def deriv_bspline3D(order, parameter, u, course, k): xd = BSpline(u, course.x, k) yd = BSpline(u, course.y, k) zd = BSpline(u, course.z, k) deriv_xd = xd.derivative(order) deriv_yd = yd.derivative(order) deriv_zd = zd.derivative(order) deriv_bspline_x = deriv_xd(parameter) deriv_bspline_y = deriv_yd(parameter) deriv_bspline_z = deriv_zd(parameter) deriv_bspline_course = CourseClass(deriv_bspline_x, deriv_bspline_y, deriv_bspline_z) return deriv_bspline_course
def Q_complexity(glmv): #take log of V and S v = [math.log(i[0]) for i in glmv] s = [math.log(i[1]) for i in glmv] #find limits for integral Smax = max(s) Smin = min(s) #reverse to increasing order for Bspline() v.reverse() s.reverse() #convert to arrays for splrep x = np.array(s) y = np.array(v) #find vector knots for Bspline t, c, k = interpolate.splrep(x=x, y=y, s= 0, k=4) spl = BSpline(t, c, k) dvds = BSpline.derivative(spl) integral = quad(lambda s: ramp(1-(0.25*dvds(s)**2)), Smin, Smax) Q = (1/(Smax-Smin))*integral[0] #eq5 return Q
def buildDerivativeBSpline(self, u, k, order): xd = BSpline(u, self.course.x, k) yd = BSpline(u, self.course.y, k) zd = BSpline(u, self.course.z, k) deriv_xd = xd.derivative(order) deriv_yd = yd.derivative(order) deriv_zd = zd.derivative(order) deriv_bspline_course = CourseClass() parameter = np.linspace(0, 1, self.n_waypoints) deriv_bspline_course.x = deriv_xd(parameter) deriv_bspline_course.y = deriv_yd(parameter) deriv_bspline_course.z = deriv_zd(parameter) return deriv_bspline_course
def create_spline_basis( x, knot_list=None, num_knots=None, degree: int = 3, add_intercept=True ): """ Creates a spline basis functions. :param x: array of size num time steps :param knot_list: indices of knots :param num_knots: number of knots :param degree: degree of the spline function :param add_intercept: appends an additional column of ones, defaults to False :return: list of knots, basis functions :rtype: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] """ assert ((knot_list is None) and (num_knots is not None)) or ( (knot_list is not None) and (num_knots is None) ), "Define knot_list OR num_knot" if knot_list is None: knot_list = np.quantile(x, q=np.linspace(0, 1, num=num_knots)) else: num_knots = len(knot_list) knots = np.pad(knot_list, (degree, degree), mode="edge") B0 = BSpline(knots, np.identity(num_knots + 2), k=degree) # B0 = BSpline(knot_list, np.identity(num_knots), k=degree) B = B0(x) Bdiff = B0.derivative()(x) if add_intercept: B = np.hstack([np.ones(B.shape[0]).reshape(-1, 1), B]) Bdiff = np.hstack([np.zeros(B.shape[0]).reshape(-1, 1), Bdiff]) return knot_list, np.stack([B, Bdiff])
def get_spline_basis(self): self.knots = np.pad(self.knot_list, (,, mode="edge") B0 = BSpline(self.knots, np.identity(len(self.knots)), self.B_pad = B0(self.t) self.B = self.B_pad[self.padding : -self.padding] if > 0: self.B_diff = B0.derivative()(self.t)[self.padding : -self.padding] else: self.B_diff = np.zeros(self.B.shape)[self.padding : -self.padding]
def deriv_bspline_position(order, position, parameter, u, course, k): xd = BSpline(u, course.x, k) yd = BSpline(u, course.y, k) zd = BSpline(u, course.z, k) deriv_xd = xd.derivative(order) deriv_yd = yd.derivative(order) deriv_zd = zd.derivative(order) deriv_parameter = [] for i in range(0, len(position)): deriv_parameter.append(parameter[position[i]]) deriv_bspline_x = deriv_xd(deriv_parameter) deriv_bspline_y = deriv_yd(deriv_parameter) deriv_bspline_z = deriv_zd(deriv_parameter) deriv_bspline_course = CourseClass(deriv_bspline_x, deriv_bspline_y, deriv_bspline_z) return deriv_bspline_course
def B(order, knots, number, space, deriv): c = zeros(len(knots)) c[number - 1] = 1 Bspl = BSpline(knots, c, order - 1, extrapolate=False) if deriv == 0: rBspl = Bspl(space) else: Bspl = Bspl.derivative(deriv) rBspl = Bspl(space) nanIdx = isnan(rBspl) rBspl[nanIdx] = 0 return rBspl
def create_spline_basis(x, knot_list=None, num_knots=None, degree=3, add_intercept=True): assert ((knot_list is None) and (num_knots is not None)) or ( (knot_list is not None) and (num_knots is None)), "Define knot_list OR num_knot" if knot_list is None: knot_list = jnp.quantile(x, q=jnp.linspace(0, 1, num=num_knots)) else: num_knots = len(knot_list) knots = jnp.pad(knot_list, (degree, degree), mode="edge") B0 = BSpline(knots, jnp.identity(num_knots + 2), k=degree) B = B0(x) Bdiff = B0.derivative()(x) if add_intercept: B = jnp.hstack([jnp.ones(B.shape[0]).reshape(-1, 1), B]) Bdiff = jnp.hstack([jnp.zeros(B.shape[0]).reshape(-1, 1), Bdiff]) return knot_list, B, Bdiff
def torsion( x: np.ndarray, t: np.ndarray, c: np.ndarray, k: np.integer, aux_outputs: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: r"""Compute the torsion of a B-Spline. The torsion measures the failure of a curve, `r(u)`, to be planar. If the curvature `k` of a curve is not zero, then the torsion is defined as .. math:: \tau = -n \cdot b', where `n` is the principal normal vector, and `b'` the derivative w.r.t. the arc length `s` of the binormal vector. The torsion can also be computed as .. math:: \tau = \lvert r'(t), r''(t), r'''(t) \rvert / \lVert r'(t) \times r''(t) \rVert^2, where `r(u)` is the position vector as a function of time. Arguments: x: A `1xL` array of parameter values where to evaluate the curve. It contains the parameter values where the torsion of the B-Spline will be evaluated. It is required to be non-empty, one-dimensional, and real-valued. t: A `1xm` array representing the knots of the B-spline. It is required to be a non-empty, non-decreasing, and one-dimensional sequence of real-valued elements. For a B-Spline of degree `k`, at least `2k + 1` knots are required. c: A `dxn` array representing the coefficients/control points of the B-spline. Given `n` real-valued, `d`-dimensional points ::math::`x_k = (x_k(1),...,x_k(d))`, `c` is the non-empty matrix which columns are ::math::`x_1^T,...,x_N^T`. For a B-Spline of order `k`, `n` cannot be less than `m-k-1`. k: A non-negative integer representing the degree of the B-spline. Returns: torsion: A `1xL` array containing the torsion of the B-Spline evaluated at `x` References: .. [1] Máté Attila, The Frenet–Serret formulas. """ # convert arguments to desired type x = np.ascontiguousarray(x) t = np.ascontiguousarray(t) c = np.ascontiguousarray(c) k = operator.index(k) if k < 0: raise ValueError("The order of the spline must be non-negative") check_type(t, np.ndarray) t_dim = t.ndim if t_dim != 1: raise ValueError("t must be one-dimensional") if len(t) == 0: raise ValueError("t must be non-empty") check_iterable_type(t, (np.integer, np.float)) if (np.diff(t) < 0).any(): raise ValueError("t must be a non-decreasing sequence") check_type(c, np.ndarray) c_dim = c.ndim if c_dim > 2: raise ValueError("c must be 2D max") if len(c.flatten()) == 0: raise ValueError("c must be non-empty") if c_dim == 1: check_iterable_type(c, (np.integer, np.float)) # expand dims so that we can cycle through a single dimension c = np.expand_dims(c, axis=0) if c_dim == 2: for d in c: check_iterable_type(d, (np.integer, np.float)) n_dim = len(c) check_type(x, np.ndarray) x_dim = x.ndim if x_dim != 1: raise ValueError("x must be one-dimensional") if len(x) == 0: raise ValueError("x must be non-empty") check_iterable_type(x, (np.integer, np.float)) L = len(x) # evaluate first, second, and third derivatives # deriv, dderiv, ddderiv are (d, L) arrays deriv = np.empty((n_dim, L)) dderiv = np.empty((n_dim, L)) ddderiv = np.empty((n_dim, L)) for i, dim in enumerate(c): spl = BSpline(t, dim, k) deriv[i, :] = spl.derivative(nu=1)(x) if k - 1 >= 0 else np.zeros(L) dderiv[i, :] = spl.derivative(nu=2)(x) if k - 2 >= 0 else np.zeros(L) ddderiv[i, :] = spl.derivative(nu=3)(x) if k - 3 >= 0 else np.zeros(L) # transpose derivs deriv = deriv.T dderiv = dderiv.T ddderiv = ddderiv.T cross = np.cross(deriv, dderiv) # Could be more efficient by only computing dot products of corresponding rows num = np.diag((cross @ ddderiv.T)) denom = np.linalg.norm(cross, axis=1)**2 torsion = np.nan_to_num(num / denom) if aux_outputs == True: return torsion, deriv, dderiv, ddderiv else: return torsion
def speed( x: np.ndarray, t: np.ndarray, c: np.ndarray, k: np.integer, aux_outputs: bool = False, ) -> np.ndarray: r"""Compute the speed of a B-Spline. The speed is the norm of the first derivative of the B-Spline. Arguments: x: A `1xL` array of parameter values where to evaluate the curve. It contains the parameter values where the speed of the B-Spline will be evaluated. It is required to be non-empty, one-dimensional, and real-valued. t: A `1xm` array representing the knots of the B-spline. It is required to be a non-empty, non-decreasing, and one-dimensional sequence of real-valued elements. For a B-Spline of degree `k`, at least `2k + 1` knots are required. c: A `dxn` array representing the coefficients/control points of the B-spline. Given `n` real-valued, `d`-dimensional points ::math::`x_k = (x_k(1),...,x_k(d))`, `c` is the non-empty matrix which columns are ::math::`x_1^T,...,x_N^T`. For a B-Spline of order `k`, `n` cannot be less than `m-k-1`. k: A non-negative integer representing the degree of the B-spline. Returns: speed: A `1xL` array containing the speed of the B-Spline evaluated at `x` References: .. [1] Kouba, Parametric Equations. """ # convert arguments to desired type x = np.ascontiguousarray(x) t = np.ascontiguousarray(t) c = np.ascontiguousarray(c) k = operator.index(k) if k < 0: raise ValueError("The order of the spline must be non-negative") check_type(t, np.ndarray) t_dim = t.ndim if t_dim != 1: raise ValueError("t must be one-dimensional") if len(t) == 0: raise ValueError("t must be non-empty") check_iterable_type(t, (np.integer, np.float)) if (np.diff(t) < 0).any(): raise ValueError("t must be a non-decreasing sequence") check_type(c, np.ndarray) c_dim = c.ndim if c_dim > 2: raise ValueError("c must be 2D max") if len(c.flatten()) == 0: raise ValueError("c must be non-empty") if c_dim == 1: check_iterable_type(c, (np.integer, np.float)) # expand dims so that we can cycle through a single dimension c = np.expand_dims(c, axis=0) if c_dim == 2: for d in c: check_iterable_type(d, (np.integer, np.float)) n_dim = len(c) check_type(x, np.ndarray) x_dim = x.ndim if x_dim != 1: raise ValueError("x must be one-dimensional") if len(x) == 0: raise ValueError("x must be non-empty") check_iterable_type(x, (np.integer, np.float)) L = len(x) # evaluate first and second derivatives # deriv, dderiv are (d, L) arrays deriv = np.empty((n_dim, L)) for i, dim in enumerate(c): spl = BSpline(t, dim, k) deriv[i, :] = spl.derivative(nu=1)(x) if k - 1 >= 0 else np.zeros(L) # tranpose deriv deriv = deriv.T speed = np.linalg.norm(deriv, axis=1) if aux_outputs == False: return speed else: return speed, deriv
class SmoothingSpline(object): """ Main cubic smoothing spline class. """ def __init__(self, x, y, lam=10., max_knots=250, order=3): """ Initialize and fit the cubic smoothing spline, using the Bspline basis from scipy. x: A numpy array of univariate independent variables. y: A numpy array of univariate response variables. lam: smoothing parameter max_knots: max number of knots (i.e. max number of spline basis functions).""" ## Start by storing the data assert len(x) == len( y ), "Independent and response variable vectors must have the same length." self.x = x self.y = y self.order = 3 self.lam = lam ## Then compute the knots, refactoring to evenly ## spaced knots if the number of unique values is too ## large. self.knots = np.sort(np.unique(self.x)) if len(self.knots) > max_knots: self.knots = np.linspace(self.knots[0], self.knots[-1], max_knots) ## Construct the spline basis given the knots self._aug_knots = np.hstack([ self.knots[0] * np.ones((order, )), self.knots, self.knots[-1] * np.ones((order, )) ]) self.splines = [ BSpline(self._aug_knots, coeffs, order) for coeffs in np.eye(len(self.knots) + order - 1) ] ## Finally, with the basis functions, we can fit the ## smoother. self._fit() def _fit(self): """ Subroutine for fitting, called by init. """ ## Start the fit procedure by constructing the matrix B B = np.array([sp(self.x) for sp in self.splines]).T ## Then, construct the penalty matrix by first computing second derivatives ## on the knots and then approximating the integral of second derivative products ## with the trapezoid rule. d2B = np.array([sp.derivative(2)(self.knots) for sp in self.splines]) weights = np.ones(self.knots.shape) weights[1:-1] = 2. Omega =,, d2B.T)) ## Finally, invert the matrices to construct values of interest. self.ridge_op = np.linalg.inv(, B) + self.lam * Omega) ## From there, we can compute the coefficient matrix H and the ## S matrix (i.e. the hat matrix). H =, B.T) self.S =, H) self.edof = np.trace(self.S) self.gamma =, self.y) ## Finally, construct the smoothing spline self.smoother = BSpline(self._aug_knots, self.gamma, self.order) ## And compute the covariance matrix of the coefficients y_hat = self.smoother(self.x) self.rss = np.sum((self.y - y_hat)**2) self.var = self.rss / (len(self.y) - self.edof) self.cov = self.var * self.ridge_op return def __call__(self, x, cov=False): """ Evaluate it """ ## if you want the covariance matrix if cov: ## Set up the matrix of splines evaluations and similarity transform the ## covariance in the coefficients F = np.array([BSpline(self._aug_knots, g, self.order)(x) \ for g in np.eye(len(self.knots) + self.order - 1)]).T covariance_matrix =,, F.T)) ## Evaluate the mean using the point estimate ## of the coefficients point_estimate =, self.gamma) return point_estimate, covariance_matrix else: return self.smoother(x) def derivative(self, x, degree=1): """ Evaluate the derivative of degree = degree. """ return self.smoother.derivative(degree)(x) def correlation_time(self): """ Use the inferred covariance matrix to compute and estimate of the correlation time by approximating the width of correlation for a central knot with it's neighbors. """ ## Select a central knot i_mid = int(len(self.knots) / 2) ## Compute a normalized distribution distribution = np.abs(self.cov[i_mid][1:-1]) distribution = distribution / trapz(distribution, x=self.knots) ## Compute the mean and variance avg = self.knots[i_mid - 1] var = trapz(distribution * (self.knots**2), x=self.knots) - avg**2 return np.sqrt(var)
class TrajectoryGenerator: def __init__(self): pass def create_sin_traj(self, period, amplitude, phase, offset): self.type = "sinusoid" self.period = period self.amplitude = amplitude self.phase = phase self.offset = offset def create_bspline_traj(self, degree, knots, coeffs): self.type = "bspline" self.knots = knots self.x_spline = BSpline(knots, coeffs[0, :], degree) self.z_spline = BSpline(knots, coeffs[1, :], degree) self.x_derivs = [] self.z_derivs = [] for i in range(3): self.x_derivs.append(self.x_spline.derivative(i + 1)) self.z_derivs.append(self.z_spline.derivative(i + 1)) def get_state(self, t): if self.type == "sinusoid": p = self.amplitude * np.sin(2.0 * np.pi / self.period * t + self.phase) + self.offset p_dot = self.amplitude * (2.0 * np.pi / self.period) * np.cos( 2.0 * np.pi / self.period * t + self.phase) p_ddot = -self.amplitude * (2.0 * np.pi / self.period)**2 * np.sin( 2.0 * np.pi / self.period * t + self.phase) p_dddot = -self.amplitude * ( 2.0 * np.pi / self.period )**3 * np.cos(2.0 * np.pi / self.period * t + self.phase) vx = p_dot.item(0) vy = p_dot.item(1) ax = p_ddot.item(0) ay = p_ddot.item(1) psi = np.arctan2(vy, vx) psi_dot = (vx * ay + vy * ax) / (vx**2 + vy**2) # psi = 10.*t # psi_dot = 10.0 return DesiredState(p, p_dot, p_ddot, p_dddot, psi, psi_dot) elif self.type == "bspline": if t > self.knots[-1]: # p = np.array([[self.x_spline(self.knots[-1]).item(0), 0.0, self.z_spline(self.knots[-1]).item(0)]]).T p = np.array([[ 0.0, self.x_spline(self.knots[-1]).item(0), self.z_spline(self.knots[-1]).item(0) ]]).T derivs = [] for i in range(3): derivs.append(np.zeros((3, 1))) else: # p = np.array([[self.x_spline(t).item(0), 0.0, self.z_spline(t).item(0)]]).T p = np.array( [[0.0, self.x_spline(t).item(0), self.z_spline(t).item(0)]]).T derivs = [] for i in range(3): # derivs.append(np.array([[self.x_derivs[i](t).item(0), 0.0, self.z_derivs[i](t).item(0)]]).T) derivs.append( np.array([[ 0.0, self.x_derivs[i](t).item(0), self.z_derivs[i](t).item(0) ]]).T) vx = derivs[0].item(0) vy = derivs[0].item(1) ax = derivs[1].item(0) ay = derivs[1].item(1) # psi = np.arctan2(vy, vx) # if (vx**2 + vy**2) == 0: # psi_dot = 0.0 # else: # psi_dot = (vx*ay + vy*ax)/(vx**2 + vy**2) psi = 0.0 psi_dot = 0.0 return DesiredState(p, derivs[0], derivs[1], derivs[2], psi, psi_dot) def get_plot_points(self): if self.type == "sinusoid": t = np.linspace(0.0, np.max(self.period), 1000) return self.amplitude * np.sin(2.0 * np.pi / self.period * t + self.phase) + self.offset elif self.type == "bspline": t = np.linspace(self.knots[0], self.knots[-1], 1000) plt.subplot(421) plt.title("x") plt.plot(t, self.x_spline(t)) plt.subplot(422) plt.title("z") plt.plot(t, self.z_spline(t)) plt.subplot(423) plt.title("x1") plt.plot(t, self.x_derivs[0](t)) plt.subplot(424) plt.title("z1") plt.plot(t, self.z_derivs[0](t)) plt.subplot(425) plt.title("x2") plt.plot(t, self.x_derivs[1](t)) plt.subplot(426) plt.title("z2") plt.plot(t, self.z_derivs[1](t)) plt.subplot(427) plt.title("x3") plt.plot(t, self.x_derivs[2](t)) plt.subplot(428) plt.title("z3") plt.plot(t, self.z_derivs[2](t)) input() return np.vstack( [np.zeros(t.shape), self.x_spline(t), self.z_spline(t)])
class bspline: def __init__(self, ctrl_pts): x = ctrl_pts[:, 0] y = ctrl_pts[:, 1] self.n_c = len(x) self.t = range(-ORDER, ORDER + self.n_c + 1) self.t_max = self.n_c self.t_min = 0 self.c = np.array([x, y]) self.update() def update(self): self.basis = [] x = np.append(self.c[0], self.c[0, 0:ORDER]) y = np.append(self.c[1], self.c[1, 0:ORDER]) self.c_periodic = np.array([x, y]) self.n_c_periodic = len(x) for i in range(self.n_c_periodic): self.basis.append( BSpline.basis_element(self.t[i:i + ORDER + 2], False)) self.bsplx = BSpline(self.t, x, ORDER, False) self.bsply = BSpline(self.t, y, ORDER, False) self.derx1 = self.bsplx.derivative(1) self.dery1 = self.bsply.derivative(1) self.derx2 = self.bsplx.derivative(2) self.dery2 = self.bsply.derivative(2) # Sample some values self.sample_nb = NB_POINTS_BSPL self.sample_t = np.linspace(self.t_min, self.t_max, self.sample_nb, endpoint=True) self.sample_values = np.zeros((self.sample_nb, 2)) for i in range(self.sample_nb): self.sample_values[i] = self.estimate(self.sample_t[i]) #self.plot_curve(True) def estimate_with_basis(self, tk): tk = self.modulo_tk(tk) b = self.get_basis(tk) pt = np.array([0.0, 0.0]) for i in range(self.n_c_periodic): pt[0] += b[i] * self.c_periodic[0][i] pt[1] += b[i] * self.c_periodic[1][i] return pt def get_basis(self, tk): tk = self.modulo_tk(tk) b_term = np.zeros(self.n_c_periodic) for i in range(self.n_c_periodic): tmp = self.basis[i](tk) if not np.isnan(tmp): b_term[i] = tmp return b_term def modulo_tk(self, tk): return (tk - self.t_min) % (self.t_max - self.t_min) + self.t_min def estimate(self, tk): tk = self.modulo_tk(tk) return np.array([self.bsplx(tk), self.bsply(tk)]) def derivative1(self, tk): tk = self.modulo_tk(tk) return np.array([self.derx1(tk), self.dery1(tk)]) def derivative2(self, tk): tk = self.modulo_tk(tk) return np.array([self.derx2(tk), self.dery2(tk)]) def plot_curve(self, plot_ctrl_pts=False): plt.figure(utility.figMerge) u = np.linspace(self.t_min, self.t_max, self.sample_nb) pt = np.zeros((self.sample_nb, 2)) #pt2 = np.zeros((self.sample_nb,2)) for i in range(self.sample_nb): pt[i] = self.estimate(u[i]) #pt2[i] = self.estimate_with_basis(u[i]) plt.plot(pt[:, 0], pt[:, 1], 'b', linewidth=2) #plt.plot(pt2[:,0],pt2[:,1],'.r') if plot_ctrl_pts: plt.plot(np.append(self.c[0, :], self.c[0, 0]), np.append(self.c[1, :], self.c[1, 0]), 'g', linewidth=2)