def b_ink(x, fnca, k): "return t, bcoef" ca = [] for fnc in fnca: t = [None]*len(x) for n in range(len(x)): cf = np.empty_like(fnc) s = list(fnc.shape) s[n] = 1 xx = x[n] xxe = xx[-1] xxe += (xxe-xx[-2]) * 0.1 kk = k[n] start = kk // 2 end = -(kk - start) knots = xx[start:end].copy() if kk % 2: knots[:-1] += knots[1:] knots[-1] += xx[end] knots *= 0.5 for idx in np.ndindex(tuple(s)): idx = list(idx) idx[n] = slice(None) #ss = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(x[n], fnc[idx], bbox=(xx[0],xxe), k=k[n]-1) ss = LSQUnivariateSpline(xx, fnc[idx], knots, bbox=(xx[0],xxe), k=kk-1) cf[idx] = ss.get_coeffs() t[n] = np.pad(knots, kk, 'constant', constant_values=(xx[0],xxe)) fnc = cf ca.append(fnc) return t, ca
def b_ink(x, fnca, k): "return t, bcoef" ca = [] for fnc in fnca: t = [None] * len(x) for n in range(len(x)): cf = np.empty_like(fnc) s = list(fnc.shape) s[n] = 1 xx = x[n] xxe = xx[-1] xxe += (xxe - xx[-2]) * 0.1 kk = k[n] start = kk // 2 end = -(kk - start) knots = xx[start:end].copy() if kk % 2: knots[:-1] += knots[1:] knots[-1] += xx[end] knots *= 0.5 for idx in np.ndindex(tuple(s)): idx = list(idx) idx[n] = slice(None) #ss = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(x[n], fnc[idx], bbox=(xx[0],xxe), k=k[n]-1) ss = LSQUnivariateSpline(xx, fnc[idx], knots, bbox=(xx[0], xxe), k=kk - 1) cf[idx] = ss.get_coeffs() t[n] = np.pad(knots, kk, 'constant', constant_values=(xx[0], xxe)) fnc = cf ca.append(fnc) return t, ca
def resid(self, params, **kwargs): """Residuals Return the residuals Args: params (lmfit.Parameters): see params in self.model Returns: array: model minus data """ flux = self.spec.flux.copy() wav = self.spec.wav model = self.model(params, wav=wav, **kwargs) if self.cont_method == 'spline-fm': model /= self.spline(params, wav) if self.cont_method == 'spline-dd': node_wav, node_flux = get_spline_nodes(params) t = node_wav[1:-1] spl = LSQUnivariateSpline(wav, flux, t, k=3, ext=0) flux /= spl(wav) spl = LSQUnivariateSpline(wav, model, t, k=3, ext=0) model /= spl(wav) res = flux - model return res
def fit(self): self.knotPvals = np.zeros(len(self.knots)) self.interp = LSQUnivariateSpline(self.x, self.y, self.knots, k=1, w=self.weights)
def Smooth(x,y): """return: smoothed funciton s(x) and estimation of sigma of y for one data point""" #define segments to do spline smoothing t=np.linspace(0,len(x),3)[1:-1] sr = LSQUnivariateSpline(x, y.real, t) si = LSQUnivariateSpline(x, y.imag, t) return sr(x)+si(x)*1j, (sr.get_residual()/len(x))**0.5+(si.get_residual()/len(x))**0.5*1j
def spline_coeff(lat, time): time = time[~np.isnan(lat)] time_diff = time[1:]-time[:-1] counter = 0 indeces_remotion = np.array([]) for i in range(0, time_diff.shape[0]): if time_diff[i] > 60: if counter < 5: slack = np.arange(i - counter, i + 1) indeces_remotion = np.append(indeces_remotion, slack) counter = 0 else: counter += 1 time = np.delete(time, indeces_remotion) lat = lat[~np.isnan(lat)] lat = np.delete(lat, indeces_remotion) if lat.shape[0] > 5: save_data = optimal_knots(lat, time) t2 = time[save_data[1:-1]] try2 = LSQUnivariateSpline(time, lat, t2, k=3) spl_coeff = try2.get_coeffs() knots = np.r_[(time[save_data[0]],) * (3 + 1), t2, (time[save_data[-1]-1],) * (3 + 1)] return [spl_coeff, knots] # in this case returns spline coeff and knots else: return ["not enough data", lat] # in this case returns original data
def plot_contour_line(ax, x, y, **kwargs): """Plot smooth curve from points. There is some noise in the contour points from MINUIT, which throws off most interpolation schemes. The LSQUnivariateSpline as used here gives good results. It could probably be simplified, or Bezier curve plotting via matplotlib could also be tried: """ from scipy.interpolate import LSQUnivariateSpline x = np.hstack([x, x, x]) y = np.hstack([y, y, y]) t = np.linspace(-1, 2, len(x), endpoint=False) tp = np.linspace(0, 1, 50) t_knots = np.linspace(t[1], t[-2], 10) xs = LSQUnivariateSpline(t, x, t_knots, k=5)(tp) ys = LSQUnivariateSpline(t, y, t_knots, k=5)(tp) ax.plot(xs, ys, **kwargs)
def calc_coeffs(self): coeff = [] for v, (g, kdata) in enumerate(zip(self.basegrid, self.knot_data)): ranges = [(slice(r[0], r[1], t[0] * 1j) if kd.used() else slice( (r[1] - r[0]) / 2.0, r[1], 1j)) for r, t, kd in zip(self.ranges, g[0], kdata)] fnc = self.calc_grid(ranges, g[1], g[2])[v] for n in range(len(ranges)): kd = self.knot_data[v, n] if not kd.used(): continue s = list(fnc.shape) s[n] = kd.num_coeffs() out = np.empty(s) s[n] = 1 x = np.mgrid[ranges[n]] for i in np.ndindex(tuple(s)): i = list(i) i[n] = slice(None) ss = LSQUnivariateSpline(x, fnc[i], kd.get_knots(), bbox=kd.get_bbox(), k=kd.get_order() - 1) out[i] = ss.get_coeffs() fnc = out coeff.append(fnc) return coeff
def __init__(self, file, knots=[]): self.filename = file with open(file, "r") as f: inData = genfromtxt(f, float, comments='#').T self.rho = inData[0] self.orig_data = inData[1] self.spline = LSQUnivariateSpline(self.rho, self.orig_data, knots, k=5)
def fft_normalize(freq, power, n, bin_sz, cut_peak, knot1, knot2): """ Takes the values of fft at given frequencies and normalizes the power spectrum using a second order spline INPUTS: freq: frequencies where the power of the FFT spectrum has been evaluated power: power of the FFT spectrum evaluated at freq n: Number of points in freq bin_sz: Distance between consecutive frequencies cut_peak: Maximum relative amplitude for a given peak to be used in second and final spline fit knot1: Knot distance for the preliminary second order spline with the peaks on it knot2: Knot distance for the final second order spline where the peaks have been removed OUTPUT: power_rel: The FFT spectrum normalized using a second order spline fit and normalized by its median. """ knot_w = knot1 * n * bin_sz # difference in freqs (cycles/day) between each knot first_knot_i = np.round( knot_w / bin_sz ) #index of the first knot is the first point that is knot_w away from the first value of x last_knot_i = len( freq ) - first_knot_i #index of the last knot is the first point that is knot_w away from the last value of x knots = np.arange(freq[first_knot_i], freq[last_knot_i], knot_w) spline = LSQUnivariateSpline( freq, power, knots, k=2) #the spline, it returns the piecewise function fit = spline(freq) #the actual y values of the fit if np.amin(fit) < 0: fit = np.ones(len(freq)) pre_power_rel = power / fit # second fit -- by deleting the points higher than cut_peak times the average value of power pre_indexes = constraint_index_finder(cut_peak, power) power_fit = np.delete(pre_power_rel, pre_indexes) freq_fit = np.delete(freq, pre_indexes) knot_w1 = knot2 * n * bin_sz first_knot_fit_i = np.round( knot_w1 / bin_sz ) #index of the first knot is the first point that is knot_w away from the first value of x last_knot_fit_i = len( freq_fit ) - first_knot_fit_i #index of the last knot is the first point that is knot_w away from the last value of x knots_fit = np.arange(freq_fit[first_knot_fit_i], freq_fit[last_knot_fit_i], knot_w1) spline = LSQUnivariateSpline( freq_fit, power_fit, knots_fit, k=2) #the spline, it returns the piecewise function fit3 = spline(freq) #the actual y values of the fit applied to freq if np.amin(fit3) < 0: fit3 = np.ones(len(freq)) # relative power power_rel = pre_power_rel / fit3 return power_rel / np.median(power_rel) # so the median of power_rel is 1
def fun_residuals(params, xnor, ynor, w, bbox, k, ext): """Compute fit residuals""" spl = LSQUnivariateSpline(x=xnor, y=ynor, t=[item.value for item in params.values()], w=w, bbox=bbox, k=k, ext=ext, check_finite=False) return spl.get_residual()
def make_smoothed_err_plot(y, y_hat, title, fname, order=3, num_knots=10): sort_idxs = np.argsort(y.flatten()) y_sorted = y.flatten()[sort_idxs] y_hat_sorted = y_hat.flatten()[sort_idxs] sq_errs = (y_sorted - y_hat_sorted)**2 cum_sq_errs = np.cumsum(sq_errs) winrad = 100 avg_errs = np.array([ sq_errs[i - winrad:i + winrad].sum() / (2 * winrad) for i in range(winrad, y.size - winrad) ]) log_avg_errs = np.log10(avg_errs) fig, ax = plt.subplots() x = np.arange(avg_errs.size) ax.plot(x, log_avg_errs, color="red") knots = np.linspace(x.min() + 1, x.max() - 1, num_knots) spline = LSQUnivariateSpline(x, log_avg_errs, k=order, t=knots) log_avg_errs_fit = spline(x) ax.plot(x, log_avg_errs_fit, "b-") plt.title(title) plt.xlabel("Points ordered by true outputs") plt.ylabel("Log_10 of squared error") plt.savefig(fname) plt.close()
def spline_derivatives(landscape, n_bins=100): """ :param landscape: original landscape :param n_bins: number of bins for fitting :return: tuple of (spline fit to A_z, split fit to A_dot, fit to A_ddot """ z = landscape.z A_z = landscape.A_z sort_idx = np.argsort(z) z_sort = z[sort_idx] A_sort = A_z[sort_idx] knots = np.linspace(min(z_sort), max(z_sort), endpoint=True, num=n_bins) spline_A_z = LSQUnivariateSpline(x=z_sort, y=A_sort, k=3, t=knots[1:-1]) A_dot_spline_z = spline_A_z.derivative(1)(z) A_ddot_spline_z = spline_A_z.derivative(2)(z) return spline_A_z, A_dot_spline_z, A_ddot_spline_z
def fit_spline(lc, niter=0, reject_thresh=5.0): '''Fit a smooth spline to the lightcurve. The number of knots is empirically chosen based on examining a few lightcurves of relatively bright quasars. The fit can include iterative rejection, but by default it doesn't. The chi^2 statistic is returned using the spline model for the fluxes. ''' if lc['mjd'][0] < 52000: knots = np.array([52500., 53500., 54000.]) else: knots = np.array([52700., 53500., 54000.]) iternum = 0 ii = np.where(~lc['mask'])[0] while True: knots = knots[(knots > lc['mjd'][ii[0]]) & (knots < lc['mjd'][ii[-1]])] spfit = LSQUnivariateSpline(lc['mjd'][ii], lc['flux'][ii], knots, np.sqrt(lc['ivar'][ii]), k=2) chi2v = (lc['flux'][ii] - spfit(lc['mjd'][ii])) * np.sqrt( lc['ivar'][ii]) if iternum < niter: ii = ii[np.abs(chi2v) < reject_thresh] iternum += 1 else: break chi2 = np.sum(chi2v**2) ndof = len(ii) return dict(spfit=spfit, fitvals=spfit(lc['mjd']), chi2=chi2, ndof=ndof, good=ii)
def _fit_method(self, model, x, y, **kwargs): t = kwargs.pop('t', None) weights = kwargs.pop('weights', None) bbox = kwargs.pop('bbox', [None, None]) if t is not None: if model.user_knots: warnings.warn( "The current user specified knots will be " "overwritten for by knots passed into this function", AstropyUserWarning) else: if model.user_knots: t = model.t_interior else: raise RuntimeError("No knots have been provided") if bbox != [None, None]: model.bounding_box = bbox from scipy.interpolate import LSQUnivariateSpline spline = LSQUnivariateSpline(x, y, t, w=weights, bbox=bbox, model.tck = spline._eval_args return spline
def _spline_filter(x,y,bins=None,num_bins=100,k=3,**kw): """ :param x: to filter, independent variable :param y: to filter :param bins: x values we want to bin at :param num_bins: number of bins to use (only used if bins is None) :param k: degree of spline :param kw: see LSQUnivariateSpline :return: spline object """ min_x, max_x = min(x), max(x) if (bins is None): # fit a spline at the given bins bins = np.linspace(min_x,max_x,endpoint=True,num=num_bins) # determine where the bins are in the range of the data for this landscape good_idx = np.where((bins >= min_x) & (bins <= max_x)) bins_relevant = bins[good_idx] """ exclude the first and last bins, to make sure the Schoenberg-Whitney condition is met for all interior knots (see: """ t = bins_relevant[1:-1] kw = dict(x=x, t=t, k=k, **kw) return LSQUnivariateSpline(y=y, **kw)
def sfit(ptx_eval, ptx, pty, s=1., k=3, t=None): """ Fit a bunch of points and return an evaluation vector """ assert len(ptx) == len(pty) if t is None: return UnivariateSpline(x=ptx, y=pty, s=s, k=k)(ptx_eval) else: return LSQUnivariateSpline(x=ptx, y=pty, t=t, k=k)(ptx_eval)
def iter_spline(time, flux, mask, window_length): masked_flux = flux[mask==1] masked_time = time[mask==1] no_knots = (max(time) - min(time)) / window_length newflux = masked_flux.copy() newtime = masked_time.copy() newtime, newflux = cleaned_array(newtime, newflux) detrended_flux = masked_flux.copy() for i in range(constants.PSPLINES_MAXITER): outliers = 1 - detrended_flux < constants.PSPLINES_STDEV_CUT * np.nanstd(detrended_flux) mask_outliers = newtime, newflux = cleaned_array(newtime[mask_outliers], newflux[mask_outliers]) # knots must not be at the edges, so we take them as [1:-1] if len(newtime) < 5: return np.full(len(time), np.nan) knots = np.linspace(min(newtime), max(newtime), no_knots)[1:-1] try: trend = LSQUnivariateSpline(newtime, newflux, knots) except: return np.full(len(time), np.nan) trend_segment = trend(newtime) detrended_flux = newflux / trend_segment outliers = 1 - detrended_flux > constants.PSPLINES_STDEV_CUT * np.nanstd(detrended_flux) mask_outliers = if len(mask_outliers[0]) == 0: break return trend(time) # Final iteration: apply trend to clipped and masked values
def spline_derivatives(landscape,n_bins=100): """ :param landscape: original landscape :param n_bins: number of bins for fitting :return: tuple of (spline fit to A_z, split fit to A_dot, fit to A_ddot """ z = landscape.z A_z = landscape.A_z sort_idx = np.argsort(z) z_sort = z[sort_idx] A_sort = A_z[sort_idx] knots = np.linspace(min(z_sort),max(z_sort),endpoint=True,num=n_bins) spline_A_z = LSQUnivariateSpline(x=z_sort,y=A_sort,k=3,t=knots[1:-1]) A_dot_spline_z = spline_A_z.derivative(1)(z) A_ddot_spline_z = spline_A_z.derivative(2)(z) return spline_A_z,A_dot_spline_z,A_ddot_spline_z
def get_order_trace_old(s): x = np.arange(len(s)) s = np.array(s) mm = s > max(s) * 0.05 dd1, dd2 = np.nonzero(mm)[0][[0, -1]] # mask out absorption feature smooth_size = 20 s0 = ni.median_filter(s, 40) s_s0 = s - s0 s_s0_std = s_s0[np.abs(s_s0) < 2. * s_s0.std()].std() mmm = s_s0 > -3. * s_s0_std s1 = ni.gaussian_filter1d(s0[dd1:dd2], smooth_size, order=1) #x1 = x[dd1:dd2] s1r = s1 s1_std = s1r.std() s1_std = s1r[np.abs(s1r) < 2. * s1_std].std() s1r[np.abs(s1r) < 2. * s1_std] = np.nan if np.any(np.isfinite(s1r[:1024])): i1 = np.nanargmax(s1r[:1024]) i1r = np.where(~np.isfinite(s1r[:1024][i1:]))[0][0] i1 = dd1 + i1 + i1r #+smooth_size else: i1 = dd1 if np.any(np.isfinite(s1r[1024:])): i2 = np.nanargmin(s1r[1024:]) i2r = np.where(~np.isfinite(s1r[1024:][:i2]))[0][-1] i2 = dd1 + 1024 + i2r else: i2 = dd2 if 0: p_init = models.Chebyshev1D(degree=6, window=[0, 2047]) fit_p = fitting.LinearLSQFitter() p = fit_p(p_init, x[i1:i2][mmm[i1:i2]], s[i1:i2][mmm[i1:i2]]) if 1: # t= np.linspace(x[i1]+10, x[i2-1]-10, 10) # p = LSQUnivariateSpline(x[i1:i2], # s[i1:i2], # t, bbox=[0, 2047]) # t= np.concatenate([[x[1],x[i1-5],x[i1],x[i1+5]], # np.linspace(x[i1]+10, x[i2-1]-10, 10), # [x[i2-5], x[i2], x[i2+5],x[-2]]]) t = np.concatenate([[x[1], x[i1]], np.linspace(x[i1] + 10, x[i2 - 1] - 10, 10), [x[i2], x[-2]]]) p = LSQUnivariateSpline(x, s0, t, bbox=[0, 2047]) return p
def __init__(self,t,x,knot_spacing=1/30,fit_type='LSQ',**kwargs): """ Simple extension of UnivariateSpline to handle multidimensional data. Params: ------- t (ndarray) x (ndarray) If 2d, then (n_samples,n_dim). **kwargs """ assert x.ndim==2 self.splines = [] self.knot_spacing = knot_spacing if fit_type=='LSQ': for i in xrange(x.shape[1]): self.splines.append(LSQUnivariateSpline(t,x[:,i], np.linspace(t[1],t[-2],int(np.floor(t[-2]-t[1])/knot_spacing)), **kwargs)) elif fit_type=='Uni': for i in xrange(x.shape[1]): self.splines.append(UnivariateSpline(t,x[:,i],**kwargs)) else: raise NotImplementedError
def spline_through_data(x, y, k=2, grace_intv=1000., smoothing_factor=0.001, downsample=10, fixed_control_points=None): """Pass a spline through the data Examples -------- >>> x = np.arange(1000) >>> y = np.random.normal(x * 0.1, 0.01) >>> fun = spline_through_data(x, y, grace_intv=10.) >>> np.std(y - fun(x)) < 0.01 True """ lo_lim, hi_lim = x[0], x[-1] control_points = \ np.linspace(lo_lim + 2 * grace_intv, hi_lim - 2 * grace_intv, x.size // downsample) if fixed_control_points is not None and len(fixed_control_points) > 0: print(f'Adding control points: {fixed_control_points}') control_points = np.sort( np.concatenate((control_points, fixed_control_points))) detrend_fun = LSQUnivariateSpline(x, y, t=control_points, k=k, bbox=[lo_lim, hi_lim]) return detrend_fun
def detrend_bin_lightcurve(self,value=3*720+1): """ pad the array by 720 bins in each direction I might need to have multiple layer of detrending """ time_bin = np.arange(self.data_pts+2*value)-value signal_bin = np.concatenate([np.ones(value)*self.signal_bin[0], self.signal_bin, np.ones(value)*self.signal_bin[-1]]) tarray = (np.arange(int(len(time_bin)/value))+1)*value+time_bin[0] tarray = tarray[:-1] # the last know is usually too small and freaks out exclude = 90 lower_threshold = np.percentile(signal_bin,50-exclude/2.) upper_threshold = np.percentile(signal_bin,50+exclude/2.) truncated = signal_bin.copy() truncated[(signal_bin > upper_threshold)] = upper_threshold truncated[(signal_bin < lower_threshold)] = lower_threshold sp = LSQUnivariateSpline(time_bin, truncated,t=tarray) #sp.set_smoothing_factor(10) self.lc_filter = sp(time_bin)[value:-value] self.signal_bin_detrended = self.signal_bin-self.lc_filter+self.Normalization self.signal_bin_cleaned = self.signal_cleaned-self.lc_filter+self.Normalization
def robust_poly(x,y,polyord,sigreject=3.0,iteration=3,useSpline=False,knots=None): finitep = np.isfinite(y) & np.isfinite(x) goodp = finitep ## Start with the finite points for iter in range(iteration): if np.sum(goodp) < polyord: warntext = "Less than "+str(polyord)+"points accepted, returning flat line" warnings.warn(warntext) coeff = np.zeros(polyord) coeff[0] = 1.0 else: if useSpline == True: if knots is None: spl = UnivariateSpline(x[goodp], y[goodp], k=polyord, s=sSpline) else: spl = LSQUnivariateSpline(x[goodp], y[goodp], knots, k=polyord) ymod = spl(x) else: coeff = np.polyfit(x[goodp],y[goodp],polyord) yPoly = np.poly1d(coeff) ymod = yPoly(x) resid = np.abs(ymod - y) madev = np.nanmedian(np.abs(resid - np.nanmedian(resid))) goodp = (np.abs(resid) < (sigreject * madev)) if useSpline == True: return spl else: return coeff
def IRLSSpline(time, flux, error, Q=400.0, ksep=0.07, numpass=5, order=3): ''' IRLS = Iterative Re-weight Least Squares Parameters ---------- time flux error Q ksep numpass order Returns ------- ''' weight = 1. / (error**2.0) knots = np.arange(min(time) + ksep, max(time) - ksep, ksep) for k in range(numpass): spl = LSQUnivariateSpline(time, flux, knots, w=weight, k=order) # spl = UnivariateSpline(time, flux, w=weight, k=order, s=1) chisq = ((flux - spl(time))**2.) / (error**2.0) weight = Q / ((error**2.0) * (chisq + Q)) return spl(time)
def fit(x, y, errors=None): # Sort ind = np.argsort(x) x = x[ind] y = y[ind] # Fill in errors if errors is None: errors = errorEstimate(x, y) # print(np.vstack((x,y,errors)).T) # We learn a global multiplicative factor on top of the errors # using cross-validation. This lets us set the cutoff to the most # computationally efficient value and removes a degree of freedom. cutoff = np.log(0.5) alphas = 10**np.linspace(-3., 3., num=21, endpoint=True) best = [1e100, alphas[len(alphas) // 2]] for a in alphas: # sub-sample for cross-validation inds = np.random.choice(len(x), size=len(x) // 5, replace=False) xS = x[inds] yS = y[inds] errorsA = a * errors[inds] inds = np.argsort(xS) xS = xS[inds] yS = yS[inds] errorsA = errorsA[inds] knots, knotLocs = rawFit(xS, yS, errorsA) interp = LSQUnivariateSpline(xS, yS, knotLocs, k=1, w=1 / errorsA**2) resid = np.sum((interp(x) - y)**2) # print(best,a,resid) if resid < best[0]: best[0] = resid best[1] = a knots, knotLocs = rawFit(x, y, errors * best[1]) interp = LSQUnivariateSpline(x, y, knotLocs, k=1, w=1 / errors**2) print('Final Answer:', len(knots)) return interp(x), (x, y, knots, knotLocs, best), range(len(x)), interp
def detrend_bin_lightcurve(self,value=3*48+1): #front,back = self.sector_seperator front = int((self.time_bin[-1]-self.time_bin[0])/2) back = front print(front) # detrend first orbit orbit1_time_bin = np.arange(front+2*value)-value orbit1_signal_bin = self.signal_bin[:front] signal_bin = np.concatenate([np.ones(value)*orbit1_signal_bin[0], orbit1_signal_bin, np.ones(value)*orbit1_signal_bin[-1]]) tarray = (np.arange(int(len(orbit1_time_bin)/value))+1)*value+orbit1_time_bin[0] tarray = tarray[:-1] # the last knot is usually too small and freaks out so remove lower_threshold = np.percentile(signal_bin,5) upper_threshold = np.percentile(signal_bin,95) truncated = signal_bin.copy() truncated[(signal_bin > upper_threshold)] = upper_threshold truncated[(signal_bin < lower_threshold)] = lower_threshold sp = LSQUnivariateSpline(orbit1_time_bin, truncated,t=tarray) lc_filter1 = sp(orbit1_time_bin)[value:-value] # detrend second orbit orbit2_time_bin = np.arange((self.data_pts-back)+2*value)-value orbit2_signal_bin = self.signal_bin[back:] signal_bin = np.concatenate([np.ones(value)*orbit2_signal_bin[0], orbit2_signal_bin, np.ones(value)*orbit2_signal_bin[-1]]) tarray = (np.arange(int(len(orbit2_time_bin)/value))+1)*value+orbit2_time_bin[0] tarray = tarray[:-1] # the last knot is usually too small and freaks out so remove lower_threshold = np.percentile(signal_bin,5) upper_threshold = np.percentile(signal_bin,95) truncated = signal_bin.copy() truncated[(signal_bin > upper_threshold)] = upper_threshold truncated[(signal_bin < lower_threshold)] = lower_threshold sp = LSQUnivariateSpline(orbit2_time_bin, truncated,t=tarray) lc_filter2 = sp(orbit2_time_bin)[value:-value] self.lc_filter = np.concatenate([lc_filter1,np.zeros(back-front),lc_filter2]) self.signal_bin_detrended = self.signal_bin-self.lc_filter+self.Normalization self.signal_bin_cleaned = self.signal_cleaned-self.lc_filter+self.Normalization
class dataSmoother: def __init__(self, file, knots=[]): self.filename = file with open(file, "r") as f: inData = genfromtxt(f, float, comments='#').T self.rho = inData[0] self.orig_data = inData[1] self.spline = LSQUnivariateSpline(self.rho, self.orig_data, knots, k=5) def plot_orig(self): fig = self._plot_base() fig.scatter(self.rho, self.orig_data, color='red') return fig def plot(self): fig = self._plot_base() fig.scatter(self.rho, self.orig_data, color='red') fig.plot(self.rho, self.spline(self.rho), color='black') fig.scatter(self.rho, self.spline(self.rho), color='green', marker="x") fig.legend(["Spline", "Original", "Cleaned"]) return fig def save(self): answer = "" while answer not in ["y", "n"]: answer = input("OK to continue [Y/N]? ").lower() print("Backing up old file") os.rename(self.filename, self.filename + '.bak') contents = np.array([self.rho, self.spline(self.rho)]).T savetxt(self.filename + "_clean", contents, delimiter=' ') def get_spline(self): return self.spline def set_knots(self, knots): self.spline = LSQUnivariateSpline(self.rho, self.orig_data, knots, k=5) print("knots set") def _plot_base(self): plot = plt.figure() fig = plot.add_subplot(111) fig.set_xlabel(r'$\rho', fontsize=30) fig.set_ylabel(r'Data', fontsize=30) plt.xticks(fontsize=20) plt.yticks(fontsize=20) return fig def plot_derivative(self): fig = self._plot_base() fig.scatter(self.rho, self.spline.derivative()(self.rho), color="blue") return fig
def spline_fit(q, G0, k=3, knots=None,num=None): if num is None: num = min(150,q.size//(k)-1) if (knots is None): step = q.size//num assert step > 0 and step knots = q[1:-1:step] spline_G0 = LSQUnivariateSpline(x=q, y=G0,t=knots, k=k) return spline_G0
def IRLSSpline(time, flux, error, Q=400.0, ksep=0.07, numpass=5, order=3, debug=False): ''' IRLS = Iterative Re-weight Least Squares Parameters ---------- time flux error Q ksep numpass order Returns ------- ''' weight = 1. / (error**2.0) knots = np.arange(np.nanmin(time) + ksep, np.nanmax(time) - ksep, ksep) if debug is True: print('IRLSSpline: knots: ', np.shape(knots)) print('IRLSSpline: time: ', np.shape(time), np.nanmin(time), time[0], np.nanmax(time), time[-1]) print('IRLSSpline: <weight> = ', np.mean(weight)) print(np.where((time[1:] - time[:-1] < 0))[0]) print(flux) # plt.figure() # plt.errorbar(time, flux, error) # plt.scatter(knots, knots*0. + np.median(flux)) # for k in range(numpass): spl = LSQUnivariateSpline(time, flux, knots, k=order, check_finite=True, w=weight) # spl = UnivariateSpline(time, flux, w=weight, k=order, s=1) chisq = ((flux - spl(time))**2.) / (error**2.0) weight = Q / ((error**2.0) * (chisq + Q)) return spl(time)
def update_normal_vector(self): """ update the constraint by approximating the loglikelihood hypersurface as a spline in each dimension. This is an approximation which improves as the algorithm proceeds """ n = self.ensemble[0].dimension tracers_array = np.zeros((len(self.ensemble), n)) for i, samp in enumerate(self.ensemble): tracers_array[i, :] = samp.values V_vals = np.atleast_1d([p.logL for p in self.ensemble]) self.normal = [] for i, x in enumerate(tracers_array.T): # sort the values # self.normal.append(lambda x: -x) idx = x.argsort() xs = x[idx] Vs = V_vals[idx] # remove potential duplicate entries xs, ids = np.unique(xs, return_index=True) Vs = Vs[ids] # pick only finite values idx = np.isfinite(Vs) Vs = Vs[idx] xs = xs[idx] # filter to within the 90% range of the Pvals Vl, Vh = np.percentile(Vs, [5, 95]) (idx, ) = np.where(np.logical_and(Vs > Vl, Vs < Vh)) Vs = Vs[idx] xs = xs[idx] # Pick knots for this parameters: Choose 5 knots between # the 1st and 99th percentiles (heuristic tuning WDP) knots = np.percentile(xs, np.linspace(1, 99, 5)) # Guesstimate the length scale for numerical derivatives dimwidth = knots[-1] - knots[0] delta = 0.1 * dimwidth / len(idx) # Apply a Savtzky-Golay filter to the likelihoods (low-pass filter) window_length = len( idx) // 2 + 1 # Window for Savtzky-Golay filter if window_length % 2 == 0: window_length += 1 f = savgol_filter( Vs, window_length, 5, # Order of polynominal filter deriv=1, # Take first derivative delta=delta, # delta for numerical deriv mode='mirror' # Reflective boundary conds. ) # construct a LSQ spline interpolant self.normal.append(LSQUnivariateSpline(xs, f, knots, ext=3, k=3)) if self.DEBUG: np.savetxt('dlogL_spline_%d.txt' % i, np.column_stack((xs, Vs, self.normal[-1](xs), f)))
def open_coordinate_figure(request): selectedVal = request.GET['selectedVal'] byGeoLat = True if request.GET['byGeoLat'] == 'true' else False if (byGeoLat): df = pd.read_sql( 'select "StationName", "Latitude", "' + selectedVal + '" from "world_station_supermag" order by "Latitude"', connection) indexNames = df[df[selectedVal] > 0.7].index df.drop(indexNames, inplace=True) df.sort_values('Latitude') x = df["Latitude"] else: df = pd.read_sql( 'select "StationName", "mlatitude", "' + selectedVal + '" from "world_station_supermag" order by "mlatitude"', connection) indexNames = df[df[selectedVal] > 0.7].index df.drop(indexNames, inplace=True) df.sort_values('mlatitude') x = df["mlatitude"] y = df[selectedVal] # f2 = interp1d(x, y, kind='cubic') # plt.grid(True,linestyle='dashed') # interpolatedOutputList, lnspc = InterpolateData(df, selectedVal, 0) plt.xticks(np.arange(-90, 90, 10.0)) # plt.plot(x, y, 'ro') # t = np.linspace(-70, 70, 7) # t = np.linspace(-70, 70, 5) t = np.linspace(-70, 70, 5) spl = LSQUnivariateSpline(np.array(x), np.array(y), t[1:-1]) xs = np.linspace(-90, 90, 1000) plt.plot(x, y, 'ro', ms=5) plt.plot(xs, spl(xs), 'g-', lw=3) # xnew = np.linspace(-90, 90, num=115, endpoint=True) # for k in (1,2,3): # line parabola cubicspline # extrapolator = UnivariateSpline( x, y, k=k ) # y = extrapolator(xnew) # label = "k=%d" % k # # print(label, y) # plt.plot( xnew, y, label=label) # pylab fig = plt.gcf() # fig.set_size_inches(18.5, 10.5) FigureCanvasAgg(fig) buf = io.BytesIO() plt.savefig(buf, format='png') plt.close(fig) response = HttpResponse(buf.getvalue(), content_type="image/png") response[ 'Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="Result' + selectedVal + '.png"' return response
def _gufunc_unispline_noerr_upscale(x, y, num_knots, ix, out=None): # pragma: no cover xi = x.min() xf = x.max() t = np.linspace(xi, xf, num_knots)[1:-1] fn_interp = LSQUnivariateSpline(x, y, t=t) out[:] = fn_interp(ix)
def from_knots_coeffs(knots, coeffs, k=3): n = len(knots) + 2*k t = np.empty(n, dtype="d") t[:k] = knots[0] t[k:-k] = knots t[-k:] = knots[-1] c = np.zeros(n, dtype="d") c[:len(coeffs)] = coeffs return LSQUnivariateSpline._from_tck((t, c, k))
def calc_coeffs(self): coeff = [] for v, (g, kdata) in enumerate(zip(self.basegrid, self.knot_data)): ranges = [(slice(r[0], r[1], t[0]*1j) if kd.used() else slice((r[1]-r[0])/2.0,r[1],1j)) for r, t, kd in zip(self.ranges,g[0],kdata)] fnc = self.calc_grid(ranges, g[1], g[2])[v] for n in range(len(ranges)): kd = self.knot_data[v,n] if not kd.used(): continue s = list(fnc.shape) s[n] = kd.num_coeffs() out = np.empty(s) s[n] = 1 x = np.mgrid[ranges[n]] for i in np.ndindex(tuple(s)): i = list(i) i[n] = slice(None) ss = LSQUnivariateSpline(x, fnc[i], kd.get_knots(), bbox=kd.get_bbox(), k=kd.get_order()-1) out[i] = ss.get_coeffs() fnc = out coeff.append(fnc) return coeff
def fit_cubic(self): """Fit (x,y) arrays using a cubic Spline approximation. It uses LSQUnivariateSpline from scipy.interpolate which uses order-1 knots. """ x = self.x y = self.y xmin,xmax = x.min(),x.max() npieces = self.order rn = (xmax - xmin)/npieces tn = [(xmin+rn*k) for k in range(1,npieces)] zu = LSQUnivariateSpline(x,y,tn) self.coeff = zu.get_coeffs() self.fx = lambda x: x self.evfunc = lambda p,x: zu(x) self.ier = None return
def deserialize(data): """Robert's deserialization code.""" self = LSQUnivariateSpline.__new__(LSQUnivariateSpline) self._data = data self._reset_class() return self
coeffs_list = [] for x, y in r["cent_bottom_list"]: msk = ~y.mask & np.isfinite( x1, y1 = x[msk],[msk] xmin = x1.min() xmax = x1.max() # i1 = max(np.searchsorted(t, xmin)-1, 0) # i2 = np.searchsorted(t, xmax) m = (xmin <= t) & (t <= xmax) m1 = ni.maximum_filter1d(m, 3) t1 = t[m1] spl = LSQUnivariateSpline(x1, y1, t1[1:-1], bbox = [t1[0], t1[-1]]) spl = LSQUnivariateSpline(x1, y1, t2[1:-3], bbox = [t2[0], t2[-3]]) coeffs = np.empty(len(t)+2, dtype="f") coeffs.fill(np.nan) if np.all(m1): coeffs[:] = spl.get_coeffs() else: coeffs[1:-1][m1] = spl.get_coeffs()[1:-1] coeffs_list.append([coeffs]) print len(spl.get_knots()), len(spl.get_coeffs()) plot(x1, y1)