コード例 #1
    def __new__(cls, x, y, order=None, s=None, w=None, bbox=[None]*2, k=3,
                ext=0, check_finite=False, outlier_func=sigma_clip,
                niter=3, grow=0, debug=False, **outlier_kwargs):

        # Decide what sort of spline object we're making
        spline_kwargs = {'bbox': bbox, 'k': k, 'ext': ext,
                         'check_finite': check_finite}
        if order is None:
            cls_ = UnivariateSpline
            spline_args = ()
            spline_kwargs['s'] = s
        elif s is None:
            cls_ = LSQUnivariateSpline
            raise ValueError("Both t and s have been specified")

        # Both spline classes require sorted x, so do that here. We also
        # require unique x values, so we're going to deal with duplicates by
        # making duplicated values slightly larger. But we have to do this
        # iteratively in case of a basket-case scenario like (1, 1, 1, 1+eps, 2)
        # which would become (1, 1+eps, 1+2*eps, 1+eps, 2), which still has
        # duplicates and isn't sorted!
        # I can't think of any better way to cope with this, other than write
        # least-squares spline-fitting code that handles duplicates from scratch
        epsf = np.finfo(float).eps

        orig_mask = np.zeros(y.shape, dtype=bool)
        if isinstance(y, np.ma.masked_array):
            if y.mask is not np.ma.nomask:
                orig_mask = y.mask.astype(bool)
            y = y.data

        if w is not None:
            orig_mask |= (w == 0)

        if debug:

        iter = 0
        full_mask = orig_mask  # Will include pixels masked because of "grow"
        while iter < niter+1:
            last_mask = full_mask
            x_to_fit = x.astype(float)

            if order is not None:
                # Determine actual order to apply based on fraction of unmasked
                # pixels, and unmask everything if there are too few good pixels
                this_order = int(order * (1 - np.sum(full_mask) / len(full_mask)) + 0.5)
                if this_order == 0:
                    full_mask = np.zeros(x.shape, dtype=bool)
                    if w is not None and not all(w == 0):
                        full_mask |= (w == 0)
                    this_order = int(order * (1 - np.sum(full_mask) / len(full_mask)) + 0.5)
                    if debug:
                        print("FULL MASK", full_mask)

            xgood = x_to_fit[~full_mask]
            while True:
                xunique, indices = np.unique(xgood, return_index=True)
                if len(indices) == len(xgood):
                    # All unique x values so continue
                if order is None:
                    raise ValueError("Must specify spline order when there are "
                                     "duplicate x values")
                for i in range(len(xgood)):
                    if not (last_mask[i] or i in indices):
                        xgood[i] *= (1.0 + epsf)

            # Space knots equally based on density of unique x values
            if order is not None:
                knots = [xunique[int(xx+0.5)]
                         for xx in np.linspace(0, len(xunique)-1, this_order+1)[1:-1]]
                spline_args = (knots,)
                if debug:
                    print ("KNOTS", knots)

            sort_indices = np.argsort(xgood)
            # Create appropriate spline object using current mask
                spline = cls_(xgood[sort_indices], y[~full_mask][sort_indices],
                              *spline_args, w=None if w is None else w[~full_mask][sort_indices],
            except ValueError as e:
                if this_order == 0:
                    avg_y = np.average(y[~full_mask],
                                       weights=None if w is None else w[~full_mask])
                    spline = lambda xx: avg_y
                    raise e
            spline_y = spline(x)
            #masked_residuals = outlier_func(spline_y - masked_y, **outlier_kwargs)
            #mask = masked_residuals.mask

            # When sigma-clipping, only remove the originally-masked points.
            # Note that this differs from the astropy.modeling code because
            # the sigma-clipping and spline-fitting are done independently here.
            d, mask, v = NDStacker.sigclip(spline_y-y, mask=orig_mask, variance=None,
            if grow > 0:
                maskarray = np.zeros((grow * 2 + 1, len(y)), dtype=bool)
                for i in range(-grow, grow + 1):
                    mx1 = max(i, 0)
                    mx2 = min(len(y), len(y) + i)
                    maskarray[grow + i, mx1:mx2] = mask[:mx2 - mx1]
                grow_mask = np.logical_or.reduce(maskarray, axis=0)
                full_mask = np.logical_or(mask, grow_mask)
                full_mask = mask.astype(bool)

            # Check if the mask is unchanged
            if not np.logical_or.reduce(last_mask ^ full_mask):
            iter += 1

        # Create a standard BSpline object
            bspline = BSpline(*spline._eval_args)
        except AttributeError:
            # Create a spline object that's just a constant
            bspline = BSpline(np.r_[(x[0],)*4, (x[-1],)*4],
                              np.r_[(spline(0),)*4, (0.,)*4], 3)
        # Attach the mask and model (may be useful)
        bspline.mask = full_mask
        bspline.data = spline_y
        return bspline
コード例 #2
ファイル: astromodels.py プロジェクト: DBerke/DRAGONS
    def __new__(cls,
                bbox=[None] * 2,

        if niter is None:
            niter = 100  # really should converge by this point
        # Decide what sort of spline object we're making
        spline_kwargs = {
            'bbox': bbox,
            'k': k,
            'ext': ext,
            'check_finite': check_finite
        if order is None:
            cls_ = UnivariateSpline
            spline_args = ()
            spline_kwargs['s'] = s
        elif s is None:
            cls_ = LSQUnivariateSpline
            raise ValueError("Both t and s have been specified")

        # For compatibility with an older version which was using
        # NDStacker.sigclip, rename parameters for sigma_clip
        if 'lsigma' in outlier_kwargs:
            outlier_kwargs['sigma_lower'] = outlier_kwargs.pop('lsigma')
        if 'hsigma' in outlier_kwargs:
            outlier_kwargs['sigma_upper'] = outlier_kwargs.pop('hsigma')

        # Both spline classes require sorted x, so do that here. We also
        # require unique x values, so we're going to deal with duplicates by
        # making duplicated values slightly larger. But we have to do this
        # iteratively in case of a basket-case scenario like (1, 1, 1, 1+eps, 2)
        # which would become (1, 1+eps, 1+2*eps, 1+eps, 2), which still has
        # duplicates and isn't sorted!
        # I can't think of any better way to cope with this, other than write
        # least-squares spline-fitting code that handles duplicates from scratch
        epsf = np.finfo(float).eps

        orig_mask = np.zeros(y.shape, dtype=bool)
        if isinstance(y, np.ma.masked_array):
            if y.mask is not np.ma.nomask:
                orig_mask = y.mask.astype(bool)
            y = y.data

        if w is not None:
            orig_mask |= (w == 0)

        if debug:
            print('y=', y)
            print('orig_mask=', orig_mask.astype(int))

        iteration = 0
        full_mask = orig_mask  # Will include pixels masked because of "grow"
        while iteration < niter + 1:
            last_mask = full_mask
            x_to_fit = x.astype(float)

            if order is not None:
                # Determine actual order to apply based on fraction of unmasked
                # pixels, and unmask everything if there are too few good pixels
                this_order = int(order *
                                 (1 - np.sum(full_mask) / full_mask.size) +
                if this_order == 0 and order > 0:
                    full_mask = np.zeros(x.shape, dtype=bool)
                    if w is not None and not all(w == 0):
                        full_mask |= (w == 0)
                    this_order = int(order *
                                     (1 - np.sum(full_mask) / full_mask.size) +
                    if debug:
                        print("FULL MASK", full_mask)

            xgood = x_to_fit[~full_mask]
            while True:
                if debug:
                    print(f"Iter {iteration}: epsf loop")
                xunique, indices = np.unique(xgood, return_index=True)
                if indices.size == xgood.size:
                    # All unique x values so continue
                if order is None:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Must specify spline order when there are "
                        "duplicate x values")
                for i in range(xgood.size):
                    if i not in indices:
                        xgood[i] *= (1.0 + epsf)

            # Space knots equally based on density of unique x values
            if order is not None:
                # Ensure the spline is constrained: num_points - k is max order
                this_order = min(this_order, xgood.size - k)

                knots = [
                    xunique[int(xx + 0.5)]
                    for xx in np.linspace(0, xunique.size - 1, this_order +
                spline_args = (knots, )
                if debug:
                    print("KNOTS", knots)

            sort_indices = np.argsort(xgood)
            # Create appropriate spline object using current mask
            if order is None or this_order > 0:
                spline = cls_(
                    w=None if w is None else w[~full_mask][sort_indices],
                avg_y = np.average(
                    weights=None if w is None else w[~full_mask])
                spline = lambda xx: avg_y

            spline_y = spline(x)
            masked_residuals = outlier_func(
                np.ma.array(spline_y - y, mask=full_mask), **outlier_kwargs)
            mask = masked_residuals.mask

            if debug:
                print('mask=', mask.astype(int))

            if grow > 0:
                new_mask = mask ^ full_mask
                if new_mask.any():
                    for i in range(1, grow + 1):
                        mask[i:] |= new_mask[:-i]
                        mask[:-i] |= new_mask[i:]
                    if debug:
                        print('mask after growth=', mask.astype(int))

            full_mask = mask

            # Check if the mask is unchanged
            if not np.logical_or.reduce(last_mask ^ full_mask):
                if debug:
                    print(f"Iter {iteration}: Breaking")
            if debug:
                print(f"Iter {iteration}: Starting new iteration")
            iteration += 1

        # Create a standard BSpline object
            bspline = BSpline(*spline._eval_args)
        except AttributeError:
            # Create a spline object that's just a constant
            bspline = BSpline(np.r_[(x[0], ) * 4, (x[-1], ) * 4],
                              np.r_[(spline(0), ) * 4, (0., ) * 4], 3)
        # Attach the mask and model (may be useful)
        bspline.mask = full_mask
        bspline.data = spline_y
        return bspline