c[1].SetPoint(c[0],vbot[2],vbot[0]) c[0]+=1 c = hitCollection['muonTagger'] for hit in sTree.Digi_MuonTaggerHits: channelID = hit.GetDetectorID() statnb = channelID/10000 view = (channelID-10000*statnb)/1000 channel = channelID%1000 if view == 1: #poor man geometry , probably completly wrong x = +rpc[statnb][0] - 2*rpc[statnb][0]/rpcchannels*channel rc = c[1].SetPoint(c[0],rpc[statnb][2],x) c[0]+=1 hitCollection['downstream'][1].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kRed) hitCollection['upstream'][1].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlue) hitCollection['muonTagger'][1].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kGreen) for c in hitCollection: rc=hitCollection[c][1].SetMarkerStyle(30) for c in hitCollection: if hitCollection[c][1].GetN()<1: continue rc=hitCollection[c][1].Draw('sameP') h['display:'+c]=hitCollection[c][1] for g in stereoHits: g.SetLineWidth(2) g.Draw('same') h[ 'simpleDisplay'].Update()
def analyzeConcrete(): for m in ['','mu']: ut.bookHist(h,'conc_hitz'+m,'concrete hit z '+m,100,-100.,100.) ut.bookHist(h,'conc_hity'+m,'concrete hit y '+m,100,-15.,15.) ut.bookHist(h,'conc_p'+m,'concrete hit p '+m,100,0.,300.) ut.bookHist(h,'conc_pt'+m,'concrete hit pt '+m,100,0.,10.) ut.bookHist(h,'conc_hitzy'+m,'concrete hit zy '+m,100,-100.,100.,100,-15.,15.) top = fGeo.GetTopVolume() magn = top.GetNode("magyoke_1") z0 = magn.GetMatrix().GetTranslation()[2]/u.m for fn in fchain: f = ROOT.TFile(fn) if not f.FindObjectAny('cbmsim'): print 'skip file ',f.GetName() continue sTree = f.cbmsim nEvents = sTree.GetEntries() for n in range(nEvents): sTree.GetEntry(n) wg = sTree.MCTrack[0].GetWeight() for ahit in sTree.vetoPoint: detID = ahit.GetDetectorID() if logVols[detID] != 'rockD': continue m='' if abs(ahit.PdgCode()) == 13: m='mu' h['conc_hitz'+m].Fill(ahit.GetZ()/u.m-z0,wg) h['conc_hity'+m].Fill(ahit.GetY()/u.m,wg) P = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(ahit.GetPx()**2+ahit.GetPy()**2+ahit.GetPz()**2) h['conc_p'+m].Fill(P/u.GeV,wg) Pt = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(ahit.GetPx()**2+ahit.GetPy()**2) h['conc_pt'+m].Fill(Pt/u.GeV,wg) h['conc_hitzy'+m].Fill(ahit.GetZ()/u.m-z0,ahit.GetY()/u.m,wg) # start = [ahit.GetX()/u.m,ahit.GetY()/u.m,ahit.GetZ()/u.m] direc = [-ahit.GetPx()/P,-ahit.GetPy()/P,-ahit.GetPz()/P] t = - start[0]/direc[0] ut.bookCanvas(h,key='Resultsmu',title='muons hitting concrete',nx=1000,ny=600,cx=2,cy=2) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='Results',title='hitting concrete',nx=1000,ny=600,cx=2,cy=2) for m in ['','mu']: tc = h['Results'+m].cd(1) h['conc_hity'+m].Draw() tc = h['Results'+m].cd(2) h['conc_hitz'+m].Draw() tc = h['Results'+m].cd(3) tc.SetLogy(1) h['conc_pt'+m].Draw() tc = h['Results'+m].cd(4) tc.SetLogy(1) h['conc_p'+m].Draw()
def makeTPplots(): h['decayVolumeRho'] = ROOT.TLine(0,5.,(ShipGeo['TrackStation1'].z-z_zero)/u.m,5.) h['decayVolumeRho'].SetLineColor(3) h['decayVolumeRho'].SetLineWidth(3) h['decayVolumeRho2'] = ROOT.TLine(0,2.5,(ShipGeo['TrackStation1'].z-z_zero)/u.m,2.5) h['decayVolumeRho2'].SetLineColor(3) h['decayVolumeRho2'].SetLineWidth(3) h['decayVolumeRho2'].SetLineStyle(4) h['decayVolumeZ'] = ROOT.TLine((ShipGeo['TrackStation1'].z-z_zero)/u.m,0.,(ShipGeo['TrackStation1'].z-z_zero)/u.m,5.) h['decayVolumeZ'].SetLineColor(3) h['decayVolumeZ'].SetLineWidth(3) h['txtDV1'] = ROOT.TLatex(5.,1.0,"Decay volume") h['txtDV2a'] = ROOT.TLatex(5.,1.5,"Decay") h['txtDV2b'] = ROOT.TLatex(5.,0.5,"volume") # ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) h['rhozmu'] = h['130rhozmu'].Clone('rhozmu') h['rhozmu'].Add(h['310rhozmu']) h['rhozmu'].Add(h['3122rhozmu']) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='tp1',title='rho z muons',nx=900,ny=600,cx=1,cy=1) tc = h['tp1'].cd(1) h['rhozmu'].SetYTitle('distance from beam axis [m]') h['rhozmu'].SetXTitle('distance to start of decay volume [m]') h['rhozmu'].SetZTitle('Number of muons') h['rhozmu'].Draw('colz') h['decayVolumeRho'].Draw() h['decayVolumeRho2'].Draw() h['decayVolumeZ'].Draw() h['txtDV1'].Draw() h['tp1'].Print('muonConcreterhoZ.pdf') # i = 1 for x in hdict: h['resultsrhoZ'].cd(i) hn = str(x)+'rhoz' if i==1: h[hn].SetYTitle('distance from beam axis [m]') else: h[hn].SetYTitle('') if i==2: h[hn].SetXTitle('distance to start of decay vol. [m]') else: h[hn].SetXTitle('') h['txtV0'+str(x)] = ROOT.TLatex(10.,6.,hdict[x]) h[hn].Draw('colz') h['txtV0'+str(x)].Draw() h['decayVolumeRho'].Draw() h['decayVolumeRho2'].Draw() h['decayVolumeZ'].Draw() h['txtDV2a'].Draw() h['txtDV2b'].Draw() i+=1 h['resultsrhoZ'].Print('V0Decay_point.pdf')
def addAllHistograms(): h={} ecut = '10.0' Nmax=45000 path = os.environ['EOSSHIP']+"/eos/experiment/ship/data/Mbias/background-prod-2018/" ut.bookCanvas(h,key='canvas',title='debug',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=1,cy=1) h['canvas'].SetLogy(1) for i in range(0,Nmax,1000): fname = "pythia8_Geant4_"+ecut+"_c"+str(i)+".root" ut.readHists(h,path+fname) if i==0: h[1012].Draw() for x in h.keys(): if h[x].GetName().find('proj')>0: rc = h.pop(x) ut.writeHists(h,"pythia8_Geant4_"+ecut+"_c"+str(Nmax)+"-histos.root")
def absorptionLengthOLD(): Lfun = ROOT.TF1('Lfun', '[0]*(10**x)**[1]', -9, -6) Lfun.SetParameter(0, 6.4) Lfun.SetParameter(1, 0.98) hFiles = { "thermNeutron_BoronCarbide_X.XX_-E_-E_0.root": [0.08, 0.3], "thermNeutron_Boratedpolyethylene_X.XX_0.root": [1.0, 100.] } # thermNeutron_BoronCarbide_4.0_-8_-7_0.root Ls = { 0.01: ROOT.kRed, 0.1: ROOT.kOrange, 0.04: ROOT.kCyan, 0.4: ROOT.kBlue, 4.0: ROOT.kMagenta } for hFile in hFiles: material = hFile.split('_')[1] ut.bookCanvas(h, 'absorb' + material, '', 1200, 800, 1, 1) h['absorb' + material].cd() for L in Ls: l = str(L) if L < 3: tmp = hFile.replace("X.XX", l).replace(" _-E_-E", "") else: tmp = hFile.replace("X.XX", l).replace(" _-E_-E", "_-8_-7") count(tmp) h['Eff_' + l] = h['Eff'].Clone('Eff_' + l) h['L_' + l] = ROOT.TGraph() h['L_' + l].SetLineColor(Ls[L]) h['Eff'].Draw() g = h['Eff'].GetPaintedGraph() for n in range(g.GetN()): logE, p = g.GetPointX(n), g.GetPointY(n) if p > 0: absL = -L / ROOT.TMath.Log(p) else: absL = 0 h['L_' + l].SetPoint(n, logE, absL) ut.bookHist(h, 'L', ';logE; L [cm]', 100, -9., -6.) h['L'].SetMaximum(hFiles[hFile][0]) h['L'].SetStats(0) h['L'].Draw() for L in Ls: if L > hFiles[hFile][1]: continue h['L_' + str(L)].Draw('same') h['L_' + str(0.1)].Fit(Lfun) myPrint(h['absorb' + material], 'absorbLength' + material)
def addAllHistograms(): h={} ecut = '10.0' Nmax=45000 path = os.environ['EOSSHIP']+"/eos/experiment/ship/data/Mbias/background-prod-2018/" ut.bookCanvas(h,key='canvas',title='debug',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=1,cy=1) h['canvas'].SetLogy(1) for i in range(0,Nmax,1000): fname = "pythia8_Geant4_"+ecut+"_c"+str(i)+".root" ut.readHists(h,path+fname) if i==0: h[1012].Draw() tmp = h.keys() for x in tmp: if h[x].GetName().find('proj')>0: rc = h.pop(x) ut.writeHists(h,"pythia8_Geant4_"+ecut+"_c"+str(Nmax)+"-histos.root")
def printScalers(): ut.bookHist(h,'rate','rate',100,-0.5,99.5) if not h.has_key('rates'): ut.bookCanvas(h,key='rates',title='Rates',nx=600,ny=400,cx=1,cy=1) rc = h['rates'].cd(1) scalers = f.scalers if not scalers: print "no scalers in this file" return scalers.GetEntry(0) for x in scalers.GetListOfBranches(): name = x.GetName() s = eval('scalers.'+name) if name!='slices': print "%20s :%8i"%(name,s) else: for n in range(s.size()): rc=h['rate'].Fill(n,s[n])
def someDrawings(F, channel): AF = ROOT.TVector3() BF = ROOT.TVector3() ut.bookCanvas(h, 'c1', ' ;x;y', 800, 800, 1, 1) s = int(channel / 1000000) o = int((channel - 1000000 * s) / 100000) locChannel = channel % 100000 fibreVol = sGeo.FindVolumeFast('FiberVolume') R = fibreVol.GetShape().GetDX() sipmVol = sGeo.FindVolumeFast("ChannelVol") DY = sipmVol.GetShape().GetDY() DZ = sipmVol.GetShape().GetDZ() n = 0 xmin = 999. xmax = -999. ymin = 999. ymax = -999. for fibre in F[locChannel]: globFibre = int(s * 1000000 + o * 100000 + fibre) scifi.GetPosition(globFibre, AF, BF) loc = scifi.GetLocalPos(globFibre, AF) h['ellipse' + str(n)] = ROOT.TEllipse(loc[0], loc[2], R, 0) n += 1 if xmin > loc[0]: xmin = loc[0] if ymin > loc[2]: ymin = loc[2] if xmax < loc[0]: xmax = loc[0] if ymax < loc[2]: ymax = loc[2] print(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) D = ymax - ymin + 3 * R x0 = (xmax + xmin) / 2. ut.bookHist(h, 'x', '', 100, x0 - D / 2, x0 + D / 2, 100, ymin - 1.5 * R, ymax + 1.5 * R) h['x'].SetStats(0) h['x'].Draw() for i in range(n): print(fibre, globFibre, loc[0], loc[1], loc[2]) el = h['ellipse' + str(i)] el.SetFillColor(6) el.Draw('same') scifi.GetSiPMPosition(channel, AF, BF) loc = scifi.GetLocalPos(globFibre, AF) h['rectang'] = ROOT.TBox(loc[0] - DY, loc[2] - DZ, loc[0] + DY, loc[2] + DZ) h['rectang'].SetFillColor(4) h['rectang'].SetFillStyle(3001) h['rectang'].Draw('same')
def makeTrajPlot(): gStyle.SetCanvasPreferGL(kTRUE) u.bookCanvas(h,key='trajectories',title='trajectories of surviving muons',nx=1600,ny=800,cx=2,cy=1) if not h.has_key('world'): h['world'] = TH3F('world','world',100,-5.,5.,100,-5.,5.,100,-50.,51.) h['world2d'] = TH2F('world2d','world2d',100,-5.,5.,100,-50.,51.) h['world'].GetXaxis().SetTitle('x-axis') h['world'].GetYaxis().SetTitle('y-axis') h['world'].GetZaxis().SetTitle('beam') h['world'].SetStats(0) h['trajectories'].cd(1) h['world'].Draw('gl') h['trajectories'].cd(2) h['world2d'].Draw() h['world_leg'] = TLegend(0.38,0.62,0.62,0.89) for E in range(25,425,50): makeEntryLists(E-25,E+25,3) h['trajectories'].cd(2) h['world_leg'].Draw()
def plotRPCHitmap(): ut.bookHist(h,'rpcHitmap','rpc Hitmaps',60,-0.5,59.5) for n in range(1,6): for l in range(2): ut.bookHist(h,'rpcHitmap'+str(n)+str(l),'rpc Hitmaps station '+str(n)+'layer '+str(l),200,-0.5,199.5) for event in sTree: for m in event.Digi_MuonTaggerHits: layer = m.GetDetectorID()/1000 rc = h['rpcHitmap'].Fill(layer) channel = m.GetDetectorID()%1000 rc = h['rpcHitmap'+str(layer)].Fill(channel) if not h.has_key('rpcPlot'): ut.bookCanvas(h,key='rpcPlot',title='RPC Hitmaps',nx=1200,ny=600,cx=4,cy=3) j=0 for n in range(1,6): for l in range(2): j+=1 rc = h['rpcPlot'].cd(j) h['rpcHitmap'+str(n)+str(l)].Draw() j+=1 rc = h['rpcPlot'].cd(j) h['rpcHitmap'].Draw()
def makePlots(): ut.bookCanvas(h,key='Mass_Comparison',title='Fit Results',nx=1000,ny=1000,cx=2,cy=2) cv = h['Mass_Comparison'].cd(1) h['HNL_true'].SetXTitle('Invariant Mass [GeV/c2]') h['HNL_true'].SetYTitle('No. of Particles') h['HNL_true'].Draw() #fitSingleGauss('HNL_true',0.9,1.1) cv = h['Mass_Comparison'].cd(2) h['HNL_reco'].SetXTitle('Invariant Mass [GeV/c2]') h['HNL_reco'].SetYTitle('No. of Particles') h['HNL_reco'].Draw() fitSingleGauss('HNL_reco',0.9,1.1) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cv = h['Mass_Comparison'].cd(3) h['HNL'].SetXTitle('Invariant Mass [GeV/c2]') h['HNL'].SetYTitle('No. of Particles') h['HNL'].Draw() fitSingleGauss('HNL',0.9,1.1) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- h['Mass_Comparison'].Print('Mass_Comparison.png') print('finished making plots')
def makePlots(): ut.bookCanvas(h,key='ecalanalysis',title='cluster map',nx=800,ny=600,cx=1,cy=1) cv = h['ecalanalysis'].cd(1) h['ecalClusters'].Draw('colz') ut.bookCanvas(h,key='strawanalysis',title='Distance to wire and mean nr of hits',nx=1200,ny=600,cx=3,cy=1) cv = h['strawanalysis'].cd(1) h['disty'].Draw() h['distu'].Draw('same') h['distv'].Draw('same') cv = h['strawanalysis'].cd(2) h['meanhits'].Draw() cv = h['strawanalysis'].cd(3) h['meas2'].Draw() ut.bookCanvas(h,key='fitresults',title='Fit Results',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=2,cy=2) cv = h['fitresults'].cd(1) h['delPOverPz'].Draw('box') cv = h['fitresults'].cd(2) cv.SetLogy(1) h['prob'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults'].cd(3) h['delPOverPz_proj'] = h['delPOverPz'].ProjectionY() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(11111) h['delPOverPz_proj'].Draw() h['delPOverPz_proj'].Fit('gaus') cv = h['fitresults'].cd(4) h['delPOverP2z_proj'] = h['delPOverP2z'].ProjectionY() h['delPOverP2z_proj'].Draw() fitSingleGauss('delPOverP2z_proj') h['fitresults'].Print('fitresults.gif') ut.bookCanvas(h,key='fitresults2',title='Fit Results',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=2,cy=2) print 'finished with first canvas' cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(1) h['Doca'].SetXTitle('closest distance between 2 tracks [cm]') h['Doca'].SetYTitle('N/1mm') h['Doca'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(2) h['IP0'].SetXTitle('impact parameter to p-target [cm]') h['IP0'].SetYTitle('N/1cm') h['IP0'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(3) h['HNL'].SetXTitle('inv. mass [GeV/c2]') h['HNL'].SetYTitle('N/4MeV/c2') h['HNL'].Draw() fitSingleGauss('HNL',0.9,1.1) cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(4) h['IP0/mass'].SetXTitle('inv. mass [GeV/c2]') h['IP0/mass'].SetYTitle('IP [cm]') h['IP0/mass'].Draw('colz') h['fitresults2'].Print('fitresults2.gif') print 'finished making plots'
def makePlots(): ut.bookCanvas(h,key='fitresults2',title='Fit Results',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=2,cy=2) print 'finished with first canvas' cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(1) h['Doca'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(2) h['IP0'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(3) h['HNL'].Draw() fitSingleGauss('HNL',0.9,1.1) cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(4) h['IP0/mass'].Draw('box') h['fitresults2'].Print('fitresults2.gif') ut.bookCanvas(h,key='otherResults',title='other results',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=2,cy=2) cv = h['otherResults'].cd(1) h['Ntracks'].SetXTitle('number of tracks / event') h['Ntracks'].Draw() cv = h['otherResults'].cd(2) h['P'].SetXTitle('momentum of tracks [GeV/c]') h['P'].Draw() cv = h['otherResults'].cd(3) h['recoVXrhoz'].Draw() cv = h['otherResults'].cd(4) h['HNLOtherTracks'].Draw() ut.bookCanvas(h,key='Vx',title='vertex position',nx=800,ny=600,cx=1,cy=1) cv = h['Vx'].cd(1) h['VxZ'].Draw('colz')
def plotFromJpsi(): inputFiles() muonSpect() for p in ["P", "Pt"]: ut.bookCanvas(h, key=p, title=" ", nx=1000, ny=600) h["lg" + p] = ROOT.TLegend(0.4, 0.7, 0.85, 0.85) h["fCERN" + p].SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) mx = h["fCERN" + p].SetMaximum( max(h["fCERN" + p].GetMaximum(), h["fYAND" + p].GetMaximum(), h["fJPSI" + p].GetMaximum()) ) h["fCERN" + p].Draw() h["fYAND" + p].SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) h["fYAND" + p].Draw("same") h["fJPSI" + p].SetLineColor(ROOT.kGreen) h["fJPSI" + p].Draw("same") h["fMO" + p].SetLineColor(ROOT.kMagenta) h["fMO" + p].Draw("same") h["lg" + p].AddEntry(h["fCERN" + p], "CERN/Cracow production", "PL") h["lg" + p].AddEntry(h["fYAND" + p], "Yandex production", "PL") h["lg" + p].AddEntry(h["fJPSI" + p], "Jpsi-only production", "PL") h["lg" + p].AddEntry(h["fMO" + p], "molybdenum", "PL") h["lg" + p].Draw()
def makePlots(): ut.bookCanvas(h, key="fitresults", title="Fit Results", nx=1600, ny=1200, cx=2, cy=2) cv = h["fitresults"].cd(1) h["delPOverP"].Draw("box") cv = h["fitresults"].cd(2) cv.SetLogy(1) h["chi2"].Draw() cv = h["fitresults"].cd(3) h["delPOverP_proj"] = h["delPOverP"].ProjectionY() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(11111) h["delPOverP_proj"].Draw() h["delPOverP_proj"].Fit("gaus") cv = h["fitresults"].cd(4) h["delPOverP2_proj"] = h["delPOverP2"].ProjectionY() h["delPOverP2_proj"].Draw() h["delPOverP2_proj"].Fit("gaus") h["fitresults"].Print("fitresults.gif") ut.bookCanvas(h, key="fitresults2", title="Fit Results", nx=1600, ny=1200, cx=2, cy=2) cv = h["fitresults2"].cd(1) h["IP"].Draw() cv = h["fitresults2"].cd(2) h["HNL"].Draw() h["HNL"].Fit("gaus") h["fitresults2"].Print("fitresults2.gif")
def eventTime(): Tprev = -1 freq = 160.E6 ut.bookHist(h, 'Etime', 'delta event time; dt [s]', 100, 0.0, 1.) ut.bookCanvas(h, 'E', ' ', 1024, 2 * 768, 1, 2) eventTree.GetEvent(0) t0 = eventTree.EventHeader.GetEventTime() / 160.E6 eventTree.GetEvent(eventTree.GetEntries() - 1) tmax = eventTree.EventHeader.GetEventTime() / 160.E6 ut.bookHist(h, 'time', 'elapsed time; t [s]', 1000, t0, tmax) for event in eventTree: T = event.EventHeader.GetEventTime() dT = 0 if Tprev > 0: dT = T - Tprev Tprev = T rc = h['Etime'].Fill(dT / freq) rc = h['time'].Fill((T / freq - t0)) tc = h['E'].cd(1) rc = h['Etime'].Fit('expo') tc.Update() stats = h['Etime'].FindObject("stats") stats.SetOptFit(111) tc = h['E'].cd(2) h['time'].Draw()
def hitMaps(Nev=-1): for mat in range(30): ut.bookHist(h, 'mat_' + str(mat), 'hit map / mat', 512, -0.5, 511.5) ut.bookHist(h, 'sig_' + str(mat), 'signal / mat', 150, 0.0, 150.) N = -1 if Nev < 0: Nev = eventTree.GetEntries() for event in eventTree: N += 1 if N > Nev: break for aHit in event.Digi_ScifiHits: if not aHit.isValid(): continue X = xPos(aHit.GetDetectorID()) rc = h['mat_' + str(X[0] * 3 + X[1])].Fill(X[2]) rc = h['sig_' + str(X[0] * 3 + X[1])].Fill(aHit.GetSignal(0)) ut.bookCanvas(h, 'hitmaps', ' ', 1024, 768, 6, 5) ut.bookCanvas(h, 'signal', ' ', 1024, 768, 6, 5) for mat in range(30): tc = h['hitmaps'].cd(mat + 1) A = h['mat_' + str(mat)].GetSumOfWeights() / 512. if h['mat_' + str(mat)].GetMaximum() > 10 * A: h['mat_' + str(mat)].SetMaximum(10 * A) h['mat_' + str(mat)].Draw() tc = h['signal'].cd(mat + 1) h['sig_' + str(mat)].Draw()
def makePlots(): ut.bookCanvas(h, key='strawanalysis', title='Distance to wire and mean nr of hits', nx=1200, ny=600, cx=2, cy=1) cv = h['strawanalysis'].cd(1) h['disty'].Draw() h['distu'].Draw('same') h['distv'].Draw('same') cv = h['strawanalysis'].cd(2) h['meanhits'].Draw() ut.bookCanvas(h, key='fitresults', title='Fit Results', nx=1600, ny=1200, cx=2, cy=2) cv = h['fitresults'].cd(1) h['delPOverPz'].Draw('box') cv = h['fitresults'].cd(2) cv.SetLogy(1) h['chi2'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults'].cd(3) h['delPOverPz_proj'] = h['delPOverPz'].ProjectionY() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(11111) h['delPOverPz_proj'].Draw() h['delPOverPz_proj'].Fit('gaus') cv = h['fitresults'].cd(4) h['delPOverP2z_proj'] = h['delPOverP2z'].ProjectionY() h['delPOverP2z_proj'].Draw() fitSingleGauss('delPOverP2z_proj') h['fitresults'].Print('fitresults.gif') ut.bookCanvas(h, key='fitresults2', title='Fit Results', nx=1600, ny=1200, cx=2, cy=2) print 'finished with first canvas' cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(1) h['Doca'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(2) h['IP0'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(3) h['HNL'].Draw() fitSingleGauss('HNL') cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(4) h['IP0/mass'].Draw('box') h['fitresults2'].Print('fitresults2.gif') print 'finished making plots'
def mergeHistosMakePlots(p): if not type(p)==type([]): pl=[p] else: pl = p hlist = '' for p in pl: prefix = str(p) for x in os.listdir('.'): if not x.find(prefix)<0: if os.path.isdir(x) : hlist += x+'/ShipAna.root ' print "-->",hlist os.system('hadd -f ShipAna.root '+hlist) ut.readHists(h,"ShipAna.root") print h['meanhits'].GetEntries() if 1>0: ut.bookCanvas(h,key='strawanalysis',title='Distance to wire and mean nr of hits',nx=1200,ny=600,cx=2,cy=1) # cv = h['strawanalysis'].cd(1) h['disty'].DrawCopy() h['distu'].DrawCopy('same') h['distv'].DrawCopy('same') cv = h['strawanalysis'].cd(2) h['meanhits'].DrawCopy() print h['meanhits'].GetEntries() ut.bookCanvas(h,key='fitresults',title='Fit Results',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=2,cy=2) cv = h['fitresults'].cd(1) h['delPOverP'].Draw('box') cv = h['fitresults'].cd(2) cv.SetLogy(1) h['chi2'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults'].cd(3) h['delPOverP_proj'] = h['delPOverP'].ProjectionY() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(11111) h['delPOverP_proj'].Draw() h['delPOverP_proj'].Fit('gaus') cv = h['fitresults'].cd(4) h['delPOverP2_proj'] = h['delPOverP2'].ProjectionY() h['delPOverP2_proj'].Draw() fitSingleGauss('delPOverP2_proj') h['fitresults'].Print('fitresults.gif') ut.bookCanvas(h,key='fitresults2',title='Fit Results',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=2,cy=2) print 'finished with first canvas' cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(1) h['Doca'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(2) h['IP0'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(3) h['HNL'].Draw() fitSingleGauss('HNL',0.,2.) cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(4) h['IP0/mass'].Draw('box') h['fitresults2'].Print('fitresults2.gif') h['strawanalysis'].Print('strawanalysis.gif') print 'finished making plots'
def makePlots(): ut.bookCanvas(h, key="strawanalysis", title="Distance to wire and mean nr of hits", nx=1200, ny=600, cx=2, cy=1) cv = h["strawanalysis"].cd(1) h["disty"].Draw() h["distu"].Draw("same") h["distv"].Draw("same") cv = h["strawanalysis"].cd(2) h["meanhits"].Draw() ut.bookCanvas(h, key="fitresults", title="Fit Results", nx=1600, ny=1200, cx=2, cy=2) cv = h["fitresults"].cd(1) h["delPOverP"].Draw("box") cv = h["fitresults"].cd(2) cv.SetLogy(1) h["chi2"].Draw() cv = h["fitresults"].cd(3) h["delPOverP_proj"] = h["delPOverP"].ProjectionY() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(11111) h["delPOverP_proj"].Draw() h["delPOverP_proj"].Fit("gaus") cv = h["fitresults"].cd(4) h["delPOverP2_proj"] = h["delPOverP2"].ProjectionY() h["delPOverP2_proj"].Draw() fitSingleGauss("delPOverP2_proj") h["fitresults"].Print("fitresults.gif") ut.bookCanvas(h, key="fitresults2", title="Fit Results", nx=1600, ny=1200, cx=2, cy=2) print "finished with first canvas" cv = h["fitresults2"].cd(1) h["Doca"].Draw() cv = h["fitresults2"].cd(2) h["IP0"].Draw() cv = h["fitresults2"].cd(3) h["HNL"].Draw() fitSingleGauss("HNL") cv = h["fitresults2"].cd(4) h["IP0/mass"].Draw("box") h["fitresults2"].Print("fitresults2.gif") print "finished making plots"
def makePlots(): ut.bookCanvas(h,key='strawanalysis',title='Distance to wire and mean nr of hits',nx=1200,ny=600,cx=2,cy=1) cv = h['strawanalysis'].cd(1) h['disty'].Draw() h['distu'].Draw('same') h['distv'].Draw('same') cv = h['strawanalysis'].cd(2) h['meanhits'].Draw() ut.bookCanvas(h,key='fitresults',title='Fit Results',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=2,cy=2) cv = h['fitresults'].cd(1) h['delPOverP'].Draw('box') cv = h['fitresults'].cd(2) cv.SetLogy(1) h['chi2'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults'].cd(3) h['delPOverP_proj'] = h['delPOverP'].ProjectionY() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(11111) h['delPOverP_proj'].Draw() h['delPOverP_proj'].Fit('gaus') cv = h['fitresults'].cd(4) h['delPOverP2_proj'] = h['delPOverP2'].ProjectionY() h['delPOverP2_proj'].Draw() fitSingleGauss('delPOverP2_proj') h['fitresults'].Print('fitresults.gif') ut.bookCanvas(h,key='fitresults2',title='Fit Results',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=2,cy=2) print 'finished with first canvas' cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(1) h['Doca'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(2) h['IP0'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(3) h['HNL'].Draw() fitSingleGauss('HNL') cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(4) h['IP0/mass'].Draw('box') h['fitresults2'].Print('fitresults2.gif') print 'finished making plots'
if not l.find('muMinusCaptureAtRest:')<0: x = (l.replace('\n','')).replace('{','') xx = (x.replace('}','')).replace("'",'') for k in xx.split(','): i = k.split(':') ProcDict[i[0]]=int(i[1]) dictProc[int(i[1])] = i[0] # model = "QGSP_BERT_EMX" withField = False shieldLength = 30.5 # 80m 50 + 30 zdet = 40 # at 90m 50 + 40 Rdet = str(2.5/100.*90.) h={} u.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsI',title='results',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=4,cy=2) if not withField: u.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsII',title='results only muons reaching detector for shielding '+str(shieldLength+50-0.5),nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=4,cy=2) else: u.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsII',title='results only muons reaching detector',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=4,cy=2) u.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsIII',title='results final momentum ',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=4,cy=2) u.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsIV',title='results X Y',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=4,cy=2) u.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsV',title='results X Y',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=4,cy=2) u.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsVI',title='results tX tY',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=4,cy=2) u.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsVII',title='results X Y z=60m for emulsion',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=4,cy=2) u.bookCanvas(h,key='Momsurv',title='mom spectrum of surviving muons',nx=800,ny=600,cx=1,cy=1) u.bookHist(h,'mom','mom',400,0.,400.) def extrap(zscor,pyl): # extrapolate to detector
f=ROOT.TFile('TLV.root') pdg = ROOT.TDatabasePDG.Instance() h={} sTree = f.cbmsim ut.bookHist(h,'Ekin','Ekin of particles in sens plane',400000,0.,400) ut.bookHist(h,'EkinLow','Ekin of particles in sens plane',1000,0.,0.001) for n in range(sTree.GetEntries()): rc = sTree.GetEvent(n) for aHit in sTree.vetoPoint: oTrack = sTree.MCTrack[aHit.GetTrackID()] M = pdg.GetParticle(oTrack.GetPdgCode()).Mass() Ekin = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt( aHit.GetPx()**2+aHit.GetPy()**2+aHit.GetPz()**2 + M**2) - M rc = h['Ekin'].Fill(Ekin) rc = h['EkinLow'].Fill(Ekin) ut.bookCanvas(h,key=s,title=s,nx=900,ny=600,cx=1,cy=1) tc = h[s].cd(1) tc.SetLogy(1) h['Ekin'].Draw() # tungsten dedex mev cm**2/g 1.145 * rho g/cm-3 19.3 * 0.1 # interactionLength 191.9 / 19.3 = 9.94cm, 0.1/9.94 = 1% # -----Finish------------------------------------------------------- timer.Stop() rtime = timer.RealTime() ctime = timer.CpuTime() print ' ' print "Macro finished succesfully." print "Output file is ", outFile print "Real time ",rtime, " s, CPU time ",ctime,"s"
f = ROOT.TFile('TLV.root') pdg = ROOT.TDatabasePDG.Instance() h = {} sTree = f.cbmsim ut.bookHist(h, 'Ekin', 'Ekin of particles in sens plane', 400000, 0., 400) ut.bookHist(h, 'EkinLow', 'Ekin of particles in sens plane', 1000, 0., 0.001) for n in range(sTree.GetEntries()): rc = sTree.GetEvent(n) for aHit in sTree.vetoPoint: oTrack = sTree.MCTrack[aHit.GetTrackID()] M = pdg.GetParticle(oTrack.GetPdgCode()).Mass() Ekin = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(aHit.GetPx()**2 + aHit.GetPy()**2 + aHit.GetPz()**2 + M**2) - M rc = h['Ekin'].Fill(Ekin) rc = h['EkinLow'].Fill(Ekin) ut.bookCanvas(h, key=s, title=s, nx=900, ny=600, cx=1, cy=1) tc = h[s].cd(1) tc.SetLogy(1) h['Ekin'].Draw() # tungsten dedex mev cm**2/g 1.145 * rho g/cm-3 19.3 * 0.1 # interactionLength 191.9 / 19.3 = 9.94cm, 0.1/9.94 = 1% # -----Finish------------------------------------------------------- timer.Stop() rtime = timer.RealTime() ctime = timer.CpuTime() print ' ' print "Macro finished succesfully." print "Output file is ", outFile print "Real time ", rtime, " s, CPU time ", ctime, "s"
# create volDict from log file: dictVol = {-1:'detPlane'} log = file('log_g4opt','r') for l in log.readlines(): if not l.find('volume dictionary:')<0: x = (l.replace('\n','')).split(' ') dictVol[int(x[4])]=x[3] if not l.find('muMinusCaptureAtRest:')<0: x = (l.replace('\n','')).replace('{','') xx = (x.replace('}','')).replace("'",'') for k in xx.split(','): i = k.split(':') ProcDict[i[0]]=int(i[1]) dictProc[int(i[1])] = i[0] u.bookCanvas(h,key='materialMap',title='Material Map',nx=1200,ny=800,cx=1,cy=1) u.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsI',title='results',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=4,cy=2) if not withField: u.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsII',title='results only muons reaching detector',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=4,cy=2) else: u.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsII',title='results only muons reaching detector',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=4,cy=2) u.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsIII',title='results final momentum ',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=4,cy=2) u.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsIV', title='results X Y', nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=4,cy=2) u.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsIVC',title='results X Y with Energy cutoff',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=4,cy=2) u.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsV', title='results X Y', nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=4,cy=2) u.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsVC', title='results X Y with Energy cutoff',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=4,cy=2) u.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsVI',title='results tX tY',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=4,cy=2) u.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsVII',title='results X Y z=0m for emulsion',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=4,cy=2) u.bookCanvas(h,key='Momsurv',title='mom spectrum of surviving muons',nx=800,ny=600,cx=1,cy=1) u.bookCanvas(h,key='trajectories',title='trajectories of surviving muons',nx=1600,ny=800,cx=2,cy=1) u.bookCanvas(h,key='test',title='general purpose',nx=800,ny=600,cx=1,cy=1)
def v0Spec(): # start event loop nTot = sTree.GetEntries() for n in range(500000): rc = sTree.GetEntry(n) key = -1 for apart in sTree.MCTrack: key+=1 apid = abs(apart.GetPdgCode()) if apid in hdict: w = sTree.MCTrack[1].GetWeight() # 0 = original muon, 1 = geant4 followed muon h[str(apid)].Fill(apart.GetP(),w) mo = apart.GetMotherId() if mo < 0 : continue mopart = sTree.MCTrack[mo] mpid = abs(mopart.GetPdgCode()) if mpid in hdict: w = sTree.MCTrack[1].GetWeight() z,x,y = (apart.GetStartZ()-z_zero)/u.m,apart.GetStartX()/u.m,apart.GetStartY()/u.m h[str(mpid)+'xyz'].Fill(z,x,y,w) h[str(mpid)+'rhoz'].Fill(z,ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(x**2+y**2),w) z0,x0,y0 = (mopart.GetStartZ()-z_zero)/u.m,mopart.GetStartX()/u.m,mopart.GetStartY()/u.m h[str(mpid)+'xyzmu'].Fill(z0,x0,y0,w) h[str(mpid)+'rhozmu'].Fill(z0,ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(x0**2+y0**2),w) L=ROOT.TMath.Sqrt( (x-x0)**2+(y-y0)**2+(z-z0)**2) h[str(mpid)+'L'].Fill(L,w) if findDaughters(mo): h[str(mpid)+'Ldecay'].Fill(L,w) break ut.bookCanvas(h,key='results',title='V0',nx=1200,ny=600,cx=3,cy=1) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='resultsXYZ',title='V0 XYZ',nx=1200,ny=600,cx=3,cy=1) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='resultsrhoZ',title='V0 rhoZ',nx=1200,ny=600,cx=3,cy=1) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='resultsrhoZmu',title='mu rhoZ',nx=1200,ny=600,cx=3,cy=1) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='resultsL',title='V0 L',nx=1200,ny=600,cx=3,cy=1) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='resultsLd',title='V0 Ldecay',nx=1200,ny=600,cx=3,cy=1) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(1111111) i = 1 for x in hdict: h['results'].cd(i) h[str(x)].Draw() h['resultsXYZ'].cd(i) h[str(x)+'xyz'].Draw() h['resultsrhoZ'].cd(i) h[str(x)+'rhoz'].Draw() h['resultsrhoZmu'].cd(i) h[str(x)+'rhozmu'].Draw() h['resultsL'].cd(i) h[str(x)+'L'].Draw() h['resultsLd'].cd(i) h[str(x)+'Ldecay'].Draw() i+=1 h['results'].Print('V0Spectrum_MuDIS.gif') h['resultsXYZ'].Print('V0XYZ_MuDIS.gif') h['resultsrhoZ'].Print('V0RHOZ_MuDIS.pdf') h['resultsL'].Print('V0L_MuDIS.pdf') h['resultsLd'].Print('V0Ldecay_MuDIS.pdf')
if trackID > 0: origin(trackID) rc = h['porigin'].Fill(aTrack.GetStartZ()/u.m,ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(aTrack.GetStartX()**2+aTrack.GetStartY()**2)/u.m,w) rc = h['mu-inter'].Fill(rz_inter[1]/u.m,rz_inter[0]/u.m,w) for hit in sTree.EcalPoint: rc = h['Ecal'].Fill(hit.GetX()/u.m,hit.GetY()/u.m,w) rc = h['Ecal_E'].Fill(hit.GetEnergyLoss()/u.MeV,w) for hit in sTree.muonPoint: rc = h['muon'].Fill(hit.GetX()/u.m,hit.GetY()/u.m,w) rc = h['muon_E'].Fill(hit.GetEnergyLoss()/u.MeV,w) for detID in hitmult: rc = h[vetoDet[detID]+'_evmul'].Fill(hitmult[detID][-1],w) for tr in hitmult[detID]: rc = h[vetoDet[detID]+'_mul'].Fill(hitmult[detID][tr],w) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsI',title='hit occupancies',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=3,cy=2) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsImu',title='hit occupancies',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=3,cy=2) if 'Sveto_0' in h : histlist = {1:'Sveto_0',2:'STr1_1',3:'STr4_1',4:'Ecal',5:'muon'} nstations = 3+1 else: histlist = {1:'STr1_1',2:'STr4_1',3:'Ecal',4:'muon'} nstations = 2+1 txt = {} txt[0] ='occupancy 1sec 5E13pot ' txt[10] ='occupancy 1sec 5E13pot ' for i in histlist: tc = h['ResultsI'].cd(i) h[histlist[i]].SetStats(0) h[histlist[i]].Draw('colz')
def makePlots(nstations): cxcy = { 1: [2, 1], 2: [3, 1], 3: [2, 2], 4: [3, 2], 5: [3, 2], 6: [3, 2], 7: [3, 3], 8: [3, 3], 9: [3, 3], 10: [4, 3], 11: [4, 3], 12: [4, 3], 13: [5, 3], 14: [5, 3] } ut.bookCanvas(h, key='ResultsI', title='hit occupancies', nx=1100, ny=600 * cxcy[nstations][1], cx=cxcy[nstations][0], cy=cxcy[nstations][1]) ut.bookCanvas(h, key='ResultsImu', title='hit occupancies', nx=1100, ny=600 * cxcy[nstations][1], cx=cxcy[nstations][0], cy=cxcy[nstations][1]) ut.bookCanvas(h, key='ResultsImuV0', title='hit occupancies', nx=1100, ny=600 * cxcy[nstations][1], cx=cxcy[nstations][0], cy=cxcy[nstations][1]) ut.bookCanvas(h, key='ResultsII', title='deposited energies', nx=1100, ny=600 * cxcy[nstations][1], cx=cxcy[nstations][0], cy=cxcy[nstations][1]) ut.bookCanvas(h, key='ResultsIII', title='track info', nx=1100, ny=600 * cxcy[nstations][1], cx=cxcy[nstations][0], cy=cxcy[nstations][1]) ut.bookCanvas(h, key='ResultsIV', title='track info', nx=1100, ny=600 * cxcy[nstations][1], cx=cxcy[nstations][0], cy=cxcy[nstations][1]) ut.bookCanvas(h, key='ResultsV', title='origin info', nx=600, ny=400, cx=1, cy=1) txt[0] = 'occupancy 1sec 5E13pot ' h['dummy'].Fill(-1) nSpills = len(prefixes) for i in histlist: tc = h['ResultsI'].cd(i) hn = histlist[i] if not h.has_key(hn): continue h[hn].SetStats(0) h[hn].Draw('colz') txt[i] = '%5.2G' % (h[hn].GetSumOfWeights() / nSpills) l[i] = ROOT.TLatex().DrawLatexNDC(0.15, 0.85, txt[i]) # hn = histlist[i] + '_mu' tc = h['ResultsImu'].cd(i) h[hn].SetStats(0) h[hn].Draw('colz') txt[i + 100] = '%5.2G' % (h[hn].GetSumOfWeights() / nSpills) l[i + 100] = ROOT.TLatex().DrawLatexNDC(0.15, 0.85, txt[i + 100]) # hn = histlist[i] + '_muV0' tc = h['ResultsImuV0'].cd(i) h[hn].SetStats(0) h[hn].Draw('colz') txt[i + 200] = '%5.2G' % (h[hn].GetSumOfWeights() / nSpills) l[i + 200] = ROOT.TLatex().DrawLatexNDC(0.15, 0.85, txt[i + 200]) # for i in histlist: tc = h['ResultsII'].cd(i) h[histlist[i] + '_E'].Draw('colz') # for i in histlist: tc = h['ResultsIII'].cd(i) tc.SetLogy(1) hn = histlist[i] drawBoth('_P', hn) hid = h[hn + '_id'] print 'particle statistics for ' + histlist[i] for k in range(hid.GetNbinsX()): ncont = hid.GetBinContent(k + 1) pid = hid.GetBinCenter(k + 1) if ncont > 0: temp = int(abs(pid) + 0.5) * int(pid / abs(pid)) nm = PDG.GetParticle(temp).GetName() print '%s :%5.2g' % (nm, ncont) hid = h[histlist[i] + '_mu_id'] for k in range(hid.GetNbinsX()): ncont = hid.GetBinContent(k + 1) pid = hid.GetBinCenter(k + 1) if ncont > 0: temp = int(abs(pid) + 0.5) * int(pid / abs(pid)) nm = PDG.GetParticle(temp).GetName() print '%s :%5.2g' % (nm, ncont) # tc = h['ResultsV'].cd(1) h['origin'].SetStats(0) h['origin'].Draw('colz') # for i in histlist: tc = h['ResultsIV'].cd(i) tc.SetLogy(1) hn = histlist[i] drawBoth('_OP', hn) persistency()
def makeCalibrationHistos(X=options.runNumbers,readHists=True,t0_channel=4): for r in X.split(','): if readHists: F = ROOT.TFile.Open(options.path+"MuFilterEff_run"+str(r)+".root") options.runNumber = r for s in [1,2]: if s==1 and int(r)<100: continue # no Veto in H8 h['tdcCalib'+sdict[s]] = {} for l in range(systemAndPlanes[s]): for bar in range(systemAndBars[s]): for side in ['L','R']: key = sdict[s]+str(s*10+l)+'_'+str(bar) for i in range(systemAndChannels[s][1]+systemAndChannels[s][0]): if i==t0_channel: continue j = side+'_'+key+'-c'+str(i) x = 'TDCcalib'+j # get TDC calibration constants: h['tdcCalib'+sdict[s]][j] =[0,0,0,0] h[x] = F.GetKey(x).ReadObj() if h[x].GetEntries()>10: rc = h[x].Fit('gaus','SNQ') rc = h[x].Fit('gaus','SNQ') if rc: res = rc.Get() h['tdcCalib'+sdict[s]][j] =[res.Parameter(1),res.ParError(1),res.Parameter(2),res.ParError(2)] # for l in range(systemAndPlanes[s]): tag = sdict[s]+str(l) ut.bookCanvas(h,'sigmaTDC_'+tag,'TDC RMS '+tag,2000,600,systemAndBars[s],2) ut.bookCanvas(h, 'TDCcalib_'+tag,'TDC TDCi-T0 '+tag,2000,600,systemAndBars[s],2) k=1 for bar in range(systemAndBars[s]): for side in ['L','R']: key = sdict[s]+str(10*s+l)+'_'+str(bar) for i in range(systemAndChannels[s][1]+systemAndChannels[s][0]): j = side+'_'+key+'-c'+str(i) for x in ['sigmaTDC_'+tag,'TDCcalib_'+tag]: if x.find('calib')>0 and (i==t0_channel): continue tc=h[x].cd(k) opt='same' if i==0 and x.find('calib')<0: opt="" if i==1 and x.find('calib')>0: opt="" aHist = x.split('_')[0]+j h[aHist] = F.GetKey(aHist).ReadObj() h[aHist].SetLineColor(barColor[i]) h[aHist].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(-5,5) h[aHist].Draw(opt) h[aHist].Draw(opt+'HIST') k+=1 myPrint(h['sigmaTDC_'+tag],'TDC/TDCrms_'+tag) myPrint(h['TDCcalib_'+tag],'TDC/TDCcalib_'+tag) # ut.bookHist(h,'TDCcalibMean_'+tag,';SiPM channel ; [ns]',160,0.,160.) ut.bookHist(h,'TDCcalibSigma_'+tag,';SiPM channel ; [ns]',160,0.,160.) h['gTDCcalibMean_'+tag]=ROOT.TGraphErrors() h['gTDCcalibSigma_'+tag]=ROOT.TGraphErrors() # for x in h['tdcCalib'+sdict[s]]: tmp = h['tdcCalib'+sdict[s]][x] side = 0 z = x.split('_') if z[0]=='R': side = 1 l = z[1][len(z[1])-1] bar = z[2][0] c = z[2].split('c')[1] xbin = int(bar)*16+side*8+int(c) tag = sdict[s]+str(l) rc = h['TDCcalibMean_'+tag].SetBinContent(xbin+1,tmp[0]) rc = h['TDCcalibMean_'+tag].SetBinError(xbin+1,tmp[1]) rc = h['TDCcalibSigma_'+tag].SetBinContent(xbin+1,tmp[2]) rc = h['TDCcalibSigma_'+tag].SetBinError(xbin+1,tmp[3]) #print("%s %5.2F+/-%5.2F %5.2F+/-%5.2F"%(x,tmp[0],tmp[1],tmp[2],tmp[3])) ut.bookCanvas(h,'tTDCcalib_'+sdict[s],'TDC calib '+sdict[s],2400,1800,2,systemAndPlanes[s]) for l in range(systemAndPlanes[s]): tag = sdict[s]+str(l) aHistS = h['TDCcalibSigma_'+tag] aHistM = h['TDCcalibMean_'+tag] k=0 for i in range(1,aHistS.GetNbinsX()): if aHistS.GetBinContent(i)>0: h['gTDCcalibSigma_'+tag].SetPoint(k,i-1,aHistS.GetBinContent(i)) h['gTDCcalibSigma_'+tag].SetPointError(k,0.5,aHistS.GetBinError(i)) h['gTDCcalibMean_'+tag].SetPoint(k,i-1,aHistM.GetBinContent(i)) h['gTDCcalibMean_'+tag].SetPointError(k,0.5,aHistM.GetBinError(i)) k+=1 # planeColor = {0:ROOT.kBlue,1:ROOT.kRed,2:ROOT.kGreen,3:ROOT.kCyan,4:ROOT.kMagenta} for l in range(systemAndPlanes[s]): tag = sdict[s]+str(l) tc = h['tTDCcalib_'+sdict[s]].cd(2*l+1) aHistS = h['TDCcalibSigma_'+tag] aHistS.Reset() aHistS.SetMaximum(2.0) aHistS.Draw() h['gTDCcalibSigma_'+tag].SetLineColor(planeColor[l]) h['gTDCcalibSigma_'+tag].Draw('same') # for l in range(systemAndPlanes[s]): tag = sdict[s]+str(l) tc = h['tTDCcalib_'+sdict[s]].cd(2*l+2) aHistM = h['TDCcalibMean_'+tag] aHistM.Reset() aHistM.SetMaximum(2.0) aHistM.SetMinimum(-2.0) aHistM.Draw() h['gTDCcalibMean_'+tag].SetLineColor(planeColor[l]) h['gTDCcalibMean_'+tag].Draw('same') myPrint(h['tTDCcalib_'+sdict[s]],'TDC/TDCcalibration_'+sdict[s])
st = theTrack.getFittedState(j) pos,mom = st.getPos(), st.getMom() print "%i %5.2F %5.2F %5.2F %5.2F %5.2F %5.2F %i %i "%(j,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2],mom[0],mom[1],mom[2],st.getPDG(),st.getCharge()) h['dispTrack'].SetLineColor(ROOT.kMagenta) h['dispTrack'].SetLineWidth(2) h['dispTrackY'].SetLineColor(ROOT.kCyan) h['dispTrackY'].SetLineWidth(2) h['simpleDisplay'].cd(1) h['dispTrack'].Draw('same') h['dispTrackY'].Draw('same') h[ 'simpleDisplay'].Update() next = raw_input("Next (Ret/Quit): ") if next<>'': break nMax-=1 ut.bookCanvas(h,key='mom',title='trackfit',nx=1200,ny=600,cx=2,cy=2) rc = h['mom'].cd(1) h['p/pt'].SetStats(0) rc = h['p/pt'].Draw('colz') rc = h['mom'].cd(2) h['p/pt_x']=h['p/pt'].ProjectionX() h['p/pt_x'].Draw() h['mom'].Update() stats = h['p/pt_x'].FindObject('stats') stats.SetOptStat(11111111) rc = h['mom'].cd(3) h['chi2'].Draw() rc = h['mom'].cd(4) h['Nmeasurements'].Draw() h['mom'].Update()
def mergeHistosMakePlots(p): if not type(p) == type([]): pl = [p] else: pl = p hlist = '' for p in pl: prefix = str(p) for x in os.listdir('.'): if not x.find(prefix) < 0: if os.path.isdir(x): hlist += x + '/ShipAna.root ' print "-->", hlist os.system('hadd -f ShipAna.root ' + hlist) ut.readHists(h, "ShipAna.root") print h['meanhits'].GetEntries() if 1 > 0: ut.bookCanvas(h, key='strawanalysis', title='Distance to wire and mean nr of hits', nx=1200, ny=600, cx=2, cy=1) # cv = h['strawanalysis'].cd(1) h['disty'].DrawCopy() h['distu'].DrawCopy('same') h['distv'].DrawCopy('same') cv = h['strawanalysis'].cd(2) h['meanhits'].DrawCopy() print h['meanhits'].GetEntries() ut.bookCanvas(h, key='fitresults', title='Fit Results', nx=1600, ny=1200, cx=2, cy=2) cv = h['fitresults'].cd(1) h['delPOverP'].Draw('box') cv = h['fitresults'].cd(2) cv.SetLogy(1) h['chi2'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults'].cd(3) h['delPOverP_proj'] = h['delPOverP'].ProjectionY() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(11111) h['delPOverP_proj'].Draw() h['delPOverP_proj'].Fit('gaus') cv = h['fitresults'].cd(4) h['delPOverP2_proj'] = h['delPOverP2'].ProjectionY() h['delPOverP2_proj'].Draw() fitSingleGauss('delPOverP2_proj') h['fitresults'].Print('fitresults.gif') ut.bookCanvas(h, key='fitresults2', title='Fit Results', nx=1600, ny=1200, cx=2, cy=2) print 'finished with first canvas' cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(1) h['Doca'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(2) h['IP0'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(3) h['HNL'].Draw() fitSingleGauss('HNL', 0., 2.) cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(4) h['IP0/mass'].Draw('box') h['fitresults2'].Print('fitresults2.gif') h['strawanalysis'].Print('strawanalysis.gif') print 'finished making plots'
def coldBox(plotOnly=True, pas=''): if 1 > 0: tmp = options.inputFile.split('/') gFile = "geofile-" + (tmp[len(tmp) - 1].split('_coldbox')[0] + '_coldbox.root').replace('histos-', '') g = ROOT.TFile(gFile) sGeo = g.FAIRGeom vbox = sGeo.FindVolumeFast('vbox') sbox = sGeo.FindVolumeFast('sensBox') dX, dY, dZ = vbox.GetShape().GetDX(), vbox.GetShape().GetDY( ), vbox.GetShape().GetDZ() nav = sGeo.GetCurrentNavigator() boundaries = {} # find y boundaries start = array('d', [0, 200, 0]) direction = array('d', [0, -1, 0]) startnode = sGeo.InitTrack(start, direction) length = c_double(200.) node = sGeo.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(length, ROOT.kFALSE) boundaries['topIn'] = nav.GetCurrentPoint()[1] node = sGeo.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(length, ROOT.kFALSE) boundaries['topSens'] = nav.GetCurrentPoint()[1] start = array('d', [0, -200, 0]) direction = array('d', [0, 1, 0]) startnode = sGeo.InitTrack(start, direction) node = sGeo.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(length, ROOT.kFALSE) node = sGeo.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(length, ROOT.kFALSE) boundaries['botSens'] = nav.GetCurrentPoint()[1] # find x boundaries start = array('d', [-200, 0, 0]) direction = array('d', [1, 0, 0]) startnode = sGeo.InitTrack(start, direction) node = sGeo.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(length, ROOT.kFALSE) boundaries['leftIn'] = nav.GetCurrentPoint()[0] node = sGeo.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(length, ROOT.kFALSE) boundaries['leftSens'] = nav.GetCurrentPoint()[0] start = array('d', [200, 0, 0]) direction = array('d', [-1, 0, 0]) startnode = sGeo.InitTrack(start, direction) node = sGeo.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(length, ROOT.kFALSE) boundaries['rightIn'] = nav.GetCurrentPoint()[0] node = sGeo.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(length, ROOT.kFALSE) boundaries['rightSens'] = nav.GetCurrentPoint()[0] # find z boundaries start = array('d', [0, 0, -200]) direction = array('d', [0, 0, 1]) startnode = sGeo.InitTrack(start, direction) node = sGeo.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(length, ROOT.kFALSE) boundaries['backIn'] = nav.GetCurrentPoint()[2] node = sGeo.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(length, ROOT.kFALSE) boundaries['backSens'] = nav.GetCurrentPoint()[2] start = array('d', [0, 0, 200]) direction = array('d', [0, 0, -1]) startnode = sGeo.InitTrack(start, direction) node = sGeo.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(length, ROOT.kFALSE) boundaries['frontIn'] = nav.GetCurrentPoint()[2] node = sGeo.FindNextBoundaryAndStep(length, ROOT.kFALSE) boundaries['frontSens'] = nav.GetCurrentPoint()[2] Rin = { '': '', 'topIn': 'Y', 'leftIn': 'X', 'rightIn': 'X', 'frontIn': 'Z', 'backIn': 'Z' } Rsens = { '': '', 'topSens': 'Y', 'botSens': 'Y', 'leftSens': 'X', 'rightSens': 'X', 'frontSens': 'Z', 'backSens': 'Z' } epsi = 0.1 # side with holes is the front # if not plotOnly: # example file "root://" f = ROOT.TFile.Open(options.inputFile) ut.bookHist(h, 'start', 'start neutron;x [cm] ;y [cm] ;z [cm]', 100, -200, 200, 100, -200, 200, 100, -200, 200) ut.bookHist(h, 'startR', 'start neutron;R', 100, 0, 200) for o in ['_seco', '_prim']: for T in ['', 'cold', 'hot']: ut.bookHist(h, 'entry' + T + o, 'entry neutron;x [cm] ;y [cm] ;z [cm]', 100, -100, 100, 100, -100, 100, 100, -100, 100) ut.bookHist(h, 'exit' + T + '-original' + o, 'enter coldbox neutron;x [cm] ;y [cm] ;z [cm]', 100, -100, 100, 100, -100, 100, 100, -100, 100) ut.bookHist(h, 'exit' + T + o, 'enter coldbox neutron;x [cm] ;y [cm] ;z [cm]', 100, -100, 100, 100, -100, 100, 100, -100, 100) for r in Rin: ut.bookHist(h, 'EkinE' + r + o, 'log10(Ekin)', 100, -13., 0, 100, -200., 200.) ut.bookHist(h, 'Ekin' + r + o, 'log10(Ekin)', 100, -13., 0, 100, -200., 200.) for r in Rsens: ut.bookHist(h, 'DF' + r + o, 'travel distance', 100, 0., 200.) ut.bookHist(h, 'EkinF' + r + o, 'log10(Ekin) vs distance', 100, -13., 0, 100, -200., 200.) ut.bookHist(h, 'EkinF-original' + r + o, 'log10(Ekin) vs distance', 100, -13., 0, 100, -200., 200.) ut.bookHist(h, 'checkBox' + r + o, 'enter coldbox neutron;x [cm] ;y [cm] ;z [cm]', 100, -100, 100, 100, -100, 100, 100, -100, 100) ut.bookHist(h, 'EkinG', 'log10(Ekin)', 100, -13., 0.) ut.bookHist(h, 'EkinW', 'log10(Ekin)', 100, -13., 0.) ut.bookHist(h, 'EkinWlin', 'Ekin', 100, 1E-9, 100 * 1E-9) ut.bookHist(h, 'multS', 'mult veto points shielding', 100, -0.5, 99.5) ut.bookHist(h, 'multC', 'mult veto points inside', 100, -0.5, 99.5) ut.bookHist(h, 'multN', 'mult neutrons', 100, -0.5, 99.5) flukaRateIntegrated() Nsim = f.cbmsim.GetEntries() for sTree in f.cbmsim: rc = h['multN'].Fill(sTree.MCTrack.GetEntries()) neutron = sTree.MCTrack[0] start = ROOT.TVector3(neutron.GetStartX(), neutron.GetStartY(), neutron.GetStartZ()) if start.y() < boundaries['botSens']: continue P = ROOT.TVector3(neutron.GetPx(), neutron.GetPy(), neutron.GetPz()) Ekin = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(P.Mag2() + neutronMass**2) - neutronMass W = h['Fig12'].Eval(ROOT.TMath.Log10(Ekin * 1000)) / Nsim rc = h['start'].Fill(start.Z(), start.X(), start.Y(), W) rc = h['EkinW'].Fill(ROOT.TMath.Log10(Ekin), W) rc = h['EkinWlin'].Fill(Ekin, W) rc = h['EkinG'].Fill(ROOT.TMath.Log10(Ekin)) rc = h['startR'].Fill(start.Mag(), W) nC, nS = 0, 0 for p in sTree.vetoPoint: if p.PdgCode() != 2112: continue if p.GetDetectorID() == 13: nC += 1 else: nS += 1 rc = h['multC'].Fill(nC) rc = h['multS'].Fill(nS) trajectory = {} for p in sTree.vetoPoint: if p.PdgCode() != 2112: continue trackID = p.GetTrackID() if not trackID in trajectory: trajectory[trackID] = [] trajectory[trackID].append(p) for trackID in trajectory: firstSens = True for p in trajectory[trackID]: origin = '_seco' if trackID == 0: origin = '_prim' lastPoint = p.LastPoint() mPoint = ROOT.TVector3(p.GetX(), p.GetY(), p.GetZ()) firstPoint = 2 * mPoint - lastPoint D = lastPoint - firstPoint TD = firstPoint - start firstMom = ROOT.TVector3(p.GetPx(), p.GetPy(), p.GetPz()) Ekin_entry = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(firstMom.Mag2() + neutronMass**2) - neutronMass if p.GetDetectorID( ) == 13 and firstSens: # first point inside coldbox firstSens = False rc = h['exit' + origin].Fill(firstPoint.X(), firstPoint.Y(), firstPoint.Z(), W) if Ekin * 1E9 < 10: rc = h['exitcold-original' + origin].Fill( firstPoint.X(), firstPoint.Y(), firstPoint.Z(), W) # 10eV else: rc = h['exithot-original' + origin].Fill( firstPoint.X(), firstPoint.Y(), firstPoint.Z(), W) if Ekin_entry * 1E9 < 10: rc = h['exitcold' + origin].Fill( firstPoint.X(), firstPoint.Y(), firstPoint.Z(), W) # 10eV else: rc = h['exithot' + origin].Fill( firstPoint.X(), firstPoint.Y(), firstPoint.Z(), W) rc = h['DF' + origin].Fill(TD.Mag(), W) rc = h['EkinF' + origin].Fill( ROOT.TMath.Log10(Ekin_entry), D.Mag(), W) rc = h['EkinF-original' + origin].Fill( ROOT.TMath.Log10(Ekin), D.Mag(), W) # find location Rsens = ['','topSens','botSens','leftSens','rightSens','frontSens','backSens'] found = False for r in Rsens: if r == '': continue X = eval('firstPoint.' + Rsens[r] + '()') if abs(X - boundaries[r]) < epsi: # if r=='botSens' and p!=trajectory[trackID][0]: continue # to enter from bottom is without crossing shield. It is more complicated! found = True break if not found: txt = '' for r in Rsens: if r == '': continue X = eval('firstPoint.' + Rsens[r] + '()') txt += " " + r + " " + str(X) print("this should no happen", txt, boundaries) for P in trajectory[trackID]: print(P.GetDetectorID(), P.LastPoint().X(), P.LastPoint().Y(), P.LastPoint().Z()) rc = h['DF' + r + origin].Fill(TD.Mag(), W) rc = h['EkinF' + r + origin].Fill( ROOT.TMath.Log10(Ekin_entry), D.Mag(), W) rc = h['EkinF-original' + r + origin].Fill( ROOT.TMath.Log10(Ekin), D.Mag(), W) rc = h['checkBox' + r + origin].Fill( firstPoint.X(), firstPoint.Y(), firstPoint.Z(), W) if p.GetDetectorID() == 1: # inside shielding # check that first point is further out. if firstPoint.Mag() < lastPoint.Mag(): continue rc = h['Ekin' + origin].Fill(ROOT.TMath.Log10(Ekin), D.Mag(), W) rc = h['EkinE' + origin].Fill( ROOT.TMath.Log10(Ekin_entry), D.Mag(), W) rc = h['entry' + origin].Fill(firstPoint.X(), firstPoint.Y(), firstPoint.Z(), W) if Ekin * 1E9 < 10: rc = h['entrycold' + origin].Fill( firstPoint.X(), firstPoint.Y(), firstPoint.Z(), W) # 10eV else: rc = h['entryhot' + origin].Fill( firstPoint.X(), firstPoint.Y(), firstPoint.Z(), W) # find location for r in Rin: if r == '': continue X = eval('firstPoint.' + Rin[r] + '()') if abs(X - boundaries[r]) < epsi: break rc = h['Ekin' + r + origin].Fill( ROOT.TMath.Log10(Ekin), X, W) rc = h['EkinE' + r + origin].Fill( ROOT.TMath.Log10(Ekin_entry), X, W) tmp = options.inputFile.split('/') outFile = 'histos-' + tmp[len(tmp) - 1] # make sum of seco and prim hkeys = list(h.keys()) for x in hkeys: if x.find('_seco') > 0: hname = x.replace('_seco', '') h[hname] = h[x].Clone(hname) h[hname].Add(h[x.replace('_seco', '_prim')]) # ut.writeHists(h, outFile) print('finished making histograms ', 'histos-noConc-' + options.inputFile) else: ut.readHists(h, options.inputFile) if pas != '': ut.readHists( hnorm, 'histos-thermNeutron_vacuums_0.0001_coldbox_pass1.root') else: ut.readHists(hnorm, options.inputFile) tmp = options.inputFile.split('_') material = tmp[1] + "_coldbox/" thickness = "_" + tmp[2] binning = {} for c in ['entry', 'exit']: binning[c] = {} for p in ['x', 'y', 'z']: tmp = h[c].Project3D(p) for imin in range(1, tmp.GetNbinsX() + 1): if tmp.GetBinContent(imin) > 0: break for imax in range(tmp.GetNbinsX(), 0, -1): if tmp.GetBinContent(imax) > 0: break binning[c][p] = {'min': imin, 'max': imax} # ytop = { 'axis': 'Y', 'proj': 'xz', 'entry': binning['entry']['y']['max'], 'exit': h['exit'].GetYaxis().FindBin(boundaries['topSens']), 'xdist': dZ, 'ydist': dX } ybot = { 'axis': 'Y', 'proj': 'xz', 'entry': binning['entry']['y']['min'], 'exit': h['exit'].GetYaxis().FindBin(boundaries['botSens']), 'xdist': dZ, 'ydist': dX } xLeft = { 'axis': 'X', 'proj': 'yz', 'entry': binning['entry']['x']['min'], 'exit': h['exit'].GetXaxis().FindBin(boundaries['leftSens']), 'xdist': dZ, 'ydist': dY } xRight = { 'axis': 'X', 'proj': 'yz', 'entry': binning['entry']['x']['max'], 'exit': h['exit'].GetXaxis().FindBin(boundaries['rightSens']), 'xdist': dZ, 'ydist': dY } zMin = { 'axis': 'Z', 'proj': 'yx', 'entry': binning['entry']['z']['min'], 'exit': h['exit'].GetZaxis().FindBin(boundaries['backSens']), 'xdist': dX, 'ydist': dY } zMax = { 'axis': 'Z', 'proj': 'yx', 'entry': binning['entry']['z']['max'], 'exit': h['exit'].GetXaxis().FindBin(boundaries['frontSens']), 'xdist': dX, 'ydist': dY } print('boundaries', boundaries) # make projections projections = { 'Top': ytop, 'Bot': ybot, 'Right': xRight, 'Left': xLeft, 'Front': zMax, 'Back': zMin } h['fluences'] = {} for o in ['', '_prim']: for T in ['', 'cold', 'hot']: for Z in ['entry', 'exit', 'exit-original']: tmp = Z.split('-') c = tmp[0] x = '' if len(tmp) > 1: x = '-' + tmp[1] case = c + T + x + o ut.bookCanvas(h, 't' + case, case, 1200, 1800, 2, 3) k = 1 for p in projections: h['t' + case].cd(k) tmp = h[case] axis = eval('tmp.Get' + projections[p]['axis'] + 'axis()') if Z == 'entry': axis.SetRange(projections[p][c] - 1, projections[p][c] + 1) else: axis.SetRange(projections[p][c], projections[p][c]) if p == 'xBot': xax = tmp.GetXaxis() xax.SetRange( xax.FindBin(boundaries['leftSens']) + 1, xax.FindBin(boundaries['rightSens']) - 1) zax = tmp.GetZaxis() zax.SetRange( zax.FindBin(boundaries['backSens']) + 1, zax.FindBin(boundaries['frontSens']) - 1) h[case + p] = tmp.Project3D(projections[p]['proj']) h[case + p].SetName(case + p) tmp.GetXaxis().SetRange(0, 0) tmp.GetYaxis().SetRange(0, 0) tmp.GetZaxis().SetRange(0, 0) h[case + p].SetStats(0) h[case + p].SetMinimum(0) h[case + p].SetTitle(p) h[case + p].Draw('colz') # check uniformity: h['X-' + case + p] = h[case + p].ProjectionX('X-' + case + p) h['Y-' + case + p] = h[case + p].ProjectionY('Y-' + case + p) k += 1 sqcm = projections[p]['xdist'] * projections[p]['ydist'] entries = h[case + p].GetSumOfWeights() X = entries / sqcm if X > 100: txt = "%5.1F/cm^{2}" % (X) else: txt = "%5.2F/cm^{2}" % (X) h['fluences'][case + p] = X L = ROOT.TLatex() rc = L.DrawLatexNDC(0.2, 0.85, txt) h['X-' + case + p].Scale(1. / projections[p]['ydist']) h['Y-' + case + p].Scale(1. / projections[p]['xdist']) myPrint(h['t' + case], material + 't' + case + thickness) # make cross checks ut.bookCanvas(h, 'crosschecks', 'cross checks', 900, 600, 1, 1) tc = h['crosschecks'].cd() tc.SetLogy(1) tc.SetGridx() tc.SetGridy() h['EkinW'].SetStats(0) h['EkinW'].SetStats(0) h['EkinW'].SetLineWidth(3) h['EkinW'].SetTitle(';log(E) [GeV];dn/dlogE [cm^{-2}y^{-1}] ') h['EkinW'].SetMaximum(1E8) h['EkinW'].SetMinimum(1E2) h['EkinW'].Draw() myPrint(h['crosschecks'], material + 'kinEnergy' + thickness) tc.SetLogy(0) k = -10 for p in projections: for l in ['X-', 'Y-']: case = l + 'entry' + p h[case].SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed + k) h[case].SetStats(0) if k < -9: h[case].SetTitle('; x,y,z [cm]; N/L [cm^{-1}]') tpl = ut.findMaximumAndMinimum(h[case]) h[case].SetMaximum(tpl[1] * 1.5) h[case].Draw() else: h[case].Draw('same') k += 1 myPrint(h['crosschecks'], material + 'irradiationXYZ' + thickness) # tc.SetLogy(1) # Ekin Rin = {'':'','topIn':'Y','leftIn':'X','rightIn':'X','frontIn':'Z','backIn':'Z'} # EkinF Rsens = {'':'','topSens':'Y','botSens':'Y','leftSens':'X','rightSens':'X','frontSens':'Z','backSens':'Z'} ut.bookCanvas(h, 'trej', 'rejections', 1200, 1800, 2, 3) k = 0 for r in ['', 'top', 'bot', 'right', 'left', 'front', 'back']: rej = 'rej' + r rejo = 'rejo' + r if r == '': norm = hnorm['Ekin'].ProjectionX('norm') h[rej] = h['EkinF'].ProjectionX(rej) h[rejo] = h['EkinF-original'].ProjectionX(rejo) else: k += 1 if r == 'bot': norm = hnorm['EkintopIn'].ProjectionX('norm') else: norm = hnorm['Ekin' + r + 'In'].ProjectionX('norm') h[rej] = h['EkinF' + r + 'Sens'].ProjectionX(rej) h[rejo] = h['EkinF-original' + r + 'Sens'].ProjectionX(rejo) h[rej].Divide(norm) h[rejo].Divide(norm) h[rej].SetStats(0) h[rejo].SetStats(0) h[rej].SetTitle(';log10(Ekin) GeV; rejection') h[rej].SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) h[rej].SetLineWidth(2) h[rejo].SetLineWidth(2) h[rejo].SetLineColor(ROOT.kGreen) h[rej].GetXaxis().SetRangeUser(-13., -1.) h[rej].SetMaximum(1.2) h[rej].SetMinimum(1.E-4) if k == 0: tc = h['crosschecks'].cd() else: tc = h['trej'].cd(k) tc.SetGridx() tc.SetGridy() h[rej].SetMinimum(1.E-6) h[rej].SetTitle(r[0].upper() + r[1:]) tc.SetLogy() h[rej].Draw('hist') h[rejo].Draw('histsame') h['legR' + r] = ROOT.TLegend(0.11, 0.74, 0.72, 0.82) rc = h['legR' + r].AddEntry( h[rejo], 'reduction as function of original E_{kin} when entering shield', 'PL') rc = h['legR' + r].AddEntry( h[rej], 'reduction as function of E_{kin} when leaving shield', 'PL') h['legR' + r].Draw('same') if k == 0: myPrint(h['crosschecks'], material + 'rejections' + thickness) myPrint(h['trej'], material + 'Listrejections' + thickness + pas) # h['dangerZone'] = ROOT.TGraph() h['dangerZone'].SetPoint(0, -8.6, 0.) h['dangerZone'].SetPoint(1, -8.6, 1.) h['dangerZone'].SetPoint(2, -8.1, 1.) h['dangerZone'].SetPoint(3, -8.1, 0.) h['dangerZone'].SetFillStyle(1001) h['dangerZone'].SetFillColor(ROOT.kYellow) for r in ['rej', 'rejo']: ut.bookCanvas(h, r + 'ection2', 'rejectionRate', 900, 600, 1, 1) h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'] = h[r + 'top'].Clone(r + 'TopLeftRightBack') h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].Add(h[r + 'left']) h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].Add(h[r + 'right']) h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].Add(h[r + 'back']) h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].Scale(1. / 4.) h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].SetTitle('') if r == 'rej': h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].GetXaxis().SetTitle( 'outgoing ' + h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].GetXaxis().GetTitle()) if r == 'rejo': h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].GetXaxis().SetTitle( 'incoming ' + h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].GetXaxis().GetTitle()) h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].SetLineColor(ROOT.kGreen) h[r + 'bot'].SetLineColor(ROOT.kGray) h[r + 'front'].SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].SetMaximum(1.2) h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].SetMinimum(1.E-6) tc = h[r + 'ection2'].cd() tc.SetGridx() tc.SetGridy() tc.SetLogy() h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].Draw() h['dangerZone'].Draw('sameF') h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'].Draw('same') h[r + 'bot'].Draw('same') h[r + 'front'].Draw('same') h[r + 'legR2'] = ROOT.TLegend(0.55, 0.30, 0.86, 0.45) rc = h[r + 'legR2'].AddEntry(h[r + 'TopLeftRightBack'], 'av. rejection top/left/right/back', 'PL') rc = h[r + 'legR2'].AddEntry(h[r + 'bot'], 'rejction bottom, only concrete', 'PL') rc = h[r + 'legR2'].AddEntry(h[r + 'front'], 'rejction front, with holes', 'PL') h[r + 'legR2'].Draw('same') myPrint(h[r + 'ection2'], material + 'Sum ' + r + 'ections' + thickness + pas) if pas == '': ut.writeHists(h, options.inputFile.replace('.root', '_pass1.root')) # statistics: for o in ['', '-original']: for T in ['cold', 'hot']: norm = 0 exit = 0 concrete = 0 holes = 0 for p in projections: if p != 'Bot' and norm != 'Front': norm += h['fluences']['entry' + T + p] exit += h['fluences']['exit' + T + o + p] if p == 'Bot': concrete = h['fluences']['exit' + T + o + p] elif p == 'Front': holes = h['fluences']['exit' + T + o + p] norm = norm / float(4) exit = exit / float(4) #! do not need average, need total. # incoming = 6 * average ! print( '%s %s region: %5.2F concrete: %5.2F holes: %5.2F x permille total: %5.2F x permille' % (o, T, exit / norm * 1000, concrete / norm * 1000, holes / norm * 1000, (4 * exit + concrete + holes) / (6 * norm) * 1000))
def makeV0Plots(): ut.bookCanvas(h,key='results',title='V0', nx=1400,ny=600,cx=4,cy=1) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='resultsXYZ',title='V0 XYZ', nx=1400,ny=600,cx=4,cy=1) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='resultsrhoZ',title='V0 rhoZ', nx=1400,ny=600,cx=4,cy=1) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='resultsrhoZmu',title='mu rhoZ',nx=1400,ny=600,cx=4,cy=1) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='resultsL',title='V0 L', nx=1400,ny=600,cx=4,cy=1) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='resultsLd',title='V0 Ldecay', nx=1400,ny=600,cx=4,cy=1) ROOT.gStyle.SetOptStat(1111111) i = 1 for x in V0dict: h['results'].cd(i) h[x].Draw() h['resultsXYZ'].cd(i) h[str(x)+'xyz'].Draw() h['resultsrhoZ'].cd(i) h[str(x)+'rhoz'].Draw('colz') h['resultsrhoZmu'].cd(i) h[str(x)+'rhozmu'].Draw('colz') h['resultsL'].cd(i) h[str(x)+'L'].Draw() h['resultsLd'].cd(i) h[str(x)+'Ldecay'].Draw() i+=1
def run(): fGeo = ROOT.gGeoManager run = sys.modules['__main__'].run if hasattr(sys.modules['__main__'],'h'): h = sys.modules['__main__'].h else: h={} grid = 120,100,1500 xmin,ymin,zmin = -4*u.m,-5*u.m,-100*u.m xmax,ymax,zmax = 4*u.m,5*u.m,50*u.m dx,dy,dz = (xmax-xmin)/grid[0],(ymax-ymin)/grid[1],(zmax-zmin)/grid[2] ut.bookHist(h,'Bx-','Bx- component ;z [cm];x [cm];y [cm]',grid[2],zmin,zmax,grid[0],xmin,xmax,grid[1],ymin,ymax) ut.bookHist(h,'By-','By- component ;z [cm];x [cm];y [cm]',grid[2],zmin,zmax,grid[0],xmin,xmax,grid[1],ymin,ymax) ut.bookHist(h,'Bz-','Bz- component ;z [cm];x [cm];y [cm]',grid[2],zmin,zmax,grid[0],xmin,xmax,grid[1],ymin,ymax) ut.bookHist(h,'Bx+','Bx+ component ;z [cm];x [cm];y [cm]',grid[2],zmin,zmax,grid[0],xmin,xmax,grid[1],ymin,ymax) ut.bookHist(h,'By+','By+ component ;z [cm];x [cm];y [cm]',grid[2],zmin,zmax,grid[0],xmin,xmax,grid[1],ymin,ymax) ut.bookHist(h,'Bz+','Bz+ component ;z [cm];x [cm];y [cm]',grid[2],zmin,zmax,grid[0],xmin,xmax,grid[1],ymin,ymax) h['Bx-'].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kGreen-3) h['Bx+'].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kGreen+3) h['By-'].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlue-3) h['By+'].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlue+3) h['Bz-'].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kCyan-2) h['Bz+'].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kCyan+2) for ix in range(grid[0]): for iy in range(grid[1]): for iz in range(grid[2]): x,y,z = xmin + ix*dx,ymin + iy*dy,zmin + iz*dz n = fGeo.FindNode(x,y,z) f = n.GetVolume().GetField() if f: if f.GetFieldValue()[0]<0: rc=h['Bx-'].Fill(z,x,y,-f.GetFieldValue()[0]/u.tesla) if f.GetFieldValue()[0]>0: rc=h['Bx+'].Fill(z,x,y,f.GetFieldValue()[0]/u.tesla) if f.GetFieldValue()[1]<0: rc=h['By-'].Fill(z,x,y,-f.GetFieldValue()[1]/u.tesla) if f.GetFieldValue()[1]>0: rc=h['By+'].Fill(z,x,y,f.GetFieldValue()[1]/u.tesla) if f.GetFieldValue()[2]<0: rc=h['Bz-'].Fill(z,x,y,-f.GetFieldValue()[2]/u.tesla) if f.GetFieldValue()[2]>0: rc=h['Bz+'].Fill(z,x,y,f.GetFieldValue()[2]/u.tesla) f = run.GetField() if f.GetBx(x,y,z)<0: rc=h['Bx-'].Fill(z,x,y,-f.GetBx(x,y,z)/u.tesla) if f.GetBx(x,y,z)>0: rc=h['Bx+'].Fill(z,x,y,f.GetBx(x,y,z)/u.tesla) if f.GetBy(x,y,z)<0: rc=h['By-'].Fill(z,x,y,-f.GetBy(x,y,z)/u.tesla) if f.GetBy(x,y,z)>0: rc=h['By+'].Fill(z,x,y,f.GetBy(x,y,z)/u.tesla) hkeys = h.keys() for x in hkeys: hi = h[x] if hi.ClassName()=='TH3F': h[x+'_xz']=h[x].Project3D('xy') h[x+'_xz'].SetTitle(hi.GetTitle()+' top view') h[x+'_yz']=h[x].Project3D('xz') h[x+'_yz'].SetTitle(hi.GetTitle()+' side view') for x in h: h[x].SetStats(0) h[x].SetMarkerSize(3) txt = {'y':[' Up',' Down'],'x':[' Right',' Left']} for pol in ['y','x']: for p in ['_xz','_yz']: cn = 'c'+pol+p ut.bookCanvas(h,key=cn,title='field check',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=1,cy=1) h[cn].cd(1) h['B'+pol+'+'+p].Draw() h['B'+pol+'-'+p].Draw('same') h['B'+pol+'L'+p] = ROOT.TLegend(0.79,0.72,0.91,0.87) h['B'+pol+'L'+p].AddEntry(h['B'+pol+'+'],'B'+pol+txt[pol][0],'PM') h['B'+pol+'L'+p].AddEntry(h['B'+pol+'-'],'B'+pol+txt[pol][1],'PM') h['B'+pol+'L'+p].Draw() h[cn].Update() h[cn].Print('FieldB'+pol+'Proj'+p+'.png')
if not l.find("muMinusCaptureAtRest:") < 0: x = (l.replace("\n", "")).replace("{", "") xx = (x.replace("}", "")).replace("'", "") for k in xx.split(","): i = k.split(":") ProcDict[i[0]] = int(i[1]) dictProc[int(i[1])] = i[0] # model = "QGSP_BERT_EMX" withField = False shieldLength = 30.5 # 80m 50 + 30 zdet = 40 # at 90m 50 + 40 Rdet = str(2.5 / 100.0 * 90.0) h = {} u.bookCanvas(h, key="ResultsI", title="results", nx=1600, ny=1200, cx=4, cy=2) if not withField: u.bookCanvas( h, key="ResultsII", title="results only muons reaching detector for shielding " + str(shieldLength + 50 - 0.5), nx=1600, ny=1200, cx=4, cy=2, ) else: u.bookCanvas(h, key="ResultsII", title="results only muons reaching detector", nx=1600, ny=1200, cx=4, cy=2) u.bookCanvas(h, key="ResultsIII", title="results final momentum ", nx=1600, ny=1200, cx=4, cy=2) u.bookCanvas(h, key="ResultsIV", title="results X Y", nx=1600, ny=1200, cx=4, cy=2) u.bookCanvas(h, key="ResultsV", title="results X Y", nx=1600, ny=1200, cx=4, cy=2)
def makeSummaryPlot(): # using data in /mnt/hgfs/microDisk/Data/eloss/eloss_sum.root # krypton total interaction length= 1.97246306079 total rad length= 26.5231000393 pdg = { 10.0: 1.914, 14.0: 1.978, 20.0: 2.055, 30.0: 2.164, 40.0: 2.263, 80.0: 2.630, 100.: 2.810, 140.: 3.170, 200.: 3.720, 277.: 4.420, 300.: 4.631, 400.: 5.561 } h['Gpdg'] = ROOT.TGraph(len(pdg)) Gpdg = h['Gpdg'] Gpdg.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kRed) Gpdg.SetMarkerStyle(20) keys = sorted(pdg.keys()) for n in range(len(keys)): Gpdg.SetPoint(n, keys[n], pdg[keys[n]]) density = 2.413 length = 125.0 ut.readHists(h, "/mnt/hgfs/microDisk/Data/eloss/eloss_sum.root") ut.readHists(h, "/mnt/hgfs/microDisk/Data/eloss/eloss_withRaw.root") ut.bookCanvas(h, key='summary', title=" ", nx=1200, ny=600, cx=2, cy=1) tc = h['summary'].cd(1) h['0'] = h['eloss'].ProjectionX('0', 1, h['eloss'].GetNbinsY()) h['0'].Sumw2() NA62() for t in [93, 95]: h[t] = h['eloss'].ProjectionX(str(t), int(h['eloss'].GetNbinsY() * t / 100.), h['eloss'].GetNbinsY()) h[t].Sumw2() h[t].SetStats(0) h[t].SetMarkerStyle(24) rc = h[t].Divide(h['0']) h[t].Rebin(2) h[t].Scale(1. / 2.) if t != 93: h[t].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlue) h[t].Draw('same') else: h[t].SetMaximum(1E-5) h[t].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kMagenta) h[t].SetXTitle('incoming muon momentum [GeV/c]') h[t].SetYTitle('prob #DeltaE>X%') h[t].SetTitle('') h[t].Draw() h['NA62'].Draw('sameP') h['lg'] = ROOT.TLegend(0.53, 0.79, 0.98, 0.94) h['lg'].AddEntry(h['NA62'], 'NA62 measurement >95%', 'PL') h['lg'].AddEntry(h[95], 'FairShip >95%', 'PL') h['lg'].AddEntry(h[93], 'FairShip >93%', 'PL') h['lg'].Draw() tc = h['summary'].cd(2) h['meanEloss'] = h['elossRaw'].ProjectionX() for n in range(1, h['elossRaw'].GetNbinsX() + 1): tmp = h['elossRaw'].ProjectionY('tmp', n, n) eloss = tmp.GetMean() h['meanEloss'].SetBinContent(n, eloss / density / length * 1000) h['meanEloss'].SetBinError(n, 0) h['meanEloss'].SetTitle('mean energy loss MeV cm^{2}/g') h['meanEloss'].SetStats(0) h['meanEloss'].SetMaximum(7.) h['meanEloss'].SetXTitle('incoming muon momentum [GeV/c]') h['meanEloss'].SetYTitle('mean energy loss [MeV cm^[2]]/g') h['meanEloss'].SetTitle('') h['meanEloss'].Draw() Gpdg.Draw('sameP') h['lg2'] = ROOT.TLegend(0.53, 0.79, 0.98, 0.94) h['lg2'].AddEntry(h['Gpdg'], 'muon dE/dx, PDG ', 'PL') h['lg2'].AddEntry(h['meanEloss'], 'energy deposited in krypton, FairShip', 'PL') h['lg2'].Draw() h['summary'].Print('catastrophicEnergyLoss.png')
def analyzeConcrete(): for m in ['', 'mu']: ut.bookHist(h, 'conc_hitz' + m, 'concrete hit z ' + m, 100, -100., 100.) ut.bookHist(h, 'conc_hity' + m, 'concrete hit y ' + m, 100, -15., 15.) ut.bookHist(h, 'conc_p' + m, 'concrete hit p ' + m, 100, 0., 300.) ut.bookHist(h, 'conc_pt' + m, 'concrete hit pt ' + m, 100, 0., 10.) ut.bookHist(h, 'conc_hitzy' + m, 'concrete hit zy ' + m, 100, -100., 100., 100, -15., 15.) top = fGeo.GetTopVolume() magn = top.GetNode("magyoke_1") z0 = magn.GetMatrix().GetTranslation()[2] / u.m for fn in fchain: f = ROOT.TFile(fn) if not f.FindObjectAny('cbmsim'): print 'skip file ', f.GetName() continue sTree = f.cbmsim nEvents = sTree.GetEntries() for n in range(nEvents): sTree.GetEntry(n) wg = sTree.MCTrack[0].GetWeight() for ahit in sTree.vetoPoint: detID = ahit.GetDetectorID() if logVols[detID] != 'rockD': continue m = '' if abs(ahit.PdgCode()) == 13: m = 'mu' h['conc_hitz' + m].Fill(ahit.GetZ() / u.m - z0, wg) h['conc_hity' + m].Fill(ahit.GetY() / u.m, wg) P = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(ahit.GetPx()**2 + ahit.GetPy()**2 + ahit.GetPz()**2) h['conc_p' + m].Fill(P / u.GeV, wg) Pt = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(ahit.GetPx()**2 + ahit.GetPy()**2) h['conc_pt' + m].Fill(Pt / u.GeV, wg) h['conc_hitzy' + m].Fill(ahit.GetZ() / u.m - z0, ahit.GetY() / u.m, wg) # start = [ ahit.GetX() / u.m, ahit.GetY() / u.m, ahit.GetZ() / u.m ] direc = [ -ahit.GetPx() / P, -ahit.GetPy() / P, -ahit.GetPz() / P ] t = -start[0] / direc[0] ut.bookCanvas(h, key='Resultsmu', title='muons hitting concrete', nx=1000, ny=600, cx=2, cy=2) ut.bookCanvas(h, key='Results', title='hitting concrete', nx=1000, ny=600, cx=2, cy=2) for m in ['', 'mu']: tc = h['Results' + m].cd(1) h['conc_hity' + m].Draw() tc = h['Results' + m].cd(2) h['conc_hitz' + m].Draw() tc = h['Results' + m].cd(3) tc.SetLogy(1) h['conc_pt' + m].Draw() tc = h['Results' + m].cd(4) tc.SetLogy(1) h['conc_p' + m].Draw()
def makePlots(): ut.bookCanvas(h,key='ecalanalysis',title='cluster map',nx=800,ny=600,cx=1,cy=1) cv = h['ecalanalysis'].cd(1) h['ecalClusters'].Draw('colz') ut.bookCanvas(h,key='ecalCluster2Track',title='Ecal cluster distances to track impact',nx=1600,ny=800,cx=4,cy=2) if h.has_key("ecalReconstructed_dist_mu+"): cv = h['ecalCluster2Track'].cd(1) h['ecalReconstructed_distx_mu+'].Draw() cv = h['ecalCluster2Track'].cd(2) h['ecalReconstructed_disty_mu+'].Draw() if h.has_key("ecalReconstructed_dist_pi+"): cv = h['ecalCluster2Track'].cd(3) h['ecalReconstructed_distx_pi+'].Draw() cv = h['ecalCluster2Track'].cd(4) h['ecalReconstructed_disty_pi+'].Draw() if h.has_key("ecalReconstructed_dist_mu-"): cv = h['ecalCluster2Track'].cd(5) h['ecalReconstructed_distx_mu-'].Draw() cv = h['ecalCluster2Track'].cd(6) h['ecalReconstructed_disty_mu-'].Draw() if h.has_key("ecalReconstructed_dist_pi-"): cv = h['ecalCluster2Track'].cd(7) h['ecalReconstructed_distx_pi-'].Draw() cv = h['ecalCluster2Track'].cd(8) h['ecalReconstructed_disty_pi-'].Draw() ut.bookCanvas(h,key='strawanalysis',title='Distance to wire and mean nr of hits',nx=1200,ny=600,cx=3,cy=1) cv = h['strawanalysis'].cd(1) h['disty'].Draw() h['distu'].Draw('same') h['distv'].Draw('same') cv = h['strawanalysis'].cd(2) h['meanhits'].Draw() cv = h['strawanalysis'].cd(3) h['meas2'].Draw() ut.bookCanvas(h,key='fitresults',title='Fit Results',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=2,cy=2) cv = h['fitresults'].cd(1) h['delPOverPz'].Draw('box') cv = h['fitresults'].cd(2) cv.SetLogy(1) h['prob'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults'].cd(3) h['delPOverPz_proj'] = h['delPOverPz'].ProjectionY() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(11111) h['delPOverPz_proj'].Draw() h['delPOverPz_proj'].Fit('gaus') cv = h['fitresults'].cd(4) h['delPOverP2z_proj'] = h['delPOverP2z'].ProjectionY() h['delPOverP2z_proj'].Draw() fitSingleGauss('delPOverP2z_proj') h['fitresults'].Print('fitresults.gif') ut.bookCanvas(h,key='fitresults2',title='Fit Results',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=2,cy=2) print 'finished with first canvas' cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(1) h['Doca'].SetXTitle('closest distance between 2 tracks [cm]') h['Doca'].SetYTitle('N/1mm') h['Doca'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(2) h['IP0'].SetXTitle('impact parameter to p-target [cm]') h['IP0'].SetYTitle('N/1cm') h['IP0'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(3) h['HNL'].SetXTitle('inv. mass [GeV/c2]') h['HNL'].SetYTitle('N/4MeV/c2') h['HNL'].Draw() fitSingleGauss('HNL',0.9,1.1) cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(4) h['IP0/mass'].SetXTitle('inv. mass [GeV/c2]') h['IP0/mass'].SetYTitle('IP [cm]') h['IP0/mass'].Draw('colz') h['fitresults2'].Print('fitresults2.gif') ut.bookCanvas(h,key='vxpulls',title='Vertex resol and pulls',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=3,cy=2) cv = h['vxpulls'].cd(4) h['Vxpull'].Draw() cv = h['vxpulls'].cd(5) h['Vypull'].Draw() cv = h['vxpulls'].cd(6) h['Vzpull'].Draw() cv = h['vxpulls'].cd(1) h['Vxresol'].Draw() cv = h['vxpulls'].cd(2) h['Vyresol'].Draw() cv = h['vxpulls'].cd(3) h['Vzresol'].Draw() ut.bookCanvas(h,key='trpulls',title='momentum pulls',nx=1600,ny=600,cx=3,cy=1) cv = h['trpulls'].cd(1) h['pullPOverPx_proj']=h['pullPOverPx'].ProjectionY() h['pullPOverPx_proj'].Draw() cv = h['trpulls'].cd(2) h['pullPOverPy_proj']=h['pullPOverPy'].ProjectionY() h['pullPOverPy_proj'].Draw() cv = h['trpulls'].cd(3) h['pullPOverPz_proj']=h['pullPOverPz'].ProjectionY() h['pullPOverPz_proj'].Draw() ut.bookCanvas(h,key='vetodecisions',title='Veto Detectors',nx=1600,ny=600,cx=5,cy=1) cv = h['vetodecisions'].cd(1) cv.SetLogy(1) h['nrtracks'].Draw() cv = h['vetodecisions'].cd(2) cv.SetLogy(1) h['nrSVT'].Draw() cv = h['vetodecisions'].cd(3) cv.SetLogy(1) h['nrUVT'].Draw() cv = h['vetodecisions'].cd(4) cv.SetLogy(1) h['nrSBT'].Draw() cv = h['vetodecisions'].cd(5) cv.SetLogy(1) h['nrRPC'].Draw() # print 'finished making plots'
def zCentre(): ut.bookHist(h,'xs','x vs z',500,0.,800.,100,-150.,150.) ut.bookHist(h,'xss','x vs station',4,0.5,4.5,100,-150.,150.) ut.bookHist(h,'wss','wire vs station',4,0.5,4.5,100, -0.5,99.5) ut.bookHist(h,'center','z crossing',500,0.,500.) ut.bookHist(h,'delx','delta x',200,-200.,200.) ut.bookHist(h,'delT3','extr to T3',100,-100.,100.) ut.bookHist(h,'delT2','extr to T2',100,-100.,100.) ut.bookHist(h,'delT1','extr to T1',100,-100.,100.) for event in sTree: spectrHitsSorted = sortHits(event) X = {1:0,2:0,3:0,4:0} Z = {1:0,2:0,3:0,4:0} nH = {1:0,2:0,3:0,4:0} passed = True for s in range(1,5): for hit in spectrHitsSorted['_x'][s]: rc = hit.MufluxSpectrometerEndPoints(vbot,vtop) rc = h['xs'].Fill( (vbot[2]+vtop[2])/2.,(vbot[0]+vtop[2])/2.) rc = h['xss'].Fill( s,(vbot[0]+vtop[2])/2.) wire = hit.GetDetectorID()%1000 rc = h['wss'].Fill(s,wire) statnb,vnb,pnb,lnb,view = stationInfo(hit) mychannel = (1000*statnb+100*pnb+10*lnb)*100+wire if mychannel in noisyChannels: continue X[s]+=vbot[0] Z[s]+=vbot[2] nH[s]+=1 if nH[s]<3 or nH[s]>6: passed = False if not passed: break Z[s]=Z[s]/float(nH[s]) X[s]=X[s]/float(nH[s]) if not passed: continue slopeA = (X[2]-X[1])/(Z[2]-Z[1]) slopeB = (X[4]-X[3])/(Z[4]-Z[3]) bA = X[1]-slopeA*Z[1] bB = X[3]-slopeB*Z[3] zC = (bB-bA)/(slopeA-slopeB+1E-10) rc = h['center'].Fill(zC) x1 = zgoliath*slopeA+bA x2 = zgoliath*slopeB+bB rc = h['delx'].Fill(x2-x1) rc = h['delT3'].Fill( slopeA*Z[3]+bA-X[3]) delT1 = slopeB*Z[1]+bB-X[1] rc = h['delT1'].Fill( delT1 ) if delT1 > -20 and delT1 < 10: delT2 = slopeB*Z[2]+bB-X[2] rc = h['delT2'].Fill( delT2 ) #if delT2<-18 and delT2>-22 or delT2<38 and delT2> 30: # txt = '' # for hit in spectrHitsSorted['_x'][2]: txt+=str(hit.GetDetectorID())+" " # print delT2, txt if not h.has_key('magnetX'): ut.bookCanvas(h,key='magnetX',title='Tracks crossing at magnet',nx=1600,ny=600,cx=3,cy=2) h['magnetX'].cd(1) h['delx'].Draw() h['magnetX'].cd(2) h['center'].Draw() h['magnetX'].cd(4) h['delT3'].Draw() h['magnetX'].cd(5) h['delT1'].Draw() h['magnetX'].cd(6) h['delT2'].Draw()
def makePlotsForTP(): ut.bookCanvas(h,key='Cdoca',title='doca',nx=900,ny=600,cx=1,cy=1) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='SIP',title='IP signal',nx=900,ny=600,cx=1,cy=1) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='CIPvsMass',title='IPvsMass',nx=900,ny=600,cx=1,cy=1) cv = h['Cdoca'].cd(1) h['Doca'].SetXTitle('distance of closest approach [cm]') h['Doca'].SetYTitle('N/1mm') h['Doca'].SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlue) h['Doca'].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlue) # DOCA background / signal h['Doca'].Draw() f=ROOT.TFile(path+'signal/HNLY10/ship.10.0.Pythia8-TGeant4_50k_ana.root') h['signalDoca'] = f.Doca.Clone('signalDoca') h['signalIP0'] = f.IP0.Clone('signalIP0') h['signaloa'] = f.oa.Clone('signaloa') f.Close() h['signalDoca'].SetStats(0) h['signalDoca'].SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) norm = h['Doca'].GetMaximum() / h['signalDoca'].GetMaximum() h['signalDoca'].Scale(norm) h['signalDoca'].Draw('same') h['Cdoca'].Print('muDIS_DOCAwithSignal.pdf') # cv = h['SIP'].cd(1) h['signalIP0'].SetStats(0) h['signalIP0'].SetXTitle('Impact parameter to primary target for signal [cm]') h['signalIP0'].SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) h['signalIP0'].Draw() h['SIP'].Print('muDIS_signalIP0.pdf') # cv = h['CIPvsMass'].cd(1) h['IP0/mass'].SetXTitle('invariant mass [GeV/c^{2}]') h['IP0/mass'].SetYTitle('IP to target [cm]') h['IP0/mass'].Draw('box') h['CIPvsMass'].Print('CIPvsMass.pdf') # h['rhozmu'] = h['130rhozmu'].Clone('rhozmu') h['rhozmu'].Add(h['310rhozmu']) h['rhozmu'].Add(h['3122rhozmu']) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='tp1',title='rho z muons',nx=900,ny=600,cx=1,cy=1) tc = h['tp1'].cd(1) h['rhozmu'].SetYTitle('distance from beam axis [m]') h['rhozmu'].SetXTitle('distance to start of decay volume [m]') h['rhozmu'].SetZTitle('Number of muons') h['rhozmu'].RebinX(100) h['rhozmu'].GetYaxis().SetRange(1,40) h['rhozmu'].Draw('colz') h['tp1'].Print('muonDISrhoZ.pdf') # veto counters ut.bookCanvas(h,key='veto',title='mass with veto',nx=900,ny=600,cx=1,cy=1) tc = h['veto'].cd(1) k=1 h['lgVeto'] = ROOT.TLegend(0.79,0.72,0.91,0.87) for c in vetoDets: if c=="TRA": continue h['IP0/mass-'+c].SetXTitle('mass [GeV/c^{2}]') h['IP0/mass-'+c].SetYTitle('IP [cm]') h['IP0/mass-'+c].SetMarkerColor(vetoCl[c]) h['IP0/mass-'+c].SetMarkerStyle(vetoMr[c]) if k==1: h['IP0/mass-'+c].Draw('m') else: h['IP0/mass-'+c].Draw('msame') h['lgVeto'].AddEntry(h['IP0/mass-'+c],c,'PM') k+=1 h['lgVeto'].Draw() h['veto'].Print('muDISVeto.pdf') # ut.bookCanvas(h,key='vetoDetectors',title='signal in Veto Detectors',nx=1200,ny=800,cx=3,cy=2) k=0 for x in ['nrtracks','nrSVT','nrUVT','nrSBT','nrRPC']: k+=1 tc = h['vetoDetectors'].cd(k) bw = int(h[x].GetBinWidth(1)) h[x].SetYTitle('#Events/'+str(bw)) h[x].SetXTitle(x.replace('nr','')+' #Hits') if x=='nrtracks': h[x].SetXTitle('#tracks') h[x].Draw() h['vetoDetectors'].Print('muDISVetoResponse.pdf') # opening angle ut.bookCanvas(h,key='openingangle',title='cos opening angle',nx=900,ny=600,cx=1,cy=1) tc = h['openingangle'].cd(1) h['oa'].SetYTitle('#Events') h['oa'].SetXTitle('cosine of opening angle') h['oa'].Draw() h['signaloa'].SetLineColor(ROOT.kRed) norm = h['oa'].GetMaximum() / h['signaloa'].GetMaximum() h['signaloa'].Scale(norm) h['signaloa'].Draw('same') h['openingangle'].Print('muDIS_openingAngle.pdf') # IP to mu inter ut.bookCanvas(h,key='IP2muinter',title='IP to mu inter',nx=900,ny=600,cx=1,cy=1) tc = h['IP2muinter'].cd(1) h['IPmuCand'].SetYTitle('#Events') h['IPmuCand'].SetXTitle('IP to muon interaction vertex [cm]') h['IPmuCand'].Draw() h['IP2muinter'].Print('muDIS_IP2MuInter.pdf') # V0 ut.bookCanvas(h,key='V0massIP',title='mass for V0',nx=900,ny=600,cx=1,cy=1) tc = h['V0massIP'].cd(1) k=1 h['lgV0massIP'] = ROOT.TLegend(0.79,0.72,0.91,0.87) for c in V0dict: h['IP0/mass-'+str(c)].SetXTitle('mass [GeV/c^{2}]') h['IP0/mass-'+str(c)].SetYTitle('IP [cm]') h['IP0/mass-'+str(c)].SetMarkerColor(v0Cl[c]) h['IP0/mass-'+str(c)].SetMarkerStyle(v0Mr[c]) if k==1: h['IP0/mass-'+str(c)].Draw('m') else: h['IP0/mass-'+str(c)].Draw('msame') h['lgV0massIP'].AddEntry(h['IP0/mass-'+str(c)],PDG.GetParticle(c).GetName(),'PM') k+=1 h['lgV0massIP'].Draw() h['V0massIP'].Print('muDISV0massIP.pdf') # i = 1 for x in V0dict: h['resultsrhoZ'].cd(i) hn = str(x)+'rhoz' if i==1: h[hn].SetYTitle('distance from beam axis [m]') else: h[hn].SetYTitle('') if i==2: h[hn].SetXTitle('distance to start of decay vol. [m]') else: h[hn].SetXTitle('') h['txtV0'+str(x)] = ROOT.TLatex(55.,8.,V0dict[x]) h[hn].Draw('colz') h['txtV0'+str(x)].Draw() i+=1 h['resultsrhoZ'].Print('V0DISDecay_point.pdf')
if x=='Yandex': # opts[x][0].AddFile('Yandex/result_100.root') opts[x][0].AddFile('Yandex/gather_result.root') else: for l in opts[x][1]: tl = str(l) test = "/media/Data/HNL/test" path = opts[x][2]+'_g4Ex_gap_'+tl if path in os.listdir(test) : fn = os.listdir(test+'/'+path)[0] opts[x][0].AddFile(test+'/'+path+'/'+fn) else: print 'file not found !',path h={} u.bookCanvas(h,key='Results',title='results',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=1,cy=1) def makeTable(pcut=0,rcut=1.E10): print '### for pcut > ',pcut,' and rcut < ',rcut pcutsq = str(pcut*pcut) rcutsq = str(rcut*rcut) for o in opts: ok = 'id'+o u.bookHist(h,ok,'id '+o,5001,-2500.5,2499.5) opts[o][0].Draw('id>>'+ok,'px*px+py*py+pz*pz>'+pcutsq+'&&x*x+y*y<'+rcutsq) # count how many originate from Pythia u.bookHist(h,ok+'Py','id '+o+' from pythia',5001,-2500.5,2499.5) opts[o][0].Draw('id>>'+ok+'Py','pythiaid==id&&(px*px+py*py+pz*pz)>'+pcutsq+'&&(x*x+y*y)<'+rcutsq) h[ok].SetLineColor(ocol[o]) tc = h['Results'].cd(1) h[ok].Draw()
def run(): fGeo = ROOT.gGeoManager run = sys.modules['__main__'].run if hasattr(sys.modules['__main__'],'h'): h = sys.modules['__main__'].h else: h={} grid = 120,100,1500 xmin,ymin,zmin = -4*u.m,-5*u.m,-100*u.m xmax,ymax,zmax = 4*u.m,5*u.m,50*u.m dx,dy,dz = (xmax-xmin)/grid[0],(ymax-ymin)/grid[1],(zmax-zmin)/grid[2] ut.bookHist(h,'Bx-','Bx- component ;z [cm];x [cm];y [cm]',grid[2],zmin,zmax,grid[0],xmin,xmax,grid[1],ymin,ymax) ut.bookHist(h,'By-','By- component ;z [cm];x [cm];y [cm]',grid[2],zmin,zmax,grid[0],xmin,xmax,grid[1],ymin,ymax) ut.bookHist(h,'Bz-','Bz- component ;z [cm];x [cm];y [cm]',grid[2],zmin,zmax,grid[0],xmin,xmax,grid[1],ymin,ymax) ut.bookHist(h,'Bx+','Bx+ component ;z [cm];x [cm];y [cm]',grid[2],zmin,zmax,grid[0],xmin,xmax,grid[1],ymin,ymax) ut.bookHist(h,'By+','By+ component ;z [cm];x [cm];y [cm]',grid[2],zmin,zmax,grid[0],xmin,xmax,grid[1],ymin,ymax) ut.bookHist(h,'Bz+','Bz+ component ;z [cm];x [cm];y [cm]',grid[2],zmin,zmax,grid[0],xmin,xmax,grid[1],ymin,ymax) h['Bx-'].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kGreen-3) h['Bx+'].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kGreen+3) h['By-'].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlue-3) h['By+'].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlue+3) h['Bz-'].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kCyan-2) h['Bz+'].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kCyan+2) for ix in range(grid[0]): for iy in range(grid[1]): for iz in range(grid[2]): x,y,z = xmin + ix*dx,ymin + iy*dy,zmin + iz*dz n = fGeo.FindNode(x,y,z) f = n.GetVolume().GetField() if f: if f.GetFieldValue()[0]<0: rc=h['Bx-'].Fill(z,x,y,-f.GetFieldValue()[0]/u.tesla) if f.GetFieldValue()[0]>0: rc=h['Bx+'].Fill(z,x,y,f.GetFieldValue()[0]/u.tesla) if f.GetFieldValue()[1]<0: rc=h['By-'].Fill(z,x,y,-f.GetFieldValue()[1]/u.tesla) if f.GetFieldValue()[1]>0: rc=h['By+'].Fill(z,x,y,f.GetFieldValue()[1]/u.tesla) if f.GetFieldValue()[2]<0: rc=h['Bz-'].Fill(z,x,y,-f.GetFieldValue()[2]/u.tesla) if f.GetFieldValue()[2]>0: rc=h['Bz+'].Fill(z,x,y,f.GetFieldValue()[2]/u.tesla) f = run.GetField() if f.GetBx(x,y,z)<0: rc=h['Bx-'].Fill(z,x,y,-f.GetBx(x,y,z)/u.tesla) if f.GetBx(x,y,z)>0: rc=h['Bx+'].Fill(z,x,y,f.GetBx(x,y,z)/u.tesla) if f.GetBy(x,y,z)<0: rc=h['By-'].Fill(z,x,y,-f.GetBy(x,y,z)/u.tesla) if f.GetBy(x,y,z)>0: rc=h['By+'].Fill(z,x,y,f.GetBy(x,y,z)/u.tesla) for x in h.keys(): hi = h[x] if hi.ClassName()=='TH3F': h[x+'_xz']=h[x].Project3D('xy') h[x+'_xz'].SetTitle(hi.GetTitle()+' top view') h[x+'_yz']=h[x].Project3D('xz') h[x+'_yz'].SetTitle(hi.GetTitle()+' side view') for x in h: h[x].SetStats(0) h[x].SetMarkerSize(3) txt = {'y':[' Up',' Down'],'x':[' Right',' Left']} for pol in ['y','x']: for p in ['_xz','_yz']: cn = 'c'+pol+p ut.bookCanvas(h,key=cn,title='field check',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=1,cy=1) h[cn].cd(1) h['B'+pol+'+'+p].Draw() h['B'+pol+'-'+p].Draw('same') h['B'+pol+'L'+p] = ROOT.TLegend(0.79,0.72,0.91,0.87) h['B'+pol+'L'+p].AddEntry(h['B'+pol+'+'],'B'+pol+txt[pol][0],'PM') h['B'+pol+'L'+p].AddEntry(h['B'+pol+'-'],'B'+pol+txt[pol][1],'PM') h['B'+pol+'L'+p].Draw() h[cn].Update() h[cn].Print('FieldB'+pol+'Proj'+p+'.png')
def TplotP(sTree): ut.bookCanvas(h, key='P', title='momentum', nx=1800, ny=1200, cx=3, cy=2) ut.bookCanvas(h, key='>P', title='N >P', nx=1800, ny=1200, cx=3, cy=2) ut.bookCanvas(h, key='PT', title='Pt', nx=1800, ny=1200, cx=3, cy=2) ut.bookCanvas(h, key='>PT', title='N >Pt', nx=1800, ny=1200, cx=3, cy=2) cuts = { 'mu': 'abs(id)==13', 'nu': 'abs(id)!=13', 'mu-': 'id==13', 'mu+': 'id==-13', 'nutau': 'id==16', 'nutaubar': 'id==-16', 'numu': 'id==14', 'numubar': 'id==-14', 'nue': 'id==12', 'nuebar': 'id==-12', 'nuesum': 'abs(id)==12', 'numusum': 'abs(id)==14', 'nutausum': 'abs(id)==16' } OpenCharm = { '': '', 'charm': "&(pythiaid==id & (abs(parentid) == 15 || abs(parentid) == 4112 || abs(parentid) == 4122 || abs(parentid) == 4132 \ || abs(parentid) == 431 || abs(parentid) == 421 || abs(parentid) == 411) )" }'') for x in ['', 'charm']: for q in cuts: p = q + x hn = 'Tp' + p hnt = 'Tpt' + p ut.bookHist(h, hn, p + ' ;p [GeV] ;N', 400, 0.0, 400.0) ut.bookHist(h, hnt, p + ' ;pt [GeV] ;N', 40, 0.0, 4.0) sTree.Draw('sqrt(px**2+py**2+pz**2)>>' + hn, 'w*(' + cuts[q] + OpenCharm[x] + ')', 'goff') sTree.Draw('sqrt(px**2+py**2)>>' + hnt, 'w*(' + cuts[q] + OpenCharm[x] + ')', 'goff') if q == 'mu+': h[hn].SetLineColor(3) if q == 'mu-': h[hn].SetLineColor(4) # integrated rates for q in [ 'mu', 'mu-', 'mu+', 'nu', 'nue', 'nuesum', 'nuebar', 'numusum', 'numu', 'numubar', 'nutau', 'nutaubar' ]: for x in ['', 'charm']: for z in ['p', 'pt']: p = z + q + x hi = 'T' + p + '_>E' h[hi] = h['T' + p].Clone(hi) h[hi].Reset() nsum = 0 for i in range(h[hi].GetNbinsX() + 1, 0, -1): nsum += h['T' + p].GetBinContent(i) h[hi].SetBinContent(i, nsum) for z in ['p', 'pt']: k = 1 for x in ['mu', 'nu']: t = z.upper() p = z + x cv = h[t].cd(k) cv.SetLogy(1) h['T' + p].Draw() if h['T' + p].GetEntries() < 1: continue if not p.find('mu') < 0: h['T' + p + '+'].Draw('same') h['T' + p + '-'].Draw('same') cv = h['>' + t].cd(k) cv.SetLogy(1) h[hi].Draw() k += 1 # plot different nu species: k = 3 cv = h[t].cd(k) cv.SetLogy(1) first = True i = 2 h['tlnu' + z + str(k)] = ROOT.TLegend(0.49, 0.13, 0.88, 0.36) for p in ['numu', 'numubar', 'nue', 'nuebar', 'nutau', 'nutaubar']: hn = 'T' + z + p h['tlnu' + z + str(k)].AddEntry(h[hn], z + ' ' + p, 'PL') h[hn].SetLineColor(i) h[hn + '8'] = h[hn].Clone() h[hn + '8'].SetName(hn + '8') h[hn + '8'].Rebin(8) i += 1 if first: h[hn + '8'].Draw() first = False h[hn + '8'].Draw('same') h['tlnu' + z + str(k)].Draw() k += 1
def makePlot(f, book=True): # print interaction and radiation length of target sGeo = ROOT.gGeoManager if sGeo: v = sGeo.FindVolumeFast('target') m = v.GetMaterial() length = v.GetShape().GetDZ() * 2 print("Material:", m.GetName(), 'total interaction length=', length / m.GetIntLen(), 'total rad length=', length / m.GetRadLen()) else: density = 2.413 length = 125.0 print("Use predefined values:", density, length) if book: ut.bookHist(h, 'theta', 'scattering angle ' + str(momentum) + 'GeV/c;{Theta}(rad)', 500, 0, maxTheta) ut.bookHist(h, 'eloss', 'rel energy loss as function of momentum GeV/c', 100, 0, maxTheta, 10000, 0., 1.) ut.bookHist(h, 'elossRaw', 'energy loss as function of momentum GeV/c', 100, 0, maxTheta, 10000, 0., 100.) sTree = f.cbmsim for n in range(sTree.GetEntries()): rc = sTree.GetEvent(n) Ein = sTree.MCTrack[0].GetEnergy() M = sTree.MCTrack[0].GetMass() Eloss = 0 for aHit in sTree.vetoPoint: Eloss += aHit.GetEnergyLoss() print(Ein, Eloss / Ein) rc = h['eloss'].Fill(Ein, Eloss / Ein) rc = h['elossRaw'].Fill(Ein, Eloss) ut.bookCanvas(h, key=s, title=s, nx=900, ny=600, cx=1, cy=1) tc = h[s].cd(1) if s == "NA62": h['eloss'].Draw() h['95'] = h['eloss'].ProjectionX('95', 96, 100) h['95'].Sumw2() h['0'] = h['eloss'].ProjectionX('0', 1, 100) h['0'].Sumw2() rc = h['95'].Divide(h['0']) h['95'].Draw() h['meanEloss'] = h['elossRaw'].ProjectionX() for n in range(1, h['elossRaw'].GetNbinsX() + 1): tmp = h['elossRaw'].ProjectionY('tmp', n, n) eloss = tmp.GetMean() h['meanEloss'].SetBinContent(n, eloss / density / length * 1000) h['meanEloss'].SetTitle('mean energy loss MeV cm2 / g') h['meanEloss'].Draw() elif s == "ATLAS": h['eloss'].Draw() h['>eloss'] = h['eloss'].ProjectionY().Clone('>eloss') cum = 0 N = float(h['>eloss'].GetEntries()) for n in range(h['>eloss'].GetNbinsX(), 0, -1): cum += h['>eloss'].GetBinContent(n) h['>eloss'].SetBinContent(n, cum / N) print("Ethreshold event fraction in %") for E in [15., 20., 30., 50., 80.]: n = h['>eloss'].FindBin(E / 350.) print(" %5.0F %5.2F " % (E, h['>eloss'].GetBinContent(n) * 100)) else: tc.SetLogy(1) h['theta_100'] = h['theta'].Clone('theta_100') h['theta_100'] = h['theta'].Rebin(5) h['theta_100'].Scale(1. / h['theta_100'].GetMaximum()) h['theta_100'].Draw() h[s].Print(s + '.png') h[s].Print(s + '.root') f.Write(h['theta'].GetName()) f.Write(h['theta_100'].GetName())
def compare(): test(eospath + 'pythia8_Geant4_onlyMuons.root') for x in ['', '_>E']: for z in ['p', 'pt']: for ahist in [ 'mu-', 'mu+', 'mu', 'mu-charm', 'mu+charm', 'mucharm' ]: h['TP' + z + ahist + x] = h['T' + z + ahist + x].Clone('CT' + ahist + x) test(eospath + 'pythia8_Geant4_Yandex_onlyNeutrinos.root') for x in ['', '_>E']: for z in ['p', 'pt']: for ahist in [ 'numusum', 'nuesum', 'numusumcharm', 'nuesumcharm', 'numu', 'numubar', 'nue', 'nuebar', 'numucharm', 'numubarcharm', 'nuecharm', 'nuebarcharm' ]: h['TP' + z + ahist + x] = h['T' + z + ahist + x].Clone('CT' + ahist + x) test(eospath + 'Mbias/pythia8_Geant4-withCharm-ram.root') for x in ['', '_>E']: for z in ['p', 'pt']: t = z.upper() if x != '': t = '>' + t t1 = h[t].cd(1) p = z + 'mu' h['T' + p + x].SetTitle('musum') h['T' + p + x].Draw() h['T' + p + 'charm' + x].Draw('same') h['TP' + p + x].Draw('same') h['TP' + p + x].SetLineColor(6) h['TP' + p + 'charm' + x].Draw('same') h['TP' + p + 'charm' + x].SetLineColor(3) h['T' + p + 'charm' + x].SetLineColor(2) h['T' + p + x].SetLineColor(4) h['L' + p + x] = ROOT.TLegend(0.33, 0.69, 0.99, 0.94) h['L' + p + x].AddEntry(h['T' + p + x], 'muon new with charm, cascade, k-fac', 'PL') h['L' + p + x].AddEntry( h['T' + p + 'charm' + x], 'muon from charm new with charm, cascade, k-fac', 'PL') h['L' + p + x].AddEntry(h['TP' + p + x], 'muon old CERN-Cracow prod', 'PL') h['L' + p + x].AddEntry(h['TP' + p + 'charm' + x], 'muon from charm old CERN-Cracow prod', 'PL') h['L' + p + x].Draw() h[t].cd(2) p = z + 'numusum' h['T' + p + x].Draw() h['T' + p + 'charm' + x].Draw('same') h['TP' + p + x].Draw('same') h['TP' + p + x].SetLineColor(6) h['TP' + p + 'charm' + x].Draw('same') h['TP' + p + 'charm' + x].SetLineColor(3) h['T' + p + 'charm' + x].SetLineColor(2) h['T' + p + x].SetLineColor(4) h['L' + p + x] = ROOT.TLegend(0.33, 0.69, 0.99, 0.94) h['L' + p + x].AddEntry(h['T' + p + x], 'nu_mu new with charm, cascade, k-fac', 'PL') h['L' + p + x].AddEntry( h['T' + p + 'charm' + x], 'nu_mu from charm new with charm, cascade, k-fac', 'PL') h['L' + p + x].AddEntry(h['TP' + p + x], 'nu_mu old CERN-Cracow prod', 'PL') h['L' + p + x].AddEntry(h['TP' + p + 'charm' + x], 'nu_mu from charm old CERN-Cracow prod', 'PL') h['L' + p + x].Draw() t3 = h[t].cd(3) t3.SetLogy(1) p = z + 'nuesum' h['T' + p + x].Draw() h['T' + p + 'charm' + x].Draw('same') h['TP' + p + x].Draw('same') h['TP' + p + x].SetLineColor(6) h['TP' + p + 'charm' + x].Draw('same') h['TP' + p + 'charm' + x].SetLineColor(3) h['T' + p + 'charm' + x].SetLineColor(2) h['T' + p + x].SetLineColor(4) h['L' + p + x] = ROOT.TLegend(0.33, 0.69, 0.99, 0.94) h['L' + p + x].AddEntry(h['T' + p + x], 'nu_e new with charm, cascade, k-fac', 'PL') h['L' + p + x].AddEntry( h['T' + p + 'charm' + x], 'nu_e from charm new with charm, cascade, k-fac', 'PL') h['L' + p + x].AddEntry(h['TP' + p + x], 'nu_e old CERN-Cracow prod', 'PL') h['L' + p + x].AddEntry(h['TP' + p + 'charm' + x], 'nu_e from charm old CERN-Cracow prod', 'PL') h['L' + p + x].Draw() # t4 = h[t].cd(4) t4.SetLogy(1) h['Lmuc' + z + x] = ROOT.TLegend(0.33, 0.73, 0.99, 0.94) p = z + 'mu-' h['T' + p + x].SetTitle('mu-/mu+') h['T' + p + x].Draw() h['TP' + p + x].Draw('same') h['TP' + p + x].SetLineColor(6) h['T' + p + x].SetLineColor(4) h['Lmuc' + z + x].AddEntry(h['T' + p + x], 'mu- new with charm, cascade, k-fac', 'PL') h['Lmuc' + z + x].AddEntry(h['TP' + p + x], 'mu- old Yandex prod', 'PL') p = z + 'mu+' h['T' + p + x].Draw('same') h['TP' + p + x].Draw('same') h['TP' + p + x].SetLineColor(3) h['T' + p + x].SetLineColor(2) h['Lmuc' + z + x].AddEntry(h['T' + p + x], 'mu+ new with charm, cascade, k-fac', 'PL') h['Lmuc' + z + x].AddEntry(h['TP' + p + x], 'mu+ old Yandex prod', 'PL') h['Lmuc' + z + x].Draw() # t5 = h[t].cd(5) t5.SetLogy(1) h['Lnumu' + z + x] = ROOT.TLegend(0.33, 0.73, 0.99, 0.94) p = z + 'numu' h['T' + p + x].SetTitle('numu/numubar') h['T' + p + x].Draw() h['TP' + p + x].Draw('same') h['TP' + p + x].SetLineColor(6) h['T' + p + x].SetLineColor(4) h['Lnumu' + z + x].AddEntry( h['T' + p + x], 'nu_mu new with charm, cascade, k-fac', 'PL') h['Lnumu' + z + x].AddEntry(h['TP' + p + x], 'nu_mu old Yandex prod', 'PL') p = z + 'numubar' h['T' + p + x].Draw('same') h['TP' + p + x].Draw('same') h['TP' + p + x].SetLineColor(3) h['T' + p + x].SetLineColor(2) h['Lnumu' + z + x].AddEntry( h['T' + p + x], 'anti nu_mu new with charm, cascade, k-fac', 'PL') h['Lnumu' + z + x].AddEntry(h['TP' + p + x], 'anti nu_mu old Yandex prod', 'PL') h['Lnumu' + z + x].Draw() t6 = h[t].cd(6) t6.SetLogy(1) p = z + 'nue' h['Lnue' + z + x] = ROOT.TLegend(0.33, 0.73, 0.99, 0.94) h['T' + p + x].SetTitle('nue/nuebar') h['T' + p + x].Draw() h['TP' + p + x].Draw('same') h['TP' + p + x].SetLineColor(6) h['T' + p + x].SetLineColor(4) h['Lnue' + z + x].AddEntry(h['T' + p + x], 'nu_e new with charm, cascade, k-fac', 'PL') h['Lnue' + z + x].AddEntry(h['TP' + p + x], 'nu_e old Yandex prod', 'PL') p = z + 'nuebar' h['T' + p + x].Draw('same') h['TP' + p + x].Draw('same') h['TP' + p + x].SetLineColor(3) h['T' + p + x].SetLineColor(2) h['Lnue' + z + x].AddEntry( h['T' + p + x], 'anti nu_e new with charm, cascade, k-fac', 'PL') h['Lnue' + z + x].AddEntry(h['TP' + p + x], 'anti nu_e old Yandex prod', 'PL') h['Lnue' + z + x].Draw() # h[t].Print('comparison' + z + x.replace('_>', '') + '.png') h[t].Print('comparison' + z + x.replace('_>', '') + '.pdf') # make ratio plots x = '_>E' for z in ['p', 'pt']: h[z + 'muRatio' + x] = h['T' + z + 'mu' + x].Clone(z + 'muRatio' + x) h[z + 'muRatio' + x].Divide(h['TP' + z + 'mu' + x]) h[z + 'numuRatio' + x] = h['T' + z + 'numusum' + x].Clone(z + 'numuRatio' + x) h[z + 'numuRatio' + x].Divide(h['TP' + z + 'numusum' + x]) h[z + 'nueRatio' + x] = h['T' + z + 'nuesum' + x].Clone(z + 'nueRatio' + x) h[z + 'nueRatio' + x].Divide(h['TP' + z + 'nuesum' + x]) ut.bookCanvas(h, key='ratios', title='ratios', nx=1800, ny=600, cx=2, cy=1) n = 1 for z in ['p', 'pt']: h['Lratio' + z + x] = ROOT.TLegend(0.21, 0.74, 0.71, 0.85) tc = h['ratios'].cd(n) n += 1 h[z + 'muRatio' + x].SetLineColor(2) h[z + 'muRatio' + x].SetMaximum( max(h[z + 'muRatio' + x].GetMaximum(), h[z + 'numuRatio' + x].GetMaximum())) h[z + 'muRatio' + x].SetMinimum(0) h[z + 'muRatio' + x].SetStats(0) h[z + 'muRatio' + x].Draw() h[z + 'numuRatio' + x].SetLineColor(3) h[z + 'numuRatio' + x].SetStats(0) h[z + 'numuRatio' + x].Draw('same') #h[z+'nueRatio'+x].SetLineColor(4) #h[z+'nueRatio'+x].Draw('same') h['Lratio' + z + x].AddEntry(h[z + 'muRatio' + x], 'muon flux new / old ', 'PL') h['Lratio' + z + x].AddEntry(h[z + 'numuRatio' + x], 'nu_mu flux new / old ', 'PL') #h['Lratio'+z+x].AddEntry(h[z+'nueRatio'+x],'nu_e flux new / old ','PL') h['Lratio' + z + x].Draw() h['ratios'].Print('comparisonRatios.png') h['ratios'].Print('comparisonRatios.pdf')
def analyzeConcrete(): fout = ROOT.TFile('muConcrete.root','recreate') h['ntuple'] = ROOT.TNtuple("muons","muon flux concrete","id:px:py:pz:x:y:z:w") for m in ['','mu','V0']: ut.bookHist(h,'conc_hitz'+m,'concrete hit z '+m,100,-100.,100.) ut.bookHist(h,'conc_hitzP'+m,'concrete hit z vs P'+m,100,-100.,100.,100,0.,25.) ut.bookHist(h,'conc_hity'+m,'concrete hit y '+m,100,-15.,15.) ut.bookHist(h,'conc_p'+m,'concrete hit p '+m,100,0.,300.) ut.bookHist(h,'conc_pt'+m,'concrete hit pt '+m,100,0.,10.) ut.bookHist(h,'conc_hitzy'+m,'concrete hit zy '+m,100,-100.,100.,100,-15.,15.) top = fGeo.GetTopVolume() magn = top.GetNode("magyoke_1") z0 = magn.GetMatrix().GetTranslation()[2]/u.m for fn in fchain: f = ROOT.TFile(fn) if not f.FindObjectAny('cbmsim'): print 'skip file ',f.GetName() continue sTree = f.cbmsim nEvents = sTree.GetEntries() for n in range(nEvents): sTree.GetEntry(n) if sTree.MCTrack.GetEntries() > 1: wg = sTree.MCTrack[1].GetWeight() else: wg = sTree.MCTrack[0].GetWeight() for ahit in sTree.vetoPoint: detID = ahit.GetDetectorID() if logVols[detID] != 'rockD': continue m='' pid = ahit.PdgCode() if abs(pid) == 13: m='mu' P = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(ahit.GetPx()**2+ahit.GetPy()**2+ahit.GetPz()**2) if abs(pid) == 13 and P>3/u.GeV: m='V0' h['ntuple'].Fill(float(pid), float(ahit.GetPx()/u.GeV),float(ahit.GetPy()/u.GeV),float(ahit.GetPz()/u.GeV),\ float(ahit.GetX()/u.m),float(ahit.GetY()/u.m),float(ahit.GetZ()/u.m),float(wg) ) h['conc_hitz'+m].Fill(ahit.GetZ()/u.m-z0,wg) h['conc_hity'+m].Fill(ahit.GetY()/u.m,wg) h['conc_p'+m].Fill(P/u.GeV,wg) h['conc_hitzP'+m].Fill(ahit.GetZ()/u.m,P/u.GeV,wg) Pt = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(ahit.GetPx()**2+ahit.GetPy()**2) h['conc_pt'+m].Fill(Pt/u.GeV,wg) h['conc_hitzy'+m].Fill(ahit.GetZ()/u.m-z0,ahit.GetY()/u.m,wg) # #start = [ahit.GetX()/u.m,ahit.GetY()/u.m,ahit.GetZ()/u.m] #direc = [-ahit.GetPx()/P,-ahit.GetPy()/P,-ahit.GetPz()/P] #t = - start[0]/direc[0] ut.bookCanvas(h,key='Resultsmu',title='muons hitting concrete',nx=1000,ny=600,cx=2,cy=2) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='Results',title='hitting concrete',nx=1000,ny=600,cx=2,cy=2) for m in ['','mu']: tc = h['Results'+m].cd(1) h['conc_hity'+m].Draw() tc = h['Results'+m].cd(2) h['conc_hitz'+m].Draw() tc = h['Results'+m].cd(3) tc.SetLogy(1) h['conc_pt'+m].Draw() tc = h['Results'+m].cd(4) tc.SetLogy(1) h['conc_p'+m].Draw() h['ntuple'].Write()
def compare(): test(eospath+'pythia8_Geant4_onlyMuons.root') for x in ['','_>E']: for z in ['p','pt']: for ahist in ['mu-','mu+','mu','mu-charm','mu+charm','mucharm']: h['TP'+z+ahist+x]=h['T'+z+ahist+x].Clone('CT'+ahist+x) test(eospath+'pythia8_Geant4_Yandex_onlyNeutrinos.root') for x in ['','_>E']: for z in ['p','pt']: for ahist in ['numusum','nuesum','numusumcharm','nuesumcharm','numu','numubar','nue','nuebar','numucharm','numubarcharm','nuecharm','nuebarcharm']: h['TP'+z+ahist+x]=h['T'+z+ahist+x].Clone('CT'+ahist+x) test(eospath+'Mbias/pythia8_Geant4-withCharm-ram.root') for x in ['','_>E']: for z in ['p','pt']: t = z.upper() if x != '' : t='>'+t t1=h[t].cd(1) p = z+'mu' h['T'+p+x].SetTitle('musum') h['T'+p+x].Draw() h['T'+p+'charm'+x].Draw('same') h['TP'+p+x].Draw('same') h['TP'+p+x].SetLineColor(6) h['TP'+p+'charm'+x].Draw('same') h['TP'+p+'charm'+x].SetLineColor(3) h['T'+p+'charm'+x].SetLineColor(2) h['T'+p+x].SetLineColor(4) h['L'+p+x] = ROOT.TLegend(0.33,0.69,0.99,0.94) h['L'+p+x].AddEntry(h['T'+p+x],'muon new with charm, cascade, k-fac','PL') h['L'+p+x].AddEntry(h['T'+p+'charm'+x],'muon from charm new with charm, cascade, k-fac','PL') h['L'+p+x].AddEntry(h['TP'+p+x],'muon old CERN-Cracow prod','PL') h['L'+p+x].AddEntry(h['TP'+p+'charm'+x],'muon from charm old CERN-Cracow prod','PL') h['L'+p+x].Draw() h[t].cd(2) p = z+'numusum' h['T'+p+x].Draw() h['T'+p+'charm'+x].Draw('same') h['TP'+p+x].Draw('same') h['TP'+p+x].SetLineColor(6) h['TP'+p+'charm'+x].Draw('same') h['TP'+p+'charm'+x].SetLineColor(3) h['T'+p+'charm'+x].SetLineColor(2) h['T'+p+x].SetLineColor(4) h['L'+p+x] = ROOT.TLegend(0.33,0.69,0.99,0.94) h['L'+p+x].AddEntry(h['T'+p+x],'nu_mu new with charm, cascade, k-fac','PL') h['L'+p+x].AddEntry(h['T'+p+'charm'+x],'nu_mu from charm new with charm, cascade, k-fac','PL') h['L'+p+x].AddEntry(h['TP'+p+x],'nu_mu old CERN-Cracow prod','PL') h['L'+p+x].AddEntry(h['TP'+p+'charm'+x],'nu_mu from charm old CERN-Cracow prod','PL') h['L'+p+x].Draw() t3=h[t].cd(3) t3.SetLogy(1) p = z+'nuesum' h['T'+p+x].Draw() h['T'+p+'charm'+x].Draw('same') h['TP'+p+x].Draw('same') h['TP'+p+x].SetLineColor(6) h['TP'+p+'charm'+x].Draw('same') h['TP'+p+'charm'+x].SetLineColor(3) h['T'+p+'charm'+x].SetLineColor(2) h['T'+p+x].SetLineColor(4) h['L'+p+x] = ROOT.TLegend(0.33,0.69,0.99,0.94) h['L'+p+x].AddEntry(h['T'+p+x],'nu_e new with charm, cascade, k-fac','PL') h['L'+p+x].AddEntry(h['T'+p+'charm'+x],'nu_e from charm new with charm, cascade, k-fac','PL') h['L'+p+x].AddEntry(h['TP'+p+x],'nu_e old CERN-Cracow prod','PL') h['L'+p+x].AddEntry(h['TP'+p+'charm'+x],'nu_e from charm old CERN-Cracow prod','PL') h['L'+p+x].Draw() # t4 = h[t].cd(4) t4.SetLogy(1) h['Lmuc'+z+x] = ROOT.TLegend(0.33,0.73,0.99,0.94) p = z+'mu-' h['T'+p+x].SetTitle('mu-/mu+') h['T'+p+x].Draw() h['TP'+p+x].Draw('same') h['TP'+p+x].SetLineColor(6) h['T'+p+x].SetLineColor(4) h['Lmuc'+z+x].AddEntry(h['T'+p+x],'mu- new with charm, cascade, k-fac','PL') h['Lmuc'+z+x].AddEntry(h['TP'+p+x],'mu- old Yandex prod','PL') p = z+'mu+' h['T'+p+x].Draw('same') h['TP'+p+x].Draw('same') h['TP'+p+x].SetLineColor(3) h['T'+p+x].SetLineColor(2) h['Lmuc'+z+x].AddEntry(h['T'+p+x],'mu+ new with charm, cascade, k-fac','PL') h['Lmuc'+z+x].AddEntry(h['TP'+p+x],'mu+ old Yandex prod','PL') h['Lmuc'+z+x].Draw() # t5 = h[t].cd(5) t5.SetLogy(1) h['Lnumu'+z+x] = ROOT.TLegend(0.33,0.73,0.99,0.94) p = z+'numu' h['T'+p+x].SetTitle('numu/numubar') h['T'+p+x].Draw() h['TP'+p+x].Draw('same') h['TP'+p+x].SetLineColor(6) h['T'+p+x].SetLineColor(4) h['Lnumu'+z+x].AddEntry(h['T'+p+x],'nu_mu new with charm, cascade, k-fac','PL') h['Lnumu'+z+x].AddEntry(h['TP'+p+x],'nu_mu old Yandex prod','PL') p = z+'numubar' h['T'+p+x].Draw('same') h['TP'+p+x].Draw('same') h['TP'+p+x].SetLineColor(3) h['T'+p+x].SetLineColor(2) h['Lnumu'+z+x].AddEntry(h['T'+p+x],'anti nu_mu new with charm, cascade, k-fac','PL') h['Lnumu'+z+x].AddEntry(h['TP'+p+x],'anti nu_mu old Yandex prod','PL') h['Lnumu'+z+x].Draw() t6 = h[t].cd(6) t6.SetLogy(1) p = z+'nue' h['Lnue'+z+x] = ROOT.TLegend(0.33,0.73,0.99,0.94) h['T'+p+x].SetTitle('nue/nuebar') h['T'+p+x].Draw() h['TP'+p+x].Draw('same') h['TP'+p+x].SetLineColor(6) h['T'+p+x].SetLineColor(4) h['Lnue'+z+x].AddEntry(h['T'+p+x],'nu_e new with charm, cascade, k-fac','PL') h['Lnue'+z+x].AddEntry(h['TP'+p+x],'nu_e old Yandex prod','PL') p = z+'nuebar' h['T'+p+x].Draw('same') h['TP'+p+x].Draw('same') h['TP'+p+x].SetLineColor(3) h['T'+p+x].SetLineColor(2) h['Lnue'+z+x].AddEntry(h['T'+p+x],'anti nu_e new with charm, cascade, k-fac','PL') h['Lnue'+z+x].AddEntry(h['TP'+p+x],'anti nu_e old Yandex prod','PL') h['Lnue'+z+x].Draw() # h[t].Print('comparison'+z+x.replace('_>','')+'.png') h[t].Print('comparison'+z+x.replace('_>','')+'.pdf') # make ratio plots x = '_>E' for z in ['p','pt']: h[z+'muRatio'+x]=h['T'+z+'mu'+x].Clone(z+'muRatio'+x) h[z+'muRatio'+x].Divide(h['TP'+z+'mu'+x]) h[z+'numuRatio'+x]=h['T'+z+'numusum'+x].Clone(z+'numuRatio'+x) h[z+'numuRatio'+x].Divide(h['TP'+z+'numusum'+x]) h[z+'nueRatio'+x]=h['T'+z+'nuesum'+x].Clone(z+'nueRatio'+x) h[z+'nueRatio'+x].Divide(h['TP'+z+'nuesum'+x]) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='ratios',title='ratios',nx=1800,ny=600,cx=2,cy=1) n = 1 for z in ['p','pt']: h['Lratio'+z+x] = ROOT.TLegend(0.21,0.74,0.71,0.85) tc = h['ratios'].cd(n) n+=1 h[z+'muRatio'+x].SetLineColor(2) h[z+'muRatio'+x].SetMaximum(max(h[z+'muRatio'+x].GetMaximum(),h[z+'numuRatio'+x].GetMaximum())) h[z+'muRatio'+x].SetMinimum(0) h[z+'muRatio'+x].SetStats(0) h[z+'muRatio'+x].Draw() h[z+'numuRatio'+x].SetLineColor(3) h[z+'numuRatio'+x].SetStats(0) h[z+'numuRatio'+x].Draw('same') #h[z+'nueRatio'+x].SetLineColor(4) #h[z+'nueRatio'+x].Draw('same') h['Lratio'+z+x].AddEntry(h[z+'muRatio'+x],'muon flux new / old ','PL') h['Lratio'+z+x].AddEntry(h[z+'numuRatio'+x],'nu_mu flux new / old ','PL') #h['Lratio'+z+x].AddEntry(h[z+'nueRatio'+x],'nu_e flux new / old ','PL') h['Lratio'+z+x].Draw() h['ratios'].Print('comparisonRatios.png') h['ratios'].Print('comparisonRatios.pdf')
def makePlots(nstations): cxcy = {1:[2,1],2:[3,1],3:[2,2],4:[3,2],5:[3,2],6:[3,2],7:[3,3],8:[3,3],9:[3,3],10:[4,3],11:[4,3],12:[4,3],13:[5,3],14:[5,3],14:[5,3]} ut.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsI',title='hit occupancies', nx=1100,ny=600*cxcy[nstations][1],cx=cxcy[nstations][0],cy=cxcy[nstations][1]) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsImu',title='hit occupancies',nx=1100,ny=600*cxcy[nstations][1],cx=cxcy[nstations][0],cy=cxcy[nstations][1]) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsImuV0',title='hit occupancies',nx=1100,ny=600*cxcy[nstations][1],cx=cxcy[nstations][0],cy=cxcy[nstations][1]) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsII', title='deposited energies',nx=1100,ny=600*cxcy[nstations][1],cx=cxcy[nstations][0],cy=cxcy[nstations][1]) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsIII',title='track info',nx=1100,ny=600*cxcy[nstations][1],cx=cxcy[nstations][0],cy=cxcy[nstations][1]) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsIV',title='track info',nx=1100,ny=600*cxcy[nstations][1],cx=cxcy[nstations][0],cy=cxcy[nstations][1]) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='ResultsV',title='origin info',nx=600,ny=400,cx=1,cy=1) txt[0] ='occupancy 1sec 5E13pot ' h['dummy'].Fill(-1) nSpills = len(prefixes) for i in histlist: tc = h['ResultsI'].cd(i) hn = histlist[i] if not h.has_key(hn): continue h[hn].SetStats(0) h[hn].Draw('colz') txt[i] = '%5.2G'%(h[hn].GetSumOfWeights()/nSpills) l[i] = ROOT.TLatex().DrawLatexNDC(0.15,0.85,txt[i]) # hn = histlist[i]+'_mu' tc = h['ResultsImu'].cd(i) h[hn].SetStats(0) h[hn].Draw('colz') txt[i+100] = '%5.2G'%(h[hn].GetSumOfWeights()/nSpills) l[i+100] = ROOT.TLatex().DrawLatexNDC(0.15,0.85,txt[i+100]) # hn = histlist[i]+'_muV0' tc = h['ResultsImuV0'].cd(i) h[hn].SetStats(0) h[hn].Draw('colz') txt[i+200] = '%5.2G'%(h[hn].GetSumOfWeights()/nSpills) l[i+200] = ROOT.TLatex().DrawLatexNDC(0.15,0.85,txt[i+200]) # for i in histlist: tc = h['ResultsII'].cd(i) h[histlist[i]+'_E'].Draw('colz') # for i in histlist: tc = h['ResultsIII'].cd(i) tc.SetLogy(1) hn = histlist[i] drawBoth('_P',hn) hid = h[hn+'_id'] print 'particle statistics for '+histlist[i] for k in range(hid.GetNbinsX()): ncont = hid.GetBinContent(k+1) pid = hid.GetBinCenter(k+1) if ncont > 0: temp = int(abs(pid)+0.5)*int(pid/abs(pid)) nm = PDG.GetParticle(temp).GetName() print '%s :%5.2g'%(nm,ncont) hid = h[histlist[i]+'_mu_id'] for k in range(hid.GetNbinsX()): ncont = hid.GetBinContent(k+1) pid = hid.GetBinCenter(k+1) if ncont > 0: temp = int(abs(pid)+0.5)*int(pid/abs(pid)) nm = PDG.GetParticle(temp).GetName() print '%s :%5.2g'%(nm,ncont) # tc = h['ResultsV'].cd(1) h['origin'].SetStats(0) h['origin'].Draw('colz') # for i in histlist: tc = h['ResultsIV'].cd(i) tc.SetLogy(1) hn = histlist[i] drawBoth('_OP',hn) persistency()
def TplotP(sTree): ut.bookCanvas(h,key='P',title='momentum',nx=1800,ny=1200,cx=3,cy=2) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='>P',title='N >P', nx=1800,ny=1200,cx=3,cy=2) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='PT',title='Pt',nx=1800,ny=1200,cx=3,cy=2) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='>PT',title='N >Pt', nx=1800,ny=1200,cx=3,cy=2) cuts = {'mu':'abs(id)==13','nu':'abs(id)!=13','mu-':'id==13','mu+':'id==-13', 'nutau':'id==16','nutaubar':'id==-16','numu':'id==14','numubar':'id==-14', 'nue':'id==12','nuebar':'id==-12','nuesum':'abs(id)==12','numusum':'abs(id)==14','nutausum':'abs(id)==16'} OpenCharm = {'':'','charm':"&(pythiaid==id & (abs(parentid) == 15 || abs(parentid) == 4112 || abs(parentid) == 4122 || abs(parentid) == 4132 \ || abs(parentid) == 431 || abs(parentid) == 421 || abs(parentid) == 411) )"}'') for x in ['','charm']: for q in cuts: p = q+x hn = 'Tp'+p hnt = 'Tpt'+p ut.bookHist(h,hn, p +' ;p [GeV] ;N',400,0.0,400.0) ut.bookHist(h,hnt, p +' ;pt [GeV] ;N',40,0.0,4.0) sTree.Draw('sqrt(px**2+py**2+pz**2)>>'+hn,'w*('+cuts[q]+OpenCharm[x]+')','goff') sTree.Draw('sqrt(px**2+py**2)>>'+hnt,'w*('+cuts[q]+OpenCharm[x]+')','goff') if q=='mu+': h[hn].SetLineColor(3) if q=='mu-': h[hn].SetLineColor(4) # integrated rates for q in [ 'mu','mu-','mu+','nu','nue','nuesum','nuebar','numusum','numu','numubar','nutau','nutaubar']: for x in ['','charm']: for z in ['p','pt']: p = z+q+x hi = 'T'+p+'_>E' h[hi]=h['T'+p].Clone(hi) h[hi].Reset() nsum = 0 for i in range(h[hi].GetNbinsX()+1,0,-1): nsum+=h['T'+p].GetBinContent(i) h[hi].SetBinContent(i,nsum) for z in ['p','pt']: k = 1 for x in [ 'mu','nu']: t=z.upper() p=z+x cv = h[t].cd(k) cv.SetLogy(1) h['T'+p].Draw() if h['T'+p].GetEntries()<1: continue if not p.find('mu')<0: h['T'+p+'+'].Draw('same') h['T'+p+'-'].Draw('same') cv = h['>'+t].cd(k) cv.SetLogy(1) h[hi].Draw() k+=1 # plot different nu species: k = 3 cv = h[t].cd(k) cv.SetLogy(1) first = True i = 2 h['tlnu'+z+str(k)] = ROOT.TLegend(0.49,0.13,0.88,0.36) for p in ['numu','numubar','nue','nuebar','nutau','nutaubar']: hn = 'T'+z+p h['tlnu'+z+str(k)].AddEntry(h[hn],z+' '+p,'PL') h[hn].SetLineColor(i) h[hn+'8']=h[hn].Clone() h[hn+'8'].SetName(hn+'8') h[hn+'8'].Rebin(8) i+=1 if first: h[hn+'8'].Draw() first = False h[hn+'8'].Draw('same') h['tlnu'+z+str(k)].Draw() k+=1
def makePlots(): ut.bookCanvas(h, key='ecalanalysis', title='cluster map', nx=800, ny=600, cx=1, cy=1) cv = h['ecalanalysis'].cd(1) h['ecalClusters'].Draw('colz') ut.bookCanvas(h, key='ecalCluster2Track', title='Ecal cluster distances to track impact', nx=1600, ny=800, cx=4, cy=2) if h.has_key("ecalReconstructed_dist_mu+"): cv = h['ecalCluster2Track'].cd(1) h['ecalReconstructed_distx_mu+'].Draw() cv = h['ecalCluster2Track'].cd(2) h['ecalReconstructed_disty_mu+'].Draw() if h.has_key("ecalReconstructed_dist_pi+"): cv = h['ecalCluster2Track'].cd(3) h['ecalReconstructed_distx_pi+'].Draw() cv = h['ecalCluster2Track'].cd(4) h['ecalReconstructed_disty_pi+'].Draw() if h.has_key("ecalReconstructed_dist_mu-"): cv = h['ecalCluster2Track'].cd(5) h['ecalReconstructed_distx_mu-'].Draw() cv = h['ecalCluster2Track'].cd(6) h['ecalReconstructed_disty_mu-'].Draw() if h.has_key("ecalReconstructed_dist_pi-"): cv = h['ecalCluster2Track'].cd(7) h['ecalReconstructed_distx_pi-'].Draw() cv = h['ecalCluster2Track'].cd(8) h['ecalReconstructed_disty_pi-'].Draw() ut.bookCanvas(h, key='strawanalysis', title='Distance to wire and mean nr of hits', nx=1200, ny=600, cx=3, cy=1) cv = h['strawanalysis'].cd(1) h['disty'].Draw() h['distu'].Draw('same') h['distv'].Draw('same') cv = h['strawanalysis'].cd(2) h['meanhits'].Draw() cv = h['strawanalysis'].cd(3) h['meas2'].Draw() ut.bookCanvas(h, key='fitresults', title='Fit Results', nx=1600, ny=1200, cx=2, cy=2) cv = h['fitresults'].cd(1) h['delPOverPz'].Draw('box') cv = h['fitresults'].cd(2) cv.SetLogy(1) h['prob'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults'].cd(3) h['delPOverPz_proj'] = h['delPOverPz'].ProjectionY() ROOT.gStyle.SetOptFit(11111) h['delPOverPz_proj'].Draw() h['delPOverPz_proj'].Fit('gaus') cv = h['fitresults'].cd(4) h['delPOverP2z_proj'] = h['delPOverP2z'].ProjectionY() h['delPOverP2z_proj'].Draw() fitSingleGauss('delPOverP2z_proj') h['fitresults'].Print('fitresults.gif') ut.bookCanvas(h, key='fitresults2', title='Fit Results', nx=1600, ny=1200, cx=2, cy=2) print('finished with first canvas') cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(1) h['Doca'].SetXTitle('closest distance between 2 tracks [cm]') h['Doca'].SetYTitle('N/1mm') h['Doca'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(2) h['IP0'].SetXTitle('impact parameter to p-target [cm]') h['IP0'].SetYTitle('N/1cm') h['IP0'].Draw() cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(3) h['HNL'].SetXTitle('inv. mass [GeV/c2]') h['HNL'].SetYTitle('N/4MeV/c2') h['HNL'].Draw() fitSingleGauss('HNL', 0.9, 1.1) cv = h['fitresults2'].cd(4) h['IP0/mass'].SetXTitle('inv. mass [GeV/c2]') h['IP0/mass'].SetYTitle('IP [cm]') h['IP0/mass'].Draw('colz') h['fitresults2'].Print('fitresults2.gif') ut.bookCanvas(h, key='vxpulls', title='Vertex resol and pulls', nx=1600, ny=1200, cx=3, cy=2) cv = h['vxpulls'].cd(4) h['Vxpull'].Draw() cv = h['vxpulls'].cd(5) h['Vypull'].Draw() cv = h['vxpulls'].cd(6) h['Vzpull'].Draw() cv = h['vxpulls'].cd(1) h['Vxresol'].Draw() cv = h['vxpulls'].cd(2) h['Vyresol'].Draw() cv = h['vxpulls'].cd(3) h['Vzresol'].Draw() ut.bookCanvas(h, key='trpulls', title='momentum pulls', nx=1600, ny=600, cx=3, cy=1) cv = h['trpulls'].cd(1) h['pullPOverPx_proj'] = h['pullPOverPx'].ProjectionY() h['pullPOverPx_proj'].Draw() cv = h['trpulls'].cd(2) h['pullPOverPy_proj'] = h['pullPOverPy'].ProjectionY() h['pullPOverPy_proj'].Draw() cv = h['trpulls'].cd(3) h['pullPOverPz_proj'] = h['pullPOverPz'].ProjectionY() h['pullPOverPz_proj'].Draw() ut.bookCanvas(h, key='vetodecisions', title='Veto Detectors', nx=1600, ny=600, cx=5, cy=1) cv = h['vetodecisions'].cd(1) cv.SetLogy(1) h['nrtracks'].Draw() cv = h['vetodecisions'].cd(2) cv.SetLogy(1) h['nrSVT'].Draw() cv = h['vetodecisions'].cd(3) cv.SetLogy(1) h['nrUVT'].Draw() cv = h['vetodecisions'].cd(4) cv.SetLogy(1) h['nrSBT'].Draw() cv = h['vetodecisions'].cd(5) cv.SetLogy(1) h['nrRPC'].Draw() # print('finished making plots')
def TplotP(sTree): ut.bookCanvas(h, key="P", title="momentum", nx=700, ny=400, cx=2, cy=2) ut.bookCanvas(h, key=">P", title="N >P", nx=700, ny=400, cx=2, cy=2) cuts = { "mu": "abs(id)==13", "nu": "abs(id)!=13", "mu-": "id==13", "mu+": "id==-13", "nutau": "id==16", "nutaubar": "id==-16", "numu": "id==14", "numubar": "id==-14", "nue": "id==12", "nuebar": "id==-12", }"") for p in cuts: hn = "Tp" + p ut.bookHist(h, hn, p + " ;p [GeV] ;N", 400, 0.0, 400.0) h[hn].Sumw2() sTree.Draw("sqrt(px**2+py**2+pz**2)>>" + hn, "w*(" + cuts[p] + ")", "goff") if p == "mu+": h[hn].SetLineColor(3) if p == "mu-": h[hn].SetLineColor(4) # integrated rates for p in ["mu", "mu-", "mu+", "nu", "nue", "numu", "numubar", "nutau", "nutaubar"]: hi = "Tp" + p + "_>E" h[hi] = h["Tp" + p].Clone(hi) h[hi].Reset() nsum = 0 for i in range(h[hi].GetNbinsX() + 1, 1, -1): nsum += h["Tp" + p].GetBinContent(i) h[hi].SetBinContent(i, nsum) k = 1 for p in ["mu", "nu"]: cv = h["P"].cd(k) cv.SetLogy(1) h["Tp" + p].Draw() if h["Tp" + p].GetEntries() < 1: continue if p == "mu": h["Tpmu+"].Draw("same") h["Tpmu-"].Draw("same") cv = h[">P"].cd(k) cv.SetLogy(1) h[hi].Draw() k += 1 # plot different nu species: k = 3 cv = h["P"].cd(k) cv.SetLogy(1) first = True i = 2 h["tlnu" + str(k)] = ROOT.TLegend(0.49, 0.13, 0.88, 0.36) for p in ["numu", "numubar", "nue", "nuebar", "nutau", "nutaubar"]: hn = "Tp" + p h["tlnu" + str(k)].AddEntry(h["Tp" + p], p, "PL") h[hn].SetLineColor(i) h[hn + "8"] = h[hn].Clone() h[hn + "8"].SetName(hn + "8") h[hn + "8"].Rebin(8) i += 1 if first: h[hn + "8"].Draw() first = False h[hn + "8"].Draw("same") h["tlnu" + str(k)].Draw() k += 1