def flukaRateIntegrated(save=False): fntuple = ROOT.TFile.Open('neutronsTI18.root') h['Fig12'] = ROOT.TGraph() h['neutronRate'] = ROOT.TGraph() h['N'] = ROOT.TGraph() n = 0 for nt in fntuple.nt: # nt.N = [cm/MeV] E = (nt.Eleft + nt.Eright) / 2. dE = nt.Eright - nt.Eleft h['Fig12'].SetPoint(n, ROOT.TMath.Log10(E), E * nt.N) h['neutronRate'].SetPoint(n, ROOT.TMath.Log10(E), dE * nt.N) h['N'].SetPoint(n, E, dE * nt.N) n += 1 S = 0 h['neutronRate<E'] = h['neutronRate'].Clone('S') for n in range(h['neutronRate'].GetN() - 1, -1, -1): S += h['neutronRate'].GetY()[n] h['neutronRate<E'].SetPoint(n, h['neutronRate'].GetX()[n], S) h['neutronRate<E%'] = h['neutronRate'].Clone('S%') for n in range(h['neutronRate<E'].GetN()): h['neutronRate<E%'].SetPoint( n, h['neutronRate<E'].GetX()[n], h['neutronRate<E'].GetY()[n] / h['neutronRate<E'].GetY()[0]) ut.bookHist(h, 'Nr', ';E [MeV];dn/dlogE [cm^{-2}y^{-1}] ', 100, -12., 2.) h['Nr'].SetMaximum(1.1) h['Nr'].SetMinimum(0.) h['Nr'].SetStats(0) h['Nr'].SetTitle('; log10(E [MeV]();N(E>x)/total') h['neutronRate<E%'].SetLineWidth(2) h['Nr'].Draw() h['neutronRate<E%'].Draw('same') if save: ut.writeHists(h, 'flukaNeutronRates')
def analyzePionBeam(fn,pid=[411]): f = ROOT.TFile(fn) sTree=f.pythia6 for n in range(sTree.GetEntries()): rc = sTree.GetEvent(n) si = str( if not h.has_key(si): ut.bookHist(h,si,PDG.GetParticle(int(' xF',25,0.,1.) rc = h[si].Fill(sTree.xf) if 1>0: first = True col = 2 for x in h: nx = int(float(x)) if nx<0 or nx not in pid: continue A['asym'+x]=h[x].Clone('asym'+x) temp=h[x].Clone('temp') A['asym'+x].Sumw2() temp.Sumw2() A['asym'+x].SetTitle(PDG.GetParticle(nx).GetName()+' asymmetry as function of xF') A['asym'+x].Add(h['-'+x],-1.) temp.Add(h['-'+x],1.) A['asym'+x].Divide(temp) A['asym'+x].SetLineColor(col) A['asym'+x].SetMaximum(1) A['asym'+x].SetMinimum(-1) if first: A['asym'+x].Draw() first = False else: A['asym'+x].Draw('same') col+=1
def muonSpect(): inputFiles() for x in h["datasets"]: for ori in h["cuts"]: for p in ["P", "Pt"]: hn = x + p + ori print "work on histogram", hn if p == "P": ut.bookHist(h, hn, "muon momentum " + ori + " " + p, 80, 0.0, 400.0) h[hn].SetYTitle("[N/5GeV/c/spill]") h[hn].SetXTitle("P [GeV/c]") else: ut.bookHist(h, hn, "muon momentum " + ori + " " + p, 100, 0.0, 5.0) h[hn].SetYTitle("[N/50MeV/c/spill]") h[hn].SetXTitle("Pt [GeV/c]") h[hn].SetStats(0) h[hn].SetLineWidth(2) sTree = h[x].FindObjectAny("pythia8-Geant4") if p == "P": sTree.Draw( "sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz)>>" + hn, "w*(" + h["cuts"][ori] + "&&sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz)>0.5)" ) else: sTree.Draw("sqrt(px*px+py*py)>>" + hn, "w*(" + h["cuts"][ori] + "&&sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz)>0.5)") h.pop("datasets") h.pop("cuts") ut.writeHists(h, "muSpectrum.root")
def afterFirstMagnet(lz=12.): # assume there is a gap between First and second magnet, like in ..Zpl # exciting C1orC2 zEndOfAbsorb = z0+2*0.25+2*1.50 sz = str(int(lz)) hk = 'afterFirstMagnet_XY'+sz u.bookHist(h,hk,'afterFirstMagnet XY at z='+sz+'m' ,100,-2.,2.,100,-2.,2.) volDict = {} for x in dictVol: volDict[dictVol[x]]=x t = h['T'] t.SetEventList(0) ntotal = h['T'].GetEntries() previous = -999 f = open('afterFirstMagnet.txt','w') for i in range( ntotal ): t.GetEntry(i) for m in range(t.Nmeas): if (previous == volDict['MagC1'] or previous == volDict['MagC2']) and t.volid[m]==volDict['Snoopy']: line = '%3i %9.5F %9.5F %9.5F %9.5F %9.5F %9.5F %9.5F %9.5F\n'%(, TMath.sqrt(t.px[m]**[m]**2+t.pz[m]**2),t.px[m],[m],t.pz[m],t.x[m],t.y[m],t.z[m],t.w) f.write(line) Xf,Yf = extrapXY(zEndOfAbsorb+lz,t.x[m],t.y[m],t.z[m],t.px[m],[m],t.pz[m]) h[hk].Fill(Xf,Yf,t.w) previous = t.volid[m] f.close()
def runStability(C=None): if not C: C = getCalibrationParameters(options.runNumbers) runEvol = {1:{},2:{}} badChannels = {1:{},2:{}} for r in C: for s in C[r]: for l in C[r][s]: for i in C[r][s][l]['mean']: value = C[r][s][l]['mean'][i] key = l+'_'+str(i) rError = value[1] / value[0] if rError > 0.05: continue # remove distributions with low statistics if not key in runEvol[s]: runEvol[s][key] = ROOT.TGraph() n = runEvol[s][key].GetN() runEvol[s][key].SetPoint(n,value[0],1.) ut.bookHist(h,'rms'+sdict[s],'rms',1000,-1.,1.) ut.bookCanvas(h,sdict[s],'',900,600,1,1) h[sdict[s]].cd() for key in runEvol[s]: x = runEvol[s][key].GetRMS()/runEvol[s][key].GetMean() rc = h['rms'+sdict[s]].Fill(x) if abs(x)>0.2: badChannels[key]=x print("%s : %5.2F %5.2F %5.2F"%(key,x,runEvol[s][key].GetRMS(),runEvol[s][key].GetMean())) h['rms'+sdict[s]+'100']=h['rms'+sdict[s]].Rebin(10,'rms'+sdict[s]+'100') h['rms'+sdict[s]+'100'].Draw() return runEvol,badChannels
def checkLocalPosition(fibresSiPM): ut.bookHist(h, 'delta', 'central - weighted', 100, -20., 20.) L = localPosition(fibresSiPM) sGeo = ROOT.gGeoManager SiPMmapVol = sGeo.FindVolumeFast("SiPMmapVol") for l in SiPMmapVol.GetNodes(): n = l.GetNumber() ty = l.GetMatrix().GetTranslation()[1] delta = ty - L[n] rc = h['delta'].Fill(delta * 10 * 1000.)
def analyzeCharm(statsOnly=False): if not statsOnly: f=ROOT.TFile("/media/Data/HNL/ShipSoft/data/Charm/Cascade-parp16-MSTP82-1-MSEL4-ntuple_prod_18M.root") #f=ROOT.TFile("ccbar-Mbias-MSEL2-ntuple.root") #f = ROOT.TFile("ccbar-Mbias-500gevpiminus-MSEL2-test1M.root") sTree=f.pythia6 for n in range(sTree.GetEntries()): rc = sTree.GetEvent(n) si = str( if not h.has_key(si): ut.bookHist(h,si,PDG.GetParticle(int(' momentum (GeV)',400,0.,400.) ut.bookHist(h,'p'+si,PDG.GetParticle(int(' momentum (GeV)',400,0.,400.) p = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(sTree.px***sTree.pz) rc = h[si].Fill(p) mpt = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(sTree.mpx*sTree.mpx+sTree.mpy*sTree.mpy) if mpt<1E-5 : rc = h['p'+si].Fill(p) #print n,,p,mpt,rc,rc1 if 1>0: first = True for k in ['','p']: print "################################################" for x in h: if k!='p' and x[0] == 'p': continue if k=='p' and x[0] != 'p': continue nx = int(float(x.replace('p',''))) if nx<0: continue h[x].SetLineColor(3) if first: h[x].Draw() first = False else: h[x].Draw('same') A = h[x].GetEntries() print "total:" txt = "%14s : %10i"%(PDG.GetParticle(nx).GetName(),A) bx = '-'+x if x[0] == 'p': bx = 'p-'+x.replace('p','') if h.has_key(bx): h[bx].SetLineColor(2) h[bx].Draw('same') B = h[bx].GetEntries() asym = ( A - B ) / float( A + B +1E-10) txt+=" %14s : %10i asymmetry=%6.3F "%(PDG.GetParticle(-nx).GetName(),B,asym) print txt t =49 print "P>50GeV:" A = h[x].GetEntries()*(1.-h[x].GetIntegral()[t]) txt = "%14s : %10i"%(PDG.GetParticle(nx).GetName(),A) if h.has_key(bx): B = h[bx].GetEntries()*(1.-h[bx].GetIntegral()[t]) asym = ( A - B ) / float( A + B +1E-10) txt+=" %14s : %10i asymmetry=%6.3F "%(PDG.GetParticle(-nx).GetName(),B,asym) print txt
def plotEvent(n): rc = sTree.GetEvent(n) for c in hitCollection: rc=hitCollection[c][1].Set(0) global stereoHits stereoHits = [] ut.bookHist(h,'xz','x (y) vs z',500,0.,1200.,100,-150.,150.) if not h.has_key('simpleDisplay'): ut.bookCanvas(h,key='simpleDisplay',title='simple event display',nx=1600,ny=1200,cx=1,cy=0) rc = h[ 'simpleDisplay'].cd(1) h['xz'].SetMarkerStyle(30) h['xz'].SetStats(0) h['xz'].Draw('b') for hit in sTree.Digi_MufluxSpectrometerHits: statnb,vnb,pnb,lnb,view = stationInfo(hit) # print statnb,vnb,pnb,lnb,view,hit.GetDetectorID() rc = hit.MufluxSpectrometerEndPoints(vbot,vtop) if view != '_x': stereoHit = ROOT.TGraph() stereoHit.SetPoint(0,vbot[2],vbot[0]) stereoHit.SetPoint(1,vtop[2],vtop[0]) stereoHits.append(stereoHit) continue if statnb<3: c = hitCollection['upstream'] rc = c[1].SetPoint(c[0],vbot[2],vbot[0]) c[0]+=1 else: c = hitCollection['downstream'] rc = c[1].SetPoint(c[0],vbot[2],vbot[0]) c[0]+=1 c = hitCollection['muonTagger'] for hit in sTree.Digi_MuonTaggerHits: channelID = hit.GetDetectorID() statnb = channelID/10000 view = (channelID-10000*statnb)/1000 channel = channelID%1000 if view == 1: #poor man geometry , probably completly wrong x = +rpc[statnb][0] - 2*rpc[statnb][0]/rpcchannels*channel rc = c[1].SetPoint(c[0],rpc[statnb][2],x) c[0]+=1 hitCollection['downstream'][1].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kRed) hitCollection['upstream'][1].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlue) hitCollection['muonTagger'][1].SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kGreen) for c in hitCollection: rc=hitCollection[c][1].SetMarkerStyle(30) for c in hitCollection: if hitCollection[c][1].GetN()<1: continue rc=hitCollection[c][1].Draw('sameP') h['display:'+c]=hitCollection[c][1] for g in stereoHits: g.SetLineWidth(2) g.Draw('same') h[ 'simpleDisplay'].Update()
def analyzeConcrete(): for m in ['','mu']: ut.bookHist(h,'conc_hitz'+m,'concrete hit z '+m,100,-100.,100.) ut.bookHist(h,'conc_hity'+m,'concrete hit y '+m,100,-15.,15.) ut.bookHist(h,'conc_p'+m,'concrete hit p '+m,100,0.,300.) ut.bookHist(h,'conc_pt'+m,'concrete hit pt '+m,100,0.,10.) ut.bookHist(h,'conc_hitzy'+m,'concrete hit zy '+m,100,-100.,100.,100,-15.,15.) top = fGeo.GetTopVolume() magn = top.GetNode("magyoke_1") z0 = magn.GetMatrix().GetTranslation()[2]/u.m for fn in fchain: f = ROOT.TFile(fn) if not f.FindObjectAny('cbmsim'): print 'skip file ',f.GetName() continue sTree = f.cbmsim nEvents = sTree.GetEntries() for n in range(nEvents): sTree.GetEntry(n) wg = sTree.MCTrack[0].GetWeight() for ahit in sTree.vetoPoint: detID = ahit.GetDetectorID() if logVols[detID] != 'rockD': continue m='' if abs(ahit.PdgCode()) == 13: m='mu' h['conc_hitz'+m].Fill(ahit.GetZ()/u.m-z0,wg) h['conc_hity'+m].Fill(ahit.GetY()/u.m,wg) P = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(ahit.GetPx()**2+ahit.GetPy()**2+ahit.GetPz()**2) h['conc_p'+m].Fill(P/u.GeV,wg) Pt = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(ahit.GetPx()**2+ahit.GetPy()**2) h['conc_pt'+m].Fill(Pt/u.GeV,wg) h['conc_hitzy'+m].Fill(ahit.GetZ()/u.m-z0,ahit.GetY()/u.m,wg) # start = [ahit.GetX()/u.m,ahit.GetY()/u.m,ahit.GetZ()/u.m] direc = [-ahit.GetPx()/P,-ahit.GetPy()/P,-ahit.GetPz()/P] t = - start[0]/direc[0] ut.bookCanvas(h,key='Resultsmu',title='muons hitting concrete',nx=1000,ny=600,cx=2,cy=2) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='Results',title='hitting concrete',nx=1000,ny=600,cx=2,cy=2) for m in ['','mu']: tc = h['Results'+m].cd(1) h['conc_hity'+m].Draw() tc = h['Results'+m].cd(2) h['conc_hitz'+m].Draw() tc = h['Results'+m].cd(3) tc.SetLogy(1) h['conc_pt'+m].Draw() tc = h['Results'+m].cd(4) tc.SetLogy(1) h['conc_p'+m].Draw()
def exMCTracks(): ut.bookHist(h,'pz','pz',100,0.,100.) ut.bookHist(h,'oz','oz',100,-10000.,10000.) ut.bookHist(h,'ex','ex to det',100,-2.5,2.5,100,-2.5,2.5) ut.bookHist(h,'N','N tracks',300,0.5,299.5) # sTree.SetBranchAddress("MCTrack", MCTracks) detPos = (3.5*u.m+70*u.m+40*u.m-100*u.m) for n in range(nEvents): rc = sTree.GetEvent(n) nMCTracks = MCTracks.GetEntriesFast() rc = h['N'].Fill( nMCTracks ) for i in range(nMCTracks): atrack = MCTracks.At(i) pdgCode = atrack.GetPdgCode() mom = ROOT.TLorentzVector() atrack.Get4Momentum(mom) if abs(pdgCode)==13 or abs(pdgCode)==211: rc = h['pz'].Fill( mom.Pz() ) rc = h['oz'].Fill( atrack.GetStartZ() ) lam = ( detPos-atrack.GetStartZ() )/mom.Pz() xdet = (atrack.GetStartX()+lam*mom.Px() )/u.m ydet = (atrack.GetStartY()+lam*mom.Py() )/u.m rc = h['ex'].Fill(xdet,ydet ) h['N'].Draw('box')
def exMCTracks(): ut.bookHist(h, 'pz', 'pz', 100, 0., 100.) ut.bookHist(h, 'oz', 'oz', 100, -10000., 10000.) ut.bookHist(h, 'ex', 'ex to det', 100, -2.5, 2.5, 100, -2.5, 2.5) ut.bookHist(h, 'N', 'N tracks', 300, 0.5, 299.5) # sTree.SetBranchAddress("MCTrack", MCTracks) detPos = (3.5 * u.m + 70 * u.m + 40 * u.m - 100 * u.m) for n in range(nEvents): rc = sTree.GetEvent(n) nMCTracks = MCTracks.GetEntriesFast() rc = h['N'].Fill(nMCTracks) for i in range(nMCTracks): atrack = MCTracks.At(i) pdgCode = atrack.GetPdgCode() mom = ROOT.TLorentzVector() atrack.Get4Momentum(mom) if abs(pdgCode) == 13 or abs(pdgCode) == 211: rc = h['pz'].Fill(mom.Pz()) rc = h['oz'].Fill(atrack.GetStartZ()) lam = (detPos - atrack.GetStartZ()) / mom.Pz() xdet = (atrack.GetStartX() + lam * mom.Px()) / u.m ydet = (atrack.GetStartY() + lam * mom.Py()) / u.m rc = h['ex'].Fill(xdet, ydet) h['N'].Draw('box')
def analyze(): ut.bookHist(h,'PinPout','pin pout',105,-0.5,10.,105,-0.5,10.) f=ROOT.TFile(outFile) sTree = f.cbmsim for n in range(sTree.GetEntries()): rc = sTree.GetEvent(n) mu = sTree.MCTrack[0] Pout = -0.49 for v in sTree.vetoPoint: if v.GetTrackID()==0: if v.LastPoint()[2]>119.9: Pout = v.LastMom().Mag() rc = h['PinPout'].Fill(mu.GetP(),Pout) ut.writeHists(h,'PinPout.root')
def absorptionLengthOLD(): Lfun = ROOT.TF1('Lfun', '[0]*(10**x)**[1]', -9, -6) Lfun.SetParameter(0, 6.4) Lfun.SetParameter(1, 0.98) hFiles = { "thermNeutron_BoronCarbide_X.XX_-E_-E_0.root": [0.08, 0.3], "thermNeutron_Boratedpolyethylene_X.XX_0.root": [1.0, 100.] } # thermNeutron_BoronCarbide_4.0_-8_-7_0.root Ls = { 0.01: ROOT.kRed, 0.1: ROOT.kOrange, 0.04: ROOT.kCyan, 0.4: ROOT.kBlue, 4.0: ROOT.kMagenta } for hFile in hFiles: material = hFile.split('_')[1] ut.bookCanvas(h, 'absorb' + material, '', 1200, 800, 1, 1) h['absorb' + material].cd() for L in Ls: l = str(L) if L < 3: tmp = hFile.replace("X.XX", l).replace(" _-E_-E", "") else: tmp = hFile.replace("X.XX", l).replace(" _-E_-E", "_-8_-7") count(tmp) h['Eff_' + l] = h['Eff'].Clone('Eff_' + l) h['L_' + l] = ROOT.TGraph() h['L_' + l].SetLineColor(Ls[L]) h['Eff'].Draw() g = h['Eff'].GetPaintedGraph() for n in range(g.GetN()): logE, p = g.GetPointX(n), g.GetPointY(n) if p > 0: absL = -L / ROOT.TMath.Log(p) else: absL = 0 h['L_' + l].SetPoint(n, logE, absL) ut.bookHist(h, 'L', ';logE; L [cm]', 100, -9., -6.) h['L'].SetMaximum(hFiles[hFile][0]) h['L'].SetStats(0) h['L'].Draw() for L in Ls: if L > hFiles[hFile][1]: continue h['L_' + str(L)].Draw('same') h['L_' + str(0.1)].Fit(Lfun) myPrint(h['absorb' + material], 'absorbLength' + material)
def beamSpot(): A, B = ROOT.TVector3(), ROOT.TVector3() ut.bookHist(h, 'bs', 'beam spot', 100, -100., 10., 100, 0., 80.) for event in eventTree: xMean = 0 yMean = 0 w = 0 for d in event.Digi_ScifiHits: detID = d.GetDetectorID() s = int(detID / 1000000) modules['Scifi'].GetSiPMPosition(detID, A, B) vertical = int(detID / 100000) % 10 == 1 if vertical: xMean += A[0] else: yMean += A[1] w += 1 rc = h['bs'].Fill(xMean / w, yMean / w)
def printScalers(): ut.bookHist(h,'rate','rate',100,-0.5,99.5) if not h.has_key('rates'): ut.bookCanvas(h,key='rates',title='Rates',nx=600,ny=400,cx=1,cy=1) rc = h['rates'].cd(1) scalers = f.scalers if not scalers: print "no scalers in this file" return scalers.GetEntry(0) for x in scalers.GetListOfBranches(): name = x.GetName() s = eval('scalers.'+name) if name!='slices': print "%20s :%8i"%(name,s) else: for n in range(s.size()): rc=h['rate'].Fill(n,s[n])
def someDrawings(F, channel): AF = ROOT.TVector3() BF = ROOT.TVector3() ut.bookCanvas(h, 'c1', ' ;x;y', 800, 800, 1, 1) s = int(channel / 1000000) o = int((channel - 1000000 * s) / 100000) locChannel = channel % 100000 fibreVol = sGeo.FindVolumeFast('FiberVolume') R = fibreVol.GetShape().GetDX() sipmVol = sGeo.FindVolumeFast("ChannelVol") DY = sipmVol.GetShape().GetDY() DZ = sipmVol.GetShape().GetDZ() n = 0 xmin = 999. xmax = -999. ymin = 999. ymax = -999. for fibre in F[locChannel]: globFibre = int(s * 1000000 + o * 100000 + fibre) scifi.GetPosition(globFibre, AF, BF) loc = scifi.GetLocalPos(globFibre, AF) h['ellipse' + str(n)] = ROOT.TEllipse(loc[0], loc[2], R, 0) n += 1 if xmin > loc[0]: xmin = loc[0] if ymin > loc[2]: ymin = loc[2] if xmax < loc[0]: xmax = loc[0] if ymax < loc[2]: ymax = loc[2] print(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) D = ymax - ymin + 3 * R x0 = (xmax + xmin) / 2. ut.bookHist(h, 'x', '', 100, x0 - D / 2, x0 + D / 2, 100, ymin - 1.5 * R, ymax + 1.5 * R) h['x'].SetStats(0) h['x'].Draw() for i in range(n): print(fibre, globFibre, loc[0], loc[1], loc[2]) el = h['ellipse' + str(i)] el.SetFillColor(6) el.Draw('same') scifi.GetSiPMPosition(channel, AF, BF) loc = scifi.GetLocalPos(globFibre, AF) h['rectang'] = ROOT.TBox(loc[0] - DY, loc[2] - DZ, loc[0] + DY, loc[2] + DZ) h['rectang'].SetFillColor(4) h['rectang'].SetFillStyle(3001) h['rectang'].Draw('same')
def studyNoV0(): counters = {} for v in vetoDets: ut.bookHist(h,'Vz'+v,'z position of vertex [m] '+v,1000,-30.,50.) ut.bookHist(h,'oa','cos opening angle',100,0.999,1.) for f in flist: fp = open(f) weightsUsed = pickle.load(fp) bckg = pickle.load(fp) fp.close() inputFile = f.replace('Ana','rec').replace('pkl','root') ft = ROOT.TFile(inputFile) sTree = ft.cbmsim print "==> input file ",f for nb in bckg: v0 = bckg[nb][8] if v0 in V0dict: continue sTree.GetEvent(nb) vetoDets['SBT'],w = veto.SBT_decision(sTree) vetoDets['SVT'],w = veto.SVT_decision(sTree) vetoDets['UVT'],w = veto.UVT_decision(sTree) vetoDets['RPC'],w = veto.RPC_decision(sTree) vetoDets['TRA'],w = veto.Track_decision(sTree) p = sTree.Particles[bckg[nb][0]] HNLPos = ROOT.TLorentzVector() p.ProductionVertex(HNLPos) xv,yv,zv,doca = HNLPos.X()/u.m,HNLPos.Y()/u.m,HNLPos.Z()/u.m,HNLPos.T()/ for v in vetoDets: if not vetoDets[v]: h['Vz'+v].Fill(zv) print 'no V0:',nb,bckg[nb][0],zv,ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(xv*xv+yv*yv),v newPos = ROOT.TVector3(xv,yv,zv) t1,t2 = sTree.FitTracks[p.GetDaughter(0)].getFittedState(),sTree.FitTracks[p.GetDaughter(1)].getFittedState() rep1,rep2 = ROOT.genfit.RKTrackRep(t1.getPDG()),ROOT.genfit.RKTrackRep(t2.getPDG()) state1,state2 = ROOT.genfit.StateOnPlane(rep1),ROOT.genfit.StateOnPlane(rep2) rep1.setPosMom(state1,t1.getPos(),t1.getMom()) rep2.setPosMom(state2,t2.getPos(),t2.getMom()) try: rep1.extrapolateToPoint(state1, newPos, False) rep2.extrapolateToPoint(state2, newPos, False) mom1,mom2 = rep1.getMom(state1),rep2.getMom(state2) except: print "extrapolation failed. take stored state" mom1,mom2 = t1.getMom(),t2.getMom() oa = mom1.Dot(mom2)/(mom1.Mag()*mom2.Mag()) h['oa'].Fill(oa)
def checkPolarities(): t=h['T'] t.SetEventList(0) for m in dictVol: u.bookHist(h,'polCheck_'+str(m),dictVol[m],100,-10.,10.) for iev in range(t.GetEntries()): t.GetEntry(iev) pxPrev = 0. volPrev = -999. for m in range( int(t.Nmeas) ): volid = t.volid[m] if volid == 99: break px = t.px[m] if volid != volPrev : delpx = pxPrev - px if volPrev > -900: h['polCheck_'+str(volPrev)].Fill(delpx* pxPrev = px volPrev = volid for m in dictVol: if not dictVol[m].find('Mag')<0: print dictVol[m],h['polCheck_'+str(m)].GetMean()
def plotRPCHitmap(): ut.bookHist(h,'rpcHitmap','rpc Hitmaps',60,-0.5,59.5) for n in range(1,6): for l in range(2): ut.bookHist(h,'rpcHitmap'+str(n)+str(l),'rpc Hitmaps station '+str(n)+'layer '+str(l),200,-0.5,199.5) for event in sTree: for m in event.Digi_MuonTaggerHits: layer = m.GetDetectorID()/1000 rc = h['rpcHitmap'].Fill(layer) channel = m.GetDetectorID()%1000 rc = h['rpcHitmap'+str(layer)].Fill(channel) if not h.has_key('rpcPlot'): ut.bookCanvas(h,key='rpcPlot',title='RPC Hitmaps',nx=1200,ny=600,cx=4,cy=3) j=0 for n in range(1,6): for l in range(2): j+=1 rc = h['rpcPlot'].cd(j) h['rpcHitmap'+str(n)+str(l)].Draw() j+=1 rc = h['rpcPlot'].cd(j) h['rpcHitmap'].Draw()
def calibrationReport(): ut.bookHist(h,'chi2','chi2',1000,0.,10000) report = {} TDC = 0 for b in qdc_cal: for t in qdc_cal[b]: for c in qdc_cal[b][t]: for tac in qdc_cal[b][t][c]: par = qdc_cal[b][t][c][tac] if 'chi2Ndof' in par: chi2 = par['chi2Ndof'] else: chi2=-1 parT = qdc_cal[b][t][c][tac][TDC] if 'chi2Ndof' in parT: chi2T = parT['chi2Ndof'] else: chi2T=-1 key = tac +10*c + t*10*100 + b*10*100*100 if not key in report: report[key]=[chi2,chi2T] for key in report: rc=h['chi2'].Fill(report[key][0]) rc=h['chi2'].Fill(report[key][1]) h['chi2'].Draw() return report
def testClusters(): topA,botA = ROOT.TVector3(),ROOT.TVector3() topB,botB = ROOT.TVector3(),ROOT.TVector3() clusters = {} for s in range(1,5): for view in ['_x','_u','_v']: ut.bookHist(h,'del'+view+str(s),'del x for '+str(s)+view,100,-20.,20.) clusters[s]={view:{}} ut.bookHist(h,'clsN','cluster sizes',10,-0.5,9.5) for event in sTree: spectrHitsSorted = sortHits(event) for s in range(1,5): for view in ['_x','_u','_v']: allHits = {} for hit in spectrHitsSorted[view][s]: statnb,vnb,pnb,layer,view = stationInfo(hit) if not allHits.has_key(layer):allHits[layer]=[] allHits[layer].append(hit) ncl = 0 for l in allHits: for n in range(len(allHits[l])-1): hitA = allHits[l][n] rc = hitA.MufluxSpectrometerEndPoints(botA,topA) xA = (botA[0]+topA[0])/2. clusters[s][view][ncl]=[[hitA.GetDetectorID(),xA]] for m in range(n,len(allHits)): hitB = allHits[m] rc = hitB.MufluxSpectrometerEndPoints(botB,topB) xB = (botB[0]+topB[0])/2. delx = xA-xB rc = h['del'+view+str(s)].Fill(delx) if abs(delx)<5.: clusters[s][view][ncl].append([hitB.GetDetectorID(),xB]) ncl+=1 rc = h['clsN'].Fill(ncl) for s in range(1,5): for view in ['_x','_u','_v']: next = raw_input("Next (Ret/Quit): ") if next<>'': break h['del'+view+str(s)].Draw()
def makeHistos(rfile): f=ROOT.TFile.Open(rfile) sTree = f.cbmsim nTot = 0 for k in f.GetListOfKeys(): if k.GetName() == 'FileHeader': tmp = k.GetTitle().split('=')[1] tmp2 = tmp.split('with')[0] if tmp2.find('E')<0: nTot += int(tmp2) else: nTot += float(tmp2) print("POT = ",nTot," number of events:",sTree.GetEntries()) # particle statistics h={} ut.bookHist(h,'pids','pid',19999,-9999.5,9999.5) ut.bookHist(h,'test','muon p/pt',100,0.,400.,100,0.,5.) diMuonDecays = [221, 223, 113, 331, 333] pDict = {} procDict = {} for n in range(sTree.GetEntries()): rc = sTree.GetEvent(n) for p in sTree.vetoPoint: t = sTree.MCTrack[p.GetTrackID()] pid = t.GetPdgCode() rc = h['pids'].Fill(pid) if abs(pid)==13: procID = t.GetProcName().Data() mother = t.GetMotherId() if not mother < 0: moPid = sTree.MCTrack[mother].GetPdgCode() name = pdg.GetParticle(moPid).GetName() name = procID+' '+name if name not in h: h[name]=h['test'].Clone(name) rc=h[name].Fill(t.GetP(),t.GetPt()) if procID not in h: h[procID]=h['test'].Clone(procID) rc=h[procID].Fill(t.GetP(),t.GetPt()) for x in h: h[x].Scale(1./nTot) tmp = rfile.split('/') hname = tmp[len(tmp)-1].replace('pythia8_Geant4','Histos') ut.writeHists(h,hname)
def makeHistos(rfile): f=ROOT.TFile.Open(rfile) sTree = f.cbmsim nTot = 0 for k in f.GetListOfKeys(): if k.GetName() == 'FileHeader': tmp = k.GetTitle().split('=')[1] tmp2 = tmp.split('with')[0] if tmp2.find('E')<0: nTot += int(tmp2) else: nTot += float(tmp2) print "POT = ",nTot," number of events:",sTree.GetEntries() # particle statistics h={} ut.bookHist(h,'pids','pid',19999,-9999.5,9999.5) ut.bookHist(h,'test','muon p/pt',100,0.,400.,100,0.,5.) diMuonDecays = [221, 223, 113, 331, 333] pDict = {} procDict = {} for n in range(sTree.GetEntries()): rc = sTree.GetEvent(n) for p in sTree.vetoPoint: t = sTree.MCTrack[p.GetTrackID()] pid = t.GetPdgCode() rc = h['pids'].Fill(pid) if abs(pid)==13: procID = t.GetProcName().Data() mother = t.GetMotherId() if not mother < 0: moPid = sTree.MCTrack[mother].GetPdgCode() name = pdg.GetParticle(moPid).GetName() name = procID+' '+name if not h.has_key(name): h[name]=h['test'].Clone(name) rc=h[name].Fill(t.GetP(),t.GetPt()) if not h.has_key(procID): h[procID]=h['test'].Clone(procID) rc=h[procID].Fill(t.GetP(),t.GetPt()) for x in h: h[x].Scale(1./nTot) tmp = rfile.split('/') hname = tmp[len(tmp)-1].replace('pythia8_Geant4','Histos') ut.writeHists(h,hname)
def moreChecks(modules): ut.bookHist(h, 'dx', 'dx', 100, -0.1, 0.1) ut.bookHist(h, 'dy', 'dy', 100, -1., 1.) ut.bookHist(h, 'dz', 'dz', 100, -0.2, 0.2) AS = ROOT.TVector3() BS = ROOT.TVector3() AF = ROOT.TVector3() BF = ROOT.TVector3() scifi = modules['Scifi'] F = getFibre2SiPMCPP(modules) for station in range(1, 6): for orientation in range(0, 2): for channel in F: globChannel = station * 1000000 + orientation * 100000 + channel scifi.GetSiPMPosition(globChannel, AS, BS) for fibre in F[channel]: globFibre = station * 1000000 + orientation * 100000 + fibre scifi.GetPosition(globFibre, AF, BF) if orientation == 0: dx = AS[1] - AF[1] dy = AS[0] - AF[0] else: dx = AS[0] - AF[0] dy = AS[1] - AF[1] dz = AS[2] - AF[2] rc = h['dx'].Fill(dx) rc = h['dy'].Fill(dy) rc = h['dz'].Fill(dz)
def eventTime(Nev=-1): Tprev = -1 if Nev < 0 : Nev = eventTree.GetEntries() ut.bookHist(h,'Etime','delta event time; dt [s]',100,0.0,1.) ut.bookHist(h,'EtimeZ','delta event time; dt [ns]',1000,0.0,10000.) ut.bookCanvas(h,'T',' ',1024,2*768,1,2) eventTree.GetEvent(0) t0 = eventTree.EventHeader.GetEventTime()/160.E6 eventTree.GetEvent(Nev-1) tmax = eventTree.EventHeader.GetEventTime()/160.E6 ut.bookHist(h,'time','elapsed time; t [s]',1000,0,tmax-t0) N=-1 for event in eventTree: N+=1 if N>Nev: break T = event.EventHeader.GetEventTime() dT = 0 if Tprev >0: dT = T-Tprev Tprev = T rc = h['Etime'].Fill(dT/freq) rc = h['EtimeZ'].Fill(dT*1E9/160.E6) rc = h['time'].Fill( (T/freq-t0)) tc = h['T'].cd(1) tc.SetLogy(1) h['EtimeZ'].Draw() tc.Update() tc = h['T'].cd(2) h['time'].Draw() h['T'].Update() h['T'].Print('time-run'+str(options.runNumber)+'.png')
def energyLoss(): t = h["T"] u.bookHist(h, "elossW", "energy loss as function of distance in W", 100, 0.0, 50.0, 100, 0.0, 300.0) u.bookHist(h, "elossPb", "energy loss as function of distance in Pb", 100, 0.0, 50.0, 100, 0.0, 200.0) u.bookHist(h, "elossFe", "energy loss as function of distance in Fe", 100, 0.0, 50.0, 100, 0.0, 200.0) nmax = t.GetEntries() leaves = t.GetListOfLeaves() names = u.setAttributes(pyl, leaves) for n in range(nmax): rc = t.GetEntry(n) nmeas = int(pyl.Nmeas.GetValue()) measW = {} measPb = {} measFe = {} w = pyl.w.GetValue() for j in range(nmeas): volid = int(pyl.volid.GetValue(j)) procid = int(pyl.procid.GetValue(j)) z = pyl.z.GetValue(j) px = pyl.px.GetValue(j) py = pz = pyl.pz.GetValue(j) E = math.sqrt(px * px + py * py + pz * pz + Mmu2) if volid == 0 and procid < 0: # attention, there are entry and exit points ! if not measW.has_key(0): measW[0] = [z, E] elif (volid > 3 and volid < 7) and procid < 0: # enter Pbshield1 if not measW.has_key(1): measW[1] = [z, E] if volid == 4 and procid < 0: if not measPb.has_key(0): measPb[0] = [z, E] elif volid == 6 and procid < 0: if not measPb.has_key(1): measPb[1] = [z, E] if not measFe.has_key(0): measFe[0] = [z, E] elif volid != 6 and measFe.has_key(0) and procid < 0: if not measFe.has_key(1): measFe[1] = [z, E] if len(measW) == 2: dist = measW[1][0] - measW[0][0] Eloss = measW[0][1] - measW[1][1] h["elossW"].Fill(dist, Eloss, w) if len(measPb) == 2: dist = measPb[1][0] - measPb[0][0] Eloss = measPb[0][1] - measPb[1][1] h["elossPb"].Fill(dist, Eloss, w) if len(measFe) == 2: dist = measFe[1][0] - measFe[0][0] Eloss = measFe[0][1] - measFe[1][1] h["elossFe"].Fill(dist, Eloss, w) h["mean_elossW"] = h["elossW"].ProfileX() h["mean_elossW"].SetTitle("mean energy loss as function of distance in W") h["mean_elossPb"] = h["elossPb"].ProfileX() h["mean_elossPb"].SetTitle("mean energy loss as function of distance in Pb") h["mean_elossFe"] = h["elossFe"].ProfileX() h["mean_elossFe"].SetTitle("mean energy loss as function of distance in Fe")
def makeTable(pcut=0,rcut=1.E10): print '### for pcut > ',pcut,' and rcut < ',rcut pcutsq = str(pcut*pcut) rcutsq = str(rcut*rcut) for o in opts: ok = 'id'+o u.bookHist(h,ok,'id '+o,5001,-2500.5,2499.5) opts[o][0].Draw('id>>'+ok,'px*px+py*py+pz*pz>'+pcutsq+'&&x*x+y*y<'+rcutsq) # count how many originate from Pythia u.bookHist(h,ok+'Py','id '+o+' from pythia',5001,-2500.5,2499.5) opts[o][0].Draw('id>>'+ok+'Py','pythiaid==id&&(px*px+py*py+pz*pz)>'+pcutsq+'&&(x*x+y*y)<'+rcutsq) h[ok].SetLineColor(ocol[o]) tc = h['Results'].cd(1) h[ok].Draw() tc.SetLogy(1) for o in opts: ok = 'id'+o h[ok].Draw('same') # make a zero suppressed table table = {} for i in range(h[ok].GetNbinsX()): for o in opts: ok = 'id'+o ncont = h[ok].GetBinContent(i+1) ncontP = h[ok+'Py'].GetBinContent(i+1) pid = h[ok].GetBinCenter(i+1) if ncont > 0: if table.has_key(pid) : table[pid][o]=[ncont*scaleFac[o],ncontP/ncont] else: table[pid] = {o:[ncont*scaleFac[o],ncontP/ncont]} print headline ktable = table.keys() ktable.sort() for i in ktable: txt = '%5i %11s'%(int(i),pdg.GetParticle(int(i)).GetName()) for o in sopts: if table[i].has_key(o): txt += ' %8.3G %5.1F '%(table[i][o][0],100*table[i][o][1]) else: txt += ' %8.3G %5.1F '%(0,0) print txt
def overlap(F, Finv): ut.bookHist(h, 'W', 'overlap/fibre', 110, 0., 1.1) ut.bookHist(h, 'C', 'coverage', 50, 0., 10.) ut.bookHist(h, 'S', 'fibres/sipm', 15, -0.5, 14.5) ut.bookHist(h, 'Eff', 'efficiency', 110, 0., 1.1) for n in F: C = 0 for fid in F[n]: rc = h['W'].Fill(F[n][fid]['weight']) C += F[n][fid]['weight'] rc = h['C'].Fill(C) for n in Finv: E = 0 for sipm in Finv[n]: E += Finv[n][sipm]['weight'] rc = h['Eff'].Fill(E) rc = h['S'].Fill(len(Finv[n]))
def eventTime(): Tprev = -1 freq = 160.E6 ut.bookHist(h, 'Etime', 'delta event time; dt [s]', 100, 0.0, 1.) ut.bookCanvas(h, 'E', ' ', 1024, 2 * 768, 1, 2) eventTree.GetEvent(0) t0 = eventTree.EventHeader.GetEventTime() / 160.E6 eventTree.GetEvent(eventTree.GetEntries() - 1) tmax = eventTree.EventHeader.GetEventTime() / 160.E6 ut.bookHist(h, 'time', 'elapsed time; t [s]', 1000, t0, tmax) for event in eventTree: T = event.EventHeader.GetEventTime() dT = 0 if Tprev > 0: dT = T - Tprev Tprev = T rc = h['Etime'].Fill(dT / freq) rc = h['time'].Fill((T / freq - t0)) tc = h['E'].cd(1) rc = h['Etime'].Fit('expo') tc.Update() stats = h['Etime'].FindObject("stats") stats.SetOptFit(111) tc = h['E'].cd(2) h['time'].Draw()
def hitMaps(Nev=-1): for mat in range(30): ut.bookHist(h, 'mat_' + str(mat), 'hit map / mat', 512, -0.5, 511.5) ut.bookHist(h, 'sig_' + str(mat), 'signal / mat', 150, 0.0, 150.) N = -1 if Nev < 0: Nev = eventTree.GetEntries() for event in eventTree: N += 1 if N > Nev: break for aHit in event.Digi_ScifiHits: if not aHit.isValid(): continue X = xPos(aHit.GetDetectorID()) rc = h['mat_' + str(X[0] * 3 + X[1])].Fill(X[2]) rc = h['sig_' + str(X[0] * 3 + X[1])].Fill(aHit.GetSignal(0)) ut.bookCanvas(h, 'hitmaps', ' ', 1024, 768, 6, 5) ut.bookCanvas(h, 'signal', ' ', 1024, 768, 6, 5) for mat in range(30): tc = h['hitmaps'].cd(mat + 1) A = h['mat_' + str(mat)].GetSumOfWeights() / 512. if h['mat_' + str(mat)].GetMaximum() > 10 * A: h['mat_' + str(mat)].SetMaximum(10 * A) h['mat_' + str(mat)].Draw() tc = h['signal'].cd(mat + 1) h['sig_' + str(mat)].Draw()
def interactionRegion(): import rootUtils as ut import shipunit as u f = ROOT.TFile('pythia8_Geant4_13_350.0.root') sTree=f.FindObjectAny('pythia8-Geant4') ut.bookHist(h,'originz','z',100,-50.5,-49.) ut.bookHist(h,'originzr','r vs z',100,-50.5,-49.,100,0.,0.5) ut.bookHist(h,'originxy','x vs y',100,-0.5,0.5,100,-0.5,0.5) sTree.Draw('z>>originz') sTree.Draw('1000*sqrt(x*x+y*y):z>>originzr') sTree.Draw('1000*x:1000*y>>originxy')
def HNLKinematics(): ut.bookHist(h,'HNLmomNoW','momentum unweighted',100,0.,300.) ut.bookHist(h,'HNLmom','momentum',100,0.,300.) ut.bookHist(h,'HNLmom_recTracks','momentum',100,0.,300.) ut.bookHist(h,'HNLmomNoW_recTracks','momentum unweighted',100,0.,300.) for n in range(sTree.GetEntries()): rc = sTree.GetEntry(n) wg = sTree.MCTrack[1].GetWeight() if not wg>0.: wg=1. P = sTree.MCTrack[1].GetP() h['HNLmom'].Fill(P,wg) h['HNLmomNoW'].Fill(P) for HNL in sTree.Particles: t1,t2 = HNL.GetDaughter(0),HNL.GetDaughter(1) for tr in [t1,t2]: xx = sTree.FitTracks[tr].getFittedState() Prec = xx.getMom().Mag() h['HNLmom_recTracks'].Fill(Prec,wg) h['HNLmomNoW_recTracks'].Fill(Prec)
def makePlots(sTree): ut.bookHist(h,'muP','muon mom',100,0.,400.) ut.bookHist(h,'nOut','outgoing part',100,-0.5,99.5) ut.bookHist(h,'pos','position',100,-25.,100.,100,-12.,12.,100,-13.,13.) for n in range(sTree.GetEntries()): rc = sTree.GetEvent(n) inMu = sTree.InMuon[0] w = inMu[8] P = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(inMu[1]**2+inMu[2]**2+inMu[3]**2) rc = h['muP'].Fill(P,w) rc = h['nOut'].Fill(sTree.Particles.GetEntries() ) rc = h['pos'].Fill(inMu[7],inMu[5],inMu[6] )
def interactionRegion(): import rootUtils as ut import shipunit as u f = ROOT.TFile('pythia8_Geant4_13_350.0.root') sTree = f.FindObjectAny('pythia8-Geant4') ut.bookHist(h, 'originz', 'z', 100, -50.5, -49.) ut.bookHist(h, 'originzr', 'r vs z', 100, -50.5, -49., 100, 0., 0.5) ut.bookHist(h, 'originxy', 'x vs y', 100, -0.5, 0.5, 100, -0.5, 0.5) sTree.Draw('z>>originz') sTree.Draw('1000*sqrt(x*x+y*y):z>>originzr') sTree.Draw('1000*x:1000*y>>originxy')
def interactionRegion(): import rootUtils as ut import shipunit as u f = ROOT.TFile("pythia8_Geant4_13_350.0.root") sTree = f.FindObjectAny("pythia8-Geant4") ut.bookHist(h, "originz", "z", 100, -50.5, -49.0) ut.bookHist(h, "originzr", "r vs z", 100, -50.5, -49.0, 100, 0.0, 0.5) ut.bookHist(h, "originxy", "x vs y", 100, -0.5, 0.5, 100, -0.5, 0.5) sTree.Draw("z>>originz") sTree.Draw("1000*sqrt(x*x+y*y):z>>originzr") sTree.Draw("1000*x:1000*y>>originxy")
def makePlots(sTree): ut.bookHist(h, 'muP', 'muon mom', 100, 0., 400.) ut.bookHist(h, 'nOut', 'outgoing part', 100, -0.5, 99.5) ut.bookHist(h, 'pos', 'position', 100, -25., 100., 100, -12., 12., 100, -13., 13.) for n in range(sTree.GetEntries()): rc = sTree.GetEvent(n) inMu = sTree.InMuon[0] w = inMu[8] P = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(inMu[1]**2 + inMu[2]**2 + inMu[3]**2) rc = h['muP'].Fill(P, w) rc = h['nOut'].Fill(sTree.Particles.GetEntries()) rc = h['pos'].Fill(inMu[7], inMu[5], inMu[6])
def energyLoss(): t = h['T'] u.bookHist(h,'elossW','energy loss as function of distance in W' ,100,0.,50.,100,0.,300.) u.bookHist(h,'elossPb','energy loss as function of distance in Pb',100,0.,50.,100,0.,200.) u.bookHist(h,'elossFe','energy loss as function of distance in Fe',100,0.,50.,100,0.,200.) nmax = t.GetEntries() for n in range(nmax): rc = t.GetEntry(n) nmeas = int(t.Nmeas) measW = {} measPb = {} measFe = {} w = t.w for j in range(nmeas): volid = int(t.volid(j)) procid = int(t.procid(j)) z = t.z(j) px = t.px(j) py = pz = t.pz(j) E = math.sqrt(px*px+py*py+pz*pz+Mmu2) if volid == 0 and procid < 0: # attention, there are entry and exit points ! if not measW.has_key(0): measW[0] = [z,E] elif (volid > 3 and volid < 7) and procid < 0: # enter Pbshield1 if not measW.has_key(1): measW[1] = [z,E] if volid == 4 and procid < 0: if not measPb.has_key(0): measPb[0] = [z,E] elif volid == 6 and procid < 0: if not measPb.has_key(1): measPb[1] = [z,E] if not measFe.has_key(0): measFe[0] = [z,E] elif volid !=6 and measFe.has_key(0) and procid < 0: if not measFe.has_key(1): measFe[1] = [z,E] if len(measW)==2: dist = measW[1][0]- measW[0][0] Eloss = measW[0][1]- measW[1][1] h['elossW'].Fill(dist,Eloss,w) if len(measPb)==2: dist = measPb[1][0]- measPb[0][0] Eloss = measPb[0][1]- measPb[1][1] h['elossPb'].Fill(dist,Eloss,w) if len(measFe)==2: dist = measFe[1][0]- measFe[0][0] Eloss = measFe[0][1]- measFe[1][1] h['elossFe'].Fill(dist,Eloss,w) h['mean_elossW'] = h['elossW'].ProfileX() h['mean_elossW'].SetTitle('mean energy loss as function of distance in W') h['mean_elossPb'] = h['elossPb'].ProfileX() h['mean_elossPb'].SetTitle('mean energy loss as function of distance in Pb') h['mean_elossFe'] = h['elossFe'].ProfileX() h['mean_elossFe'].SetTitle('mean energy loss as function of distance in Fe')
def __init__(self,hp,main): self.sTree = main.sTree self.fPartArray = ROOT.TClonesArray("TParticle") if not self.sTree.GetBranch("Particles"): self.Particles = self.sTree.Branch("Particles", self.fPartArray,32000,-1) else: self.Particles = self.sTree.Particles self.reps,self.states,self.newPosDir = {},{},{} self.LV={1:ROOT.TLorentzVector(),2:ROOT.TLorentzVector()} self.h = hp self.PDG = ROOT.TDatabasePDG.Instance() ut.bookHist(self.h,'Vzpull','Vz pull',100,-3.,3.) ut.bookHist(self.h,'Vxpull','Vx pull',100,-3.,3.) ut.bookHist(self.h,'Vypull','Vy pull',100,-3.,3.)
def exMCHits(): ut.bookHist(h,'tz','tracking hits z',100,-100.,100.) ut.bookHist(h,'tztx','tracking hits x vs z',100,-100.,100.,100,-2.5,2.5) ut.bookHist(h,'txty','tracking hits y vs x',100,-2.5,2.5,100,-2.5,2.5) sTree.SetBranchAddress("vetoPoint", TrackingHits) for n in range(nEvents): rc = sTree.GetEvent(n) nHits = TrackingHits.GetEntriesFast() for i in range(nHits): ahit = TrackingHits.At(i) rc = h['tz'].Fill( ahit.GetZ()/u.m ) rc = h['txty'].Fill( ahit.GetX()/u.m,ahit.GetY()/u.m ) rc = h['tztx'].Fill( ahit.GetZ()/u.m,ahit.GetX()/u.m ) h['tztx'].Draw('box')
def HNLKinematics(): ut.bookHist(h, 'HNLmomNoW', 'momentum unweighted', 100, 0., 300.) ut.bookHist(h, 'HNLmom', 'momentum', 100, 0., 300.) ut.bookHist(h, 'HNLmom_recTracks', 'momentum', 100, 0., 300.) ut.bookHist(h, 'HNLmomNoW_recTracks', 'momentum unweighted', 100, 0., 300.) for n in range(sTree.GetEntries()): rc = sTree.GetEntry(n) for hnlkey in [1, 2]: if abs(sTree.MCTrack[hnlkey].GetPdgCode()) == 9900015: theHNL = sTree.MCTrack[hnlkey] wg = theHNL.GetWeight() if not wg > 0.: wg = 1. P = theHNL.GetP() h['HNLmom'].Fill(P, wg) h['HNLmomNoW'].Fill(P) for HNL in sTree.Particles: t1, t2 = HNL.GetDaughter(0), HNL.GetDaughter(1) for tr in [t1, t2]: xx = sTree.FitTracks[tr].getFittedState() Prec = xx.getMom().Mag() h['HNLmom_recTracks'].Fill(Prec, wg) h['HNLmomNoW_recTracks'].Fill(Prec)
def testT0(): ut.bookHist(h,'means0','mean vs s0',100,0.,3000.,100,0.,3000.) ut.bookHist(h,'means1','mean vs s1',100,0.,3000.,100,0.,3000.) ut.bookHist(h,'means2','mean vs s2',100,0.,3000.,100,0.,3000.) for event in sTree: sumOfTDCs = 0 if event.Digi_MufluxSpectrometerHits.GetEntries() < 15 or event.Digi_MufluxSpectrometerHits.GetEntries() > 30: continue for m in event.Digi_MufluxSpectrometerHits: sumOfTDCs+=m.GetDigi() mean = sumOfTDCs/float(event.Digi_MufluxSpectrometerHits.GetEntries()) if event.Digi_ScintillatorHits.GetEntries()==0: print "no scint" else: rc = h['means0'].Fill(mean,event.Digi_ScintillatorHits[0].GetDigi()) rc = h['means1'].Fill(mean,event.Digi_ScintillatorHits[1].GetDigi()) if event.Digi_ScintillatorHits.GetEntries()>2: rc = h['means2'].Fill(mean,event.Digi_ScintillatorHits[2].GetDigi())
def __init__(self, hp, main): self.sTree = main.sTree self.fPartArray = ROOT.TClonesArray("TParticle") if not self.sTree.GetBranch("Particles"): self.Particles = self.sTree.Branch("Particles", self.fPartArray, 32000, -1) else: self.Particles = self.sTree.Particles self.reps, self.states, self.newPosDir = {}, {}, {} self.LV = {1: ROOT.TLorentzVector(), 2: ROOT.TLorentzVector()} self.h = hp self.PDG = ROOT.TDatabasePDG.Instance() if sys.modules['__main__'].realPR != "": self.fitTrackLoc = "FitTracks_PR" else: self.fitTrackLoc = "FitTracks" ut.bookHist(self.h, 'Vzpull', 'Vz pull', 100, -3., 3.) ut.bookHist(self.h, 'Vxpull', 'Vx pull', 100, -3., 3.) ut.bookHist(self.h, 'Vypull', 'Vy pull', 100, -3., 3.)
def exMCHits(dump=False): ut.bookHist(h,'tz','tracking hits z',100,-100.,100.) ut.bookHist(h,'tztx','tracking hits x vs z',1000,-40.,40.,100,-2.5,2.5) ut.bookHist(h,'txty','tracking hits y vs x',100,-2.5,2.5,100,-2.5,2.5) sTree.SetBranchAddress("vetoPoint", TrackingHits) for n in range(nEvents): rc = sTree.GetEvent(n) nHits = TrackingHits.GetEntriesFast() for i in range(nHits): ahit = TrackingHits.At(i) rc = h['tz'].Fill( ahit.GetZ()/u.m ) rc = h['txty'].Fill( ahit.GetX()/u.m,ahit.GetY()/u.m ) rc = h['tztx'].Fill( ahit.GetZ()/u.m,ahit.GetX()/u.m ) h['tztx'].Draw('box') if dump: for n in range( min(10,nEvents) ): rc = sTree.GetEvent(n) nHits = TrackingHits.GetEntriesFast() for i in range(nHits): ahit = TrackingHits.At(i) print ahit.GetZ()/u.m, ahit.GetDetectorID(),ahit.GetLength(),ahit.GetEnergyLoss()
def exMCHits(dump=False): ut.bookHist(h, 'tz', 'tracking hits z', 100, -100., 100.) ut.bookHist(h, 'tztx', 'tracking hits x vs z', 1000, -40., 40., 100, -2.5, 2.5) ut.bookHist(h, 'txty', 'tracking hits y vs x', 100, -2.5, 2.5, 100, -2.5, 2.5) sTree.SetBranchAddress("vetoPoint", TrackingHits) for n in range(nEvents): rc = sTree.GetEvent(n) nHits = TrackingHits.GetEntriesFast() for i in range(nHits): ahit = TrackingHits.At(i) rc = h['tz'].Fill(ahit.GetZ() / u.m) rc = h['txty'].Fill(ahit.GetX() / u.m, ahit.GetY() / u.m) rc = h['tztx'].Fill(ahit.GetZ() / u.m, ahit.GetX() / u.m) h['tztx'].Draw('box') if dump: for n in range(min(10, nEvents)): rc = sTree.GetEvent(n) nHits = TrackingHits.GetEntriesFast() for i in range(nHits): ahit = TrackingHits.At(i) print ahit.GetZ() / u.m, ahit.GetDetectorID(), ahit.GetLength( ), ahit.GetEnergyLoss()
geoFile = tmp.replace('_rec','') fgeo = ROOT.TFile.Open(geoFile) geoMat = ROOT.genfit.TGeoMaterialInterface() # if only called in ShipDigiReco -> crash, reason unknown from ShipGeoConfig import ConfigRegistry from rootpyPickler import Unpickler #load Shipgeo dictionary upkl = Unpickler(fgeo) ShipGeo = upkl.load('ShipGeo') ecalGeoFile = ShipGeo.ecal.File h={} log={} if withHists: ut.bookHist(h,'distu','distance to wire',100,0.,5.) ut.bookHist(h,'distv','distance to wire',100,0.,5.) ut.bookHist(h,'disty','distance to wire',100,0.,5.) ut.bookHist(h,'nmeas','nr measuerements',100,0.,50.) ut.bookHist(h,'chi2','Chi2/DOF',100,0.,20.) import shipDet_conf run = ROOT.FairRunSim() run.SetName("TGeant4") # Transport engine run.SetOutputFile(ROOT.TMemFile('output', 'recreate')) # Output file run.SetUserConfig("g4Config_basic.C") # geant4 transport not used, only needed for creating VMC field rtdb = run.GetRuntimeDb() # -----Create geometry---------------------------------------------- modules = shipDet_conf.configure(run,ShipGeo) # run.Init() fgeo.FAIRGeom
fGeo = ROOT.gGeoManager vetoDet = {} i = 0 for v in fGeo.GetListOfVolumes(): i+=1 nm = v.GetName() if nm.find('STr')<0 and nm.find('Sveto')<0 : continue vetoDet[i] = nm return vetoDet h={} vetoDet = detMap() for i in vetoDet: for mu in ['','_mu']: tag = vetoDet[i]+mu ut.bookHist(h,tag,'x/y '+vetoDet[i],100,-2.5,2.5,100,-2.5,2.5) ut.bookHist(h,tag+'_E','deposited energy MeV '+vetoDet[i],100,0.,2.) ut.bookHist(h,tag+'_P','particle mom GeV '+vetoDet[i],100,0.,200.) ut.bookHist(h,tag+'_id','particle id '+vetoDet[i],5001,-2499.5,2499.5) ut.bookHist(h,tag+'_mul','multiplicity of hits/tracks '+vetoDet[i],10,-0.5,9.5) ut.bookHist(h,tag+'_evmul','multiplicity of hits/event '+vetoDet[i],10,-0.5,9.5) ut.bookHist(h,tag+'_origin','r vs z',100, ztarget,totl,100,0.,12.) ut.bookHist(h,tag+'_originmu','r vs z',100,ztarget,totl,100,0.,12.) for i in ['Ecal','muon']: for mu in ['','_mu']: tag = i+mu ut.bookHist(h,tag,'x/y '+i,100,-2.5,2.5,100,-2.5,2.5) ut.bookHist(h,tag+'_E','deposited energy MeV '+i,100,0.,100.) ut.bookHist(h,'origin','r vs z',100,ztarget,totl,50,0.,3.) ut.bookHist(h,'borigin','r vs z',100,ztarget,totl,500,0.,30.)
nb = 400 t0 = time.time() idhist = len(idbeam) * 4 * [0] print 'Get chi vs momentum for all beam+target particles' for idp in range(0, len(idbeam)): # particle or antiparticle for idpm in range(-1, 3, 2): idw = idbeam[idp] * idpm if PDG.GetParticle(idw) <> None: name = PDG.GetParticle(idw).GetName() # particle exists, book hists etc.. id = id + 1 for idnp in range(2): idb = id * 10 + idnp * 4 ut.bookHist(h, str(idb + 1), 'sigma vs p, ' + name + '->' + target[idnp], nb, 0.5, pbeamh + 0.5) ut.bookHist(h, str(idb + 2), 'sigma-tot vs p, ' + name + '->' + target[idnp], nb, 0.5, pbeamh + 0.5) ut.bookHist(h, str(idb + 3), 'chi vs p, ' + name + '->' + target[idnp], nb, 0.5, pbeamh + 0.5) ut.bookHist(h, str(idb + 4), 'Prob(normalised), ' + name + '->' + target[idnp], nb, 0.5, pbeamh + 0.5) # keep track of histogram<->Particle id relation. idhist[id] = idw # target is proton or neutron for idpn in range(2): idadd = idpn * 4
def bookHist(detName): for mu in ['','_mu','_muV0']: tag = detName+mu if detName.find('LiSc')<0: ut.bookHist(h,tag,'x/y '+detName+';X [m];Y [m]',100,-3.,3.,100,-6.,6.) else: ut.bookHist(h,tag,'z phi '+detName+';Z [m];Phi [/#pi rad]',100,-30.,40.,100,-1.,1.) ut.bookHist(h,tag+'_E','deposited energy MeV '+detName+';E [MeV/c^{2}]',100,0.,2.) ut.bookHist(h,tag+'_P','particle mom GeV '+detName+';P [GeV/c^{2}]',400,0.,400.) ut.bookHist(h,tag+'_LP','particle mom GeV '+detName+';P [GeV/c^{2}]',100,0.,1.) ut.bookHist(h,tag+'_OP','original particle mom GeV '+detName+';P [GeV/c^{2}]',400,0.,400.) ut.bookHist(h,tag+'_id','particle id '+detName,5001,-2499.5,2499.5) ut.bookHist(h,tag+'_mul','multiplicity of hits/tracks '+detName,10,-0.5,9.5) ut.bookHist(h,tag+'_evmul','multiplicity of hits/event '+detName,10,-0.5,9.5) ut.bookHist(h,tag+'_origin','r vs z;Z [m];R [m]',100, ztarget,totl,100,0.,12.)
for mu in ['','_mu','_muV0']: tag = detName+mu if detName.find('LiSc')<0: ut.bookHist(h,tag,'x/y '+detName+';X [m];Y [m]',100,-3.,3.,100,-6.,6.) else: ut.bookHist(h,tag,'z phi '+detName+';Z [m];Phi [/#pi rad]',100,-30.,40.,100,-1.,1.) ut.bookHist(h,tag+'_E','deposited energy MeV '+detName+';E [MeV/c^{2}]',100,0.,2.) ut.bookHist(h,tag+'_P','particle mom GeV '+detName+';P [GeV/c^{2}]',400,0.,400.) ut.bookHist(h,tag+'_LP','particle mom GeV '+detName+';P [GeV/c^{2}]',100,0.,1.) ut.bookHist(h,tag+'_OP','original particle mom GeV '+detName+';P [GeV/c^{2}]',400,0.,400.) ut.bookHist(h,tag+'_id','particle id '+detName,5001,-2499.5,2499.5) ut.bookHist(h,tag+'_mul','multiplicity of hits/tracks '+detName,10,-0.5,9.5) ut.bookHist(h,tag+'_evmul','multiplicity of hits/event '+detName,10,-0.5,9.5) ut.bookHist(h,tag+'_origin','r vs z;Z [m];R [m]',100, ztarget,totl,100,0.,12.) ut.bookHist(h,'origin','r vs z;Z [m];R [m]',100,ztarget,totl,100,0.,15.) ut.bookHist(h,'borigin','r vs z;Z [m];R [m]',100,ztarget,totl,500,0.,30.) ut.bookHist(h,'porigin','r vs z secondary',100,ztarget,totl,500,0.,30.) ut.bookHist(h,'mu-inter','r vs z',100,ztarget,totl,50,0.,3.) ut.bookHist(h,'muonP','muon momentum',100,0.,400.) ut.bookHist(h,'weight','muon weight',1000,1.E3,1.E6) ut.bookHist(h,'delx13','x diff first and last point, mu-',100,-10.,10.) ut.bookHist(h,'delx-13','x diff first and last point, mu+',100,-10.,10.) ut.bookHist(h,'deltaElec','energy of delta electrons',100,0.,10.) ut.bookHist(h,'secondaries','energy of delta electrons',100,0.,10.) ut.bookHist(h,'prop_deltaElec','energy of delta elec / muon energy',100,0.,1.) ut.bookHist(h,'dummy','',10,0.,1.) ut.bookHist(h,'dE','',100,0.,10.,100,0.,10.) h['dummy'].SetMaximum(10.) histlistAll = {1:'VetoTimeDet',2:'strawstation_5',3:'strawstation_1',4:'strawstation_4',
# need to figure out which geometry was used if not dy: # try to extract from input file name tmp = inputFile.split('.') try: dy = float( tmp[1]+'.'+tmp[2] ) except: dy = None print 'configured to process ',nEvents,' events from ' ,inputFile, ' with option Yheight = ',dy,' with vertexing',vertexing outFile = inputFile.replace('.root','_rec.root') os.system('cp '+inputFile+' '+outFile) if withHists: h={} ut.bookHist(h,'distu','distance to wire',100,0.,5.) ut.bookHist(h,'distv','distance to wire',100,0.,5.) ut.bookHist(h,'disty','distance to wire',100,0.,5.) ut.bookHist(h,'nmeas','nr measuerements',100,0.,50.) #-----prepare python exit----------------------------------------------- def pyExit(): global fitter del fitter print "finishing pyExit" import atexit atexit.register(pyExit) from array import array import shipunit as u import rootUtils as ut from ShipGeoConfig import ConfigRegistry
def myEventLoop(n): global ecalReconstructed rc = sTree.GetEntry(n) # check if tracks are made from real pattern recognition measCut = measCutFK if sTree.GetBranch("FitTracks_PR"): sTree.FitTracks = sTree.FitTracks_PR measCut = measCutPR if sTree.GetBranch("fitTrack2MC_PR"): sTree.fitTrack2MC = sTree.fitTrack2MC_PR if sTree.GetBranch("Particles_PR"): sTree.Particles = sTree.Particles_PR if not checkHNLorigin(sTree): return wg = sTree.MCTrack[1].GetWeight() if not wg>0.: wg=1. # # make some ecal cluster analysis if exist if sTree.FindBranch("EcalClusters"): if calReco: ecalReconstructed.Delete() else: ecalReconstructed = sTree.EcalReconstructed for x in caloTasks: if x.GetName() == 'ecalFiller': x.Exec('start',sTree.EcalPointLite) elif x.GetName() == 'ecalMatch': x.Exec('start',ecalReconstructed,sTree.MCTrack) else : x.Exec('start') for aClus in ecalReconstructed: mMax = aClus.MCTrack() if mMax <0 or mMax > sTree.MCTrack.GetEntries(): aP = None # this should never happen, otherwise the ECAL MC matching has a bug else: aP = sTree.MCTrack[mMax] if aP: tmp = PDG.GetParticle(aP.GetPdgCode()) if tmp: pName = 'ecalReconstructed_'+tmp.GetName() else: pName = 'ecalReconstructed_'+str(aP.GetPdgCode()) else: pName = 'ecalReconstructed_unknown' if not h.has_key(pName): ut.bookHist(h,pName,'x/y and energy for '+pName.split('_')[1],50,-3.,3.,50,-6.,6.) rc = h[pName].Fill(aClus.X()/u.m,aClus.Y()/u.m,aClus.RecoE()/u.GeV) # look at distance to tracks for fT in sTree.FitTracks: rc,pos,mom = TrackExtrapolateTool.extrapolateToPlane(fT,z_ecal) if rc>0: pdgcode = fT.getFittedState().getPDG() tmp = PDG.GetParticle(pdgcode) if tmp: tName = 'ecalReconstructed_dist_'+tmp.GetName() else: tName = 'ecalReconstructed_dist_'+str(aP.GetPdgCode()) if not h.has_key(tName): p = tName.split('dist_')[1] ut.bookHist(h,tName,'Ecal cluster distance t0 '+p,100,0.,100.* ut.bookHist(h,tName.replace('dist','distx'),'Ecal cluster distance to '+p+' in X ',100,-50.*,50.* ut.bookHist(h,tName.replace('dist','disty'),'Ecal cluster distance to '+p+' in Y ',100,-50.*,50.* dist = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt( (aClus.X()-pos.X())**2+(aClus.Y()-pos.Y())**2 ) rc = h[tName].Fill(dist) rc = h[tName.replace('dist','distx')].Fill( aClus.X()-pos.X() ) rc = h[tName.replace('dist','disty')].Fill( aClus.Y()-pos.Y() ) # compare with old method for aClus in sTree.EcalClusters: rc = h['ecalClusters'].Fill(aClus.X()/u.m,aClus.Y()/u.m,aClus.Energy()/u.GeV) mMax,frac = ecalCluster2MC(aClus) # return MC track most contributing, and its fraction of energy if mMax>0: aP = sTree.MCTrack[mMax] tmp = PDG.GetParticle(aP.GetPdgCode()) if tmp: pName = 'ecalClusters_'+tmp.GetName() else: pName = 'ecalClusters_'+str(aP.GetPdgCode()) else: pName = 'ecalClusters_unknown' if not h.has_key(pName): ut.bookHist(h,pName,'x/y and energy for '+pName.split('_')[1],50,-3.,3.,50,-6.,6.) rc = h[pName].Fill(aClus.X()/u.m,aClus.Y()/u.m,aClus.Energy()/u.GeV) # make some straw hit analysis hitlist = {} for ahit in sTree.strawtubesPoint: detID = ahit.GetDetectorID() top = ROOT.TVector3() bot = ROOT.TVector3() modules["Strawtubes"].StrawEndPoints(detID,bot,top) dw = ahit.dist2Wire() if detID < 50000000 : if abs(top.y())==abs(bot.y()): h['disty'].Fill(dw) if abs(top.y())>abs(bot.y()): h['distu'].Fill(dw) if abs(top.y())<abs(bot.y()): h['distv'].Fill(dw) # trID = ahit.GetTrackID() if not trID < 0 : if hitlist.has_key(trID): hitlist[trID]+=1 else: hitlist[trID]=1 for tr in hitlist: h['meanhits'].Fill(hitlist[tr]) key = -1 fittedTracks = {} for atrack in sTree.FitTracks: key+=1 # kill tracks outside fiducial volume if not checkFiducialVolume(sTree,key,dy): continue fitStatus = atrack.getFitStatus() nmeas = fitStatus.getNdf() h['meas'].Fill(nmeas) if not fitStatus.isFitConverged() : continue h['meas2'].Fill(nmeas) if nmeas < measCut: continue fittedTracks[key] = atrack # needs different study why fit has not converged, continue with fitted tracks rchi2 = fitStatus.getChi2() prob = ROOT.TMath.Prob(rchi2,int(nmeas)) h['prob'].Fill(prob) chi2 = rchi2/nmeas fittedState = atrack.getFittedState() h['chi2'].Fill(chi2,wg) h['measVSchi2'].Fill(atrack.getNumPoints(),chi2) P = fittedState.getMomMag() Px,Py,Pz = fittedState.getMom().x(),fittedState.getMom().y(),fittedState.getMom().z() cov = fittedState.get6DCov() if len(sTree.fitTrack2MC)-1<key: continue mcPartKey = sTree.fitTrack2MC[key] mcPart = sTree.MCTrack[mcPartKey] if not mcPart : continue Ptruth_start = mcPart.GetP() Ptruthz_start = mcPart.GetPz() # get p truth from first strawpoint Ptruth,Ptruthx,Ptruthy,Ptruthz = getPtruthFirst(sTree,mcPartKey) delPOverP = (Ptruth - P)/Ptruth h['delPOverP'].Fill(Ptruth,delPOverP) delPOverPz = (1./Ptruthz - 1./Pz) * Ptruthz h['pullPOverPx'].Fill( Ptruth,(Ptruthx-Px)/ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(cov[3][3]) ) h['pullPOverPy'].Fill( Ptruth,(Ptruthy-Py)/ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(cov[4][4]) ) h['pullPOverPz'].Fill( Ptruth,(Ptruthz-Pz)/ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(cov[5][5]) ) h['delPOverPz'].Fill(Ptruthz,delPOverPz) if chi2>chi2CutOff: continue h['delPOverP2'].Fill(Ptruth,delPOverP) h['delPOverP2z'].Fill(Ptruth,delPOverPz) # try measure impact parameter trackDir = fittedState.getDir() trackPos = fittedState.getPos() vx = ROOT.TVector3() mcPart.GetStartVertex(vx) t = 0 for i in range(3): t += trackDir(i)*(vx(i)-trackPos(i)) dist = 0 for i in range(3): dist += (vx(i)-trackPos(i)-t*trackDir(i))**2 dist = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(dist) h['IP'].Fill(dist) # --- # loop over particles, 2-track combinations for HNL in sTree.Particles: t1,t2 = HNL.GetDaughter(0),HNL.GetDaughter(1) # kill tracks outside fiducial volume, if enabled if not checkFiducialVolume(sTree,t1,dy) or not checkFiducialVolume(sTree,t2,dy) : continue checkMeasurements = True # cut on nDOF for tr in [t1,t2]: fitStatus = sTree.FitTracks[tr].getFitStatus() nmeas = fitStatus.getNdf() if nmeas < measCut: checkMeasurements = False if not checkMeasurements: continue # check mc matching if not match2HNL(HNL): continue HNLPos = ROOT.TLorentzVector() HNL.ProductionVertex(HNLPos) HNLMom = ROOT.TLorentzVector() HNL.Momentum(HNLMom) # check if DOCA info exist if HNL.GetMother(1)==99 : xv,yv,zv,doca = HNLPos.X(),HNLPos.Y(),HNLPos.Z(),HNLPos.T() else: # redo doca calculation xv,yv,zv,doca,HNLMom = RedoVertexing(t1,t2) if HNLMom == -1: continue # check if decay inside decay volume if Rsq(xv,yv,dy) > 1 : continue if zv < vetoStation_zDown : continue if zv > T1Station_zUp : continue h['Doca'].Fill(doca) # if doca > docaCut : continue tr = ROOT.TVector3(0,0, dist = ImpactParameter(tr,HNLPos,HNLMom) mass = HNLMom.M() h['IP0'].Fill(dist) h['IP0/mass'].Fill(mass,dist) h['HNL'].Fill(mass) h['HNLw'].Fill(mass,wg) # vetoDets['SBT'] = veto.SBT_decision(sTree) vetoDets['SVT'] = veto.SVT_decision(sTree) vetoDets['UVT'] = veto.UVT_decision(sTree) vetoDets['RPC'] = veto.RPC_decision(sTree) vetoDets['TRA'] = veto.Track_decision(sTree) h['nrtracks'].Fill(vetoDets['TRA'][2]) h['nrSVT'].Fill(vetoDets['SVT'][2]) h['nrUVT'].Fill(vetoDets['UVT'][2]) h['nrSBT'].Fill(vetoDets['SBT'][2]) h['nrRPC'].Fill(vetoDets['RPC'][2]) # HNL true mctrack = sTree.MCTrack[sTree.fitTrack2MC[t1]] h['Vzresol'].Fill( (mctrack.GetStartZ()-zv)/ ) h['Vxresol'].Fill( (mctrack.GetStartX()-xv)/ ) h['Vyresol'].Fill( (mctrack.GetStartY()-yv)/ ) PosDir,newPosDir,CovMat,scalFac = {},{},{},{} # opening angle at vertex newPos = ROOT.TVector3(xv,yv,zv) st1,st2 = sTree.FitTracks[t1].getFittedState(),sTree.FitTracks[t2].getFittedState() PosDir[t1] = {'position':st1.getPos(),'direction':st1.getDir(),'momentum':st1.getMom()} PosDir[t2] = {'position':st2.getPos(),'direction':st2.getDir(),'momentum':st2.getMom()} CovMat[t1] = st1.get6DCov() CovMat[t2] = st2.get6DCov() rep1,rep2 = ROOT.genfit.RKTrackRep(st1.getPDG()),ROOT.genfit.RKTrackRep(st2.getPDG()) state1,state2 = ROOT.genfit.StateOnPlane(rep1),ROOT.genfit.StateOnPlane(rep2) rep1.setPosMom(state1,st1.getPos(),st1.getMom()) rep2.setPosMom(state2,st2.getPos(),st2.getMom()) try: rep1.extrapolateToPoint(state1, newPos, False) rep2.extrapolateToPoint(state2, newPos, False) mom1,mom2 = rep1.getMom(state1),rep2.getMom(state2) except: mom1,mom2 = st1.getMom(),st2.getMom() newPosDir[t1] = {'position':rep1.getPos(state1),'direction':rep1.getDir(state1),'momentum':mom1} newPosDir[t2] = {'position':rep2.getPos(state2),'direction':rep2.getDir(state2),'momentum':mom2} oa = mom1.Dot(mom2)/(mom1.Mag()*mom2.Mag()) h['oa'].Fill(oa) # error on vertex scalFac[t1] = (zv-PosDir[t1]['position'][2])/PosDir[t1]['direction'][2]/PosDir[t1]['momentum'].Mag() scalFac[t2] = (zv-PosDir[t2]['position'][2])/PosDir[t2]['direction'][2]/PosDir[t2]['momentum'].Mag() XPos,covX,dist = VertexError(t1,t2,newPosDir,CovMat,scalFac) h['Vzpull'].Fill( (mctrack.GetStartZ()-XPos[2])/ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(covX[2][2]) ) h['Vxpull'].Fill( (mctrack.GetStartX()-XPos[0])/ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(covX[0][0]) ) h['Vypull'].Fill( (mctrack.GetStartY()-XPos[1])/ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(covX[1][1]) )
fM = ROOT.genfit.FieldManager.getInstance() fM.init(bfield) # prepare veto decisions import shipVeto veto = shipVeto.Task() vetoDets={} # fiducial cuts vetoStation = ROOT.gGeoManager.GetTopVolume().GetNode('Veto_5') vetoStation_zDown = vetoStation.GetMatrix().GetTranslation()[2]+vetoStation.GetVolume().GetShape().GetDZ() T1Station = ROOT.gGeoManager.GetTopVolume().GetNode('Tr1_1') T1Station_zUp = T1Station.GetMatrix().GetTranslation()[2]-T1Station.GetVolume().GetShape().GetDZ() h = {} ut.bookHist(h,'delPOverP','delP / P',400,0.,200.,100,-0.5,0.5) ut.bookHist(h,'pullPOverPx','delPx / sigma',400,0.,200.,100,-3.,3.) ut.bookHist(h,'pullPOverPy','delPy / sigma',400,0.,200.,100,-3.,3.) ut.bookHist(h,'pullPOverPz','delPz / sigma',400,0.,200.,100,-3.,3.) ut.bookHist(h,'delPOverP2','delP / P chi2/nmeas<'+str(chi2CutOff),400,0.,200.,100,-0.5,0.5) ut.bookHist(h,'delPOverPz','delPz / Pz',400,0.,200.,100,-0.5,0.5) ut.bookHist(h,'delPOverP2z','delPz / Pz chi2/nmeas<'+str(chi2CutOff),400,0.,200.,100,-0.5,0.5) ut.bookHist(h,'chi2','chi2/nmeas after trackfit',100,0.,10.) ut.bookHist(h,'prob','prob(chi2)',100,0.,1.) ut.bookHist(h,'IP','Impact Parameter',100,0.,10.) ut.bookHist(h,'Vzresol','Vz reco - true [cm]',100,-50.,50.) ut.bookHist(h,'Vxresol','Vx reco - true [cm]',100,-10.,10.) ut.bookHist(h,'Vyresol','Vy reco - true [cm]',100,-10.,10.) ut.bookHist(h,'Vzpull','Vz pull',100,-3.,3.) ut.bookHist(h,'Vxpull','Vx pull',100,-3.,3.) ut.bookHist(h,'Vypull','Vy pull',100,-3.,3.)
#!/usr/bin/env python # file to convert goliath fieldmap text file to root # EvH 11/4/2018 import ROOT, os, sys import rootUtils as ut import shipunit as u import shipRoot_conf h = {} # new limits x: -1118.6, 1241.4 (59); y: -411.40, 768.60 (20); z: -2512.7, 2537.3 (101) # ut.bookHist(h, 'Bx', 'Bx', 60, -113.86, 126.14, 21, -44.09, 79.81, 102, -253.77, 256.27) ut.bookHist(h, 'By', 'By', 60, -113.86, 126.14, 21, -44.09, 79.81, 102, -253.77, 256.27) ut.bookHist(h, 'Bz', 'Bz', 60, -113.86, 126.14, 21, -44.09, 79.81, 102, -253.77, 256.27) ut.bookHist(h, 'Byvsz', 'By vs z for x=1.4,y=1.6', 102, -253.77, 256.27) f = open('ExtGoliathFieldMap.txt', 'r') i = 0 for line in f: i += 1 if i < 6: continue x, y, z, Bx, By, Bz = line.split() x = float(x) / 10. y = float(y) / 10. z = float(z) / 10. Bx = Bx
def HNLKinematics(): HNLorigin = {} ut.bookHist(h, 'HNLmomNoW', 'momentum unweighted', 100, 0., 300.) ut.bookHist(h, 'HNLmom', 'momentum', 100, 0., 300.) ut.bookHist(h, 'HNLPtNoW', 'Pt unweighted', 100, 0., 10.) ut.bookHist(h, 'HNLPt', 'Pt', 100, 0., 10.) ut.bookHist(h, 'HNLmom_recTracks', 'momentum', 100, 0., 300.) ut.bookHist(h, 'HNLmomNoW_recTracks', 'momentum unweighted', 100, 0., 300.) for n in range(sTree.GetEntries()): rc = sTree.GetEntry(n) for hnlkey in [1, 2]: if abs(sTree.MCTrack[hnlkey].GetPdgCode()) == 9900015: theHNL = sTree.MCTrack[hnlkey] wg = theHNL.GetWeight() if not wg > 0.: wg = 1. idMother = abs(sTree.MCTrack[hnlkey - 1].GetPdgCode()) if not HNLorigin.has_key(idMother): HNLorigin[idMother] = 0 HNLorigin[idMother] += wg P = theHNL.GetP() Pt = theHNL.GetPt() h['HNLmom'].Fill(P, wg) h['HNLmomNoW'].Fill(P) h['HNLPt'].Fill(Pt, wg) h['HNLPtNoW'].Fill(Pt) for HNL in sTree.Particles: t1, t2 = HNL.GetDaughter(0), HNL.GetDaughter(1) for tr in [t1, t2]: xx = sTree.FitTracks[tr].getFittedState() Prec = xx.getMom().Mag() h['HNLmom_recTracks'].Fill(Prec, wg) h['HNLmomNoW_recTracks'].Fill(Prec) theSum = 0 for x in HNLorigin: theSum += HNLorigin[x] for x in HNLorigin: print "%4i : %5.4F relative fraction: %5.4F " % (x, HNLorigin[x], HNLorigin[x] / theSum)
def analyzeConcrete(): fout = ROOT.TFile('muConcrete.root','recreate') h['ntuple'] = ROOT.TNtuple("muons","muon flux concrete","id:px:py:pz:x:y:z:w") for m in ['','mu','V0']: ut.bookHist(h,'conc_hitz'+m,'concrete hit z '+m,100,-100.,100.) ut.bookHist(h,'conc_hitzP'+m,'concrete hit z vs P'+m,100,-100.,100.,100,0.,25.) ut.bookHist(h,'conc_hity'+m,'concrete hit y '+m,100,-15.,15.) ut.bookHist(h,'conc_p'+m,'concrete hit p '+m,100,0.,300.) ut.bookHist(h,'conc_pt'+m,'concrete hit pt '+m,100,0.,10.) ut.bookHist(h,'conc_hitzy'+m,'concrete hit zy '+m,100,-100.,100.,100,-15.,15.) top = fGeo.GetTopVolume() magn = top.GetNode("magyoke_1") z0 = magn.GetMatrix().GetTranslation()[2]/u.m for fn in fchain: f = ROOT.TFile(fn) if not f.FindObjectAny('cbmsim'): print 'skip file ',f.GetName() continue sTree = f.cbmsim nEvents = sTree.GetEntries() for n in range(nEvents): sTree.GetEntry(n) if sTree.MCTrack.GetEntries() > 1: wg = sTree.MCTrack[1].GetWeight() else: wg = sTree.MCTrack[0].GetWeight() for ahit in sTree.vetoPoint: detID = ahit.GetDetectorID() if logVols[detID] != 'rockD': continue m='' pid = ahit.PdgCode() if abs(pid) == 13: m='mu' P = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(ahit.GetPx()**2+ahit.GetPy()**2+ahit.GetPz()**2) if abs(pid) == 13 and P>3/u.GeV: m='V0' h['ntuple'].Fill(float(pid), float(ahit.GetPx()/u.GeV),float(ahit.GetPy()/u.GeV),float(ahit.GetPz()/u.GeV),\ float(ahit.GetX()/u.m),float(ahit.GetY()/u.m),float(ahit.GetZ()/u.m),float(wg) ) h['conc_hitz'+m].Fill(ahit.GetZ()/u.m-z0,wg) h['conc_hity'+m].Fill(ahit.GetY()/u.m,wg) h['conc_p'+m].Fill(P/u.GeV,wg) h['conc_hitzP'+m].Fill(ahit.GetZ()/u.m,P/u.GeV,wg) Pt = ROOT.TMath.Sqrt(ahit.GetPx()**2+ahit.GetPy()**2) h['conc_pt'+m].Fill(Pt/u.GeV,wg) h['conc_hitzy'+m].Fill(ahit.GetZ()/u.m-z0,ahit.GetY()/u.m,wg) # #start = [ahit.GetX()/u.m,ahit.GetY()/u.m,ahit.GetZ()/u.m] #direc = [-ahit.GetPx()/P,-ahit.GetPy()/P,-ahit.GetPz()/P] #t = - start[0]/direc[0] ut.bookCanvas(h,key='Resultsmu',title='muons hitting concrete',nx=1000,ny=600,cx=2,cy=2) ut.bookCanvas(h,key='Results',title='hitting concrete',nx=1000,ny=600,cx=2,cy=2) for m in ['','mu']: tc = h['Results'+m].cd(1) h['conc_hity'+m].Draw() tc = h['Results'+m].cd(2) h['conc_hitz'+m].Draw() tc = h['Results'+m].cd(3) tc.SetLogy(1) h['conc_pt'+m].Draw() tc = h['Results'+m].cd(4) tc.SetLogy(1) h['conc_p'+m].Draw() h['ntuple'].Write()
if saveDisk: os.system('mv '+inputFile+' '+outFile) else : os.system('cp '+inputFile+' '+outFile) if not geoFile: tmp = inputFile.replace('ship.','geofile_full.') geoFile = tmp.replace('_rec','') # try to figure out which ecal geo to load fgeo = ROOT.TFile(geoFile) sGeo = fgeo.FAIRGeom if sGeo.GetVolume('EcalModule3') : ecalGeoFile = "ecal_ellipse6x12m2.geo" else: ecalGeoFile = "ecal_ellipse5x10m2.geo" print 'found ecal geo for ',ecalGeoFile if withHists: h={} ut.bookHist(h,'distu','distance to wire',100,0.,5.) ut.bookHist(h,'distv','distance to wire',100,0.,5.) ut.bookHist(h,'disty','distance to wire',100,0.,5.) ut.bookHist(h,'nmeas','nr measuerements',100,0.,50.) ut.bookHist(h,'chi2','Chi2/DOF',100,0.,20.) ut.bookHist(h,'Vzpull','Vz pull',100,-3.,3.) ut.bookHist(h,'Vxpull','Vx pull',100,-3.,3.) ut.bookHist(h,'Vypull','Vy pull',100,-3.,3.) #-----prepare python exit----------------------------------------------- def pyExit(): global fitter del fitter print "finishing pyExit" import atexit atexit.register(pyExit)
def HNLKinematics(): HNLorigin={} ut.bookHist(h,'HNLmomNoW','momentum unweighted',100,0.,300.) ut.bookHist(h,'HNLmom','momentum',100,0.,300.) ut.bookHist(h,'HNLPtNoW','Pt unweighted',100,0.,10.) ut.bookHist(h,'HNLPt','Pt',100,0.,10.) ut.bookHist(h,'HNLmom_recTracks','momentum',100,0.,300.) ut.bookHist(h,'HNLmomNoW_recTracks','momentum unweighted',100,0.,300.) for n in range(sTree.GetEntries()): rc = sTree.GetEntry(n) for hnlkey in [1,2]: if abs(sTree.MCTrack[hnlkey].GetPdgCode()) == 9900015: theHNL = sTree.MCTrack[hnlkey] wg = theHNL.GetWeight() if not wg>0.: wg=1. idMother = abs(sTree.MCTrack[hnlkey-1].GetPdgCode()) if not HNLorigin.has_key(idMother): HNLorigin[idMother]=0 HNLorigin[idMother]+=wg P = theHNL.GetP() Pt = theHNL.GetPt() h['HNLmom'].Fill(P,wg) h['HNLmomNoW'].Fill(P) h['HNLPt'].Fill(Pt,wg) h['HNLPtNoW'].Fill(Pt) for HNL in sTree.Particles: t1,t2 = HNL.GetDaughter(0),HNL.GetDaughter(1) for tr in [t1,t2]: xx = sTree.FitTracks[tr].getFittedState() Prec = xx.getMom().Mag() h['HNLmom_recTracks'].Fill(Prec,wg) h['HNLmomNoW_recTracks'].Fill(Prec) theSum = 0 for x in HNLorigin: theSum+=HNLorigin[x] for x in HNLorigin: print "%4i : %5.4F relative fraction: %5.4F "%(x,HNLorigin[x],HNLorigin[x]/theSum)
print('h') bfield = ROOT.genfit.FairShipFields() print('i') fM = ROOT.genfit.FieldManager.getInstance() print('j') fM.init(bfield) print('k') volDict = {} i = 0 for x in ROOT.gGeoManager.GetListOfVolumes(): volDict[i] = x.GetName() i += 1 print('l') h = {} ut.bookHist(h, 'delPOverP', 'delP / P', 400, 0., 200., 100, -0.5, 0.5) ut.bookHist(h, 'pullPOverPx', 'delPx / sigma', 400, 0., 200., 100, -3., 3.) ut.bookHist(h, 'pullPOverPy', 'delPy / sigma', 400, 0., 200., 100, -3., 3.) ut.bookHist(h, 'pullPOverPz', 'delPz / sigma', 400, 0., 200., 100, -3., 3.) ut.bookHist(h, 'delPOverP2', 'delP / P chi2/nmeas<' + str(chi2CutOff), 400, 0., 200., 100, -0.5, 0.5) ut.bookHist(h, 'delPOverPz', 'delPz / Pz', 400, 0., 200., 100, -0.5, 0.5) ut.bookHist(h, 'delPOverP2z', 'delPz / Pz chi2/nmeas<' + str(chi2CutOff), 400, 0., 200., 100, -0.5, 0.5) ut.bookHist(h, 'chi2', 'chi2/nmeas after trackfit', 100, 0., 10.) ut.bookHist(h, 'prob', 'prob(chi2)', 100, 0., 1.) ut.bookHist(h, 'IP', 'Impact Parameter', 100, 0., 10.) ut.bookHist(h, 'Vzresol', 'Vz reco - true [cm]', 100, -50., 50.) ut.bookHist(h, 'Vxresol', 'Vx reco - true [cm]', 100, -10., 10.) ut.bookHist(h, 'Vyresol', 'Vy reco - true [cm]', 100, -10., 10.) ut.bookHist(h, 'Vzpull', 'Vz pull', 100, -5., 5.)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Script to create flux maps.') parser.add_argument( 'inputfile', help='''Simulation results to use as input. ''' '''Supports retrieving files from EOS via the XRootD protocol.''') parser.add_argument( '-o', '--outputfile', default='flux_map.root', help='''File to write the flux maps to. ''' '''Will be recreated if it already exists.''') args = parser.parse_args() f = r.TFile.Open(args.outputfile, 'recreate') maxpt = 10. * u.GeV maxp = 360. * u.GeV h = {} # Define histograms for nplane in range(0, 23): ut.bookHist(h, 'NuTauMu_all_{}'.format(nplane), 'Rpc_{};x[cm];y[cm]'.format( nplane), 100, -300, +300, 100, -300, 300) ut.bookHist(h, 'NuTauMu_mu_{}'.format(nplane), 'Rpc_{};x[cm];y[cm]'.format( nplane), 100, -300, +300, 100, -300, 300) for suffix, title in [('mu', '#mu#pm hits'), ('all', 'All hits')]: ut.bookHist(h, 'muon_tiles_{}'.format(suffix), '{};x[cm];y[cm]'.format(title), 200, -1000, +1000, 90, -900, 900) ut.bookHist(h, 'muon_bars_x_{}'.format(suffix), '{};x[cm];y[cm]'.format(title), 2, -300, +300, 240, -600, 600) ut.bookHist(h, 'muon_bars_y_{}'.format(suffix), '{};x[cm];y[cm]'.format(title), 120, -300, +300, 4, -600, 600) ut.bookHist(h, 'timing_{}'.format(suffix), '{};x[cm];y[cm]'.format(title), 3, -252, +252, 167, -501, 501) ut.bookHist(h, 'TargetTracker_{}'.format(suffix), '{};x[cm];y[cm]'.format(title), 120, -60, 60, 120, -60, 60) ut.bookHist(h, 'TargetTracker_yvsz_{}'.format(suffix), '{};z[cm];y[cm]'.format( title), 400, -3300, -2900, 120, -60, 60) ut.bookHist(h, 'TargetTracker_xvsz_{}'.format(suffix), '{};z[cm];x[cm]'.format( title), 400, -3300, -2900, 120, -60, 60) ut.bookHist(h, 'NuTauMu_{}'.format(suffix), '{};x[cm];y[cm]'.format(title), 100, -300, +300, 100, -300, 300) ut.bookHist(h, 'NuTauMu_yvsz_{}'.format(suffix), '{};z[cm];y[cm]'.format( title), 200, -2680, -2480, 600, -300, 300) ut.bookHist(h, 'NuTauMu_xvsz_{}'.format(suffix), '{};z[cm];x[cm]'.format( title), 200, -2680, -2480, 600, -300, 300) ut.bookHist(h, 'ECAL_TP_{}'.format(suffix), '{};x[cm];y[cm]'.format(title), 167, -501, +501, 334, -1002, 1002) ut.bookHist(h, 'ECAL_Alt_{}'.format(suffix), '{};x[cm];y[cm]'.format(title), 50, -500, +500, 100, -1000, 1000) ut.bookHist(h, 'SBT_Liquid_{}'.format(suffix), '{};z[cm];#phi'.format(title), 100, -3000, +3000, 100, -r.TMath.Pi(), r.TMath.Pi()) ut.bookHist(h, 'SBT_Plastic_{}'.format(suffix), '{};z[cm];#phi'.format(title), 100, -3000, +3000, 100, -r.TMath.Pi(), r.TMath.Pi()) for station in range(1, 5): ut.bookHist(h, 'T{}_{}'.format(station, suffix), '{};x[cm];y[cm]'.format(title), 10, -250, +250, 20, -500, 500) ut.bookHist(h, 'NuTauMu_mu_p', '#mu#pm;p[GeV];', 100, 0, maxp) ut.bookHist(h, 'NuTauMu_mu_pt', '#mu#pm;p_t[GeV];', 100, 0, maxpt) ut.bookHist(h, 'NuTauMu_mu_ppt', '#mu#pm;p[GeV];p_t[GeV];', 100, 0, maxp, 100, 0, maxpt) ut.bookHist(h, 'NuTauMu_all_p', '#mu#pm;p[GeV];', 100, 0, maxp) ut.bookHist(h, 'NuTauMu_all_pt', '#mu#pm;p_t[GeV];', 100, 0, maxpt) ut.bookHist(h, 'NuTauMu_all_ppt', '#mu#pm;p[GeV];p_t[GeV];', 100, 0, maxp, 100, 0, maxpt) for suffix in ['', '_original']: ut.bookHist(h, 'mu_p{}'.format(suffix), '#mu#pm;p[GeV];', 100, 0, maxp) ut.bookHist(h, 'mu_pt{}'.format(suffix), '#mu#pm;p_t[GeV];', 100, 0, maxpt) ut.bookHist(h, 'mu_ppt{}'.format(suffix), '#mu#pm;p[GeV];p_t[GeV];', 100, 0, maxp, 100, 0, maxpt) ut.bookHist(h, 'ECAL_TP_e', 'e#pm with E#geq 250 MeV;x[cm];y[cm]', 167, -501, +501, 334, -1002, 1002) ut.bookHist(h, 'ECAL_Alt_e', 'e#pm with E#geq 250 MeV;x[cm];y[cm]', 50, -500, +500, 100, -1000, 1000) ut.bookHist(h, 'ECAL_TP_gamma', '#gamma;x[cm];y[cm]', 167, -501, +501, 334, -1002, 1002) ut.bookHist(h, 'ECAL_Alt_gamma', '#gamma;x[cm];y[cm]', 50, -500, +500, 100, -1000, 1000) ut.bookHist(h, 'ECAL_e_E', 'e#pm;E[GeV/c^{2}];', 100, 0, 1) ut.bookHist(h, 'ECAL_gamma_E', '#gamma;E[GeV/c^{2}];', 100, 0, 1) ch = r.TChain('cbmsim') ch.Add(args.inputfile) n = ch.GetEntries() print n i = 0 for event in ch: if i % 10000 == 0: print '{}/{}'.format(i, n) i += 1 muon = False for hit in event.strawtubesPoint: if hit: if not hit.GetEnergyLoss() > 0: continue trid = hit.GetTrackID() assert trid > 0 weight = event.MCTrack[trid].GetWeight() x = hit.GetX() y = hit.GetY() z = hit.GetZ() px = hit.GetPx() py = hit.GetPy() pz = hit.GetPz() pt = np.hypot(px, py) P = np.hypot(pz, pt) pid = hit.PdgCode() assert pid not in [12, -12, 14, -14, 16, -16] detector_ID = hit.GetDetectorID() station = detector_ID / 10000000 h['T{}_all'.format(station)].Fill(x, y, weight) if abs(pid) == 13: muon = True muonid = trid h['T{}_mu'.format(station)].Fill(x, y, weight) h['mu_p'].Fill(P, weight) h['mu_pt'].Fill(pt, weight) h['mu_ppt'].Fill(P, pt, weight) for hit in event.EcalPoint: if hit: if not hit.GetEnergyLoss() > 0: continue trid = hit.GetTrackID() assert trid > 0 weight = event.MCTrack[trid].GetWeight() x = hit.GetX() y = hit.GetY() px = hit.GetPx() py = hit.GetPy() pz = hit.GetPz() pt = np.hypot(px, py) P = np.hypot(pz, pt) pid = hit.PdgCode() if pid in [12, -12, 14, -14, 16, -16]: continue h['ECAL_TP_all'].Fill(x, y, weight) h['ECAL_Alt_all'].Fill(x, y, weight) if abs(pid) == 13: muon = True muonid = trid h['mu_p'].Fill(P, weight) h['mu_pt'].Fill(pt, weight) h['mu_ppt'].Fill(P, pt, weight) h['ECAL_TP_mu'].Fill(x, y, weight) h['ECAL_Alt_mu'].Fill(x, y, weight) elif abs(pid) == 11: Esq = px ** 2 + py ** 2 + pz ** 2 + 0.000511 ** 2 h['ECAL_e_E'].Fill(np.sqrt(Esq), weight) h['ECAL_TP_e'].Fill(x, y, weight) h['ECAL_Alt_e'].Fill(x, y, weight) elif abs(pid) == 22: Esq = px ** 2 + py ** 2 + pz ** 2 h['ECAL_gamma_E'].Fill(np.sqrt(Esq), weight) h['ECAL_TP_gamma'].Fill(x, y, weight) h['ECAL_Alt_gamma'].Fill(x, y, weight) for hit in event.TTPoint: if hit: if not hit.GetEnergyLoss() > 0: continue trid = hit.GetTrackID() assert trid > 0 detID = hit.GetDetectorID() weight = event.MCTrack[trid].GetWeight() x = hit.GetX() y = hit.GetY() z = hit.GetZ() px = hit.GetPx() py = hit.GetPy() pz = hit.GetPz() pt = np.hypot(px, py) P = np.hypot(pz, pt) pid = hit.PdgCode() assert pid not in [12, -12, 14, -14, 16, -16] if detID == 0: h['TargetTracker_all'].Fill(x, y, weight) h['TargetTracker_xvsz_all'].Fill(z, x, weight) h['TargetTracker_yvsz_all'].Fill(z, y, weight) if abs(pid) == 13: muon = True muonid = trid h['mu_p'].Fill(P, weight) h['mu_pt'].Fill(pt, weight) h['mu_ppt'].Fill(P, pt, weight) if detID == 0: h['TargetTracker_mu'].Fill(x, y, weight) h['TargetTracker_xvsz_mu'].Fill(z, x, weight) h['TargetTracker_yvsz_mu'].Fill(z, y, weight) for hit in event.ShipRpcPoint: if hit: if not hit.GetEnergyLoss() > 0: continue trid = hit.GetTrackID() assert trid > 0 detID = hit.GetDetectorID() nplane = detID - 10000 weight = event.MCTrack[trid].GetWeight() x = hit.GetX() y = hit.GetY() z = hit.GetZ() px = hit.GetPx() py = hit.GetPy() pz = hit.GetPz() pt = np.hypot(px, py) P = np.hypot(pz, pt) pid = hit.PdgCode() assert pid not in [12, -12, 14, -14, 16, -16] h['NuTauMu_all'].Fill(x, y, weight) if nplane >= 0: h['NuTauMu_all_{}'.format(nplane)].Fill(x, y, weight) h['NuTauMu_xvsz_all'].Fill(z, x, weight) h['NuTauMu_yvsz_all'].Fill(z, y, weight) if detID == 10000: h['NuTauMu_all_p'].Fill(P, weight) h['NuTauMu_all_pt'].Fill(pt, weight) h['NuTauMu_all_ppt'].Fill(P, pt, weight) if abs(pid) == 13: muon = True muonid = trid h['mu_p'].Fill(P, weight) h['mu_pt'].Fill(pt, weight) h['mu_ppt'].Fill(P, pt, weight) h['NuTauMu_mu'].Fill(x, y, weight) if nplane >= 0: # fill the histogram corresponding to nplane h['NuTauMu_mu_{}'.format(nplane)].Fill(x, y, weight) if detID == 10000: h['NuTauMu_mu_p'].Fill(P, weight) h['NuTauMu_mu_pt'].Fill(pt, weight) h['NuTauMu_mu_ppt'].Fill(P, pt, weight) h['NuTauMu_xvsz_mu'].Fill(z, x, weight) h['NuTauMu_yvsz_mu'].Fill(z, y, weight) for hit in event.TimeDetPoint: if hit: if not hit.GetEnergyLoss() > 0: continue trid = hit.GetTrackID() assert trid > 0 weight = event.MCTrack[trid].GetWeight() x = hit.GetX() y = hit.GetY() z = hit.GetZ() px = hit.GetPx() py = hit.GetPy() pz = hit.GetPz() pt = np.hypot(px, py) P = np.hypot(pz, pt) pid = hit.PdgCode() assert pid not in [12, -12, 14, -14, 16, -16] h['timing_all'].Fill(x, y, weight) if abs(pid) == 13: muon = True muonid = trid h['mu_p'].Fill(P, weight) h['mu_pt'].Fill(pt, weight) h['mu_ppt'].Fill(P, pt, weight) h['timing_mu'].Fill(x, y, weight) for hit in event.muonPoint: if hit: if not hit.GetEnergyLoss() > 0: continue trid = hit.GetTrackID() assert trid > 0 weight = event.MCTrack[trid].GetWeight() x = hit.GetX() y = hit.GetY() px = hit.GetPx() py = hit.GetPy() pz = hit.GetPz() pt = np.hypot(px, py) P = np.hypot(pz, pt) pid = hit.PdgCode() assert pid not in [12, -12, 14, -14, 16, -16] h['muon_tiles_all'].Fill(x, y, weight) h['muon_bars_x_all'].Fill(x, y, weight) h['muon_bars_y_all'].Fill(x, y, weight) if abs(pid) == 13: muon = True muonid = trid h['mu_p'].Fill(P, weight) h['mu_pt'].Fill(pt, weight) h['mu_ppt'].Fill(P, pt, weight) h['muon_tiles_mu'].Fill(x, y, weight) h['muon_bars_y_mu'].Fill(x, y, weight) h['muon_bars_x_mu'].Fill(x, y, weight) for hit in event.vetoPoint: if hit: if not hit.GetEnergyLoss() > 0: continue trid = hit.GetTrackID() assert trid > 0 weight = event.MCTrack[trid].GetWeight() x = hit.GetX() y = hit.GetY() z = hit.GetZ() px = hit.GetPx() py = hit.GetPy() pz = hit.GetPz() pt = np.hypot(px, py) P = np.hypot(pz, pt) pid = hit.PdgCode() detector_ID = hit.GetDetectorID() assert pid not in [12, -12, 14, -14, 16, -16] phi = r.TMath.ATan2(y, x) if 99999 < detector_ID < 999999: h['SBT_Liquid_all'].Fill(z, phi, weight) if abs(pid) == 13: muon = True muonid = trid h['mu_p'].Fill(P, weight) h['mu_pt'].Fill(pt, weight) h['mu_ppt'].Fill(P, pt, weight) h['SBT_Liquid_mu'].Fill(z, phi, weight) continue elif detector_ID > 999999: h['SBT_Plastic_all'].Fill(z, phi, weight) if abs(pid) == 13: muon = True muonid = trid h['mu_p'].Fill(P, weight) h['mu_pt'].Fill(pt, weight) h['mu_ppt'].Fill(P, pt, weight) h['SBT_Plastic_mu'].Fill(z, phi, weight) continue print 'Unidentified vetoPoint.' if muon: original_muon = event.MCTrack[muonid] weight = original_muon.GetWeight() h['mu_p_original'].Fill(original_muon.GetP(), weight) h['mu_pt_original'].Fill(original_muon.GetPt(), weight) h['mu_ppt_original'].Fill(original_muon.GetP(), original_muon.GetPt(), weight) # NOTE: muons are counted several times if they create several hits # But the original muon is only counted once. print 'Event loop done' for key in h: classname = h[key].Class().GetName() if 'TH' in classname or 'TP' in classname: h[key].Write() f.Close()