def testSnrFuncs(self): """test for signal to noise ratio functions""" # trivial data_triv = sp.ones((3, 10)) snr_triv_test = sp.ones(3) assert_equal( snr_peak(data_triv, 1.0), snr_triv_test) assert_equal( snr_power(data_triv, 1.0), snr_triv_test) assert_equal( snr_maha(data_triv, sp.eye(data_triv.shape[1])), snr_triv_test) # application data = sp.array([ sp.sin(sp.linspace(0.0, 2 * sp.pi, 100)), sp.sin(sp.linspace(0.0, 2 * sp.pi, 100)) * 2, sp.sin(sp.linspace(0.0, 2 * sp.pi, 100)) * 5, ]) assert_equal( snr_peak(data, 1.0), sp.absolute(data).max(axis=1)) assert_equal( snr_power(data, 1.0), sp.sqrt((data * data).sum(axis=1) / data.shape[1])) assert_almost_equal( snr_maha(data, sp.eye(data.shape[1])), sp.sqrt((data * data).sum(axis=1) / data.shape[1]))
def __init__(self,alphai,eparall,eperp,nrj): """ Incident wave above a surface. Coordinates: - z is perpendicular to the surface, >0 going UP (different from H Dosch's convention) - x is the projection of the wavevector on the surface - y is parallel to the surface alphai: incident angle, with respect to the surface eparallel: component of the electric field parallel to the incident plane (vertical plane) eperp: component of the electric field perpendicular to the incident plane (along y) nrj: values of the energy of the incident wave, in eV alphai *or* nrj can be arrays, but not together """ self.alphai=alphai self.eparall=eparall self.eperp=eperp self.ex=scipy.sin(alphai)*eparall self.ey=eperp self.ez=scipy.cos(alphai)*eparall self.kx= 2*pi/W2E(nrj)*scipy.cos(alphai) 2*pi/W2E(nrj)*0*pi/W2E(nrj)*scipy.sin(alphai) self.nrj=nrj
def rotate(self, angle, mask=None): """Rotate the grids (arena centered) Grids to be rotated can be optionally specified by bool/index array *mask*, otherwise population is rotated. Specified *angle* can be a scalar value to be applied to the population or a population- or mask-sized array depending on whether *mask* is specified. """ rot2D = lambda psi: [[cos(psi), sin(psi)], [-sin(psi), cos(psi)]] if mask is not None and type(mask) is np.ndarray: if mask.dtype.kind == 'b': mask = mask.nonzero()[0] if type(angle) is np.ndarray and angle.size == mask.size: for i,ix in enumerate(mask): self._phi[ix] =[ix], rot2D(angle[i])) elif type(angle) in (int, float, np.float64): angle = float(angle) self._phi[mask] =[mask], rot2D(angle)) else: raise TypeError, 'angle must be mask-sized array or float' self._psi[mask] = np.fmod(self._psi[mask]+angle, 2*pi) elif mask is None: if type(angle) is np.ndarray and angle.size == self.num_maps: for i in xrange(self.num_maps): self._phi[i] =[i], rot2D(angle[i])) elif type(angle) in (int, float, np.float64): angle = float(angle) self._phi =, rot2D(angle)) else: raise TypeError, 'angle must be num_maps array or float' self._psi = np.fmod(self._psi+angle, 2*pi) else: raise TypeError, 'mask must be bool/index array'
def ned2ecef(lat, lon, alt, n, e, d): X0, Y0, Z0 = coord.geodetic2ecef(lat, lon, alt) lat, lon = radians(lat), radians(lon) pitch = math.pi/2 + lat yaw = -lon my = mat('[%f %f %f; %f %f %f; %f %f %f]' % (cos(pitch), 0, -sin(pitch), 0,1,0, sin(pitch), 0, cos(pitch))) mz = mat('[%f %f %f; %f %f %f; %f %f %f]' % (cos(yaw), sin(yaw),0, -sin(yaw),cos(yaw),0, 0,0,1)) mr = mat('[%f %f %f; %f %f %f; %f %f %f]' % (-cos(lon)*sin(lat), -sin(lon), -cos(lat) * cos(lon), -sin(lat)*sin(lon), cos(lon), -sin(lon)*cos(lat), cos(lat), 0, -sin(lat))) geo = mat('[%f; %f; %f]' % (X0, Y0, Z0)) ned = mat('[%f; %f; %f]' % (n, e, d)) res = mr*ned + geo return res[0], res[1], res[2]
def Spm2(k,dx): from scipy import sqrt,sin,exp im = sqrt(-1) Sp = exp(im*k*dx)*(1 - 0.5*(im*sin(im*k*dx))) Sm = (1 + 0.5*(im*sin(im*k*dx))) return Sp, Sm
def lla2ecef(lla: Sequence[float], cst: ConstantsFile, lla_as_degrees: bool=False) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: """ converts LLA (Latitude, Longitude, Altitude) coordinates to ECEF (Earth-Centre, Earth-First) XYZ coordinates. """ lat, lon, alt = lla if lla_as_degrees: lat = radians(lat) lon = radians(lon) a = cst.semi_major_axis b = cst.semi_minor_axis # calc. ellipsoid flatness f = (a - b) / a # calc. eccentricity e = sqrt(f * (2 - f)) # Calculate length of the normal to the ellipsoid N = a / sqrt(1 - (e * sin(lat)) ** 2) # Calculate ecef coordinates x = (N + alt) * cos(lat) * cos(lon) y = (N + alt) * cos(lat) * sin(lon) z = (N * (1 - e ** 2) + alt) * sin(lat) # Return the ecef coordinates return x, y, z
def form_point_set(self, histo, point_set): (slices, numbins) = histo.shape phases = numpy.arange(numbins) phases = phases * (360. / numbins) phases += phases[1] / 2. phi_step = phases[0] for time in xrange(slices): z = float(time) for bin in xrange(numbins): r = histo[time,bin] theta = phi_step * (bin+1) theta *= (scipy.pi / 180.) x = r*scipy.cos(theta) y = r*scipy.sin(theta) point_set.InsertNextPoint(x, y, z) for bin in xrange(numbins): curbin = bin lastbin = bin-1 if lastbin < 0: lastbin = numbins-1 r = (histo[time,bin] - histo[time,lastbin]) / 2. theta = curbin * 360. / numbins x = r*scipy.cos(theta) y = r*scipy.sin(theta) point_set.InsertNextPoint(x, y, z)
def cyl_to_rect_vec(vr,vt,vz,phi): """ NAME: cyl_to_rect_vec PURPOSE: transform vectors from cylindrical to rectangular coordinate vectors INPUT: vr - radial velocity vt - tangential velocity vz - vertical velocity phi - azimuth OUTPUT: vx,vy,vz HISTORY: 2011-02-24 - Written - Bovy (NYU) """ vx= vr*sc.cos(phi)-vt*sc.sin(phi) vy= vr*sc.sin(phi)+vt*sc.cos(phi) return (vx,vy,vz)
def radec_to_lb(ra,dec,degree=False,epoch=2000.0): """ NAME: radec_to_lb PURPOSE: transform from equatorial coordinates to Galactic coordinates INPUT: ra - right ascension dec - declination degree - (Bool) if True, ra and dec are given in degree and l and b will be as well epoch - epoch of ra,dec (right now only 2000.0 and 1950.0 are supported) OUTPUT: l,b For vector inputs [:,2] HISTORY: 2009-11-12 - Written - Bovy (NYU) """ #First calculate the transformation matrix T theta,dec_ngp,ra_ngp= get_epoch_angles(epoch) T=[[sc.cos(theta),sc.sin(theta),0.],[sc.sin(theta),-sc.cos(theta),0.],[0.,0.,1.]]),[[-sc.sin(dec_ngp),0.,sc.cos(dec_ngp)],[0.,1.,0.],[sc.cos(dec_ngp),0.,sc.sin(dec_ngp)]]),sc.array([[sc.cos(ra_ngp),sc.sin(ra_ngp),0.],[-sc.sin(ra_ngp),sc.cos(ra_ngp),0.],[0.,0.,1.]]))) transform={} transform['T']= T if sc.array(ra).shape == (): return radec_to_lb_single(ra,dec,transform,degree) else: function= sc.frompyfunc(radec_to_lb_single,4,2) return sc.array(function(ra,dec,transform,degree),dtype=sc.float64).T
def f(self, x): res = 0 for i in range(self.xdim): Ai = sum(self.A[i] * sin(self.alphas) + self.B[i] * cos(self.alphas)) Bix = sum(self.A[i] * sin(x) + self.B[i] * cos(x)) res += (Ai - Bix) ** 2 return res
def _genBFEdgeZero(plasma, zeros, rcent, zcent): """ this will absolutely need to be rewritten""" theta = scipy.linspace(-scipy.pi,scipy.pi,zeros) cent = geometry.Point(geometry.Vecr([rcent,0,zcent]),plasma) zerobeam = [] outline = [] for i in xrange(len(plasma.norm.s)-1): outline += [geometry.Vecx([plasma.sagi.s[i], 0, plasma.norm.s[i]])-cent] for i in xrange(zeros): temp2 = geometry.Vecr([scipy.cos(theta[i]), 0, scipy.sin(theta[i])]) s = 0 for j in outline: temp4 = j*temp2 if temp4 > s: s = temp4 temp2.s = s zerobeam += [Ray(geometry.Point(cent+temp2, plasma), geometry.Vecr([scipy.sin(theta[i]), 0, -scipy.cos(theta[i])]))] return zerobeam
def radec_to_lb(ra,dec,degree=False,epoch=2000.0): """ NAME: radec_to_lb PURPOSE: transform from equatorial coordinates to Galactic coordinates INPUT: ra - right ascension dec - declination degree - (Bool) if True, ra and dec are given in degree and l and b will be as well epoch - epoch of ra,dec (right now only 2000.0 and 1950.0 are supported) OUTPUT: l,b For vector inputs [:,2] HISTORY: 2009-11-12 - Written - Bovy (NYU) 2014-06-14 - Re-written w/ numpy functions for speed and w/ decorators for beauty - Bovy (IAS) """ import math as m import numpy as nu import scipy as sc #First calculate the transformation matrix T theta,dec_ngp,ra_ngp= get_epoch_angles(epoch) T=[[sc.cos(theta),sc.sin(theta),0.],[sc.sin(theta),-sc.cos(theta),0.],[0.,0.,1.]]),[[-sc.sin(dec_ngp),0.,sc.cos(dec_ngp)],[0.,1.,0.],[sc.cos(dec_ngp),0.,sc.sin(dec_ngp)]]),sc.array([[sc.cos(ra_ngp),sc.sin(ra_ngp),0.],[-sc.sin(ra_ngp),sc.cos(ra_ngp),0.],[0.,0.,1.]]))) #Whether to use degrees and scalar input is handled by decorators XYZ= nu.array([nu.cos(dec)*nu.cos(ra), nu.cos(dec)*nu.sin(ra), nu.sin(dec)]) galXYZ=,XYZ) b= nu.arcsin(galXYZ[2]) l= nu.arctan2(galXYZ[1]/sc.cos(b),galXYZ[0]/sc.cos(b)) l[l<0.]+= 2.*nu.pi out= nu.array([l,b]) return out.T
def InitJackArrays(self,freq,samples): """Initialize Jack Arrays""" self.iIa = sp.zeros(samples).astype(sp.float32) self.iQa = sp.zeros(samples).astype(sp.float32) self.oIa = sp.zeros(samples, dtype=sp.float32 ) self.oQa = sp.zeros(samples, dtype=sp.float32 ) ## 100 frames warmup sf = 0 ef = self.rtframes2sync samples = sp.pi + (2*sp.pi*freq*(self.dt * sp.r_[sf:ef])) self.oIa[sf:ef] = self.amp * sp.cos(samples) self.oQa[sf:ef] = self.amp * sp.sin(samples) # For IQ balancing #self.oIa[sf:ef] = sp.cos(samples) - (sp.sin(samples)*(1+self.oalpha)*sp.sin(self.ophi)) #self.oQa[sf:ef] = sp.sin(samples)*(1+self.oalpha)*sp.cos(self.ophi) ## 180 phase change sf = ef ef = ef + self.sync2fft + self.fftn + self.fft2end samples = (2*sp.pi*freq*(self.dt * sp.r_[sf:ef])) self.oIa[sf:ef] = self.amp * sp.cos(samples) self.oQa[sf:ef] = self.amp * sp.sin(samples)
def residuals(self, p,errors, f,freq_val): theta = self.theta # Isrc = 19.6*pow((750.0/freq_val[f]),0.495)*2 # Isrc = 19.6*pow((750.0/freq_val[f]),0.495)*(2.28315426-0.000484307905*freq_val[f]) # Added linear fit for Jansky to Kelvin conversion. # Isrc = 19.74748409*pow((750.0/freq_val[f]),0.49899785)*(2.28315426-0.000484307905*freq_val[f]) # My fit solution for 3C286 Isrc = 25.15445092*pow((750.0/freq_val[f]),0.75578842)*(2.28315426-0.000484307905*freq_val[f]) # My fit solution for 3C48 # Isrc = 4.56303633*pow((750.0/freq_val[f]),0.59237327)*(2.28315426-0.000484307905*freq_val[f]) # My fit solution for 3C67 PAsrc = 33.0*sp.pi/180.0 # for 3C286, doesn't matter for unpolarized. # Psrc = 0.07 #for 3C286 Psrc = 0 #for #3C48,3C67 Qsrc = Isrc*Psrc*sp.cos(2*PAsrc) Usrc = Isrc*Psrc*sp.sin(2*PAsrc) Vsrc = 0 XXsrc0 = Isrc-Qsrc YYsrc0 = Isrc+Qsrc # XXsrc = (0.5*(1+sp.cos(2*theta[i]))*XXsrc0-sp.sin(2*theta[i])*Usrc+0.5*(1-sp.cos(2*theta[i]))*YYsrc0) # YYsrc = (0.5*(1-sp.cos(2*theta[i]))*XXsrc0+sp.sin(2*theta[i])*Usrc+0.5*(1+sp.cos(2*theta[i]))*YYsrc0) source = sp.zeros(4*self.file_num) for i in range(0,len(source),4): source[i] = (0.5*(1+sp.cos(2*theta[i]))*XXsrc0-sp.sin(2*theta[i])*Usrc+0.5*(1-sp.cos(2*theta[i]))*YYsrc0) source[i+1] = 0 source[i+2] = 0 source[i+3] = (0.5*(1-sp.cos(2*theta[i]))*XXsrc0+sp.sin(2*theta[i])*Usrc+0.5*(1+sp.cos(2*theta[i]))*YYsrc0) err = (source-self.peval(p,f))/errors return err
def elaz2radec_lst(el, az, lst, lat = 38.43312) : """DO NOT USE THIS ROUTINE FOR ANTHING THAT NEEDS TO BE RIGHT. IT DOES NOT CORRECT FOR PRECESSION. Calculates the Ra and Dec from elavation, aximuth, LST and Latitude. This function is vectorized with numpy so should be fast. Standart numpy broadcasting should also work. All angles in degrees, lst in seconds. Latitude defaults to GBT. """ # Convert everything to radians. el = sp.radians(el) az = sp.radians(az) lst = sp.array(lst, dtype = float)*2*sp.pi/86400 lat = sp.radians(lat) # Calculate dec. dec = sp.arcsin(sp.sin(el)*sp.sin(lat) + sp.cos(el)*sp.cos(lat)*sp.cos(az)) # Calculate the hour angle ha = sp.arccos((sp.sin(el) - sp.sin(lat)*sp.sin(dec)) / (sp.cos(lat)*sp.cos(dec))) ra = sp.degrees(lst - ha) % 360 return ra, sp.degrees(dec)
def sparse_orth(d): """ Constructs a sparse orthogonal matrix. The method is described in: Gi-Sang Cheon et al., Constructions for the sparsest orthogonal matrices, Bull. Korean Math. Soc 36 (1999) No.1 pp.199-129 """ from scipy.sparse import eye from scipy import r_, pi, sin, cos if d % 2 == 0: seq = r_[0:d:2, 1:d - 1:2] else: seq = r_[0:d - 1:2, 1:d:2] Q = eye(d, d).tocsc() for i in seq: theta = random() * 2 * pi flip = (random() - 0.5) > 0; Qi = eye(d, d).tocsc() Qi[i, i] = cos(theta) Qi[(i + 1), i] = sin(theta) if flip > 0: Qi[i, (i + 1)] = -sin(theta) Qi[(i + 1), (i + 1)] = cos(theta) else: Qi[i, (i + 1)] = sin(theta) Qi[(i + 1), (i + 1)] = -cos(theta) Q = Q * Qi; return Q
def f_Refl_Thin_Film_fit(Data): strain = Data[0] DW = Data[1] dat = Data[2] wl = dat[0] N = dat[2] phi = dat[3] t_l = dat[4] thB_S = dat[6] G = dat[7] F0 = dat[8] FH = dat[9] FmH = dat[10] th = dat[19] thB = thB_S - strain * tan(thB_S) # angle de Bragg dans chaque lamelle eta = 0 res = 0 n = 1 while (n <= N): g0 = sin(thB[n] - phi) # gamma 0 gH = -sin(thB[n] + phi) # gamma H b = g0 / gH T = pi * G * ((FH[n]*FmH[n])**0.5) * t_l * DW[n] / (wl * (abs(g0*gH)**0.5)) eta = (-b*(th-thB[n])*sin(2*thB_S) - 0.5*G*F0[n]*(1-b)) / ((abs(b)**0.5) * G * DW[n] * (FH[n]*FmH[n])**0.5) S1 = (res - eta + (eta*eta-1)**0.5)*exp(-1j*T*(eta*eta-1)**0.5) S2 = (res - eta - (eta*eta-1)**0.5)*exp(1j*T*(eta*eta-1)**0.5) res = (eta + ((eta*eta-1)**0.5) * ((S1+S2)/(S1-S2))) n += 1 return res
def CalcXY2GPSParam_2p(x1,x2,g1,g2,K=[0,0]): # Kx = dLng/dx; Ky = dlat/dy; # In China: # Kx = (133.4-1.2*lat)*1e3 # Ky = (110.2+0.002*lat)*1e3 X1 = array(x1) Y1 = array(g1) X2 = array(x2) Y2 = array(g2) detX = X2-X1 detY = Y2-Y1 lat = Y1[1] if K[0] == 0: Kx = (133.4-1.2*lat)*1e3 Ky = (110.2+0.002*lat)*1e3 K = array([Kx,Ky]) else: Kx = K[0] Ky = K[1] detKY = detY*K alpha = myArctan(detX[0],detX[1]) - myArctan(detKY[0],detKY[1]) A = array([[sp.cos(alpha),sp.sin(alpha)],[-sp.sin(alpha),sp.cos(alpha)]]) X01 = X1 - dot(linalg.inv(A),Y1*K) X02 = X2 - dot(linalg.inv(A),Y2*K) X0 = (X01+X02) /2 return A,X0,K
def get_bl(self,ra=None,dec=None): """ """ if ra==None: ra=self.get_column("RA") if dec==None: dec=self.get_column("DEC") if type(ra)==float: ral=scipy.zeros(1) ral[0]=ra ra=ral if type(dec)==float: decl=scipy.zeros(1) decl[0]=dec dec=decl c62=math.cos(62.6*D2R) s62=math.sin(62.6*D2R) b=scipy.sin(dec*D2R)*c62 b-=scipy.cos(dec*D2R)*scipy.sin((ra-282.25)*D2R)*s62 b=scipy.arcsin(b)*R2D cosb=scipy.cos(b*D2R) #l minus 33 degrees lm33=(scipy.cos(dec*D2R)/cosb)*scipy.cos((ra-282.25)) l=scipy.arccos(lm33)*R2D+33.0 return b,l
def distance_fn(p1, l1, p2, l2, units='m'): """ Simplified Vincenty formula. Returns distance between coordinates. """ assert (units in ['km', 'm', 'nm']), 'Units must be km, m, or nm' if units == 'km': r = 6372.7974775959065 elif units == 'm': r = 6372.7974775959065 * 0.621371 elif units == 'nm': r = 6372.7974775959065 * 0.539957 # compute Vincenty formula l = abs(l1 - l2) num = scipy.sqrt(((scipy.cos(p2) * scipy.sin(l)) ** 2) +\ (((scipy.cos(p1) * scipy.sin(p2)) - (scipy.sin(p1) * scipy.cos(p2) * scipy.cos(l))) ** 2)) den = scipy.sin(p1) * scipy.sin(p2) + scipy.cos(p1) * scipy.cos(p2) * scipy.cos(l) theta = scipy.arctan(num / den) distance = abs(int(round(r * theta))) return distance
def pix2sky(header,x,y): hdr_info = parse_header(header) x0 = x-hdr_info[1][0]+1. # Plus 1 python->image y0 = y-hdr_info[1][1]+1. x0 = x0.astype(scipy.float64) y0 = y0.astype(scipy.float64) x = hdr_info[2][0,0]*x0 + hdr_info[2][0,1]*y0 y = hdr_info[2][1,0]*x0 + hdr_info[2][1,1]*y0 if hdr_info[3]=="DEC": a = x.copy() x = y.copy() y = a.copy() ra0 = hdr_info[0][1] dec0 = hdr_info[0][0]/raddeg else: ra0 = hdr_info[0][0] dec0 = hdr_info[0][1]/raddeg if hdr_info[5]=="TAN": r_theta = scipy.sqrt(x*x+y*y)/raddeg theta = arctan(1./r_theta) phi = arctan2(x,-1.*y) elif hdr_info[5]=="SIN": r_theta = scipy.sqrt(x*x+y*y)/raddeg theta = arccos(r_theta) phi = artan2(x,-1.*y) ra = ra0 + raddeg*arctan2(-1.*cos(theta)*sin(phi-pi), sin(theta)*cos(dec0)-cos(theta)*sin(dec0)*cos(phi-pi)) dec = raddeg*arcsin(sin(theta)*sin(dec0)+cos(theta)*cos(dec0)*cos(phi-pi)) return ra,dec
def f(self, x): B1 = 0.5 * sin(x[0]) - 2*cos(x[0]) + sin(x[1]) -1.5*cos(x[1]) B2 = 1.5 * sin(x[0]) - cos(x[0]) + 2*sin(x[1]) -0.5*cos(x[1]) f1 = 1 + (self._A1-B1)**2 + (self._A2-B2)**2 f2 = (x[0]+3)**2 + (x[1]+1)**2 return -array([f1, f2])
def radec_to_lb_single(ra,dec,T,degree=False): """ NAME: radec_to_lb_single PURPOSE: transform from equatorial coordinates to Galactic coordinates for a single pair of ra,dec INPUT: ra - right ascension dec - declination T - epoch dependent transformation matrix (dictionary) degree - (Bool) if True, ra and dec are given in degree and l and b will be as well OUTPUT: l,b HISTORY: 2009-11-12 - Written - Bovy (NYU) """ T=T['T'] if degree: thisra= ra/180.*sc.pi thisdec= dec/180.*sc.pi else: thisra= ra thisdec= dec XYZ=sc.array([sc.cos(thisdec)*sc.cos(thisra),sc.cos(thisdec)*sc.sin(thisra),sc.sin(thisdec)]) galXYZ=,XYZ) b= m.asin(galXYZ[2]) l= m.atan(galXYZ[1]/galXYZ[0]) if galXYZ[0]/sc.cos(b) < 0.: l+= sc.pi if l < 0.: l+= 2.*sc.pi if degree: return (l/sc.pi*180.,b/sc.pi*180.) else: return (l,b)
def xyzfield(gcoefs, hcoefs, phi, theta, rparam=1.0, order=13): # no usar esta función, es peor en rendimiento x, y, z = 0, 0, 0 legendre, dlegendre = scipy.special.lpmn(order + 1, order + 1, scipy.cos(theta)) for l in range(1, order + 1): for m in range(0, l + 1): deltax = ( rparam ** (l + 2) * (gcoefs[m, l] * scipy.cos(m * phi) + hcoefs[m, l] * scipy.sin(m * phi)) * dlegendre[m, l] * (-scipy.sin(theta)) ) deltay = ( rparam ** (l + 2) * (gcoefs[m, l] * scipy.sin(m * phi) - hcoefs[m, l] * scipy.cos(m * phi)) * m * legendre[m, l] / (scipy.sin(theta)) ) deltaz = ( rparam ** (l + 2) * (l + 1) * (gcoefs[m, l] * scipy.cos(m * phi) + hcoefs[m, l] * scipy.sin(m * phi)) * legendre[m, l] ) x += deltax y += deltay z += deltaz return (x, y, z)
def __init__(self,id,matName,orientation,source=0.0): = id self.matName = matName self.orientation = orientation self.source = source self.T = array([[cos(orientation),-sin(orientation)], [sin(orientation), cos(orientation)]])
def calc_max_width_in_slab(out_of_dip, slab_width, max_width): """Calculate the max width of a rupture within a slab in kms; given the slab width, and the out of dip angle. the returned max width values are compared to the calculated width and the fault width, and then the mimium value of the 3 is used as the rupture width. out_of_dip out of dip angle in Degrees slab_width width of slab in kms max_width width of the fault Returns the max width of ruptures within a slab in kms. """ max_width_in_slab = zeros(len(out_of_dip)) i = where(out_of_dip >= 180) out_of_dip[i] = out_of_dip[i] - 180 i = where(out_of_dip <= 1) max_width_in_slab[i] = max_width j = where(((out_of_dip < 90) & (out_of_dip > 1))) max_width_in_slab[j] = slab_width / (sin(radians(out_of_dip[j]))) k = where(out_of_dip == 90) max_width_in_slab[k] = slab_width k = where((out_of_dip > 90) & (out_of_dip < 179)) max_width_in_slab[k] = slab_width / (sin(radians(180 - out_of_dip[k]))) i = where(out_of_dip >= 179) max_width_in_slab[i] = max_width return max_width_in_slab
def binary_ephem(P, T, e, a, i, O_node, o_peri, t): # Grados a radianes d2rad = pi/180. rad2d = 180./pi i = i*d2rad O_node = (O_node*d2rad)%(2*pi) o_peri = (o_peri*d2rad)%(2*pi) # Anomalia media M = ((2.0*pi)/P)*(t - T) # radianes if M >2*pi: M = M - 2*pi M=M%(2*pi) # Anomalia excentrica (1ra aproximacion) E0 = M + e*sin(M) + (e**2/M) * sin(2.0*M) for itera in range(15): M0 = E0 - e*sin(E0) E0 = E0 + (M-M0)/(1-e*cos(E0)) true_anom = 2.0*arctan(sqrt((1+e)/(1-e))*tan(E0/2.0)) #radius = (a*(1-e**2))/(1+e*cos(true_anom)) radius = a*(1-e*cos(E0)) theta = arctan( tan(true_anom + o_peri)*cos(i) ) + O_node rho = radius * (cos(true_anom + o_peri)/cos(theta - O_node)) # revuelve rho ("), theta (grad), Anomalia excentrica (grad), Anomalia verdadera (grad) return rho, (theta*rad2d)%360. #, E0*rad2d, M*rad2d, true_anom*rad2d
def rect_to_cyl_vec(vx,vy,vz,X,Y,Z,cyl=False): """ NAME: rect_to_cyl_vec PURPOSE: transform vectors from rectangular to cylindrical coordinates vectors INPUT: vx - vy - vz - X - X Y - Y Z - Z cyl - if True, X,Y,Z are already cylindrical OUTPUT: vR,vT,vz HISTORY: 2010-09-24 - Written - Bovy (NYU) """ if not cyl: R,phi,Z= rect_to_cyl(X,Y,Z) else: phi= Y vr=+vx*sc.cos(phi)+vy*sc.sin(phi) vt= -vx*sc.sin(phi)+vy*sc.cos(phi) return (vr,vt,vz)
def evaluateSphericalVariation (phi,theta,cntPhi,cntTheta): global conf,cons success = False alpha0 =sp.zeros([dim['alpha']],complex) alpha0[conf['id0']]=sp.cos(phi)*sp.sin(theta)+0j alpha0[conf['id1']]=sp.sin(phi)*sp.sin(theta)+0j alpha0[conf['id2']]=sp.cos(theta)+0j # if (sp.absolute(alpha0[conf['id0']]) <= 1e-10): # alpha0[conf['id0']]=0.0+0j # if (sp.absolute(alpha0[conf['id1']]) <= 1e-10): # alpha0[conf['id1']]=0.0+0j # if (sp.absolute(alpha0[conf['id2']]) <= 1e-10): # alpha0[conf['id2']]=0.0+0j # # normalize coefficients for alpha -> defines net-power alpha0[:]=alpha0[:]/sp.linalg.norm(alpha0[:])*cons['alpha_norm'] __,res = MemoryPulseFunctional.evaluateFunctional(alpha0,1.0+0j) myRes = sp.zeros([conf['entries']+3]) myRes[0] = alpha0[conf['id0']].real myRes[1] = alpha0[conf['id1']].real myRes[2] = alpha0[conf['id2']].real myRes[3:]= res print "### spherical map: phi/pi={0:5.3f}, theta/pi={1:5.3f}, fun={2:f}".format(phi/sp.pi,theta/sp.pi,myRes[conf['funval']]) myRes[conf['funval']] = min(conf['cutoff'],res[conf['funval']]) return myRes,cntPhi,cntTheta
def getObservation(self): obs = array(impl.getObs()) if self.verbose: print(('obs', obs)) obs.resize(self.outdim) if self.extraObservations: cartpos = obs[-1] if self.markov: angle1 = obs[1] else: angle1 = obs[0] obs[-1 + self.extraRandoms] = 0.1 * cos(angle1) + cartpos obs[-2 + self.extraRandoms] = 0.1 * sin(angle1) + cartpos if self.numPoles == 2: if self.markov: angle2 = obs[3] else: angle2 = obs[1] obs[-3 + self.extraRandoms] = 0.05 * cos(angle2) + cartpos obs[-4 + self.extraRandoms] = 0.05 * sin(angle2) + cartpos if self.extraRandoms > 0: obs[-self.extraRandoms:] = randn(self.extraRandoms) if self.verbose: print(('obs', obs)) return obs
def solve(self, wls): """Anisotropic solver. INPUT wls = wavelengths to scan (any asarray-able object). OUTPUT self.DEO1, self.DEE1, self.DEO3, self.DEE3 = power reflected and transmitted. """ self.wls = S.atleast_1d(wls) LAMBDA = self.LAMBDA n = self.n multilayer = self.multilayer alpha = self.alpha delta = psi = self.psi phi = self.phi nlayers = len(multilayer) i = S.arange(-n, n + 1) nood = 2 * n + 1 hmax = nood - 1 DEO1 = S.zeros((nood, self.wls.size)) DEO3 = S.zeros_like(DEO1) DEE1 = S.zeros_like(DEO1) DEE3 = S.zeros_like(DEO1) c1 = S.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) c3 = S.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # grating on the xy plane K = 2 * pi / LAMBDA * S.array([S.sin(phi), 0.0, S.cos(phi)], dtype=complex) dirk1 = S.array( [S.sin(alpha) * S.cos(delta), S.sin(alpha) * S.sin(delta), S.cos(alpha)] ) # D polarization vector u = S.array( [ S.cos(psi) * S.cos(alpha) * S.cos(delta) - S.sin(psi) * S.sin(delta), S.cos(psi) * S.cos(alpha) * S.sin(delta) + S.sin(psi) * S.cos(delta), -S.cos(psi) * S.sin(alpha), ] ) kO1i = S.zeros((3, i.size), dtype=complex) kE1i = S.zeros_like(kO1i) kO3i = S.zeros_like(kO1i) kE3i = S.zeros_like(kO1i) Mp = S.zeros((4 * nood, 4 * nood, nlayers), dtype=complex) M = S.zeros((4 * nood, 4 * nood, nlayers), dtype=complex) dlt = (i == 0).astype(int) for iwl, wl in enumerate(self.wls): nO1 = nE1 = multilayer[0].mat.n(wl).item() nO3 = nE3 = multilayer[-1].mat.n(wl).item() # wavevectors k = 2 * pi / wl eps1 = S.diag(S.asarray([nE1, nO1, nO1]) ** 2) eps3 = S.diag(S.asarray([nE3, nO3, nO3]) ** 2) # ordinary wave abskO1 = k * nO1 # abskO3 = k * nO3 # extraordinary wave # abskE1 = k * nO1 *nE1 / S.sqrt(nO1**2 + (nE1**2 - nO1**2) *, dirk1)**2) # abskE3 = k * nO3 *nE3 / S.sqrt(nO3**2 + (nE3**2 - nO3**2) *, dirk1)**2) k1 = abskO1 * dirk1 kO1i[0, :] = k1[0] - i * K[0] kO1i[1, :] = k1[1] * S.ones_like(i) kO1i[2, :] = -dispersion_relation_ordinary(kO1i[0, :], kO1i[1, :], k, nO1) kE1i[0, :] = kO1i[0, :] kE1i[1, :] = kO1i[1, :] kE1i[2, :] = -dispersion_relation_extraordinary( kE1i[0, :], kE1i[1, :], k, nO1, nE1, c1 ) kO3i[0, :] = kO1i[0, :] kO3i[1, :] = kO1i[1, :] kO3i[2, :] = dispersion_relation_ordinary(kO3i[0, :], kO3i[1, :], k, nO3) kE3i[0, :] = kO1i[0, :] kE3i[1, :] = kO1i[1, :] kE3i[2, :] = dispersion_relation_extraordinary( kE3i[0, :], kE3i[1, :], k, nO3, nE3, c3 ) # k2i = S.r_[[k1[0] - i * K[0]], [k1[1] - i * K[1]], [k1[2] - i * K[2]]] k2i = S.r_[[k1[0] - i * K[0]], [k1[1] - i * K[1]], [-i * K[2]]] # aliases for constant wavevectors kx = kO1i[0, :] # o kE1i(1,;), tanto e' lo stesso ky = k1[1] # matrices I = S.eye(nood, dtype=complex) ZERO = S.zeros((nood, nood), dtype=complex) Kx = S.diag(kx / k) Ky = ky / k * I Kz = S.diag(k2i[2, :] / k) KO1z = S.diag(kO1i[2, :] / k) KE1z = S.diag(kE1i[2, :] / k) KO3z = S.diag(kO3i[2, :] / k) KE3z = S.diag(kE3i[2, :] / k) ARO = Kx * eps1[0, 0] + Ky * eps1[1, 0] + KO1z * eps1[2, 0] BRO = Kx * eps1[0, 1] + Ky * eps1[1, 1] + KO1z * eps1[2, 1] CRO_1 = inv(Kx * eps1[0, 2] + Ky * eps1[1, 2] + KO1z * eps1[2, 2]) ARE = Kx * eps1[0, 0] + Ky * eps1[1, 0] + KE1z * eps1[2, 0] BRE = Kx * eps1[0, 1] + Ky * eps1[1, 1] + KE1z * eps1[2, 1] CRE_1 = inv(Kx * eps1[0, 2] + Ky * eps1[1, 2] + KE1z * eps1[2, 2]) ATO = Kx * eps3[0, 0] + Ky * eps3[1, 0] + KO3z * eps3[2, 0] BTO = Kx * eps3[0, 1] + Ky * eps3[1, 1] + KO3z * eps3[2, 1] CTO_1 = inv(Kx * eps3[0, 2] + Ky * eps3[1, 2] + KO3z * eps3[2, 2]) ATE = Kx * eps3[0, 0] + Ky * eps3[1, 0] + KE3z * eps3[2, 0] BTE = Kx * eps3[0, 1] + Ky * eps3[1, 1] + KE3z * eps3[2, 1] CTE_1 = inv(Kx * eps3[0, 2] + Ky * eps3[1, 2] + KE3z * eps3[2, 2]) DRE = c1[1] * KE1z - c1[2] * Ky ERE = c1[2] * Kx - c1[0] * KE1z FRE = c1[0] * Ky - c1[1] * Kx DTE = c3[1] * KE3z - c3[2] * Ky ETE = c3[2] * Kx - c3[0] * KE3z FTE = c3[0] * Ky - c3[1] * Kx b = S.r_[ u[0] * dlt, u[1] * dlt, (k1[1] / k * u[2] - k1[2] / k * u[1]) * dlt, (k1[2] / k * u[0] - k1[0] / k * u[2]) * dlt, ] Ky_CRO_1 = ky / k * CRO_1 Ky_CRE_1 = ky / k * CRE_1 Kx_CRO_1 = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * CRO_1 Kx_CRE_1 = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * CRE_1 MR31 =, ARO) MR32 =, BRO) - KO1z MR33 =, ARE) MR34 =, BRE) - KE1z MR41 =, ARO) + KO1z MR42 =, BRO) MR43 =, ARE) + KE1z MR44 =, BRE) MR = S.asarray( S.bmat( [ [I, ZERO, I, ZERO], [ZERO, I, ZERO, I], [MR31, MR32, MR33, MR34], [MR41, MR42, MR43, MR44], ] ) ) Ky_CTO_1 = ky / k * CTO_1 Ky_CTE_1 = ky / k * CTE_1 Kx_CTO_1 = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * CTO_1 Kx_CTE_1 = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * CTE_1 MT31 =, ATO) MT32 =, BTO) - KO3z MT33 =, ATE) MT34 =, BTE) - KE3z MT41 =, ATO) + KO3z MT42 =, BTO) MT43 =, ATE) + KE3z MT44 =, BTE) MT = S.asarray( S.bmat( [ [I, ZERO, I, ZERO], [ZERO, I, ZERO, I], [MT31, MT32, MT33, MT34], [MT41, MT42, MT43, MT44], ] ) ) Mp.fill(0.0) M.fill(0.0) for nlayer in range(nlayers - 2, 0, -1): # internal layers layer = multilayer[nlayer] thickness = layer.thickness EPS2, EPS21 = layer.getEPSFourierCoeffs(wl, n, anisotropic=True) # Exx = S.squeeze(EPS2[0, 0, :]) # Exx = toeplitz(S.flipud(Exx[0:hmax + 1]), Exx[hmax:]) Exy = S.squeeze(EPS2[0, 1, :]) Exy = toeplitz(S.flipud(Exy[0 : hmax + 1]), Exy[hmax:]) Exz = S.squeeze(EPS2[0, 2, :]) Exz = toeplitz(S.flipud(Exz[0 : hmax + 1]), Exz[hmax:]) Eyx = S.squeeze(EPS2[1, 0, :]) Eyx = toeplitz(S.flipud(Eyx[0 : hmax + 1]), Eyx[hmax:]) Eyy = S.squeeze(EPS2[1, 1, :]) Eyy = toeplitz(S.flipud(Eyy[0 : hmax + 1]), Eyy[hmax:]) Eyz = S.squeeze(EPS2[1, 2, :]) Eyz = toeplitz(S.flipud(Eyz[0 : hmax + 1]), Eyz[hmax:]) Ezx = S.squeeze(EPS2[2, 0, :]) Ezx = toeplitz(S.flipud(Ezx[0 : hmax + 1]), Ezx[hmax:]) Ezy = S.squeeze(EPS2[2, 1, :]) Ezy = toeplitz(S.flipud(Ezy[0 : hmax + 1]), Ezy[hmax:]) Ezz = S.squeeze(EPS2[2, 2, :]) Ezz = toeplitz(S.flipud(Ezz[0 : hmax + 1]), Ezz[hmax:]) Exx_1 = S.squeeze(EPS21[0, 0, :]) Exx_1 = toeplitz(S.flipud(Exx_1[0 : hmax + 1]), Exx_1[hmax:]) Exx_1_1 = inv(Exx_1) # lalanne Ezz_1 = inv(Ezz) Ky_Ezz_1 = ky / k * Ezz_1 Kx_Ezz_1 = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * Ezz_1 Exz_Ezz_1 =, Ezz_1) Eyz_Ezz_1 =, Ezz_1) H11 = 1j *, Ezy) H12 = 1j *, Ezx) H13 =, Kx) H14 = I -, Ky) H21 = 1j *, Ezy) H22 = 1j *, Ezx) H23 =, Kx) - I H24 =, Ky) H31 =, Ky) + Exy -, Ezy) H32 = Exx_1_1 -, Ky) -, Ezx) H33 = 1j *, Kx) H34 = -1j *, Ky) H41 =, Kx) - Eyy +, Ezy) H42 =, Ky) - Eyx +, Ezx) H43 = -1j *, Kx) H44 = 1j *, Ky) H = 1j * S.diag(S.repeat(S.diag(Kz), 4)) + S.asarray( S.bmat( [ [H11, H12, H13, H14], [H21, H22, H23, H24], [H31, H32, H33, H34], [H41, H42, H43, H44], ] ) ) q, W = eig(H) W1, W2, W3, W4 = S.split(W, 4) # # boundary conditions # # x = [R T] # R = [ROx ROy REx REy] # T = [TOx TOy TEx TEy] # b + MR.R = M1p.c # M1.c = M2p.c # ... # ML.c = MT.T # therefore: b + MR.R = (M1p.M1^-1.M2p.M2^-1. ...).MT.T # missing equations from (46)..(49) in glytsis_rigorous # [b] = [-MR Mtot.MT] [R] # [0] [...........] [T] z = S.zeros_like(q) z[S.where(q.real > 0)] = -thickness D = S.exp(k * q * z) Sy0 = W1 * D[S.newaxis, :] Sx0 = W2 * D[S.newaxis, :] Uy0 = W3 * D[S.newaxis, :] Ux0 = W4 * D[S.newaxis, :] z = thickness * S.ones_like(q) z[S.where(q.real > 0)] = 0 D = S.exp(k * q * z) D1 = S.exp(-1j * k2i[2, :] * thickness) Syd = D1[:, S.newaxis] * W1 * D[S.newaxis, :] Sxd = D1[:, S.newaxis] * W2 * D[S.newaxis, :] Uyd = D1[:, S.newaxis] * W3 * D[S.newaxis, :] Uxd = D1[:, S.newaxis] * W4 * D[S.newaxis, :] Mp[:, :, nlayer] = S.r_[Sx0, Sy0, -1j * Ux0, -1j * Uy0] M[:, :, nlayer] = S.r_[Sxd, Syd, -1j * Uxd, -1j * Uyd] Mtot = S.eye(4 * nood, dtype=complex) for nlayer in range(1, nlayers - 1): Mtot =, Mp[:, :, nlayer]), inv(M[:, :, nlayer])) BC_b = S.r_[b, S.zeros_like(b)] BC_A1 = S.c_[-MR,, MT)] BC_A2 = S.asarray( S.bmat( [ [ (c1[0] * I - c1[2] *, ARO)), (c1[1] * I - c1[2] *, BRO)), ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, ], [ ZERO, ZERO, (DRE -, CRE_1), ARE)), (ERE -, CRE_1), BRE)), ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, ], [ ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, (c3[0] * I - c3[2] *, ATO)), (c3[1] * I - c3[2] *, BTO)), ZERO, ZERO, ], [ ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, (DTE -, CTE_1), ATE)), (ETE -, CTE_1), BTE)), ], ] ) ) BC_A = S.r_[BC_A1, BC_A2] x = linsolve(BC_A, BC_b) ROx, ROy, REx, REy, TOx, TOy, TEx, TEy = S.split(x, 8) ROz =, (, ROx) +, ROy))) REz =, (, REx) +, REy))) TOz =, (, TOx) +, TOy))) TEz =, (, TEx) +, TEy))) denom = (k1[2] -, k1) * u[2]).real DEO1[:, iwl] = ( -( (S.absolute(ROx) ** 2 + S.absolute(ROy) ** 2 + S.absolute(ROz) ** 2) * S.conj(kO1i[2, :]) - (ROx * kO1i[0, :] + ROy * kO1i[1, :] + ROz * kO1i[2, :]) * S.conj(ROz) ).real / denom ) DEE1[:, iwl] = ( -( (S.absolute(REx) ** 2 + S.absolute(REy) ** 2 + S.absolute(REz) ** 2) * S.conj(kE1i[2, :]) - (REx * kE1i[0, :] + REy * kE1i[1, :] + REz * kE1i[2, :]) * S.conj(REz) ).real / denom ) DEO3[:, iwl] = ( (S.absolute(TOx) ** 2 + S.absolute(TOy) ** 2 + S.absolute(TOz) ** 2) * S.conj(kO3i[2, :]) - (TOx * kO3i[0, :] + TOy * kO3i[1, :] + TOz * kO3i[2, :]) * S.conj(TOz) ).real / denom DEE3[:, iwl] = ( (S.absolute(TEx) ** 2 + S.absolute(TEy) ** 2 + S.absolute(TEz) ** 2) * S.conj(kE3i[2, :]) - (TEx * kE3i[0, :] + TEy * kE3i[1, :] + TEz * kE3i[2, :]) * S.conj(TEz) ).real / denom # save the results self.DEO1 = DEO1 self.DEE1 = DEE1 self.DEO3 = DEO3 self.DEE3 = DEE3 return self
def solve(self, wls): """Isotropic solver. INPUT wls = wavelengths to scan (any asarray-able object). OUTPUT self.DE1, self.DE3 = power reflected and transmitted. NOTE see: Moharam, "Formulation for stable and efficient implementation of the rigorous coupled-wave analysis of binary gratings", JOSA A, 12(5), 1995 Lalanne, "Highly improved convergence of the coupled-wave method for TM polarization", JOSA A, 13(4), 1996 Moharam, "Stable implementation of the rigorous coupled-wave analysis for surface-relief gratings: enhanced trasmittance matrix approach", JOSA A, 12(5), 1995 """ self.wls = S.atleast_1d(wls) LAMBDA = self.LAMBDA n = self.n multilayer = self.multilayer alpha = self.alpha delta = psi = self.psi phi = self.phi nlayers = len(multilayer) i = S.arange(-n, n + 1) nood = 2 * n + 1 hmax = nood - 1 # grating vector (on the xz plane) # grating on the xy plane K = 2 * pi / LAMBDA * S.array([S.sin(phi), 0.0, S.cos(phi)], dtype=complex) DE1 = S.zeros((nood, self.wls.size)) DE3 = S.zeros_like(DE1) dirk1 = S.array( [S.sin(alpha) * S.cos(delta), S.sin(alpha) * S.sin(delta), S.cos(alpha)] ) # usefull matrices I = S.eye(i.size) I2 = S.eye(i.size * 2) ZERO = S.zeros_like(I) X = S.zeros((2 * nood, 2 * nood, nlayers), dtype=complex) MTp1 = S.zeros((2 * nood, 2 * nood, nlayers), dtype=complex) MTp2 = S.zeros_like(MTp1) EPS2 = S.zeros(2 * hmax + 1, dtype=complex) EPS21 = S.zeros_like(EPS2) dlt = (i == 0).astype(int) for iwl, wl in enumerate(self.wls): # free space wavevector k = 2 * pi / wl n1 = multilayer[0].mat.n(wl).item() n3 = multilayer[-1].mat.n(wl).item() # incident plane wave wavevector k1 = k * n1 * dirk1 # all the other wavevectors tmp_x = k1[0] - i * K[0] tmp_y = k1[1] * S.ones_like(i) tmp_z = dispersion_relation_ordinary(tmp_x, tmp_y, k, n1) k1i = S.r_[[tmp_x], [tmp_y], [tmp_z]] # k2i = S.r_[[k1[0] - i*K[0]], [k1[1] - i * K[1]], [-i * K[2]]] tmp_z = dispersion_relation_ordinary(tmp_x, tmp_y, k, n3) k3i = S.r_[[k1i[0, :]], [k1i[1, :]], [tmp_z]] # aliases for constant wavevectors kx = k1i[0, :] ky = k1[1] # angles of reflection # phi_i = S.arctan2(ky,kx) phi_i = S.arctan2(ky, kx.real) # OKKIO Kx = S.diag(kx / k) Ky = ky / k * I Z1 = S.diag(k1i[2, :] / (k * n1 ** 2)) Y1 = S.diag(k1i[2, :] / k) Z3 = S.diag(k3i[2, :] / (k * n3 ** 2)) Y3 = S.diag(k3i[2, :] / k) # Fc = S.diag(S.cos(phi_i)) fc = S.cos(phi_i) # Fs = S.diag(S.sin(phi_i)) fs = S.sin(phi_i) MR = S.asarray( S.bmat([[I, ZERO], [-1j * Y1, ZERO], [ZERO, I], [ZERO, -1j * Z1]]) ) MT = S.asarray( S.bmat([[I, ZERO], [1j * Y3, ZERO], [ZERO, I], [ZERO, 1j * Z3]]) ) # internal layers (grating or layer) X.fill(0.0) MTp1.fill(0.0) MTp2.fill(0.0) for nlayer in range(nlayers - 2, 0, -1): # internal layers layer = multilayer[nlayer] d = layer.thickness EPS2, EPS21 = layer.getEPSFourierCoeffs(wl, n, anisotropic=False) E = toeplitz(EPS2[hmax::-1], EPS2[hmax:]) E1 = toeplitz(EPS21[hmax::-1], EPS21[hmax:]) E11 = inv(E1) # B =, linsolve(E,Kx)) - I B = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * linsolve(E, Kx) - I # A =, Kx) - E A = S.diag((kx / k) ** 2) - E # Note: solution bug alfredo # randomizzo Kx un po' a caso finche' cond(A) e' piccolo (<1e10) # soluzione sporca... :-( # per certi kx, l'operatore di helmholtz ha 2 autovalori nulli e A, B # non sono invertibili --> cambio leggermente i kx... ma dovrei invece # trattare separatamente (analiticamente) questi casi if cond(A) > 1e10: warning("BAD CONDITIONING: randomization of kx") while cond(A) > 1e10: Kx = Kx * (1 + 1e-9 * S.rand()) B = kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * linsolve(E, Kx) - I A = S.diag((kx / k) ** 2) - E if S.absolute(K[2] / k) > 1e-10: raise ValueError( "First Order Helmholtz Operator not implemented, yet!" ) elif ky == 0 or S.allclose(S.diag(Ky / ky * k), 1): # lalanne # H_U_reduced =, Ky) + A H_U_reduced = (ky / k) ** 2 * I + A # H_S_reduced =, Ky) +, linsolve(E,, E11))) - E11 H_S_reduced = ( (ky / k) ** 2 * I + kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * linsolve(E, kx[:, S.newaxis] / k * E11) - E11 ) q1, W1 = eig(H_U_reduced) q1 = S.sqrt(q1) q2, W2 = eig(H_S_reduced) q2 = S.sqrt(q2) # boundary conditions # V11 =, W1), S.diag(q1)) V11 = linsolve(A, W1) * q1[S.newaxis, :] V12 = (ky / k) *, Kx), W2) V21 = (ky / k) *, Kx), linsolve(E, W1)) # V22 =, W2), S.diag(q2)) V22 = linsolve(B, W2) * q2[S.newaxis, :] # Vss =, V11) Vss = fc[:, S.newaxis] * V11 # Wss =, W1) +, V21) Wss = fc[:, S.newaxis] * W1 + fs[:, S.newaxis] * V21 # Vsp =, V12) -, W2) Vsp = fc[:, S.newaxis] * V12 - fs[:, S.newaxis] * W2 # Wsp =, V22) Wsp = fs[:, S.newaxis] * V22 # Wpp =, V22) Wpp = fc[:, S.newaxis] * V22 # Vpp =, W2) +, V12) Vpp = fc[:, S.newaxis] * W2 + fs[:, S.newaxis] * V12 # Wps =, V21) -, W1) Wps = fc[:, S.newaxis] * V21 - fs[:, S.newaxis] * W1 # Vps =, V11) Vps = fs[:, S.newaxis] * V11 Mc2bar = S.asarray( S.bmat( [ [Vss, Vsp, Vss, Vsp], [Wss, Wsp, -Wss, -Wsp], [Wps, Wpp, -Wps, -Wpp], [Vps, Vpp, Vps, Vpp], ] ) ) x = S.r_[S.exp(-k * q1 * d), S.exp(-k * q2 * d)] # Mc1 =, S.diag(S.r_[S.ones_like(x), x])) xx = S.r_[S.ones_like(x), x] Mc1 = Mc2bar * xx[S.newaxis, :] X[:, :, nlayer] = S.diag(x) MTp = linsolve(Mc2bar, MT) MTp1[:, :, nlayer] = MTp[0 : 2 * nood, :] MTp2 = MTp[2 * nood :, :] MT = Mc1, S.r_[ I2,, linsolve(MTp1[:, :, nlayer], X[:, :, nlayer])), ], ) else: ValueError("Second Order Helmholtz Operator not implemented, yet!") # M = S.asarray(S.bmat([-MR, MT])) M = S.c_[-MR, MT] b = S.r_[ S.sin(psi) * dlt, 1j * S.sin(psi) * n1 * S.cos(alpha) * dlt, -1j * S.cos(psi) * n1 * dlt, S.cos(psi) * S.cos(alpha) * dlt, ] x = linsolve(M, b) R, T = S.split(x, 2) Rs, Rp = S.split(R, 2) for ii in range(1, nlayers - 1): T =[:, :, ii], X[:, :, ii]), T) Ts, Tp = S.split(T, 2) DE1[:, iwl] = (k1i[2, :] / (k1[2])).real * S.absolute(Rs) ** 2 + ( k1i[2, :] / (k1[2] * n1 ** 2) ).real * S.absolute(Rp) ** 2 DE3[:, iwl] = (k3i[2, :] / (k1[2])).real * S.absolute(Ts) ** 2 + ( k3i[2, :] / (k1[2] * n3 ** 2) ).real * S.absolute(Tp) ** 2 # save the results self.DE1 = DE1 self.DE3 = DE3 return self
def FF(x): # подсчёт значения функции f(x) через сумму ряда в точке x S = a0 / 2 for i in range(1, k): S += AK[i] * sp.cos(i * x) + BK[i] * sp.sin(i * x) return S
import os import sys example = 'example_1d_cubic' title = 'Sine Wave using two 1D Cubic Lagrange Element' testdatadir = 'data' docimagedir = os.path.join('..', 'doc', 'images') # sphinx tag start import scipy import morphic x = scipy.linspace(0, 2 * scipy.pi, 7) y = scipy.sin(x) X = scipy.array([x, y]).T mesh = morphic.Mesh() for i, xn in enumerate(X): mesh.add_stdnode(i + 1, xn) mesh.add_element(1, ['L3'], [1, 2, 3, 4]) mesh.add_element(2, ['L3'], [4, 5, 6, 7]) # sphinx tag end if len(sys.argv) > 1: action = sys.argv[1] from matplotlib import pyplot import pickle Xn = mesh.get_nodes()
def generate_base_points(num_points, domain_size, prob=None): r""" Generates a set of base points for passing into the DelaunayVoronoiDual class. The points can be distributed in spherical, cylindrical, or rectilinear patterns. Parameters ---------- num_points : scalar The number of base points that lie within the domain. Note that the actual number of points returned will be larger, with the extra points lying outside the domain. domain_size : list or array Controls the size and shape of the domain, as follows: **sphere** : If a single value is received, its treated as the radius [r] of a sphere centered on [0, 0, 0]. **cylinder** : If a two-element list is received it's treated as the radius and height of a cylinder [r, z] positioned at [0, 0, 0] and extending in the positive z-direction. **rectangle** : If a three element list is received, it's treated as the outer corner of rectangle [x, y, z] whose opposite corner lies at [0, 0, 0]. prob : 3D array, optional A 3D array that contains fractional (0-1) values indicating the liklihood that a point in that region should be kept. If not specified an array containing 1's in the shape of a sphere, cylinder, or cube is generated, depnending on the give ``domain_size`` with zeros outside. When specifying a custom probabiliy map is it recommended to also set values outside the given domain to zero. If not, then the correct shape will still be returned, but with too few points in it. Notes ----- This method places the given number of points within the specified domain, then reflects these points across each domain boundary. This results in smooth flat faces at the boundaries once these excess pores are trimmed. The reflection approach tends to create larger pores near the surfaces, so it might be necessary to use the ``prob`` argument to specify a slightly higher density of points near the surfaces. For rough faces, it is necessary to define a larger than desired domain then trim to the desired size. This will discard the reflected points plus some of the original points. Examples -------- The following generates a spherical array with higher values near the core. It uses a distance transform to create a sphere of radius 10, then a second distance transform to create larger values in the center away from the sphere surface. These distance values could be further skewed by applying a power, with values higher than 1 resulting in higher values in the core, and fractional values smoothinging them out a bit. >>> import OpenPNM as op >>> import scipy as sp >>> import scipy.ndimage as spim >>> im = sp.ones([21, 21, 21], dtype=int) >>> im[10, 10, 10] = 0 >>> im = spim.distance_transform_edt(im) <= 20 # Create sphere of 1's >>> prob = spim.distance_transform_edt(im) >>> prob = prob / sp.amax(prob) # Normalize between 0 and 1 >>> pts =, ... domain_size=[2], ... prob=prob) >>> net = op.Network.DelaunayVoronoiDual(points=pts, domain_size=[2]) """ def _try_points(num_points, prob): prob = _sp.array(prob)/_sp.amax(prob) # Ensure prob is normalized base_pts = [] N = 0 while N < num_points: pt = _sp.random.rand(3) # Generate a point # Test whether to keep it or not [indx, indy, indz] = _sp.floor(pt*_sp.shape(prob)).astype(int) if _sp.random.rand(1) <= prob[indx][indy][indz]: base_pts.append(pt) N += 1 base_pts = _sp.array(base_pts) return base_pts if len(domain_size) == 1: # Spherical domain_size = _sp.array(domain_size) if prob is None: prob = _sp.ones([41, 41, 41]) prob[20, 20, 20] = 0 prob = _spim.distance_transform_bf(prob) <= 20 base_pts = _try_points(num_points, prob) # Convert to spherical coordinates [X, Y, Z] = _sp.array(base_pts - [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]).T # Center at origin r = 2*_sp.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2 + Z**2)*domain_size[0] theta = 2*_sp.arctan(Y/X) phi = 2*_sp.arctan(_sp.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2)/Z) # Trim points outside the domain (from improper prob images) inds = r <= domain_size[0] [r, theta, phi] = [r[inds], theta[inds], phi[inds]] # Reflect base points across perimeter new_r = 2*domain_size - r r = _sp.hstack([r, new_r]) theta = _sp.hstack([theta, theta]) phi = _sp.hstack([phi, phi]) # Convert to Cartesean coordinates X = r*_sp.cos(theta)*_sp.sin(phi) Y = r*_sp.sin(theta)*_sp.sin(phi) Z = r*_sp.cos(phi) base_pts = _sp.vstack([X, Y, Z]).T elif len(domain_size) == 2: # Cylindrical domain_size = _sp.array(domain_size) if prob is None: prob = _sp.ones([41, 41, 41]) prob[20, 20, :] = 0 prob = _spim.distance_transform_bf(prob) <= 20 base_pts = _try_points(num_points, prob) # Convert to cylindrical coordinates [X, Y, Z] = _sp.array(base_pts - [0.5, 0.5, 0]).T # Center on z-axis r = 2*_sp.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2)*domain_size[0] theta = 2*_sp.arctan(Y/X) z = Z*domain_size[1] # Trim points outside the domain (from improper prob images) inds = r <= domain_size[0] [r, theta, z] = [r[inds], theta[inds], z[inds]] inds = ~((z > domain_size[1]) + (z < 0)) [r, theta, z] = [r[inds], theta[inds], z[inds]] # Reflect base points about faces and perimeter new_r = 2*domain_size[0] - r r = _sp.hstack([r, new_r]) theta = _sp.hstack([theta, theta]) z = _sp.hstack([z, z]) r = _sp.hstack([r, r, r]) theta = _sp.hstack([theta, theta, theta]) z = _sp.hstack([z, -z, 2-z]) # Convert to Cartesean coordinates X = r*_sp.cos(theta) Y = r*_sp.sin(theta) Z = z base_pts = _sp.vstack([X, Y, Z]).T elif len(domain_size) == 3: # Rectilinear domain_size = _sp.array(domain_size) Nx, Ny, Nz = domain_size if prob is None: prob = _sp.ones([10, 10, 10], dtype=float) base_pts = _try_points(num_points, prob) base_pts = base_pts*domain_size # Reflect base points about all 6 faces orig_pts = base_pts base_pts = _sp.vstack((base_pts, [-1, 1, 1]*orig_pts + [2.0*Nx, 0, 0])) base_pts = _sp.vstack((base_pts, [1, -1, 1]*orig_pts + [0, 2.0*Ny, 0])) base_pts = _sp.vstack((base_pts, [1, 1, -1]*orig_pts + [0, 0, 2.0*Nz])) base_pts = _sp.vstack((base_pts, [-1, 1, 1]*orig_pts)) base_pts = _sp.vstack((base_pts, [1, -1, 1]*orig_pts)) base_pts = _sp.vstack((base_pts, [1, 1, -1]*orig_pts)) return base_pts
N = 8 array = buildAntennaArray(num_elements=N, ref_element=1, seperation=wavelength / 2) plt.axis([-2, 2, -2, 2]) plt.ion() for angle in range(-89, 89, 1): plt.clf() plt.axis([-2, 2, -2, 2]) plt.plot(array, sp.zeros(N, dtype=sp.double), 'or') pd = calculatePhaseDelay(array, (angle * sp.pi / 180), wavelength) aoa = calculateAOA(array, pd, wavelength) #print aoa for i in range(N): mag = 1 ang = aoa[i] x = array[i] y = 0 # remember, 0 degrees should be boresight plt.plot([x, mag * sp.cos((90 - ang) * sp.pi / 180) + x], [y, mag * sp.sin((90 - ang) * sp.pi / 180) + y], 'r') plt.draw() plt.pause(0.001) #raw_input("paused...")
def g(wind_angle, num_iterations=num_iterations): # wind_angle = 7*np.pi/4 wind_mag = 1.2 #Loop through pickle files for that parameter value and merge counts for i in range(num_iterations): # file_name = 'trap_arrival_by_wind_live_coarse_dt' # file_name = 'trap_time_course_by_wind' # file_name = 'trap_arrival_by_wind_fit_gauss' file_name = 'trap_arrival_by_wind_adjusted_fit_gauss' file_name = file_name + '_wind_mag_' + str( wind_mag) #+'_wind_angle_'+str(wind_angle)[0:4]+'_iter_'+str(i) # file_name = file_name +'_wind_mag_'+str(wind_mag)+'_wind_angle_'+str(wind_angle)[0:4]+'_iter_'+str(i) # file_name = file_name +'_wind_mag_'+str(wind_mag) output_file = file_name + '.pkl' with open(output_file, 'r') as f: (_, swarm) = pickle.load(f) # swarm = pickle.load(f) if i == 0: sim_trap_counts_cumul = np.zeros(swarm.num_traps) sim_trap_counts_cumul += swarm.get_trap_counts() # print(sim_trap_counts_cumul) #Trap arrival plot #Set 0s to 1 for plotting purposes sim_trap_counts_cumul /= num_iterations sim_trap_counts_cumul[sim_trap_counts_cumul == 0] = .5 trap_locs = (2 * scipy.pi / swarm.num_traps) * scipy.array( swarm.list_all_traps()) radius_scale = 0.3 plot_size = 1.5 fig = plt.figure(200 + int(10 * wind_mag)) ax = plt.subplot(aspect=1) trap_locs_2d = [(scipy.cos(trap_loc), scipy.sin(trap_loc)) for trap_loc in trap_locs] patches = [ plt.Circle(center, size) for center, size in zip( trap_locs_2d, radius_scale * sim_trap_counts_cumul / max(sim_trap_counts_cumul)) ] biggest_trap_loc = trap_locs_2d[np.where( sim_trap_counts_cumul == max(sim_trap_counts_cumul))[0][0]] coll = matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection(patches, facecolors='blue', edgecolors='blue') ax.add_collection(coll) ax.set_ylim([-plot_size, plot_size]) ax.set_xlim([-plot_size, plot_size]) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_xticklabels('') ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_yticklabels('') #Label max trap count ax.text(biggest_trap_loc[0], biggest_trap_loc[1], str(max(sim_trap_counts_cumul)), horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=18, color='white') #Wind arrow plt.arrow( 0.5, 0.5, 0.1 * scipy.cos(wind_angle), 0.1 * scipy.sin(wind_angle), transform=ax.transAxes, color='b', width=0.001, head_width=0.03, head_length=0.05, ) # ax.text(0.55, 0.5,'Wind',transform=ax.transAxes,color='b') ax.text(0, 1.5, 'N', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=25) ax.text(0, -1.5, 'S', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=25) ax.text(1.5, 0, 'E', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=25) ax.text(-1.5, 0, 'W', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=25) # plt.title('Simulated') fig.patch.set_facecolor('white') plt.axis('off') ax.text(0, 1.7, 'Trap Counts' + ' (Wind Mag: ' + str(wind_mag)[0:3] + ')', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', fontsize=20) # file_name = 'trap_arrival_by_wind_live_coarse_dt' file_name = 'trap_arrival_by_wind_adjusted_fit_gauss' png_file_name = file_name + '_wind_mag_' + str( wind_mag) + '_wind_angle_' + str(wind_angle)[0:4] plt.savefig(png_file_name + '.png', format='png')
import scipy as sp import scipy.misc import scipy.constants from scipy import pi if __name__ == "__main__" and __package__ is None: sys.path.append('..') __package__ = "doamusic" import doamusic from doamusic import music from doamusic import _music from doamusic import util # 16 element unit circle in the y-z plane antx = sp.arange(16) circarray = sp.array([0*antx, sp.cos(antx), sp.sin(antx)]).T # 3 offset circles in planes paralell to y-z front = circarray + [1,0,0] back = circarray - [1,0,0] triplecircarray = sp.concatenate((front,circarray,back)) # unit spacing grid (5x5) gridarray = sp.array( [ (0,y,z) for y,z in itertools.product(range(-3,4),repeat=2) ] ) # unit spacing linear linarray = sp.array( [ (0,y,0) for y in range(10) ] ) # Arrays as constructed.
def f(x, y): return 3.0 * scipy.sin(x * y + 1e-4) / (x * y + 1e-4)
def calculatePhaseDelay(array, angle, wavelength): phasedelay = 2 * sp.pi * array * sp.sin(angle) / wavelength phasedelay = abs(phasedelay) % (2 * sp.pi) * phasedelay / abs( phasedelay ) # this adds realism, you'd never be able to detect the overall phasedelays beyond the -pi to pi range return phasedelay
else: print "plotting only supported for indim=1 or indim=2." if __name__ == '__main__': from pylab import figure, show # --- example on how to use the GP in 1 dimension ds = SupervisedDataSet(1, 1) gp = GaussianProcess(indim=1, start=-3, stop=3, step=0.05) figure() x = mgrid[-3:3:0.2] y = 0.1 * x**2 + x + 1 z = sin(x) + 0.5 * cos(y) ds.addSample(-2.5, -1) ds.addSample(-1.0, 3) gp.mean = 0 # new feature "autonoise" adds uncertainty to data depending on # it's distance to other points in the dataset. not tested much yet. # gp.autonoise = True gp.trainOnDataset(ds) gp.plotCurves(showSamples=True) # you can also test the gp on single points, but this deletes the # original testing grid. it can be restored with a call to _buildGrid() print gp.testOnArray(array([[0.4]]))
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import rc rc('text', usetex=True) ################################# USER SETTINGS ################################### """ Diffeq params """ lmd1 = 1.0 lmd2 = 2.0 xa = 0.0 xg = 1.0 xb = 2.0 ua = 1.0 ub = 3.0 f1 = lambda x: sc.sin(x) f2 = lambda x: sc.cos(3*x) globres = 1000 #Resoltion of global discretisations dnres1 = 5 # Resolution of the dir/neu alg discretisations dnres2 = 7 """ Discretisation params """ dirDisc = "FEM" # FDM,FEM,FVM neuDisc = "FVM" # FDM,FEM,FVM ############################# PROGRAM ############################## def Ldense(x): return sc.expm1(3*x)/(sc.exp(3)-1)
def __init__(self): """ Constructor or the initializer """ QMainWindow.__init__(self) # Set some default attributes of the window self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.setWindowTitle("Reflection and Refraction") # define the main widget as self self.main_widget = QWidget(self) # Add the label widgets and sliders # Refractive Index - Object Side self.loRIOne = QVBoxLayout() self.lblRIOne = QLabel("Refractive Index: n1", self) self.sldRIOne = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal) self.sldRIOne.setMinimum(100) self.sldRIOne.setMaximum(200) self.sldRIOne.setValue(100) self.sldRIOne.setTickPosition(QSlider.TicksBelow) self.sldRIOne.setTickInterval(10) self.edtRIOne = QLineEdit(self) self.edtRIOne.setMaxLength(5) self.loRIOne.addWidget(self.lblRIOne) self.loRIOne.addSpacing(3) self.loRIOne.addWidget(self.sldRIOne) self.loRIOne.addSpacing(3) self.loRIOne.addWidget(self.edtRIOne) # Refractive Index - Object Side self.loRITwo = QVBoxLayout() self.lblRITwo = QLabel("Refractive Index: n2", self) self.sldRITwo = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal) self.sldRITwo.setMinimum(100) self.sldRITwo.setMaximum(200) self.sldRITwo.setValue(152) self.sldRITwo.setTickPosition(QSlider.TicksBelow) self.sldRITwo.setTickInterval(10) self.edtRITwo = QLineEdit(self) self.edtRITwo.setMaxLength(5) self.loRITwo.addWidget(self.lblRITwo) self.loRITwo.addSpacing(3) self.loRITwo.addWidget(self.sldRITwo) self.loRITwo.addSpacing(3) self.loRITwo.addWidget(self.edtRITwo) # Angle of incidence self.loIncAng = QVBoxLayout() self.lblIncAng = QLabel("Angle of Incidence", self) self.sldIncAng = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal) self.sldIncAng.setMinimum(0) self.sldIncAng.setMaximum(90) self.sldIncAng.setValue(30) self.sldIncAng.setTickPosition(QSlider.TicksBelow) self.sldIncAng.setTickInterval(10) self.edtIncAng = QLineEdit(self) self.edtIncAng.setMaxLength(2) self.loIncAng.addWidget(self.lblIncAng) self.loIncAng.addSpacing(3) self.loIncAng.addWidget(self.sldIncAng) self.loIncAng.addSpacing(3) self.loIncAng.addWidget(self.edtIncAng) # Angle of refraction self.loRefrAng = QHBoxLayout() self.lblRefrAng = QLabel("Angle of Refraction", self) self.edtRefrAng = QLineEdit(self) self.loRefrAng.addWidget(self.lblRefrAng) self.loRefrAng.addSpacing(3) self.loRefrAng.addWidget(self.edtRefrAng) refrAng = 180.0 / pi * arcsin(1.0 * sin(pi / 180.0 * 30) / 1.52) self.edtRefrAng.setText(str('%5.3f' % (refrAng))) # Waves Param Layout self.loRayParams = QHBoxLayout() self.loRayParams.addLayout(self.loRIOne) self.loRayParams.addStretch() self.loRayParams.addLayout(self.loRITwo) self.loRayParams.addStretch() self.loRayParams.addLayout(self.loIncAng) # Get the values from the sliders nOne = self.sldRIOne.value() / 100 nTwo = self.sldRITwo.value() / 100 incAng = self.sldIncAng.value() self.edtRIOne.setText(str(nOne)) self.edtRITwo.setText(str(nTwo)) self.edtIncAng.setText(str(incAng)) # Create an instance of the FigureCanvas self.loCanvas = MplCanvas(self.main_widget, width=5, height=4, nOne=nOne, nTwo=nTwo, incAng=incAng) # Set the focus to the main_widget and set it to be central widget self.main_widget.setFocus() self.setCentralWidget(self.main_widget) # Populate the master layout self.loMaster = QVBoxLayout(self.main_widget) self.loMaster.addLayout(self.loRayParams) self.loMaster.addWidget(self.loCanvas) self.loMaster.addLayout(self.loRefrAng) # Connect slots self.sldRIOne.valueChanged.connect(self.OnRIOneChanged) self.sldRITwo.valueChanged.connect(self.OnRITwoChanged) self.sldIncAng.valueChanged.connect(self.OnIncAngChanged) self.edtRIOne.editingFinished.connect(self.OnEdtRIOneChanged) self.edtRITwo.editingFinished.connect(self.OnEdtRITwoChanged) self.edtIncAng.editingFinished.connect(self.OnEdtIncAngChanged)
def drawPlot(self, nOne, nTwo, incAng): # Angle of reflection reflAng = incAng # Angle of refraction refrAng = 180.0 / pi * arcsin(nOne * sin(pi / 180.0 * incAng) / nTwo) # The canvas x = linspace(-3.0, 3.0, 1024) y = linspace(-3.0, 3.0, 1024) X, Y = meshgrid(x, y) y = sin(2 * pi * x / (nOne / 1000) + nTwo) # Draw the boundary between the two media bdy = mlines.Line2D([0, 0], [-3, 3], color='k') # Draw the normal nml = mlines.Line2D([-2, 2], [0, 0], ls='dashed', color='k') # Draw the incident and reflected ray lIncRay = lRefrRay = lReflRay = 2.8 xIncRay = -lIncRay * cos(pi / 180.0 * incAng) yIncRay = -lIncRay * sin(pi / 180.0 * incAng) xReflRay = xIncRay yReflRay = -yIncRay incRay = mlines.Line2D([xIncRay, 0], [yIncRay, 0], color='k') # Draw the arrow at the middle of the ray / 2, yIncRay / 2, 0.05, 0.05 * tan(pi / 180.0 * incAng), length_includes_head=True, head_width=0.1, color='k', shape='full') reflRay = mlines.Line2D([xReflRay, 0], [yReflRay, 0], color='k') # Draw the arrow at the middle of the ray / 2, yReflRay / 2, -0.05, 0.05 * tan(pi / 180.0 * reflAng), length_includes_head=True, head_width=0.1, color='k', shape='full') # Draw the refracted ray if not isinstance(refrAng, complex): xRefrRay = lRefrRay * cos(pi / 180.0 * refrAng) yRefrRay = lRefrRay * sin(pi / 180.0 * refrAng) refrRay = mlines.Line2D([0, xRefrRay], [0, yRefrRay], color='k') # Draw the arrow at the middle of the ray / 2, yRefrRay / 2, 0.05, 0.05 * tan(pi / 180.0 * refrAng), length_includes_head=True, head_width=0.1, color='k', shape='full') # Set the axes properties, 3), 3)[])[]), 2.5, 'Medium 1'), 2.5, 'Medium 2') # Draw the axes self.draw()
import scipy as sp import matplotlib.pylab as plt t = sp.arange(0, 10, 1 / 100) plt.plot(t, sp.sin(1.7 * 2 * sp.pi * t) + sp.sin(1.9 * 2 * sp.pi * t))
def get_E_crit(N): return - 2 * abs(sp.sin(sp.pi * (2 * sp.arange(N) + 1) / (2 * (2 * N + 1)))).sum()
def Heat_1D(c, L, t, T1, T2, fun=lambda x: 100): """ This function gives the solution to the 1D heat equation: du(x,t)/dt = c^2 d^2(u(x,t))/dx^2 Evaluated at multiple times and positions. The function only considers members with no internal heat sources. The bar is assumed to be homogeneous, made of a single material. This function's resolution is not very fine, it you want better resolution use single_heat as it will be evaluated at a single position and time. Inputs: c: the diffusivity, k/(s*rho) L: the length of the member t: the time of interest T1: boundary condition: u(0,t) = T1 T2: boundary condition: u(L,t) = T2 fun: boundary condition: u(x,0) = f(x) fun defaults to 100, this means that the bar is at a uniform temperature of 100 when you start observing the system. """ if L <= 10: point = int(10 * L) else: point = 100 if t <= 60: times = int(5 * t) else: times = 350 T = sp.linspace(0, t, times) # the time increments needed X = sp.linspace(0, L, point) # the points on the bar N1 = 10 #these are different upperbounds to the series solution to be used as comparison N2 = 30 N3 = 80 Sol1 = [ ] # in the end these will each contain a list for every time value of the solution at the different points on the bar Sol2 = [] Sol3 = [] for ts in T: #this loops through the different time increments s1 = [ T1 ] #the ends are defined by the boundary conditions so this saves needless calculations s2 = [T1] s3 = [T1] for x in X[ 1:-1]: # this loops through the defined positions on the bar sn1 = [ ] #this is list that contains the values of the solution at each n up to N1 sn2 = [ ] #this is list that contains the values of the solution at each n up to N2 sn3 = [ ] #this is list that contains the values of the solution at each n up to N3 for n in range(1, N1 + 1): # these itterate the n values within the series lam1 = c * n * pi / L u1_1 = ( T2 - T1 ) * x / L + T1 #this is steady state, time independent solution. b1_n = integrate.quad(b_n, 0, L, args=( L, T1, T2, n, fun, ))[0] #this finds the fourier coefficient u1_2 = b1_n * sp.exp(-lam1**2 * ts) * sp.sin( n * pi * x / L) #this is the time dependent solution u1 = u1_1 + u1_2 sn1.append( u1) # i think if i had been a little more clever and #had a bit more time i could have made a subfunction so i would #not be doing the same calculation 3 times. Use an appropriate bound conditions on for loop as well for n in range(1, N2 + 1): # these itterate the n values within the series lam2 = c * n * pi / L u2_1 = ( T2 - T1 ) * x / L + T1 #this is steady state, time independent solution. b2_n = integrate.quad(b_n, 0, L, args=( L, T1, T2, n, fun, ))[0] #this finds the fourier coefficient u2_2 = b2_n * sp.exp(-lam2**2 * ts) * sp.sin( n * pi * x / L) #this is the time dependent solution u2 = u2_1 + u2_2 sn2.append(u2) for n in range(1, N3 + 1): # these itterate the n values within the series lam3 = c * n * pi / L u3_1 = ( T2 - T1 ) * x / L + T1 #this is steady state, time independent solution. b3_n = integrate.quad(b_n, 0, L, args=( L, T1, T2, n, fun, ))[0] #this finds the fourier coefficient u3_2 = b3_n * sp.exp(-lam3**2 * ts) * sp.sin( n * pi * x / L) #this is the time dependent solution u3 = u3_1 + u3_2 sn3.append(u3) sol1 = sumr( sn1 ) #this sums up all the values within the list of the solution evaluated at different n's getting the numerical answer at the position sol2 = sumr(sn2) sol3 = sumr(sn3) s1.append(sol1) s2.append(sol2) s3.append(sol3) if x == X[-2]: s1.append( T2 ) #the ends are defined by the boundary conditions so this saves needless calculations s2.append(T2) s3.append(T2) Sol1.append(s1) Sol2.append(s2) Sol3.append(s3) return Sol1, Sol2, Sol3, X, T
def somefunc1(x): # function of a scalar argument if x < 0: r = 0 else: r = scipy.sin(x) return r
# print freq_limit m_total = sp.zeros((4, 4, freq_limit), float) m_tot = sp.zeros((freq_limit, 17), float) for i in range(0, freq_limit): #Note that this version is based on the combined matrix I derived corrected for linear feed: dG = mp[i, 1] al = mp[i, 2] * sp.pi / 180 ps = mp[i, 3] * sp.pi / 180 ph = mp[i, 4] * sp.pi / 180 ep = mp[i, 5] ch = mp[i, 6] * sp.pi / 180 flux = mp[i, 7] be = mp[i, 8] * sp.pi / 180 m_total[0, 0, i] = flux m_total[0, 1, i] = flux * (0.5 * dG * sp.cos(2 * al) - 2 * ep * sp.sin( 2 * al) * sp.cos(ph - ch)) * sp.cos(be) - flux * ( 0.5 * dG * sp.sin(2 * al) * sp.cos(ch) + 2 * ep * (sp.cos(al) * sp.cos(al) * sp.sin(ph) - sp.sin(al) * sp.sin(al) * sp.cos(ph - 2 * ch))) * sp.sin(be) m_total[0, 2, i] = flux * (0.5 * dG * sp.cos(2 * al) - 2 * ep * sp.sin( 2 * al) * sp.cos(ph - ch)) * sp.sin(be) + flux * ( 0.5 * dG * sp.sin(2 * al) * sp.cos(ch) + 2 * ep * (sp.cos(al) * sp.cos(al) * sp.sin(ph) - sp.sin(al) * sp.sin(al) * sp.cos(ph - 2 * ch))) * sp.cos(be) m_total[0, 3, i] = flux * (0.5 * dG * sp.sin(2 * al) * sp.sin(ch) + 2 * ep * (sp.cos(al) * sp.cos(al) * sp.sin(ph) + sp.sin(al) * sp.sin(al) * sp.sin(ph - 2 * ch))) m_total[1, 0, i] = flux * 0.5 * dG m_total[1, 1, i] = flux * sp.cos(2 * al) * sp.cos(be) - flux * sp.sin( 2 * al) * sp.cos(ch) * sp.sin(be)
def single_heat(c, L, x, t, T1, T2, fun=lambda x: 100): """ This function gives the solution to the 1D heat equation: du(x,t)/dt = c^2 d^2(u(x,t))/dx^2 Evaluated at a single time, t, and position, x. The function only considers members with no internal heat sources. The bar is assumed to be homogeneous, made of a single material. Inputs: c: the diffusivity, k/(s*rho) L: the length of the member x: the position of interest t: the time of interest T1: boundary condition: u(0,t) = T1 T2: boundary condition: u(L,t) = T2 fun: boundary condition: u(x,0) = f(x) fun defaults to 100, this means that the bar is at a uniform temperature of 100 when you start observing the system. """ N = 115 sn = [] #this list will contain the solution at each itteration, n if x == 0: sol = T1 elif x == L: sol = T2 else: for n in range(1, N + 1): # these itterate the n values within the series lam1 = c * n * pi / L u1_1 = ( T2 - T1 ) * x / L + T1 #this is steady state, time independent solution. b1_n = integrate.quad(b_n, 0, L, args=( L, T1, T2, n, fun, ))[0] #this finds the fourier coefficient u1_2 = b1_n * sp.exp(-lam1**2 * t) * sp.sin( n * pi * x / L) #this is the time dependent solution u1 = u1_1 + u1_2 sn.append(u1) sol = sumr( sn ) #this sums up all the solutions at the values n getting the solution at x,t return sol, x, t
""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy as sp #CADA FIGURE ES UNA VENTANA #FIGURA 1--------- plt.figure(1) ejeX = sp.linspace(1,10,100) y = sp.cos(ejeX) plt.title('Figura 1') plt.xlabel('eje x') plt.ylabel('Mi función coseno') plt.plot(ejeX, y, 'bo') #FIGURA 2--------- plt.figure(2) ejeX2 = sp.linspace(10, 50, 20) g = sp.sin(ejeX2) plt.xlabel('eje x') plt.ylabel('Mi función seno') plt.title('Figura 2') plt.plot(ejeX2, g, 'r--') #FIGURA 3 plt.figure(3) with'dark_background')): plt.plot(ejeX2, g, 'r-o')
def run(hps=None): defaults = PaperDefaults() #David's globals _DECODER_TYPE = None #'circular_vote' _DEFAULT_KW97_TILTEFFECT_DEGPERPIX = .45 # <OToole77> _DEFAULT_TILTEFFECT_SIZE = 101 #101 _DEFAULT_KW97_TILTEFFECT_CSIZE = iround(3.6 / _DEFAULT_KW97_TILTEFFECT_DEGPERPIX) _DEFAULT_KW97_TILTEFFECT_NSIZE = iround(5.4 / _DEFAULT_KW97_TILTEFFECT_DEGPERPIX) _DEFAULT_KW97_TILTEFFECT_FSIZE = iround(10.7 / _DEFAULT_KW97_TILTEFFECT_DEGPERPIX) _DEFAULT_TILTEFFECT_CVAL = .5 _DEFAULT_TILTEFFECT_SVALS = np.linspace(0.0, 0.5, 10) _DEFAULT_KW97_TILTEFFECT_SCALE = 1.25 _DEFAULT_TILTEFFECT_NPOINTS = 25 #100 _DEFAULT_TILTEFFECT_CIRCULAR = True _DEFAULT_TILTEFFECT_DECODER_TYPE = 'circular_vote' csvfiles = [ os.path.join(defaults._DATADIR, 'KW97_GH.csv'), os.path.join(defaults._DATADIR, 'KW97_JHK.csv'), os.path.join(defaults._DATADIR, 'KW97_LL.csv'), os.path.join(defaults._DATADIR, 'KW97_SJL.csv'), ] # experiment parameters m = (lambda x: sp.sin(sp.pi * x)) if _DEFAULT_TILTEFFECT_CIRCULAR else ( lambda x: x) cpt = (_DEFAULT_TILTEFFECT_SIZE // 2, _DEFAULT_TILTEFFECT_SIZE // 2) spt = (_DEFAULT_TILTEFFECT_SIZE // 2, _DEFAULT_TILTEFFECT_SIZE // 2 + _DEFAULT_KW97_TILTEFFECT_CSIZE) dt_in = _DEFAULT_TILTEFFECT_CVAL - _DEFAULT_TILTEFFECT_SVALS dtmin = dt_in.min() dtmax = dt_in.max() # simulate populations im = sp.array([[ stim.get_center_nfsurrounds(size=_DEFAULT_TILTEFFECT_SIZE, csize=_DEFAULT_KW97_TILTEFFECT_CSIZE, nsize=_DEFAULT_KW97_TILTEFFECT_NSIZE, fsize=_DEFAULT_KW97_TILTEFFECT_FSIZE, cval=_DEFAULT_TILTEFFECT_CVAL, nval=sp.nan, fval=sval, bgval=sp.nan) ] for sval in _DEFAULT_TILTEFFECT_SVALS]) # get shifts for model for both papers, and from digitized data sortidx = sp.argsort(dt_in) # re-order in increasing angular differences # O'Toole and Wenderoth (1977) n_subjects = len(csvfiles) ds_kw97_paper_x = sp.zeros((n_subjects, 9)) ds_kw97_paper_y = sp.zeros((n_subjects, 9)) for sidx, csv in enumerate(csvfiles): ds_kw97_paper_x[sidx], ds_kw97_paper_y[sidx] = \ sp.genfromtxt(csv, delimiter=',').T dt_model = (_DEFAULT_TILTEFFECT_CVAL - _DEFAULT_TILTEFFECT_SVALS)[sortidx] * 360 ds_kw97_paper_x = (ds_kw97_paper_x + 360.) % 360. - 45. ds_kw97_paper_y = 45. - ds_kw97_paper_y for sidx in range(n_subjects): ds_kw97_paper_x[sidx] = ds_kw97_paper_x[sidx][sp.argsort( ds_kw97_paper_x[sidx])] extra_vars = {} extra_vars['scale'] = _DEFAULT_KW97_TILTEFFECT_SCALE extra_vars['decoder'] = _DEFAULT_TILTEFFECT_DECODER_TYPE extra_vars['npoints'] = _DEFAULT_TILTEFFECT_NPOINTS extra_vars['npoints'] = _DEFAULT_TILTEFFECT_NPOINTS extra_vars['cval'] = _DEFAULT_TILTEFFECT_CVAL extra_vars['sortidx'] = sortidx extra_vars['cpt'] = cpt extra_vars['spt'] = spt extra_vars['sval'] = sval extra_vars['kind'] = 'circular' extra_vars['figure_name'] = 'f3b' extra_vars['return_var'] = 'O' adjusted_gt = signal.resample(np.mean(ds_kw97_paper_y, axis=0), 10) defaults = adjust_parameters(defaults, hps) optimize_model(im, adjusted_gt, extra_vars, defaults)
def f(r, t): theta = r[0] omega = r[1] ftheta = omega fomega = -(g / l) * sin(theta) return array([ftheta, fomega], float)
def fit( self, raw_data=None, n_slices=None, n_scans=None, timing=None, ): """Fits an STC transform that can be later used (using the transform(..) method) to re-slice compatible data. Each row of the fitter transform is precisely the filter by which the signal will be convolved to introduce the phase shift in the corresponding slice. It is constructed explicitly in the Fourier domain. In the time domain, it can be described via the Whittaker-Shannon formula (sinc interpolation). Parameters ---------- raw_data: 4D array of shape (n_rows, n_colomns, n_slices, n_scans) (optional, default None) raw data to fit the transform on. If this is specified, then n_slices and n_scans parameters should not be specified. n_slices: int (optional, default None) number of slices in each 3D volume. If the raw_data parameter is specified then this parameter should not be specified n_scans: int (optional, default None) number of 3D volumes. If the raw_data parameter is specified then this parameter should not be specified timing: list or tuple of length 2 (optional, default None) additional information for sequence timing timing[0] = time between slices timing[1] = time between last slices and next volume Returns ------- self: fitted STC object Raises ------ ValueError, in case parameters are insane """ # set basic meta params if not raw_data is None: raw_data = self._sanitize_raw_data( raw_data, fitting=True, ) self.n_slices = raw_data.shape[2] self.n_scans = raw_data.shape[-1] self.raw_data = raw_data else: if n_slices is None: raise ValueError( "raw_data parameter not specified. You need to" " specify a value for n_slices!") else: self.n_slices = n_slices if n_scans is None: raise ValueError( "raw_data parameter not specified. You need to" " specify a value for n_scans!") else: self.n_scans = n_scans # fix slice indices consistently with slice order self.slice_indices = get_slice_indices(self.n_slices, slice_order=self.slice_order, return_final=True, interleaved=self.interleaved) # fix ref slice index, to be consistent with the slice order self.ref_slice = self.slice_indices[self.ref_slice] # timing info (slice_TR is the time of acquisition of a single slice, # as a fractional multiple of the TR) if not timing is None: TR = (self.n_slices - 1) * timing[0] + timing[1] slice_TR = timing[0] / TR assert 0 <= slice_TR < 1 self._log("Your TR is %s" % TR) else: # TR normalized to 1 ( slice_TR = 1. / self.n_slices # least power of 2 not less than n_scans N = 2**int(np.floor(np.log2(self.n_scans)) + 1) # this will hold phase shifter of each slice k self.kernel_ = np.ndarray( (self.n_slices, N), dtype=np.complex, # beware, default dtype is float! ) # loop over slices (z axis) for z in range(self.n_slices): self._log(("STC: Estimating phase-shift transform for slice " "%i/%i...") % (z + 1, self.n_slices)) # compute time delta for shifting this slice w.r.t. the reference shift_amount = (self.slice_indices[z] - self.ref_slice) * slice_TR # phi represents a range of phases up to the Nyquist # frequency phi = np.ndarray(N) phi[0] = 0. for f in range(int(N / 2)): phi[f + 1] = -1. * shift_amount * 2 * np.pi * (f + 1) / N # check if signal length is odd or even -- impacts how phases # (phi) are reflected across Nyquist frequency offset = N % 2 # mirror phi about the center phi[int(1 + N / 2 - offset):] = -phi[int(N / 2 + offset - 1):0:-1] # map phi to frequency domain: phi -> complex # point z = exp(i * phi) on unit circle self.kernel_[z] = scipy.cos(phi) + scipy.sqrt(-1) * scipy.sin(phi) self._log("Done.") # return fitted object return self
def f(wind_angle, i): random_state = np.random.RandomState(i) wind_mag = 1.2 file_name = 'trap_arrival_by_wind_live_coarse_dt' file_name = file_name + '_wind_mag_' + str( wind_mag) + '_wind_angle_' + str(wind_angle)[0:4] + '_iter_' + str(i) output_file = file_name + '.pkl' dt = 0.25 plume_dt = 0.25 frame_rate = 20 times_real_time = 20 # seconds of simulation / sec in video capture_interval = int(scipy.ceil(times_real_time * (1. / frame_rate) / dt)) simulation_time = 50. * 60. #seconds release_delay = 30. * 60 #/(wind_mag) t_start = 0.0 t = 0. - release_delay wind_param = { 'speed': wind_mag, 'angle': wind_angle, 'evolving': False, 'wind_dt': None, 'dt': dt } wind_field_noiseless = wind_models.WindField(param=wind_param) #traps number_sources = 8 radius_sources = 1000.0 trap_radius = 0.5 location_list, strength_list = utility.create_circle_of_sources( number_sources, radius_sources, None) trap_param = { 'source_locations': location_list, 'source_strengths': strength_list, 'epsilon': 0.01, 'trap_radius': trap_radius, 'source_radius': radius_sources } traps = trap_models.TrapModel(trap_param) #Wind and plume objects #Odor arena xlim = (-1500., 1500.) ylim = (-1500., 1500.) sim_region = models.Rectangle(xlim[0], ylim[0], xlim[1], ylim[1]) wind_region = models.Rectangle(xlim[0] * 1.2, ylim[0] * 1.2, xlim[1] * 1.2, ylim[1] * 1.2) source_pos = scipy.array( [scipy.array(tup) for tup in traps.param['source_locations']]).T #wind model setup diff_eq = False constant_wind_angle = wind_angle aspect_ratio = (xlim[1] - xlim[0]) / (ylim[1] - ylim[0]) noise_gain = 3. noise_damp = 0.071 noise_bandwidth = 0.71 wind_grid_density = 200 Kx = Ky = 10000 #highest value observed to not cause explosion: 10000 wind_field = models.WindModel(wind_region, int(wind_grid_density * aspect_ratio), wind_grid_density, noise_gain=noise_gain, noise_damp=noise_damp, noise_bandwidth=noise_bandwidth, Kx=Kx, Ky=Ky, noise_rand=random_state, diff_eq=diff_eq, angle=constant_wind_angle, mag=wind_mag) # Set up plume model centre_rel_diff_scale = 2. # puff_release_rate = 0.001 puff_release_rate = 10 puff_spread_rate = 0.005 puff_init_rad = 0.01 max_num_puffs = int(2e5) # max_num_puffs=100 plume_model = models.PlumeModel( sim_region, source_pos, wind_field, simulation_time + release_delay, plume_dt, plume_cutoff_radius=1500, centre_rel_diff_scale=centre_rel_diff_scale, puff_release_rate=puff_release_rate, puff_init_rad=puff_init_rad, puff_spread_rate=puff_spread_rate, max_num_puffs=max_num_puffs, prng=random_state) puff_mol_amount = 1. #Setup fly swarm wind_slippage = (0., 1.) swarm_size = 2000 use_empirical_release_data = False #Grab wind info to determine heading mean wind_x, wind_y = wind_mag * scipy.cos(wind_angle), wind_mag * scipy.sin( wind_angle) beta = 1. release_times = scipy.random.exponential(beta, (swarm_size, )) kappa = 2. heading_data = None swarm_param = { 'swarm_size': swarm_size, 'heading_data': heading_data, 'initial_heading': scipy.radians(scipy.random.uniform(0.0, 360.0, (swarm_size, ))), 'x_start_position': scipy.zeros(swarm_size), 'y_start_position': scipy.zeros(swarm_size), 'flight_speed': scipy.full((swarm_size, ), 1.5), 'release_time': release_times, 'release_delay': release_delay, 'cast_interval': [1, 3], 'wind_slippage': wind_slippage, 'odor_thresholds': { 'lower': 0.0005, 'upper': 0.05 }, 'schmitt_trigger': False, 'low_pass_filter_length': 3, #seconds 'dt_plot': capture_interval * dt, 't_stop': 3000., 'cast_timeout': 20, 'airspeed_saturation': True } swarm = swarm_models.BasicSwarmOfFlies(wind_field_noiseless, traps, param=swarm_param, start_type='fh', track_plume_bouts=False, track_arena_exits=False) # xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax = -1000,1000,-1000,1000 #Conc array gen to be used for the flies sim_region_tuple = plume_model.sim_region.as_tuple() #for the plume distance cutoff version, make sure this is at least 2x radius box_min, box_max = -3000., 3000. r_sq_max = 20 epsilon = 0.00001 N = 1e6 array_gen_flies = processors.ConcentrationValueFastCalculator( box_min, box_max, r_sq_max, epsilon, puff_mol_amount, N) while t < simulation_time: for k in range(capture_interval): #update flies print('t: {0:1.2f}'.format(t)) #update the swarm for j in range(int(dt / plume_dt)): wind_field.update(plume_dt) plume_model.update(plume_dt, verbose=True) if t > 0.: swarm.update(t, dt, wind_field_noiseless, array_gen_flies, traps, plumes=plume_model, pre_stored=False) t += dt with open(output_file, 'w') as f: pickle.dump((wind_field_noiseless, swarm), f)
def orbitPos(self, t): #exact orbit position as f(t) x = self.orbitR * sp.cos( * t + self.theta) y = self.orbitR * sp.sin( * t + self.theta) return sp.array([x,y])
def rotation_matrix(angle): A = scipy.array([[scipy.cos(angle), -scipy.sin(angle)], [scipy.sin(angle), scipy.cos(angle)]]) return A
def rotate_vecs(x, y, angle): xrot = x * scipy.cos(angle) - y * scipy.sin(angle) yrot = x * scipy.sin(angle) + y * scipy.cos(angle) return xrot, yrot
def base(model, state_vec, noise_diff_coeffs, turn_rate): """ Base test for n-dimensional ConstantAcceleration Transition Models """ # Create an ConstantTurn model object model = model model_obj = model(noise_diff_coeffs=noise_diff_coeffs, turn_rate=turn_rate) # State related variables state_vec = state_vec old_timestamp = timediff = 1 # 1sec new_timestamp = old_timestamp + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timediff) time_interval = new_timestamp - old_timestamp # Model-related components noise_diff_coeffs = noise_diff_coeffs # m/s^3 turn_rate = turn_rate turn_ratedt = turn_rate * timediff F = sp.array([[ 1, sp.sin(turn_ratedt) / turn_rate, 0, -(1 - sp.cos(turn_ratedt)) / turn_rate ], [0, sp.cos(turn_ratedt), 0, -sp.sin(turn_ratedt)], [ 0, (1 - sp.cos(turn_ratedt)) / turn_rate, 1, sp.sin(turn_ratedt) / turn_rate ], [0, sp.sin(turn_ratedt), 0, sp.cos(turn_ratedt)]]) qx = noise_diff_coeffs[0] qy = noise_diff_coeffs[1] Q = sp.array([[ sp.power(qx, 2) * sp.power(timediff, 3) / 3, sp.power(qx, 2) * sp.power(timediff, 2) / 2, 0, 0 ], [ sp.power(qx, 2) * sp.power(timediff, 2) / 2, sp.power(qx, 2) * timediff, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, sp.power(qy, 2) * sp.power(timediff, 3) / 3, sp.power(qy, 2) * sp.power(timediff, 2) / 2 ], [ 0, 0, sp.power(qy, 2) * sp.power(timediff, 2) / 2, sp.power(qy, 2) * timediff ]]) # Ensure ```model_obj.transfer_function(time_interval)``` returns F assert sp.array_equal( F, model_obj.matrix(timestamp=new_timestamp, time_interval=time_interval)) # Ensure ```model_obj.covar(time_interval)``` returns Q assert sp.array_equal( Q, model_obj.covar(timestamp=new_timestamp, time_interval=time_interval)) # Propagate a state vector through the model # (without noise) new_state_vec_wo_noise = model_obj.function(state_vec, noise=0, timestamp=new_timestamp, time_interval=time_interval) assert sp.array_equal(new_state_vec_wo_noise, F @ state_vec) # Evaluate the likelihood of the predicted state, given the prior # (without noise) prob = model_obj.pdf(new_state_vec_wo_noise, state_vec, timestamp=new_timestamp, time_interval=time_interval) assert approx(prob) == multivariate_normal.pdf(new_state_vec_wo_noise.T, mean=sp.array( F @ state_vec).ravel(), cov=Q) # Propagate a state vector throughout the model # (with internal noise) new_state_vec_w_inoise = model_obj.function(state_vec, timestamp=new_timestamp, time_interval=time_interval) assert not sp.array_equal(new_state_vec_w_inoise, F @ state_vec) # Evaluate the likelihood of the predicted state, given the prior # (with noise) prob = model_obj.pdf(new_state_vec_w_inoise, state_vec, timestamp=new_timestamp, time_interval=time_interval) assert approx(prob) == multivariate_normal.pdf(new_state_vec_w_inoise.T, mean=sp.array( F @ state_vec).ravel(), cov=Q) # Propagate a state vector through the model # (with external noise) noise = model_obj.rvs(timestamp=new_timestamp, time_interval=time_interval) new_state_vec_w_enoise = model_obj.function(state_vec, timestamp=new_timestamp, time_interval=time_interval, noise=noise) assert sp.array_equal(new_state_vec_w_enoise, F @ state_vec + noise) # Evaluate the likelihood of the predicted state, given the prior # (with noise) prob = model_obj.pdf(new_state_vec_w_enoise, state_vec, timestamp=new_timestamp, time_interval=time_interval) assert approx(prob) == multivariate_normal.pdf(new_state_vec_w_enoise.T, mean=sp.array( F @ state_vec).ravel(), cov=Q)
def elevDeriv(val_mat, direction_mat, inc): import scipy import scipy.linalg import math cell_angles = scipy.flipud( scipy.array([[3 * math.pi / 4, math.pi / 2, math.pi / 4], [math.pi, scipy.nan, 0], [-3 * math.pi / 4, -1 * math.pi / 2, -1 * math.pi / 4]])) cell_incs = scipy.array([[(inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5, inc, (inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5], [inc, scipy.nan, inc], [(inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5, inc, (inc**2 + inc**2)**0.5]]) angle = direction_mat[1, 1] cell_cosines_f = scipy.cos(angle - cell_angles) cell_cosines_b = scipy.cos(angle - cell_angles) cell_sines_f = scipy.sin(angle - cell_angles) cell_sines_b = scipy.sin(angle - cell_angles) cell_cosines_f[cell_cosines_f < 0.00001] = scipy.nan cell_cosines_f = cell_cosines_f**2 cell_cosines_f = cell_cosines_f / sum( cell_cosines_f[~scipy.isnan(cell_cosines_f)]) cell_cosines_b[cell_cosines_b > -0.00001] = scipy.nan cell_cosines_b = cell_cosines_b**2 cell_cosines_b = cell_cosines_b / sum( cell_cosines_b[~scipy.isnan(cell_cosines_b)]) cell_sines_f[cell_sines_f < 0.00001] = scipy.nan cell_sines_f = cell_sines_f**2 cell_sines_f = cell_sines_f / sum(cell_sines_f[~scipy.isnan(cell_sines_f)]) cell_sines_b[cell_sines_b > -0.00001] = scipy.nan cell_sines_b = cell_sines_b**2 cell_sines_b = cell_sines_b / sum(cell_sines_b[~scipy.isnan(cell_sines_b)]) temp = val_mat * cell_cosines_f h_x_f = sum(temp[~scipy.isnan(temp)]) temp = val_mat * cell_cosines_b h_x_b = sum(temp[~scipy.isnan(temp)]) temp = val_mat * cell_sines_f h_y_f = sum(temp[~scipy.isnan(temp)]) temp = val_mat * cell_sines_b h_y_b = sum(temp[~scipy.isnan(temp)]) h_x = scipy.array([h_x_b, val_mat[1, 1], h_x_f]) h_y = scipy.array([h_y_b, val_mat[1, 1], h_y_f]) xs = scipy.array([-1 * int(inc), 0, int(inc)]) A = scipy.vstack([xs, scipy.ones(len(xs))]).T # print("A: " + str(A)); # print("h_x_b: " + str(h_x_b)); # print("val_mat[1,1]: " + str(val_mat[1,1])); # print("h_x_f: " + str(h_x_f)); dh_dx, intercept = scipy.linalg.lstsq(A, h_x)[0] dh_dy, intercept = scipy.linalg.lstsq(A, h_y)[0] return dh_dx, dh_dy